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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 8.3
46 min

The Enterprise is heading for the Epsilon solar system. A suddenly approaching alien ship uses scanners so strong that all crew members including Data lose most of their personal memories, even names and ranks, yet retain their operational and language skills. The external communications are down and computer data banks have been selectively wiped. Some, including the ship's manifest, are altered, so as to make a Commander MacDuff Executive Officer (rather then Riker) and the Enterprise is on a crucial mission in a war the Federation would be conducting for years against the Lysian race. The alien ship has been destroyed, they assume by the Enterprise, although there's no battle damage. While crew members behave differently, failing their normal reference patterns, MacDuff volunteers for a memory therapy Dr. Crusher suggests, so he can pretend for it to fail and press on the attack on the Lysian headquarters, but the war logic doesn't quite add up... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 6.7
46 min

The Enterprise is on a mission to warn the human colony of an artificial paradisiac biosphere on planet Moab 4's southern colony of the approach of a massive stellar fragment, which will impact with seismic force causing a tectonic disaster. However its competent, considerate leader Aaron Conor refuses to evacuate, confident their biosphere can withstand earthquakes. He does allow a small Enterprise party to visit their society, which they believe far superior after eight generations of selective breeding which nearly eliminated the remaining human risk factors. Despite their rigid rule never to leave, scientist Hannah Bates is allowed to come aboard to work out a method to deflect the approaching fragment jointly with Geordi, who as blind man would not even have been born in their society, by a tractor beam and updates to the biosphere itself. Picard disapproves of genetic 'predisposition' on principle, Troi becomes platonic intimate with Conor, who would be prepared to accept her ... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 6.3
45 min

On a mapping journey the Enterprise hosts a party of Ullian 'mind historians', specialists who telepathically retrieve people's long-forgotten memories from many races. Keiko O'Brien and Dr. Crusher enjoy resuscitating pleasant memories, but the Ullian leader Tarmin's frustratingly overbore son Jev abuses his abilities on non-volunteers, against their code, and enters their thus nightmare-altered memories as a key character, leaving Troi and Riker in an apparently unprovoked coma which only resembles the rare neurosis irizine, without the associated histamine level change. Then it happens to Crusher the bad way, but Troi wakes up after three days, alas with a total black-out. After eliminating any other imaginable cause, Picard has to suspect the Ullians, Troi accepts a memory probe by Jev, who makes her believe it's Tarmin's doing, but Geordi and Data do some research... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 6.6
46 min

A Starfleet ship has a disaster in the largest black cloud ever observed, an astronomical phenomenon which gravely distorts gravity itself. Data is able to rescue a single survivor, the young boy Timothy, who lost both his parents on the starship and suppresses the unspeakable trauma, yet may have invaluable information about what happened and how the Enterprise is best to handle the black cloud itself. Troi encourages savior Data to spend time with Timothy, who decides to 'become' an android, physically and mentally superior to humans, like his mentor. When the Enterprise reaches the black cloud, the bridge officers prove unable to handle it in any known way like the other ship, Data and Timothy must make the difference... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 6.5
46 min

The Enterprise goes to planet Belena 3 to assist in testing the new propulsion method soliton waves. Lieutenant Worf is visited by his mother Helena and young son Alexander Rozhenko, who intends to stay with him. He soon finds the burdens of paternal duties cumbersome, especially as the frustrated schoolboy proves dishonorably mischievous. The experiment goes horribly wrong... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 7.3
45 min

The Enterprise sets out to help the colonized planet Penthara IV, where an asteroid impacts with an apocalyptic effect, first scorching then lasting clouding comparable to nuclear winter. On the route to it, an unknown vessel appears after a temporal distortion and beams aboard history professor Berlingoff Rasmussen from earth three centuries later (the 26th), who is obsessed by Picard, who accepts the whole crew to be questioned, despite the possibilities of fraud or altering reality. Once at Penthara 4, Geordie down there and Data aboard devise a method to create a greenhouse-effect, at the risk of making it far worse, so Picard wrestles with using Rasmussen's hindsight, but his own history proves significantly problematic... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 8.3
45 min

Picard is found on Romulus by senator Pardek, who brings him to ambassador Spock, who explains his secret 'cowboy diplomacy' is about the off chance of a Vulcan-Romulan reunification thanks to an old, recently significantly grown philosophically friendly Romulan underground party, which includes the rising new proconsul Neral, who claims the Romulan senate itself can no longer resist the people's outcry for peace, but is actually in league with Sela. Klingon captain K'Vada isn't amused when Data claims he may be able to crack the Romulan encryption log. Vulcan-human half-blood Spock and android Data exchange views on the virtues of emotional and cool logical qualities. Meanwhile commander Riker's Ferengi investigation for the stolen Vulcan ship continues, starting with the mundane wife of the smuggler who died while pursued and finds a Barolian ship was involved. Spock and Picard fear rightly it all ties together in a Romulan war plot... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 8.2
45 min

The Enterprise's mission is aborted to return to a star-base where Admiral Brackett charges them with investigating the disappearance, possibly defection to the ever-scheming Romulans, of dying Federation ambassador Sarek's son Spock, who didn't say goodbye to his parents but took all his personal belongings after a public row with Sarek over the Cardassian war. A visit from Picard makes them realize the key must be Romulan senator Pardek, with whom Spock maintains since years personal contacts, against Sarek's will. Meanwhile Klingon leader Gowron is writing the Federation's help in the civil war out of official history, so Picard resorts to suggestions to get him to provide a cloaked ship, reluctantly piloted by Captain K'Vada, for this mission, with Data, both prepared to impersonate Romulans on Romulus... Meanwhile Commander William T. Riker and Troy find examining the disappearance of a Federation ship to and from the Ferengi most dangerous... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 7.4
45 min

On its way to the unchartered Phoenix cluster, the Enterprise gets a visit by shuttle from Starfleet Academy Cadet Wesley Crusher on leave, all help being welcome now the research time has been cut to two weeks. Everyone is happy to see the popular, brilliant boy back and hear about his faring, some exchanging some of their own cadet memories. New Ensign Lefler, about his age, takes a personal interest in him and vice versa. Wesley wisely wonders why the computer game Riker brought back from shore leave so quickly became popular or rather addictive before he tries it as they all insist. He discovers it stimulates the pleasure center but affects the higher brain functions, and Data wasn't incapacitated by accident but disconnected by players because androids' computer brains are immune for the game. Alas by now Wesley is the only unaffected human, all the others hunt him down after Picard took orders for the game's distribution to other ships and bases from tailing Kitarean ship ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 7.8
46 min

While the Enterprise enjoys a rest, just when elementary school science prize winners Patterson Supera, Jay Gordon Graas and Marissa Flores visit the ship, it's reduced to impulse power by hitting a quantum filament, so people are trapped in different compartments and face various damage there needing attention. Geordi and Dr. Crusher have to deal with a corrosion threat by damage to the ship's skin, which starts a very toxic chemical reaction on the hole; Data and Riker face an electric field blocking their way which Data passes at the price of decapitation, and must be repaired on the spot; Worf is with pregnant Keiko O'Brien, who gets contractions, so he'll have to deliver; the wounded captain and the school children must climb to the power supply in the ship's core; Troi decides as highest in rank on the bridge, without technical expertise, not to give up on possible survivors in engineering despite the risk not closing it off causes for the whole ship... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 7.3
45 min

While Riker, Data, Crusher and various other crew enjoy a recreational day on an earth-like human colony, they are hit by an electrical storm but succeed in hiding safely in a cave they make collapse after Riker recognizes it's an attack of the feared crystalline entity. After their release, xenologist Dr. Kila Marr is brought in, who specializes in studying the creature which needs to destroy an entire community to feed on given its immense energy consumption. Picard forces her to take Data in the investigatory team, although she suspects he might be in league with it as his brother was, but comes to appreciate his objective scientific input and even takes a liking to him after learning he has and can evoke many memories of the victims of an earlier crystalline attack in which her son Remi perished. Despite a new crystalline attack destroying a space-ship, the crew decides to attempt communicating and works out to do so by graviton beam, in which experiment Dr. Marr takes part... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 7.8
46 min

An emergency call from Solarion IV, a colony near the Cardassian-Federation border, is followed by Orta's space-ship's claim to have destroyed it as part of his Bajorian race's struggle to reclaim their ancient civilization's independence from the Cardassians. Admiral Kennelly decides the Enterprise's mission to settle that dispute peacefully requires a Bajorian officer and therefore assigned, without consulting Picard, female Ensign Ro Laren, whom he had to release from jail first, to the whole crew's dismay. After receiving blankets, the Bajorian refugee camp leader Keeve Falor arranges a meeting with Orta. There Picard finds former refugee Ro Laren came with a secret Bajorian agenda himself, but she tells him it's not just hers, the admiral is behind it. Then two Cardassian ships appear and their commander Gul Dolak demands the Enterprise delivers to them the ship of the Bajorians which the Enterprise is resettling as terrorists; Picard deals with the dark plot... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 8.7
46 min

The Enterprise approaches the uninhabited Eladrel solar system, near the territory of the enigmatic, presumably pacific race known as the Children of Tamar, which is now establishing contact. Picard expected fairly easy diplomacy, but the Tamarians first have a row at their side, then transport Picard and their own captain Dathon down to the nearest planet surface, which they make impenetrable behind a particle shield, to pit them for a duel, which Picard is unwilling to engage. Both the captain and his crew on the bridge desperately study the Tamarian language, which they find to be unusually focused on mythical narrative, notably the epic of Darmac, which holds the key to its metaphorical 'code', and thus to the whole situation. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 8.3
46 min

Captain Jean-Luc Picard convinces Fleet Admiral Shanthi that the Federation must no longer maintain neutrality because the Duras side's alliance with the Romulans turns the raging Klingon civil war into sort of a proxy war, which Gowron's loyal side is losing. All major Enterprise officers take starship commands, including Data, who had to ask for this first and immediately faces a transfer request from his first officer, Lt. Commander Christopher Hobson, who has a prejudice against androids, yet Data keeps him on. Picard is startled to hear that the Romulan commander Sela claims to be Tasha's daughter, first thinks it's a lie, then hears Guinan's theory confirmed, which would mean the previous Enterprise is indirectly responsible for the present conflict. Now the civil war is going badly, Worf's loyalty to Gowron and his family leadership are challenged at his own side, he falls in the hands of the Duras sisters, Lursa and B'Etor. Picard coordinates his fleet with Gowron's forces, ... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 8.4
45 min

The Enterprise goes on the Klingon homeworld to attend the installation of Gowron as the new head of the High Council. Captain Picard encourages Lt. Worf to seize the opportunity to clear his name. However Gowron boards, asking hasty help to prevent a Klingon civil war, claiming the sisters of the late traitor Duras head a corrupt conspiracy supported by at least three fleet commanders, Picard is the only established acceptable arbitrator. Gowron scorned Worf, before he tells Duras' father was the traitor to the Romulans - only to be told it's too late given the Duras faction in the Council. Worf arranges a leave to visit his brother Kurn, serving on a Klingon ship - he feels both old factions must be swept away, four commanders would side with their family. Worf pulls rank as family eldest, ordering loyalty to the confirmed Gowron, only later their support would be made dependent upon family rehabilitation. Picard is about to complete Gowron's installation, but the Duras family - ... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 7.1
45 min

When the Enterprise enters the unchartered Mare Obscura ('dark sea') dark matter nebula, Data is in charge of scientific observations, together with young Dr. Lieutenant Jenna D'Sora, who shows a romantic interest in him. The human crew is clearly unable and/or reluctant to give Data reliable advice, and Troi warns him against trusting in literature on the subject, but since Riker says nothing beats true love Data decides to try 'running' a romantic program with her, yet method is madness in a human lover's eyes... Arrived at an M class planet's coordinates, the Enterprise finds it gone, inexplicably, while Worf fears disappearances and unexplained entries aboard constitute a major security risk. Indeed next strikes make victims among machines and crew, but according to Data all can result from proximity of so much dark matter causing gaps of space, which the ship phases' in and out of. The plan is to send an observational shuttle ahead, Picard decides to pilot it himself... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 7.8
45 min

Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge eagerly follows orders to enjoy traveling ahead of the ship by shuttle craft to a technology conference on the planet Risa, till an unexpected Romulan war vessel beams him aboard to be brainwashed with fake holiday memories before returning to the Enterprise with a mission including sabotage and the murder of Chief Miles O'Brien with a spy and mental control e-band device fitted into his visor. Meanwhile the Enterprise is hosting Klingon special ambassador Kell, who doesn't enjoy his mission from the High Council to Kreos, a planet on the border with Federation space territory, which seeks independence at a time the Klingon Empire needs its resources elsewhere and therefore prefers to settle, and investigate if they get any illegal Federation help. The Klingon Governor Vagh claims the rebels got Federation issue weapons, but Data and Geordi find it's a replica, probably Romulan solely to estrange the Klingons from their enemy, the Federation. The ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 6.5
45 min

Doctor Beverly Crusher is secretly in romantic love since weeks with Federation ambassador Odan, who is on his way to the Alpha moon which is rebelling against the planet they were colonized from and cause potentially fatal environmental damage to its Beta moon. Crusher ignores her humanoid lover's body has an alien symbiont in his entrails, but Counselor Deanna Troi empathetically senses emotional swings which set her on the trail. Then an unrequested escort vessel from the Beta moon approaches and attacks the Enterprise shuttle which Commander Will Riker was piloting to bring the ambassador to his destination. When Riker brings Odan back to the Enterprise badly wounded, Crusher's diagnose reveals the 'parasite' and she learns his true identity. Odan urgently needs another humanoid host to perform his peace mission, for which task Riker is chosen... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 7.3
46 min

The Enterprise has two special visitors: first Counselor Deanna Troi's terribly flippant, meddling mother, Betazoid ambassador Lwaxana Troi, then also top researcher Dr. Timicin, who comes to try help his home planet Kelon 2 revitalize its since generations dying sun with helium emission and photon torpedoes. Both guests prove meeting opposites, falling in love. The experiment is a partial success, only promising scientific progress without immediate results. Alas the minister in charge refuses to allow Timicin to continue: their law dictates he must commit ritual suicide, called 'the resolution' when he turns 60 in a few days being then considered a burden for the younger generations, despite his excellent condition of mind and body. Picard has no choice but accept under the Prime Directive, Lwaxana tries to convince her flame by emotions and reason, as nobody is better qualified to continue the crucial research, which strikes a cord... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 8.3
45 min

A Klingon traitor is arrested: engineer Lieutenant J'Ddan, who passed secrets to the Romulans via fluid in a medical syringe, sabotage is feared. Retired female Federation Admiral Satie and her former assistants arrive to take charge of the investigation, with security chief Worf. Meanwhile Data and LaForge look into the sabotage risk. J'Ddan's denial of sabotaging the vital dilithium chamber is credible, which implies another traitor aboard, so the crew is grilled, starting with medic Simon Tarses who gave J'Ddan his injections. After a paranormal counsel believes Tarses a liar, he's tricked by lies into acting guilty, even though the 'sabotage' was in fact found to be an accidental failure, and confesses he lied about his ancestry to hide a Romulan grandfather. Picard objects against the unethical procedure, Satie calls upon Starfleet chief of security Admiral Henry to look for an even wider conspiracy, starting with Picard himself, based on his long-term record, and Worf, based on ... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 7.3
45 min

The Enterprise is at Tegus 3, to host the Federation archaeologists council's annual symposium, where Picard is to give the key-note lecture on its enigmatic ruins, now forbidden to outsiders. To his surprise he's visited by Vash, a flirtatious girl-friend, displeased to learn he never mentioned her to any crew-member, who is now on the council. Another visit gets the coldest welcome: almost almighty Q, who ridicules Picard's speech and decides to 'repay' saving his life and Continuum membership by transforming Picard and his accompanying crew-members during the speech into Robin Hood and his merry men, challenged to save maid Marian -Varsh- from execution ordered the next morning by Sir Guy Gisbourne, as Q declares as high sheriff. Picard engages in rescue from Nottingham castle, but soon finds his modern maid is no passive damsel in distress, even takes to the game far better than him... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 8.0
45 min

The Enterprise checks on the Argus array, a giant Federation outskirts astronomical telescope, which stopped signaling data months ago. Geordi and mentally rehabilitated engineer Lieutenant Reg Barclay, try to repair it but an intense energy surge from an alien probe of unknown technology electrocutes Barclay and even causes serious damage on board the ship. Barclay soon recovers while the probe follows closely, building up a dangerous field but unresponsive to full phasers. Now Barclay demonstrates surprising insight and knowledge, saving the situation by repairing power and getting photon torpedoes ready which destroy the probe. Reg's useful but inexplicable erudition proves invaluable for telescope repairs too. Even his theatrical, romantic (towards Troi) and formerly inexistent violin performances improve suddenly , thanks to a confidence boost. When Dr. Crusher finds his brain improved more then any human causing unprecedented intelligence, he is also considered a potential risk.... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 6.8
46 min

Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge realizes that he, his friend Lt. Commander Susanna Leitjen and Lieutenant Hickman who deserted in a shuttle-craft and is now on a suicidal course to a planet were all in a mission made years ago by the USS Victory, the others are missing but more vessels are detected on the same planet. After investigations of the base on the planet it turns out they were affected by a yet unknown, parasitic alien race, which is already in both Gordi and Susanna, how is beyond Dr. Crusher's diagnosis, and starts transforming from a cellular level first her into a blue critter, later him too, while he continues researching Starfleet records and hologram simulation, while closely monitored... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 7.2
45 min

The Enterprise has finally tracked the missing starship USS Brattain. Counselor Deanna Troi senses trouble with the life on board and joins Riker's boarding party. The crew was slashed to death; the only survivor, Betazoid Counselor Andrus Hagan, is in shock. Doctor Beverly Crusher 's autopsy concludes 34 crewmen killed each other with phasers and other weapons, even bare hands; a tape recorded a paranoiac fear among them. While the Enterprise tows the Brattain to the nearest starbase, its own crewmen starts sensing another presence and experiencing rising fear, plausibly working up to dangerous paranoia. The ship itself gets stuck in a rift in space; Data finds the Brattain tried to escape from the same with a blast, the technicians have a hard time finding a better alternative, at Picard's request with (fear-immune android) Data temporarily in command. Meanwhile Dr. Crusher gets nightmarish hallucinations herself but concludes from a chemical imbalance that all the humans have ... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 7.1
46 min

While the Enterprise is in a star-base Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge gets a very special visitor, brilliant engineering designer Dr. Leah Brahms, who he feels to know almost intimately as a 'hologram version' of herself with 'whom' he bonded. However the real Brahms proves icy and arrogantly unwilling to consider any of Geordi's empirical findings could conceivably stand against her theoretically impermeable truth. They take on the challenge to collaborate and learn to know each-other better, but when Geordi shows her his hologram version of her Brahms feels almost pornographically 'abused', one prejudiced insult too many for him. Meanwhile Picard, his bridge officers and Dr. Crusher have a very different problem, a strange life form which approaches and dies but is found to have given birth to a baby version inside its corpse, which must be separated to stand a chance of survival. When that succeeds, 'junior' instinctively identifies the Enterprise as its mother and locks on draining... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 8.0
46 min

Commander William Riker has been on an acculturation mission under an alias for months on the Malcorian planet, surgically altered to appear like a local, but he gets badly wounded, beyond their medical skills because his internal organs are unknown to them. Captain Jean-Luc Picard decides to speed up his official diplomatic approach, formally the First Contact, and intercede on Riker's behalf, but they are told by a fascinated open-minded Malcorian scientist that her planet's culture is particularly xenophobic so they reject any alien being as being unequal to them. The Malcorian government keeps the matter secret but is internally divided: while the chancellor Durken is in favor of Riker's release without the people finding out and establishing friendly relations with the Federation, his powerful security minister Krola is prepared to go to any length to preserve their traditional way of life, so he finds Riker and fakes his own murder.... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 8.3
46 min

During leave time aboard, Picard obliges a personal promise to Guinan by playing parts in an Al Capone period gangster mystery story, but soon a mysterious energy source takes precedence. It creates a small, unstable local wormhole, causing everybody to be unconscious, presumably for just half a minute according to the instruments. However strange changes are observed, such as spores showing a full day's growth and the ship is even off course, near a planet of another class. Doubts are inevitable, even about Data, as Geordi finds only they two were able to circumvent the computer security program preventing the clock manipulation which is the only logical explanation, and Data is in perfect working order. Geordi proves that the planet image before the black-out is a fake altered from memory banks, only Data could have switched them and staged an apparent wormhole; Data claims to be unable to verify and should be court-martialed, probably the end of his Starfleet career, but why would ... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 7.3
46 min

The Enterprise obliges a planet which acutely faces an original problem: the mythic being Ardra demands they honor a contract concluded 1,000 years ago, under the terms of which that world now becomes entirely her property, with all its people as her slaves and everything in orbit, as payment for her settling their ancestors' apparently hopeless problems then with war and environment decay. Picard is told she is known by many names in various systems, all frightening and almost almighty, but he refuses to believe she's the planet's version of the Devil, and decides to challenge her legal claim. Data finds under the planet's law the only possible way is by choosing an arbitrator - she proposes ever objective Data, who warns Picard he will be impartial, and is accepted... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 8.2
46 min

The Federation is on the verge of war with the Cardassians after a Starship under the command of Captain Benjamin Maxwell attacks a Cardassian science outpost, destroying it and killing everyone there. Captain Picard is ordered to find Maxwell and take whatever steps necessary to stop him. The Cardassians are cautious and their captain, Gul Macet, doesn't quite believe Picard will hunt down one of his own. Picard for his part will do his duty but finds it hard to believe that a Starship captain would attack without reason. Chief O'Brien served with Maxwell and knows that his family was killed many years before in a Cardassian attack. He also knows that Maxwell is a very able captain who would not seek revenge. When Maxwell destroys a Cardassian cargo ship, Picard realizes he must be stopped before there is all-out war. Written by garykmcd

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 8.2
46 min

Second officer Lt. Commander Data accepted to speak a complete record of a day in his functioning for the benefit of scientific android engineer Commander Maddox and concludes his programming must be improved concerning interaction with human emotions, most puzzling given human practices such as irony. Chief Miles O'Brien's human wedding is amply confusing, even for Worf, bride Keiko Ishikawa's gibbers even more illogical. Learning dances and which is appropriate from Dr. Crusher prove easy. Conan Doyle's logic of elimination Data soon masters, in time to solve a mysterious accident during negotiations with a Romulan admiral... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 6.0
45 min

The Enterprise encounters a mysterious entity, which turns out to be two-dimensional and is towing the ship. Just then Counselor Deanna Troi finds herself devoid of her telepathic powers, an inedited loss of control she finds more then terrifying, indeed she hands in her resignation. Every attempt to fight the aliens fails, and it's forcing the Enterprise straight to fatal danger. Only at the last moment Diana comes up with a 'two-dimensional theory'... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 6.8
46 min

After bringing the good news that Ensign Wesley Crusher has been accepted to Starfeet Academy, captain Picard decides to go ahead by shuttle with Wesley on a mission to appease troublesome salonite miners on Pentaurus 5, while Riker brings the Enterprise to the defenseless planet Gamelon-1, which believes to be under silent attack from a spaceship which causes immense radiation. The miner host pilot captain Dirgo's shuttle gets into trouble, having to land in a desert without working replicator or supplies, so Picard decides to walk to the nearest mountains for shelter, persisting even when sensor readings suggest possible life. Riker decides not to return for a search before dealing with the radiation source, which is found to be an abandoned barge and soon starts disintegrating while on tractor-beam to an asteroid... When Dirgo foolishly fires a phaser on a protective column, which mysteriously forms around a fountain at approach, the cave crushes on Picard, so Wesley's ingenuity is... Written by KGF Vissers

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