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HD Walker, Texas Ranger

Walker, Texas Ranger


Walker, Texas Ranger

IMDb: 7.5

A group calls themselves the Guardians and wants to blow up oil rigs because they are dangerous to the environment. Walker goes undercover to find the men at the top of the group.

Country: USA
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HD Bergerac




IMDb: 7.6
50 min | 55 min (BBFC entry for UK DVD)

Lady Trowbridge's diamonds are stolen following a visit from Rita Smith, her rival in the upcoming tango contest. Jim suspects her Ladyship's dance teacher Pepe Mendoza, especially when he turns out to be from Liverpool and not Spain. However it seems that the worlds of dance and Jersey society are equally as cut and thrust and some competitors will stop at nothing to be on top. Fortunately events lead to a real partnership. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK , Australia
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Bergerac




IMDb: 7.4
50 min | 54 min (BBFC entry for UK DVD)

Guileless young Indian faith healer Ravi Chavan, a money-spinner for the New Dawn Foundation, run by greedy Barry Hardaker, comes to Jersey to ask the foundation's accountant Ivor Wyatt to see that the money he has earned for the foundation goes to Indian charities. Ravi is unaware that Wyatt and Hardaker and his wife have embezzled funds and, rather than allow Ravi to find out, they have brought over a hit-man from France to silence him. Jim has to stop them. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Bergerac




IMDb: 7.1
50 min | 53 min (BBFC entry for UK DVD)

On the eve of Sarah and Laurence Mitchell's daughter Felicity's wedding the church is broken into and a register stolen by the driver of a white Mercedes. He is in fact the man whom Sarah, years earlier as a Czech refugee, married to obtain a British passport and from whom she was never divorced. When he sets out to blackmail her she tells Laurence, who takes the law into his own hands. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK , Australia
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Baretta




IMDb: 7.7
60 min

Under the City.

Country: USA
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HD Judging Amy

Judging Amy


Judging Amy

IMDb: 8.2

Vincent accepts an English writing teaching position for the income, but doubts if it fits his vocation as an author. He wonders what made his dad - whom he lost very young- work in the insurance field, as brother Peter now does enthusiastically, despite their father's acceptance for medical school. Maxine fights a deaf supervisor's claim to end the guardianship of big brother Paul Dexter, who alas never learned sign language, over young Kevin, who refuses to learn any more after systematic peer abuse at school, neglected by DCS till then. Amy hears a claim by an old black grandmother for custody over her 2 year-old grandson Eryk, who is in foster care with the devoted white Chase couple, which adopted his older sister. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD It Takes a Thief

It Takes a Thief


It Takes a Thief

IMDb: 8.2
60 min

Al makes a withdrawal from a safety deposit box (not his).

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HD Mind of Mencia

Mind of Mencia


Mind of Mencia

IMDb: 2.4
22 min

Carlos returns for season 3 and can't wait to tackle events he missed while on hiatus.

Genre: Comedy,
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HD New Tricks

New Tricks


New Tricks

IMDb: 7.8
59 min

A blood-stained bust uncovered in a graveyard links to the 2008 murder of alternative health practitioner Jason Henway. Angela Morris blamed him for taking her late mother Gwen off chemotherapy but had an alibi. Jason's business partner Evan Langley stood to gain but points the team towards Jason's brother Douglas, a doctor practising cryopreservation, keeping the clinically dead alive through low temperatures, since he left the business having quarrelled with his brother on his wife's death. As well as solving the murder the team must also deal with Sasha's departure when she is offered an appetizing promotion. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD New Tricks

New Tricks


New Tricks

IMDb: 7.7
58 min

The 17 year old skeleton is unearthed of Cheryl Sheekey who disappeared after her pub quiz team syndicate won a fortune on the lottery. In the frame are the quiz team organizer Craig Bentham, his wife Lizzie, who suspected him of an affair with the dead woman, Cheryl's childhood friend Eleanor and her husband Terry, who squandered his winnings and is now on hard times, making him the prime suspect. The team must establish which, if any of them, killed Cheryl as well as trying to set Sasha up with a boyfriend. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD New Tricks

New Tricks


New Tricks

IMDb: 7.8
58 min

In 2011 private investigator Dave Hooper was murdered in his office, assumedly the victim of a botched robbery but now his secret notebook, written in shorthand, has come to light though ex-girlfriend Carmen Cresswell could not decipher it. Alison Downing hired Dave to pursue a thieving boyfriend Jason Sharp as did cancer victim Barry Warnock following the burglary of a rare stamp known as the Russian Cousin and worth £40,000. Consequently the progress of the stamp holds the key to the identity of Dave's killer. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD New Tricks

New Tricks


New Tricks

IMDb: 7.4
58 min

In 2002 married Anna and Jim Briggs - who worked for a look-alike agency - were found dead in a supposed suicide pact. Now Anna's phone has been discovered, containing amorous texts to a mysterious lover. The team interviews other look alikes, including Anna's sister and professional rival, Lesley, and ex-soccer star Mikey Bishop, whom Jim impersonated and who says that he met Jim and found him harmless. They also find Mikey's wife Clara is over-protective of her husband as it becomes apparent that he was Anna's lover. a truly bizarre role reversal however proves the key to solving the murders of the two victims. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD New Tricks

New Tricks


New Tricks

IMDb: 7.5
58 min

When the recently deceased pathologist Dr Hatton's findings are discredited the team looks into the 2005 drowning in his bath of cricketer AJ Da Silva, a suicide according to Hatton though AJ's father and brother are convinced he was murdered. Ted learns from coach Keith Ainsworth and former captain Ryan Reed that AJ was thoroughly disliked by the other cricketers in his side as an arrogant, drunken womaniser. In fact his affair with a team mate's wife was held responsible for the man's suicide. After another person is found dead the key to AJ's demise is found to be match-fixing and its consequences and, the case solved, Ted springs a surprise on his colleagues. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD New Tricks

New Tricks


New Tricks

IMDb: 7.7
58 min

In 1989 32-year old Charlie Hayes, a stock market trader, fell to his death, a presumed suicide, from his office building near Tower Bridge but a blow up photograph in a retrospective art exhibition reveals a background figure who pushed him.Cash-strapped Steve takes advantage of insider information as the team interviews Charlie's former girlfriend and colleagues, prime suspect being obnoxious Kevin Dodds, whom Charlie exposed as a rapist and the team brings him in. However the rape gives him an alibi for the murder and Danny and Steve discover that Charlie was sacrificed to prevent him disclosing certain anomalies within the company's trading. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD New Tricks

New Tricks


New Tricks

IMDb: 7.6
59 min

Ted Case joins the team to reopen the murder of vicar Leonard Whitechurch, a white man with a black wife who was stabbed in 2006 after receiving racist hate mail. His widow Alicia tells them that his curate Wendy had a crush on him but she hung herself two years after his death. The poison pen letters are traced to ex-convict and white supremacist Kevin Duncan but Ted believes the motive to be more complicated than purely racial. Duncan admits he wrote the letters in revenge as the victim disapproved of his dating his daughter Sally but a revelation from Leonard's younger son Luke exposes a rift in the family and leads to the solution of the murder. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD New Tricks

New Tricks


New Tricks

IMDb: 8.8
59 min

With evidence suggesting that his cosh was the murder weapon and a trumped-up assault claim from Sainsbury things look bleak for Gerry but DAC Strickland is sure of his innocence and lets him go. With dangerous men in pursuit Gerry goes on the run with Danny, to whom he relates that Ackroyd was as corrupt as any of the other suspects and was in Chapman's pay. They call on Tommy Naylor, who directs them towards honest Ted Case, another retired officer and he gives them evidence of Ackroyd's involvement with Chapman. This in turn leads Gerry back to Bryant and McCabe and arrests are made, followed by recrimination, chicanery, a funeral and a departure. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD New Tricks

New Tricks


New Tricks

IMDb: 8.3
59 min

Gerry is personally involved when the body of Martin Ackroyd, his first inspector when he joined CID, is discovered having been missing for thirty years. Prime suspects are former officers Bryant and McCabe, whom Ackroyd believed to be corrupt and are now involved with career criminal Dominic Chapman, as is Ackroyd's ex-superior Ronald Sainsbury who colludes with them to discredit Gerry. Gerry tracks down Tommy Naylor, another crook the dead man had in his sights and whom Bryant and McCabe unsuccessfully attempted to frame. Gerry decides to take the law into his own hands after his daughter Caitlin is threatened but this only makes him seem guilty of the murder in Sasha's eyes. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD New Tricks

New Tricks


New Tricks

IMDb: 7.4
61 min (DVD)

After librarian Ellen Barker is murdered investigating officer Grace Mackie contacts Danny, who had been in the same amateur sleuthing group as the dead woman. He suspects that Ellen was working on an old case but had come too close to the truth and been silenced. He works out that Ellen was trying to reopen the murder of Sally Tunstall, for which Barbara Haynes' son, now dead, was convicted. Danny and Nathan Wicks (fellow ex-cop and group member), visit Barbara and her neighbour Caroline Tate who, with her former husband Gabriel John Stokes and Sally, was a member of a commune. Stokes, now a government minister, confesses to an affair with Sally that destroyed his marriage and admits that Ellen visited him but left unharmed. When Nathan admits that he was infatuated with Ellen he is arrested but Danny follows another line to expose the double killer. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD New Tricks

New Tricks


New Tricks

IMDb: 7.7
61 min (DVD)

The team notice that DNA from teen-aged market trader Spencer Rogers, arrested for throwing a brick on the motorway, matches that of interpreter and chess club member Agnes Bradley, murdered in 2010 and when Spencer's mother Kelli tells Sasha that Spencer was the result of her being raped by an unknown man it is apparent the rapist is the murderer. Suspects include Jeremy Powell, who, according to chess club captain Viktor Proust, smarted because he could never beat Agnes and Chilean diplomat Carlos Alvarez who had Agnes black-listed after one of her translations warned students against his womanizing. Whilst the rest of the team is busy trying to catch the murderer Steve is occupied with bringing his hate-filled dying father Robbie to a hospice in London. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD New Tricks

New Tricks


New Tricks

IMDb: 7.5
60 min (DVD)

Illegal Turkish immigrant Asye Ersoy was working as a barmaid in 2010 but disappeared following a fire which killed the pub's landlord Richard Gibson. Now she has been traced but denies committing any crime. The pub's former pianist Jason claims that Richard was happily married to wife Joanne and she endorses this. Relations with his brother Gavin, a slot machine vendor who wanted to buy the ailing pub, were less harmonious whilst Joanne believes Richard was having an affair with Asye but did nothing about it. The identity of Asye's actual lover and a scam involving the sale of cheap wine, dressed up to appear as of better vintage, are both uncovered before the real killer is unmasked though Gerry and Steve regard the case as a welcome diversion from Sasha's attempts to enter them in a five a side contest. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD New Tricks

New Tricks


New Tricks

IMDb: 7.4
60 min (DVD)

In 2008 body-builder Mark Rix died of a heart attack, seemingly caused by a surfeit of steroids. Now a sword is found in his old lock-up, which decapitated an unknown man just before Mark died. Mark was a member of Imperium, a group re-enacting life in Ancient Rome and Steve and Sasha learn from Imperium members Julia Kane and Tim and Tessa Dugdale that he believed himself to be Marcus Rex, incarnation of a gladiator. Forensic scientist Fiona Kennedy identifies the murder victim as a Romanian gangster who sold illegal steroids and the team deduces that Rix used Imperium's foreign dates to import them. After confessing to Fiona that his estranged wife Sarah is in a secure unit, having tried to kill him and his daughter, Danny goes undercover at Imperium, where he recognizes Julia as another undercover cop. Eventually the team learns the truth about both men's deaths from Julia before Danny goes on a date with Fiona. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD New Tricks

New Tricks


New Tricks

IMDb: 7.5
62 min (DVD)

When film critic Oliver Houghton's corpse is found in a sewer Sasha is reluctantly forced to work with Ned as Oliver had been a witness in the unsolved case of gay artist David Straka two decades earlier. Both men were drowned and Danny sees the river Fleet as a link since it featured in David's last project. David's friend Ruth Shireen tells the team that David and Oliver got involved with the occult due to the unpleasant Cyril Watkins though Cyril, now Cecily after gender realignment, explains that there was no harm intended. However a woman playing the part of a sacrificial victim in David's film about the mysteries of the Fleet accidentally died. A trip to the sewers locates her corpse and Sasha beats Ned to finding out her identity and solving both cases. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD New Tricks

New Tricks


New Tricks

IMDb: 7.3
61 min (DVD)

Elderly dementia sufferer Nancy leaves her care home to report that her policeman husband Jimmy, who disappeared in 1956 was actually murdered. Harry Page, an old friend of the couple, reports that Jimmy had gambling debts and got into a fight the night that he died. Sasha takes Nancy back to her old house where she recalls Jimmy's violence and jealousy. A grim secret is discovered in the bedroom wall, in turn leading to the solution of the murder. Meanwhile Steve is called to the police station when his son Stewie is cautioned for minor drug possession, which brings him into conflict with his ex-wife Tricia. They do not part on good terms. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD New Tricks

New Tricks


New Tricks

IMDb: 7.0
61 min (DVD)

Bryony Willis receives an anonymous note to say that her father, peace activist Winston Lovett, did not accidentally blow himself up but was murdered. The team visits Bryony's estranged mother Alison, who points them towards two feminist campaigners who had issues with Winston - Mary Griffith, an inveterate agitator and lecturer Frances Kane. To the team's surprise Frances admits that she and Winston were actually undercover cops infiltrating the protest movement. Then Bryony reports a stalker, whose identity brings closure and reconciliation to the case. Throughout Sasha resists the attempts of her ex-husband Ned to get back with her. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD New Tricks

New Tricks


New Tricks

IMDb: 7.2
61 min (DVD)

In 2010 trainee doctor Lydia Dryden was found dead in her flat after visiting Bar 393 night club. Neighbours reported a possible stalker lurking outside the building but her parents, both surgeons, do not recognize him from the Identikit picture. Married Laurence Devlin, another surgeon, denies having an affair with Lydia though it transpires that he is her actual father, which her mother Monica has kept from husband Hugh. Lydia's sister had a drug habit and Lydia was suspected of stealing from the hospital medicine cabinets to help her. then the stalker is revealed, a man whose wife died during an operation performed by Laurence and Lydia. He denies killing her but helps lead the team to the true murderer. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD New Tricks

New Tricks


New Tricks

IMDb: 7.3
61 min (DVD)

Gerry is approached by Ralph Paxton, a boyhood friend who became a career criminal and was imprisoned for a jewel robbery. Ralph believes that his grandson, architecture student Jake was murdered by his partner in crime Wayne Pelham because the boy discovered the loot hidden in a tower block due for demolition. After interviewing Jake's brother and his college tutor the team locate Pelham, who informs them that others knew about the hidden jewels. The team eventually end up with two prime suspects, both of whom believing that they were acting out of principle, though one is the killer. Gerry also has to overcome his dislike of the solicitor to whom his daughter Caitlin is getting married. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD New Tricks

New Tricks


New Tricks

IMDb: 7.5
59 min (DVD)

Fresh from her successful SWAT raid on a group of Russian gangsters DCI Sasha Miller arrives at UCOS to replace Sandra. She is friendly and informal but initially fails to win over Gerry, who misses Sandra. Her first case involves the twenty-five year old murder of Italian Allesandro Manzini, reopened when a knife is found at the allotment he once tended. Massimo, whose son married Allesandro's daughter Giulietta, tells the team that there was anti- Italian feeling on the allotment, especially from two World War Two veterans, whilst lorry driver and druid Ray Barlow is also suspect, having disappeared after the murder. This suspicion is heightened when Giulietta and Ray admit to an affair but Dan's research into wartime Italy changes everything, leading to a confession. Sasha's private life, however, does not run so successfully. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD New Tricks

New Tricks


New Tricks

IMDb: 8.6
59 min (DVD)

Seventeen years earlier Sandra's first case involved the disappearance, never resolved, of music student Lesley Hewitt and now Lesley's sister Emma has been sent a photo of Lesley walking in a park just before she vanished. Sandra believes that a jogger in the picture was a serial killer responsible for the deaths of other young girls, possibly working with a female accomplice as Emma says that Lesley was offered a gig before she vanished. Ex-model Annie Banks and bookshop owner Stuart McKelvie are also in the photo, taken by Greg Banks, a recently deceased photographer whose studio contains several pictures of women who were abducted and killed. Annie and Stuart initially claim not to know each other but Sandra breaks down their stories and discovers that Annie knows who the jogger is. After concluding the case Sandra leaves UCOS to work with Max Clement. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD New Tricks

New Tricks


New Tricks

IMDb: 7.6
59 min (DVD)

Following the 1997 General Election Ben Ransley, a young researcher for successful MP Liz Jackson, was murdered and the case is reopened on the discovery of £40,000 in an off-shore account in his name. Ben's best friend, arrogant lobbyist Eddie Trenton, gives Sandra a photo of Ben with his girlfriend, who turns out to be Hana, the Bosnian wife of tycoon Peter Russell, and she also disappeared in 1997. French policeman and former war crimes prosecutor Max Clement comes to London and tracks down Hana, whose whole family was killed in the Bosnian war. Hana believes Ben, with whom she was set to elope, was killed by the man who got her to England and introduced her to Peter but Dan discovers that Ben was in a position to leak information about a government arms deal, which would have been injurious to certain people. This solves the case. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD New Tricks

New Tricks


New Tricks

IMDb: 7.6
59 min (DVD)

The blood-stained clothes of Simon Belgrade are found in Epping Forest, where he disappeared five years earlier whilst out for a run. Frank Miles, Simon's father-in-law and employer, has a history of violence and his daughter Becky, who was heavily pregnant with Simon's child when he disappeared, seems scared of him. She does not want to believe her husband is dead and nor do his mother Eliza and brother Tim, who portray Simon and Becky as the ideal couple. However Simon's friend Dom and his ex-wife Lois tell the team that Simon and Lois were having an affair, as were Dom and Becky. Simon also had a string of failed businesses behind him and was blackmailing Frank over tax evasion, but with no money taken from his account and no passport it seems unlikely that he skipped the country. An examination of a film showing Dom and Simon's childhood haunts in the forest leads to discovering Simon's fate whilst Dan helps Sandra cope with the anniversary of her father's death. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD New Tricks

New Tricks


New Tricks

IMDb: 7.5
59 min (DVD)

UCOS reopen the thirty year old murder of porn king Jim Hockney when his daughter Sara reveals that a DNA test proves she is not his daughter. Her mother Jane cannot provide any answers as she and Jim both had several sex partners. Jim's girlfriend at the time, singer Angela Gold, was charged but acquitted of the murder and now seems to have disappeared. Brian's replacement Dan Griffin arrives, albeit late and is initially treated with hostility by Gerry, who thinks he is a spy. Nonetheless Dan tracks down Angela though in the meantime Sandra learns that Jim's brother Colin sold Jim's porn empire very shortly after his death to his main rival Gavin Reason. Furthermore Jane and Gavin were lovers, Gavin proving to be Sara's father though he was unaware at the time. However it is Gerry's collection of some of Jim's old films, supposedly confiscated by Vice Squad, that identifies the murder weapon and leads to the culprit. The case closed the team watch Angela perform at Ronnie Scott's ... Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD New Tricks

New Tricks


New Tricks

IMDb: 8.1
59 min (DVD)

Now dismissed from UCOS Brian is persuaded by Esther to help her friend Margaret Kirby find her brother Peter Sale, who disappeared six years earlier. In the mean time Brian is bothered by journalist Maxine Wilson, whom he believes has been sent by Embleton to discredit him, and needs Strickland's help to get rid of her. Brian visits Jonathan Epstein, jailed for killing his wife Florence for her money, along with his girlfriend Annabel, who seemingly disappeared with the cash. Sale was Epstein's accountant but Epstein does not know his whereabouts and after the visit Brian is attacked. Accompanied by Esther, Brian sets out to find clues to locate Sale, in the process crossing paths with UCOS, who are investigating a con artist with links to Epstein. Eventually Sale is found and, before parting company with UCOS, Brian discovers that somebody is an impostor and Esther has to save him from being killed by them. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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