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HD Not Going Out

Not Going Out


Not Going Out

IMDb: 7.5
27 min

Daisy, Lee and Lucy are on a plane going on holiday but Lee is scared of flying and suspects another passenger of being a terrorist - leading to an embarrassing encounter in a toilet. When Lee overhears the man in conversation with a stewardess he convinces Daisy and Lucy that they are in danger and they steal his bag. In the event it is Lee who gets mistaken for the hi-jacker whilst the suspect proves to be an air marshal. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD Not Going Out

Not Going Out


Not Going Out

IMDb: 8.2
29 min

Lucy is organizing a surprise anniversary party for her parents at Mario's restaurant but makes the mistake of telling Lee so the news gets back to her father Geoffrey, who makes it clear he does not want it. Lee then devises a plan to cancel the restaurant booking by telling Mario that Geoffrey has died and throwing the party at the flat. All goes well until Mario turns up to offer his sympathies and finds that Geoffrey is very much alive. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD Not Going Out

Not Going Out


Not Going Out

IMDb: 7.7
29 min

Envious of their interesting life style Lucy befriends Anna and Toby though Lee feels left out so Daisy suggests he invites then to a dinner party . This he does, pretending to be a successful business man with tickets for an upcoming charity event. Feeling sorry for him - and admitting to being hen-pecked - Toby gets the tickets for him and allows Lee to take the credit. Unfortunately at the charity dinner Lee gets very drunk and the lie is exposed but when he takes to the stage to sing Lucy's praises and Anna criticizes him Lucy realizes which of the two's friendship means the more to her. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: ,
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HD Who Do You Think You Are? (UK

Who Do You Think You Are? (UK


Who Do You Think You Are? (UK

IMDb: 0

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HD Not Going Out

Not Going Out


Not Going Out

IMDb: 8.7

For Lee's birthday surprise Lucy arranges a puzzle game for them, their parents and Anna and Toby. They are locked in a cellar and have to escape before a hypothetical bomb - to which Lee is hand-cuffed - explodes. Frank annoys Geoffrey by spotting more clues than him but then the party discovers that the organizer is a crazed, vengeful loser and that the bomb may be real. They have only seconds left to save themselves . . .

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Not Going Out

Not Going Out


Not Going Out

IMDb: 8.3
29 min

Lucy is feeling broody and asks Lee to help her have children.

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Not Going Out

Not Going Out


Not Going Out

IMDb: 7.4
29 min

Frank suggests Lee spends a weekend on his boat,along with Daisy and Lucy - which he accepts when it means he and Lucy will be sharing a double bunk. The platonic bunk-sharing goes well but next morning the boat has slipped its moorings and drifted out to sea and Frank,unaware of this,has hacked a hole in it to claim the insurance. The group is saved by Marshall,the boat's life raft but,back on dry land,Lucy tells Lee she never wants another date with him.

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Not Going Out

Not Going Out


Not Going Out

IMDb: 7.0
28 min

Lucy's god daughter Nancy is dumped on her on the eve of her ninth birthday party,to which her unruly friends have been invited. To impress Lucy Lee offers a magic display in the guise of clown Wiggly Bob but,thanks to Daisy,he fails to pay Steve, the sinister magic shop owner for the props hired on approval,with the result that Steve sabotages the big stunt,an escapology act,which leaves Lee and Lucy stuck in a locked chest. Fortunately Daisy comes to their rescue and the birthday party goes ahead,with a somewhat fiery climax.

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Not Going Out

Not Going Out


Not Going Out

IMDb: 5.9
28 min

Wendy and Geoffrey recruit Lucy,Daisy and Lee to join their amateur dramatics group,performing a Victorian-style melodrama called 'The Kiss' and written by Lucy's pretentious first love Scott. Jealous that Lucy and Scott are hitting it off on stage Lee attacks Scott and gets sacked from the play. However,come the first night,he reappears and uses the fiction to show Lucy how he really feels about her.

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Not Going Out

Not Going Out


Not Going Out

IMDb: 6.7
29 min

Lee is desperate to make Lucy jealous so he goes on a date with marriage-obsessed Rachel,taking her to a high class restaurant where he crosses swords with a lordly waiter. Finding Rachel odd Lee nonetheless continues taking her to the same restaurant. Back at the flat Rachel gets very amorous with Lee and - almost - succeeds in making Lucy jealous.

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Not Going Out

Not Going Out


Not Going Out

IMDb: 7.3
28 min

Lucy attends a three day conference to acquire new business clients but jealous Lee assumes she is out to get a boyfriend and,forging a pass,gets in to stop her,posing as her husband. Inevitably this fails so Daisy urges him to return and declare his feelings,which he does,claiming to be her father and accompanied by her mother. However this incurs the wrath of her real father Geoffrey and loses her the deal she was after.

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Not Going Out

Not Going Out


Not Going Out

IMDb: 7.2
29 min

When Lucy starts a course learning to be a psychotherapist Lee is predictable cynical so she decides to use him in an experiment. She has him visit his father Frank to find out what happened in the past to doom their relationship. It turns out that Frank never wanted to have a son - it was just that the condom broke - and that Lee was a problem child who caused his parents' marital break-up. For all that a kind of reconciliation follows.

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Not Going Out

Not Going Out


Not Going Out

IMDb: 6.9
28 min

Lee,Daisy and Lucy are on a skiing holiday but Lucy has had an accident,putting her arms in plaster. The three of them are in a cable car which gets stuck over the piste,their fellow occupant being a heavily pregnant woman who speaks little English. With Lucy incapacitated and Daisy obsessed with a stray bird it is down to Lee to act as midwife - which he does admirably even though he was not expecting triplets.

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Not Going Out

Not Going Out


Not Going Out

IMDb: 7.0
28 min

Lucy's elation at securing a business deal quickly evaporates when she accidentally runs over Button,the pet rabbit belonging to client Paul's daughter Sophie. Lee agrees to take the blame but on returning the corpse discovers it is another,wild rabbit she also killed. They decide to buy a replacement and go to a pet shop where they narrowly avoid meeting Paul and Sophie so that the contract looks as if it can be saved - until Lucy and Lee pay another visit to Paul.

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Not Going Out

Not Going Out


Not Going Out

IMDb: 8.1

Lee is trying to convince Lucy and Daisy about a Japanese Fish, until a surprise guest comes knocking at the door

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Not Going Out

Not Going Out


Not Going Out

IMDb: 8.0
27 min

Lucy is working on a men's health initiative and suggests Lee check 'downstairs' for lumps. When his testicles seem to be unnaturally swollen Lee visits a doctor but,put off by the fact that she is a woman,drags Tim along to a sauna to assess what size normal testicles should be , leading to an embarrassing encounter before he gets the all clear.

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Not Going Out

Not Going Out


Not Going Out

IMDb: 8.0
28 min

Lee trains for a charity run to impress Lucy but gets injured and,answering a card in a shop window,gets Polish masseuse Claudia round to the flat for a sports massage. Unfortunately she is actually a hooker and Lucy is not pleased when she walks in on them. To impress upon Lucy his innocent misunderstanding Lee takes a reluctant Tim in search of Claudia,leading to their being arrested for kerb crawling and ending up three in a bed with Claudia before all is satisfactorily explained.

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Not Going Out

Not Going Out


Not Going Out

IMDb: 8.9
28 min

In an effort to show the others that he is not a wimp who needs his creature comforts, Lee agrees to accompany Tim, Lucy and Daisy on a camping weekend. Unfortunately Tim's car breaks down in a spooky wood and a number of sinister people wearing clown masks surround the would-be campers. After much deliberation as to his manliness Lee gets out and unmasks one of the clowns, discovering that he is one of a group of elderly voyeurs who have come to watch couples have sex, as the car has broken down in a part of the wood well-known for 'dogging'.

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Not Going Out

Not Going Out


Not Going Out

IMDb: 7.5
28 min

When Lee's scrounging father Frank turns up in a wheelchair claiming to have been discharged from hospital after being hit by a bus Lucy and her family think that Lee is hard-hearted in not administering to the supposed invalid. Frank realises this and tells Lee that,if he makes a fuss of him,Lucy will have a higher opinion of him and Lee falls for it. Frank is of course faking his injuries but Lucy does indeed give Lee a little respect for trying to be helpful - though only a little,of course.

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Not Going Out

Not Going Out


Not Going Out

IMDb: 8.0
28 min

When Lee discovers that Tim is fronting rock band the Auditors he goes along to heckle but is surprised that they are good and Lee is jealous - particularly when guitarist Stretch hits it off with Lucy. He gets a job as the band's roadie but a meeting with Stretch's ex-girlfriend enables him to discover Stretch's real motives for his involvement, leading to Lee making his rock star debut and farewell performance at the same time.

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Not Going Out

Not Going Out


Not Going Out

IMDb: 7.8
28 min

After being hit by a car Lee sinks into a coma where he dreams that he is being cared for by an extremely amorous Lucy and that Tim gives their relationship his blessing. Things turn sour when Lee's father enters the dream in a number of guises and,after her marriage to Lee,Lucy gives birth to a number of fully-dressed children,forcing Lee to be the bread-winner. When he eventually wakes up will he be able to tell Lucy about the dream and will she be as accommodating in real life?

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Not Going Out

Not Going Out


Not Going Out

IMDb: 7.8
28 min

When Lucy's parents,Wendy and Geoffrey,split,Geoffrey moves into the flat,banishing Lee to the couch. When Lucy suggests that Lee may have to move out if Geoffrey's stay is permanent and Daisy points out that Lee could win a place in Lucy's heart if he resolved the situation,Lee puts on his dancing shoes. The row was after all because Geoffrey refused to take Wendy ballroom dancing but,if he saw her trip the light fantastic with another man,he might get jealous enough to cut in.

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Not Going Out

Not Going Out


Not Going Out

IMDb: 7.9
28 min

Lucy is approached by a film director to lease the flat out for a day for five hundred pounds. She refuses but Lee goes behind her back and,while she is at work,lets Mike and his actors in. However,it is a porn film and,whilst Tim promises not to tell Lucy so long as he has a walk-on part,Lee's taunts cause the male lead to quit. As a result he finds himself forced to take over the role. Will it all be in the can before Lucy gets back or will he be -literally - exposed to her anger?

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Not Going Out

Not Going Out


Not Going Out

IMDb: 8.0
28 min

Nineteen-year old Debbie turns up at the flat and arranges to meet Lee,whom she believes to be her father following a one night stand with her late mother at a party twenty years earlier. This was the party where Lee first met Tim,who then looked like 'a cross between Gloria Hunniford and a white Michael Jackson' and he too could be the putative father. When DNA results seem to exclude either it is fortunate that Lucy remembers a traumatic experience she had as an eight year old - which solves the mystery.

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Not Going Out

Not Going Out


Not Going Out

IMDb: 8.3
29 min

With Lucy not pregnant and Barbara married to Pavel and out of the picture life should be simple but Tim ensures the opposite when he returns from a night-club wearing the wrong coat - with heroin in the pocket. He and Lee return the coat and its contents to the presumed rightful owner but they have just given free drugs to the wrong man and have to spend eight grand buying more to appease the real owner,a murderous butcher who is not pleased to find that the dealer has played a trick on him. Could Daisy be an unlikely saviour as the butcher gets serious with Tim and ...

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Not Going Out

Not Going Out


Not Going Out

IMDb: 8.5
28 min

Lee gets a surprise visit from Frank, the father who walked out on his family thirty-five years earlier and who never paid any maintenance. Lee is hostile but Lucy urges him to forgive and forget. It is Christmas after all and Frank has terminal cancer and a hospital letter to prove it. But can Lee trust the man who ate his goldfish and made him take a drink-driving rap aged twelve? At least he gets to kiss Lucy under the mistletoe, which is the best Christmas present of all.

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Not Going Out

Not Going Out


Not Going Out

IMDb: 7.6
28 min

Lucy is moved by the sad stories told her by Pavel,the handsome Eastern European who mended her car,and in order to prevent his being deported back to cruel uncertainty in his homeland,agrees to marry him. To Lee's horror, Geoffrey,Wendy and Tim all succumb to Pavel's account of his plight and uphold the idea of the wedding. Lee himself almost gives in too but comes up with a cunning plan that will save Pavel,make Barbara happy and keep Lucy free for him.

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Not Going Out

Not Going Out


Not Going Out

IMDb: 7.8
27 min

Despite allowing Lee to pose as her P.A. when she goes to meet two potential clients Lucy impresses them sufficiently that they come to see her give a speech at a recruitment conference. Unfortunately she has also allowed Lee to write the speech for her,which goes down like a lead balloon - until she discards it to speak in her own words,thus winning the contract. (The fact that she was wearing no knickers probably helped too.)

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Not Going Out

Not Going Out


Not Going Out

IMDb: 8.1
27 min

When Lee goes to complain about the noise from the man in the flat above he is confronted by a literally ugly customer who threatens and intimidates him so that when Lucy announces that she has left a note telling the man to be quiet a nervous Tim and Lee go to retrieve it but end up trashing the man's flat. Simulating a burglary they trash Lee's flat too but when the neighbour comes down to beat Lee up Tim's sessions at the gym - and the steroids - come to his rescue.

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Not Going Out

Not Going Out


Not Going Out

IMDb: 7.4
27 min

Lucy wants to go to Venice for her upcoming birthday but Tim and Lee plan a surprise party,which is no surprise because she finds out about it. Perturbed that so many couples have been invited and not wanting to be the singleton she brings work colleague Robin to pose as her boyfriend but when he starts coming on to her it's time for Lee to save her with the aid of the chocolate fountain.

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Not Going Out

Not Going Out


Not Going Out

IMDb: 7.5
27 min

When an overexcited Lee and Tim invite the new lesbian couple over for dinner, their adolescent attempts to interact with the two lesbian women backfires when Lucy finds herself intrigued by the prospect also.

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Not Going Out

Not Going Out


Not Going Out

IMDb: 8.5
28 min

Lee wins a cheque for a thousand pounds after his article Disability in the Work-Place wins a magazine contest. Lucy is very impressed by the tenderness of the writing but Tim is ever cynical,particularly as Lee is extremely conceited about his win. This however will soon end when Dawn,a journalist,comes to interview him about his win and finds out that he is not disabled after all.

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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