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HD The L Word

The L Word


The L Word

IMDb: 8.0
53 min

Alice becomes more neurotic after her mother tells her about a 'tender moment' with Shane at a party the night before. Tim finally finds out about Jenny and Marina when he catches both of them 'in the act.' In a desperate attempt to hold onto him, Jenny tries making up with Tim where he tells her to put their love to the ultimate test by traveling to Lake Tahoe and marring in haste. Meanwhile, Dana is invited to a Subaru dinner party that wants to sponsor her tennis career. But she ends up hurting Lara when Dana takes Harrison, her (male) doubles tennis partner instead. Bette and Tina have dinner with Bette's conservative father where they announce Tina's pregnancy. But Melvin Porter's negative reaction dismays both of them. Hurt that he avoided her, Kit offers Bette a little comfort and then confronts Mr. Porter to accept Bette's lifestyle even if he will always disapproves. Also, Shane runs into Clive, an old friend whom is the personal assistant to Harry Sandchuk, a Hollywood ... Written by Anonymous

Country: Canada | USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD The L Word

The L Word


The L Word

IMDb: 7.7
49 min

Bette greets Tina's pregnancy with apparent delight despite her work problems with the gallery in trying to keep her job. Jenny's continuing lustful relationship with Marina endangers her life with Tim when she visits her old college professor, Nick Barashkov, whom she confides about her involvement with Marina, while Tim thinks Jenny's cheating on him with Nick. Dana's insecurity about her romantic involvement with Lara continues. Also, Alice has mother problems when her irresponsible and pompous actress mother, Lenora, is evicted from her hotel suite and asks to stay with her while she fibs a little about her sagging acting career. Written by Anonymous

Country: Canada | USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD The L Word

The L Word


The L Word

IMDb: 7.6
49 min

Bette engages in a battle of wills with the board of directors whom oppose a new set of artwork called 'Provocations' at the California Art Center, and she takes a desperate step by traveling to Santa Barbara to see Peggy Peabody, an eccentric and notorious art collector, to ask for help in funding for setting up the event. Meanwhile, Jenny struggles with her feelings for Marina and finds herself unable to resist the temptation. Alice tries to regain her self-respect by going out with Gabby, but learns that Gabby has not changed her selfish ways. Dana finally asks Lara out on a date. Also, Shane finally makes amends to her stalker Lacey. Written by Anonymous

Country: Canada | USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD The L Word

The L Word


The L Word

IMDb: 8.1
46 min

Bette and Tina wait eagerly to see if Tina will get pregnant via artificial insemination. Dana becomes interested in a woman, named Lara Perkins, who works as the chef at the tennis club she is practicing at. Unable to know if Lara is gay or straight, all of Dana's friend go to the club's restaurant to try out a series of amusing 'tests' to see if Lara 'is or isn't'. Meanwhile, Tim, unaware of her encounter with Jenny, invites Marina to a dinner party at his house which stirs up tension between both women. Bette notices the air of tension and in an angry tone, tells Marina to stay away from Jenny. Kit tries to make amends meet to Bette. While doing research at a women's clinic for a news story, Alice meets a former flame, named Gabby, and considers rekindling the flame despite protests from her friends about the way Gabby treated her in the past. Also, Shane continues to be harassed by Lacey who tries to destroy Shane's reputation. Written by Anonymous

Country: Canada | USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Saving Hope

Saving Hope


Saving Hope

IMDb: 8.2
43 min

The relationship between Alex and Joel is tested by a marathon surgery session involving an injured race-car driver. Meanwhile, Charlie has an eventful day off and a hospital frequent flyer keeps a number of doctors hopping.

Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD This Life

This Life


This Life

IMDb: 0
44 min

At Janine's funeral, which takes place five days after Natalie's surgery to repair her ruptured intestine, there is a late arrival in the form of Caleb, who finally gets the messages left for him regarding the goings-on in the family, including what happened to his mother. Caleb comes with unexpected baggage. Janine's death marks a turning point for many in the family. Oliver, who has been the lost one in the family of late, knows that he has to be there for his father, and makes a decision concerning his new relationship with JD in light of all that is going on, including his continued financial issues. Maggie has to decide what to do about her fake marriage to Raza in light of the fact that she is in love with him while he doesn't return her affections in that way. Matthew is blindsided by a declaration by Nicole despite the resumption of their sexual relationship. Matthew also receives some news from Béatrice which adds an extra layer of complexity with regard to his two families... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Drama,
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HD This Life

This Life


This Life

IMDb: 0
44 min

Among the goings-on in the Lawson family are that: Oliver, having gone back on his medication, has moved back in with his parents; Natalie has decided secretly to disregard the Board decision and increase her dosage of the trial drug in knowing that it is the only chance she has to beat the cancer despite the other risks; Maggie and Raza have to figure out how to deal with Maggie's admission that she is in love with him - the first time she has ever been in love - while he doesn't return those feelings; and Caleb has left town without telling his mother where, he being out of communication. These issues need to take a temporary back seat within the family as an unexpected tragedy strikes, that tragedy which affects each family member in a different way, but which largely brings the family back together despite what Maggie had openly mentioned as the family dysfunction. But the tragedy in and of itself can't stop real life from continuing to happen. Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Drama,
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HD This Life

This Life


This Life

IMDb: 0
44 min

Based on Matthew's new semi-professional assessment, he, Natalie and Maggie confront Oliver again following the fire at his loft, they knowing that they have to take a different approach than what was their initial intervention with him. They also know that something has to change, if only in Oliver having a stable environment in which to live. Oliver's response somewhat surprises them. They also know that they have to inform their parents following Oliver divulging some information as their father is a directly affected party in the proceedings. Meanwhile, Natalie receives some good news/bad news regarding her health. While she awaits the official ruling by the Board of the drug trial on how Natalie should proceed, Natalie prepares herself emotionally for whatever the decision and what she will do regardless. Based on a situation with Raza and a realization of feelings unfamiliar to her, Maggie decides her best course of action in dealing with Raza is to retreat, that is until she ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Drama,
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HD This Life

This Life


This Life

IMDb: 0
44 min

Natalie, as she has always done, offers Romy a dinner out for her success, this time finishing summer school - effectively graduating - although Natalie is unaware that Romy, despite graduating, has basically skipped school all summer in favor of eking out a life with Big Mike's group in computer and graphics. What Romy requests as that dinner surprises Natalie. Natalie has also not divulged to her children that she and their father have reconciled of sorts, let alone that they had a sexual encounter. Natalie may get a jolt in letting David back into her and the children's lives as Kate, David's wife, is in Montréal as they try to figure out their marriage in light of David's want to move back to Montréal. As such, David gets caught in a conundrum in prioritizing between his old family and his current family. With Natalie's other kids, Caleb is feeling the financial pinch of basically doing nothing in his life besides hanging out with his friends and smoking weed. And Emma tries to do... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Drama,
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HD This Life

This Life


This Life

IMDb: 0
44 min

Natalie is cautiously optimistic about the news that her cancer is in partial remission. The avid readers of her column, to who she has not divulged the news, are also anxiously waiting to hear about the results of her scan, she just trying to find the right words before she writes that column. Maggie has told both Matthew and Natalie of her concerns regarding Oliver, who they believe is spending what little and borrowed money he has on drugs. They will at least get a first hand look into Oliver's daily life when they go to his apartment for the first time to conduct an intervention. While defensive Oliver is not totally forthright about what is going on in his life, he is able to deflect the attention away from himself to everyone in the family, each who get an account of what the others truly think about their three siblings. The issue for Natalie is her impenetrable shell, she who turns to an unexpected person for emotional comfort. The issue for Maggie is her flakiness, her ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Drama,
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HD This Life

This Life


This Life

IMDb: 0
44 min

Natalie will learn the results of her latest scan - the first scan done since she started the drug trial - at the end of the working day, the results which could provide some clue as to her prognosis. As such, she is a bit anxious as she tries to take her mind off the appointment. Of her two offspring that know about the appointment, she has told Emma and Romy that they need not accompany her. Emma has to work anyway, and Romy is still secretly trying to eke out an independent life if and when her mother passes. Beyond the bittersweet task of returning Jude to his rightful owner, Natalie, in mapping out her day, has decided to help Matthew in the move to his new apartment, and in a separate visit talk to Nicole about an issue in light of her and Matthew's separation. But it's an unexpected stop in her travels for the day that may bring the issue of the scan home for her. Meanwhile, Maggie confides in Raza her concern about Oliver, that concern based on what she saw of his apartment. ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Drama,
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HD This Life

This Life


This Life

IMDb: 0
44 min

It's the day after what was Abby's first communion party, it a disaster in that many people were not talking to many other people because of their issues with each other, and when there was talk, especially between Matthew and Nicole, there was open hostility. Matthew tries one last attempt at convincing Nicole to reconcile, and if that doesn't work, he has to attempt a Hail Mary to achieve that goal while keeping to his promise to Béatrice to be a true father to Julian. It's also the day of Natalie and David's hearing, where Natalie is attempting to revoke David's parental rights, most specifically with regard to custody of the girls if and when she passes away. Natalie and her lawyer's primary strategy is to have Caleb testify as to how his father's abandonment affected his formative growing up period. Natalie may come up against some issues with regard to the proceedings. Now that Oliver has told her that she can't live with him, Romy may look for alternatives in her life opposed ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Drama,
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HD This Life

This Life


This Life

IMDb: 0
44 min

It's the day after Maggie's housewarming and Natalie's special day out with Tia. Natalie is not feeling well to the point of being incapacitated, she and Dr. Basra believing the symptoms side effects of the trial drug. On Dr. Basra's orders, Natalie, who does not want her parents involved, calls in her siblings for support, which may be difficult for Matthew and Maggie, who still are not talking to each other. Natalie doesn't want to burden her children, each who is going through his or her own issue. The one offspring of who she does request something is Caleb, which is to provide testimony against David in any legal proceedings involving Emma and Romy's custody if and when she dies, David who has been trying to negotiate with Natalie without lawyers without she even taking his calls. Caleb also decides to act the head of the house by tackling the broken refrigerator on his own without professional assistance. Emma is preoccupied with the one job for which she has an interview today,... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Drama,
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HD This Life

This Life


This Life

IMDb: 0
44 min

It's the day of Maggie's housewarming party, to which she's invited the entire family minus Matthew, the two who still are not speaking to each other. Despite Maggie having moved frequently in her life, she has ulterior motives for holding this party, which the guests will discover, her family members who may or may not tell her to her face what they think about her decision based on that motive. Prior to the party, Natalie, believing that her dizzy spells are signs that she is actually taking the experimental drug in the blind drug trial, wants to have what she considers a perfect day - a normal day doing something special - which means spending time with her kids. As they are all busy - most just wanting to avoid issues they are hiding from her - Natalie instead turns to Tia, her new friend from the support group, who may have a different view of what a perfect day constitutes. The offspring who truly does have a planned morning is Emma, who has probably decided to accept her ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Drama,
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HD This Life

This Life


This Life

IMDb: 0
44 min

It's the summer. Caleb, who is supposedly taking classes toward his architecture degree, has told no one in his family that he has dropped out, wanting to do something else with his life. Natalie wants Emma to get her first ever summer job so that she can feel comfortable that Emma will have some sense of responsibility after she's gone, something that Emma does not understand in her want to have yet another fun, relaxing, work-free summer. And Romy is in summer school. Natalie has entered the drug trial, which she is writing about in her column. Beyond the positive feedback she has been receiving about those recent columns, Natalie will discover there are negative consequences to her writing about it. In general, Natalie is feeling good health-wise, which is a double-edged sword in that she has not felt any of the trial drug's known side effects, which in her mind probably means that she is in the control group taking placebos. Romy takes it upon herself to find out as much as she ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Drama,
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HD Psych




IMDb: 8.6
60 min

When a woman is found dead with a bottle of pills that are lab trial samples, Lassiter and Gus, who are taking the same tap class, team up to dance their way to catching a murderer.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Crime, Mystery,
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HD Dark Angel

Dark Angel


Dark Angel

IMDb: 6.9
87 min

12 genetically enhanced childern escape from a military base that created them. 10 years later, after The Pulse, a magnetic bomb that destroyed every computer in USA, has struck, Max Guevara, one of the 12 escapees, is a bike messenger in (what's left of) Seattle and with cyberjournalist, Logan Cale, she tries to rid the world of crime and corruption, avoid her creators and uncover her past. Written by Lisa Zhong

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation


CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

IMDb: 6.5
60 min

Amidst budget cuts, Nick is off at his own expense to become the team's new entomology expert. Meanwhile Langston leads the investigation concerning the murder of Huston Dobbs, an unskilled construction laborer who came into possession of chips from a legendary 1980s casino. His work buddy Bruno Curtis is missing. Huston met with dodgy collector items dealer Eli Schindler. Meesly suburban diner manager Barbie Aubrey and her cook Walter Ellis also may have known about the chips. More crime follows. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation


CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

IMDb: 8.2
60 min

None of the members of the local motor-bikers gang, which is involved in drug trade competing with the Righteous Dogs, admits knowing anything about the murder of one of them, Joe Niagra, found in a puddled of blood from several of them, with many blows from shortly before the fatal stabbing with his own knife. Niagra was the cover name of police detective Jack Nettles, whose gang girl Tonya Charles is also undercover. However his widow Rita, who had an affair with Brass without either realizing the other's police connection, says she lost Jack to the lure of the gang months ago. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation


CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

IMDb: 8.3
60 min

Dr. Robbins determines that a number of unsolved deaths are actually from rabies, and that they are connected to a tattoo parlor and a former medical examiner from Reno who runs it.

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HD CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation


CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

IMDb: 8.7
60 min

After 18 years in jail, Jeremy Kent obtains a retrial for the brutal murder of lonely old Thomas Harrott during a robberies spree. It was Catherine's first unsupervised case and far from up to since much stricter evidence rules. While she and captain Brass just race to uphold the conviction, Nicks spearheads the unbiased search for the truth. After the murder weapon, a hammer, is finally found, and the emergency services' recording expertly analyzed, the plot proves more complicated then anyone anticipated, with major consequences for more people then Kent. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation


CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

IMDb: 7.4
43 min

Producer, actor and script writer Jonathan Danson is beaten to death at the SciFi convention where he presented a daringly 'realistic' remake of a highlighted cult series. Hodges and Wendy are on site, discovering to be both Questers (fans), which also kindles romantic space hero phantasms and clumsy dating attempts. Nick can use their expertise while investigating other fans who openly opposed the 'sacrilige' and academic SciFi mythology researcher Dr. Penelope Russell, who lies about her rapport with Danson. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation


CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

IMDb: 6.9
60 min

Belgian tourist Pierre Delongue nearly died in his umpteenth sky dive, his equipment wasn't up to scratch, yet his team and its instructor are reputed for scrutiny. Nick's team works out what everybody is hiding and what happened. Langston's team is puzzled by the fate of a cult leader's corpse, found abandoned in the desert. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation


CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

IMDb: 5.7
60 min

Langston is shocked to confront the corpse of Sylvia Mallick, his former criminology student, whom he promised continued support for her grad assistant thesis on serial killers and the hunt for them. Even her house mate, barman, Dan Forrester, was kept in the dark about her research on escaped killers. The team tracks it to the Mexican 'lutta libre' free-style wrestling circus, and especially the extra crazy voodoo practice there. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation


CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

IMDb: 8.1
55 min

A young boy was killed by a stray bullet during a gang shooting in a respectable suburb. Raid target was the Hatcher home, from where son Reggie and his cousin, neighboring honors student Frankie, are missing. The team soon works out they dealt in drugs on a gang's territory. The teenage cousins are found by Langston and Adams, who get taken hostage but can ward off and inform Greg by secret message. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation


CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

IMDb: 9.0
44 min

Nick forgets about his 'CSI birthday party' when he hears of the murder of Haley, the daughter (16) of dodgy outskirts motel owners Mark and Nicole Jones. Nick was there months earlier for other cases, including two men at floor and attic level of the same room. But the link is with the murder of Bree Lindale, whose complex relationships with the Jones and the local hockey team, especially attorney Gavin Fenish's drug-dealing son Zach, was not unraveled timely. Nor were the Jones's family secrets, connecting them to ex-con Frank Carrow's ex Tanya, who apparently committed suicide in the motel. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation


CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

IMDb: 6.8
55 min

Art dealer Carsten's skull-smashed corpse floats in the pool of his rented luxury villa after a party where a vase was smashed and a client, buyer for a casino museum, stormed out. The find finds the vase, which his cat Gareth bizarrely licked, was a fake for a piece stolen form an Iraqi museum. Hollywood actor Mickey Ross is arrested after his print is found in blood on the shell of Gareth, the pet tortoise he gave his murdered wife, who committed adultery with sleazy producer Tripp Linson. Finally a man's corpse is found crushed under his steering wheel, and the dog around is again called Gareth. Gradually the team works out, mainly from identification, that the identical pet name is neither coincidence nor the most remarkable link between the three murders and several related crimes and private dramas. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation


CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

IMDb: 7.2
55 min

A Congressman is on trial for murdering his mistress by shooting her. Langston is testifying for the prosecution which has some pretty solid evidence. In the middle of the trial, however, the Congressman's Chief of Staff commits suicide outside the courtroom with the gun that killed the mistress. In his suicide note, he claims responsibility for the murder, although the evidence show reason to doubt that. Written by J. Rieper

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation


CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

IMDb: 7.0
55 min

Real estate agent Scott Tucker is found drunk as a skunk at home, while his wife Melinda died, handcuffed to the bed, from ingested tooth paste. Their business and marriage were going down the drain. Chicken fast-food joint owner Robert 'Bob' Graham is found dead inside, asphyxiated in hot oil after a non-fatal blow on the head. Suspect fingerprints don't point to any employee, but things tie together after indications for a second murder, the corpse from which was removed in an oil drum, are followed to reveal several at first sight irrelevant plots. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation


CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

IMDb: 6.8
44 min

The lab tries to unravel a complicated case involving fake FBI agents, an ultimate fighter, and a possible human trafficking ring.

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HD CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation


CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

IMDb: 8.0
44 min

Gentle Nick sees everyone sort of eases into the reshuffle after Grissom's departure, even 'recruit' Raymond Langston, who has method and brains but lacks any experience. An explosion unexpectedly calls them away across town from a robbery scene to a murder. A traceable stolen laptop opens the dysfunctional Palento family's tragic can of criminal worms. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation


CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

IMDb: 9.2
44 min

Grissom takes his leave from a mostly grateful team and finds his successor by hiring criminology professor Langston, initially as consultant in the serial killer Nate Haskell and copy cat case, their last viz. first. Nate won't cooperate, but analyzing his eye-contact with students helps identify his cahoot and fancy forensics plus victim disposal routes analysis help track down the torture layer he 'inherited' from the original killer. Written by KGF Vissers

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