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Lab Rats


Lab Rats

IMDb: 9.4

Adam, Bree, Chase and Leo find out that Sebastian and two other former soldiers have started a bionic rebellion because Adam, Bree and Chase took out Krane who is the soldiers' father. As they threaten to eliminate anyone who stands in their way, the four heroes have to think fast or the consequences could be fatal. Written by ants0916

Country: USA
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Lab Rats


Lab Rats

IMDb: 8.7
30 min

A slanted magazine article, declaring Adam the superstar of the bionic team and Leo its mastermind, puts Donald and the rest on edge. Attempting to set the record straight, Leo arranges for TV documentarians to follow the team on its next mission. With cameras recording every move, the team shamelessly scrambles for the limelight, failing in their mission to spare the country a nationwide power blackout. Subsequent outrage turns to fear when Leo's bionic arm fires among angry protesters and Adam uses his bionics to protect Leo from a mob attack. Unable to get along, the team officially dissolves. Written by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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Lab Rats


Lab Rats

IMDb: 8.6
30 min

Thinking Donald will be hiring a new vice-president for Davenport Industries, Leo and Douglas compete against each other for the position. Since Adam embarrassed Bree in front Jake (the only boy willing to overlook her being bionic), Bree wants revenge. Chase accommodates her by upgrading Donald's cyber masks so that Bree will look and sound like Principal Perry (out sick with a cold). A subsequent glitch makes it impossible for Bree to attend a school dance with Jake, so she volunteers a reluctant stand-in - Chase. Written by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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Lab Rats


Lab Rats

IMDb: 7.6
23 min

Adam can't accept that an attractive classmate named Sabrina finds Chase more appealing than himself; so, when she comes by the house to work on a class project with Chase, Adam deliberately triggers Spike's return (Chase's inner commando app) to scare her off. Meanwhile, Bree and Leo get Donald involved when they believe they've seen Principal Perry brutally murder Flo the lunch lady. Written by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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Lab Rats


Lab Rats

IMDb: 9.1
23 min

For the umpteenth time, Chase becomes Adam's multi-purpose exercise apparatus (punching bag, free weight, shot put - whatever comes to Adam's mind). In sympathy, Douglas answers Chase' plea for help by deliberately awakening another latent bionic ability to compensate. Now Chase can best Adam for a change. Donald berates Douglas for disrupting the balance of power as it will off-balance the team on missions. Douglas restores it by awakening a new ability in Adam to best Chase, thereby raising the level of disharmony in the house. Meanwhile, Leo becomes one of many crazed shoppers going on a spree at Tech Town to be the one millionth customer and win a grand prize. Written by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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Lab Rats


Lab Rats

IMDb: 8.2
23 min

Mission Creek hosts this year's annual Alien Gladiators convention, attracting multiple fans from the Davenport household. Since there's a fire staff competition for a walk-on spot in the next film, Leo finds himself competing against Donald and a familiar adversary for the coveted spot. Meanwhile, Adam petitions fans to demand that Space Dog (his own creation) be included in future Alien Gladiator films, while Bree and Chase hope for autographs from Prince Vandor (baseball great Andre Ethier). All three face incarceration for unruly behavior while Leo faces off against his personal nemesis. Written by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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HD Lab Rats

Lab Rats


Lab Rats

IMDb: 8.2
21 min

Douglas, Leo and Principal Perry survive the attack by Victor Krane and S-1, but it leaves Leo with a crushed arm. Tasha arrives at the hospital to see about Leo, but he - under Principal Perry's watchful eye - has disappeared. Leo awakens to find himself on an operating table in one of Victor Krane's many secret labs, but it's Douglas who's taken him there. In order to fix Leo's arm, Douglas has made him bionic - able to toss fireballs - which might come in handy against Victor and S-1, if only Leo's aim wasn't so terrible. Written by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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Lab Rats


Lab Rats

IMDb: 8.0
43 min

It seems at first that Chase erred in scanning the area clear of witnesses during their latest secret mission. A girl, recording their enhanced abilities, turns their actions into a viral video. Now the world knows their secret, forcing the Davenports to head toward hiding. Shortly after Chase proves he did not err, a government goon squad lead by Agent Graham arrests them all. Only Leo and Douglas escape, hiding out at the high school under Principal Perry's watchful (and in Douglas' case - lustful) eye. The guys soon discover that the filmed emergency was faked just for the sake of outing their bionic secret and deduce that Victor Krane is behind it. Victor appears along with S-1, a genetically engineered super soldier, and they electrocute Principal Perry and Douglas while dropping a support beam on Leo. Meanwhile, Agent Graham reveals his plan to make a name for himself by confiscating, separating and incarcerating the bionic teens. Written by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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HD Lab Rats

Lab Rats


Lab Rats

IMDb: 8.9
23 min

Amusement over Leo's hysterics at sharks ends when, at school, he blames Chase and Adam for his own recently heard high-pitched screams during a scary shark movie. Later at home as he practices CPR lessons with Janelle, Chase repurposes one of Donald's cyborg sharks to force Leo into revealing his true colors; however, the shark's overlooked artificial intelligence kicks in and puts everyone in the house under threat. Principal Perry, meanwhile, forces Donald to help her get accepted to a country club by posing as her husband, which later pulls Bree into the picture as their daughter. Written by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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Lab Rats


Lab Rats

IMDb: 8.1
22 min

Belief that strange things befall during a lunar eclipse takes hold of the Davenport household as Leo records the events. Initially excited over a lunar eclipse, Principal Perry's surprise intrusion (seeking shelter from aliens in their underground lab) puts the family's focus on the eclipse as a herald of dire events. In particular, Perry swears to a lunar invasion in the works. Stomach growls from the spaceman food prepared and eaten by Chase for their lunar eclipse party only convince Perry that alien babies are within, sending Chase running for his life, Perry running for a knife, and the rest running for Perry before she causes them more strife. Written by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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HD Lab Rats

Lab Rats


Lab Rats

IMDb: 7.9
23 min

As Tech Town employees, Bree and Chase get new ePhones that otherwise won't be up for public sale till later in the week. (Donald, wanting one for Tasha, hopes Chase will let him cut to the front of the line, but integrity wins out and Donald must join the queue, wheedling as much as he can to get up front.) Chase panics when he realizes he's lost his ePhone, which Leo earlier used to record his and Adam's bionic tomfoolery in the Davenport basement. It must be found among the many others boxed-up for sale before someone buys it, sees it and exposes their bionic secret. Meanwhile, Principal Perry, having received sizable hush money from Donald, announces both her forthcoming retirement and her replacement - Trent - leaving Leo and Bree to brainstorm over how to get her to stay. Written by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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HD Lab Rats

Lab Rats


Lab Rats

IMDb: 7.8
23 min

Figuring there must more to the bionic teens than what's been said, Principal Perry pesters them till Adam finally reveals they go on secret missions. Thrilled, she avidly wants to join them, imagining herself to be, far and away, the best agent ever. She subsequently helps herself into the Davenport home to wait one out (however long that might take). Desperately wanting her gone, the teens lead her blindfolded into the secret lab, pretending they're on a data-collecting mission. Enthralled and unable to keep her hands to herself, Perry unintentionally fires an Earth-defense rocket straight at Mission Creek High, where Leo has taken Janelle to a basketball game to prove it is not unlucky for her to be around him. Written by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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HD Lab Rats

Lab Rats


Lab Rats

IMDb: 8.6
22 min

With the lab destroyed, Donald needs to rebuild the regenerative capsules for the bionic teens before their bionics start glitching. Unfortunately, there's no cash, so Donald dons rocket-powered wings to fly over Mission Creek as a stunt to earn sponsorship money. Meanwhile, Perry demands that Adam and Bree use their special abilities to clean the school, which only makes their bionics malfunction all the sooner. Written by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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HD Lab Rats

Lab Rats


Lab Rats

IMDb: 8.1
46 min

Adam, Bree and Chase are stowaways aboard a cargo freighter. An emergency with a nearby sub puts them in a quandary between doing nothing (thereby keeping themselves safe from Douglas Davenport and F.B.I. agents) or saving the sub at the cost of their personal freedom. Principal Perry allows now penniless Donald, Tasha and Leo to crash at the Mission Creek High gymnasium, hoping to collect a silence fee from them someday. Written by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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HD Lab Rats

Lab Rats


Lab Rats

IMDb: 8.5
22 min

When Trent asks Leo and Chase to help him pass his next test, Chase decides to pay him back for all his bullying with a pair of Davenport Industry tutorial eyeglasses filled with incorrect facts. Meanwhile, Adam's heat vision accidentally burns off half of Bree's hair just in time for school picture day. Donald whips up a hair restorative, which Adam applies to Bree beyond the prescribed dosage, making her bad hair day worse. Written by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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HD Lab Rats

Lab Rats


Lab Rats

IMDb: 6.0
23 min

It's Christmas Eve. A volcanic eruption near Facility X (Donald's secret lab in the frozen tundra of the north) sends the bionic teens on an emergency mission, which they'll have to handle unaided due to volcanic ash blocking signals from Donald and Leo. Dr. Evans has been working at the facility to harness the energy of gamma rays for Donald. Earthquakes crack the glass of his gamma-sphere, which threatens to mix gamma rays with the volcanic ash and destroy 20% of Earth's human population. While the bionic teens deal with this emergency, the Davenport home plays host to an unexpected overnight guest - Principal Perry - who wrecked her car nearby while performing her annual ruination of other people's holiday. Written by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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HD Lab Rats

Lab Rats


Lab Rats

IMDb: 8.0
23 min

Bree stands up to Principal Perry's despotic rule of the school, so Perry makes Bree principal for a day to teach her a lesson. Under Bree's administration with Vice Principal Leo, the school becomes a happier place, much to Perry's dislike, so she enters the student body as a disruptive pupil. Meanwhile, Adam's super-strength hypes up and needs to be recalibrated. Struggling against Chase's efforts to dial it back to where it should be, Adam winds up shrunken to toy figurine size. Now that Adam's the shorter brother by far, Chase can't resist meting out some payback for years of short guy harassment. Written by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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HD Lab Rats

Lab Rats


Lab Rats

IMDb: 6.8
22 min

Overhearing Leo and Chase complain about Mission Creek High being technologically far behind the times, Donald jumps in to help. The boys fear him keeping his ego in check - and, indeed, he does go too far by providing Principal Perry a robot duplicate of herself to help patrol the students. With the school board coming to approve of Robo-Perrys for every school, Chase decides to reprogram the robot, but doing so causes it to reset to its original militaristic programming - that of a rampaging annihilator. Meanwhile, Adam convinces Bree that Irish foreign exchange student Alistair could be an android like Marcus (or at least a leprechaun), so the pair tests the hypothesis multiple times, giving Alistair a very discomforting introduction to America. Written by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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HD Lab Rats

Lab Rats


Lab Rats

IMDb: 7.1
23 min

Tired of Trent's constant bullying, Leo enlists Adam's and Chase's bionic help to torment the tormentor after discovering Trent has a morbid fear of ghosts, but additional side activity more than suggests that Principal Perry's ghostly legend of Jasper the century-old dead janitor is real. While the boys gear up to hunt down this troublesome apparition, Owen and Bree clash over homecoming dance decorations. Written by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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HD Lab Rats

Lab Rats


Lab Rats

IMDb: 8.3
23 min

Since rival Deerfield High always manages to steel Mission Creek High's Dewey the Digno costume each year before homecoming, Principal Perry assigns pairs of boys to guard it round-the-clock. This year, during Chase and Adam's watch, Deerfield succeeds again. In retrieving the outfit, Adam takes the Deerfield mascot in return - not a costume but a live llama. Hiding it back at the lab, it ingests a beaker of Davenport Industry nanobots, tiny robots that bestow the animal with an incendiary defense system. Meanwhile, Caitlin pressures Bree and Leo into being her teammates in a school domino-tipping competition, but her crazed, domineering and over-exacting leadership pushes Bree and Leo into forming their own separate team intent on beating Caitlin at her own game. Written by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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Lab Rats


Lab Rats

IMDb: 8.6
23 min

Adam can't get out of super-teen training unless he can be in two places at once, so Eddy wickedly decides to lead him astray through awareness of Donald's new cellular duplicator. Now there are two Adams. Unfortunately, Adam's clone is a perfect copy - a boy who wants a copy of himself to attend school so he can stay home. Now there are enough Adams to start a boy band and it's up to Leo to get them under control before they become an army of identical school-skippers. Meanwhile, Principal Perry monopolizes Bree's and Chase's attention by ordering them to watch over her insufferable niece, Kelly, who's as much a self-centered, domineering pain as her aunt. Written by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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HD Lab Rats

Lab Rats


Lab Rats

IMDb: 8.1
23 min

Noisy new neighbors (the Harringtons) impact the lives of the Davenport-Dooleys, racing their car up and down the street and across Donald's lawn at all late hours. At school, their filthy rich son, Clayton, starts having his own way by paying off Principal Perry. Donald invites Pierce Harrington over to resolve their differences, but Pierce's exceeding wealth matches his ego and arrogance. He'll only settle their differences through a stock car race against Donald, with each other's house as the winning prize. Discovering that Pierce isn't above cheating, Donald allows the bionic teens to become his pit crew to level the playing field. Written by statmanjeff

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HD Lab Rats

Lab Rats


Lab Rats

IMDb: 7.8
22 min

Who'd have thought Adam would pass his driving exam? Certainly not Donald, who now has to keep his word to buy Adam a new car if he did, but a company emergency pulls Donald away from the dealership, leaving Adam alone to finish negotiations. Meanwhile, Tasha decides to run for PTA president. Leo is horrified as it means Tasha will be at school to monitor his life every day. Eliciting help from Chase and Bree, the three find a cut-throat opponent to run against her - Principal Perry. Written by statmanjeff

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HD Lab Rats

Lab Rats


Lab Rats

IMDb: 6.8
23 min

Donald purchases an expensive abstract painting, but it's not long before one of the kids accidentally ruins it. They secretly pool their bionic talents to cover up the mishap by recreating the painting. Their fix might have gone undetected except that Donald tries to sell the painting at a substantial markup. Now the feds are on his doorstep ready to throw Donald in prison for marketing forged art. Written by statmanjeff

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HD Lab Rats

Lab Rats


Lab Rats

IMDb: 7.2
23 min

Principal Perry announces a forthcoming school talent show. Overlooked by his classmates, Chase uses his telekinetic powers to seem a master magician. Leo, who was the show's magician till Chase got him bumped, wants revenge - and Eddy's there to help - but the execution triggers Chase's Commando App, which awakens dormant personality Spike and later forces Principal Perry to relive her glory days as a pro-wrestler to combat him. Meanwhile, Bree's artistic boyfriend Owen teams up with Adam to build a protest sculpture against the talent show - a giant bust of Principal Perry made entirely of butter. Jealous, Bree gets assistance from Eddy to ruin the work and have Owen back, but Eddy makes sure her sabotage gets credit where credit is due. Written by statmanjeff

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HD Lab Rats

Lab Rats


Lab Rats

IMDb: 6.5
23 min

Donald's new Proton Fuser opens a wormhole. Sucked inside, Leo finds himself in a familiar but cockeyed world where Tasha, not Donald, is the high tech mastermind, Donald her nerdy and intimidated subordinate, Chase a callous football jock, Bree a shallow mall rat, Adam an introspective intellectual, Principal Perry a supportive and trustworthy defender of her students, and Leo himself a bionic super-teen with all of Bree's, Chase's and Adam's abilities plus some of his own. The race is on to return to his own universe when the Henderson siblings (known in the original universe as Bree, Chase and Adam Davenport) rat out Leo to the government after seeing him use his bionic powers. Men in black arrive to take Leo into custody, take him apart, and find out what makes his super abilities tick. Written by statmanjeff

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HD Lab Rats

Lab Rats


Lab Rats

IMDb: 6.4
23 min

Injured during Chase's payback prank, Adam's confidence turns upside-down, leaving him in extreme fear for his personal safety (enough to quite the team). Meanwhile, an emergent ability strikes Bree, enabling her to vocally imitate whatever she hears. Leo talks her into harassing Principal Perry with it, but she eventually goes too far, ends up in trouble, and counts on her superpowers to get her out of it. Written by statmanjeff

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HD Lab Rats

Lab Rats


Lab Rats

IMDb: 6.3
23 min

Leo chafes at always being the discard of the group. His latest strategic suggestions became nothing more than mop-up paper for spilled coffee, but things turn around when Principal Perry puts Adam, Bree and Chase in detention, forcing Donald to accept Leo's help in an emergency when the others can't appear. Now, Leo needs to do one thing - prove himself an actual asset to the team. Written by statmanjeff

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HD Lab Rats

Lab Rats


Lab Rats

IMDb: 6.9
23 min

With Donald away, Leo has surreptitiously been making a Best of Bree video using Donald's electronic fly camera to capture embarrassing footage without her knowledge. He's so engrossed with this invasive project that he fails to study for a physics exam. Easy fix, he thinks. He'll use the spy fly to cheat off Bree. She catches him but, worse for her, gets an F for breaking examination decorum. When Principal Perry discovers Leo's latest toy, she confiscates it to use against the student body, but a subsequent argument between Leo and Bree unleashes a swarm of these electronic bugs that shortly thereafter flip into attack mode and overrun the school. Adam and Chase, all the while, have been caught up in a baby war, sabotaging each other's electronic plastic baby dolls in a school parenting lesson. Written by statmanjeff

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HD Lab Rats

Lab Rats


Lab Rats

IMDb: 6.3
22 min

Since Bree's super-speed activities have made the school seem drafty, Principal Perry has new air conditioning installed along with new surveillance cameras. Chase warns Adam and Bree against using superpowers in school as discovery will lead to Donald disallowing their attendance. When Adam subsequently saves Leo from being crushed to death by the faultily-installed new air conditioner, the jig is up unless they can swipe the recording from Perry's office. But whom do they select to break in stealthily using Donald's new invisibility cloak? Leo. Written by statmanjeff

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HD Lab Rats

Lab Rats


Lab Rats

IMDb: 6.5
22 min

Envy leads Adam, Bree and Chase to trade their super-ability chips between them, but it soon becomes apparent they can't handle what they haven't had a lifetime to get used to. During Emergency Preparedness Week, Principal Perry catches Leo using the school elevator yet again. As she reprimands him, the superteens inadvertently trap them inside with the possibility of severe injury and death looming. Written by statmanjeff

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Lab Rats


Lab Rats

IMDb: 6.5
23 min

For her annual Fitness Challenge Week, Principal Perry introduces a carnival ride version of big time wrestling called Death Spiral Smackdown. Leo forgoes friend Gordo to team up with Adam so he can ride his bionic coattails and win Fitness Week for a change. Adam has ethics against using his super-powers in school competitions, so Leo spikes Adam's cereal with power pellets from the lab to put his adrenalin out of control and decimate the opposition. It's all good till Leo learns there can be only one winner, with members of the winning team competing against each other in the end - conniving little Leo versus big, amped and out-of-control Adam. Meanwhile, Chase gets back at Bree for lying to him by engaging his Override App and igniting a public humiliation battle. Written by statmanjeff

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