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IMDb: 8.4
43 min

The victim: Peter Glass, an employee for Fibersec, a digital security consulting firm. He is survived by a wife, full-time homemaker Olivia Glass, and a sixteen year old daughter, Sophie Glass. The killer: Wayne Hobbs, a general contractor, one of whose latest jobs was to build a backyard deck for the Glasses. Peter is eventually identified as the murder victim through DNA of his dismembered body parts strewn throughout various locations in the city. In interviewing those that knew Peter, the Homicide detectives find that he was considered an anti-social man, who seemed to control every aspect of Olivia and Sophie's lives. Regardless, Olivia and Sophie still seemed to love him yet be somewhat scared of him at the same time. They also find that Peter had a relatively small digital footprint himself. The murder investigation turns into a concurrent kidnapping investigation when they find that Wayne has abducted Sophie. In searching through Wayne's belongings, the Homicide detectives ... Written by Huggo

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IMDb: 8.2
43 min

The victim: James Dent. The killer: Peter Ward, the home care nurse for Olivia Dent, James' seriously ill mother who has an auto-immune kidney disease. James was found nearly dead after he made a 911 call of being assaulted. It looked to be a BDSM session gone wrong, the actual issue almost killing him being auto-erotic asphyxiation. He is declared brain dead, but is kept on life support at the hospital. Angie and Oscar learn from Olivia that she and James have been estranged for some months, initiated by him. Olivia admits that she and James' now deceased father spoiled James growing up, and now as a young man she wanted him to make it on his own. She provided him with a business, a rehearsal space, on which he could earn a living. However, James still seemed to want more from her due to her wealth and the sense of entitlement he learned growing up. Olivia knew little of his current life beyond believing that he was squandering away his life and money while using the rehearsal space ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
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IMDb: 8.2
42 min

The killer: Sophia Balfour, a dance studio owner/instructor. The victim: Dustin McEvers, a low level blue collar criminal, who according to Chris Renway, his professional and personal partner, purportedly was trying to go straight following the birth of their still infant offspring. Chris, however, admits that Dustin still did collection on his drug dealing business, a collection which is where he went when she last saw him. Dustin's death, on the surface, looks to be a simple case of self defense by Sophia's husband, Miles Balfour, after Miles, who was alone at home at the time, reported that Dustin broke in in what was probably an attempted robbery, as Dustin was armed, the gun in his hand which could not have been placed there post-mortem. Miles' self-defense argument starts to fall apart upon further examination of Dustin's fatal wound. Miles protecting Sophia as the actual killer starts to come to light based on a previous non-trust issue between husband and wife, and discovery... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
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IMDb: 7.7
44 min

The victim: former Olympic boxing gold medalist Mark Machine Mason, the co-owner of and chief trainer at Machine's, a fledgling boxing gym which doesn't look like it will survive unless changes are made in the business plan. The killer: Joey Mason, the recently wheelchair-bound other co-owner of Machine's, its chief ideas man, and Mark's brother. Mark was found in the gym stabbed to death in the back, but not before his knee was savagely beaten. The dead body was reported by Joey. The Homicide detectives initially look at anyone who had a key to the gym as a suspect, although that thought quickly goes out the window when they find out that the gym door was broken, meaning that anyone could have gotten into the gym with ease. Mark's missing Olympic medals, which were prominently displayed, are thought to be the initial motive for at least the break-in, the primary suspects then being disgruntled competitors and vagrants. But when Joey is caught in a lie, Angie focuses her attention... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
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IMDb: 7.8
42 min

The killer: Marion Reader, an aging woman with a bad back, whose twenty-eight year old mama's boy of a son, Owen Reader, came back to live with her to take care of her. With her telephone sales job and his online selling of military memorabilia, they are now unable to make the monthly mortgage payments on her long time house. As a side hobby, she does kitschy folk art: paintings of her cat, Mathias, inserted onto existing painted canvases. As a means to earn more money to make those mortgage payments, she attempts to sell her folk art at a local café. The victim: Julia Conrad, a girl Friday at a high end art gallery. Julia is found dead shot point blank apparently when she was out for her morning run. Homicide's initial suspect is Julia's boss, who is openly disapproving of Julia's plans to open her own art gallery, which would then be the competition. But when they learn the gun that was used to kill Julia is pre-WWI vintage in poor condition, the fact of such a reported stolen gun... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
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IMDb: 8.0
43 min

The killer: Torontonian Barry Ketchum, who recently celebrated his one year sobriety at his AA meeting. The victim: Eric Chase, a mortgage broker, who was killed one evening outside his office by strangulation. Homicide lucks out when Betty discovers the killer's DNA under Eric's fingernails. Homicide looks at Eric's family life - including his new marriage to Ronnie Chase, and being awarded sole custody of his son Chad Chase over his ex-wife, Claudia Powell, an activist who lost custody largely because of her chronic unemployment - and his professional life, where potential clients may have despised him for turning down their mortgage requests. Eric was a seemingly well liked man, so Homicide believes that the tension between Claudia and Ronnie played some role in Eric's death, especially as Claudia has open hatred for the police, although they also know that both women are physically incapable of the killing. Partly through eyewitness accounts, Homicide is led to a low level Toronto... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
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IMDb: 7.9
43 min

The killer: Sarah Muller, a grocery store clerk who is going through a messy divorce and custody battle. The victim: Shawn Mitchell, a high powered lawyer, who was killed by a single stab wound to the abdomen in a late night break-in into his house. On the surface, the crime looks like a robbery gone bad, although the only thing that was stolen among a houseful of expensive items was a purse with a few dollars and a cell phone. As the Homicide detectives focus their investigation on people like Shawn's wife, Deana Mitchell, and Shawn's clients, especially the disgruntled ones like Jack Carlin, who have motive, they may not find the killer unless they focus on a mother who is barely making ends meet, who will do almost anything to retain custody of her daughter except accept help from her soon to be ex-husband, and who believes she can use her position at the store to get herself out of her financial predicament. Angie becomes distracted on this case by a personal issue, namely the ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
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IMDb: 7.7
43 min

The killer: David Jacobs, a former public prosecutor and now the popular candidate for mayor, who has four weeks until election day. The victim: seventeen year old high school student Tiffany Greenwood, the daughter of David's long time friends, and David and his wife Grace's occasional babysitter. David killed Tiffany in a deliberate hit and run using the stolen car of Tiffany's boyfriend, the over-privileged Kevin West. As such, Kevin becomes Homicide's primary suspect, that belief strengthened when they learn that Tiffany just broke up with him. David, acting in the unofficial capacity of family friend, insinuates himself into the investigation through the prosecutor's office. His overzealousness, especially in wanting to prosecute Kevin without complete evidence against him, may become David's downfall, as Angie searches for what she believes is Tiffany's missing bag from the crime scene. What Angie and Oscar are unaware of is that David killed for what was in Tiffany's bag, that ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
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IMDb: 7.8

The police are investigating the death of a man who fell, or was pushed, in front of a commuter train. There were no witnesses and the only thing other commuters remember was a street person who reeked of urine but no one can really remember what he looked like. At the scene, Allison has a vision of the body with a fast food name tag on his lapel but as Det. Lee Scanlon points out the man is wearing a suit and looks a bit too old to be someone who worked in a burger joint. He's eventually identified as Adam Talmadge but they find little else. When Allison dreams of a woman being pushed in front of a train by the same homeless man, they search for a connection between them. Joe meanwhile has to travel to Minnesota when Allison dreams that his mother is severely ill. His mother refuses to accept the fact she will die based on the fact that Allison had told her some years before that she would be at Bridgette's college graduation. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 7.4
60 min

Allison's dreams of pigs may lead to finding a young animal rights activist, Melissa Treynet, who has been missing for a few weeks. The DA's office has been asked to mediate between Victoria Gossett, the head of an animal rights group, and a local pork processing facility. Gossett is slinging wild accusations that Melissa, who was sent in undercover to work in the plant and document acts of animal cruelty, was killed because of what she found. A little pig with unique markings around one eye gives Allison all the information she needs. At home meanwhile, Joe has to deal with Marie who seems to have taken to shoplifting toys from a comic books and collectibles store she visits with Bridgette. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.3
41 min

It's Marie's fifth birthday but Allison has to stop by DA Devalos' home on a work-related matter. There she finds Devalos being held at gunpoint by Nathan Hunsecker whom he had convicted 5 years earlier of murdering his wife Jessamyn. The man shoots both of them them but when Allison awakes, its now 2004 and she is very pregnant with Marie who will be born in a few weeks time. Allison is dreaming and realizes that Hunsecker is innocent but when she approaches Devalos, who has no idea who she is, he thinks she may be complicit in the crime. Back in the present, Joe goes and collects Ariel who went off on a ski trip with a classmate when her parents expressly forbade her to do so. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.9

After dreaming of an upcoming apocalypse - just as an earthquake strikes Phoenix - Allison is convinced they have to prepare for the future and becomes an infatuated survivalist. In her dreams she sees a man and a teenage girl living in what appears to be a bomb shelter. He wears a bio-hazard any time he goes out, imploring his young charge never to leave the safe confines of their environment. When she dreams that the girls leaves the bunker - and is in fact found by the policy the next day with her throat slit - Allison realizes they may be dealing with something altogether different. At school, Ariel is thrilled when a handsome young classmate takes an interest in her but has to deal with the fact that he is taking advantage of her. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.8

After Allison dreams of an unidentified radical anti-government activist from the 1980s, she finds that the police are investigating the death of the same man who was found that day in a local garbage dump. The man is eventually identified as Mitchell Slocum who set off a large fertilizer bomb in a Federal building in the 1980s killing 17 people. Soon Allison develops strange obsessions and finds herself buying a variety of items she sees glowing on store shelves. Joe is disturbed by her obsessive behavior but particularly by the fact that her dreams reveal a possible connection between Slocum and his newest - and only - employee, David Brewer. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 8.4

Tom Van Dyke gives Devalos some surprising news that affects his candidacy, and Allison tries to unravel the mystery of why a woman she consulted for on a haunting later committed suicide.

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IMDb: 7.7
44 min

Allison is constantly dreaming about Nathalie Paxton who was decapitated. Her husband Walter is currently on trial for her murder, all of which jibes with her dreams. Under pressure to make a deal with Paxton to make sure they get a conviction, DA Devalos is talked out of it by Allison who is convinced of his guilt. Paxton maintains his innocence, a fact that is reinforced when another woman is decapitated and her head replaced with that of Nathalie Paxton. Allison then dreams that the next victim is a young woman she has recently befriended, Debra. Joe has been trouble re-adjusting since the hostage taking and goes to see a therapist. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.8
44 min

Allison dreams about a coed, Jennie Heffernan, who has gone missing. A waking dream leads Allison to the girl's body but the man the police arrest is not the same man she has seen. Joe meanwhile is having trouble settling back into work after the hostage-taking incident and his boss tells Allison Joe may need some therapy. Joe and Ariel have a major falling out when he decides they can't afford to send her to summer camp. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 7.7
43 min

Allison dreams that a teenaged Marie is in hospital dying of leukemia. Little Marie is in good health but that doesn't stop Allison from obsessing about the future and Joe has a bit of trouble with her logic. She becomes convinced that environmental factors must be the cause and insists that they sell the house and move. Det. Lee Scanlan investigates the death of a close friend who died from a drug overdose. Although the man was a recovering addict, Scanlan suspects foul play. Allison's dream and the death of Scanlon's friend are connected, however. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 8.1
43 min

Captain Push has dreams about a series of crimes committed in Phoenix and contacts Allison to tell her about his visions. Allison believes that Push's visionary ability is due to his long coma in the past but Push has doubts. In the meantime, Push has to submit himself to another medical operation and encounters some people in the hospital whom he had seen in a different context and circumstance before. Written by lil

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IMDb: 8.0
42 min

Allison has a dream where two ghosts, the ethereal remains of two men who met violent deaths, meet and discuss what happened to them. The first is someone who was stabbed and then cut up by his wife. Allison reports it to the police but has no idea when or where the murder took place. The second death involves a young man who was shot during a mugging. It turns out he left a $1 million life insurance policy to a woman he didn't even know. As Allison learns more about the case, it becomes apparent that the young man's death was not random and someone very much stood to gain by his early demise. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.8
52 min

Allison dreams about a serial killer, Richard Gomez, against whom charges had been dropped some years before when a key piece of evidence disappeared. The FBI agent in charge of that case, Edward Cooper, is now in Phoenix tracking a serial killer that he believes has moved there but Allison's dreams suggest that Gomez may be responsible. When she learns that Gomez was killed many years before in a cheap motel in Mexico, her dreams also reveals his killer's identity. Joe meanwhile has become concerned at Marie's interest in watching a static-filled TV screen. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 7.8
42 min

DA Devalos asks Allison and Detective Scanlon to look into a missing persons case as a favor to his wife's friend Jessica Delaney, whose brother has been out of contact. When Allison dreams of a man being thrown off a hotel roof in Los Angeles it turns out to be Jessica's brother, a paranoid schizophrenic who may have been off his medication. In her dreams however, the dead man appears to her as the actor 'David Carradine (I)'. Given his condition, Allison isn't whether she's seeing real events or figments of his imagination. Meanwhile, Bridgette may be in communication with the late author of a series of children's books that she's taken a liking to. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 7.9
50 min

Allison is having some apparently unconnected dreams. In the first, she hits a woman with her car. In the second, she dreams of a woman who is apparently living in a haunted house. The next day, she sees the woman from the second dream, Nadine Massey, crying in a restaurant and tries to help. The woman days no thanks but apparently commits suicide that night. While at the dead woman's house with Det. Scanlon she has a waking dream that the house is on fire. It turns out that the dreams are related and that Nadine may have committed suicide out of guilt. They also point to who may be haunting them. At home meanwhile, Ariel has friends over for a slumber party including a new girl. While playing her fortune-telling game, she has a vision that her new friend may die in a few years time. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 7.9
43 min

It's election time and Allison isn't too keen on her dreams as they seem to suggest that district Attorney Manuel Devalos will lose to his opponent, Nathan Bradley. She also dreams that one of Devalos' old cases comes back to haunt him when Clyde Morton, a juvenile he refused to convict as an adult, is released from prison and kills a young woman with a knife. When Allison and Det. Lee Scanlon investigate, they seem to make matters worse. Allison is also worried about the young woman she sees killed and tries to stop that. Meanwhile, Joe runs into an old flame from graduate school, much to Allison's annoyance, and the woman soon asks him out for lunch. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.9
43 min

After Allison dreams about an old high school friend, Lyla Gallagher, she asks Det. Scanlon if he can track her down. She had last seen her in 1987 when Lyla left Phoenix for California right after they all all graduated from high school. Unfortunately, Scanlon reports that she died in 1989. Meanwhile, a local Councilor, Stuart McCallister, is concerned that his 19 year-old daughter Cynthia has gone missing. He tells Devalos that he and Cynthia have always had a difficult relationship and that this isn't the first time she's gone off. When Allison sees her old friend Lyla on a TV news report alive and well, although living under a different name, she also has the beginning of a solution to the Cynthia McCallister case. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 7.9
44 min

Allison has taken to sleep walking and actually puts her life in danger when Joe finds her in her nightgown standing in the middle of the freeway. She can't explain what is happening but is clearly taking on a new persona when she is in her sleep state. At work, Allison is working with District Attorney Devalos on the case of a multi-millionaire who seems to have disappeared with his four-year old son. The boys mother - estranged from her husband - is convinced he has run off with the boy. Allisons's sleepwalking is helpful in solving the case. At home meanwhile, 12 year-old Ariel would like to start walking home from school with her friend Hannah. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 8.1
44 min

Allison has difficulties balancing her work and private life. In her work, Captain Push tries to help her to find a serial killer, who leaves a Biblical citation at the scene of murder. The two are trying to find the link between the victims, while Allison's family life and Captain Push's health are at risk. Written by lil

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IMDb: 7.6
44 min

Allison accompanies D.A. Manuel Devalos to the State prison to witness the execution of a man he personally prosecuted. Several hours later, the supposedly dead man's girlfriend is killed and he is seen in their house. The newspapers are soon filled with stories of a revenge-seeking ghost but Allison finds a far more Earthly solution to the puzzle. Ariel meanwhile develops a crush on her science project partner Sean Bertoni. Allison feels there is something terribly wrong however and when she has a vision of the full story, offers the boys mother Sarah her help. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 7.7
42 min

At home sick with the flu, Allison stumbles across an old TV show she always liked, I Married a Mind Reader whose stars Henry Stoller and Abigail Marsh were married in real life. Allison is soon dreaming about the production of the program where she is the the stars' assistant, Dorothy. As Dorothy, she's also having an affair with Henry. She puts her weird dream down to the medication she's taking. When she dreams that Dorothy kills Abigail - Henry can't bring himself to do it - she thinks there may have been real murder. She learns that Henry is in jail for murdering Abigail but fears there may have been a miscarriage of justice. Henry tells her that he did it but there is an explanation for it all. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 7.9
43 min

Allison hasn't slept in days, always having the same recurring dream. She sees two young boys running along a dirt path racing to get across a railroad track in advance of an oncoming train. One makes it across the tracks in time but the other trips and falls. Her lack of sleep makes it impossible for her to function at the office and she seeks the advice of Professor Leonard Caldwell, someone she's met through a mutual friend and who studies psychic phenomena. When she tells him of her dream, he concludes she is a charlatan as the story of the two boys is his own, which he had told in a book he had published some years before. Her level of detail eventually convinces him that she's the real deal. When Allison sees a book in a bookstore with the same story, her dreams begin to make sense. At the office meanwhile, DA Develos seems to have an open and shut case when a 14 year-old boy confesses to murdering a pillar of the community. It's all too easy however. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 7.8
42 min

Allison has a psychic dream about a man who seems to be threatening her daughter Ariel: someone who introduces himself as a Golem, a devil, a monster. Later dreams show that Ariel is standing in for a red-haired college-aged student named Sherona. And the Golem? Allison meets the man from her dream, but her boss, the district attorney, introduces him as a Good Samaritan: a man who reports a burglary he witnessed and makes himself available to appear in court. Allison knows he's evil and believes he's raped and murdered this Sherona, whom she's never met. Meanwhile, Allison may be pregnant. She's ambivalent about the possibility, but her husband Joe is happy and secretly hopes for a boy. He's even happier when Ariel seems to be a math genius, which would mean she is taking after him. Written by J. Spurlin

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IMDb: 8.3
42 min

DA Devalos is prosecuting a local hood for the murder a a respected policeman. Allison has been dreaming about the policeman and knows where the murder weapon can be found. The defense attorney, Larry Watt, calls her as a witness however and both she now and Devalos are afraid she may have to reveal her abilities on the stand. Allison decides to take on Watt head on. Meanwhile, Allison is happy to learn from a fellow psychic that Joe's upcoming biopsy results will be negative. She has a vision of Joe caressing an attractive young woman. When Joe starts working late almost every evening with a consultant named Kelly, she imagined the worse. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 7.9
42 min

Allison dreams of herself walking in an airport wearing a red hooded cape and being chased by a wolf. While working on case files at the DA's office, Allison overhears a crime victim describe the man who killed her boyfriend to a sketch artist. As the woman speaks however, Allison realizes she 's scared and giving a fictitious description. Allison gets the sketch artist to draw a picture of the real assailant and confronts the woman about what needs to do. The meaning of her dream becomes obvious to her. At home meanwhile, Joe and Allison are concerned when Bridgette's teacher tells them she doesn't socialize with the other children. They're pleased when she reports that she made a new friend, a boy her age named Bobby. Until they learn more about the boy and what happened to him five years ago. Written by garykmcd

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