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HD The King of Queens

The King of Queens


The King of Queens

IMDb: 7.9

Doug and Carrie make new friends and are afraid if their other friends, Deacon and Kelly are moving in on them. Arthur gets a shipment of his old favorite, salty cereal.

Genre: Comedy,
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HD The King of Queens

The King of Queens


The King of Queens

IMDb: 8.1

Doug takes Arthur out on a Friday night because he feels sorry for Arthur being all alone. When Carrie hears about this, she shows her appreciation to Doug by giving him oral pleasure. Doug starts to take Arthur out more and more because he hopes Carrie will keep 'appreciating' him. However, Arthur doesn't really fit in with the rest of the group Doug hangs out with. Written by Marco van Hoof

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The King of Queens

The King of Queens


The King of Queens

IMDb: 8.0

Doug and Carrie throw a wedding anniversary party for themselves. Doug invites his aunt, and finds out that his aunt and uncle are having problems. When Arthur meets Doug's aunt, he falls for her. Can Doug stop their relationship, or let it be. Written by laffalott1

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The King of Queens

The King of Queens


The King of Queens

IMDb: 7.9

Doug sees a picture of Carrie's mother in which she looks really fat. Doug tells Arthur he never knew she was fat and Arthur tells him she wasn't always like that. But at one point, well, she just started expanding rapidly. Now Doug is afraid Carrie will also get fat and he wants her to lose weight by going on a diet. Deacon advises against this because it'll get him into serious trouble with Carrie, but Doug thinks it won't be as bad as that and decides to try and talk Carrie into going on a diet. Written by Marco van Hoof

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The King of Queens

The King of Queens


The King of Queens

IMDb: 8.2

When Carrie's father Arthur burns his house down, she and Doug let him stay in their house. If Arthur wants to live in their house, Doug has to give up his downstairs paradise. Carrie's sister Sarah also moves in with them.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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IMDb: 9.0

In a meeting of the officers the general announces the establishment of a new office in San Diego, two sets of transfer orders, and a promotion; Mac will take over the new unit in San Diego, and Harm will transfer to London and get a promotion to the rank of captain; the general gives his consent for Harm and Mac to select their own staffs to go with them, so they start. Vic goes to Parris Island and investigates the case of a Marine recruit, his bizarre behavior, and his fraudulent enlistment; Vic creates an inventive and constructive resolution. Harm and Mac review their respective memories with each other, then they talk with each other, then they propose to each other. They agree that one of them should retire, but they can't decide which one, so the gang gathers at a pub, then Bud flips a coin, which Mac calls. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.9

Pirates have seized a Burmese civilian freighter in Indonesian territorial waters; USS Condon (ARS-54), a salvage vessel, has responded to a prior Mayday call from that ship; the general sends Mac and Greg, the new lawyer, to negotiate. Greg arranges for the pirates to send the ship's crew to the Naval ship; when those crewmembers arrive, they suddenly reveal that they are the pirates, and that they have killed the crew of the freighter; the pirates draw their own weapons, take hostages, and begin to try to seize the US ship; the US crew quickly regains control. However, two ships of the Indonesian Navy arrive and try to detain the US ship and obtain the leader of the pirates; then high-level bargaining takes place. The problem reignites aboard the freighter, but Mac and Greg take care of it. Meanwhile Bud and Harriet host a party to celebrate the birth of their twins; there Mike meets the general's daughter, who is a plebe at Annapolis and is a handful. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.4

Two former friends from the previous life of Coates show up; trouble brews among the three of them, then one former friend dies. Two detectives of the Metro PD aggressively question both Coates and Harm; Coates on her own does some detective work which produces results which the cops have failed to produce. A wealthy civilian has bought an F-18 on the Internet, and her daughter, a young Naval aviator, has taught him how to fly it, but she gets into trouble for having done so; Bud investigates; he discovers mitigating factors which work to the advantage of the daughter. Bud also encounters frustration while trying to take an anger-management course. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.5

At the joint detention center at the US Naval Station at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba, three Army MPs follow orders to remove a detainee from his cell for questioning; the prisoner resists; while the MPs subdue the prisoner, he becomes comatose. The detainee is a member of the US Army -- disguised as a prisoner for a training exercise -- instructed to resist -- for training of the MPs in dealing with uncooperative prisoners. A court-martial results; Mac prosecutes, and Harm and an Army lawyer defend. Meanwhile Bud slugs a mouthy civilian who berates military people and activity, and who threatens Mike; the Commonwealth of Virginia prosecutes Bud, and Sturgis defends him. The general orders Bud to enroll in an anger-management class. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.7

Harriet receives a commendation, then she changes to the inactive reserve because she has become pregnant with twins. Six men have died in a rough sea while trying to rescue a party in a rubber boat; Sturgis investigates. The admiral appears to stay in a happy mood. When he confirms his reservation for his wedding reception at the O Club in Annapolis, he converts it into his retirement party, which turns into a dining out. Harm learns that Mattie's father was not drunk at the time of the wreck; Mattie reconciles with her father. Webb appears to keep his promise to stay in touch with Mac each day while in Germany, but then the surprises stop, and Mac receives word that he has died (in the boat). Due to persistent back pain Mac has a laparoscopy; the news is not good. During the dancing after the dining out, Harm and Mac step outside and have a serious conversation. In the admiral's last official act as the JAG of the Navy, he presents a pair of shoulder boards to Bud. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.4

The US Navy seizes a Pakistani cargo ship hauling, in part, 195 kilos of heroin, but one kilo disappears; Harm, already in the Arabian Sea on another assignment, becomes involved; the admiral sends Mac to lend a hand. Also involved is a member of MI-6, the British Secret Intelligence Service. Harm finds the missing kilo, and a SEAL is implicated; Mac prosecutes, and Harm defends; eventually, though, they find the real culprit. Bud helps an enlisted Marine who got a recording contract, but who now is at risk of becoming indebted to the record company for a breach of contract due to the deployment of his outfit. Bud and Mike start making up with each other. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.2

The gang eats dinner at a Chinese restaurant; at the end the fortune cookies start a round of what might have become if the various people had set out on different roads. Harm imagines that he and Mac have married, they're in an unpleasant divorce, and Mac is about to marry a former client; Harriet is a wealthy socialite, living on her ample inheritance; Bud owns a chain of hot-tub stores, and Mike works for him; Sturgis is the manager and the fiancé of Varese; A.J. and Meredith have married, and A.J. is a civilian prosecutor; Jennifer, a member of a big-ticket fine-art theft ring, has jumped bail; Bud sells a hot tub to Harriet and installs it; everybody and everything comes together at a party at Harriet's new castle, then Meredith foils a theft, and a new light illuminates the events. Mac leaves a ticket, regains it, and loses it. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.2

A Marine platoon in Iraq takes fire from a hospital (which Iraqi forces have turned into a bunker), and they call in a strike from two carrier-based F-14 Tomcats. The strike destroys the hospital and kills 32 civilians. The Athens Bar Association (in Greece) files a complaint in the International Criminal Court against the President, the SecNav, and others, alleging war crimes and crimes against humanity. The SecNav calls for a team of expert litigators, so the admiral sends Harm, Mac, and Bud. During the trial, at The Hague, a Marine officer (a witness) saves the SecNav from an assailant wielding a knife. The trial turns out well. Mike babysits with little A.J., and A.J. gets away from him in a game arcade, and Mike eventually finds him. Bud returns home early, due to the disappearance, and he creates a scene between him and Mike. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.4

Just before Christmas bad financial news arrives at Mattie's hangar, then Harm and Mattie run into resistance to the petition for a guardianship. Mattie's father reappears; the hearing becomes an emotional contest; Mac makes a surprise appearance on behalf of Harm; the court takes the matter under submission. Later Mac speaks with Mattie's father, and he agrees to take a course of treatment and to withdraw his objection to Harm's petition. The admiral's first gift for Meredith becomes destroyed, but PO Coates tries hard to make everything work out. Sturgis continues to deal with his own thinking, and he meets a new friend. Chaplain Turner preaches a Christmas sermon, then the gang returns to the HQ to watch a video feed of the USO show in Iraq. Mac takes Mattie to the Vietnam wall, and Mac gives some good news and some bad news. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.7

A sailor dies while working aloft on a radar antenna at sea aboard a guided-missile destroyer; Harm and Mac investigate. Another sailor stands accused of dereliction of duty and negligent homicide; Mac prosecutes, and Harm defends. During the trial they discover the real cause of the death. The admiral asks PO Coates to help with the planning for his wedding with Meredith, but she overdoes it. Mike offers to escort the younger sister of a fellow midshipman to a dance; the classmate and his sister are black; the brother behaves toward his sister in a strongly protective way; they all work it out together. Harriet continues to coordinate for the USO Christmas tour in Iraq. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.8

Harm makes his first flight for the CIA, aboard a C-130 Hercules with one of his former clients; they suddenly find themselves as field agents in the Philippines, and their visit becomes complicated and extended. They solve the problem overseas, and they get themselves and their aircraft back in the air without harm. Harriet has given birth to another son, named James Kirk (as in Captain Kirk of the Star Trek), and Bud (a Trekkie) and Harriet hold a christening party in their home. Midn. Mike Roberts, with the advice of Bud and Mac and the help of Mac and Coates and despite the advice of Big Bud, gives aid and support to a friend summoned before the honor board at the US Naval Academy. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.6

Bud and Harriet hold a dinner party on Christmas Eve in their new house for the JAG gang. Everyone encounters delays or difficulties along the way. Harm and RAdm. Boone lose one ride but rescue a lost aircraft (hauling Toys for Tots), a young Marine couple lose a home but gain a lifetime blessing, RAdm. Chegwidden delivers another baby in his office, three visitors from the East present valuable gifts, a new Naval aviator receives his wings, and Bud and Harriet get bad news and then good news from Santa Claus. PO Coates joins for duty and for dinner. The catered dinner comes from an unexpected source, who remains for the party. Everything eventually works out. Bud invokes, God bless us every one, then all agree and exchange, Merry Christmas. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.6

A gunnery sergeant in the Marine Corps stands accused of fatally shooting his wife. Mac prosecutes, and Harm defends. The defendant does not fully cooperate with Harm, but Harm eventually figures it out, and justice prevails. Both Bud and his father have difficulty with Bud's condition, but each of them starts to straighten out. Loren prepares for her transfer to her next duty station in the Arabian Sea. Sergei returns to Russia, and Loren gives him a ride to an airport. The President accepts the resignation of the SecNav. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.0

While Sarah prepares to present a lecture at the US Naval Academy, Annapolis, Maryland, she falls asleep and dreams about a conspiracy to commit a mutiny at sea aboard USS Somers, a brig of war, a sailing vessel, in 1842. The Commanding Officer of the real USS Somers was Cdr. Alexander Slidell Mackenzie, whose surname was nearly identical to Sarah's. The regular cast portray the people involved in Sarah's dream. Trevor Goddard plays the role of Cdr. Mackenzie, and Catherine Bell plays Mrs. Mackenzie. Here, as in truth, Midshipman Philip Spencer, the leader among the mutineers, is the son of John Canfield Spencer, the Secretary of War under President John Tyler. [In 1845 George Bancroft, the Secretary of the Navy, in a response to the Somers Affair, ordered the founding of the US Naval Academy.] Both Harm and Sarah continue to show uncertainty about the future. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.0

During an exercise including an amphibious landing on a simulated enemy beach, friendly fire accidentally goes dangerously close to a boat hauling 15 Marines -- apparently due to a mistake by Petty Officer Mike Roberts, Bud's brother, a fire-control technician third-class. With the admiral's consent Bud flies to Mike's ship and starts an unofficial investigation; suddenly Bud shares a berthing facility with Mike. Next Mac flies to the ship, then Harm does likewise. Protestors in a rubber boat stage a collision with the ship; Harm chats with one of them, and he learns much. Later the admiral, the SecNav, and Webb fly out. Harm figures it out and describes it to all the brass. Soon the admiral receives an award at a surface-warfare officers' ball, and Mic unexpectedly shows up. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.5

Bud receives a promotion from lieutenant (junior grade) to full lieutenant; then Bud Sr. enters in uniform, announces that the Navy has recalled him to active duty to try him at a court-martial (for larceny and wrongful disposition of government property), and he asks Bud to defend him. Harm prosecutes, Bud defends, and Bud Sr. assaults and batters a government witness. Bud proves to be a vigorous and aggressive adversary at trial. Bud and Harriet throw a wetdown party at Murphy's Tavern. Continuing to look after Dar-lin, LCdr. Jordi Parker takes her to the JAG office, and Dar-lin identifies the bad guy from some mug shots; the NCIS people find his fingerprints at Grandma's house. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.6

Three Navy enlisted men waylay the owner of a bar in Norfolk, and one of them, without provocation, harshly beats him. Harm and Mac investigate; they find a possible lead and an interesting shipboard ethic. Harm and Mac prosecute, and Mic and Bud defend. Testimony reveals that the three men and a woman sailor had previously gone together to the bar in question, that the woman had become unconscious and eventually raped, and that the assault on the owner had supposedly taken place as an act of vengeance. However, Harm finds out what had happened, and what could not have happened. Meanwhile Bud helps his brother, Mikey, to deal with his recent enlistment. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.1

Bud Sr. and Mike (Bud's father and younger brother) travel to Washington for Bud and Harriet's wedding. Bud Sr. leaves insults, injuries, and hurt feelings in his wake; Harriet's mother also causes much discomfort and embarrassment. Bud passes a big career milestone with grace and empathy. A dry cleaner loses Harm's dress whites, but Harm finds them in an unusual place. The girls go to Harriet's party, then Mac bails Harm, Bud, and the admiral out of a DC jail after Bud's party. Bud Sr. skips the beautiful wedding, and Mike arrives late. Harm takes charge of a detail of eight officers who form an arch of swords for the new couple; he also shows up with an unusual and unexpected date. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.7

Harm, Bud, and Josh take part in a weekend tiger cruise (for friends and relatives of Navy members) aboard a frigate in the Gulf of Mexico; Josh sights a raft with people believed to be Cuban refugees. The ship's crew rescues them; shortly afterward they reveal themselves as anti-Castro liberators. The terrorists take hostages, take over the ship, and prepare to launch missiles to hit Castro at a public event. Harm and Josh put out the word, and help starts moving. The bad guys launch two missiles, which do not reach their target. The crew regains control of the ship, and Harm, Bud, and Josh return to Washington. Annie makes an announcement to Harm, and, at almost the same instant, Bud gives Harm an announcement and an invitation. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.1

While Harm and Mac do a daily jog together, they accidentally run in front of a car; Harm shoves Mac to safety, but the car hits Harm. Mac takes him to a nearby civilian hospital; an Israeli official is a patient at the same hospital for a heart transplant that same day. During the surgery several members of the Hamas seize control of two floors of the building, to hold the official as a hostage to obtain a release of a prisoner. Harm and Mac help with the takeover, and Harm helps with a birth. After fireworks and other action everything works out, and an elderly Navy former chief petty officer lends a pair of hands in an unusual but important way. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Van Helsing

Van Helsing


Van Helsing

IMDb: 7.4
43 min

When the hospital's power source is damaged, Vanessa and the survivors only have three hours of reserve power for the UV lights - the only thing keeping the vampires at bay. While Vanessa and Axel head into the ruins of Seattle to scavenge parts, the others are left to fight: against both vampires and amongst themselves.

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HD Limitless




IMDb: 9.0
44 min

Rebecca confronts Brian at gunpoint about his connections to Senator Morra and Jarrod Sands. To perceive the truth, and knowing of the adverse aftereffects to come, she takes NZT and learns Brian's complete story. Now on NZT together, they tackle the problem of bringing down Sands through Huston's burn book, which unexpectedly reconnects Rebecca to her late father while it leads the pair to try breaking through the barrier of a coma. Meanwhile, gratitude interferes with Sands' ability to be the ruthless leader of his new coalition. Written by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.7
23 min

Jerry visits his parents in Florida. Kramer asks Jerry to pick up some Cubans while he's there, but Kramer doesn't specify whether they are cigars or not. The next day, Jerry has an encounter with Izzy Mandelbaum, the founder of the Magic Pan crepe restaurant. Izzy challenges Jerry to a weight-lifting contest, but when Izzy takes it too far, he winds up in the hospital. Jerry goes to visit and learns that Izzy, his father and his son are nearly identical in age, and each one challenges Jerry to a weight-lifting contest. Meanwhile, back in New York, Elaine is repeatedly dragged to go see the best picture winning film The English Patient, but she absolutely despises it. Peterman nearly fires Elaine when she gets angry and leaves half way through the movie. Peterman gets so angry at Elaine that instead of firing her, he decides to teach her a lesson by making her go to Tunisia and live in a cave for six weeks. Jerry gets back to New York and Kramer learns that the Cubans aren't really ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.2
23 min

George is convinced that the chairman of the Susan Biddle Foundation thinks he killed Susan. He tries to record their conversation when he's not there but doesn't quite get it right. Elaine meets some old friends all of whom now have babies. She of course does not want children and that leads her to a like-minded new boyfriend, Kevin. Jerry's new girlfriend Pam drops in on Jerry but it's Kramer who is smitten. The more Kramer says he likes her however, the more Jerry does as well. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.0
23 min

Jerry has a hard time getting membership in the Friar's Club when the Flying Santos Brothers take his jacket during a show. Meanwhile, Elaine suspects that a new co-worker (Rob Schnieder) is faking a hearing disorder to get out of doing work. Written by halo1k

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.3
23 min

George meets Susan's cousins. The wife is expecting a baby and they are having a hard time agreeing on the name. George reveals that he wants to name his kid Seven after Mickey Mantle. The cousins like the idea of naming their kid Seven, but nobody else does. Elaine buys an antique bicycle and hurts her neck in the process. Kramer fixes her neck and wants the bicycle in exchange for payment. Jerry's new girlfriend wears the same dress every single day. Written by halo1k

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 9.1
23 min

Elaine, Jerry, George and Kramer visit friends in the Hamptons who've just had a baby. They're there for the weekend and George's new girlfriend Jane is there with him, even though they've never slept together. Jerry 's old girlfriend Rachel is there as well but trouble erupts when Rachel sees George naked and then giggles. Elaine takes an interest in the baby's pediatrician but isn't sure the compliment he paid her is necessarily a compliment. Kramer gets lobsters from a trap in the ocean not realizing that they belong to a professional fisherman. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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