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HD Road to Avonlea

Road to Avonlea


Road to Avonlea

IMDb: 5.7
60 min

The Town of Carmody is planning on amalgamating several surrounding communities, including Avonlea, into their town, all in the name of progress due to economies of scale. Although modernization has never been a selling point to most Avonlea residents, Eulalie Bugle and Archie Gillis lead the charge for amalgamation since they individually would gain monetarily from the move. While many in Avonlea work against amalgamation, including the Kings, the tide seems to be working for amalgamation with the showy and expensive propaganda provided by the pro-amalgamation forces, led by Carmody's mayor and officials of the railroad. A microcosm of the battle is the Dale Cannery. Many smaller canneries like the Dale's are closing due to the mega-cannery in Carmody being able to offer higher prices to the fishermen for the raw materials while undercutting prices to consumers. Lottie Cooper, a young single mother of a newborn, worked at one of those closed canneries. She comes to Olivia looking for... Written by Huggo

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HD Road to Avonlea

Road to Avonlea


Road to Avonlea

IMDb: 6.2
60 min

Great Aunt Eliza's ninetieth birthday is approaching. She is still in good health for her age. She is also young at heart. In the continuing disagreements between the Ward sisters, Janet wants to hold an intimate family dinner to mark the occasion, whereas Abigail wants a more formal and dignified tea for a larger group. Abigail unilaterally makes arrangements for such at the White Sands. The sisters also disagree about inviting Eliza's cousin, Winifred Ward. With Winifred being even older than Eliza, Janet feels the trip for Winifred from Charlottetown will be too difficult for her to handle, but again Abigail unilaterally decides to invite her, she who does come to Avonlea. Upon Winifred's arrival, it is obvious to all that she is verging on dementia, which Dr. Snow confirms. Stories emerge of a man named Owen Briar, who Winifred and Eliza both loved when they were younger. Winifred still owns a silver keepsake box from him. Although Eliza and Winifred have always loved each other, ... Written by Huggo

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HD Road to Avonlea

Road to Avonlea


Road to Avonlea

IMDb: 6.5
60 min

Husband and wife Rudy and Betty Blaine, music writer and lyricist respectively for Broadway impresario Florenz Ziegfeld Jr., are staying at the White Sands to rejuvenate their creative juices, which have not been flowing of late especially for Rudy. Simon and Hetty share the view of most townsfolk that show business people are vulgar, and indeed the Blaines are more liberal and urban in their views than Simon and Hetty like. They feel the Blaine's stay at the hotel will ruin its reputation. But Hetty changes her mind about them when she learns the urban legend (i.e. the story in truth being false) that the Blaines have played to great aplomb for King George V, a story which the Blaines don't correct. Hetty tries to get the Blaines involved in a local musical production associated with the King. Meanwhile, Jasper's cousin Selena is in town helping Olivia with Jasper's projects while Jasper is away in England. Jasper sends a recording device home which he asks Olivia and Selena to ... Written by Huggo

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HD Road to Avonlea

Road to Avonlea


Road to Avonlea

IMDb: 7.6
60 min

Having recovered from her stroke, Rachel decides to make the train trip back to Avonlea from Saskatoon despite it being the middle of winter. On the train close to Williston, Nova Scotia, Rachel suffers another stroke and is taken to a local hospital. Without identification on her and without the ability to speak, Rachel is listed at the hospital as a Jane Doe. Believing she may die alone and unknown in the hospital, she instead decides to sneak away and take the train back to Avonlea. She barely makes it home. Despite her precarious health and based on the urging of Davey and Dora, Hetty decides that Rachel should stay in Avonlea at Rose Cottage rather than Robert coming to take her back to Saskatoon. Because Rachel requires around the clock care, Hetty will need the assistance not only of Davey and Dora, but others to take care of Rachel while maintaining some semblance of their regular lives. But over the long run, all, including Rachel, will have to decide who is best equipped to ... Written by Huggo

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HD Road to Avonlea

Road to Avonlea


Road to Avonlea

IMDb: 7.3
60 min

Avonlea is hosting the 25th annual edition of the Regional Drama Competition. Despite Avonlea losing the competition for twenty-two years in a row, Hetty is certain Avonlea will win this year. She is so certain that she makes a wager with Eleanor McHugh, who is part of the Carmody team which has won the event for the last five years. However, much of this year's Avonlea team is the as usual team from past losing years, including Hetty as writer/director. One change is the addition of Muriel, now living in Avonlea, as the new leading actress. She was in that role the last time Avonlea won the competition twenty-two years ago. Beyond her as usual responsibility as prompter, Janet wants to be more involved in this year's production. She knows it will be difficult to convince Hetty as Hetty has never respected anything Janet has ever done. Janet goes through a myriad of highs and lows through the production, all based on Hetty's whims. When Muriel is forced to miss the production due ... Written by Huggo

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HD Road to Avonlea

Road to Avonlea


Road to Avonlea

IMDb: 8.3
60 min

American business magnate Harold Dunn is in Avonlea for his next venture. He has built a modern company town called Dunnsburgh in Pennsylvania, and he wants to do something similar on Prince Edward Island. He has purchased the cannery and wants to build a new modern town around it to be called Dunnsville. To realize his vision, he needs to purchase several properties, including a small portion of the King farm. The entire proposal divides the townsfolk. It also divides the King family, especially selling part of their family property. Hetty, the most vocal opponent, wants to outbid Harold Dunn for any of the properties, including the cannery, to retain the rural lifestyle she knows to be Avonlea, but many doubt she has the necessary funds to outbid him. Meanwhile, Sara wants to use part of her vast trust to buy Jasper a motion picture camera, something he would not be able to do himself since he and Olivia are in financial straits. Moving pictures are Jasper's latest fascination, he ... Written by Huggo

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HD Road to Avonlea

Road to Avonlea


Road to Avonlea

IMDb: 7.6
60 min

Because of a recent fire at the blacksmith shop, many of the townsfolk, led by Alec and Clive, believe that it's time that Avonlea created its own volunteer fire department. Most of the townsfolk agree, and even provide spare equipment lying around in their respective barns to get things going. But as the men begin training, there is an obvious clash between Alec and Clive. Although he doesn't yet know him well, Alec doesn't seem to like Clive, period. Alec admits that much of that feeling is based on Clive spending so much time with Hetty. Alec is concerned that the ever worldly Clive is taking advantage of his sister. As the fire department gets rolling, they go through some growing pains, which leads to the need to elect a fire chief, the obvious candidates being Alec and Clive. This election could lead to a further rift between Alec and Clive and by association Hetty. Meanwhile, Felicity does whatever she can to spend time with Gus. Written by Huggo

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HD Road to Avonlea

Road to Avonlea


Road to Avonlea

IMDb: 8.4
60 min

Hetty has decided to give up her teaching job to stay at home and help Olivia with the care of baby Montgomery. As such, Avonlea is in search of a new teacher. This is not an easy task as once the children are out from under Hetty's strict teaching methods, they have become a rambunctious lot who will run roughshod over any new teacher. Although not the perfect candidate, the School Board feel that applicant Clive Pettibone, a retired military Colonel, may be what is required to get the children back in line. He is a seemingly stern, strict and humorless disciplinarian. He is hired for a two week probationary period. Regardless of what the children may have to say about Mr. Pettibone, he may not want the position after an unfortunate incident with Hetty. Meanwhile, because of a conversation with Olivia and Sara about what she sees as the trash that passes as contemporary popular writing - most specifically the book Pride of the Punjab by C.L. Small - Hetty decides to write a story ... Written by Huggo

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HD Road to Avonlea

Road to Avonlea


Road to Avonlea

IMDb: 7.8
60 min

Marilla Cuthbert passes away after taking a fall at Green Gables. Without Anne, who is recuperating from scarlet fever, or the children with him, Gilbert Blythe returns to Avonlea to pay his respects and deal with Marilla's estate. Two problems arise for Rachel. As Marilla was the guardian for young Davey and Dora Keith, Rachel is unsure if she can look after the children on her own. And although Gilbert and Anne would allow Rachel to stay at Green Gables for as long as she wished, Marilla died without a valid will. As such, Green Gables is bequeathed to Marilla's closest relatives, the McNeill family in Nova Scotia, and they plan to sell. Although Gilbert is trying to raise enough money to buy the property himself, he may be beaten to it by John Harrison, Rachel's nemesis, who bought Rachel's property for a song when her husband Thomas died. Rachel's own son in Prince Albert is unwilling to help in any way. The townsfolk rally to try and come up with a solution to beat John Harrison.... Written by Huggo

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HD Road to Avonlea

Road to Avonlea


Road to Avonlea

IMDb: 8.2
60 min

The annual Avonlea Winter Skating Festival is this Saturday. The timing is perfect for a visit to Avonlea by Wally Higgins, a traveling ice skate salesman. Wally, a bachelor, carries around a good luck charm: a perfect sized 6A women's pair of skates. He is much like Prince Charming on the search for his Cinderella. The woman who fits that pair of skates he knows will be the woman for him. Once he sees this pair of feet in Avonlea, he is awe struck: the feet belong to Hetty King. Wally begins his open wooing of Hetty. Long time spinster Hetty doesn't know quite what to think, especially concerning the schoolboy way in which Wally is approaching the matter. Meanwhile, Felicity is miffed that Gus has not yet asked her to the festival, the event less than a week away. Gus knows Felicity's feelings but is keeping it a secret as to why he hasn't asked her. And Hetty is having a land border dispute with her long time neighbor, Wellington Campbell, both threatening legal action. Hetty ... Written by Huggo

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HD Road to Avonlea

Road to Avonlea


Road to Avonlea

IMDb: 7.5
60 min

Reverend Fitzsimmons is the new preacher at the church. He has a dramatic flair and the belief that the louder he preaches, the closer to God he and his congregation will be. The higher decibel level in the church bothers most. But the children believe that the forcefulness of the sermons do make them more believable (at least scarier), which leads to a discussion between them about the end of the world. Because of recent events, Felix and Sara make Felicity believe that the end is near, and the one thing that is a black mark in her life that will prevent her from going to heaven is that she took her mother's new hair comb - a King family heirloom - without permission and lost it. She is in a desperate search to find it before the end. To find it, the children go to the closest thing they have in Avonlea to a mystic: Peg Bowen. Peg cannot locate the comb but tells them that they have to confess their sins as the end approaches, and if the balance of good outweighs the bad, the end ... Written by Huggo

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HD Road to Avonlea

Road to Avonlea


Road to Avonlea

IMDb: 7.6
60 min

Late one evening, a mysterious but beautiful young woman barges into the lighthouse when Gus is sleeping. She is seeking refuge from a violent man who is after her. Hiding her from the man who beats him, Gus is thanked by this woman, who the violent man called Amanda Stone. She leaves some jewels with Gus for safe keeping. Gus later learns directly from Amanda that the jewels are the only remnants of her family's fortune. Also she reveals that the violent man, Robert Rutherford, is working for estate lawyers who are trying to take the gems, which she feels are rightfully hers. Felicity, Felix and Sara witness much of what is going on - Felicity does not trust Amanda. Sara believes Felicity's views are pure jealousy. Other stories begin to surface about Amanda and Robert's true motives. Regardless, Gus sticks steadfastly behind Amanda's story. Meanwhile, news of Gus having a cache of jewels spreads around Avonlea, most believing they being part of Ezekiel Crane's treasure. Most of the ... Written by Huggo

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HD Road to Avonlea

Road to Avonlea


Road to Avonlea

IMDb: 7.7
60 min

After suffragette Amelia Sandhurst speaks at a temperance society meeting attended by most of the adults of Avonlea, Janet, despite the possible embarrassment to the King family, takes up the cause. To assist Amelia, Janet vows to get at least fifty signatures on a petition going to the government to allow women the vote. Her stance is finalized when Angus McCorkadale, perceived by most to be the town's most sexist person, demeans Janet. Although many do support the stance, not many are willing to sign until someone else does. However, if Janet can get the signature of Angus' reclusive wife Margaret, who is known to wear the pants in the family, others will follow suit. But that may be easier said than done. And at what price will Janet pay at home for neglecting her household duties? One of the women in town who needs to be emancipated is Maude Craig. She is forced to work at Angus' cannery for paltry wages, not sufficient to support herself and her son Peter, who must live and work ... Written by Huggo

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HD Road to Avonlea

Road to Avonlea


Road to Avonlea

IMDb: 8.2
60 min

Hetty is especially tough on the students in preparation for the history bee against Markdale School in two weeks. Hetty in general has always intimidated most of the students, who now complain to their parents, who in turn complain to Janet. Janet feels that only one person can deal with Hetty: Alec. When the parents elect Alec to the School Board, his first act is to speak openly to Hetty about her teaching methods. Hetty, feeling unwanted, promptly quits. Alec and the School Board did not want Hetty to quit (especially after thirty dreadful replacement teacher interviews), nor did Hetty really want to give up her job. But before things can go back to the way they were, Alistair Dimple waltzes into Avonlea, applying for the job. He dazzles the School Board, who hires him. The School Board is however unaware that he is not a professor as he professes, but a failed Shakespearean stage actor. Dingle ends up treating history class as one big all-participating stage play. The students ... Written by Huggo

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HD Road to Avonlea

Road to Avonlea


Road to Avonlea

IMDb: 7.5
60 min

Alec buys a spirited race horse named Caesar to replace his aging work horse, Blackie. Felix is beside himself when he hears that Blackie is being sold and will thus no longer be part of the family. To make Blackie useful, Felix proposes that he and Blackie team up as a delivery service. Against his initial better judgment, Alec allows his son to start this business as he feels Felix will benefit from the responsibility. Alec does have some caveats: the business cannot interfere with either Felix's school work or chores. Despite some figurative and literal bumps in the road, the delivery business flourishes so much so that Felix hires Sara, Cecily and Digger to work with him. But the business becomes more of a business for Felix than a means to make Blackie useful. When further problems ensue, Felix is forced to shut down the business, but not before one last delivery made on a bet with opposing delivery man, Hank Webster, the bet with the winner taking all the delivery service. But ... Written by Huggo

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HD Road to Avonlea

Road to Avonlea


Road to Avonlea

IMDb: 8.2
60 min

Mother's Own magazine is holding a regional essay contest on the topic Mother of the Year. Initially Sara feels left out, until she decides to write about her Aunt Hetty. Some of the local girls, including Felicity, ridicule Sara for even thinking that Hetty King is Sara's mother in any form. Regardless, Felicity, feeling and sounding superior, is certain that she herself is going to win. Similarly, the mothers all disregard the work that Hetty does with Sara as any kind of mothering. Once the essays are written and ready to be mailed, Felicity and the other girls steal Sara's essay before it can be mailed. With Felix's help, Sara vows revenge against Felicity, ultimately using some information she learns about Felicity and Sally Potts' identical birthdates as the basis for her revenge. The ruse works, however Sara is uncertain how to undo the prank once it gets out of hand. Once Hetty learns what Sara has done, her reaction is somewhat surprising. After all is said and done, Sara's... Written by Huggo

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HD Road to Avonlea

Road to Avonlea


Road to Avonlea

IMDb: 7.6
60 min

After his latest invention fails, Jasper Dale starts to take the townspeople's criticisms to heart. Meanwhile, Sara and Felicity write an advice column called Madame X, which is accidentally published in the Avonlea Chronicle when their papers get mixed up with Olivia's. Written by Attmay

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HD Road to Avonlea

Road to Avonlea


Road to Avonlea

IMDb: 8.1
60 min

After dark one evening, Sara, Felicity, Felix and Gus see a clipper off shore with no flag identifying its origin. They aren't sure if it's real or a figment of their imagination. Initially they believe it is a ghost ship that's come to take away reclusive Ezekiel Crane, a former sea captain who currently is the lighthouse operator. Ezekiel shows specific interest in Gus. Gus soon learns a secret that Ezekiel has been keeping, and the real reason why he has taken Gus into his confidence. Based on a later encounter, Sara and Felix then believe that the ship's purpose is for rum running. Rumors take Avonlea by storm when evidence is found that someone has been camping in the local cemetery, that evidence which includes a jug of rum and shackles. Most of the townsfolk believe the rum running story, and that Ezekiel and Gus are part of the smuggling ring. Sara tries to protect her new friend Gus from this witch-hunt, she who knows that even if there are rum runners that Gus is not ... Written by Huggo

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HD Road to Avonlea

Road to Avonlea


Road to Avonlea

IMDb: 8.3
60 min

Olivia is getting tired of Hetty interfering in her life, especially Hetty's continual bad mouthing of Jasper. It is much like the bad mouthing Hetty did of Edwin Clark, Olivia's beau ten years earlier. It was because of Hetty that Edwin and Olivia broke up and that Edwin left Avonlea for good. Now a wealthy widower, Edwin is back in town and wants to reacquaint himself with Olivia. Hetty has a change of heart about Edwin - in her view, anyone is better than Jasper. Sara on the other hand doesn't much like Edwin and she tries to convince Jasper to sweep Olivia off her feet despite Edwin's return. Sara does whatever she can, including using a little witchcraft by Peg Bowen, to assist Jasper. Meanwhile, recently widowed Jim Armstrong is feeling cheated in life, and has become sullen and reclusive, even pulling his son, Teddy, out of school to work on the farm. Teddy wants to go back to school to be with his friends, but he wants his father to be happy even more. Written by Huggo

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HD Road to Avonlea

Road to Avonlea


Road to Avonlea

IMDb: 7.9
60 min

Hetty and Rachel recently reconciled after their thirty-six year old feud that started in the seventh grade over a boy named Romney Penhallow. Hetty broke up with Romney, the two having a love/hate relationship, when Romney asked Rachel to a dance to make Hetty jealous. Hetty's feud specifically with Romney may erupt all over again since Romney, now a famous artist, has returned to Avonlea for a family wedding. After initially wanting to avoid Romney while he's in town, Hetty instead decides to confront him head on, this tactic with unexpected results. But in their confrontation, Romney purposely withholds some important information from her. Meanwhile, the Avonlea District Chronicle may shut down for good since all the businesses are now advertising in the less expensive Carmody newspaper. With the shut down, Olivia's promising career will go down with it. She decides to do whatever she needs to to save her career. Written by Huggo

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HD Road to Avonlea

Road to Avonlea


Road to Avonlea

IMDb: 8.7
60 min

Muriel Stacey, former teacher at Avonlea School and Hetty's colleague at teachers college, has just been promoted to Provincial Superintendent of Schools. This promotion irks Hetty, who has always finished second to Miss Stacey and who was expecting the promotion herself. Miss Stacey is coming to Avonlea for a visit, which further irks Hetty, who sees the visit as an inspection. To prove her success as a teacher especially at this important time just before a school presentation to the Lieutenant Governor, Hetty vows to increase school enrollment. Thinking the workers at the cannery a good source for possible students, Hetty manages to recruit one: Gus Pike, but Gus agrees only on the stipulation that he can continue working. Despite Gus' rough edges, Hetty admires the quest for betterment that Gus displays. In turn, Gus respects everything that Hetty has to teach and say to him. However unwittingly through a discussion with Hetty, Gus is convinced that many of his old habits, ... Written by Huggo

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HD Road to Avonlea

Road to Avonlea


Road to Avonlea

IMDb: 7.6
60 min

Approximately six months after Blair was originally going to bring Sara back to Montréal, Sara decides, after a small mishap at Lawson's Store, that it perhaps is time to return home. Accompanied by Hetty, Sara has a short homecoming as Blair is killed in a freak accident on the day of their arrival in Montréal. Following the funeral in Avonlea, everyone learns that Blair has it written in his will that Sara's nanny, Louisa J. Banks, will be her guardian. Hetty is outraged. Despite their differences, Hetty and Nanny Louisa and the rest of the Kings have to band together to save Sara from those who are playing on her grief. Sara ends up being more resilient than all would have imagined, her ingenuity based on her experience at Lawson's Store. Written by Huggo

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HD Road to Avonlea

Road to Avonlea


Road to Avonlea

IMDb: 7.8
60 min

Blair Stanley makes an unexpected visit to Avonlea. He brings good news: the trial has concluded, and he has been acquitted. However, the business has to be rebuilt so he has much work to do. His plan is to take Sara back to Montréal tomorrow morning, his haste due to his strained relationship with Hetty. Upon meeting again, time has not healed any wounds between the two. Sara is happy to see her papa, but is saddened to leave Avonlea, especially that she will be missing the skating festival. But what's worse is that if she and Blair leave with Blair still on strained terms with Hetty, Sara will never return to Avonlea and never see her King relations ever again. Sara decides that she should have some say into what happens to her own life. Meanwhile, a bond seems to be forming between Olivia and Jasper beyond their professional collaboration at the newspaper. Hetty is afraid that she will lose both Olivia and Sara in one fell swoop. Written by Huggo

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Road to Avonlea


Road to Avonlea

IMDb: 7.8
60 min

Instead of taking care of a husband, Janet's spinster sister, Abigail Ward, has funneled her energies into being a meticulous homemaker despite not really enjoying it. Things may change when into her life returns Malcolm McEwan, an old beau who has been away from Avonlea for seven years. He has returned to make good on a promise: Abigail's father would not allow the two to marry until Malcolm made a fortune, which he has now done in Yukon gold. He now wants to marry Abby as he calls her. Abby is in a quandary. She likes having the attention of a man, but realizes that she and Malcolm are extremes in personality (he loud and brash, she overly meticulous). But mostly, she fears two things: that she will lose her independence, and if she truly does fall in love with him all over again that he may run off much like he did seven years ago. Malcolm's return not only affects Abby, but also Alec, who is feeling restless about the choices he's made in life. Written by Huggo

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Road to Avonlea


Road to Avonlea

IMDb: 8.0
60 min

Fans of 'Anne of Green Gables' will remember Marilla getting on Anne's case for her wild imagination. Now the shoe is on Mirilla's foot - during a gossip section at the town's Sewing Circle where Sara is trying to learn simple stitches despite the less than helpful remarks from Hettie and Felicity. Marilla makes up a tale which ends up coming true, to her chagrin, for now the gossips will have much more to say about the tarnish on her honest reputation. Written by Ginger

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