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HD Tina and Bobby

Tina and Bobby


Tina and Bobby

IMDb: 6.4

In 1957 teen-aged West Ham footballer Bobby Moore starts to date Tina Dean and they are married five years later. On return from honeymoon England manager Alf Ramsey appoints Bobby as the national team captain, which, to Tina's annoyance, restricts their social life but the birth of a baby girl gives them cause for optimism. The couple suffer a blow when Bobby is diagnosed with testicular though it is caught in time and cured. However Bobby's wish to leave West Ham for a more lucrative club almost loses him the England captaincy. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.2

Inspector Alison Drew comes to appraise the school with a view to its survival but matters are not helped when Chris absents himself to pursue Scout,who has run off with Liam to prevent them being taken into separate care homes and when Finn and Josh joy-ride in Tom's car. However Eleanor,seeking to atone for her past actions,rallies staff and pupils into a mass protest,ensuring it gets maximum press coverage,denouncing Whitman for using her in a vendetta against the school. Alison is impressed and the school survives. Chris finds a foster home where Scout can be with Liam but resigns from the school whilst Karen and Rob,newly qualified as a teacher,also move on together with their children,Aiden promising Jess he will stand by her. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.9

New girl Jody Allen,known as Scout,is dirty and prone to sleeping in class. Visiting her slatternly mother Chris is shocked to learn that she allows Scout to run drugs for her for extra money and he buys the drugs from Scout on condition she stops dealing. The police are called and Scout suspended but Eleanor is quick to use the situation against Karen. However even she is shocked to learn that Whitman wants to close down the whole school. At mock student elections Jess and Vicki begin as rivals but end up renewing their friendship and deciding to keep their babies. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 8.4

Aiden and Ronan have a fight in class,allowing Daniel to show his authority and his compassion when he listens to Denzil's fear of losing Sambucca. Rob has a heart-to-heart with his son,building up Naomi's hopes that they can reunite as a family unit. Lauren and Finn,followed by Tom,take Sambucca to find her long-lost father in Blackpool,only to learn he is serving life for murder. Back home Sambucca dies in the arms of Rose and Tom after Finn has told her he will never forget her. After recent events Karen hires P.R. woman Linda Wilks to give the school a positive image. However Whitman pays an unannounced visit,tipped off by Eleanor,making his disapproval of the P.R. exercise and the school to Karen. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.6

Rob's wife Naomi comes to see Karen,telling her that he is still with her but Rob makes it clear to Naomi they are finished as a couple whilst Vicki finally tells Jess about Aiden's duplicity. Twins Shona and Rhona Mansfield are the subject of a tug of love between single mother Sandi and leather-clad biker grandma Bette,Shona's preferred guardian,to be decided in court. On the day that Karen is opening a community cafe in the school in the presence of director of education Richard Whitman Bette chains herself to the school railings and feigns an asthma attack. This results in Shona seeing through her and wanting to live with Rhona and her mother but the embittered Eleanor uses it to show Whitman that she believes the school is incompetent and unable to keep order. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.5

Amy discovers she has a stalker,who turns out to be shy,asthmatic Stuart Foley,whom Eleanor advises to stand up to his bullying father. Eleanor organizes a project where the sixth-formers film themselves but it ends in disaster. Finn and Josh break the uninsured camera and Stuart uses it to expose his father's affair with Amy's mother,leading to Karen disciplining Eleanor. Sambucca has filmed herself explaining she has terminal cancer but it is only seen by a tearful Finn. Janeece gives Daniel a make-over whilst Rob,as well as warning Aiden to behave himself with the girls given what happened at his last school, tells Karen he is on an Open University course and hopes to teach. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.9

On the first day of the new term Karen arrives to find the alarms going off and is annoyed by caretaker Rob Scotcher's cavalier attitude,though Rob's son Aiden proves a hit with both Jess and Vicki.Pupil Ali abandons and then reclaims her baby in the school grounds and plans to run off with the child and Kyle,who is assumed to be the father. However when her mother and aggressive,unpleasant stepfather arrive a family secret is laid bare,which allows Ali and her mother to rear the child together. New teachers Daniel Chalk and Elaine Chaudry start work,Elaine having a run-in with Sambucca over her erratic behaviour. A sympathetic Tom takes Sambucca home,only to witness her having a fit. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.5

The school holds a fashion show and Ronan brings in Dan Hargrove,owner of a modelling agency,to give confidence to would-be model Vicki,now his girlfriend. Adanna once dated Dan and was dumped by him,so she regards him as a creep and,when he takes Vicki for an innocent lunch,accuses him of unprofessional conduct. This causes trouble with Ronan but,after Vicki has explained that nothing untoward happened,Adanna has to apologize to Dan. Cesca,finding herself pregnant by Jonah,goes to a clinic for a termination but changes her mind after he his impassioned phone call. Back at the school they get intimate,only for Ronan to walk in on them. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 8.1

Finn and Ronan organize a rave at an abandoned mill,where they closer to Sambucca and Vicki. However interlopers,headed by gang-leader Gav,gate-crash and it is down to the newly-reinstated Tom,whom Kyle has phoned in the hopes that he will spoil the rave for Finn,to save the day. Jonah gets drunk and almost discloses his affair with Cesca,to her horror,whilst Bex goes off with Hodge to spare Jess. However Jess has alerted her mother,who follows with Chris and Hodge is ultimately arrested. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 8.0

As Jonah suggests to Cesca that they go public as a couple Hodge continues dating Jess,under the name of Ewan. Then pupil Wayne Bodley discovers a shot of Bex on a porn site and it soon comes to Karen's attention. Bex explains to her mother that she met and lived with an older man who filmed their sex life but she now wants to put him behind her.However Bex sees Hodge with Jess and confronts him. He says that he has a sex disc of Jess as well,which he will publish unless Bex goes back with him and so she agrees. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.0

When Karen upbraids Harry for poor grades he gets revenge by stealing her phone and sending critical emails,supposedly from her,to other teachers,including Cesca,who believes she and Jonah have been discovered. Before it is resolved Ruby and Grantly have called for union action and Karen has to listen as Harry says he believes her to be ignoring him. The school business initiative,a supposedly segregated exercise in front of a visiting entrepreneur, is only saved when the girls break the rule and high-jack the boys' class to impress the visitor after Harry and Kyle have played up and Tom thrown Kyle on the floor,leading to the teacher's suspension pending a psychological assessment. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 6.7

Ruby argues with new caretaker,Polish Lukas Wisniewski,and inadvertently sides with racist pupil Martin Dowling and the weak-minded Kyle when they racially taunt him. Martin is particularly upset that his father,a right wing bigot whom he is trying to impress,did not get a job with the school whilst a Pole did but ultimately learns that his father is making excuses for his own laziness. However Lukas,despite an apology from Ruby,decides to move on whilst Cesca and Jonah end up in bed together and Jess gets picked up by Hodge. Janeece,aware that Ronan has stolen an exam paper which he hopes to sell to the school,thwarts him by having another test substituted. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.1

Josh comes out as gay to a sympathetic Tom,admitting his mutual attraction to Nate Gurney. However when Nate's single father discovers his son's sexuality he accuses the school of encouraging it. Learning that Gurney's other son,Aaron,who knew Nate was gay,was killed serving in Afghanistan,Tom tries to heal matters by starting a foundation in Aaron's name but gets beaten up by Gurney instead. Cesca finds it hard to fight her feelings for the smitten Jonah whilst a suspicious Karen follows Bex and sees her meeting Hodge. Karen approaches him and,whilst he claims to be a concerned boyfriend,he gives Karen an envelope to pass onto her daughter. It contains hundreds of pounds. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 8.1

Bex returns to school after her two year absence,but says nothing about what she did,though she refuses to take calls from somebody called Hodge and receives a bunch of flowers. In response to the boys' poor exam results Chris instigates a segregated sex teaching system,to the displeasure of feisty new staff member Adanna Lawal. The boys' class is indeed a disaster,thanks to insolent,persistent truant Kyle Stack,who sees it as his job to challenge Finn and ends up in detention. He is joined by Bex,who has disrupted Grantly's class,and who accuses him of sexual assault. He threatens her with his dog and she withdraws her claim but Jess suspects that her sister has had a traumatic sexual experience with a man during her absence. Janeece,given a shot at being a teaching assistant,surprises Ruby with her authoritarian tone. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 8.2

The last day of term brings mixed fortunes. Harry is in therapy doing well but the Fishers are dismayed to hear that Charlie is moving to London in line with new girlfriend Maria's teaching promotion. Steph,before leaving with Ollie,accompanies Grantly as he reluctantly places Fleur in a home but on his return to school it transpires that ,due to the stress of his domestic situation,he has been teaching the wrong A-Level syllabus. The kids are outraged though Tom and Marcus,despite the fact that he is leaving,offer extra tuition to rectify things. Steph explains to Karen all about Grantly's predicament which he has kept from her and is overheard by Ruth. Thus,when ex-footballer John Barnes arrives to present a cheque from the school's fund-raising day to a charity,Ruth has persuaded her school-mates that it should be to help Grantly with the cost of Fleur's care. There is a further bonus for Karen when she sees that her daughter Bex has returned to her. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.8

The pressure of seeing his parents argue at school and the intensified bullying of Finn,especially after he has twharted Finn's efforts to sleep with Jess,take their toll on Harry. After Finn has pushed him into the school swimming pool he stays at the bottom and needs rescuing. Karen is appalled to learn that he kept his problems from her and tells Charlie they have failed him,though she rejects Charlie's offer to return home. Josh and Finn are suspended though Josh turns against Finn and Jess punches him. Ruth deliberately loses a debating contest to prove to her father that she is not perfect and it is won by default by Ronan,despite his doing a public strip in order to win a bet by losing it. Janeece,accompanied by Ruby,is rushed to hospital where she gives birth to baby Poppy. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.0

Following the attempt to kiss him Finn is hostile towards Josh though they finally make up. Janeece is irritated when Ruby tries to dictate her diet to her for the welfare of the baby. New teacher Marcus is struck by the enterprise shown by young Ronan Burley,a would-be entrepreneur who is selling DVDs at school. However when Marcus visits the his father it turns out that he is a gangster who wants Ronan to take over his business and the boy is trying to make enough money to leave home. After a showdown in the school corridor Ronan finally shops his father to the police. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 6.8

Whilst Karen insists on marking the birthday of Bex,the daughter who ran away from home,Charlie and Jess believe it is morbid. Connor Lewis,an openly gay pupil,arrives and whilst Josh is rude to him,he later attempts to kiss Finn,leading to a fight. However he denies any such thing when brought before Tom and tries to compensate by getting physical with a confused Lauren. Vicki finds it hard juggling looking after her sick father and tries to blackmail Chris into giving her better grades after Jess has told her about their one-night stand. Janeece suggests that the Frys adopt her baby whilst Karen invites Marcus Kirby to teach at Waterloo Road. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.2

Ruby,now cured of her medication habit,reunites with husband John to try for a baby but her age goes against her. Karen's husband Charlie joins the staff but their son Harry sees a message on his father's mobile and suspects he is having an affair. Accompanied by Sambucca he follows Charlie,who is meeting Cesca,but when Harry tells Karen she does not believe her husband would betray. Jess,annoyed that Chris,on whom she has a crush,is getting on with Karen,publishes a piece in the school newspaper blaming Karen for the disappearance of her other daughter Bex some years earlier. With tension running high in the Fisher home Harry turns to bulimia. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.8

New head Karen Fisher replaces Rachel and new language teacher,Spaniard Cesca Montoya, turns male heads while a pregnant Janeece returns as school secretary. Marcus Kirby has been educating his children Jonah and Ruth at home but,at his wife's request,enrols them at the school. Jonah is delighted to meet a social circle but Ruth feels the school has little to offer her and runs away. She is found but the incident leaves its mark on Karen. There is trouble also for Chris,who has slept with a girl he met in a club,only to discover that it is Karen's daughter Jess. He offers his resignation but Karen refuses to accept it. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD White Gold

White Gold


White Gold

IMDb: 8.5

In order to get back all of the things that he has lost - his marriage, his livelihood, his self-worth - Vincent comes up with a spectacular plan that will return him to his rightful place.

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD White Gold

White Gold


White Gold

IMDb: 8.4

Vincent's life has taken a turn for the worse - kicked out of the family home, in debt to the Inland Revenue to the tune of 50k and worst of all - he's lost his sales mojo. He's gently sliding into the abyss when absolution appears in the most dangerous of forms. Lavender, having his own career-crises, is drawn back to the world of rock and roll and invites Sam along to a gig. Written by Totemistyk

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD White Gold

White Gold


White Gold

IMDb: 8.3
28 min

Vincent and Martin discover that Ian is into Citizens Band radio - code-name the Widow-Maker - and involve receptionist Carol in a prank which misfires when it reveals that CB is his only escape from his unhappy marriage. To atone Vincent organizes a sex party, which also allows him to carry on his affair with his son's teacher Miss Lyndley, arousing Sam's suspicions. Nominated for an Entretpreneur of the Year award Vincent takes Sam to the ceremony, where he is not only humiliated thanks to Ian taking his revenge but his publicity to canvass for the award has attracted the attention of tax inspector Miss Barnes and Sam, learning of his infidelity, leaves him. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD White Gold

White Gold


White Gold

IMDb: 8.6
28 min

Vincent is visited by formidable tax inspector Miss Barnes, whom he is anxious to avoid, leading him to invest in pirate video sales. Meanwhile Brendan, the firm's fitter, talks Brian into photographing his teen-aged daughter Donna for a competition for a sleazy tabloid, prompting Brian to establish his own soft porn company with Martin's reluctant help. Martin finds himself as Miss Barnes' unwitting sex partner, which partially vindicates Vincent but lands Brian with a tax bill when his videos are discovered. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD White Gold

White Gold


White Gold

IMDb: 8.3
28 min

Angry that Cachet do not supply their reps with company cars and expense accounts Swan resigns and hopes he can get a job with a firm selling advertising space which provides those perks. Unfortunately he antagonizes the boss, who regards Cachet as no better than bandits. Happily for him Walsh is only too eager to give him his old job back as temporary head salesman Fitzpatrick has proved to be a disaster, installing a computer which baffles receptionist Carol and angering a local heavy. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD White Gold

White Gold


White Gold

IMDb: 7.9
29 min

In 1983 cocky young Vincent Swan is kingpin at Cachet double glazing company, along with dim but equally ruthless Brian Fitzpatrick and decent all-time loser Martin Lavender However when Fitzgerald bets Lavender he can re-sell more windows to an existing customer he is the loser whilst Swan joins a family's prayer meeting to make a sale. Speaking direct to camera Swan explains how he got the job, dazzling Cachet's boss Tony Walsh with his glib sales technique, affording presents for wife Sam and their children but alienating old friends in the process. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD In the Flesh

In the Flesh


In the Flesh

IMDb: 8.1

Despite Gary's efforts to dissuade her Jem feels she must admit to Maxine that she killed Henry though Maxine does not condemn her and when Henry's mother reports him missing Maxine suggests that he may have gone to join an extremist ULA group. Meanwhile PDS sufferer Freddie Preston has returned from the dead to find his wife Haley has a new boyfriend, her boss Amir, and though they let him live with them Amir wants Freddie out, leading Freddie to ask Haley to run away with him. Kieren is working with Simon as cleaners at the sympathetic Dr Russo's surgery, where they see two caged rabids waiting to be collected for treatment. Simon aims to free them but Kieren prevents him and Simon returns to his group, advocating another rising. Maxine is aware that history may repeat itself and asks Gary to look out for her. Freddie turns rabid and desperately begs Haley to kill him after she refuses to leave with him and Gary is called in to shoot him. However Kieren is aware that Freddie only ... Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Horror,
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HD Our Girl

Our Girl


Our Girl

IMDb: 5.6

For her last week in the army before marrying Jamie Georgie is put under close protection as the hunt for Jasser continues. She meets his mother Stella, who points her towards the ex-girlfriend who converted him to Islam but neither, whilst appalled by his behaviour, can help locate him. The wedding day dawns but Georgie runs from the church with Elvis when they realize exactly where the crazed Jasser will be setting off another bomb. His plan is thwarted but events will also dictate Georgie's future. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, War,
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HD Our Girl

Our Girl


Our Girl

IMDb: 7.3

Back in Manchester Georgie dodges the press and confides in sister Marie her lapse with Elvis. She is certain Jasser is stalking her, giving her nightmares which cause Jamie to ask James for his help. However the army's counter terrorist group believes her and is able to track him down to a bus, foiling a bomb outrage though again Jasser escapes. In her personal life Georgie finds herself falling for Elvis again and lying to Jamie, ultimately deciding that she should leave the army. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, War,
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HD Our Girl

Our Girl


Our Girl

IMDb: 7.5

Following her rescue Georgie is eager to return to work and to help locate the terrorist compound where she was held hostage and which, thanks to her, is destroyed by a bomber plane. Georgie is cool towards rescuer Elvis but he saves her a second time from an armed robber and explains his reasons for not going through with the wedding. He claims that he still loves her, which gets a response, before Georgie returns on leave to her parents and boyfriend Jamie - but she is not the only Briton to have returned from Africa. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, War,
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HD Our Girl

Our Girl


Our Girl

IMDb: 7.5
58 min

Two years after fiancé Elvis jilted her at the altar Lance corporal Georgie Lane, an experienced paramedic, leaves new boyfriend Jamie to travel to Kenya with Captain James and 2 section on a humanitarian tour dealing with Somalian refugees. In Kenya itself the reception is largely friendly but Georgie's services are required when Al-Shabaab terrorists plant an IED which causes several casualties. When aid worker Kicki is taken hostage by the terrorists Georgie joins the rescue party but ends up being taken prisoner herself. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, War,
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HD The Musketeers

The Musketeers


The Musketeers

IMDb: 8.2
56 min

When Athos is kidnapped and taken back to his estate of Pinon, the Musketeers go in search of him. They find themselves in the middle of a battle against Baron Renard, who is shocked by Athos' decision to reject his nobility and is determined to seize the land for himself. As the Musketeers train the people of Pinon in combat and defend them against multiple attacks, Athos is forced to confront his past when he encounters an old friend whose life was ruined by his actions years ago.

Country: UK
Genre: Adventure, Drama,
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