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HD Knots Landing

Knots Landing


Knots Landing

IMDb: 0
60 min

Anne's show is a success, and she tells Benny that she's getting her own apartment. He's upset because he has fallen in love with her. Joseph quits the University to work full time at Tidal Energy. Joseph and Kate declare their love for one another and sleep together. Debbie breaks up with Frank because she wants a serious relationship. Pierce has nightmares of sailing in a storm with Victoria. Victoria tells Paige that Pierce has a dark side and will turn on her, but Paige doesn't believe her. Victoria tells Pierce she still loves him, and asks if Paige knows about the data list. Pierce tells her to leave him alone. Brian follows Greg to Meg's birthday party. After the party, he pulls a gun on Karen and Meg in the backyard. Written by GusF

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Knots Landing

Knots Landing


Knots Landing

IMDb: 0

Karen tells Claudia that she's been saying Rosa in her sleep. Claudia says she doesn't know a Rosa, but when Karen sees a letter signed Rosa, Claudia says Rosa was her mother's nurse but that she was used to calling her Miss Barth. Victoria has a hard time getting over Pierce. Joseph kisses Kate, and they both feel awkward about it. Brian kills Greg's detective, so Greg asks Mack to make sure the police get him. Tidal Energy needs shoreline space for their experiments, and Greg wants to block them, so they both court a new member of the shoreline commission. Tidal Energy gets its permit, and Greg's disappointed. Written by GusF

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Knots Landing

Knots Landing


Knots Landing

IMDb: 0

Karen tells Claudia that she's been saying Rosa in her sleep. Claudia says she doesn't know a Rosa, but when Karen sees a letter signed Rosa, Claudia says Rosa was her mother's nurse but that she was used to calling her Miss Barth. Victoria has a hard time getting over Pierce. Joseph kisses Kate, and they both feel awkward about it. Brian kills Greg's detective, so Greg asks Mack to make sure the police get him. Tidal Energy needs shoreline space for their experiments, and Greg wants to block them, so they both court a new member of the shoreline commission. Tidal Energy gets its permit, and Greg's disappointed. Written by GusF

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Knots Landing

Knots Landing


Knots Landing

IMDb: 0
60 min

Greg asks police to pull out the stops in finding Brian, and hires his own detective to find him. Brian is following Greg. Pierce breaks up with his old girlfriend Victoria, and tells Paige about her. Lynette wants Val to help her with her IRS problems, but Val declines, saying she's only helping her to read.Anne decides to do a call-in radio talk show. Frank and Debbie continue dating. Claudia has nightmares of someone needing medication. Kate thinks she faked the suicide, but Karen convinces her to talk to Claudia. Kate makes up with her, but says she still can't live with her. Written by GusF

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Knots Landing

Knots Landing


Knots Landing

IMDb: 0
60 min

Greg asks police to pull out the stops in finding Brian, and hires his own detective to find him. Brian is following Greg. Pierce breaks up with his old girlfriend Victoria, and tells Paige about her. Lynette wants Val to help her with her IRS problems, but Val declines, saying she's only helping her to read.Anne decides to do a call-in radio talk show. Frank and Debbie continue dating. Claudia has nightmares of someone needing medication. Kate thinks she faked the suicide, but Karen convinces her to talk to Claudia. Kate makes up with her, but says she still can't live with her. Written by GusF

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Knots Landing

Knots Landing


Knots Landing

IMDb: 0

Karen's station insists she have Anne on as a guest. Anne admits on the show to being homeless. Karen tells Val she's lost interest in the show. Karen's producer Debbie asks Frank out, but he feels really old compared to her. Police tell Greg of Linda's murder. Val tries to teach Lynette to read, and they both become frustrated. Paige organizes the Tidal Energy office. They all go out for dinner, and are told that Greg has picked up the check. Kate tells Claudia off, and Claudia's really upset. Karen comforts her and invites her to dinner. When Claudia doesn't show, she and Mack go to Claudia's and find her passed out on the floor with an empty bottle of pills beside her. Written by GusF

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Knots Landing

Knots Landing


Knots Landing

IMDb: 0

Karen's station insists she have Anne on as a guest. Anne admits on the show to being homeless. Karen tells Val she's lost interest in the show. Karen's producer Debbie asks Frank out, but he feels really old compared to her. Police tell Greg of Linda's murder. Val tries to teach Lynette to read, and they both become frustrated. Paige organizes the Tidal Energy office. They all go out for dinner, and are told that Greg has picked up the check. Kate tells Claudia off, and Claudia's really upset. Karen comforts her and invites her to dinner. When Claudia doesn't show, she and Mack go to Claudia's and find her passed out on the floor with an empty bottle of pills beside her. Written by GusF

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Knots Landing

Knots Landing


Knots Landing

IMDb: 0
60 min

Pierce is interested in Tidal Energy, and meets with Gary and Joseph. Greg finds out Paige showed Gary's proposal to Pierce, and fires her. She decides to work at Tidal Energy too. Greg meets with Joseph about funding him, but he says he won't sell Gary out. Joseph asks Kate to lunch. Paige is embarrassed by Anne's nude layout. Val tells Lynette she will teach her to read. On Open Mike, Karen's viewers laud her as a vigilante hero. Upset, she says she isn't a hero - she met violence with violence, and someone died. Linda tells Brian's wife where he is for $50,000. Brian follows her and surprises her at her condo. He's furious and tells Linda she spoiled everything. He stabs her and cuts her throat. Written by GusF

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Knots Landing

Knots Landing


Knots Landing

IMDb: 0
60 min

Pierce is interested in Tidal Energy, and meets with Gary and Joseph. Greg finds out Paige showed Gary's proposal to Pierce, and fires her. She decides to work at Tidal Energy too. Greg meets with Joseph about funding him, but he says he won't sell Gary out. Joseph asks Kate to lunch. Paige is embarrassed by Anne's nude layout. Val tells Lynette she will teach her to read. On Open Mike, Karen's viewers laud her as a vigilante hero. Upset, she says she isn't a hero - she met violence with violence, and someone died. Linda tells Brian's wife where he is for $50,000. Brian follows her and surprises her at her condo. He's furious and tells Linda she spoiled everything. He stabs her and cuts her throat. Written by GusF

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Knots Landing

Knots Landing


Knots Landing

IMDb: 0

Brian tells Linda that his wife sent a detective after him and he killed the detective. He needs Linda to pose as his wife to get gold coins out of his gym locker. She does and he gives her the tape. Then Linda goes to his wife and tells her she knows where Brian is. Anne decides to pose nude for a fashion magazine. Gary and Joseph go to Greg to back their new company. Greg doesn't want to work with Gary again, but Paige is interested. Kate moves to a new apartment and won't talk to Claudia. The D.A. wants Karen to plead guilty for reckless endangerment, but Mack advises her not to do it. Val meets a waitress, Lynette, from Mule Shoe, Texas where Lillimae grew up. Paige and Pierce spend romantic time together and he tells her he loves her. Written by GusF

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Knots Landing

Knots Landing


Knots Landing

IMDb: 0

Brian tells Linda that his wife sent a detective after him and he killed the detective. He needs Linda to pose as his wife to get gold coins out of his gym locker. She does and he gives her the tape. Then Linda goes to his wife and tells her she knows where Brian is. Anne decides to pose nude for a fashion magazine. Gary and Joseph go to Greg to back their new company. Greg doesn't want to work with Gary again, but Paige is interested. Kate moves to a new apartment and won't talk to Claudia. The D.A. wants Karen to plead guilty for reckless endangerment, but Mack advises her not to do it. Val meets a waitress, Lynette, from Mule Shoe, Texas where Lillimae grew up. Paige and Pierce spend romantic time together and he tells her he loves her. Written by GusF

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Knots Landing

Knots Landing


Knots Landing

IMDb: 0
60 min

Kate blames Claudia for setting Steve up. Ann runs into Benny Appleman, who owes her money. He lets her stay with him, and they try to think up some scams. Linda secretly meets with Brian Johnston. Gary meets Joseph Barringer, a professor who is experimenting with how to capture ocean waves to make energy. Gary is excited by the idea, and wants to back him. While in Toronto for business, Paige meets Pierce Lawton, and is smitten. She waits by the phone for him to call, but he shows up at her apartment. Jason, in the hospital, tells Karen the other teens were the gang members who stabbed their friend. Karen tells one of the boy's mothers off, and then he dies. People make Karen into a hero for standing up to gang violence. Written by GusF

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Knots Landing

Knots Landing


Knots Landing

IMDb: 0
60 min

Kate blames Claudia for setting Steve up. Ann runs into Benny Appleman, who owes her money. He lets her stay with him, and they try to think up some scams. Linda secretly meets with Brian Johnston. Gary meets Joseph Barringer, a professor who is experimenting with how to capture ocean waves to make energy. Gary is excited by the idea, and wants to back him. While in Toronto for business, Paige meets Pierce Lawton, and is smitten. She waits by the phone for him to call, but he shows up at her apartment. Jason, in the hospital, tells Karen the other teens were the gang members who stabbed their friend. Karen tells one of the boy's mothers off, and then he dies. People make Karen into a hero for standing up to gang violence. Written by GusF

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Knots Landing

Knots Landing


Knots Landing

IMDb: 0

Greg tells Steve that he's not entitled to Galveston's money, but gives him $250,000 and says he can either save his logging town or go to the Bahamas. Kate finds out that Claudia lied about her scholarship, and decides to move in with Steve. Julie and Jason go to a party, where a gang stabs their friend Paul. Frank forbids Julie from dating Jason anymore. Brian comes on to Paige and she sees he has a video camera running. She punches him and leaves. Brian then goes to Linda, who agrees as long as she can keep the tape. The next day Brian is missing and so is Linda's tape. Michael buys a van and tells Karen he is leaving to travel the country. Anne's landlord kicks her out. She leaves several messages for Paige that she is desperate, but Paige ignores them. Anne stays overnight at a coffee shop drinking coffee. Written by GusF

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Knots Landing

Knots Landing


Knots Landing

IMDb: 0

Greg tells Steve that he's not entitled to Galveston's money, but gives him $250,000 and says he can either save his logging town or go to the Bahamas. Kate finds out that Claudia lied about her scholarship, and decides to move in with Steve. Julie and Jason go to a party, where a gang stabs their friend Paul. Frank forbids Julie from dating Jason anymore. Brian comes on to Paige and she sees he has a video camera running. She punches him and leaves. Brian then goes to Linda, who agrees as long as she can keep the tape. The next day Brian is missing and so is Linda's tape. Michael buys a van and tells Karen he is leaving to travel the country. Anne's landlord kicks her out. She leaves several messages for Paige that she is desperate, but Paige ignores them. Anne stays overnight at a coffee shop drinking coffee. Written by GusF

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Knots Landing

Knots Landing


Knots Landing

IMDb: 0

Paige tells Steve their kiss meant nothing. Greg assigns Paige to be head of Sumner Plaza and introduces her to Brian, the architect. He asks Paige to dinner and they kiss. Brian and Linda already know one another and sleep together. Linda moves to the ranch, where Greg tries to get her to play croquet. Gary, feeling bad that he broke Kate's arm, offers her a job at the ranch. Claudia's upset as she wanted Kate to work at the Sumner Group. Frank passes the bar and starts a new job at a fancy legal firm. He's mad when he finds Julie and Jason kissing. Anne and Nick steal a valuable piece of art from the Sumner collection. Anne wakes up to find that Nick has left her and taken the statue with him. Anne demands Claudia give her money or she will tell all. Claudia calls Greg and Steve into her office and tells them that Galveston is Steve's father. Written by GusF

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Knots Landing

Knots Landing


Knots Landing

IMDb: 0

Paige tells Steve their kiss meant nothing. Greg assigns Paige to be head of Sumner Plaza and introduces her to Brian, the architect. He asks Paige to dinner and they kiss. Brian and Linda already know one another and sleep together. Linda moves to the ranch, where Greg tries to get her to play croquet. Gary, feeling bad that he broke Kate's arm, offers her a job at the ranch. Claudia's upset as she wanted Kate to work at the Sumner Group. Frank passes the bar and starts a new job at a fancy legal firm. He's mad when he finds Julie and Jason kissing. Anne and Nick steal a valuable piece of art from the Sumner collection. Anne wakes up to find that Nick has left her and taken the statue with him. Anne demands Claudia give her money or she will tell all. Claudia calls Greg and Steve into her office and tells them that Galveston is Steve's father. Written by GusF

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Knots Landing

Knots Landing


Knots Landing

IMDb: 0
60 min

Anne proposes a charity for Claudia's group to fund - but it's really to fund her and Nick. Claudia knows, and tries to delay. Michael decides to quit Sumner Group. There's a fire in the Sumner Building, and all the exits are sealed off. Most of the people for Val and Gary's rehearsal dinner are stuck there until it's evacuated. Greg and Linda use the time constructively, and he invites her to move in with him at the ranch. Steve apologizes to Paige and kisses her. Babysitting all the kids, Julie and Jason kiss. Waiting outside of the Sumner Building, Val and Gary decide their rehearsal dinners are jinxed. They have a very tender moment, and Gary even cries. They decide to marry that night. They go to a judge and giggle throughout the ceremony. Written by GusF

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Knots Landing

Knots Landing


Knots Landing

IMDb: 0
60 min

Anne proposes a charity for Claudia's group to fund - but it's really to fund her and Nick. Claudia knows, and tries to delay. Michael decides to quit Sumner Group. There's a fire in the Sumner Building, and all the exits are sealed off. Most of the people for Val and Gary's rehearsal dinner are stuck there until it's evacuated. Greg and Linda use the time constructively, and he invites her to move in with him at the ranch. Steve apologizes to Paige and kisses her. Babysitting all the kids, Julie and Jason kiss. Waiting outside of the Sumner Building, Val and Gary decide their rehearsal dinners are jinxed. They have a very tender moment, and Gary even cries. They decide to marry that night. They go to a judge and giggle throughout the ceremony. Written by GusF

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Knots Landing

Knots Landing


Knots Landing

IMDb: 0

Linda's mother Doris is in town, so Linda misses her meeting with Mrs. Richfield to meet her at the airport. Doris is really bitchy to Linda, and decides to fly home rather than stay with her. Greg takes both Paige and Linda off the Richfield account. Paige and Linda continue to argue and insult one another. Val is cured, and Gary suggests they get remarried. Karen throws a barbecue, and while playing with the twin, Gary bumps into Kate, breaking her arm. Claudia appoints Anne to the board of the Foundation, so Greg knows Anne has something on her. Anne tries to get a copy of Paul Galveston's will and tells Nick that Steve is worth a fortune because he is Galveston's son and Greg's brother. Written by GusF

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Knots Landing

Knots Landing


Knots Landing

IMDb: 0

Linda's mother Doris is in town, so Linda misses her meeting with Mrs. Richfield to meet her at the airport. Doris is really bitchy to Linda, and decides to fly home rather than stay with her. Greg takes both Paige and Linda off the Richfield account. Paige and Linda continue to argue and insult one another. Val is cured, and Gary suggests they get remarried. Karen throws a barbecue, and while playing with the twin, Gary bumps into Kate, breaking her arm. Claudia appoints Anne to the board of the Foundation, so Greg knows Anne has something on her. Anne tries to get a copy of Paul Galveston's will and tells Nick that Steve is worth a fortune because he is Galveston's son and Greg's brother. Written by GusF

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Knots Landing

Knots Landing


Knots Landing

IMDb: 0

Doctors discover that Val has a rare virus that is causing her strange behavior, but it's curable. Greg offers Claudia a job as head of his foundation. Mrs. Richfield wants Linda to work on her account with Paige. Paige places a sexy ad on a phone date line and gives Linda's phone number. Steve tells Kate his parents were forced out of their logging business by a big logging company, and his father was killed, and his mother died six months later. He said he got drunk and beat up the company representative, and that's why he was in jail. Steve finds out Greg owns the logging company. Jason's paper on an American hero has won a regional contest, and the final prize is a year abroad in Sweden. Jason doesn't want to read the paper, because it's about his father. At the ceremony, Jason changes his essay to be about Mack. Written by GusF

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Knots Landing

Knots Landing


Knots Landing

IMDb: 0

Doctors discover that Val has a rare virus that is causing her strange behavior, but it's curable. Greg offers Claudia a job as head of his foundation. Mrs. Richfield wants Linda to work on her account with Paige. Paige places a sexy ad on a phone date line and gives Linda's phone number. Steve tells Kate his parents were forced out of their logging business by a big logging company, and his father was killed, and his mother died six months later. He said he got drunk and beat up the company representative, and that's why he was in jail. Steve finds out Greg owns the logging company. Jason's paper on an American hero has won a regional contest, and the final prize is a year abroad in Sweden. Jason doesn't want to read the paper, because it's about his father. At the ceremony, Jason changes his essay to be about Mack. Written by GusF

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Knots Landing

Knots Landing


Knots Landing

IMDb: 0

Jason is to have a goodbye dinner with his dad, but his father doesn't show up. Finding out their money is counterfeit, Anne and Nick decide to get real jobs, but both are inept and are fired on their first day. Anne decides to blackmail Claudia because she knows who Steve's father is. Kate is shocked to learn Steve was in prison. Kate asks Greg to hire Steve. Mort assigns Steve to be Paige's assistant. She's furious, and has hated him ever since he dinged her car. Greg and Steve meet and immediately argue, but Greg likes him. Paige and Steve get stuck in an elevator for several hours and they argue. When they're finally freed, Paige goes into Greg's office, only to find him with Linda. Written by GusF

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Knots Landing

Knots Landing


Knots Landing

IMDb: 0

Jason is to have a goodbye dinner with his dad, but his father doesn't show up. Finding out their money is counterfeit, Anne and Nick decide to get real jobs, but both are inept and are fired on their first day. Anne decides to blackmail Claudia because she knows who Steve's father is. Kate is shocked to learn Steve was in prison. Kate asks Greg to hire Steve. Mort assigns Steve to be Paige's assistant. She's furious, and has hated him ever since he dinged her car. Greg and Steve meet and immediately argue, but Greg likes him. Paige and Steve get stuck in an elevator for several hours and they argue. When they're finally freed, Paige goes into Greg's office, only to find him with Linda. Written by GusF

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Knots Landing

Knots Landing


Knots Landing

IMDb: 0

Val decides to go back to the hospital for further testing. Anne and Nick finally locate the capsule, and it has a microfiche map in it. Two different parties want it, so they make a copy and sell it to both, for a total of $550,000. They rent Tom's apartment. Charlotte tells Frank she doesn't want a serious relationship with him, so he goes on a series of disastrous dates. Claudia makes up a story about who Steve's father is, but he doesn't buy it. Linda jumps the gun on a project of Paige's, and Greg reams her out but she decides to still sleep with him. Mack finds out he will be disbarred for hiding Jason. Jason moves into the MacKenzies, and tries to be really perfect and helpful. Mack tells him to just relax and be himself. Written by GusF

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Knots Landing

Knots Landing


Knots Landing

IMDb: 0

Val decides to go back to the hospital for further testing. Anne and Nick finally locate the capsule, and it has a microfiche map in it. Two different parties want it, so they make a copy and sell it to both, for a total of $550,000. They rent Tom's apartment. Charlotte tells Frank she doesn't want a serious relationship with him, so he goes on a series of disastrous dates. Claudia makes up a story about who Steve's father is, but he doesn't buy it. Linda jumps the gun on a project of Paige's, and Greg reams her out but she decides to still sleep with him. Mack finds out he will be disbarred for hiding Jason. Jason moves into the MacKenzies, and tries to be really perfect and helpful. Mack tells him to just relax and be himself. Written by GusF

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Knots Landing

Knots Landing


Knots Landing

IMDb: 0

Jason is unconscious in the hospital, and his dad is put in jail. Mack stays with him. Linda sleeps with Greg and breaks off her engagement to Michael. Claudia refuses to tell Steve or Kate who Steve's father is. Anne and Nick try to find out if the doll is worth something or if something's hidden in it. The dog rips the doll apart. Val comes by and yells at Anne to stay away from Gary. Seeing the dog, she takes it. Then a man breaks in and demands a vial that was hidden in the doll. Paige comes in with security to kick Anne and Nick out, and the man is arrested. Anne and Nick determine that the dog ate the vial, so they break into Gary's barn, but all the puppies look alike. Written by GusF

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Knots Landing

Knots Landing


Knots Landing

IMDb: 0

Jason is unconscious in the hospital, and his dad is put in jail. Mack stays with him. Linda sleeps with Greg and breaks off her engagement to Michael. Claudia refuses to tell Steve or Kate who Steve's father is. Anne and Nick try to find out if the doll is worth something or if something's hidden in it. The dog rips the doll apart. Val comes by and yells at Anne to stay away from Gary. Seeing the dog, she takes it. Then a man breaks in and demands a vial that was hidden in the doll. Paige comes in with security to kick Anne and Nick out, and the man is arrested. Anne and Nick determine that the dog ate the vial, so they break into Gary's barn, but all the puppies look alike. Written by GusF

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Knots Landing

Knots Landing


Knots Landing

IMDb: 0

Mack is out of jail, and Jason's returned to his father, who promises to be nice but continues to be as abusive as ever. Jason leaves and his dad follows. Nick tells Anne he was traveling with a rich woman named Betty, and she was supposed to pick something up from her relatives. Anne pretends to be Betty, and the relatives give her a doll. Kate learns Steve is her brother. Linda blows off Michael to flirt with Greg. Val overhears Gary trying to have her committed, and leaves. Written by GusF

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Knots Landing

Knots Landing


Knots Landing

IMDb: 0

Mack is out of jail, and Jason's returned to his father, who promises to be nice but continues to be as abusive as ever. Jason leaves and his dad follows. Nick tells Anne he was traveling with a rich woman named Betty, and she was supposed to pick something up from her relatives. Anne pretends to be Betty, and the relatives give her a doll. Kate learns Steve is her brother. Linda blows off Michael to flirt with Greg. Val overhears Gary trying to have her committed, and leaves. Written by GusF

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Knots Landing

Knots Landing


Knots Landing

IMDb: 0

Claudia tells Paige about Anne's fake marriage to get her trust fund. Anne goes to the ranch to get a puppy, and is bored when Gary goes on and on about Val. Paige kicks Anne out. Nick finds Anne. He calls her Betty, and tells her to call him Dimitri. Steve tells Claudia he is her son and wants to know why she gave him away. She throws him out. Mack is jailed for hiding Jason, so Gary agrees to help. Val comes home as Gary is there to get Jason, and thinks Gary is hiding a woman there. Val questions the twins, who tell her about Anne. Jason's uncles go to the MacKenzies where Paige is babysitting. They demand to know where Jason is. One uncle punches Paige, so Jason runs out of Val's to help her. His uncles force Jason into their truck and speed off. Written by GusF

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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