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HD Road to Avonlea

Road to Avonlea


Road to Avonlea

IMDb: 6.8
60 min

Davey has grown up to be a responsible young man. He is working hard and wants to use his earnings to buy a microscope for himself. Since he doesn't have enough money yet for one, Hetty unilaterally decides on something else she feels he should have instead, which places the two at odds with each other. Meanwhile, two British youth, brothers Bret and Ian McNulty, are being brought to the Avonlea Foundling Home. They were brought over from Britain on the pretense of being adopted, but were instead treated solely as slaves by their wards, who really had no intention of adopting them. As such, Bret and Ian ran away and were found on the streets of Charlottetown, living through petty theft. Bret and Ian are seemingly tough and streetwise, and hate everyone around them in Avonlea, especially Davey. The older Bret even goads the younger boys of Avonlea into games of chicken resulting in some illegal acts. But when Davey learns of a secret Bret is hiding, Davey vows to help the brothers on ... Written by Huggo

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HD Road to Avonlea

Road to Avonlea


Road to Avonlea

IMDb: 8.3
60 min

Rachel has now fully recovered from her stroke, and her outlook on life has taken a whole new direction where she is more carefree and is enjoying the small pleasures that life has to offer her. Meanwhile, the townsfolk are preparing for the 1911 version of the annual Avonlea Fair. Simon, the fair chairperson, has taken it upon himself to hire a midway, much to the chagrin of some of the more traditional members of the organizing committee, such as Hetty. But based on stories that Rachel has told him, Davey is enthralled by the midway attractions, specifically the live mermaid named Melusina, again much to the chagrin of Hetty, who has forbid him or Dora to go to the midway. But the more enthralled Davey becomes with Melusina, the more he learns about her and the midway owner, Mr. Snibb, and the main purpose of their business. In the end, Davey and Hetty learn that Rachel's new outlook on life has something to teach them. Written by Huggo

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HD Road to Avonlea

Road to Avonlea


Road to Avonlea

IMDb: 8.1
60 min

The Kings receive news from Thornhill Sanitarium that Cecily's lungs have cleared and that she is well enough to go home. The tuberculosis is dormant within her system, and the doctors have every confidence that it will remain so with proper care at home. As such, once Cecily arrives home, Janet and Alec treat her like she is still sick and won't allow her to do anything, this against the thoughts of former medical student Felicity and against the wishes of Cecily herself, who just wants to be treated as a normal child. Others in town also treat Cecily like she is still sick - if Alec and Janet treat her as being so, why shouldn't they? - which means keeping their distance from Cecily, and making sure that Cecily keeps her distance from them. Meanwhile, Felicity is still trying to figure out what to do with her life following her decision not to go into medicine. She wants to wait for Gus's imminent return to Avonlea before she makes a decision on her future. She is assisting Seth ... Written by Huggo

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HD Road to Avonlea

Road to Avonlea


Road to Avonlea

IMDb: 7.6
60 min

Having recovered from her stroke, Rachel decides to make the train trip back to Avonlea from Saskatoon despite it being the middle of winter. On the train close to Williston, Nova Scotia, Rachel suffers another stroke and is taken to a local hospital. Without identification on her and without the ability to speak, Rachel is listed at the hospital as a Jane Doe. Believing she may die alone and unknown in the hospital, she instead decides to sneak away and take the train back to Avonlea. She barely makes it home. Despite her precarious health and based on the urging of Davey and Dora, Hetty decides that Rachel should stay in Avonlea at Rose Cottage rather than Robert coming to take her back to Saskatoon. Because Rachel requires around the clock care, Hetty will need the assistance not only of Davey and Dora, but others to take care of Rachel while maintaining some semblance of their regular lives. But over the long run, all, including Rachel, will have to decide who is best equipped to ... Written by Huggo

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HD Road to Avonlea

Road to Avonlea


Road to Avonlea

IMDb: 7.5
60 min

Although it is a surprise to her, Muriel promptly accepts Clive's proposal of marriage. Almost everyone is happy for them such as Hetty who hijacks the responsibility for organizing the festivities. The one person who seemingly is unhappy is Izzy despite she being the one who originally set up the two. Izzy is afraid that Muriel's presence in the house will change her relationship with her father. Izzy's uncertainty is bolstered by the other kids talking about stepmothers and the Cinderella fairy tale. Clive's proposal coincides with him being offered the job of Chief Superintendent of Schools for the province. Despite the job's prestige, he is unsure if he should accept the job seeing as to Izzy's obvious discomfort about the marriage, of which Muriel is also aware. The job would require much travel, leaving Muriel and Izzy alone at the house. Clive decides not to tell either Muriel or Izzy yet of the job offer. Meanwhile, the students at the school are chipping in together to buy a ... Written by Huggo

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HD Road to Avonlea

Road to Avonlea


Road to Avonlea

IMDb: 6.5
60 min

Davey has once again gotten into trouble at school, this time for copying Dora's homework assignment. He is beginning to dislike school more and more. After hearing that Wiley Lester, a boy his own age, is working instead of going to school, Davey thinks that he himself would like to work instead of attending school. On Olivia's advice, Hetty, Davey's guardian in Rachel's absence, decides that perhaps Davey should get a job to show him that working is not as glamorous as he may believe it to be, which in turn would make him want to go back to school. Olivia talks a reluctant Jasper into hiring Davey to work at the cannery. Jasper's reluctance is due in part to the most recent Davey caused accident in Jasper's workshop. But Jasper's thoughts of what Davey should get out of this work experience differs from Hetty's. It also shows Lionel Lester what may be best for his own son. Written by Huggo

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HD Road to Avonlea

Road to Avonlea


Road to Avonlea

IMDb: 6.5
60 min

Rachel suffers a stroke, which paralyzes the right side of her body. Her son Robert in Saskatoon comes for her to take her back with him, which all concerned are hoping is only a temporary situation until Rachel is well enough to care for herself again. But because of his own personal situation, he is unwilling and unable to take Davey and Dora, who he sees as legally not Rachel's or by association his responsibility, as Davey and Dora were legally Marilla's wards. Hetty offers to take the Keiths until Rachel's return, however long that may be. This transition is difficult for all three of Davey, Dora and Hetty. Dora is concerned that Hetty will go the way of both Marilla and Rachel and leave her and Davey. But the more obvious problem is between Hetty and Davey. Hetty has never had to take care of a child as rambunctious as Davey. And Davey is taking out his frustrations on Hetty, those frustrations stemming in part from guilt that he may have been the cause of Rachel's stroke and ... Written by Huggo

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HD Road to Avonlea

Road to Avonlea


Road to Avonlea

IMDb: 7.1
60 min

Ever since Sara mentioned her true feelings toward Booth, Hetty is openly supportive of Booth courting Sara. Hetty, however, truly does not trust Booth and does whatever she can to intrude on Booth and Sara whenever they are together. This situation is only a microcosm of the way most Avonlea residents, especially the traditionalists, feel toward the entire Elliot family. The antagonistic feeling of the townsfolk is aimed most specifically toward Viola, who they feel is too flamboyant. It is uncertain how long the town collectively will tolerate the Elliots. The one person who does not have this same opinion and who really does like and want to emulate Viola's zest for life is Janet, who befriends the minister's wife. However, a very public incident makes Janet believe that Viola is hiding a problem. Viola is hiding a problem, but not what Janet believes it to be. Written by Huggo

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HD Road to Avonlea

Road to Avonlea


Road to Avonlea

IMDb: 7.2
60 min

The townsfolk are anticipating the arrival in Avonlea of the new minister, Reverend John Elliot, his wife Viola, and their son Booth. Before the Elliot's arrival, the townsfolk, led by Janet, prepare, including volunteering a reluctant Sara to be ten year old Booth's guide to Avonlea. When the Elliots arrive, the townsfolk learn that Booth is not ten but a late teen. The Elliots, who have most recently done missionary work in Borneo and spent much time in New Orleans, are shaped by their unique experiences. They are self-professed as unconventional: free-thinking and modern. This view on life extends to Booth. Sara is attracted to the exciting Booth, and he to her. The questions become how long will Aunt Hetty tolerate Booth's influence on an impressionable Sara, and how long will the townsfolk tolerate the reverend and his family and their unconventional ways, a potential issue to traditional Avonleaers. Written by Huggo

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HD Road to Avonlea

Road to Avonlea


Road to Avonlea

IMDb: 8.3
60 min

Certain people in Avonlea are hoping for a progression in romance. Ever since Morgan went away to military school, Izzy has been Clive's singular focus. She feels he needs a wife, and searches through the list of spinster women in Avonlea for a suitable candidate. Izzy sets her sights on either Hetty or Muriel. With an established relationship, Gus and Felicity each have news which could affect their future. Gus has been promoted to Assistant Manager at the White Sands Hotel, meaning that he now has the financial means to ask Felicity to marry him, which meets with Alec's approval. Felicity however has just been accepted into Dalhousie University's medical school in a fast tracked process. Because Gus wants to get married now, whereas Felicity wants to wait until she finishes school - which could be upwards of seven years - Gus and Felicity have to decide what to do about the possibility of a future together. Gus' thoughts are affected by Matt O'Donnell, an old sailor colleague who is... Written by Huggo

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HD Road to Avonlea

Road to Avonlea


Road to Avonlea

IMDb: 7.0
60 min

As penance for a careless accident he caused, Hetty orders Davey (he and Dora who Hetty is looking after for the afternoon) to perform three good deeds. The first is directed toward Jasper. Davey is the cause of yet another accident in Jasper's laboratory, but one that helps Jasper create a new unbreakable ceramic-like material. Olivia thinks that Jasper should patent it and use it for widespread purposes. The only person who Jasper believes could assist financially and with business expertise is his black-sheep cousin Jeremiah Dale - he being the black sheep because he went into business. However Jasper does not want to ask as he has not spoken to Jeremiah in over twenty years since Jeremiah made his life miserable when they were growing up. Looking remarkably similar to each other, Jeremiah used to pretend to be Jasper while wreaking havoc. Without telling Jasper, Olivia decides to ask Jeremiah on Jasper's behalf, a move which doesn't sit well with Jasper. Olivia, Jasper and ... Written by Huggo

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HD Road to Avonlea

Road to Avonlea


Road to Avonlea

IMDb: 7.9
60 min

The King family receives some devastating news: Cecily's month long persistent cough is diagnosed as consumption, which the medical profession is commonly calling tuberculosis. Between the two options provided to the Kings by their family doctor, Dr. Snow, Janet and Alec decide to care for Cecily at home rather than sending her away to a sanatorium. Janet in particular feels it is her responsibility to ensure that she provides direct care to Cecily, who she feels, in hindsight, has been their neglected child - the one who never fusses or complains, but as such does not get the attention. Beyond the family's concern for Cecily's health, the townsfolk have a more self-interested concern of having contact with anyone in the King family. Although Simon and Muriel do not believe Felix or Felicity a risk, Simon temporarily relieves Felix of his duties, while Felicity voluntarily resigns. With her free time and on Muriel's advice, Felicity decides to read up on the disease and the care for ... Written by Huggo

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HD Road to Avonlea

Road to Avonlea


Road to Avonlea

IMDb: 7.8
60 min

Rachel Lynde is called away on an emergency trip to visit her son, William. Rumors spread around town that it is because William has been incarcerated, the story becoming more and more exaggerated with each telling. Davey and Dora Keith are staying at Rose Cottage during Rachel's trip. It's not a good time for Rachel to leave as it's the start of the school year and Davey is getting into his fair share of trouble in skipping school and not doing his school work. Clive Pettibone is even going to recommend to Rachel that Davey be sent to military school to improve both his behavior and his school work. Sara however finds out the true reason behind Davey's delinquency. Another student facing some changes is Izzy Pettibone. She being a tomboy is not unexpected, since she only had male and military based influences while growing up. The military influences are getting stronger as Clive is continually praising son Morgan, who has just joined the army. Izzy, however, is growing into a young ... Written by Huggo

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HD Goosebumps




IMDb: 7.3
22 min (74 episodes)

When friends Nadine and Jonathan are exploring an old deserted mansion, they find a board game. Intrigued, Nadine opens it, and they find themselves transported inside the game, and must fight to escape from it.

Country: Canada
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