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HD Bob's Burgers

Bob's Burgers


Bob's Burgers

IMDb: 8.4
22 min

Bob joins the club and learns the Secret of the Suit... but he and Linda unsuccessfully try to pass a bar. Gene has issues with fatherhood; he knows he has a lot to give but those flour babies are slippery little suckers. Distraught, Gene meets the perfect receptacle for paternal feelings. But, arch-criminal, Max Flush, terrorizes Gene. It is up to wily Louise to spearhead a ruse, a heist, a chase and a bathroom break. Gene and the kids learn a very important lesson: Love is never having to say you want to vomit. Written by LA-Lawyer

Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Bob's Burgers

Bob's Burgers


Bob's Burgers

IMDb: 7.9
22 min

When check bouncing becomes a regular art form for the Belchers, Fresh Feed manager, Greg, hires Linda part-time at the grocery store. The kids tour the store; Gene terrorizes food sample guy and Louise liberates shrimp. Tina visits the walk-in dairy fridge behind the milk aisle and meets a 14-year old boy with a turtle bite on his finger. Linda does so well on her performance review, Greg offers her a full-time shift manager's job. Bob needs to learn to appreciate his former unsung singing heroine. Tina meets her milk man, Josh. Will Linda acquire the hard-nosed management skills to get ahead with her new job? Written by LA-Lawyer

Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Bob's Burgers

Bob's Burgers


Bob's Burgers

IMDb: 7.7
22 min

When Bob half-asses Linda's Valentine's Day gift again, the kids urge him on to the mall. Tina REALLY does not want to go to school today because of last year's Jimmy Jr. card incident and Louise is always up for a scheme to ditch. As Bob and kids roam the streets, Linda hosts a special Speed Dating for Valentine's Day. Teddy, Mort, Gretchen, Gina, Mike, the mailman, participate and even the surly cop, Sgt. Bosco joins the fun. All goes well until Linda jumps the gun. Written by LA-Lawyer

Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Bob's Burgers

Bob's Burgers


Bob's Burgers

IMDb: 8.5
22 min

Wagstaff School starts its own TV news station and Tina wants to be the anchor. Tammy edges her out of the competition, until Tina smells a scoop! With Louise's help, Tina uncovers the trail to the tail... tale. Meanwhile, Gene has a mid-child crisis. Written by LA-Lawyer

Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Bob's Burgers

Bob's Burgers


Bob's Burgers

IMDb: 7.6
24 min

There is a new clothing optional beach in town. Hugo gets bitten by the freedom bug so Bob's Burgers has a new health inspector, Tommy, a part-time musician. Tommy asks if he can play his music at Bob's Burgers and Bob agrees. Tommy's vile tunes drive away revenue, but Tommy cannot take NO for an answer. The kids team up with Darryl, (Bob's nerd and their schoolmate) who owns a mini-Hubble telescope. As the kids rake in the cash along the bluffs overlooking the beach, Bob may be down to serving his last meat patty. There are several crazy plot twists and then the shout: Get nude for food! Written by LA-Lawyer

Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Bob's Burgers

Bob's Burgers


Bob's Burgers

IMDb: 8.1
22 min

Linda thinks Louise hates her so she drags her to an 8-hour Phenomimom seminar at Modo Time. Louise's nemesis, Logan, shows up at Modo Time with his mother, Cynthia; Louise and Logan are sentenced to the Uter-Room. Tina waits on two popular girls from school and hears them make fun of another girl with hairy legs. With Linda at the seminar and Tina unable to shave her own legs, Tina asks Bob to help her; she, Bob and Gene all end up getting waxed. The Modo Time kids revolt and head for laser tag; Linda is angry and decides to shoot it out with Louise. Tina has a Terminator moment: she regrets peer pressure caused her hair loss. But, clearly, neither Linda nor Louise will be saying farewell to arms anytime soon. Written by LA-Lawyer

Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Bob's Burgers

Bob's Burgers


Bob's Burgers

IMDb: 7.9
22 min

Uncle Ernie died and bequeathed Bob a storage unit. Before the mall, Uncle Ernie owned Lombard's Department Store. In the storage unit, the Belchers find Chet, a former fixture at Lombard's. In the spirit of Christmas, Bob invites Chet to stay in their basement. Chet does what he knows best to repay their hospitality. Nobody sells an antique watch or cuts their beautiful hair, but the three Belcher Magi embody the spirit of O. Henry; their sacrifice makes a very Merry Christmas for all. Written by LA-Lawyer

Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Bob's Burgers

Bob's Burgers


Bob's Burgers

IMDb: 7.9
22 min

Linda is on a diet and is driving everyone crazy. There is a rumor that a girl at their school like-likes Gene. Tina and Louise panic when they realize it must be ultra-obnoxious, annoying Courtney, but Gene is peer-pressed to be her boyfriend. He meets Courtney's dad, a commercial jingle writer with cool tech; and Gene has found a man-crush. When Gene shuts his eyes and covers his ears, Gene feels like he maybe could spend the rest of his life with Courtney... until Gene opens his mouth. Courtney and Gene both suffer heartbreak, but for completely different reasons. Written by LA-Lawyer

Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Bob's Burgers

Bob's Burgers


Bob's Burgers

IMDb: 7.9
22 min

Mr. Fischoeder polls a convenient cross-section of child focus testers, Louise, Gene and Tina, for ideas on the newest big thing: a scary seat of the pants attraction at Wonder Wharf. Bob, a fan of local history, remembers the shark film, The Deepening 3-D was filmed in their town in the 1980s. Louise finds the same mechanical shark used in the film in an online sale. Is Teddy, who was an extra in the film, the only one with non-diegetic trepidation about this endeavor? Written by LA-Lawyer

Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Bob's Burgers

Bob's Burgers


Bob's Burgers

IMDb: 7.6
22 min

Captain Duval loves Bob's cooking. Duval manuevers the Belchers on an ancient Chinese vacation on The Windbreaker with ship's guests, crew and capybara, Kiki. Linda gambles, tans and drinks on the VIP Card. Tina tries to get her massage on; a busty blonde makes Gene's pants feel funny. As always, Louise is on Bob's side and provides distraction. Oyster hurling is just another part of the fun-packed cruise aboard The Windbreaker. Written by LA-Lawyer

Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Bob's Burgers

Bob's Burgers


Bob's Burgers

IMDb: 8.0
22 min

Bob fears he is overworking the kids and giving them a miserable childhood like his father did to him, so he fires them. Bob tries to hire replacements but can't afford to pay anyone. As fate would have it, Mickey, the bank robber, has gotten out of prison and tells the Belchers he will work for free if they let him live in the basement. Bob and Linda agree to this arrangement without realizing Mickey's true intentions. Meanwhile, the kids are miserable without their jobs so they find work at a blueberry farm on the edge of town. What the kids do not realize is that the blueberries are just a cover for the farm's actual crop. When the children's parents find out about their job it doesn't take them long to figure out that the kids are unknowingly holding, transporting and selling. It's up to Bob and Linda, with Mickey's help, to save the kids. Written by Puredoller

Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Bob's Burgers

Bob's Burgers


Bob's Burgers

IMDb: 8.3
22 min

When their Halloween pickings are slim, little Louise Scissor Hands wants the Belcher kids to go trick or treating at Kingshead Island, land of candy plenty, where all the wealthy people live. Bob and Linda are forced to go to Teddy's costume party. When the kids' new friends on the island, Milo and Ned, are terrorized during Hell Hunt, Tina votes to do the responsible thing. Written by LA-Lawyer

Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Bob's Burgers

Bob's Burgers


Bob's Burgers

IMDb: 8.2
22 min

When Horny Dave dies, Mort hosts his big funeral jam. Dave's motorcycle gang, The One Eyed Snakes, wander next door to Bob's Burgers and Critter, Mudflaps and the whole gang befriend the Belchers. Louise goes nuclear when a teenaged bully named Logan steals her bunny ears. She calls on reinforcements who have the drive to go all Marc Antony on Logan...and his friends and countrymen. Written by LA-Lawyer

Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Bob's Burgers

Bob's Burgers


Bob's Burgers

IMDb: 7.8
22 min

Peter Pescadero's loss is Gene's gain when Peter cannot master the pop and lock but still has to give up his mask. At Channel 13, the Chuck and Pam Show has a new segment, Hey, Good Cookin.' Linda films Bob and Gene, who become the next big thing... until BAM! Louise helps them kick it up a notch. Nathan pursues Pam's hair through Tina; Linda tittilates the studio audience. Written by LA-Lawyer

Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Bob's Burgers

Bob's Burgers


Bob's Burgers

IMDb: 8.2
22 min

A new valley girl, Tammy, is like a totally bad influence on Tina; when thwarted, Tammy blackmails Tina with her own erotic friend fiction. Gene and Louise get really angry... nobody but them has the right to blackmail their sister! Bob is hands over heels for Cake. It's like, tubular! He and Mr. Frond embarrass the kids at school while Tammy makes a noisy exit. Written by LA-Lawyer

Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Bob's Burgers

Bob's Burgers


Bob's Burgers

IMDb: 7.8
22 min

When a food critic reviews Bob's Burgers, he gives it two thumbs down my throat. Bob turns to PR firm, Cooper, Molyneux and Juarez, who use charts and rehab. The kids stalk their dad quietly on the way to a redo that goes completely out of control. Moody Foody gets stuck in the wet middle with Reggie and Willy; the PR firm pulls Bob's Burgers out of the rough... red with a new promotion. Written by LA-Lawyer

Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Bob's Burgers

Bob's Burgers


Bob's Burgers

IMDb: 7.7
22 min

One way, or another, Linda's sister, Gayle, is gonna find Bob at Dr. Yin's dental office and she's gonna get him, get him, get him, get him... One day, maybe next week, on a a ski trip. Tina tries Persuasia on Dr. Yin, but settles for friends with dental benefits. Gene and Louise challenge each other for days over a jawbreaker; and Dr. Yin goes all Marathon Man on a perceived rival. Written by LA-Lawyer

Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Bob's Burgers

Bob's Burgers


Bob's Burgers

IMDb: 7.9
22 min

There are food trucks everywhere along Ocean Avenue and they are disrupting commerce at Bob's Burgers. The former documentarian, Randy Watkins, has his own food truck, Ode to Soy. Randy hooks up Bob on the food truck circuit; Bob buys a dilapidated ice cream truck for Teddy to fix. Randy introduces Bob (and Louise) to Chowster, the food site where Bob can post his daily itinerary, menus, etc. Bob tells Randy they are still in the red; Randy suggests the festival circuit, like Lolla-Pa-Foods-A. The most popular truck will win $1,000.00. The Belchers are willing to go the distance and work for their dream. But how far will Bob (and Louise) actually go to win most popular truck? Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Bob's Burgers

Bob's Burgers


Bob's Burgers

IMDb: 8.3
22 min

The video arcade company places a game called Burgerboss in the restaurant; Bob was a champion in high school, and he is confident in his skills. Jimmy Pesto gets the high score and signs his winning round BOB SUX. Bob cannot allow the insult to pass so he plays obsessively until Linda asks the company to pick up Burgerboss. Bob tracks it down to Family Funtime, but he cannot enter without children. Bob tells Linda he and the kids are taking sailing lessons as a surprise for her. Soon, Bob and kids are fixtures at Family Funtime; the kids are crashing 5-6 birthday parties per day and OD-ing on cake, ice cream and pizza. With the help of his nerdy new pal, Darryl, Bob is on his way to a high score, but the kids are bored with Family Funtime. Louise has a scheme to crash a Glencrest Yacht Club orphan benefit, Tots Without Yachts. The bacon wrapped scallops are about to hit the Commodore's Balls when Linda is called to retrieve her unruly family. Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Bob's Burgers

Bob's Burgers


Bob's Burgers

IMDb: 7.6
22 min

Linda is too involved with the children's book reports and homework and Bob thinks the kids are using her. Bob just got a soft-serve ice cream machine and he fantasizes a lucrative summer where the kids serve tons of ice cream on Team Soft Serve. The kids all hate P.E. but Louise knows her adversary and she has a plan. She talks loudly at Mr. Frond's office door about the bad things P.E. is doing to her self-image and how it makes her feel like a loser. Then, using Frond's wall posters as cues, the kids B.S. their way out of P.E. Unfortunately, they B.S. themselves right into independent study in synchronized swimming. The kids get busted; summer school is the only other option. Will either parent come to the rescue of Team Soft Serve before there is an accident in the pool? Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Bob's Burgers

Bob's Burgers


Bob's Burgers

IMDb: 8.5
22 min

Bob storms away from First Oceanside Savings Bank, his plea for loan restructure ignored; some guy is holding up the bank and taking hostages. Louise is assigned an essay for school on the most important person in her life. Since Bob's Burgers is across the street from the bank, the FBI and other Feds are using the restaurant as HQ, tying up their phones and yelling at Mickey, the robber. Louise's essay will be on her dad or Mickey. The bank hostages are hungry but they all think Jimmy Pesto pizza stinks. Bob is sent to the bank with burgers. Bob is taken as a hostage, with TV stations filming the minute-to-minute drama and all of his friends and neighbors watching. Bob tries to talk to Mickey like a regular guy. Bob thinks Mickey will have to give up, and face arrest and jail. But, Bob encourages Mickey to give up on his own terms. Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Bob's Burgers

Bob's Burgers


Bob's Burgers

IMDb: 8.3
22 min

The city is tearing down old Caffrey's Taffy Factory; it generates a lot of buzz. Zeke and Jimmy Jr. plan to be there, practicing wrestling moves, so Tina will be nearby. Teddy talks about his Uncle Paddy; he worked for Caffrey, who ran liquor during Prohibition and did not trust banks or greenbacks. Teddy draws a map shaped like a butt with 3 droppings; this is the supposed location of an elevator leading to tunnels. Teddy regales the kids with secret caves, G-Men, treasure, trip wires and taffy dummies. Treasure is a serious matter for Louise so she, Blabbermouth, Gene, Jimmy Jr., Zeke, Andy and Ollie explore the factory. Louise is really angry at Tina for inviting dead weight. As Linda and Bob roll the dice, Louise finds the hidden elevator and with new friend, Taff, she goes for the gold. He ain't heavy, he's her dummy. Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Bob's Burgers

Bob's Burgers


Bob's Burgers

IMDb: 7.8
30 min

The Belchers attend the Wonder Wharf Wonderdogs, a minor league baseball team owned by Calvin Fischoeder. During 7th inning stretch, there is a mascot foot race. Gene wants to compete in the next race in the burger costume. Bob's same-age role model, is pitcher, Torpedo Jones. He is author of the sometimes lethal pitch, the split-finger skadootch. Louise pushes for Torpedo to fix it for Gene to run in the next race. Bob is so grateful, he brings his idol a thank you burger. Torpedo Jones does a yell out to eat at Bob's Burgers and Bob is in heaven. The kids chat with Torpedo; his world view is very different from that of their father. Tina asks to be ball girl and the only stipulation is she bring Torpedo a burger before every game. The big issue pop flies all over the field: When does entertainment cross the line from good clean fun to cheating? Karma can be a real bi-otched roller coaster ride... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Bob's Burgers

Bob's Burgers


Bob's Burgers

IMDb: 7.8
30 min

Bob hates Lobsterfest: it's no fun being a burger man in a seafood, Bob is allergic. The entire family wants to go, but Bob forbids the Belchers to celebrate Lobsterfest. A tropical storm is upgraded to hurricane. Bob thinks Lobsterfest is gone with the wind and Bobsterfest is the next big thing. Bob is a port in the storm; he opens the restaurant, feeds the multitudes, crowd surfs and he even flies high as Hugo's wingman. The kids go looting and find a lobster. Things get way out of hand. Is Bob Belcher a bottom feeder...or is he better than that? Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Bob's Burgers

Bob's Burgers


Bob's Burgers

IMDb: 7.9
30 min

Calvin Fischoeder is a rich eccentric, one white cat away from being a super-villain. Fischoeder owns the restaurant building, the amusement park and Wonder Wharf. He gives Bob notice if he does not catch up on rent by Friday, Jimmy Pesto wants to rent Bob's Burgers and turn it into a gift shop. After a family brainstorm, Louise votes for voodoo but flyers win the day. When advertising backfires, it may be up to The Meatsiah to save Bob's Burgers. Jimmy Jr. dances with Tracy... Tina. A tiny splash of voodoo never hurt anybody... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Bob's Burgers

Bob's Burgers


Bob's Burgers

IMDb: 7.9
22 min

The Burn Unit is suspended when Bob sees Banjo, a spaghetti western on TV. Bob asks Gene to join him and Louise; the youngest child is not amused. Tina is a member of Wagstaff School's Conflict Resolution Club, A.B.S. The club asks Bob's Burgers to provide spaghetti and meatballs for its upcoming fundraiser; and Linda is so proud. Gene can find neither a banjo nor a harmonica but Louise's pink guitar gives him confidence to thwart a bully at school. When the younger kids end up with detention and the Belchers are banned from the fund raiser, there may be no dinner for anyone in Sweetwater... unless Bob shows his A.B.S. Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Bob's Burgers

Bob's Burgers


Bob's Burgers

IMDb: 8.0
30 min

When Linda asks Bob to let her sister hang her paintings in the restaurant for Art Week, Bob finds he's forced to contend with the city's Art Council, a shady troop of intimidating old ladies who control the art exhibited around town. Meanwhile, Louise, Gene and Tina are thrilled by all the attention their own art receives in the restaurant. Written by Fox Publicity

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Bob's Burgers

Bob's Burgers


Bob's Burgers

IMDb: 7.8
30 min

With a long weekend approaching, Linda sees an opportunity to capitalize on the tourist traffic by starting a bed and breakfast. But when the reservations are filled by some shady character, Louise plants listening devices all over the house to keep an ear on what's happening. Written by Fox Publicity

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Bob's Burgers

Bob's Burgers


Bob's Burgers

IMDb: 7.6
22 min

Linda knows Bob hates dinner theatre, so she lies and says she and her girlfriends are going to a strip club. But, Bob knows where she is really going. Mort, Linda and the kids talk Bob into letting Linda stage a dinner production at Bob's Burgers. Linda puts Gene in charge of sound effects and Mort in charge of visual effects. All 3 kids, Mort and Linda are in Dreamatorium, a musical murder mystery set in a morgue. On the second night, the show becomes a real hit. Will Bob kill Linda's dream...or will he commit to her art? Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Bob's Burgers

Bob's Burgers


Bob's Burgers

IMDb: 7.6
22 min

Tina is going through the heartbreak of puberty; once they see it is not contagious, Gene and Louise try to cheer up their big sister. They show her what they believe is a smelly special needs breakdancing class in Brazilian. Tina's hormones are fueled by lithe, muscular Jairo and his martial art, Capoeira. Soon, it is Jairo says this and Jairo says that and Tina is neglecting her job, working night and day, to master Capoeira. Tina wants to earn her yellow corda in the Troca de Cordões ceremony, Portuguese for exchange of strands. Teddy equates it with becoming a woman; Bob is having a much harder time letting go of his little girl than he is of his 4:30 appointments. However, when poop comes to slap, the Belchers fight it out...together. Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Bob's Burgers

Bob's Burgers


Bob's Burgers

IMDb: 7.7
22 min

Bob's Burgers is about to hit 100,000 burger sales and Bob is excited until he meets his meat... documentary filmmaker, Randy Watkins, and Moolissa, a steer wearing a blonde wig. (Randy does not care about gender correctness.) There is an official five (5) day Cow-ntdown: will Bob let Moolissa be slaughtered or will he admit to being a hypocrite and a murderer? Bob calls Animal Control and his own kids turn against him. Bring on the bad publicity: Dial M for Moo-der really packs the restaurant. Bob is increasingly aware of Moolissa. Also, there are communications between Moolissa and Tina...or are they? Will Moolissa be free to run with the castrated steers or will poor Moolissa Rest in Peas? Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Bob's Burgers

Bob's Burgers


Bob's Burgers

IMDb: 8.1
30 min

Linda's parents are coming to visit; they have to sleep in one of the kid's rooms. Bob, Gene and Louise learn more than they ever wanted to know about Tina's budding zombie-ality. Bob is not happy about the in-law visit; he uses fixing roof leaks to get stuck and hide in the walls. Bob asks home contractor, Teddy, to leave him in the wall for one more day and then Bob really gets stuck! Tina, Gene and Louise are officially Kids in Crisis and an alien protein may be taking over Bob's Burgers. It's up to Kuchi Kopi, cocktails... and Grandma Gloria to get Bob out of this mess. Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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