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HD Glee




IMDb: 8.0
47 min

Will is struggling to coach the Vocal Adrenaline as they refuse to listen to him. Rachel, being evicted out of her house because her dads finally sold it, is having a hard time. Both the Glee Club and Sue welcomes Sheldon Bieste with open arms and tries their best to make him feel at home after his gender transition.

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HD Glee




IMDb: 7.6
47 min

Brittany and Santana have to do some convincing; Mercedes encourages Rachel to go for her Broadway dreams.

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HD Glee




IMDb: 7.9
46 min

Sue is at it again, trying to mend relationships that she thinks need mending. Meanwhile, Kitty helps Rachel find the perfect set list to win the invitational and Sam recruits football player Spencer to join the glee club.

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HD Glee




IMDb: 7.1
45 min

Rachel proposes an idea to Mr. Shuester in order to improve the club's chance at the invitational. Meanwhile, Sue conjures up a plan (with the unintentional help of Sam) to destroy the Glee club once again.

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HD Glee




IMDb: 7.8
46 min

Sue becomes concerned when Becky brings a surprise guest to town. Rebuilding the glee club proves difficult for Rachel and Kurt.

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HD Glee




IMDb: 8.5
46 min

Quinn, Puck, Brittany, Santana, Artie, Mercedes and Tina are back in Lima to help the Glee Club.

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HD Glee




IMDb: 7.9
46 min

After a failed attempt to make it as an actress, Rachel comes to Lima, only to find out that the arts are completely vanished from McKinley. Now she finds herself in the position of taking over the Glee club, because Mr. Schue is leading Vocal Adrenaline now and Blaine is leading The Warblers.

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HD Glee




IMDb: 6.0
42 min

Jane Lynch introduces the episode as a Christmas special that FOX did not allow to air from last year. The New Directions audition for roles in McKinley's living Nativity Scene. Meanwhile in New York, Rachel, Kurt and Santana work as Santa's elves at a mall. Written by Anonymous

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HD Glee




IMDb: 8.3
44 min

As the members of New Directions prepare for Regionals, an unthinkable event occurs and puts matters into perspective.

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HD Glee




IMDb: 7.5
43 min

Sam thinks that the Warblers cheated in order to win sectionals. Tina (and the Too Young to Be Bitter Club) schedule a Sadie Hawkins dance over Blaine's objections. Finn has the Glee girls sing to those they wish to invite. Blaine admits to Tina that he has a bit of a crush on Sam. Puck steps in to help his brother Jake with Kitty's unwanted advances. Meanwhile in NY... Kurt becomes interested in joining the NYADA show choir, Adam's Apples... and Adam. Rachel and Brody's relationship progresses to the next step. Written by Havan_IronOak

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HD Glee




IMDb: 7.7
43 min

Marley, Jake, and Ryder find themselves in the midst of a love triangle. Meanwhile, Blaine has a run-in with the Warblers.

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
42 min

The BAU team members are still feeling the loss of Morgan, who has quit the unit for a more stable life with his wife and son. But with one down, there is the temporary return of another in the form of Interpol agent Emily Prentiss, who is certain that a Son of Sam copycat killer in New York City is the same person she has been following through Europe doing copycat killings of famous serial killers. Prentiss had almost captured the unsub in London, that operation which claimed the life of a Scotland Yard operative named Louise Hulland. The team is able to get a description of the unsub from a survivor of the New York killings and produce an artist's rendering for distribution, a visual which Prentiss had not got previously. The team has to figure out what the unsub's next move will be following his Son of Sam spree and where that will take him. Through it all, Prentiss admits that she has had a recurring nightmare pertaining to the case. What she does not divulge however is why this ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
40 min

The BAU heads to the Los Angeles, California area, where two women, in separate incidents, were found murdered within a day of each other, each found in their own home with no sign of forced entry, both single, and both having died of asphyxiation from being wrapped pre-mortem by a regular household item like a blanket or rug. By the time the team arrives at the Los Angeles FBI field office where they are basing their investigation, a third dead body with the same victimology is discovered. From surveillance footage at the third victim's apartment complex, the team believes the unsub is either masquerading as an FBI agent or truly is one. When the team determines that he is only masquerading as one, but that he needs to gain the confidence of his victims by real world events, they decide to set a trap for him that is potentially dangerous for the public. But in doing so, they, in the process, learn of an unfortunate real life tie to the agency. Through it all, Morgan can't help but ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
41 min

The BAU heads to Detroit, Michigan where community activist Russell Pearson is found murdered. His latest cause was opposition to a proposed gentrification project of high end condos, however it was recently discovered that he took bribes from the condo developers. As identified by the tag next to Pearson's body, the murderer is renowned street artist, Morpheus, whose actual identity is unknown. Morpheus, whose art has a social activism bent, would have been on the same side as Pearson of the condo development issue up until the discovery of the bribes. Morpheus, who works primarily in New York, Los Angeles and the Gulf coast, generally shows up after an issue has become known, leading his voice to the cause through the art. Morpheus' art first appeared in Detroit a few weeks ago, next to a burnt out car where a homeless mother and her infant died, the car where they were sleeping. By the time the team arrives in Detroit, Morpheus has struck again, this time kidnapping Corinne Wallace... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.0
44 min

The BAU heads to Los Angeles, California, where a sarin attack on a CityLink bus has left all ten inside the bus dead. A homemade timing device found on the bus was what was used to release the sarin without the unsub needing to be on the bus. The team looks into any chemists who may have had access to sarin stockpiles and had a grudge of some sort as a possible suspect. But a man named Charlie Senerak jumps to the top of the suspect list when surveillance footage shows that Charlie was sitting in his car in a park and ride lot where the bus originated, and that he and his wife Tracy, with who he works, usually take that bus, but neither who were on it this day. In questioning Charlie, Rossi and Lewis don't believe Charlie to be the unsub, but they do know that he is hiding something major that he did not want to divulge to them, meaning that that something could be related to the attack. As further evidence piles up on Charlie, the team, if they discover the truth, will find that ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
42 min

A random string of murders in Northern Virginia has the BAU hunting a rather paradoxical UnSub whose desire to kill is uncontrollable; yet, somehow, this person feels extreme remorse for their crimes. Meanwhile, Rossi is surprised when he receives a visit from a woman who may hold a mysterious secret from his past. Written by MissFortuneCookie

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.0
43 min

With Blake deciding to return to Boston to teach full-time and Prentiss declining the request to return, Hotch is interviewing for the vacancy on the team. Who he hires is a known entity to the team, namely Kate Callahan. Her first case working for the BAU takes them to Bakersfield, California, where three human torsos have been found in deserted locales within the past month - one male and two females. The medical examiner is able to determine that the limbs were removed with precision, that the victims had leather in their digestive tract, that they were kept alive up to 48 hours after the limb removal and the torsos had been preserved. The team soon discovers that the unsub has sold some of the limbs on the black market. Those sales and the identities of the victims may provide some clues as to the unsub's identity and location. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.1
43 min

The BAU heads to St. Louis, Missouri where ten year old Andrew Taffert has gone missing. The reason it is a BAU case is that the Tafferts - father Malcolm Taffert and mother Lida Taffert - had been receiving prank calls from someone with a childlike voice stating I'm gonna get you, and that blood was splattered on their front door after Andy had gone missing. Reid notices that this case is much like a fifteen year old cold case that the BAU worked on where the parents in that situation received such prank calls prior to their son being abducted and eventually found dead. The father in that case, Richard Clayvin, was always considered a suspect. As such, Malcolm is initially considered a prime suspect, especially considering his over controlling temperament. The similarity between the two cases extends to the post-abduction prank calls with the voice changing its statement to, Did you see what I did?. But as the investigation progresses, which includes re-interviewing Richard ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
41 min

The BAU travels to Santa Monica, California where three bodies, burned beyond recognition, in three separate incidents, have been found at the famous pier. After the autopsies, it is learned that the victims were stabbed to death, with the burning being a cover. When a fourth victim is discovered with a slightly different mode of death, they determine that the victims were all homeless who were trying to make a living on the street. In the process of the investigation, Rossi unexpectedly runs into an old colleague among the homeless. For Rossi, finding the unsub thus becomes as much part of his regular job as it is as a means of repaying his old colleague, who refuses Rossi's help to clean up his life. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.3
42 min

The team is called to work on a case on the Mexico border, where two otherwise previously healthy men were found with their right leg amputated. One man did not survive the operation while the second, college student Tony Anders, only remembers bits and pieces in what he previously thought was a nightmare. The nature of both amputations show the team that the unsub has some knowledge of anatomy, but it is unclear if the unsub is/was a medical doctor. But when a third victim stumbles into a hospital, the team has a slightly clearer picture of the unsub's motives: he is trying to do live leg transplants, which is medically impossible, leading the team to believe the unsub has a God complex. They have to figure out how he is choosing his victims, and the reason he is trying to perfect this operation before they can find him himself. A secret relationship of Reid's provides a little assistance on the case, at the risk of the team discovering this relationship Reid wants kept secret and ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
41 min

The BAU is called to San Bernardino, California where two home invasions have occurred within four days of each other, the two taking place within one block of each other. In both cases, the homes belonged to Caucasian families, in both cases the father had a gun and weapons training, and in both cases all family members were killed, all by gunshot. At each scene was also one deceased member from among the intruders, both black males. While one of those black deceased was known to be involved in gang activity, the other was seemingly a hard working model citizen, who was working two jobs to put himself through school. As well, both deceased black males had massive doses of oxycodone in their system. These murders are being used as political fodder within the current San Bernardino mayoral race, with Caucasian candidate Clark Preston using inflammatory wording to describe the ensuing race wars from these home invasions between the whites and the browns. The BAU have to figure out if ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.8
44 min

The BAU is called to the San Francisco Bay area when a young couple named David Atley and Nicole Puli are found shot to death, with evidence pointing to the unsub being the Zodiac Killer, who has not been heard from since 1974. The local police detective leading the investigation believes it to be the work of the real Zodiac Killer, but Hotch, Rossi and Reid believe that it is not, especially since there has been no evolution in the nature of these latest killings since those by the real Zodiac Killer. The team nonetheless follow leads back to the original investigation, including tracking those who were involved in that investigation as well as anyone who either wrote about it or tracked the investigation. They are hindered in the investigation by an anxious and sometime media hungry public who want to cash in on the Zodiac Killer's notoriety. They are also helped and hindered when they learn the unsub has a genius IQ, he who may understand the BAU's tactics. As the BAU goes through ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
39 min | 42 min

Agent Russell Goldman with the FBI's White Collar Division in San Diego brings a case to the BAU. A con man who he has been following for five years is suspected to have killed Carla Marshall in Miami, Florida. Carla had been in contact with Goldman about the con man, hence the supposed connection to him as her murderer. If the con man is indeed the unsub, Carla is the first known person he would have killed of those involved in his cons. His past cons generally involved using his charm and good looks to gain the trust of women. As the BAU review Goldman's files on the unsub, they find a change in his general lifestyle pattern from his early cons to the most recent. In reviewing the victim's background as well as the unsub's home life, the BAU believe they have a way to track him down. They have to work fast as they also believe that his mental state is devolving where he is becoming increasingly violent and murderous the closer anyone gets to discovering his fraudulent behavior, and ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
39 min | 42 min

In Hampton, Virginia, the Downey family is murdered and buried in their backyard while the family patriarch, army Captain Joseph Downey, is deployed in Iraq. A similar mass murder of a military family while the father was on military deployment occurred a year earlier. Prints lifted at the murder scenes indicate that it is the same unsub. The unsub appears to be copying the murders committed by Karl Arnold aka The Fox. The BAU worked on the case of The Fox four years earlier. The unsub has tried to contact The Fox in prison. Hotch and Prentiss interview The Fox to try and understand his motivation so as to understand the unsub. Based on some information received from The Fox and by the way the bodies are laid out in their grave, the BAU have a clearer profile of the unsub, who is not a copycat of The Fox and who is not the person who tried to contact The Fox. The Fox has some parting words for Hotch about who tried to contact him. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 8.4
42 min

The unsub has identified the her in the save her messages as eighteen year old Rebecca Bryant, a Bostonian who has been missing for two years. However, by the BAU not following his rules, the unsub has attacked Greenaway at her home, she who is now clinging to life. As with some of the victims thus far, the unsub scrawls a note on Greenaway's wall using her blood. Morgan and J.J. are tasked with following the leads on Rebecca Bryant, while Reid is tasked with deciphering the increasingly complex puzzle, which leads to a personal connection to him. The two tasks come full circle when they both lead to a common end point, which at least identifies the unsub and the reason he contacted the BAU in the first place. The last task is to locate him before he commits his ultimate act in the puzzle. Meanwhile, Greenaway's subconscious battles with thoughts of wanting to live or die. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
43 min

The FBI profiling team is called to Florida where a seres of efficient bombs killed every single target; this rules out a terrorist or politically motivated bomber. The bombs themselves carry the signature of Adrian Bale, a master-bomber who was jailed after taking out six FBI agents in Boston, who even pushed the next button when he knew it would only worsen his sentence. Then there's a lead to an alternative scenario: master forger David Walker, who had to commit a single murder to keep out of jail but covers it up by playing the Bale copycat. Or is there a link between these two suspects, perhaps via a Internet forum which contains suspicious messages? Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD The Blacklist

The Blacklist


The Blacklist

IMDb: 8.0
43 min

A child who had been missing and presumed dead reappears, prompting Red and Liz to hunt down a woman who is known to abduct children; Tom puts himself in a consequential position after aiding Gina.

Country: USA
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HD The Blacklist

The Blacklist


The Blacklist

IMDb: 8.4
41 min

When a witness in the murder trial of a ruthless cartel boss disappears, Red (James Spader) leads Liz (Megan Boone) and Ressler (Diego Klattenhoff) on a search for the Blacklist's No. 161, a gruesome hit man known as the Stewmaker.

Country: USA
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HD Varuhuset




IMDb: 0

Genre: Drama,
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HD Varuhuset




IMDb: 0

Genre: Drama,
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HD Varuhuset




IMDb: 0
47 min

Genre: Drama,
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HD Varuhuset




IMDb: 0
42 min

Genre: Drama,
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