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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.6
75 min

Randy Benton joins a man and his daughter Melanie on the way to Medicine Bow. While preparing dinner and Randy is away collecting water, two men ride into camp, kill Melanie's father, and steal the gold he was carrying. A passing stage sees Randy over the body and assumes he is the killer. He returns later to find Melanie still hiding and is forced to take her under his care. Betsy meets Randy on Shiloh and feels he is innocent after learning about the murder. While tracking Randy and Melanie, Melanie is found and taken to Shiloh. Randy finds her aunt in Medicine Bow but then learns Melanie is not safe at Shiloh when he overhears a conversation between the aunt and her husband. Randy takes Melanie from Betsy at Shiloh but Betsy eventually find them. Her guilt forces her to ask The Virginian for advice. The actions of the two guilty men lead to a showdown with The Virginian which clears Randy who decides to stay at Shiloh as a new hand. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.7
75 min

Steve asks The Virginian about the abandoned Peterson place that is now part of Shiloh. The questions causes The Virginian to flash back to its history and his introduction to Shiloh seven years earlier. He was riding across Shiloh when two Shiloh hands shoot his horse out from under him suspecting him to be a gunman for Peterson. He befriends a Peterson hand in Medicine Bow so Peterson hires him against the wishes of the foreman Hugh Stager. A feud has heated up between Peterson and Garth although neither man wants it or knows why. Steger is engaged to Peterson's daughter Maria and wants a range war to gain control over Peterson's ranch and Shiloh. He resorts to shooting Peterson and The Virginian. However, The Virginian who Maria is fond of survives and returns to confront Hugh and his men. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.4
73 min

Gavin Heath, a British immigrant, returns to Medicine Bow as a wealthy man three years after his ranch there went broke. He has come to celebrate his new wealth. He is a troubled man due to showing cowardice in battle for Britain as a youngster and for abandoning Trampas in a previous fight. His old ranch is almost a duplicate of the battle site where he failed. While revisiting it he is bitten by a foaming dog so they suspect he has contracted rabies as a second man is in the final stages of the disease. Gavin's mood switches to dark back to light hearted as he tries to make the best of his last thirty days. Renegrade Indians break out of jail with Trampas as a hostage and hold up at Gavin's old ranch. The doctor informs Gavin he does not have rabies as the dog was poisoned and about Trampas' situation. Gavin returns to where Trampas is being held under deadly crossfire. Gavin decides this time he will complete the charge he failed in before as a youngster. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.9
73 min

J. Jimerson Jones reacquaints himself with Judge Garth and Betsy on the train east to Chicago. After hitting a gold strike he is on his first vacation in forty years. Based on the Judge's recommendation he stays at the re-known Palmer House in Chicago. When a pair of con-artists learn of his money he becomes their target but his honesty keeps him out of trouble at first. At the same time a young cub reporter takes an interest in Betsy but only after he was rebuffed by Judge Garth for an interview. Although his actions lead him and Betsy astray, his honesty in the end forces the Judge to accept him. When Mr. Jones is blind to the truth, his friends including the hotel maid try to protect him with hilarious results. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.1
75 min

A maimed cougar is killing people. When the tracker decides to quit, Steve volunteers to continue the hunt alone. He travels into the mountains losing his pack horse and food as he covers over 200 miles. He stumbles into the Mayhew farm hungry and tired. The Mayhews provide him shelter and food. While there he learns the cougar was maimed by Mr. Mayhew and killed their son and Mr. Mayhew blames himself for panicking during its attack. Steve and Mr Mayhew hunt the cougar together but the cougar maims Steve's leg when Mr. Mayhew panics again. Mrs. Mayhew nurses him back to health and asks Steve to take her away as she is tired of being alone and blames her husband for not protecting their son. Steve comes to learn that each man reacts differently to the dangers they face hunting the cougar and helps Mrs. Mayhew understand her husbands actions. Mr. Mayhew resents her feelings for Steve and Steve finds himself in a life threatening situation as they continue to hunt the cougar. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.9
75 min

An old rival of Judge Garth, Mike Tyrone, with his two sons and daughter move their Circle T ranch from Texas to Wyoming. Mike has his eye on expanding to build a ranch that will provide his daughter with the future he believes she deserves. Trampas as usual has his eye on her much to the dislike of her father and brothers. Mike offers to buy out other small ranches in the area but leaves a veiled threat he will take other action if they don't sell. While escorting Maggie back to her ranch in advance of a rain storm, Trampas sprains his ankle while showing off and they lose their horses forcing the two of them to spend the night in a cave. When they are found, Maggie is taken to Shiloh due to chills and her brothers give Trampas a beating. When Mike comes to pick Maggie up after a couple of days, they learn her and Trampas had left together earlier. Mike then puts his plan into action which is to cut off the water to the other ranches. When Garth and others confront Mike, a fight ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.0
73 min

Trampas returns to El Paso, Texas to sell his dad's ranch. His uncle is killed when he tries to deposit the proceeds at the express office. Trampas searches for the two men who committed the murder but with no luck until Wismer returns to the army post sick. A local businessman/rancher Mike McGoff learns Wismer and his partner Judson have found gold in Apache territory. While stealing a map to it McGoff kills Wismer as Dr. Beldon sleeps drunk on duty. Trampas takes the map from McGoff and both decide to go together after Judson. They are joined by Judson's wife who is looking for him and later by Dr. Beldon who thinks he allowed Wismer to die. They find Judson but must fend off attacks by the Apaches on the way out with deadly results for most of the party.

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.4

Trampas hits it lucky in an all night poker game in Medicine Bow and walks away with big winnings. He decides to take a vacation, repay several debts he owed from years back, and see a girl he has fond memories of in Logan, New Mexico. Many of the locals are surprised and happy when he pays his debts but Duke Logan is not happy to see Trampas. Duke wants him away from his sister Carole who is married to the city marshal Brett Cole. When Trampas goes to visit the family he worked for, he finds they have been murdered and their home ransacked. He tracks down the Commancheros, kills one, and brings the other two to the Marshal. He learns that the area is under control of Commancheros and that the city residents want the two men released. Duke and Carole try to convince Trampas to withdraw his complaint against the two men but the Marshal backs Trampas against his wife's wishes. When the town removes the Marshal all seems well until the Commancheros tell the people to leave the streets as... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.4
75 min

Well known and beautiful opera singer Elena is brought to Medicine Bow to add to the culture of the town. Elena is accompanied by her personal secretary Karen who has issues with Elena. During her first performance Judge Garth recognizes her as an old friend. They rekindle their relationship and the Judge considers marrying her with Betsy's blessing. After dropping Elena at the hotel, the Judge is preparing to return to Shiloh when he hears shots. He and the sheriff run into Elena's room finding her standing over a dead man with a gun in her hand and a torn dress with Karen in the adjoining room of the suite. After a thorough investigation the prosecutor decides to bring first degree murder charges against Elena. Unable to get the attorney he wants, Judge Garth is forced to defend Elena himself. The proof in the trial goes against him and Elena as Garth learns she has lied to him. With some sleuthing Garth is able to bring forth the truth about Elena and Karen which surprises everyone. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.3
75 min

The Virginian and Steve ride to Medicine Bow and learn three convicts have broken out of a Montana prison. The Virginian hears that Molly has written an editorial saying she has asked the President to send troops to fight the outlaws hiding in the Badlands. The Virginian leaves town but Steve stays to give Molly a note for The Virginian which is an invitation to the Saturday dance. The Virginian returns to Shiloh where Garth asks him if he should start planning to build a foreman's house for The Virginian and Molly. Steve hears four riders come into Medicine Bow and shoot up the Banner office resulting in Molly's death. A posse with Steve and The Virginian go after the outlaws but everyone but The Virginian is forced to turn back. He finds the outlaws but is captured and pretends to be one of the Montana escapees. The leader returns with a second escapee from Montana further complicating The Virginian's situation.

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.4
75 min

A wealthy eastern young lady Caroline Witman and her aunt meet a good-time cowboy Jeff Tolliver on the train on their way to San Francisco. When the train is forced to stop near Medicine Bow due to a damaged bridge, Caroline badgers The Virginian for a ride to Medicine Bow getting more than she wanted. The Virginian sees her as a spoiled brat out for a good time but Jeff is entranced by her. Jeff starts doing some business with a small time rustler to have money to escort Caroline but The Virginian is suspicious of Jeff and tries to persuade Caroline to put a stop to it. When she spurns Jeff's request to marry him due to his lack of finances, Jeff talks his rustler friend into making a big score. Jeff's close friend Corbie is killed trying to help Jeff during his getaway when the rustlers are caught. The Virginian is forced to deal with Jeff and Caroline suddenly realizes what she has caused.

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.6
73 min

A barefoot dirty deaf mute, Jud, walks into Medicine Bow looking for payment for work done for freighters. When they refuse to pay, he starts a fight which the sheriff stops but he cannot help Jud. Steve sees the situation and uses his control of Shiloh freight business to force the freighter to pay Jud. He takes Jud under his wing and persuades The Virginian to hire Jud even though they learn by word and his actions that Jud has a violent temper leading to severe fights. Over time Jud's personality calms. He spends an evening in Medicine Bow playing poker with a professional gambler. After the game two men rob the gambler to recoup their losses and more. Jud runs into them at the scene and when seen by others is thought to have committed the crime. He tells Steve that others did it and escapes jail taking refuge with a lonely woman on her ranch who comes to trust Jud. Steve goes on the trail of the men he suspects that were working as hands on a trail drive. He runs into Jud and ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.4
75 min

Steve and The Virginian deliver a herd of cattle to New Orleans where The Virginian meets Marie Valonne and she asks him to dinner. When she suddenly leaves him at the restaurant and cannot be found, he goes to the police for help. Sgt. Danny Bohannon provides minimal assistance as he knows Marie has a record of being involved with criminal elements and a criminal past. He is also being forced to work on the murder case of a powerful local politician. The Virginian is forced to trace the history of Marie to determine what has happened to her. As he learns the truth, Sgt. Bohannon realizes her case and his are tied together but he needs proof but The Virginian decides to take matters into his own hands with dangerous results. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.7
75 min

A man previously known as Willie and for drinking, fights, and minor crime returns to a mission and school near Medicine Bow as Brother Thaddeus, a monk. He is to help at the mission but finds himself having to run it until nuns arrive to take over. On the way there he has a chance encounter with a friend Benny who is still involved in criminal pursuits. Benny is joining two men and a bar singer Floss who is an old acquaintance of Trampas. The men scout the town for a robbery and decide to rob the train by having Floss pretend to be a nun causing the train to stop outside of town at the mission. The sheriff believes Willie is involved but he escapes jail and with the aid of Trampas they go on the hunt for the four criminals and the stolen money to clear Willie. Willie's days of criminal pursuits aids them in their search. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.1
75 min

Judge Garth visits his friend Wade Anders supposedly to buy some special chickens. Wade has two sons Hank and Ben but by different mothers. Hank's mother was a Crow Indian but Wade has never told his sons they had different mothers. Both feel alienated from their father and Hank is ignoring his father. Hank despises all Indians and puts them down whenever he can. Wade asks Judge Garth to take Hank with him to Shiloh to work as a regular hand hoping Hank will mature. Hank goes but this strengthens his feeling of his father not caring. Hank continues to disobey orders at Shiloh and he and Garth decide he should leave. Before he leaves, Hank tells Garth he knows the truth about his mother and believes his father is ashamed of him. In Medicine Bow, Hank forces Trampas to kill him in a bar fight as he would rather die than live. Wade and Ben arrive in Medicine Bow as the funeral ends and Wade forces Ben to challenge Trampas for revenge. Judge Garth tries to reason with Wade telling him ...

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.5
75 min

The Virginian stops Matthew Cordell a prisoner on a work detail from escaping. He learns he has been in prison since the age of 15 but is in his mid twenties. He asks Judge Garth to check Cordell's background on a trip to the prison to discuss prison reform with the new warden. Cordell was in an orphanage until he went to prison for attempting to kill another boy. He has no history of freedom or a normal life. The Judge agrees to take him as a parolee as a test to Shiloh where he continues his prison lifestyle of isolation. When he heals a split hoof on Betsy's new horse, she develops a crush for him. But at Steve's birthday party Cordell is more interested in the older dressmaker Rita Marlow who also finds him interesting. When Cordell nearly kills Belden over dancing with Rita, Garth is close to sending him back to prison. Given a second chance, Cordell tries to make amends with the other men but his socialization is tested again when another convict shows up saying he is on parole ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.1
75 min

Bounty hunter George Wolfe arrives in Medicine Bow to receive information on a man with a $5000 bounty on his head for murder. However, the man is killed in a wagon accident during a rain storm while being helped by Trampas and two men. Wolfe must wait until the man's bank lockbox is opened in two weeks. He suspects someone and especially Trampas may have killed the man to protect his identity. Trampas believes it is him due to an old charge against him for a robbery and murder he didn't actually commit. The Virginian persuades him to stay at Shiloh but in meantime a typhoid fever epidemic breaks out tied to strawberries washed with contaminated water. The local doctor is busy finding the source and handling the sick. Wolfe himself is struck down by the fever while stalking Trampas who takes him to Shiloh where the doctor tends to the hard hearted Wolfe. The lockbox is opened and Wolfe finally learns who the man is he is seeking but it is not Trampas. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.2
75 min

The Virginian is on a trip to the southwest to collect a judgment for $4000 from Gordon W. Madden for a bad check he gave Shiloh for cattle. Gordon is the spoiled son of a rich rancher who makes good the debt. While in the local saloon The Virginian runs into Savannah who he knew from seven years earlier. They renew what had been a very close relationship that evening. However, the next morning as The Virginian is about to leave town, he learns she has been charged with murdering Gordon in her room. The Virginian is unable to find her a lawyer so he asks Judge Garth to represent her. However, they find that Gordon's father controls the court and Savannah is not only found guilty and sentenced to hang but the date of the hanging is moved up to prevent a retrial Judge Garth is expecting under appeal. The Virginian is forced to break Savannah out of jail to stall the hanging but even that action may not be enough. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.7
73 min

Judge Garth is asked to prove a young man he helped through school was hanged for a murder he did not commit. Saloon owner Rosanna Dobie illegitimate son was lynched by a local justice committee headed by Judge Garth's ex-law partner Frank Sturgis for murdering a young girl he had a relationship with after a local celebration. Rosanna and her son were always looked down upon because of their background but the son had been a very successful rancher and businessman. Garth with the aid of Judge Harper puts on a mock trail with Garth as the defense attorney and Frank Sturgis as the prosecutor. The trial brings out the true biases of the community and dredges up facts not easily accepted by the residents and the girl's family. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 9.0

The Virginian tells how Trampas came to Shiloh as a flashback to another young man in a similar situation. Trampas and his father, Frank, lived as gamblers. When Trampas was arrested, his father promised the court they would start new lives as ranchers on a ranch he bought. Judge Garth came into town to buy cattle and horses and offered to buy cattle from Frank if they were healthy. Frank and his son unknowingly had rounded up mavericks which had hoof and mouth disease infecting his whole herd. When Frank learned the news he thought he was being conned and Judge Garth had to kill him in self-defense. Trampas learns what happened and that the man had a fancy gun with a big S on it (for Shiloh), so he goes after Judge Garth. They meet when Garth rescues Trampas from a river but Trampas does not realize who Garth is as he has lost the gun. When Trampas arrives in Medicine Bow his carefree way gets him into trouble with the law but Garth allows him to work off the fine. However, his less ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.0
75 min

Judge Garth decides to allow a coal mine to be opened near Medicine Bow against the wishes of the other ranchers who also oppose the Polish miners brought in to work the mine. A beautiful young woman, Polcia, is among the family members that came with the miners. The son, Jan, of the man who took her in when she was orphaned assumes her to be his fiancé but she has other ideas. The son of one the vocal ranchers, Jack, falls for her even though her eye is on Trampas who has been given the job of keeping the miners secure and safe and tries to avoid her. Jan has a bad case of jealously. He and Jack end up in a fist fight ending in Jack's accidental death. When the incident is determined to be an accident, Jack's father decides to take matters into his own hands and kill Jan. Trampas realizes he has feelings for Polcia and tries to protect her and the miner's camp from harm.

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.1

The Virginian and Steve deliver a herd of cattle and find that the local bank has gone bust due to a money panic. The Judge's lawyer, Walter Moody, pulled the payment of $40,000 out of the bank before it closed. However, a bank depositor, Karl Swenson, knows about the money and believes over $10,000 of it should be his. Moody suggests Steve and The Virginian take the money to a another town for a bank draft by horseback. They find the bank there closed and the Swenson family catches up with them. The Virginian hops a freight train and joins up with a young runaway girl, Amelia Pryor, who tells tall tales while Steve leaves on horseback as a decoy. When The Virginian is prevented from re-boarding the train, Amelia leaves the train and returns with The Virginian's saddle bags. They are forced to spend the night at an elderly couple's barn and after leaving the next day, the Swenson's catchup again but they find the saddle bags contain cutup newspapers. The Virginian and Amelia return to... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.0
75 min

The Virginian on the way to San Pedro in the southwest meets three women together on the train. When he learns they are on the way to San Pedro he tells them it is no place for women. When they arrive, he finds out they are looking for a guide to take them further out to the Yaqui Indians. He warns them it is not safe but they do not heed his advice. After The Virinian delivers a bull from Shiloh, he learns on his return to San Pedro the women hired Dixon a man The Virginian knows to be a thief to guide them. The Virginian heads into the desert after them. He finds and has to kill Dixon and recovers the women's stolen items. He guides them to the Mexican army fort after encounters with bandits and soldiers at an outpost killed by the Yaqui. While trying to convince the women to turn back, he tells them what the Yaqui did to the previous missionaries and then learns they were the women's husbands. A romantic relation develops between The Virginian and Kathy, the youngest of the three ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.1
75 min

Judge Garth and Betsy returning from cattle meetings in Montana are two of eight passengers on a stagecoach which is attacked during a rest stop. Besides the Garths the passengers include an older couple, a young couple, and two men one of who is a personable and exuberant sewing machine peddler. They race to the Sundown way station that is heavily fortified but the driver is killed on the way there. The way station was once a Montana Territorial Prison that has been decommissioned. The station master is an ex prisoner who suffers from battle fatigue. Judge Garth learns from the gang leader that they want a man named George Wilson but no one in the group uses that name. Garth is able to deduce who Wilson is and Wilson comes forward telling them that he used to be part of the outlaw band but betrayed them and they want revenge. With emotions high the group narrowly votes to protect him. After a gunfight in which both sides takes losses, the gang applies greater pressure forcing the ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.7
75 min

Sam Harder fresh out of prison for a robbery returns to Medicine Bow where Trampas finds him. They are close friends as Sam once saved Trampas's life so Trampas finds Sam a job at Shiloh since he is experienced at breaking horses. The $50,000 in gold from the robbery was never found so Detective George Johnson is following Sam hoping he will lead Johnson to the gold. Sam, however, expects Bleeck the one partner in the raid who escaped to come after him and he does with two deadly partners. Trampas, who had knowledge of the robbery and Bleeck, sees what is happening and decides to help Sam as payback. The Virginian learns about Sam's background from Johnson and becomes concerned when Trampas disappears as he suspects what Trampas is trying to do. He enlists the aid of the Sheriff and Johnson to trail Trampas and the others but must convince Johnson Trampas is not after the gold but to protect Sam. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.0
75 min

Ed Frazier has spent three years in prison for robbing the lumber yard and stealing $30,000 which has not been recovered. After returning to Medicine Bow, he continually runs into Steve who believes Ed wants to get even for testifying against him at Ed's trial. Ed's concern is renewing his romantic relationship with Helen Blaine who was his inside accomplice in the robbery. Complicating the situation is the fact that Steve is seeing Helen's very attractive daughter Gloria. Although Steve seems to be ahead of her other suitors, Gloria and her mother are interested in going back east where east where Gloria can meet wealthy high society suitors. Steve has several run-ins with Ed Frazer and barely escapes a wagon accident after one of his many confrontations with Ed. When Ed is shot in the back and killed, Steve is blamed by the community although there is not enough proof to support a indictment and trial. Steve decides to investigate and try to determine who is guilty. His results put ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.0
75 min

Karl Rilke and his pregnant wife Maria are immigrants from Lativa looking for a new life in the United States after his business was stolen from him in the old country. However, they are ignorant of the US legal system and continue to react to events as if they were still in their non-democratic homeland. Trampas and Betsy find a neighbor murdered. A search for the guilty party results in finding the dead man's rifle with Karl. Karl is tried for the murder even as he insists he bought the rifle from a third party. Judge Garth is forced to take on his defense and wins a not guilty verdict but people are still suspicious of Karl. Later another man is caught with the rest of the stolen goods and is tried for the murder. Karl's guilty conscience drives him to admit during the trial that it was he who killed the man when he was threaten with the rifle by the man during a fight over wages he was denied. Karl and Maria, however, find they still have much to learn about the law in the US as ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.0
75 min

Dr. William 'Will' C. Martin rescues Lydia Turner from the advances of the drunken women's undergarment salesman, Charlie Dorsey. Lydia is the daughter of the Medicine Bow bank president and Will with his accomplices Charlie and Jenny are working a con. Will is posing as an oil geologist exploring for oil in the area. The plan is to induce the locals to invest their own money along with the outside backers Will supposedly has. However, a national banking crisis creates a run on the Medicine Bow bank and ends all hope for the con. Will always the one with a new idea proposes a plan to Judge Garth and the bank president to save the bank while giving his group another chance to reap a huge payoff. But complicating matters is a real blossoming relationship between Lydia and Will.

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.8
75 min

Frances Graham, a wealthy cultured woman, arrives in Medicine Bow and uses the ruse of being thrown off her horse to gain the friendship of The Virginian. She wants him to take her into the badlands to the hideout of Michael O'Rourke who was the foreman of Shiloh before The Virginian and still a close friend of The Virginian. Michael is now the leader of an outlaw gang but he does not sanction killing. Frances is looking for Eddie Thorpe who she says is her husband and believes he killed a man but the man is alive. The Virginian takes Frances to Michael but when they arrive they learn Frances is after Eddie for the death of her daughter and tries to kill him. Michael searches for the truth and at the same time he develops feelings for Frances. Frances and the Virginian leave and Michael decides it is time leave the gang, turn himself in at Shiloh, and work toward a better future perhaps with Frances. However, Eddie is given the mistaken idea Michael plans to kill him at the hideout ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.5
75 min

While returning to Shiloh, Steve, Trampas, and The Virginian encounter Martin Reese with his pet chimp. Martin is promoting the idea that people should be vegetarians which is not a popular idea in cattle country. The trio befriend Martin when a man threatens to shoot the chimp. Later the man is found dead and Martin is blamed for it resulting in a posse on his trail. Continuing on the trip the trio encounter Ellen Beecher and a large group of orphans she is escorting to an orphanage unknown to the kids. She supports them via readings including Oliiver Twist. The trio knowing her and the kids have met Martin decide to help and protect the group. The Virginian finds Martin who says he is innocent and while Steve and Trampas decide to find families to adopt the kids but are unsuccessful. They come to realize Martin is innocent and that he and Ellen have a special relationship with the orphans and each other but they have to resolve the murder and feelings of the locals. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.3
75 min

Kyle Lawson who saved The Virginian's life during the Spanish-American war arrives at Shiloh saying he has been framed for a murder in Montana. He is accused of killing the husband of Leona Kelland with whom he had a very close relationship. Trampas and The Virginian go to Montana under the pretense of buying breeding stock to see if they can uncover the truth while Kyle hides at Shiloh. Trampas asks questions around town while developing a fondness for the beautiful and talented saloon singer Cary. The Virginian develops a close relationship with Leona and comes to believe she did not kill her husband as he originally thought. The local sheriff and his deputy soon determine what Trampas and The Virginian are doing and confront them forcing their hand. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.3
75 min

Judge Garth shoots and kills Paul Willson in Willson's office in San Francisco during a fight over a business venture. Garth believes Willson and his partner Bradford are swindlers. Garth reports it to the police but when they investigate there is no body or evidence of the incident. Garth wakes a federal marshal he knows and tells the history of why he is there. Months earlier Miss Wallace, a widow, arrives in Medicine Bow to open a finishing school for young women. Garth hires her as a governess for Betsy who he had planned to send to school in Boston. Both Garth and Betsy come to love Miss Wallace and enjoy her company. When Betsy sees her searching through Judge Garth's desk, Garth confronts Miss Wallace but she denies it. When she leaves Shiloh during the middle of the night, Garth trails her to San Francisco where he learns the truth about her involvement. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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