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HD Family Guy

Family Guy


Family Guy

IMDb: 0

Peter becomes a real gangster when Joe asks him to be the godfather of his daughter.

Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Star Wars Resistance

Star Wars Resistance


Star Wars Resistance

IMDb: 8.1
30 min

Kazuda Xiono, a young pilot for the Resistance, is tasked with a top secret mission to investigate the First Order, a growing threat in the galaxy.

Country: USA
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HD Star Wars Resistance

Star Wars Resistance


Star Wars Resistance

IMDb: 8.1
30 min

Kazuda Xiono, a young pilot for the Resistance, is tasked with a top secret mission to investigate the First Order, a growing threat in the galaxy.

Country: USA
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HD Star Wars Resistance

Star Wars Resistance


Star Wars Resistance

IMDb: 8.1
30 min

Kazuda Xiono, a young pilot for the Resistance, is tasked with a top secret mission to investigate the First Order, a growing threat in the galaxy.

Country: USA
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HD Star Wars Resistance

Star Wars Resistance


Star Wars Resistance

IMDb: 8.1
30 min

Kazuda Xiono, a young pilot for the Resistance, is tasked with a top secret mission to investigate the First Order, a growing threat in the galaxy.

Country: USA
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HD Star Wars Resistance

Star Wars Resistance


Star Wars Resistance

IMDb: 8.1
30 min

Kazuda Xiono, a young pilot for the Resistance, is tasked with a top secret mission to investigate the First Order, a growing threat in the galaxy.

Country: USA
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HD Star Wars Resistance

Star Wars Resistance


Star Wars Resistance

IMDb: 8.1
30 min

Kazuda Xiono, a young pilot for the Resistance, is tasked with a top secret mission to investigate the First Order, a growing threat in the galaxy.

Country: USA
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HD Star Wars Resistance

Star Wars Resistance


Star Wars Resistance

IMDb: 8.1
30 min

Kazuda Xiono, a young pilot for the Resistance, is tasked with a top secret mission to investigate the First Order, a growing threat in the galaxy.

Country: USA
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HD Star Wars Resistance

Star Wars Resistance


Star Wars Resistance

IMDb: 7.6

DescriptionKaz and Neeku sneak onto a First Order refueling station in order to take an important piece of tech, but their plans go awry when they run into Tam and Gen. Hux.

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HD Star Wars Resistance

Star Wars Resistance


Star Wars Resistance

IMDb: 7.2
22 min

Kaz and Neeku discover Nena, a Nikto engineer in need of assistance, who barely escaped a First Order attack.

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HD Star Wars Resistance

Star Wars Resistance


Star Wars Resistance

IMDb: 0

The pirates volunteer to find food for the Colossus, but Kaz doesn't trust them; Kaz and Torra go on the hunt, but run into big problems.

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HD Star Wars Resistance

Star Wars Resistance


Star Wars Resistance

IMDb: 7.1

Kaz officially joins the Aces, as does Yeager -- who trains them to become better combat pilots; Tam learns what it's like to be a First Order pilot.

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HD The Flash

The Flash


The Flash

IMDb: 9.5

While Nora grapples with unresolved anger over her father's disappearance in the future, Barry and Team Flash must stop a powerful new meta, Weather Witch, from killing her own father, Weather Wizard.

Genre: ,
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HD Pulse AU

Pulse AU


Pulse AU

IMDb: 8.3

Chad Berger's days as a doctor are coming to an end, but he is determined to see through a complex set of paired kidney exchange transplants.

Genre: ,
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HD Pulse AU

Pulse AU


Pulse AU

IMDb: 9.4

Frankie helps a kidney transplant. Lou finds courage to stand up for herself. Tabb shows his heart when treating a patient. Beautifully scripted with undertones about Australian's health system.

Genre: ,
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HD Pulse AU

Pulse AU


Pulse AU

IMDb: 8.0

Transplant patient and now doctor, Frankie starts her first day in Renal rotation; best friend Lou battles surgery's boys' club; and flatmate Tabb starts as an intern.

Genre: ,
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HD The Pacific

The Pacific


The Pacific

IMDb: 8.3
530 min (10 episodes)

The Pacific follows the lives of a U.S Marine Corps squad during the campaign within the Pacific against the Japanese Empire during WW2. Made by the creators of Band of Brothers, it follows a similar line of thought to outline the hardships of the common man during war. The Pacific is in parts a fast paced war series that can be enjoyed by action lovers whilst containing a more sensitive side when projecting the relationships (brotherhood) of Marines on the battlefield. Where The Pacific takes a new direction from its older brother is in its depiction of the lives of soldiers who were picked to return home to increase the sales of war bonds. In doing this it also depicts the life cycle of returned soldiers from initial joy to the eventual feeling of regret and to a certain extent shame felt by soldiers wanting to return to the war in service of either their comrades or nation. Written by TgRegensse

Country: USA , Australia
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HD Pulse




IMDb: 0

Genre: Drama,
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HD Pulse




IMDb: 0

Genre: Drama,
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HD Pulse




IMDb: 0

Genre: Drama,
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HD Pulse




IMDb: 0

Genre: Drama,
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HD Pulse




IMDb: 0

Genre: Drama,
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HD The Pacific

The Pacific


The Pacific

IMDb: 8.0
57 min

The men have been relieved on Peleliu and return to Pavuvu where they are resting and awaiting their next assignment. Sledge sees something being thrown out in the trash and decides to keep it. Back in the USA, John Basilone requests re-assignment from his bond promotion duties and is transferred to Camp Pendleton as an instructor. There he meets Sgt. Lena Riggi, who is in charge of the mess hall. She's no pushover and it takes several attempts before she will even go out with him. Basilone's enlistment is up in a few months and he must decide if he is going to return to civilian life or sign up for another tour and accompany his men to Iwo Jima, their next assignment. He and Lena decide they are going to make the most of the time they have together. Written by garykmcd

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HD Spartacus: Blood and Sand

Spartacus: Blood and Sand


Spartacus: Blood and Sand

IMDb: 9.7
58 min

Rebels bands, whose leaders each pretend to be Spartacus, striking all over the region confuse the Romans. One of two columns with mainly women and children thus escapes, the other is captured and bloodily made into examples, crucified along the Via Appia. Once Crassus realizes the truth about Tiberius, Kore suffers the same fate. Spartacus cunningly prepared the battle field he chose to oppose Crassus's legions in a desperate last battle, with Gannicus in commanded of a mounted reserve to pincer the Roman infantry. Nevertheless, the last true gladiators fall one by one, so Crassus and Caesar triumph, only to be forced politically to allow Pompey, who actually arrived to late, to take the main credit, so as to forge the triumvirate which will take over Rome. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Spartacus: Blood and Sand

Spartacus: Blood and Sand


Spartacus: Blood and Sand

IMDb: 9.1
57 min

Capturing Roman scouts, Spartacus realizes that the feared general Pompey is back in Italy, while survivors report the massacre of Crixus and most of his army. Ynwilling to let his glory by stolen, Crassus only agrees to confer with Pompey by envoy. Tiberius eagerly accepts Caesar's suggested to represent his father, but at arrival is captured as Spartacus used to looted uniforms to impersonate Pompey's delegation. Tiberius and his escort are captured and destined as sacrificial victims in improvised gladiator games in honor of the rebels countless losses. Realizing Crassus won't return to ruthless military reasons while his heir is captured, Caesar accepts to negotiate his exchange for 500 slave prisoners, including Argon, who thus survives crucifixion. Spartacus leaves the dilemma to Crixus's bloodthirsty widow, but Kore proves even more vindictive. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Spartacus: Blood and Sand

Spartacus: Blood and Sand


Spartacus: Blood and Sand

IMDb: 8.9
53 min

Spartacus gets his horde away from the ridge but lost the taste to risk huge casualties among the many weak runaways, so he resolves to flee over the Alps. Crixus however gets his blessing to take an army of volunteers, including Agron but not his gay lover Nasir, to attempt taking Rome, which is only defended by Varrius's single legion if Crassus pursues Spartacus. In the Roman camp, Crassus uses brute force against 'disloyal' senator Metellus's protest. Caesar wants Tiberius to help control his father's dangerous temper, but threatening to expose Kore's fate fails when Tiberius personally submits Caesar to anal rape. Crixus's battle goes well, until they are surprised and crushed by Crassus's legions, after which Crixus's head is severed by Tiberius's sword. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Spartacus: Blood and Sand

Spartacus: Blood and Sand


Spartacus: Blood and Sand

IMDb: 8.6
53 min

Crassus is confident the trench and palisade he had built secretly will contain Spartacus's army and successfully sets a trap by advancing his general's tent perilously, but the braves get away. To see his debts paid, Caesar controls his fury, being relegated to lower command, while Tiberius is reinstated as Marcus's right hand. Kore conspires with Caesar to expose Tiberius's rape, but hearing her lover admit his paternal pride will forgive any filial flaw decides her instead to defect to the rebel camp. There Spartacus overcomes Crassus's impatience, which even peeks at a bloody brawl. An icy storms kills the thousands weakest rebels, but their frozen corpses achieve revenge by bridging the trench, so Spartacus's men break free. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Spartacus: Blood and Sand

Spartacus: Blood and Sand


Spartacus: Blood and Sand

IMDb: 8.7
56 min

Caesar's masterly manipulation allows a triumphant Roman recapture of Sinessa. Gannicus stays behind to cover the retreat of Spartacus and most warriors onto the icy mountain ridge, where they are pinned down in dire conditions. Crassus rewards Heracleo with gold and 'traitor' Laeta, but Gannicus manages during his escape with Sibyl to kill the pirate captain and rescue the new 'slave'. Crassus orders Tiberius, who hoped to resume deputy command, to preside over the celebration of Caesar's victory and bribes senator Metellus to share the looting of the whole city. Instead of befriending Caesar, jealous Tiberius tries to trick his rival during the bloody execution of prisoners, but Caesar triumphs again. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Spartacus: Blood and Sand

Spartacus: Blood and Sand


Spartacus: Blood and Sand

IMDb: 8.9
53 min

Tiberius seems a bitter, broken boy, having had to beat his comrade Sabinus to death, lashing out at surviving true cowards. Father Marcus Crassus sends his mistress to coax his heir with wine and tenderness, but the knave chooses to rape the 'mere' slave by way of compensation. Senator Metellus is ignored when he rudely inquires why the army hasn't moved on Sinuessa, but will soon see. Spartacus tests Cricus' loyal patience to breaking point by leaving him behind during raids on Crassus's food supplies, announces he's sailing on Heracleo's ships to Sicily and releases the last Romans. While Crixus learns it's a diversion for a pincer movement on Crassu's camp, Caesar fuels the dissension to the extreme before opening the gate with fellow undercover soldiers. Spartacus finds his maritime pincer leg sabotaged as the Cilician pirates sold out to Crassus. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Spartacus: Blood and Sand

Spartacus: Blood and Sand


Spartacus: Blood and Sand

IMDb: 8.6
56 min

Although Sinuesse's food supplies are running out and Cilican pirate captain Heracleo can't promise enough (except wine) even at premium prices, Spartacus orders to admit new slaves, after screening for undercover Romans, a group of which fails to force the gate. Young Caius Julius Caesar manages to pose as a escaped shepherd slave and wins the confidence of dishonest schemer Nemetes. thus he discovers and fuels dissension in Spartacus's camp, yet causes only the slaughter of most Romans and doubt in Crixus's mind whether Spartacus should still be obeyed. In the fortified Roman army camp, Crassus decides the 'cowardly' retreat of Tiberius's men requires the harshest exemplary punishment to instill terrorized obedience: decimation. Tiberius's loyal officer friend nobly decides against a plea for exemption with Crassus, who ends up ordering even his son to draw a lot, but it's the officer who actually suffers beating to death at shattered Tiberius's hands. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Spartacus: Blood and Sand

Spartacus: Blood and Sand


Spartacus: Blood and Sand

IMDb: 8.5
56 min

Crassus sends Tiberius ahead with instructions to observe Sinuessa and wait. Caesar won't stand for being the boy's deputy and beheads the 'cowardly' gate keeper who escaped and reports Spartacus took the city easily. Despite Spartacus's explicit instructions, surviving Roman citizens suffer excessive cruelty, especially at the hands of Crixus's traumatized Naevia, who even kills blacksmith Attius. When Cilician pirates arrive, Spartacus learns their captain Heraclea has a secret deal with the late aedilius Ennius to use his seal to sell his thus laundered loot at market prices. Heracleo offers an Alliance. Spartacus agrees, mainly to buy urgently needed supplies. The suspicious leaders meet outside the city, but are observed by Tiberius, who decides to attack. The pirate fleet's artillery however makes the difference, Tiberius is carried off badly wounded. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Spartacus: Blood and Sand

Spartacus: Blood and Sand


Spartacus: Blood and Sand

IMDb: 8.6
52 min

Spartacus decides his army now needs a city to pass the winter, and lets escaped local slave Diotimos inspire his war council to choose and plan how to take over well-guarded Sinue (modern Sinuessa). Marcus Crassus completes preparing his legionary army. Eldest son Tiberius hopes his help will be rewarded with second rank, but fears being side-tracked in favor of seasoned young, general Caius Julius Caesar. The aristocrat last needs a rich, ambitious ally to pay his debts and finance his campaign, but loses points with Marcus by cockily playing with his slave-lover, Kore, who unlike the spouse is invited to join the army's train. Posing as a merchant, Spartacus scouts the city and is disgusted by the aedilis (magistrate) and further Roman elite's cruelty to slaves. Spartcus circumvents the strict security measures thanks to easily bribed blacksmith Attius and quickly starts a ruthless attack, which depends on his small party opening the gate from inside. Written by KGF Vissers

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