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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.7
41 min

The BAU heads to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania where the Replicator, the unsub who has carried out a series of crimes replicating cases recently solved by the BAU, has murdered his latest victim. The reason why this Philadelphia murder attracts their attention is that unlike the previous three murders by the Replicator, this one took place in a city other than that of the original crimes. Garcia discovers that the flowers sent by the Replicator to JJ were purchased through a credit card whose owner lives in Philadelphia. And Strauss gets involved as she feels this case undermines the work of the team. By the time they arrive in Philadelphia, what they find that is also unique is that a second murder has taken place in Philadelphia using the same MO, which the Replicator has not yet done. Tracking down the Replicator is made all the more difficult by an uncooperative Detective Rizzo, the lead police investigator who does not like the BAU's involvement. The Philadelphia victims all being ... Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
42 min

The BAU travels to Austin, Texas where three separate murders have taken place, the victims being two young women, and one young man. Each was last seen at a large but different social gathering. All three victims were savagely beaten, however the two women were stripped naked, while the first victim, the male, was re-clothed after being beaten while naked. Upon further investigation, they learn the male victim was a closeted homosexual, leading the team to believe that the unsub is a repressed homosexual who murdered the female victims after not being able to perform sexually with them, and murdered the male victim after feeling guilt after having had sex with him. When a fourth victim, another male, is discovered, another emerging piece of evidence is the exact same style men's watch placed on the last two victims, both watches deliberately set at a different time than what is actual. The team has to uncover the meaning of the watch and the time to which the watches were set to ... Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
44 min

The team is called to Salisbury, Maryland for their latest case of a seemingly happy family with an underlying dysfunction. Bruce Morrison is a university professor and writer on mandatory sabbatical for personal issues. He just telephoned 9-1-1 to report his two teen-aged daughters, Sarah and Katie Morrison, missing. The call was 36 hours after they disappeared. Their disappearance and the 9-1-1 call are one year to the day after he made a similar 9-1-1 call 36 hours after the fact that his wife, Judy Morrison, went missing and was never found. Many suspected Bruce of killing Judy, as she had had an affair with a colleague, Jeff Godwin, about which Bruce had discovered. Bruce is also an alcoholic, who over the immediate past has been in various stages of sobriety. That alcoholism is perhaps the reason why he can't remember why he didn't call 9-1-1 earlier in both cases than he did. The team has to dig a little deeper into the Morrison family to discover if Bruce, Jeff Godwin - who ... Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.3
42 min

Two weeks after the fact, Reid is still reeling over the murder of his girlfriend, Dr. Maeve Donovan, by her stalker. His friends try to reach out to him, but he remains in seclusion, not talking to anyone. They have to figure out a way to bring him back to a state where he at least reaches out for help in dealing with his grief. As such, he doesn't accompany the team on their next case, that of two murders in San Francisco, California, where the two seemingly unrelated victims were found in public places, wrapped in clear plastic and their bodies drained of almost all their blood while they were still alive. Early in their investigation, they find two more victims who have one more similarity: their eyelids were removed. The combination of the eyelids and the body placement of all four victims leads the team to figure out what the unsub is doing with the blood. They still have to figure out why the blood is so important to the unsub to discover who he is before he kills again. Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.9
41 min

Reid's girlfriend, Maeve, who he's never even met, has been kidnapped by her stalker. Reid is certain of this fact since the kidnapper used the code words that he and Maeve had set up. He asks his colleagues for help in finding her, they who cannot do so officially, but do so in their personal time. Reid himself is in an odd situation since he can be of most help because of the thousands of hours they had talked and really gotten to know each other, but in his emotional state of being in love with Maeve, he cannot focus. As such, he requires the assistance of one of his colleagues to filter through the information covered in their conversations with him. They quickly discover Maeve's full identity, and from such discover information about her which Reid did not know and perhaps did not want to know. They also quickly discover the identity of the kidnapper, whose profile was not their initial thought. They have to understand the true nature of the kidnapper's motivations to find a ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
41 min

The BAU travels to the southeastern US where two similar murders of two very different victims - beyond both being involved with extreme religions - have happened 100 miles apart in the matter of days. Both victims were killed by being chiseled over the head, were in a submissive position, had urban wildlife hair residue in their system, and had wood residue in their back teeth (signifying that they were biting on a stick). And at each crime scene, there was an infestation of maggots inconsistent both with the location and the amount of decomposition, meaning that the unsub brought the maggots to the kill sites. When a third victim is discovered upon the BAU's arrival, they further learn from witnesses that the unsub is calling his victims by a name other than their own, and that he is being quite open about his activities. The BAU notices that many of the murders are reminiscent of the serial killings of Russell Smith, who killed eight prostitutes in the area over a twenty year ... Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.5
43 min

The BAU investigates a series of what look to be ritualistic murders in Arizona. In separate incidents, two men have been found dead, their bodies stuffed in a coffin-like box, their hair dyed black, and several of their joints dislocated. Each died from hanging, although the autopsies show that they were each hung several times. Connie Foster, the girlfriend of one of young adult male victims, is also missing and is assumed abducted by the unsub, who they believe is holding her and trying to find the perfect match for her in whatever context, hence the reason for the two deaths, as those victims weren't the right match. When a third male victim is discovered, they believe their religious ritual theory is strengthened since that third victim had, in addition, holes in his hands, like he had been crucified. But when a father and son go missing, Reid comes up with an alternate theory that the unsub may be putting on a specific kind of show, those he is holding captive his puppets in ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.3
42 min

The BAU heads to Seattle, Washington, where two people have been stabbed to death in their respective apartments, each crime scene which had the blood scrolled message hear your evil see your evil. The team discovers that both victims attended a presentation by motivational speaker Barry Flynn, and the second victim, Cynthia Strobl, was one of the privileged few in the audience who was singled out by Flynn for a one-on-one session following the public presentation. They also learn that Flynn himself has gone into hiding for the day, a ritual he has on show days, and not even his manager knows where he is. Flynn becomes a suspect, until evidence shows that he too has been targeted by someone, probably the unsub. They have be figure out the connection between the unsub and Flynn to hopefully find a still alive Flynn. Meanwhile, Garcia tries to figure out why Morgan refuses to go to a swanky British Embassy gathering which to honor his father's old partner. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.7
41 min

In the Washington DC area, a school bus transporting twenty-four high school students home after school is commandeered. The GPS on the bus is disabled, meaning that the bus disappears without a trace along with all its passengers, which not only includes the students, but also the driver, Roy Webster, and the bus monitor, Carol Roberts. Cell phone calls to the students are unanswered. The bus and the cell phones are eventually found, but the twenty-six are nowhere to be found. Initially the BAU believes the abduction has something to do with a previous altercation between Webster and the students, which resulted in the need for the bus monitor. However as the BAU gathers evidence on the case, Rossi notices that much of that evidence is remarkably similar to a video game called Gods of Combat, pointing to the suspicion that the unsubs are extreme gamers who are turning their love of the game into reality. So the team delves into the psyche of gamers and the codes by which they live in... Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
41 min

The BAU travels to Santa Monica, California where three bodies, burned beyond recognition, in three separate incidents, have been found at the famous pier. After the autopsies, it is learned that the victims were stabbed to death, with the burning being a cover. When a fourth victim is discovered with a slightly different mode of death, they determine that the victims were all homeless who were trying to make a living on the street. In the process of the investigation, Rossi unexpectedly runs into an old colleague among the homeless. For Rossi, finding the unsub thus becomes as much part of his regular job as it is as a means of repaying his old colleague, who refuses Rossi's help to clean up his life. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.9
43 min

The BAU travels to Miami, Florida to investigate the beating and suffocation death of a young prostitute. Why the team is involved is because that murder follows similar type murders of puppies in the area, meaning that the unsub is evolving in his killings to humans and will most likely strike again. After the team's arrival, other similar murders occur, although each subsequent murder of prostitutes evolves in minor ways. Because of the locations of the bodies, the team believes they are dealing with a young person unsub, and because of the evolution of each subsequent murder, they also believe the unsub has an accomplice, an older person who acts as the mentor. What they also believe is that the young unsub will eventually feel like he can strike out on his own which means that there may be a stand off between the two, which in and of itself will not stop the killings. They have to figure out the true relationship between the two unsubs before any more dead bodies are found. Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.0
42 min

In four separate incidents, four men have gone missing in La Grande, Oregon, having never made it to their intended destination while driving. The latest missing man, Terry Rodgers, doesn't quite fit the victimology of the first three, who are all middle class healthy family men and long time La Grande residents, whereas Rodgers is single, recently arrived in La Grande, living off the grid, and slightly out of shape, although he was trying to improve his health. His was the only vehicle found, off road, tire tracks from another vehicle found adjacent, and vomit presumed to be his next to his vehicle. Analysis of that vomit shows that it was Rodgers' and he had elevated levels of melatonin in his system - in other words, he was drugged. When a body of one of the men is found drowned, the team comes up with a profile of the unsub. But when another person goes missing who doesn't fit the victimology, that person who is eventually found, the team adds an extra dimension to their unsub ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.3
42 min

The team is called to work on a case on the Mexico border, where two otherwise previously healthy men were found with their right leg amputated. One man did not survive the operation while the second, college student Tony Anders, only remembers bits and pieces in what he previously thought was a nightmare. The nature of both amputations show the team that the unsub has some knowledge of anatomy, but it is unclear if the unsub is/was a medical doctor. But when a third victim stumbles into a hospital, the team has a slightly clearer picture of the unsub's motives: he is trying to do live leg transplants, which is medically impossible, leading the team to believe the unsub has a God complex. They have to figure out how he is choosing his victims, and the reason he is trying to perfect this operation before they can find him himself. A secret relationship of Reid's provides a little assistance on the case, at the risk of the team discovering this relationship Reid wants kept secret and ... Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
44 min

The team travels to Kansas City, Kansas where three members of the upper middle class Yamada family - its parents and teen-aged daughter - are found murdered and dumped at the side of the road, with its adolescent son, Scott Yamada, still missing. The deaths are meant to look like a murder/suicide committed by the father. The bodies were reported by a drifter who disappeared shortly thereafter. Another upper middle class Kansas City area family - the Acklins - who have a similar family make-up, have also just gone missing. There are no direct ties between the two families. Although father Mike Acklin was in the middle of a lawsuit, their family life seems as perfect as the Yamadas,... at least on the surface. The team discovers that both families went to great lengths to present themselves as being perfect to the public eye while being truly dysfunctional. Uncovering other similarities between the families and finding the drifter may lead to the team discovering motive, if the Acklins... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
43 min

The team is called to southwest California when two murders occur within three hours of each other in San Diego and Los Angeles. Each victim was chained to the back of a vehicle and dragged. The first was dragged post mortem, while the second was still alive when initially dragged, which shows either two unsubs or a quick escalation in the evolution of the single unsub's psyche. The victimology is different, the first a middle class wife and mother, the second an ex-con drug addict. These differences are brought together when a third murder occurs. Garcia determines that a common factor is a connection to the violent death of two specific children, and people associated with those children being brought together through an online support group. They quickly identify the two unsubs and their intended fourth target. However, the nature of that fourth intended victim has an impact on how this final encounter will play out. Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
41 min

The vacancy on the team due to Prentiss' departure is filled by agent and university linguistics professor Alex Blake, whose arrival affects Garcia and Strauss the most but for different reasons. The first case with this entire new team takes them to Abilene, Texas where Don Dell, a life sentence prisoner, escaped when, during his transfer to a hospital, an accident occurred. The driver and EMT died in the accident, and Don killed the guard, in the process sewing his mouth shut, which is a signature of a past killer never caught coined the Silencer. The last of the Silencer's three murders, all of middle aged brunette working class women and all which were committed in the middle of the night, occurred in 2004, when Don was incarcerated. During his entire incarceration, he never spoke a word. The team is pretty sure he is the Silencer and not a copycat. They have to figure out why silence is a key to his life, and decipher the cryptic messages he is leaving behind in the hopes of ... Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.0
42 min

The team is still attending to the latest bank robbery committed by the Face Cards. Following an explosion inside the bank orchestrated by the queen of diamonds, the team, after assessing the human casualties, find that the two surviving robbers - the king Chris Stratton, and the still unidentifiable queen of diamonds - have managed to escape, this method which they surmise was the queen's plan all along, with her association with the Stratton brothers and the robberies only a front for her grander plans. They also discover that Will, who was inside the bank at the time of the explosion and who was shot by Chris prior to the explosion, is probably still alive and the sole remaining hostage of Chris and the queen. After viewing the surveillance footage of inside the bank prior to the explosion, the team find out that their earlier assessment of the queen having an accomplice on the outside was only half correct, as the accomplice was one of the supposed hostages inside the bank. The ... Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.0
40 min

It's a lazy Saturday morning, a day off for the BAU. Beth has come over to Hotch's house to spend the day with him and Jack. JJ is playing with Henry while Will goes off to work. Morgan is going through Prentiss' just purchased house with her, the purchase pending the inspection which she seems to want to go badly as she seems to have buyer's remorse. Reid is Garcia's unofficial date to a sci-fi convention since she and Kevin split over his planned marriage proposal. And Rossi is heading home to bed after an all night cigar aficionado event... or so he says to Garcia and Reid, who he runs into. Their collective quiet is shattered when they are called to a botched bank robbery attempt, at which Will and his partner are one of the first on the scene. The reason the team is called in is that this robbery is the latest in a string committed by a group calling themselves the Face Cards, since the three robbers wear a mask of a playing card king, queen and jack respectively. At each of the ... Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.8
41 min

As a favor owed, Rossi presents a lecture to a university undergraduate class, the lecture at which the entire team participates to support their respected colleague. Their presentation, which provides the basics of profiling, uses one of their cases as its centerpiece. The case, which so far spans twenty years since 1992, is of perhaps the most prolific serial killer they have ever tracked, he who killed up and down the west coast of the United States. The presentation makes the team not only reminisce about the case itself, but how the current team members first met each other and worked on this case. Through the process of preparing for, delivering and following-up on the lecture, Rossi is a little preoccupied on this specific day - his birthday - for the annual ritual he needs to attend to in relation to the case itself. Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
42 min

Moments after serial killer Rod Garrett is executed by firing squad at Gunter State Prison, another person kills in Enid, Oklahoma where the prison is located. The victimology and M.O. are the same as in Garrett's killings - female, young, blonde, pretty, and killed with a single stab through the heart using an ice pick. By the time the BAU arrive on the scene hours later, the unsub has killed a second victim - same victimology, same M.O. Garrett is survived by his wife, Helen Garrett, who stood by her husband's side through his incarceration, since he stood by her side when she went through a life threatening illness years prior. When the unsub kills a third victim, the team notices slight differences between Garrett's killings and the latest killings, as well as there being a regulated time schedule to the recent murders. Those differences, information from Helen about herself and about fans of her husband's, and the geography of the latest killings provide clues as to the unsub's ... Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
44 min

The team heads to Chicago, Illinois, where Morgan has a personal case on which they should work. His older sister Desiree spotted their cousin Cindi with an unknown black man, she who went into hiding eight years ago after being stalked by a Caucasian man named John Hitchens. Cindi never made it to her safe place, going missing en route. Cindi was thought to have been murdered by Hitchens, who committed suicide two weeks following Cindi's disappearance. Morgan recently reported to his family that Cindi's remains were found during the investigation of another case in which the BAU was involved. When Morgan hears Desiree's story and the certainty that who she saw was indeed Cindi, Morgan has to confess that he lied to his family about finding Cindi's remains in that previous case if only to provide them with some closure. When the team starts their investigation with Hitchen's suicide, they find that the high powered gun used, overkill for a suicide attempt, was not purchased by him but... Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.6
44 min

Seventeen days after she goes missing, thirty-eight year old Emma Baker, a Medford, Oregon math teacher, is found dead two hundred miles away in Salem in St. Baldwin's Psychiatric Hospital, an abandoned institution where the criminally insane were housed. She was bound to a hospital bed, dressed in Renaissance type clothing, and her face was powdered white. The autopsy reveals that she died of nicotine poisoning, the substance which was absorbed through her skin from her dress being soaked in a nicotine-based liquid. The autopsy also shows that her legs were submerged in water for a long period of time prior to death. At the site, Emily finds a list of women's names, including Emma, next to what numbers which Reid determines have some Satanic connection. When a second victim is discovered - one of the names on the list - the body site leads the team to believing there is a connection between the Renaissance costuming and a nearby theater company performing Shakespeare. They have to ... Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
44 min

A Latino boy, somewhere in his early to mid teens, is found wandering in the middle of the desert outside of Crawford, Arizona. He had obviously escaped from some sort of extended captivity, as he has ankle chain scars, is extremely emaciated from lack of nourishment, light and mobility, and he has cuts on the bottom of his feet from running through the nearby cactus field. Getting any information from him or examining him proves to be difficult as he has an extreme case of conditioned emotional response, which is resulting in him hiding in the dark, not speaking and not wanting any human contact. An emotional Morgan uses information from his own troubled background to try and get through to the boy. There is some sense of urgency to the case as Billy Henderson, an overly cautious boy from a stable family, has just gone missing from his home in nearby Flagstaff and is presumed the unsub's latest victim. Meanwhile, the emaciated boy's story played on the local news brings up a thirty ... Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
42 min

The BAU is called to Seattle, Washington, where two couples have been murdered execution style in their respective homes. There is no sign of forced entry in either case, there was no sexual assault, and the gunshot wounds were muffled by the use of a pillow. By the time the team reaches Seattle, a third couple has been murdered with the same MO. Each couple were upstanding citizens and community minded. The team learns that a common link between all three is that each belonged to the emergency foster parent list. The team surmises that the female unsub has access to that foster parent list, and has either lost a child herself or is infertile and wants a child. They also surmise that she is killing in lieu of a child not being in the home at the time of entry into the home. But when the team learns that the same child was recently in each home, they know that the unsub is the birth mother. When they find out her identity, they learn that her mission is not one solely of getting back ... Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
41 min

The BAU is called to Atlanta, Georgia to investigate the deaths of two prostitutes. Each victim was stabbed multiple times - indicating anger and strength - with the dead bodies placed carefully in different parks in the outskirts of town. The differences in the kill and the body placement indicate that there are possibly two unsubs, one dominant and one submissive who exist in a co-dependent relationship. In addition, $250 was found on each victim, meaning that theft was not a motive, and the victims were not sexually violated, meaning that sex was either not a motivation or that the angry killer is impotent. Similar bruising on the victims' thighs and a subsequent victim who is somewhat outside the victimology of the initial two dead lead the team to understand with who they are dealing as the unsubs. Meanwhile, Hotch is hoping that his participation the upcoming FBI Triathlon will mark a milestone not associated with the race itself. And Prentiss, Garcia and JJ plan on a girls' ... Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
41 min

The BAU is called to San Bernardino, California where two home invasions have occurred within four days of each other, the two taking place within one block of each other. In both cases, the homes belonged to Caucasian families, in both cases the father had a gun and weapons training, and in both cases all family members were killed, all by gunshot. At each scene was also one deceased member from among the intruders, both black males. While one of those black deceased was known to be involved in gang activity, the other was seemingly a hard working model citizen, who was working two jobs to put himself through school. As well, both deceased black males had massive doses of oxycodone in their system. These murders are being used as political fodder within the current San Bernardino mayoral race, with Caucasian candidate Clark Preston using inflammatory wording to describe the ensuing race wars from these home invasions between the whites and the browns. The BAU have to figure out if ... Written by Huggo

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Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
42 min

The BAU is called to the Los Angeles area as three men were found dead in a lifeguard station closed for the season. Two were wrapped in plastic. All died a from a single gunshot wound to the head and were castrated postmortem. All three were not local, and had differing physical characteristics, differing socioeconomic backgrounds and differing sexual orientations. Other aspects of the deaths indicate that the unsub knew his victims. As subsequent victims emerge, the team learns that all were going through some sort of personal loss, which is why they were targeted since the unsub too probably experienced that same loss. The victims' missing vehicles, a female victim whose method of death was dissimilar to the males, toxicology reports and pin-pointing the common loss between all bring the team closer to finding the unsub, and who his ultimate targets are. Meanwhile, Rossi vows to complete this investigation by week's end so that Hotch can go on his first date since Haley's death. Written by Huggo

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Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.7
42 min

Early on a Sunday morning, a just woken up and extremely hung over Garcia is lamenting the fact of the huge argument she and Kevin had the previous night. Not one to face confrontation head on, she is not looking forward to her first post-fight talk with Kevin, which will happen sooner than later as she can hear that he will soon be finished his shower. That talk will be complicated by the person knocking on her front door. Meanwhile, the team is called to Atlantic City, New Jersey, where Danny Savino, a casino floor manager, was found dead in his office by a severe beating. He had turned the surveillance video in his office off, so there is no video of the unsub. The reason the BAU is called is that Savino has deep ties to the mob, and that eight $1 bills were found scattered around an eight playing card on his body, which indicates some sort of ritual to the killing. On looking into Savino's background, the BAU learns that he acted as a loan shark to casino patrons on the side, ... Written by Huggo

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Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.8
43 min

The BAU is called to Houston, Texas when a past masked serial rapist coined the Piano Man - so named because of the piano wire he used to bind his victims - starts to re-offend, with his targets being his past victims. His crimes have since evolved where one of the victims, Vanessa Campbell, is abducted from her home - something the unsub had never done before - which they believe is meant to show his victims that they are safe nowhere from his clutches. He used drugs mimicking a date rape drug to knock the victims unconscious before committing his rapes. With news of the new offenses hitting the media, many of the Piano Man's past victims resurface, telling that they were indeed victimized recently by him again. Most of the women tell similar stories of the second rape - being hyper-vigilant about never leaving their drinking glass unattended, and now having a 1980's pop piano ballad being a trigger to horrific memories of that rape - while one, Diana Mitchell, tells a completely ... Written by Huggo

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Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
44 min

The BAU is called to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania where two men are violently bludgeoned to death within minutes of each other one evening near a hospital. The way the dead bodies are positioned shows that the unsub is remorseful about his act. They know that the unsub needs to be a physically strong man to be able to exact such killings on other physically strong men. Subsequent victims are found to be beaten solely by the unsub's hands, and that the unsub is no longer showing that remorse, which to the team indicates that he will probably strike again for his new pleasure of blood lust. The nature of the beatings also shows someone who is knowledgeable about fighting, such as a boxer. Hence the team digs into the world of the Philadelphia boxing scene trying to find some connection to the location of the dead body sites near the hospital. Meanwhile, Hotch contemplates going on his first date since Haley's death. Written by Huggo

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Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
43 min

The BAU is called to Somerville Academy, a military boys' school, when five students are found dead from hanging while on an unsupervised survival outing in the woods. The school's administration believes it to be a mass suicide as there is a supposed simple suicide note at the scene, with the words we're sorry. These deaths follow a suicide hanging of another underclassman, Bailey Shelton, two weeks earlier. The one student tying to two sets of deaths together is Josh Redding, who is the missing sixth member of the survival outing, and in whose room Bailey was found hanging. As Somerville, which has worked on tradition and thus has bucked any modern technological conveniences, has ties to highers-up in the organization, Strauss accompanies the team to ensure both that the investigation goes smoothly and that there is as little media attention as possible. They initially believe that Josh reneged on the suicide pact, but then come to the conclusion that he killed the five other boys... Written by Huggo

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Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.8
42 min

Garcia leading a victims' support group is a measure to deal with the guilt associated with the death of her parents when she was a teenager, they who were looking for her past curfew late one evening when they were struck by a drunk driver. One of her closest friends in the group, Monica Kingston, just hit the seven year anniversary of the abduction of her then adolescent daughter Hope, who she believes is still alive. After the latest meeting, Garcia, who had just spoken to Monica, finds Monica's car left in the parking lot with the keys in the ignition and her purse on the front seat. Although the police can't act since there is no indication of foul play, Garcia is certain that something bad has happened to Monica. Garcia calls in her friends at the BAU for help. They find images of Monica with an unidentifiable man on a gas station surveillance video, and she seems to be voluntarily going with him. The location of the gas station and another sighting of Monica at her former house... Written by Huggo

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