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IMDb: 7.2

A submarine of the US Navy rescues 10 North Korean crewmembers from the sinking of their midget submarine in South Korean waters in the Sea of Japan; six of them wish to defect. The admiral sends Sturgis to the boat to lend a hand; he deals with medical questions as well as legal ones after a viral illness breaks out among the survivors. Sturgis runs into trouble with a US Naval intelligence officer of Korean descent. Harm returns to the Navy and the JAG Corps; he stays in touch with Mattie, and he meets an underprivileged WW2-era Navy veteran with a legal problem. Harm helps the veteran, and Mac and the admiral join in doing so. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.8

It has come to light that Cdr. Carolyn Imes had never passed a bar exam. She goes on trial for fraud and conduct unbecoming; Sturgis prosecutes, and Mac and Bud defend. Mac asks Harm for his help in the Imes matter, and she continues her relationship with Webb, who causes the CIA to fire Harm for his involuntary appearance on worldwide TV. Catherine Gale turns up pregnant. The fixed-base operator at Harm's airport has changed hands, and Harm meets Mattie, the 14-year-old daughter of the ostensible new owners. Harm and Mattie find common areas of interest; Mattie hires Harm for crop-dusting. Harm visits Catherine's mother, and he makes an unsuccessful attempt to start a relationship with Catherine. PO Coates works hard to persuade the admiral to take Harm back. The admiral gives an invitation to Harm, and Harm takes Mattie flying and gives her an invitation. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.8

Harm makes his first flight for the CIA, aboard a C-130 Hercules with one of his former clients; they suddenly find themselves as field agents in the Philippines, and their visit becomes complicated and extended. They solve the problem overseas, and they get themselves and their aircraft back in the air without harm. Harriet has given birth to another son, named James Kirk (as in Captain Kirk of the Star Trek), and Bud (a Trekkie) and Harriet hold a christening party in their home. Midn. Mike Roberts, with the advice of Bud and Mac and the help of Mac and Coates and despite the advice of Big Bud, gives aid and support to a friend summoned before the honor board at the US Naval Academy. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.6

Two F-14 Tomcats encounter two MiGs on a patrol in a no-fly zone above Iraq, and one of the Tomcats goes down in action; nobody dies. Harm and Mac investigate aboard the host aircraft carrier. The pilot of the surviving Tomcat misses a shot, saying that an unknown voice told him not to fire at the attacking MiG. Harm takes a ride in a Tomcat, and two aviators in another Tomcat run into trouble. Mac not only finds the explanation for a mechanical problem but also suggests a solution to prevent an aircraft from accidentally entering enemy airspace. Everything works out aboard the carrier. Harriet gets a free dinner but runs into much inconvenience. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.1

A pair of Russian MiGs shoot down Harm and Mac's borrowed aircraft; they eject and safely reach the earth, where two gypsies befriend them by concealing them and helping them to continue their journey. The admiral follows to Moscow, where Alexei intercepts him too. The gypsy woman has a vision, which she believes to predict the future. Webb also shows up in Moscow, and he reveals that Alexei works for the CIA. Then they all meet at an airfield at night and have a shootout. Next the good guys help Harm and Mac to pursue his father's trail to its end, where, with Mac interpreting, he hears about his father's last years, his last day, and his burial. The vision truly recalled the past. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.9

A Marine recon team extracts other Marines imprisoned in Haiti due to rebel action; women and children die during gunfight. An admiral had ordered the officer in tactical command to wait before starting the mission. Harm and Mac seek to determine who ordered the start of the mission. The responsible officer, a lieutenant colonel, requests a court-martial rather than an admiral's mast; he admits having disobeyed the order to wait by placing the welfare of his men in Haiti over his career. Harm and Mac prosecute, and the admiral and Bud defend. Vigorous courtroom action ensues. Harm calls a surprise witness with surprising testimony. Justice prevails. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.8

Marine gate sentries catch a first-class petty officer with a Stinger missile in the trunk of his car at a fictional submarine base in the Pacific Northwest; officials later find that a second Stinger also is missing. Harm and Meg investigate; at the base they meet Lt. Kate Pike, who was Harm's first partner. While Meg questions the suspect, a brig break takes place, and Meg becomes a hostage. Troops and a chopper pursue the escapees, much shooting follows, and Meg barely avoids drowning. Harm, Meg, and Kate eventually wind up with an armed small satchel-type nuclear weapon; they take it as far as possible from the base before it detonates, and they eventually disarm it. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Van Helsing

Van Helsing


Van Helsing

IMDb: 7.3
43 min

Still reeling from the dire events of 'The Farm', Vanessa and the group find refuge among a band of humans who have bargained with vampires for peace. Their leader, however, appears to be hiding a terrible secret. Meanwhile, the true serial killer among Vanessa's group is finally revealed.

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HD How the West Was Won

How the West Was Won


How the West Was Won

IMDb: 8.7
60 min | 120 min (25 episodes) | 120 min (20 episodes)

Zeb joins a group of soldiers assigned to bring Two Bears back to the fort in hopes of ending Indian attacks on wagons passing west. The group is led by Lt. Ayeless who is fresh out of West Point and clashes with Zeb.

Genre: Western,
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HD How the West Was Won

How the West Was Won


How the West Was Won

IMDb: 8.4
97 min | 120 min (20 episodes) | 120 min (25 episodes)

Luke's attempt to foil the Flint gang's gold robbery scheme doesn't go as planned. Zeb rescues a woman from two hide-cutters and is surprised to find a love from his past. When a certain guest arrives for Laura's wedding, second thoughts arise. Jessie fights for her life after being stung by a swarm of bees. Written by aTroutDude

Genre: Western,
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HD How the West Was Won

How the West Was Won


How the West Was Won

IMDb: 8.4
96 min | 120 min (25 episodes) | 120 min (20 episodes)

Zeb sides with the Sioux after the Russian incident triggers a war - and the clash leads to a great leader's sacrifice. Luke's feelings for Hillary Gant intensify, but when her father learns of Luke's past, he asks Luke to leave. Laura accepts a marriage proposal, while Luke finds himself forced to join a thieving band of ex-Confederates. Written by aTroutDude

Genre: Western,
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HD How the West Was Won

How the West Was Won


How the West Was Won

IMDb: 8.4
93 min | 120 min (25 episodes) | 120 min (20 episodes)

Kate Macahan's sister, Molly Culhane, joins the family. A Mormon family arrives at the homestead while fleeing religious persecution, but the patriarch soon charms Laura. Zeb mediates between the Army and the angry Sioux after a Russian royalty kills a buffalo on Sioux land. Luke aids a local sheriff and meets his feisty daughter. Written by aTroutDude

Genre: Western,
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HD Limitless




IMDb: 8.0
41 min

SPOILER: Rebecca and Brian have an unconventional interview with a robotic version of a murder victim that was created before her demise - ELO.2.0, aka Eloise. In the meantime, Agent Spike is suspected of being a mole against his fellow agents, reporting to and for ADIC Johnson, whose offices are in Washington, D.C. Written by KC Jefferies

Country: USA
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HD Limitless




IMDb: 8.3
42 min

When Brian calls in sick for a day off from the FBI, the CIA abducts him from home to borrow his NZT-enhanced capabilities for a black ops mission. As the operation becomes increasingly dangerous, Brian finds himself without FBI support in a situation that's spiraling out of control.

Country: USA
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.5
23 min

George goes out of his way to seek an apology for an insult. Elaine is insulted when a fellow co-worker is scared of her germs, while Puddy admits that he's a fellow germophobe. Jerry dates a nudist and learns the difference between good naked and bad naked. Kramer installs a garbage disposal in his shower. Written by halo1k

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.9
23 min

George needs to find a way to have a nap at work. His glass wall doesn't seem to make that possible but he finds a way anyways. He runs into a bit of trouble when Mr. Steinbrenner wants to see him and decides to wait in George's office. Elaine has a problem with her new boyfriend Hal who has a new mattress delivered to house. Kramer has taken up swimming but finds the pool crowded. He finds a new place that gives him lots of room - the East River. Jerry is losing his patience with the man he's hired to install new kitchen cabinets. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.7
23 min

A co-worker of Elaine's thinks Elaine is called Susie, and Elaine doesn't bother to correct her, when she badmouths Elaine to Susie. Elaine complains of this to Jerry, who commiserates with her. Later, Peggy gets Susie called in front of Peterman, who demands that Elaine be there also. Elaine finds a way to wriggle out of the situation so that neither realizes Susie doesn't exist. Meanwhile, Kramer puts 100 dollars on a basketball game in Jerry's name with Mike, the guy Jerry called a phony in The Parking Space. When Kramer attends the game, he gets in a fight with the players, causing Jerry to win his bet. Mike doesn't have enough money to pay Jerry, however, so he tells him that he'll fix his trunk. As he's looking at it, Jerry doesn't notice him and closes the trunk on Mike's hands. Mike thinks this is a classic case of having his thumbs broken because he can't pay, so he promises he'll get the money. Later, as he's trying to fix it again, Mike falls into the trunk, which ... Written by lonedragon1422

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.5
23 min

Elaine's birth control method of choice is being discontinued and she goes all over New York to find the last remaining case. After she successfully finds it, she then begins the agonizing process of determining whether or not her dates are sponge-worthy. Kramer participates in an AIDS walk but when he refuses to wear the ribbon, he suffers the consequences. Meanwhile, Jerry meets a woman and doesn't get her phone number. He then gets it from the list of participants in the AIDS walk. He tells George, who proceeds to tell Susan, who then starts a chain reaction of phone calls and ultimately winds up getting back to Jerry, who gets dumped as a result. Written by halo1k

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.6
23 min

George refuses to give anyone his secret code (BOSCO). Kramer buys a police scanner. Jerry does a series of ads for Leapin' Larry's Appliance Store. Elaine has dinner with J. Peterman but after she and Jerry bail on the dinner, George is stuck to dine with Peterman. George spills his secret code to Peterman's dying mother and gets in trouble for it. Written by halo1k

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 9.6
23 min

A simple pick up line in the coffee shop proves Jerry's theory that every instinct George has is wrong. George decides to try the opposite, and that lands him an attractive girlfriend, a job offer with the New York Yankees, and an apartment that allows him to finally move out of his parent's house. Simultaneously, Elaine's mistake of stopping off for candy after learning her boyfriend was hospitalized causes her fortune to take a downturn. She gets kicked out of her apartment, breaks up with her boyfriend, and the candy causes a chain reaction that ultimately leads to the end of her longtime employer. Jerry sees the parallel between his two friends and realizes that he breaks even on just about everything. Kramer continues to take the book tour for his coffee table book, but Pendant Publishing's bankruptcy puts the book on the shelf. Written by halo1k

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.0
23 min

Jerry visits a friend in hospital after he hears the guy needs cheering up. No matter how hard he tries though, Jerry can't get him to crack a smile. Elaine goes out on a date with someone Jerry recommends to her. On their first date he has a bit of a surprise for her. Kramer gets a job as a stand-in for an actor on a daytime soap opera and becomes friendly with another stand-in, Mickey, a 'little person'. One of Kramer's suggestions get Mickey into a bit of trouble. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.7
23 min

Jerry dates an attractive tennis lines woman only to discover that she is hearing-impaired, but able to read lips. George gets caught acting like a slob on live television at the tennis match and gets dumped, so he tries to use the lip-reader to spy on his girlfriend to see if she's telling the truth. Kramer tries to prove that he can read lips as well as Jerry's girlfriend, while Elaine accidentally offends a limo driver and tries to make up for it, but the plans backfire. Written by halo1k

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 9.6
23 min

After George's mother catches him alone in a somewhat embarrassing situation, Jerry, George, Elaine and Kramer stage a contest to see who can last the longest without any sexual gratification. Temptation quickly sets in for everyone. Kramer is the first to fall after ogling the woman across the street who walks around her apartment naked. George is next after he visits his mother in hospital and her roommate gets a sponge bath across from the curtain separating them. Elaine signs up for a fitness class where none other than JFK Jr. is enrolled. Her fantasizing does the rest. Finally, Jerry's new girlfriend Marla decides it's time to lose her virginity but Jerry has to explain the contest. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.4
23 min

Not having come up for a script for their new sitcom, George and Jerry now have to face the music when they meet with NBC executives. George's lack of discretion however has repercussions. Jerry see Marla Penny in a bar and mentions to George that when he last saw her, she was a virgin. Jerry asks her out and finds out she still is. Elaine, on hearing the news, decides to give her a bit of coaching about men and what she can expect. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.7

Susan Ross invites George to dinner to meet her parents and he's worried about what to say when the subject of the now destroyed cabin comes up. Susan's father doesn't take it very well. When a metal box containing letters from author John Cheever is retrieved, a Ross family secret is revealed. After Jerry makes a remark to Elaine about her chatty assistant, the woman quits forcing Jerry to apologize and take her out for a drink. It doesn't go well. In need of more Cuban cigars, Kramer visits their offices at the UN. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.5
23 min

Coming from an outing to a flea market in New Jersey, Elaine and George damage Jerry's car when George drives over a large pothole. When they get to his apartment they conveniently find a parking space right in front of Jerry's building. As George tries to back in however, someone tries to take the spot by driving in nose first. With neither car able to park, it leads to an all day argument. Elaine meanwhile has to come with a story about the damage to the car. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The IT Crowd

The IT Crowd


The IT Crowd

IMDb: 8.4
24 min (DVD)

Roy, having bet Jen he can go all day without saying 'Have you tried switching it off and on again?' and Moss are caught up in a bomb scare in town, which they use to play truant from work, Moss stealing some 'Grand Design' DVDs from a store. Back at the office Jen is subject to hiring and firing chief Ben Genderson threatening to sack her. Moss is arrested but when the bomb deactivating robot fails to work Roy says 'Have you tried switching it off and on again?', thus losing his bet though Douglas was too busy watching the bomb coverage on TV to sack anybody and the 'bomb' package turns out to be a balloon - which scares Roy when it goes 'pop'. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The IT Crowd

The IT Crowd


The IT Crowd

IMDb: 7.9
24 min (DVD)

When Jen's bra causes her discomfort Moss stays up all night to perfect the latest in living bras, the Abracadabra, which moves in line with body contours and is never too tight, Fearing competition from rivals he calls himself Stephen Fennell but gets confused whilst waiting to be interviewed for a television show and accidentally answers to Stephen Fremel, discovering that he is supposed to be an expert on Iraq. Jen wears the bra during a presentation but it responds to body heat and burns her. Ultimately the trio tout for money to market the bra on TV show 'Dragon's Den', where the sample bra spontaneously combusts. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Numb3rs




IMDb: 8.0
60 min

The team searches for a lost shipment of high-caliber firearms when one of the weapons is responsible for random killings throughout the city. Also, Charlie and Amita disagree on a wedding date while Don re-evaluates his relationship with Robin. Written by CBS Publicity

Country: USA
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HD Numb3rs




IMDb: 7.7
60 min | 55 min

Charlie is distracted from applying math to his first basketball-coaching job when a doctor claims to have evidence that clears a death-row inmate, leaving him and the team very little time to be sure real justice occurs.

Country: USA
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HD Numb3rs




IMDb: 7.7
55 min

David's date at a magic show goes badly when one of the magicians disappears during the trick: which is not supposed to happen. However, thanks to Charlie's skepticism they quickly learn they the female magicians have a history of being con artists, using the disappearance to amp up their rep. However, there may actually be something wrong, when David learns his date was an angler for the trick, and has also gone missing.

Country: USA
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HD Numb3rs




IMDb: 8.0
45 min

Ben, who we learn is a laid-off FBI wiretapping subcontractor, runs through the metal detector in the lobby and shoots the agent who let him go. He then grabs a woman as a hostage and backs into an elevator, where David Sinclair confronts him at gunpoint and trades himself as a hostage if Ben will let the woman go. While Ben and David talk at gunpoint in the elevator, stopped between floors, Charlie Eppes tries a number of times to explain the Chinese Box theory to the agents dealing with the hostage situation. Meanwhile, the agents discover that Ben's seemingly paranoid story that he has been under surveillance turns out to be true. When agents try to quickly move and open the elevator, Ben manages to take David's pistol away and keep the elevator closed. Charlie convinces Don Eppes to let David call the shots to resolve this situation by showing Don the Poison Cookie game, implying that this also relates to the Chinese Box problem. Ben gives David his pistol back and tries to ... Written by KOakaKO

Country: USA
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