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HD Power




IMDb: 8.3
59 min

Tasha grows more and more concerned about Ghosts attitude, so decides to get involved with business at the club more. Ghost and Angela's affair heats up, whilst Tommy is attracted to someone at the club.

Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Power




IMDb: 8.2
51 min

Angela schedules surveillance of a meeting between Ghost and Tommy and some gang leaders. Ghost reveals the truth to Angela. The assailant returns.

Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Power




IMDb: 8.1
56 min

Ghost and Tasha's rift intensifies. Ghost is worried his family may be in danger, when he continues to pursue Angela.

Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Power




IMDb: 7.8
58 min

Ghost and Tommy attempt to deal with those responsible for the attack on their drug organization. Ghost's wife has a new career.

Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Power




IMDb: 7.8
57 min

A New York nightclub owner, runs into an old flame and faces up to a threatening presence from his secret dealings in the world of drugs.

Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Spartacus: Blood and Sand

Spartacus: Blood and Sand


Spartacus: Blood and Sand

IMDb: 9.4
59 min

Glaber is confident that Spartacus' band can be starved on Mount Vesuvius after a daring attempt to break out fails. After Lucretia attempts to discredit Ashur, Glaber decides instead of an execution to sent him as envoy to ask Spartacus's extradition in exchange for his men's lives, but they refuse and Naevia insists to kill her rapist-pimp in an unfair duel. Ilythia delivers her son early, but Lucretia is madly jealous enough to turn that into fatal tragedy. Spartacus finds a way around so he and three mates can climb down with vines to surprise Glaber and turn the ballista on the Romans, who scatter after the praetor is killed. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Spartacus: Blood and Sand

Spartacus: Blood and Sand


Spartacus: Blood and Sand

IMDb: 8.9
54 min

Spartacus realizes his racially divided troop is neglecting its defense, proves it with a mock Roman surprise attack on the temple ruin and finds a way to get his men training and bonding, through competition and wine. Unexpectedly, Varinius arrives to 'relieve Glaber' just when Ashur has located Spartacus's lair. Ilythia informs Seppia that Glaber had her brother murdered to turn her rival into a weapon against him, but at the last moment saves and apparently reconciles with her startled husband. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Spartacus: Blood and Sand

Spartacus: Blood and Sand


Spartacus: Blood and Sand

IMDb: 8.6
56 min

Crixus enjoys training Naevia and the other recruits. Spartacus decides against revenge for his late wife on her murderer Glaber's Ilythia, whom Gannicus captured, even before she makes a credible claim that he's her unborn child's biological father. She pleads with temple host Lucius Caelius to ask restitution of Sulla's confiscation and help from praetor Glaber, but his hatred wins out. Seppie now acts virtually as Glaber's wife. Ashur enjoys plundering, torture-questioning and, even more, treating discredited Lucretia as his sex slave. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Spartacus: Blood and Sand

Spartacus: Blood and Sand


Spartacus: Blood and Sand

IMDb: 8.7
54 min

Agron's party's raid on Neapolis port doubles the rebels' numbers by freeing Sedullus's horde of German POW slaves destined for the gladiator schools. Crixus rightly predicts ethnic trouble, but Spartcaus and Agron overcome it before too much blood gets spilled. Praetor Glaber terrorizes slaves with crucifixion for any rebel sympathy and swears in Seppius's soldiers and takes is his grieving sister as another mode of revenge on Ilithyia, whom Lucretia, now Ashur's sex toy, helps fake a near-stillbirth to be send back to Rome. Magistrate Gallienus pays Gannicus only pittance, his freedom is only formally confirmed if he promises to join Glaber's military staff. The scorned champion pretends agreeing to murder Glaber for Lucretia, but actually eliminates Glaber's guards escort for Ilithya. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Spartacus: Blood and Sand

Spartacus: Blood and Sand


Spartacus: Blood and Sand

IMDb: 8.3
54 min

Having set fire to the Capua arena, Spartacus regroups in Lucius Caelius's temple ruin, where opinions differ how to proceed next and strife with the Gauls reemerges. Gannicus has joined their flight but refuses to stay. he's falsely accused of stealing the map they need to raid Napels port, which is luckily found out before his duel with Spartacus cripples either. Meanwhile Glaber plans revenge for Ilithyia's plot and has Seppius murdered, to seize his men, by Ashur, who gains his trust by defeating three legionnaires in a 'duel'. Crixus remains focused on Naevia, who has a hard time readapting to a future with him. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Spartacus: Blood and Sand

Spartacus: Blood and Sand


Spartacus: Blood and Sand

IMDb: 9.3
54 min

Agron's group allowed Spartacus to escape. They find refuge in an abandoned temple with its resident, embittered Roman citizen Lucius Caelius, who hates the republic since Sulla killed his loved ones. Hearing Varinius is to preside over major games in Capua, to culminate in the pseudo-execution of Crixus and two other captives, Spartacus is determined to free them and take revenge on Glaber. Meanwhile, senator Albinius agrees to let Ilithyia divorce and remarry Varinius. Lucretia helps her to an abortion potion, but Glaber finds out. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Spartacus: Blood and Sand

Spartacus: Blood and Sand


Spartacus: Blood and Sand

IMDb: 8.3
57 min

As Roman soldiers guided by Ashur found out about their raid on the mines, Spartacus and his party must flee with Naevia and a few liberated slaves. Crixus covers their escape until he's slain, but not killed and brought to the Capuan command villa with a few other gladiators captured alive. Still chased in woods and marshes, suffering further losses and inflicting some, Spartacus's party expects to die in a last stand, but just then the group which previously fled to Vesuvius comes to their rescue. In the villa, Ilithyia regains husband Glaber's favor by hosting a party starring and soothing his nobler-born rival, Varinius, but actually hopes for paternal help to enable marrying him after a divorce, which the old senator denies. The captured gladiators are offered by Glaber to be 'sacrificed', but Varinius decides to send them to the arena, except one chooses by 'vindicated prophet' Lucretia, who spares Crixus that immediate torturous horror-end without honor. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Spartacus: Blood and Sand

Spartacus: Blood and Sand


Spartacus: Blood and Sand

IMDb: 8.5
52 min

To impress his influential father in law more then far more prestigious colleague-praetor Varinius, who is allowed to preside over the latest games, and local magnate Seppius, whose privately recruited men are presently hunting Spartacus, general Glaber is desperate to catch the runaway gladiators, who pillage the region bloodily. Ashur promises to find them by torture-questioning Oenomaus, a daunting task give his pain tolerance, but finally outsmarts the disgraced instructor. Agron reports a captured Roman knew where Naevia died miserably, but his new Syrian protégé Nasir can't stand how that mentally wrecks Crixus and ends up revealing she's actually in the Lucanian mines, a slow death by sordid toil. Spartacus overrules Agron's refusal to risk the whole revolt for a single loved one, so they impersonate liberated fresh slaves and slain slavers to intrude the mine. Time runs out when Ashur arrives with Glaber's soldiers and quickly spots a few runaways, the others seem hopelessly ... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Spartacus: Blood and Sand

Spartacus: Blood and Sand


Spartacus: Blood and Sand

IMDb: 8.2
51 min

Continuing the search for Naevia, the gladiators take over another villa. Spartacus convinces Crixus it's best not to imitate Roman selfish arrogance but offer the slaves a choice for freedom, if they accept to be trained as comrades in arms. Spartacus himself tutors Tiberius, the murdered master's house-slave, born as Syrian Nasir, obviously reluctant to shift loyalty, who ends up saving their skin by luring in a Roman patrol so the gladiators can slaughter them. General Glaber grudgingly encourages Lucretia's prophetess pose and finds local militia commander Seppius unwilling to accept his authority. Flashbacks to Oenomaus's training before and by Batiatus senior. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Spartacus: Blood and Sand

Spartacus: Blood and Sand


Spartacus: Blood and Sand

IMDb: 8.3
56 min

On the heels of the bloody escape from the House of Batiatus that concluded Spartacus: Blood and Sand, the gladiator rebellion continues and begins to strike fear into the heart of the Roman Republic in Spartacus: Vengeance. Gaius Claudius Glaber and his Roman troops are sent to Capua to crush the growing band of freed slaves that Spartacus leads before it can inflict further damage. Spartacus is presented the choice of satisfying his personal need for vengeance against the man that condemned his wife to slavery and eventual death, or making the larger sacrifices necessary to keep his budding army from breaking apart. Containing all of the blood-soaked action, exotic sexuality, and villainy and heroism that has come to distinguish the series, the tale of Spartacus resumes in epic fashion. Written by Starz

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HD Spartacus: Blood and Sand

Spartacus: Blood and Sand


Spartacus: Blood and Sand

IMDb: 9.6
54 min | 65 min

An epic battle between Spartacus and his gladiator brothers, against Batiatus and his Guards.

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HD Spartacus: Blood and Sand

Spartacus: Blood and Sand


Spartacus: Blood and Sand

IMDb: 9.0
55 min

Glaber arrives at Capua to meet Batiatus and discuss the terms of support the house, but he wants to see the legend of Spartacus fighting before he makes his final decision. But that event leads to an important twist leaded by Crixus, which may affect all the intentions of Batiatus. Written by MaritoCamacho

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HD Spartacus: Blood and Sand

Spartacus: Blood and Sand


Spartacus: Blood and Sand

IMDb: 8.7
52 min

The Magistrate is kidnapped and held captive by Batiatus in response of the events at his son's birthday. Meanwhile, Spartacus deals with the wounds (both physical and emotional) and some dreams reveal something disturbing too.

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HD Spartacus: Blood and Sand

Spartacus: Blood and Sand


Spartacus: Blood and Sand

IMDb: 9.0
52 min

Numerious, the Magistrate's son, is about to celebrate his birthday and the celebration will be at the house of Batiatus, so he decides to have Crixus and Spartacus facing each other in a demonstration battle. But when Ilithyia approaches Numerious, he changes his decision drastically. Written by MaritoCamacho

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HD Spartacus: Blood and Sand

Spartacus: Blood and Sand


Spartacus: Blood and Sand

IMDb: 8.8
50 min

Licinia wants to have a quality time with Spartacus, but Lucretia believes that he has spent so much time without a woman and send a slave to him to practice. When Ilithya learns the intentions of her friend, she wants a quality time for herself with Crixus, which may affect Lucretia's state of mind. Written by MaritoCamacho

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HD Spartacus: Blood and Sand

Spartacus: Blood and Sand


Spartacus: Blood and Sand

IMDb: 8.5
51 min

Batiatus purchases a new group of gladiator trainees and considers selling Crixus. Meanwhile Crixus is still not fully healed but chafes at Spartacus assuming the role of champion. Ilithyia gets her own gladiator-in-training but trouble arises. Written by Havan IronOak

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HD Spartacus: Blood and Sand

Spartacus: Blood and Sand


Spartacus: Blood and Sand

IMDb: 8.4
51 min

Still suffering from the grief of his wife's death, Spartacus is forced to reenact a historic battle where Roman troops killed his people. Meanwhile in the Ludus, Pietros faces a new problem with Barca gone and suspicion about his departure begins to rise. Varro makes a saddening discovery about his family. Written by Scott Jarreau

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HD Spartacus: Blood and Sand

Spartacus: Blood and Sand


Spartacus: Blood and Sand

IMDb: 8.6
54 min

Spartacus, now declared the New Champion of Capua, is surprised by the news that his wife Sura has been found, so he draws a plan to gain his freedom. Meanwhile, Barca's freedom is in jeopardy when Batiatus learns that Ovidious' son is alive. Written by MaritoCamacho

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HD Spartacus: Blood and Sand

Spartacus: Blood and Sand


Spartacus: Blood and Sand

IMDb: 9.0
55 min

In an effort to bring rain to Capua, the Primus (a prestigious competition for the greatest of gladiators) is announced and Batiatus enters his champion Crixus and Spartacus against Solonius's Theokoles, an indestructible 10 foot tall god of the arena. Can Oenomaus train them sufficiently enough to win their battle ? Written by MaritoCamacho

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HD Spartacus: Blood and Sand

Spartacus: Blood and Sand


Spartacus: Blood and Sand

IMDb: 8.5
49 min

After being defeated by Crixus in the arena, Spartacus is sent to the underworld to fight for Batiatus, who now is plagued by debts. There, in a place called The Pits, the men are no longer men and are forced to kill their opponents in order to survive. After some victories, Spartacus has a dream about his wife, in which he believes he will not survive his next battle. Because of this, he agrees to die in the battle and encourages Batiatus to bet against him, only if he promises to keep searching for Spartacus' wife after his death. But things didn't result as they expected after Batiatus is attacked by two unknown men. Written by MaritoCamacho

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HD Spartacus: Blood and Sand

Spartacus: Blood and Sand


Spartacus: Blood and Sand

IMDb: 8.2
55 min

Spartacus continues to train in Batiatus' gladiatorial combat school. His tempestuous co-operation given in exchange for Batiatus' promise to search for Sura. Meanwhile Batiatus' money troubles and the drought continue. With the Vulcanalia approaching, Spartacus is determined to get nominated to the primus, the feature attraction, though it means fighting the undefeated Crixus. Written by Havan IronOak

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HD Spartacus: Blood and Sand

Spartacus: Blood and Sand


Spartacus: Blood and Sand

IMDb: 8.1
52 min

Now the property of Quintus Batiatus, Spartacus finds himself at Batiatus' gladiatorial combat school. He is anything but cooperative and refuses to do as he is told leading to frequent conflict with his trainer and other gladiators, particularly Crixus. Claudius Glaber would still like to see him dead and takes delight in telling him that his wife is still alive and that his men raped her after they were taken into bondage. Batiatus, who is having severe financial problems and is in debt to money lenders at usurious rates of interest, is hoping to gain favor with Glaber. A evening of food and entertainment doesn't go as planned when Glaber and his wife, looking down on their provincial hosts, leave as quickly as they arrive. Glaber's visit does provide the carrot Batiatus needs to reign in Spartacus: cooperation in return for the promise of finding Sura. Written by garykmcd

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HD Spartacus: Blood and Sand

Spartacus: Blood and Sand


Spartacus: Blood and Sand

IMDb: 7.8
55 min

In its war on the Greek peninsula, the Romans convince the Thracians to join them in defeating the Getae, who have been raiding Thracian villages for generations. The Thracians are fierce warriors and prove to be valiant in battle. They are deceived by the Roman commander, Claudius Glaber, who orders them to fight against the Greeks, something they had not counted on. One of them in particular refuses to fight and rebels against the Romans only to lose the fight and is enslaved along with his wife Sura. The Thracian is transported to Capua where Senator Albinius is sponsoring gladiatorial games. In the arena, the enslaved Thracian manages to defeat four opponents and in allowing the Thracian to live, Senator Albinius decides to name him after a Thracian king from the past: Spartacus. Written by garykmcd

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HD Mr. Bean

Mr. Bean


Mr. Bean

IMDb: 8.6
26 min

Mr. Bean goes back to school for an orientation day while he sees the different projects and activities in which he gets into mischief.

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Futurama




IMDb: 7.8

When the Planet Express ship gets a selectable personality upgrade, Bender chooses one and falls in love... but too briefly.

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HD Futurama




IMDb: 7.7

Fry ignores the warnings of the Planet Express staff and starts dating a robot with the downloaded personality and holographic image of Lucy Liu. Leela and Bender make a disturbing discovery while trying to save Fry from his short-sighted decision. Written by Jeff Lindstrom

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HD The Fall

The Fall


The Fall

IMDb: 8.1
62 min

Stella learns from ACC Burns that the new victim is Jimmy Olson. She confesses to having had sex with him, unaware that he was married, and is advised by Burns to arm herself. Rob Breedlove, who runs a brothel in which Alice's widower Aaron has an interest, is also perturbed by Jimmy's death. Stella holds a briefing to alert her officers to the fact that they are dealing with a serial killer, who is addicted to his crimes. She gives a press conference at which Ned Callan poses awkward questions, before selecting her team and giving an accurate profile of the murderer. Spector goes with his wife and children to visit her parents but makes a point of studying Stella on her television appeal. His mother-in-law is suspicious of the fact that he has given his little daughter Olivia a necklace, the one stolen from Sarah, whilst Olivia tells her mother Sally Ann that she knows of a scrapbook in which her father keeps a perverted log, detailing his crimes. Soon afterwards Spector selects his ... Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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