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HD The Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.2
21 min

Howard has been chosen to work on the Defense Department's Laser Equip Surveillance Satellite project. He needs security clearance to work on the project which means the FBI will be interviewing each of Sheldon, Leonard and Raj. The interviews conducted by Special Agent Page, who is a beautiful young woman, don't go quite as each would hope. Because Agent Page is a woman, Raj can't speak to her until he gets drunk, and still then he believes her sole goal is to deport him back to India. Woman hungry Leonard decides to try his new confident persona to pick her up, which has unintended consequences. And Sheldon wants to speak more about his past encounter with the FBI than about Howard. Amidst these innocent topics of conversation, Sheldon inadvertently mentions the time when Howard crashed the Mars Rover when he was trying to impress a woman without security clearance. When Howard learns he didn't pass the security clearance, Leonard and Raj believe it is their fault, but Sheldon makes... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.2

Raj's sister, Priya, a corporate lawyer, has a 24 hour layover in Los Angeles on her way to Toronto on a work trip. When the guys met her the first and only time five years ago when she last was in Los Angeles, Howard and Leonard made a pinky swear pact not to hit on her, much to Raj's pleasure as he wanted and still wants to protect his little, innocent sister. Priya ends up not being so innocent as she wants to have a casual fling with Leonard on this trip, he who complies and would actually want it to be more than just casual. When Sheldon catches Priya in their apartment when she shouldn't be there, Sheldon devises an elaborate but totally implausible alibi for Leonard in the probability - at least in Sheldon's mind - that Raj and or Howard will ask. This incident brings up the issue of betrayal amongst the four friends. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 7.9
21 min

With Amy in Sheldon's life (despite they still not being boyfriend/girlfriend), Bernadette in Howard's life, and even Raj now having a girlfriend (she being deaf so it doesn't matter that he can't speak to her), Leonard is the only one of the group who is currently without a significant female in his life. He doesn't seem to mind too much until everyone, even Stuart at the comic book store, constantly reminds him as such. And Leonard's air of desperation - as Amy refers to it - means that in his current state he is unlikely to find a girlfriend on his own. So Leonard reluctantly invokes the girlfriend clause in his friendship with Howard, meaning that Bernadette needs to find him a girlfriend. But will Leonard be desperate enough to continue to date Bernadette's choice of Joy, a friend from her self-defense class, a woman who talks about the hundred different ways she can rip his private parts off his body? Meanwhile, Sheldon fears that Amy's request for him to meet her mother is her ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.2
20 min

Howard is still uncomfortable in even seeing Bernadette, which is obvious when he spots her at work at the Cheesecake Factory. But when Bernadette enters his dreams instead of his usual fantasy girl, Howard wonders if Bernadette would be willing to get back together with him despite the embarrassing reason why she broke up with him. Penny vows to help him only if he discloses to her the reason for the break-up. Howard gets a little advice from two other unlikely sources. Meanwhile, Raj is mad at Sheldon for not letting him have a desk in their shared office. But once Sheldon reluctantly agrees only on the condition that Raj pay for it himself, Raj decides to exact his own form of revenge, which escalates into an all out office war. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.1
21 min

Despite not considering her his girlfriend and visa versa, Sheldon and Amy are spending a lot of time together. This situation irks the gang, but especially Leonard as Sheldon's roommate, since they all detest Amy, who they consider sanctimonious and condescending. The gang's problem may self destruct when sanctimonious and condescending Amy has a fundamental disagreement with sanctimonious and condescending Sheldon, leading to the two deciding to break-up despite not having been boyfriend/girlfriend. Sheldon states that he is perfectly fine with the relationship ending, but his actions seem to imply otherwise as he replaces Amy with something else in his life. Concerned for his friend's state of mind, Leonard calls in the one person who he believes can get through to Sheldon. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.5
21 min

After Sheldon scientifically calculates his life expectancy, he is dismayed to learn that he will be a few years short of the time when he will be able to transfer his conscious self into a robotic format. So he decides to live a healthier lifestyle to eke out those few extra years. Those changes include eating healthier and exercising. When both those avenues have negative consequences unexpected to him, Sheldon thinks he's figured out a way to exist in his current life without taking the risks associated with everyday tasks. As an incredulous Leonard, Penny, Howard and Raj look on to what Sheldon is doing, only a celebrity sighting may be able to bring Sheldon back to real life. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.8
21 min

It's been four months since Sheldon met neuro-biologist Amy Farrah Fowler, who Sheldon believes is his intellectual equal as well as his emotional female equivalent. Although they text each other every day, they never see each other and Sheldon doesn't consider her his girlfriend. That fact does not stop the guys from naming the two of them Shamy. Regardless of them being boyfriend/girlfriend or not, Sheldon and Amy are thinking about having a baby together - via in vitro fertilization as Sheldon regards coitus as being too messy - to bless the world with their progeny. Penny convinces Sheldon that he should get to know the mother of his future child by going on date with Amy, this date which would be his first ever. As Sheldon needs a ride to the date, Penny, his chauffeur, ends up accompanying him on the date, which she quickly comes to regret. Meanwhile, Howard has developed a mechanical arm to be used as a repair tool aboard the international space station. Showing it off to ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.7
20 min

Penny and Leonard are still at the stage of their post-coitus relationship where they feel awkward doing friend type things together. Regardless, when the guys experiment with bouncing lasers off the moon, Leonard decides to invite Penny to watch. With her is her latest date, Zack, a less than bright guy. This encounter with Leonard and Zack together demonstrates to Penny that she can't go back to dating the type of guys she used to date: good looking but dumb. In a drunken stupor later, Penny takes some action to reclaim what she's missed no longer dating Leonard. Leonard in turn, takes a cue from Penny's actions. Meanwhile, Howard and Raj believe the answer to Leonard's Penny conundrum is to find another woman for him. After Leonard rejects Howard's idea of using on-line matchmaking services, Raj thinks an interesting experiment would be to see if such a service would produce anyone for Sheldon. Howard and Raj's experiment does produce a match for Sheldon. Will he agree to meet ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 9.1
20 min

After Leonard and Sheldon have a heated argument about what Sheldon sees as Leonard making a major breach in the roommate agreement, Leonard takes refuge at Penny's apartment. Despite the seriousness of the argument, Leonard assures Penny that Sheldon was much more difficult to live with when Leonard first moved in. Leonard recounts to her his first meeting with Sheldon seven years earlier when Leonard answered Sheldon's advertisement looking for a new roommate. He also recounts Howard and Raj's first encounters with Sheldon, what happened to the now broken elevator which was working when Leonard first moved in, and why Leonard decided to stay despite Sheldon being such a difficult and unusual roommate. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.3
21 min

Sheldon's brilliant pen pal friend, renowned quantum cosmologist Dr. Elizabeth Plimpton, is being wooed by Cal Tech. Sheldon invites her to stay with him and Leonard while in Southern California. Sheldon feels protective of her because he feels she is in the same genius class as himself. Leonard is in awe of their temporary roommate. Dr. Plimpton, however, makes it obvious to Leonard that she is interested in him more than just as a fellow scientist. Leonard has a difficult time keeping his intimate encounter with Dr. Plimptom a secret. She doesn't seem to mind as she sets her sights a little more broadly than just Leonard. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.3
20 min

One of the consequences of Penny and Leonard breaking up is that Sheldon now has mixed allegiances. Leonard is his best friend and roommate, but he wants to remain friends with Penny if only because of all the work he's put into including her into his life. Sheldon goes to extreme lengths not to tell Leonard - or Howard or Raj for that matter - that he is having dinner with Penny. Will it be worth all the grief that he has to go through to keep this secret? Meanwhile, Leonard and Penny have to learn how to deal with the fact that they will still be seeing each other, and decide what form their new relationship will take. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.1
21 min

The guys and Penny have a friendly but wagered bowling match against Stuart and his team. The match gets a little heated when one of Stuart's regulars can't make it, the missing spot filled by Wil Wheaton, Sheldon's arch enemy. But Wil's presence isn't the only distraction for Sheldon's team. Leonard told Penny that he loves her, but Penny isn't yet at that point to say it back to him. Leonard tells her that he is OK with her not yet being able to tell him the same. His actions, however, make her feel even more pressured to tell him that she loves him. After a chat with Wil at the bowling match, Penny decides what she should do with regard to her and Leonard's relationship. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.6
21 min

Sheldon is this year's recipient of the college's Chancellor's Award for Science. He is surprised at being named the winner, but he believes he has been the deserving recipient every year he's been there. He changes his mind about accepting the award when he learns he has to make a speech at the awards dinner. Unbeknown to the others, Sheldon has stage fright. His four friends vow to help him overcome this fear, each playing a different but what they see as an integral part, so that he can accept the award. But Sheldon instead stumbles across a more old fashioned technique at the awards dinner to be able to make the speech. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.6
20 min

Leonard, Sheldon, Howard and Raj jointly purchase a box, whose contents are unknown, for $60 at a garage sale. While sorting through it, they find that it contains primarily pop culture related items. They are happy with some of the contents, and less so with others. But when one of Howard's friends verifies the authenticity of one of the items, the guys think they've won the lottery when in their possession is the missing (stolen) one of only nine in total rings used in Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings trilogy. Being a stolen item, the ring has no open market value, but they determine its black market value is in the range of $10,000 to $15,000. The four argue about to who among the four the ring rightly belongs, and thus who decides what to do with it. They agree to let Penny hold onto it until they decide. After an incident with Sheldon, Penny doesn't want to be the keeper of the ring anymore. Howard comes up with what all four agree is an amenable solution as to who gets to ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.4
21 min

With only a learner's permit in his possession and not even owning a car, Sheldon is summoned to traffic court after he is caught speeding by a traffic camera. He was driving Penny to the hospital in her car as a favor to her, she who reported Sheldon when she knew she couldn't pay the traffic fine herself. Feeling this situation is all Penny's fault and feeling that he did nothing wrong, Sheldon vows to beat the ticket in court. Beyond the issue of Sheldon winning or losing the case, his scheduled court appearance coincides with a personal appearance by Stan Lee at Stuart's comic book shop. Leonard, Howard and Raj have no conflicting emotions on going to court with Sheldon or going to meet their idol at the comic book shop - they're going to the comic book shop. In addition to paying the fine if one is incurred, Penny vows to make it up to Sheldon by trying to arrange a meeting with Stan Lee. It would help both Penny and Sheldon if Stan knew about Penny's plans. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.2
21 min

Valentine's Day is approaching. Leonard thinks he's hit some good luck in that he has been asked to attend a conference and view the Hadron super collider in Switzerland during Valentine's. He's allowed to bring a guest with him which he has chosen to be Penny. There, the two can have a romantic first Valentine's Day together. This decision doesn't sit well with Sheldon who has always dreamed of seeing the collider. Sheldon does whatever he can to make Leonard change his mind, including reminding him of their documented roommate agreement. But the harder Sheldon tries to convince Leonard to change his mind, the more Leonard seems to resist. But outside forces may end up deciding for Leonard who will accompany him to Switzerland. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.6
20 min

Sheldon can't sleep since he is totally preoccupied with solving a physics graphine problem. By association, Leonard and Penny can't sleep since Sheldon is continually bothering them. But Sheldon's sleep deprivation is making him more unusual than ever. He thinks he finally has the answer, not to the problem, but how to solve the problem. Much like Einstein did much of his best thinking when he worked in a patent office doing menial work, Sheldon believes he needs to get a menial job. A genius getting hired for a menial job is no easy feat, so Sheldon insinuates himself into a work situation of his own choice, much to the chagrin of one of his friends. Meanwhile, Leonard and Penny and Howard and Bernadette go on a double date to a disco roller rink. Raj is feeling left out, especially as it was his idea. On the other hand, Penny and Bernadette wish they hadn't gone. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.2
20 min

Sheldon and Leonard's apartment is robbed. Leonard takes the incident in stride, but Sheldon has an extreme reaction to his space being violated and his possessions stolen. As Leonard, Penny, Howard and Raj do whatever they can to help Sheldon overcome this new found fear of the apartment, Sheldon decides that he has to make some drastic changes in life to regain his sense of security. Meanwhile, Leonard, Penny, Howard and Raj learn that Sheldon considers them three of his closest friends and one treasured acquaintance, but no one knows who is the one that falls into that latter category. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.5
20 min

With Leonard and Howard going on a double date, Raj talks a reluctant Sheldon into attending a mixer at the university. Surprisingly, Raj and Sheldon end up meeting and having a good time with two beautiful, fun loving women named Abby and Martha. Raj and Sheldon have vastly differing opinions on what they want to get out of a second date that Abby and Martha want with them. Meanwhile, Leonard reconsiders his relationship with Penny when he learns that she believes in psychics. Penny reconsiders her relationship with Leonard after he mocks her belief in psychics. One of the two is going to have to compromise their steadfast belief if their relationship is to continue. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.4
20 min

It's approaching Christmas, and Leonard's mother is coming for a visit, something Leonard fails to tell Penny. Sheldon surmises it's because Beverly Hofstadter will not approve of Penny as a suitable mate for her son. Leonard has not even yet told Beverly that Penny is his girlfriend. Conversely, when Beverly arrives, Leonard finds out that Sheldon knows more about what's going on in her life than he does. When Leonard does find out news about the senior Hofstadter household, he becomes emotionally distraught as what he deems important news to him was previously withheld. But more importantly, Leonard sees this action as a further demonstration of the poor relationship he has with his family. Meanwhile, Penny believes she has a way for Beverly to be a bit more emotionally expressive. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.6
21 min

When Bernadette joins the guys and Penny for their usual Chinese take-out dinner, Bernadette, the microbiologist, becomes fascinated with Leonard's physics project. Both Howard and Penny become a little jealous of this new friendship. Howard sees what Leonard is doing as the way he himself tries to pick up women, and as such wants Leonard to uninvite Bernadette to view his upcoming experiment. Penny, on the other hand, wants to bond more with Leonard by learning a little physics from Sheldon, who agrees if only because he can treat it as a scientific experiment. When Sheldon wants go go through 2600 years of physics history, Penny may regret her choice of teacher. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.5
19 min

After their third date, Bernadette wants an understanding with Howard about where their relationship is heading before proceeding to the next step of sex. Howard is unsure if Bernadette is the one for him as he always imagined ending up with a beautiful science fiction actress. One of his fantasy women, Katee Sackhoff, helps Howard figure out what he should do. But will Bernadette agree with his decision? Meanwhile, Sheldon is being interviewed by Ira Flatow on National Public Radio (NPR). While Sheldon is doing the live telephone interview from his office, Barry Kripke decides to have a little fun with Sheldon by tampering with his office's ventilation system, the resulting effect on Sheldon causing him some embarrassment with the listening audience. Leonard convinces Sheldon that he can get exact revenge on Kripke rather than hiding out and pouting, which is what Sheldon has been doing. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 9.0
21 min

While Leonard, Howard and Raj are off camping to observe the Leonid meteor shower, Sheldon is at home doing work. It's lucky for Penny that Sheldon did stay behind as she dislocated her shoulder when she slipped taking a shower. She is immobile in her bathtub. She yells loud enough for Sheldon to hear and for him to come help her. On Penny's pleas, Sheldon agrees to drive her to the emergency room, despite he only holding a learner's permit and never having driven an actual automobile. Will Sheldon do better behind the wheel of an actual car than he has on his driving simulator? Beyond the drive to and from the hospital, Penny asks Sheldon for a few special favors. Meanwhile back at the campsite, Leonard, Howard and Raj are feeling the effects of the special ingredient in the cookies they ate that were given to them by some hippie women. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.0
20 min

An argument between Leonard and Penny proves inconvenient to Sheldon. Written by CBS Publicity

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 7.7
20 min

To chase after a woman with whom he had no chance - again - Howard leaves Raj at a critical moment during a kite flying challenge against Sheldon and Leonard. This is the last straw for Raj who sees himself as second priority behind Howard's quest for unattainable women. Will Howard be able to regain Raj's friendship? Meanwhile, Leonard learns that Penny has not invited him to a football game watching party at her apartment. He realizes that he has never met any of Penny's friends, which makes him think she's ashamed of him. She assures him that it is only because she feels he will be bored. But to fit in with Penny's friends, Leonard makes an effort to learn all about football by watching games and reading text books on the subject. Not quite grasping the whole football game watching culture, Leonard soon learns that someone unexpected in his own social circle knows all about football and may be able to teach him better than Football for Dummies can. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.4
20 min

Howard reminds Leonard of a five year old pact between the two. Effectively, the pact stipulates that Penny has to set Howard up with one of her friends. Leonard has to tread lightly to ask Penny for this favor. A reluctant Penny does find someone, but she may regret it when she and Leonard go on a double date with them. Meanwhile, Raj tries to talk Sheldon into entering a $500 top prize Mystic Warlords of Ka'ah tournament with him to be held at the comic book shop. Sheldon has no interest in entering because, with his eidetic memory, the game is no challenge. Sheldon changes his mind when he learns that Wil Wheaton, number six on his arch enemy list (Wil didn't show up for a scheduled appearance at a sci-fi convention that Sheldon attended in 1995), has entered. Sheldon's goal is to crush 'Wesley Crusher'. During the tournament, can Wil do anything to change Sheldon's mind about him? Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.2
20 min

It's Columbus Day and Thanksgiving is approaching, but Raj in particular is not in a thankful mood. His research stalled six months ago with no hope of success. With no job, his visa to stay in the United States becomes invalid which means that he will be deported back to India. Although Penny comes up with the obvious solution of Raj getting another job, jobs for astrophysicists are few and far between, with no guarantee of Raj even getting the job if there was one. With extra moneys just received from the university for his own research, Sheldon kind of offers Raj a job, but the nature of the offer is somewhat unclear, as would be Sheldon and Raj's working relationship. But a byproduct of Raj and Sheldon spending more time together is that Howard no longer has his best friend with who to hang out. So Howard decides to hang out with Leonard and Penny instead, who lose their much wanted alone time. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.4
20 min

Now that Leonard and Penny are dating, which means that Penny will be at the guys' apartment more often, Sheldon and Penny have to come to an understanding on how to get along better. Sheldon's approach is to use positive reinforcement, which he plans on using to train Penny. Meanwhile, Howard is sporting a new look in preparation for his and Raj's first night out to a goth bar. Miraculously, at the bar, Howard and Raj are picked up by two women named Bethany and Sarah (not that anyone cares about Sarah). The girls take the guys on an outing that may out the guys as being non-goth. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.0
21 min

After hearing a cricket chirping, Howard and Sheldon make a wager, the winner to get one of the other's favorite comic books. Their wager is on whether the cricket is a common field cricket (Howard's assertion) or a snowy tree cricket (Sheldon's assertion). To determine who wins the bet, first they have to find the cricket, second they have to capture the cricket, and third they have to decide who can make the ultimate determination. The person they choose is entomology Professor Creepy Crawley, who is facing some issues of his own. Meanwhile, Leonard and Penny eventually admit to each other that their first time together as lovers was less than thrilling. They have to figure out how to overcome this problem, or if not what to do about it. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.5
21 min

Immediately upon the guys' arrival back from the three month long Arctic expedition, Leonard, Howard and Raj make a confession to Sheldon about their participation in Sheldon's research at the North Pole. This confession threatens Sheldon's research, his job and his friendship with the threesome. Sheldon's mother may at least have the answer to fixing the friendship. Meanwhile, Penny is really happy to see Leonard home. Leonard is equally happy to be home to see Penny. But every time they are about ready to embark on their first sexual encounter with each other, something always seems to get in the way. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.4
21 min

Based on work that he has done, Sheldon has been chosen to go on a summer long expedition to the magnetic North Pole. Sheldon is in a conundrum. On the one hand, his work there could lead to a finding that would validate his primary project on string theory. On the other hand, the work is outside in a harsh environment. He tentatively agrees on the condition that Leonard, Howard and Raj accompany him as his support team. After discussing the extreme pros and the extreme cons, the three agree. The guys decide to use the restaurant's walk-in freezer to acclimatize themselves. This simulation is how Penny finds out about the trip. She seems a bit irked. Leonard also seems a bit irked that Penny doesn't seem more disappointed that he'll be gone for three months. After receiving a going away present from Penny, Leonard has second thoughts about going. He'll only know what to do after having a heart-to-heart with Penny. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.4
19 min

Despite how poorly their first and only date ended (albeit the poorness caused by Sheldon), Stuart and Penny are going out on a second date. Not wanting to screw things up, Stuart asks Leonard for advice on Penny's expectations of the date getting physical. Penny also asks Leonard for advice on how to get Stuart to come out of his shyness shell. Leonard doesn't want Stuart and Penny's relationship to advance, but he doesn't want to lose either as friends. Leonard ends up giving Stuart what he considers some intentionally bad advice. Feeling guilty about it, he tries to find out what happened on their date so that he can clear his conscience. Meanwhile, Howard has completed the International Space Station's Wolowitz Zero Gravity Human Waste Disposal System (i.e. their toilet). After it's been deployed to the station, Howard realizes that he made an error in his calculations, and the system will fail within ten flushes. He has to figure out how to fix the problem only using ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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