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IMDb: 7.8

A former corporal in the US Marine Corps, while speaking at a middle school, claims to have received a Silver Star for his actions in Panama in 1989; however, he then faces an accusation of both lying and the unauthorized wearing of an award. The SecNav recalls him to active duty and refers the matter to a court-martial; Harm prosecutes, and Mac defends. While Bud babysits in his office with a venomous Asian snake, it disappears; later Sturgis finds it. After Mac's recent experience with Sadik, she has difficulty in interacting with others; the admiral sends her to Bethesda to see a shrink. Mac makes a significant statement to Webb, but he misses the point. Harm and Mattie continue to have ups and downs. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.4

A battery explodes in Harm's face and deafens him; during his recovery he spends more time with Mattie. Secondarily to the Maravalis case, Mac and Bud become concerned with a disappearance of synthetic diamonds and the tortured death of a CIA agent; they later find some of the stones. Mac again becomes involved with Sadik (a terrorist who trades in weapons, and with whom she, along with Harm and Webb, dealt in Paraguay); after he starts stalking her, she eventually goes to a night club, meets him, goes with him to his pad, enables the Metro Police Department to avert an explosion at the night club, then, as a Marine, engages Sadik in hand-to-hand combat and shoots and kills him. Bud continues to try to talk with Mike. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.6

A woman Navy ensign has died, and a seaman stands accused of both murder and attempted rape; Harm prosecutes, and Mac defends. Mac, the defendant, and his chaplain all are alcoholics in recovery. A guard overhears a supposed confession by the sailor, but Mac figures out what had really happened. A commander in a SEAL training unit stands charged of fraud and larceny; Sturgis prosecutes, and Bud defends; the accused reveals to Bud that he had embezzled the funds with which to buy stolen goods on a Russian black market -- all for the benefit of the Navy and the USA. The admiral takes over the plans for his wedding, and he refuses to return Meredith's calls; PO Coates tries hard to help, but he gives her a snarky and unkind answer. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.4

Just before Christmas bad financial news arrives at Mattie's hangar, then Harm and Mattie run into resistance to the petition for a guardianship. Mattie's father reappears; the hearing becomes an emotional contest; Mac makes a surprise appearance on behalf of Harm; the court takes the matter under submission. Later Mac speaks with Mattie's father, and he agrees to take a course of treatment and to withdraw his objection to Harm's petition. The admiral's first gift for Meredith becomes destroyed, but PO Coates tries hard to make everything work out. Sturgis continues to deal with his own thinking, and he meets a new friend. Chaplain Turner preaches a Christmas sermon, then the gang returns to the HQ to watch a video feed of the USO show in Iraq. Mac takes Mattie to the Vietnam wall, and Mac gives some good news and some bad news. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.1

A standoff takes place at a barn near Yuma, Arizona, in which the lone gunman (with an automatic rifle) has taken one deputy sheriff as a hostage and wounded another; a helo gunship from the nearby Marine Corps Air Station intervenes and heavily strafes the barn; Harm and Mac investigate; Mac prosecutes the pilot, and Harm defends him. Harriet receives a call to meet with a general at the Pentagon, then she gets new duties. Bud investigates a Naval Reserve physician, a recently converted Quaker, who had received his medical education at Navy expense, and who, after his reserve outfit received orders to Iraq, suddenly has asked for not only the status of a conscientious objector but also a separation from military service. Sturgis represents the doctor, and Sturgis's father, a retired Navy chaplain, contributes much insight and wisdom. Justice again prevails. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.2

A submarine of the US Navy rescues 10 North Korean crewmembers from the sinking of their midget submarine in South Korean waters in the Sea of Japan; six of them wish to defect. The admiral sends Sturgis to the boat to lend a hand; he deals with medical questions as well as legal ones after a viral illness breaks out among the survivors. Sturgis runs into trouble with a US Naval intelligence officer of Korean descent. Harm returns to the Navy and the JAG Corps; he stays in touch with Mattie, and he meets an underprivileged WW2-era Navy veteran with a legal problem. Harm helps the veteran, and Mac and the admiral join in doing so. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.8

It has come to light that Cdr. Carolyn Imes had never passed a bar exam. She goes on trial for fraud and conduct unbecoming; Sturgis prosecutes, and Mac and Bud defend. Mac asks Harm for his help in the Imes matter, and she continues her relationship with Webb, who causes the CIA to fire Harm for his involuntary appearance on worldwide TV. Catherine Gale turns up pregnant. The fixed-base operator at Harm's airport has changed hands, and Harm meets Mattie, the 14-year-old daughter of the ostensible new owners. Harm and Mattie find common areas of interest; Mattie hires Harm for crop-dusting. Harm visits Catherine's mother, and he makes an unsuccessful attempt to start a relationship with Catherine. PO Coates works hard to persuade the admiral to take Harm back. The admiral gives an invitation to Harm, and Harm takes Mattie flying and gives her an invitation. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.8

The highest CIA spy in Libya has become uncovered, so the CIA sends in Harm and Beth to pick him up aboard a C-130 Hercules; however, the spy shows up with a large number of his relatives; he demands that they too go, so they take them. However, engine trouble and gunfire raise complications; USS Seahawk, an aircraft carrier, is the only landing site near enough; they land without mishap. Meanwhile a seaman in the Navy has converted to the Islamic faith, and he has become accused of taking part in al-Qaeda activities; the testimony of one witness against him raises legal and moral questions. Sturgis and Bud prosecute, Mac defends, and Sturgis and Mac eventually reach a plea deal. Sturgis continues to wrestle with his feelings about the misconduct case about himself. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.1

One member of a Marine team became separated and lost during a sandstorm in Iraq, leaving behind a classified piece of radio gear; he hiked alone 200 miles into Syria. He now faces a charge of dereliction of duty; in a preliminary hearing Sturgis prosecutes, and Mac defends; in court some difficult questions come up. Harm flies again for the CIA; he and a co-pilot make a training hop aboard an advanced spy aircraft over the Pacific Ocean; en route, however, they become diverted to a real tactical mission over North Korea, and their flight becomes complicated and interesting. Sturgis continues to show much displeasure, especially against Bud. The last words consist of a high-power zinger by Mac against Sturgis. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.2

Webb, Mac, and Harm return from Paraguay to Washington; Webb goes to a hospital, Mac to the office, and Harm to the job market (because the admiral has forwarded Harm's resignation). Personal feelings abound all around. Harm and Mac visit Webb. PO Allison LaPorte, a Navy hospital corpsman, became MiA in the Gulf War 12 years before; however, she suddenly reappears in the garb of a local woman. She has joined a Bedouin nomadic tribe and married its sheik. PO LaPorte is also the daughter of a two-star admiral who is the Deputy Director of Naval Intelligence. Bud investigates in Iraq. The PO faces charges of desertion and aiding the enemy; in a preliminary hearing Bud prosecutes, and Mac defends. The judge refers the matter to a general court-martial. Harm has an interview with the CIA. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.8

A Navy lieutenant ostensibly blows a whistle on an allegedly defective high-tech combat system. Mac helps him to resign and to get out of his remaining active-duty obligation. However, she discovers his sabotage of the system and his theft of the source code, which he then delivers to his new prearranged civilian employer, who gives him a lucrative high-end job in the electronic-gaming industry. Harm and Mac learn more about the lieutenant and his service, and they present him with a major surprise, including another change in his career plan. Meanwhile Harm and Sturgis receive more awards, and Harm by accident meets a little old lady and her shyster. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.0

The 16-year-old daughter of a Marine general dies during surgery. The general demands an explanation, and he does so with zeal and forcefulness. Harm and Mac investigate the circumstances. During a hearing it becomes known that the behavior of the general has improperly influenced the testimony of a witness. That in turn requires the general to face a charge of unlawful command influence. Harm prosecutes, and Mac defends. However, Mac finds the real cause of the death, and justice prevails. Bud becomes frustrated with his duties back in the office until he encounters a challenging and interesting claim for disability. Loren changes her mind, Harm confronts her, and Renee sends an announcement. Bud receives a welcome letter. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.6

Bud and Harriet hold a dinner party on Christmas Eve in their new house for the JAG gang. Everyone encounters delays or difficulties along the way. Harm and RAdm. Boone lose one ride but rescue a lost aircraft (hauling Toys for Tots), a young Marine couple lose a home but gain a lifetime blessing, RAdm. Chegwidden delivers another baby in his office, three visitors from the East present valuable gifts, a new Naval aviator receives his wings, and Bud and Harriet get bad news and then good news from Santa Claus. PO Coates joins for duty and for dinner. The catered dinner comes from an unexpected source, who remains for the party. Everything eventually works out. Bud invokes, God bless us every one, then all agree and exchange, Merry Christmas. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.8

RAdm. Chegwidden diverts Harm to Naples, Italy, on his way back from Seahawk (in the Arabian Sea), and he sends Tracy there also to join him - to find a serial killer who an Interpol officer believes to be aboard a certain US destroyer. Four prostitutes have died in Mediterranean liberty ports under bizarre circumstances. Criminal profiling works well; however, after Harm and Tracy first search unsuccessfully in the obvious direction, then they suddenly by surprise find the offender, who does indeed fit the predicted profile. Tracy fluently converses with an Italian inspector in his own language, and she tells him that her father came from Milan. Meanwhile Sturgis works with Bud, and Harriet tries to work with Loren, who has decided to get an abortion. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.2

A senator asks the new SecNav to obtain a declassification of the story of the loss of a nuclear submarine on a CIA operation in 1968 -- so that the families can finally learn about the loss of their loved ones. The senator is the daughter of the skipper of the boat. The SecNav turns to the JAG, who appoints a quiet and classified court of inquiry. Harm, Mac, and Sturgis serve as counsel to the court. Due to the extremely high classification of the mission, much wrangling takes place between the CIA and the Navy. However, a surprise piece of evidence leads Harm to the explanation of the resistance within the CIA. A satisfactory compromise comes about, the families learn, and Webb gets a new assignment to a nothing job in a nowhere place. Bud and Harriet together reach a high point in his rehab. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.6

A gunnery sergeant in the Marine Corps stands accused of fatally shooting his wife. Mac prosecutes, and Harm defends. The defendant does not fully cooperate with Harm, but Harm eventually figures it out, and justice prevails. Both Bud and his father have difficulty with Bud's condition, but each of them starts to straighten out. Loren prepares for her transfer to her next duty station in the Arabian Sea. Sergei returns to Russia, and Loren gives him a ride to an airport. The President accepts the resignation of the SecNav. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.0

Everyone has returned from the tribunal at sea in the previous episode. Capt. Sebring, a military judge, stands accused of vehicular homicide, allegedly as a result of an instance of road rage. The other driver is a single mother whose baby dies. Mac and Sturgis prosecute, Harm defends, and the admiral appears as a witness. The defendant hurts his case by his behavior in the courtroom due to problems at home with his wife and their son. Harm eventually discovers the real cause of the wreck. Meanwhile Webb continues to pursue a leader among the terrorists of Al Qaeda, and Loren continues to promote trouble between Bud and Harriet, who try hard to sort things out. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.2

While a team of Marines aboard a helicopter gunship has a task to protect a relief convoy during a UN peacekeeping program, the Marine captain in charge exceeds the written rules of engagement by directing the pilot to land and his team to seek to capture the leader of a group of rebel combatants. Six of the Marines then die in an ambush. Sturgis prosecutes the captain for dereliction of duty and negligent homicide. Harm and Bud defend him, who says that he has followed an oral suggestion from his colonel. Harm ruffles the feathers of Bobbi by issuing a subpoena for her and by calling her to the stand. Meanwhile Mac investigates a case of an unlikely high-tech peeping tom. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.0
47 min

Eight years ago a court-martial convicted a Marine corporal, Magida, for espionage and sentenced him to 20 years in prison; the admiral defended him. Magida has escaped, and he now takes the admiral as a hostage in his own office. Magida gets Bud and Sarah also into the admiral's office; he demands that Harm obtain the transcript of his trial, and he complies. At the direction of Magida, a mock trial takes place, retrying the same matter; Mack prosecutes, the admiral defends, and Bud judges. Webb and others add several interesting twists. Eventually the hostage situation becomes resolved, and justice prevails. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.1

During the past 11 months three Navy men lieutenants have died during knife attacks in and around Washington; the most recent body is found in the Arlington National Cemetery. Harm and Meg investigate; their attention turns to the Thai ambassador, his wife, and his chief of security, because the victim gave the wife a ride shortly before he died. The chief gives a confession, but Meg distrusts it, and Harm reaches his own conclusions. Meg and Harm discover the truth. The events lead to Harm's revealing a part of his past as a teenager. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Hell on Wheels

Hell on Wheels


Hell on Wheels

IMDb: 8.4
44 min

A new arrival in Hell on Wheels creates turmoil.

Genre: Drama, Western,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 9.0
23 min

When George's new girlfriend gets mononucleosis, he's told there'll be no sex for at least six weeks. Frustrated, he begins to realize he has interests in science and history. Jerry says the lack of sex has made him smarter as he's now concentrating on his brain. For Elaine however, the lack of sex is having the opposite effect. Jerry is supposed to speak at career day at his old junior high but is continually being bumped first by someone who goes over his time and then by a fire drill. Kramer doesn't like having to go outside the restaurant to smoke and seeing there are many in the same boat, decides to turn his apartment into a smoker's lounge. It all has a serious effect on his looks and turns to lawyer Jackie Chiles to get justice. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.6
23 min

Jerry scores premium tickets to a New Jersey Devils playoff game. He invites Kramer, Puddy, and Elaine along. But Jerry gets weirded out when Puddy shows up at the game and paints his face to match the team colors. Puddy gets so worked up after the game that he freaks out a visiting pastor from El Salvador, who is convinced that Puddy really is the devil. Elaine tries to convince him otherwise. Kramer enjoyed the game so much that he tries to convince Jerry to get more tickets from the guy Jerry got them from. Meanwhile, George decides to tell his girlfriend that he loves her, only to have the plans backfire on him while Kramer battles a chimpanzee at the zoo. Written by halo1k

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 9.0
24 min

When George notices that Elaine's new boyfriend reads the Daily Worker, he asks if he's a Communist. He says he is, which Elaine seems to wear as a badge of honor. Thanks to his friend Mickey, Kramer gets a job as a department store Santa. Things start out okay but veer off after he reads some literature from Elaine's boyfriend. George answers a personal ad in the Daily Worker and soon everyone in the Yankees front office thinks he's a Communist. Jerry meanwhile learns that his new girlfriend's boss is an old high school rival he once beat at a track meet and has accused him of cheating ever since. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.4
23 min

Kramer convinces Jerry to get a free Armani suit from hack comic Kenny Bania. But when Bania decides that he doesn't want anything except for dinner, Jerry has a hard time accepting the suit knowing that there is a far greater catch involved. Things get even worse when, during the dinner, Bania insists that soup doesn't count as a meal. Meanwhile, Elaine has a British friend stay with her for a week. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.8

George dates a woman who has a son. She invites him to her son's birthday party. While at the party, a fire breaks out in the kitchen. George screams FIRE!!! and knocks down the kids and the old lady as he cowardly tries to make his escape. The clown (not Bozo) puts out the fire with his big shoe. Meanwhile, over at Pendant Publishing, Elaine learns that she's up for a very nice promotion. But her main competition, Toby, is working with Kramer on his coffee table book. The three head over to the comedy club where Jerry is doing an important set where a writer from Entertainment Weekly will be present to do a review of the show for the magazine. Toby heckles Jerry. After Jerry gets the magazine and sees the mostly negative review of his show, he decides to do something unheard of - heckle the heckler. After he goes to Toby's office to heckle her, Toby gets so distraught that she leaves the building and a street sweeper severs her pinkie toe. Kramer gets the toe and hijacks a bus to ... Written by halo1k

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.2
23 min

Jerry gets a permanent discount at his local dry cleaners after returning a locket he found in a jacket pocket. His new girlfriend Meryl also claims the discount claiming to be Jerry's wife. It all gets out of hand when Jerry's Uncle Leo hears he's married. Elaine thinks an airline pilot who goes to the same health club but her interest wanes quickly when he wipes the top of her water bottle before drinking from it. George is in trouble when the pilot sees him urinating in the shower at the same club. Kramer has had trouble sleeping at home but not, unfortunately at the tanning studio. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 9.4
22 min

A woman is eavesdropping on the conversation that Elaine has with Jerry and George at the coffee shop. Elaine decides to give the woman the impression that Jerry and George are a homosexual couple. Unfortunately that woman is a reporter from NYU who is doing an interview with Jerry for the school newspaper. She goes to Jerry's apartment and the suspicions are confirmed when Jerry and George get in a fight over a piece of fruit. She publishes an article using the angle that Jerry and George are a homosexual couple. Things get even worse when Jerry's birthday gifts don't help his case any when Kramer gives Jerry a faulty two-line phone and George gets Jerry tickets to the musical Guys And Dolls. George doesn't help his case any when he uses the homosexual angle of the article to get out of a bad relationship and his mother freaks out and is admitted to the hospital. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Written by halo1k

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 9.0
23 min

Jerry and Elaine are on their way back to New York but learn their original flight has been canceled. As a result, Jerry ends up in first class and Elaine in coach. While Jerry has a wonderful flight with food, champagne and a beautiful blond models as a seat mate, Elaine suffers through the flight from hell. Back in New York, George and Kramer are supposed to meet Jerry and Elaine but the change in flight - and then a change in airport - has them running all over the place. More mayhem ensues when Kramer thinks he recognizes someone from his past. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.5
23 min

While out shopping with Elaine, Jerry comes across the perfect suede jacket. It's pricey, but it fits him like a glove and he decides to splurge on himself. Elaine's father, Alton Benes, is is in town and she wants Jerry and George to join for dinner. They're a bit intimidated with the elder Benes being a well known author. He also a cranky old coot who scares them into silence. When Elaine is delayed, the threesome don't have a lot to say. When they set off for dinner, Jerry is afraid to wear his new jacket in the snow. Meanwhile, George has been to see Les Miserables and can't get one of the show tunes out of his head. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica


Battlestar Galactica

IMDb: 7.6
44 min

Funeral services are held for Cally Tyrol but the Chief feels guilty about what happened to his wife. He's slipping on the job as well and makes a serious mistake that could have resulted in death for the crew of a Raptor. Harsh words with Admiral Adama in Joe's Bar results in him being demoted from Chief to Specialist and designated for reassignment. Col. Tigh visits Caprica Six in the brig to advise that her request the see the child Hera has been denied. He's shocked at what he sees however. Meanwhile, Gaius Baltar and his acolytes are attacked and beaten in their quarters by the Sons of Ares, a vigilante group. As a result, he goes on the offensive and desecrates a temple in revenge. President Roslin promises him she will pursue his attackers but also seeks the Quorum of Twelve's support in passing new legislation to reign him in. Written by garykmcd

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HD Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica


Battlestar Galactica

IMDb: 7.5
44 min

A good deal of ill-feeling has developed among the survivors of the Twelve Colonies. Seelix aces the exam and interview to become a Viper pilot but is rejected because her work on the flight deck is too important. Others find themselves in the same situation, not being able to advance or improve their life and there is a growing sense that there are the privileged and the rest with no chance of change. This is certainly the case on the fuel refining ship where ill-feeling has turned into work stoppages and sabotaging fuel. The Admiral puts Chief Tyrol in charge of getting the refinery ship up and running again but the conditions he finds on board lead him to side with the workers. He goes toe to toe with Admiral over following orders and ends up in the brig. Tyrol soon finds himself as the labor negotiator for all of the workers in the fleet. Written by garykmcd

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