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HD Kyle XY

Kyle XY


Kyle XY

IMDb: 7.8

Now Adam Baylin is dead and Zzyzxx exploded, his confident Brian Taylor plays Kyle's lawyer to make the Tragers believe his refound parents died a week ago in a car accident and named them his permanent guardians, having no other relatives alive. The family is as eager -despite Josh's disappointment his home hero isn't an alien- to accept this story as Kyle is to be back with them, dropping the name Noah. Tom stops Kyle just in time from disclosing his secrets to Declan, who is most insistent. Meanwhile Julian Ballantine, the CEO of Madacorp, which owned Zzyzx, engages a 'retrieval specialist, Emily Hollander, to find Jessi XX, who is 'born' and starts life outside the artificial womb by strangling a frisky camper with a single hand; finding her also leads to discovering Kyle is still alive, making him the next assignment... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Kyle XY

Kyle XY


Kyle XY

IMDb: 8.0

After the cover-story reunion with his 'parents' in Connecticut, Kyle learns that his real host, Adam Baylin, the other unnatural super-brain, was the only surviving baby after a 13 months gestation in a 1950s repeat of secret eugenetic experiments which Einstein's team had to abandon in the 1920s. Adam has developed a way to do it without crushing survival odds by inventing an artificial womb and oxygen-providing fluid, which the symbol stands for at Zzyzx, where the experimental embryos are carefully monitored, only Kyle was actually full-grown and 'born' yet. Over Internet Kyle gets a taste of the Trager family's disruption as he is missed no less the he craves for their human warmth, Josh actually protests his ma is too distracted to care for his punishment being found out holding a party in the parents's absence. Kyle is only allowed to contact them up to two minutes at a time, so Adam's whereabouts cannot be traced, but security chief Tom Foss's precaution gets ignored when Adam... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Kyle XY

Kyle XY


Kyle XY

IMDb: 8.7
45 min

David and Julia Peterson insist Kyle is their son Noah, missing since five years, and announce proof by DNA test, but Kyle isn't impressed, in fact as he discusses with Declan it's all at odds with what he knows about Kern and Adam. While pa has completely broken with religion, Josh had high expectations for church service as an opportunity to dress up for Ashleigh who is getting her Catholic confirmation, but gets a turn-off, while Kyle is instrumental in making Hillary find out Charlie has 'just sex' with her while his heart beats for Amanda, unfaithfully. Kyle pushes to get the truth from Foss, but is abducted with chloroform, which rekindles more memories; next Kyle saves Tom from the Company's sniper, and makes him tell the whole truth... Back with the Tragers, Kyle announces he remembers his Peterson past and is ready to rejoin them in Connecticut, the very next day. Only ma considers it the crowning of a professional success, everyone else is heartbroken to loose Kyle, Josh ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Kyle XY

Kyle XY


Kyle XY

IMDb: 8.4
44 min

The sinister chief of the strictly guarded 'Company' site which Tom Foss had stopped Kyle from intruding considers the boy's very survival an intolerable breach and coldly orders the 'subject' and his 'protector' dealt with; her man Cyrus Reynolds goes after Tom, actually his former mentor. Enterprising Josh has expectations for Kyle's abilities to read lips and hear voices trough doors, but Kyle decides not to tell anyone he can even understand at great distance if he concentrates till it gets him a painful flash in the brain. Josh finds he didn't need early warning for his remedial results, even earning him a carnival bonus. Declan convinces and helps Kyle to resume the search for his identity, behind Tom's back; they start finding out Foss's address and intrude, thus discovering his secret equipment spying on the Trager home. Tom noticed them escaping and tails them to the carnival, but is knocked down by Cyrus while Kyle listens from the merry-go-round Charlie disdains but Amanda ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Kyle XY

Kyle XY


Kyle XY

IMDb: 8.5
43 min

Gentle Kyle eagerly volunteers for a hypnosis session with therapist Dr. Jacob Cassidy, recommended by ma Trager, which unlocks his memory of Foss murdering professor William Kern in the woods, but the rest of his memory is blank except for some gibberish, which clever Josh realizes to be at high speed and then proves to be coordinates nearby; according to Jacob Kyle has paranoiac delusions, according to ma 'just' defensive severe amnesia. Hearing Declan is invited by an impressed basketball scout to Seattle's UW college, where Kern worked, Lori takes Kyle there and falls for student Wes. Kyle meets Kern's former brain stimulation research assistant, to her astonishment aces all Kern's test perfect, better then anyone before, and finds a 1985 picture of students including one resembling himself- it's Adam Baylin, missing for 20 years, then Kern's prodigy research collaborator, who drew the symbol and noted the coordinates in Kyle's subconscience. When Kyle goes to the woods location, ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Kyle XY

Kyle XY


Kyle XY

IMDb: 8.3
44 min

When Amanda's boyfriend Charlie sees Kyle's naturally almost infallible basketball shot, pure maths and physics, he asks him on his Bisons school team, which includes initially unamused Declan, who got off with 50 hours community service but hates Lori and Hillary blatantly rivaling even for him. Slick Josh teaches Kyle some cool lingo and outfit, killer shots get him in a week before the Seattle AAU Classic final. Mother Trager and Tom Foss, who prepares an injection and gun, worry about Kyle's intuitive memory picture of missing professor William Kern, now reported on TV to have been found in the woods, dead since four months; SPD detective Jason Breen assures her the police believes Kern was just killed by a 'junkie', actually it was Foss's late boss. Josh smells easy money as bookie and provides basketball books, soon Kyle even aces the hardest Jordan moves. The crude, boasting nonsensical 'winner talk' is lost on Kyle, but he enjoys the game until last minute rudeness kicks in; ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Kyle XY

Kyle XY


Kyle XY

IMDb: 8.2

Even snugly is his 'safe' bathtub, the stormy rain -just like the night before his woods-'birth- gives Kyle nightmares and finally taps in to his memories. Declan McDonough, lightly bleeding, knocks on his window to be let in and crash with him allegedly after a fight with his dad, more appreciated by dad Trager, a veteran of his sport basketball, then by Lori, who atypically doesn't enjoy her birthday, apparently because of her row with Hillary. Kyle shows ma a drawing of a man he saw in his storm dream, but when pa, checking after the power was cut off, finds footprints outdoors and blood on Kyle's window, he thinks it a real criminal tried to break in and tells 'security agent' Foss, who calls his superiors Kyle's returning memory makes the Trager family a potential danger; Kyle later recognizes him vaguely. Kyle is pleased Amanda comes to him rather then boyfriend Charlie while the power is out at her place too; the girls insist to play with a Ouija-board, which answers Kyle's ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Kyle XY

Kyle XY


Kyle XY

IMDb: 8.5

Tom Foss intrudes the Trager home while eager Kyle is driven to his first school-day, startled by the complex web of bilateral and social bonding and confused by the effect of bell signals. Bright Josh finds himself in remedial, where the others can barely read and his nasty neighbor Toby Neuwierth, with a record of violent anger, instantly hates the slick smug smart-ass out of pure envy. Ma protests vice principal Bradford Hooper hasn't provided a private tutor, for financial reasons and various unfair blames on Kyle, who is scheduled for placement tests all day. History is a total blank to him, at the first bell he joins the shuffling crowd and solves the 'impossible' math test at MIT level Lori's teacher wrote on a blackboard as cruel carrot, value a term A grade, then drifts to the cafeteria, where Josh notices worried Kyle sits with 'geek' Deichman', social suicide, but who is into comics about superheroes who hide their superpowers -like Kyle's?- and perhaps an interesting first... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Kyle XY

Kyle XY


Kyle XY

IMDb: 8.2

Kyle's first dream is wet in both senses: happily diving with neighbor girl Amanda. Mystery man Tom Foss returns his security batch after a ten year tenure with 'the firm' - the emblem is the symbol ma assembled from strange fragments on Kyle's subconscient drawings; when his controller finds an anomaly with it and tries to blackmail the 'grey mouse' who apparently had a part in his missing superior's disappearance, Tom kills him. Lori is ordered to take Kyle and Josh to the pool, while the parents arrange his school registration and insist on a private tutor. Josh tries to explain the absurd logic of horny watching without swimming or actually dating the hottest babes, and beats the odds by manipulating Lori to get him presented to Ashleigh, the foxy one he prefers- and a new girl, so she's eager to be invited to the big party a certain Jeff is throwing. Being told about Amanda's job as lifeguard, Kyle jumps in and enjoys being rescued, but naively ignores why his obvious and ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Kyle XY

Kyle XY


Kyle XY

IMDb: 8.1

Kyle insists to keep sleeping in the bad tub, somehow feeling safer and generally better there. Now ma is back at work, the Trager family take turn 'minding' Kyle. At LWK, the software company where pa is VP and boss Brad is secretly planning lay-offs, Kyle proves his technical superiority even to its computer professionals. Josh eagerly uses Kyle's maths talent- to cheat at his summer course test. Lori is back with Declan, and plays hooky from her coffee-bar job, which she thus lost, but tells nothing and leaves Kyle sleeping in the bath while she and her friend spy on Declan. Her lies about men complete Kyle's confusion about truth, white lies and deceit; after deliberation he tells the truth, to the children's prophetic horror and his sadness. His own first lie is to take the blame for neighbor girl Amanda Bloom's car accident which he inadvertently caused. Police Detective Jason Breen tells a corps, artificially bleached, was found in Victor Falls near Kyle's 'birthplace', so he ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Kyle XY

Kyle XY


Kyle XY

IMDb: 8.2

Kyle has no natural urge to sleep ever, so he methodically raids the fridge for tastes to explore, then discovers night TV till it wakes everybody up. Kyle has no notion of time either, total amnesia about his personal life before his appearance in the woods at Victor Falls and no medical file. Dr. Stone confirms Kyle's perfect health and physical normality except for the missing navel and he aces every game or test. Uncomplexed Josh makes a list of oddities supporting his theory Kyle must be an alien, such as stargazing, and looks forward to horny dreams, whole even sleeping pills can't make Kyle sleep, when he makes a nightly walk a mysterious man tails him in a pick-up. Lori makes Declan jealous. Kyle does feels best relaxed in the bathtub... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Kyle XY

Kyle XY


Kyle XY

IMDb: 8.7

A boy appears in the world in his birthday suit, only alone in the woods, as an adolescent without any memories, history or even a belly-button, only some instincts, as if he wasn't even born, and enough dexterity to handle a rattle-snake bare-handed. Just for being naked in public, he's handcuffed and committed to juvenile detention, where employee Lou Daniels renames the 'John Doe' Kyle, after his own brightest son, for he shows as much intelligence as lack of education in everything, from using daily objects to human behavior, a painful learning process among cocky thugs. Psychologist Nicole Trager takes Kyle home 'till Monday' as she promises kind husband Stephen. Their own kids, who weren't consulted at all, are understandably all but eager to take in and help caring for another of ma's stray weirdos, but gradually discover Kyle's clumsiness is just lack of experience, his nature as kind as his IQ high. Young Josh shows an open mind, quickly finds his new bunking buddy ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA | Canada
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HD The Lying Game

The Lying Game


The Lying Game

IMDb: 8.6

Ethan and Thayer suspect Sutton of sending Emma the mysterious package and believe that she is playing another one of her lying games to spite Emma. Derek is back at school. While practicing tennis, she meets the tennis scout of Ted's alma mater and they see this as a way of getting Sutton to come forward when she hears that Emma is using her name for personal gain. Justin and Ted continue to be suspicious of one another. Rebecca tries to get custody of Char. Now living in fear of Sutton, Emma almost confesses her identity to Dan, but when Ethan and Emma pull up to his trailer and see his brother in a heated argument with Alec, she backs out. Later, Ethan asks Dan about the encounter and he tells Ethan about how Alec bailed him out of a tough situation a long time ago. Meanwhile, Emma is off on the college visit with Ted and seems serious about the idea of going to college and playing tennis, something that seemed a bit out of Sutton's character. Justin breaks up with Laurel, ... Written by Nia Allen-Cooper

Genre: Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Lying Game

The Lying Game


The Lying Game

IMDb: 8.6

It's been a tough night for Emma and Ethan, and things are about to get tougher when they find Sutton has disappeared after their argument and the Mercer family car is missing from the garage. When the police find the car at the bottom of the lake, Emma and Ethan look to each other for support, but Thayer threatens to tear them apart with his accusations against Ethan. Meanwhile, Char's aunt, Rebecca, has returned to town and Char is the only one happy about it. Written by ABC Family Publicity

Genre: Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Lying Game

The Lying Game


The Lying Game

IMDb: 8.9

With the Mercers throwing Emma a birthday party and Sutton might coming home, Emma struggles with telling the truth about the switch. Meanwhile Sutton is heading back to phoenix, where she tricks Ethan to meet up when she poses as Emma.

Genre: Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Lying Game

The Lying Game


The Lying Game

IMDb: 8.4

Sutton gets to feel what it is like to be Emma Becker. Emma tries to discover what Kristin knows about some things.

Genre: Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Lying Game

The Lying Game


The Lying Game

IMDb: 8.5

Emma is worried when her foster brother, Travis, shows up from Las Vegas. Travis decides to use his knowledge of Emma's situation to bribe her. Sutton is forced to go to Las Vegas when she is mistaken for Emma.

Genre: Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Lying Game

The Lying Game


The Lying Game

IMDb: 8.5

Sutton is close to getting the information her and Emma have been looking for. Alec pays a visit to Mads ballet teacher, Eduardo.

Genre: Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Lying Game

The Lying Game


The Lying Game

IMDb: 8.3

The Mercer family become suspious of Laurels new boyfriend, Justin. Ethan dumps Sutton to be with Emma.

Genre: Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Lying Game

The Lying Game


The Lying Game

IMDb: 8.5

In a very un-Sutton-like move, Emma (still posing as Sutton) drops out of the Homecoming Queen race, but Char and Mads just won't let her quit. Sutton begins to get jealous of Emma living her life.

Genre: Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Lying Game

The Lying Game


The Lying Game

IMDb: 8.3

Emma has a nightmare that just may be the clue Sutton needs to find their birth mother.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Lying Game

The Lying Game


The Lying Game

IMDb: 8.3

Sutton's sister, Laurel, is interested in the new guy at school, but Char has called dibs on him. In LA, Sutton tracks down the family that originally adopted Emma. Mr. Mercer isn't too keen about Ethan as Sutton's boyfriend.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Lying Game

The Lying Game


The Lying Game

IMDb: 7.6
44 min

Emma (posing as Sutton) is worried about a father/daughter dance, since she has no idea how to dance.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Lying Game

The Lying Game


The Lying Game

IMDb: 7.8
44 min

Sixteen years after being given up for adoption, Sutton Mercer goes in search of her biological birth mother. Sutton's twin, Emma takes her place in which she has to pretend to be Sutton.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Mystery,
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HD Dear White People

Dear White People


Dear White People

IMDb: 6.8

As Coco gears up for an exclusive soiree, a fight with Sam stirs up memories of their friendship; and the differences that drove them apart.

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Psych




IMDb: 7.8
42 min | 60 min

Carlton's jailbird girlfriend Marlowe is released from prison and ends up staying with Juliet. Carlton also moves in. Shawn gets a case from a circus performer who asks Shawn to find the missing star act. Gus babysits Maximus at the circus. Written by Bernie

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Crime, Mystery,
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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 8.2
43 min

Kidnappers abduct one teenage girl (Rosie) but fail to get the second girl (Lydia) due to the intervention of Lydia's father, whom a bad guy shoots to death, and who is a captain in the US Navy; both girls are Navy juniors; Gibbs and company and more, including the FBI, investigate. Lydia stays with Ziva until her mother, a commander in the US Navy, arrives from her aircraft carrier, in the Arabian Sea; Lydia receives an incomplete text message, which leads the gang to a camping trailer in Virginia, where they find a burn phone and a dead body. While Ziva, Abby, and Lydia hang together overnight at Gibbs's pad, they get a visitor; Ziva and Abby deal with him, and Lydia recognizes him. The visitor names the other kidnappers to Gibbs, who also gets information through a long-time friend, then Gibbs, the gang, and others meet a helicopter at dawn and then meet the third kidnapper plus Rosie. Ziva's date arrives and invites Tony to join them, so they become a threesome. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 7.1
44 min

After being saved by a group of free female Jaffa, SG-1 is taken to the females' homeworld to meet their leader, Ishta. Ishta proposes an alliance between her all-female rebel group, Haktil, and the Tau'ri. The Tau'ri offer her Tritonin to supplant their practice of taking the symbiotes from defeated Jaffa in the service of the Goa'uld. However, since Tritonin has only had two test subjects, Teal'c and Bra'tac, they are cautious to spread it among their ranks. Written by trekkie4christ

Country: USA | Canada
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