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IMDb: 7.6
42 min

Allison dreams of a teenager who enter his high school and starts shooting his teachers and classmates. Soon after, she and Detective Scanlon are investigating the kidnapping of 6 year-old Tyler Downey . There's been no ransom note and there is no evidence of violence in the Downey home. Allison starts to dream about Tyler and they manage to find him, shot but still alive, in a garbage dump. As the dreams continue, she learns the identity of the kidnapper/killer but also something else that is quite frightening: 6 year old Tyler will grow up to be the teenager on the shooting spree as a teenager. When she dreams of Tyler graduating as his class valedictorian, she finally realizes what is happening and what the dreams really mean. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.2
43 min

Allison is again dreaming about Dr. Charles Walker with whom she'd had a previous encounter. Unfortunately, she's also under arrest. It all started several days before when she and Joe refused Ariel permission to go to the movies with a 14 year-old boy. It turns out Walker has been speaking to Ariel in the school library and encouraging her to ignore her parents rules and just not tell them what she's doing. When Allison drops the girls at school, she sees Walker talking to Dr Gramado, the father of the boy who wanted to take Ariel to the movies. Ariel decides to go to a party at the boy's house without telling anyone but Allison finds out what is going on and rushes to the Gramado house where she misinterprets what she sees and assaults the doctor. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.8
55 min

Allison dreams about a serial killers who is abducting young women and then cutting them up. In her dreams however, she doesn't actually see who the killer is since she is playing that role. She does remember that the killer had a dog named Buster and that leads Detective Scanlon to rescue the most recent abductee. The killer gets away however. As time goes on, Allison starts to take some of the killer's persona as if she was possessed. Joe is concerned about her behavior in spite of her assurances that the killer hasn't taken her over. With yet another dream, Allison finally realizes what the killer is trying to tell her: that one the women included in his murder spree was actually killed by someone else. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.9
50 min

Allison is having some apparently unconnected dreams. In the first, she hits a woman with her car. In the second, she dreams of a woman who is apparently living in a haunted house. The next day, she sees the woman from the second dream, Nadine Massey, crying in a restaurant and tries to help. The woman days no thanks but apparently commits suicide that night. While at the dead woman's house with Det. Scanlon she has a waking dream that the house is on fire. It turns out that the dreams are related and that Nadine may have committed suicide out of guilt. They also point to who may be haunting them. At home meanwhile, Ariel has friends over for a slumber party including a new girl. While playing her fortune-telling game, she has a vision that her new friend may die in a few years time. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.9
44 min

For Allison, works of art are suddenly coming to life. The paintings all point to the artist, Jason Morrow, as a killer. Allison sees a woman in all of them either being attacked or about to be buried. Det. Scanlon identifies the woman but when they find the body, tests reveal that the woman and a young boy were buried over 20 years ago. The identity of the child is key to solving the case. Joe's boss meanwhile tells him that he's leaving the company and would like Joe to join him as a partner in his new venture. The ghost of Joe's father keeps dropping in on Allison to make sure his son doesn't join the new company. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 7.9
43 min

It's election time and Allison isn't too keen on her dreams as they seem to suggest that district Attorney Manuel Devalos will lose to his opponent, Nathan Bradley. She also dreams that one of Devalos' old cases comes back to haunt him when Clyde Morton, a juvenile he refused to convict as an adult, is released from prison and kills a young woman with a knife. When Allison and Det. Lee Scanlon investigate, they seem to make matters worse. Allison is also worried about the young woman she sees killed and tries to stop that. Meanwhile, Joe runs into an old flame from graduate school, much to Allison's annoyance, and the woman soon asks him out for lunch. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.9
43 min

Despite thinking he will not be picked, Joe has to go on jury duty on a case against Stephen Garner who is accused of murdering his rich wife. Allison starts having visions about the man but D.A. Devalos orders her not to work on the case because of a conflict of interests. Written by Anonymous

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IMDb: 7.8
44 min

District Attorney Manuel Devalos is up against his old nemesis Larry Watt who is defending a well-known college athlete against a charge that he drugged, raped and killed a college student. Devalos is certain the accused is guilty but Watt seems to be pulling information out of thin air and the Mayor has let it be known that while he wants Devalos on the ticket for the forthcoming election, there's no place for someone who is constantly being upstaged. Allison is puzzled by a woman seated directly behind the defense table and learns that Watt may have found his own psychic. At his own work meanwhile, Joe begins to wonder what a new microchip will be used for. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.9
43 min

After Allison dreams about an old high school friend, Lyla Gallagher, she asks Det. Scanlon if he can track her down. She had last seen her in 1987 when Lyla left Phoenix for California right after they all all graduated from high school. Unfortunately, Scanlon reports that she died in 1989. Meanwhile, a local Councilor, Stuart McCallister, is concerned that his 19 year-old daughter Cynthia has gone missing. He tells Devalos that he and Cynthia have always had a difficult relationship and that this isn't the first time she's gone off. When Allison sees her old friend Lyla on a TV news report alive and well, although living under a different name, she also has the beginning of a solution to the Cynthia McCallister case. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.9
44 min

Allison has taken to sleep walking and actually puts her life in danger when Joe finds her in her nightgown standing in the middle of the freeway. She can't explain what is happening but is clearly taking on a new persona when she is in her sleep state. At work, Allison is working with District Attorney Devalos on the case of a multi-millionaire who seems to have disappeared with his four-year old son. The boys mother - estranged from her husband - is convinced he has run off with the boy. Allisons's sleepwalking is helpful in solving the case. At home meanwhile, 12 year-old Ariel would like to start walking home from school with her friend Hannah. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.3
43 min

Allison has a recurring dream where she seems to relive the life of Beverley Waller, a woman who was committed to an insane asylum in 1959. The woman she sees in her dream claims to be Allison Dubois living in 2005. The woman is there not only for being delusional but for having killed her baby girl. As she learns more, it becomes obvious that Beverley has a secret and is protecting someone. Meanwhile, Allison has been working on a case with District Attorney Devalos where a young man who slaughtered his parents claims to have multiple personalities and therefore is not responsible for their death. All Allison can see of the case is a series of numbers which she thinks is a bank account, but isn't sure. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.2

Allison wakes up with Gloria Gaynor's 'I Will Survive' blasting in the house. Only problem is that no one else can hear it and the song is in her own mind. It's enough to drive anyone crazy but it leads her to learn about a girl who has been missing for about 24 hours and to her mp3 player, which is smashed and covered with blood. It's pretty obvious she's been forcibly taken and when Allison meets the girl's parish priest, it's equally obvious that he knows who has done it but can't reveal the information. Meanwhile, Joe's sister is about to be married and the entire Dubois family is scheduled to fly off to attend the wedding. That is until Allison dreams of a plane crash forcing them on a rather long road trip. There is a reason behind it all however. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.1
43 min

Three months have passed since the serial killer last struck. Captain Push of the Texas Rangers has been unconscious all of that time and Allison hasn't had a dream either. They know the victims all had the same father who was a sperm donor but the clinics he used have now closed and they're having trouble tracing the medical records. There's only one victim left and she's been put into protective custody but when Allison starts dreaming again, she realizes that it's not the sperm donor who is the killer. With Push out of his coma, the police set a trap for the killer. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.1
44 min

Allison has difficulties balancing her work and private life. In her work, Captain Push tries to help her to find a serial killer, who leaves a Biblical citation at the scene of murder. The two are trying to find the link between the victims, while Allison's family life and Captain Push's health are at risk. Written by lil

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IMDb: 8.1
44 min

Allison has a dream about a teenage girl brutally murdered by her doctor, with a third person also being present at the murder. When Allison finds out about the identity of this mysterious man, she decides to meet a doctor who had been convicted of a very similar crime more than a decade before and is now under psychiatric supervision. Allison meets the girl whom she saw in her dreams in a place she would not have expected. Written by lil

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IMDb: 7.7
44 min

An old murder case in which both Scanlon and Devalos were involved is re-opened. Allison is confused when she finds out that the convict did not commit the crime and her colleagues may have tampered with the evidence. She also has dreams of another murder whose connection to the case she does not understand first. At the same time, Joe's mother visits Allison and Joe, and Joe's father also appears to Allison. Written by lil

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IMDb: 7.8
44 min

After dreaming about the near crash of a commercial jet, Allison goes into work the next morning to find the pilot of that flight, David Call, sitting in the waiting room. He's there because of the disappearance of his wife, who has been missing for some two weeks. He seems sincere and the police don't think he's a suspect per se, but they haven't ruled him out yet either. As Allison continues to dream, the identity of the killer becomes apparent but she also has a dream of the same flight with a different pilot, only this time it crashes. Will her actions in the case result in David Call not piloting that flight on the fateful day? At home, Allison and Joe have a fundamental disagreement about parenting when Bridgette takes to wearing her new bicycle helmet all the time. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 7.6
44 min

Allison accompanies D.A. Manuel Devalos to the State prison to witness the execution of a man he personally prosecuted. Several hours later, the supposedly dead man's girlfriend is killed and he is seen in their house. The newspapers are soon filled with stories of a revenge-seeking ghost but Allison finds a far more Earthly solution to the puzzle. Ariel meanwhile develops a crush on her science project partner Sean Bertoni. Allison feels there is something terribly wrong however and when she has a vision of the full story, offers the boys mother Sarah her help. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 7.7
42 min

At home sick with the flu, Allison stumbles across an old TV show she always liked, I Married a Mind Reader whose stars Henry Stoller and Abigail Marsh were married in real life. Allison is soon dreaming about the production of the program where she is the the stars' assistant, Dorothy. As Dorothy, she's also having an affair with Henry. She puts her weird dream down to the medication she's taking. When she dreams that Dorothy kills Abigail - Henry can't bring himself to do it - she thinks there may have been real murder. She learns that Henry is in jail for murdering Abigail but fears there may have been a miscarriage of justice. Henry tells her that he did it but there is an explanation for it all. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 7.9
43 min

Allison hasn't slept in days, always having the same recurring dream. She sees two young boys running along a dirt path racing to get across a railroad track in advance of an oncoming train. One makes it across the tracks in time but the other trips and falls. Her lack of sleep makes it impossible for her to function at the office and she seeks the advice of Professor Leonard Caldwell, someone she's met through a mutual friend and who studies psychic phenomena. When she tells him of her dream, he concludes she is a charlatan as the story of the two boys is his own, which he had told in a book he had published some years before. Her level of detail eventually convinces him that she's the real deal. When Allison sees a book in a bookstore with the same story, her dreams begin to make sense. At the office meanwhile, DA Develos seems to have an open and shut case when a 14 year-old boy confesses to murdering a pillar of the community. It's all too easy however. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 8.1
42 min

In an interesting turn of events, it's not Allison who is dreaming but daughter Ariel who is convinced her dream has significance. In her dream, she is called Sarah and lives in a castle, or more correctly is held prisoner in a castle being kept there by an evil ogre. When Allison looks into the details, District Attorney Devalos says there is only one case of a young girl named Sarah having been kidnapped and the man who confessed to killing her is serving a life sentence in prison for his crimes. Ariel is convinced however that Sarah is alive and Allison is re-teamed with Detective Lee Scanlon to to see what they can find. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 7.7
44 min

To Allison's relief, her brother Michael Benoit returns safely from a tour of duty in Afghanistan. She had been dreaming about him and was afraid that he might have been killed. The men in his squad called him Lucky and has Allison soon learns, with good reason. She's upset however when she has a vision of Michael's friend Tommy killing someone. Getting Michael to even admit to her anything about his special abilities is proving somewhat difficult. At the office, Allison investigates an arson case in which a young girl died and her mother was severely injured. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 7.8
44 min

Allison knows there's more than mere suicide to the story of a girl who jumps off a cliff. The girl's boyfriend is the son of a powerful lawyer, who is as bellicose with the district attorney as the son is cooperative. When the son's car proves to have been on the scene during the girl's death, Allison proves her mettle as an assistant to the DA by finding clues to this difficult mystery. Meanwhile, she predicts that her husband Joe's longtime co-worker is going to have a fatal heart attack. Should she tell her husband or not? If so, should Joe tell his co-worker? Written by J. Spurlin

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IMDb: 7.8
42 min

Allison has a psychic dream about a man who seems to be threatening her daughter Ariel: someone who introduces himself as a Golem, a devil, a monster. Later dreams show that Ariel is standing in for a red-haired college-aged student named Sherona. And the Golem? Allison meets the man from her dream, but her boss, the district attorney, introduces him as a Good Samaritan: a man who reports a burglary he witnessed and makes himself available to appear in court. Allison knows he's evil and believes he's raped and murdered this Sherona, whom she's never met. Meanwhile, Allison may be pregnant. She's ambivalent about the possibility, but her husband Joe is happy and secretly hopes for a boy. He's even happier when Ariel seems to be a math genius, which would mean she is taking after him. Written by J. Spurlin

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IMDb: 8.3
42 min

DA Devalos is prosecuting a local hood for the murder a a respected policeman. Allison has been dreaming about the policeman and knows where the murder weapon can be found. The defense attorney, Larry Watt, calls her as a witness however and both she now and Devalos are afraid she may have to reveal her abilities on the stand. Allison decides to take on Watt head on. Meanwhile, Allison is happy to learn from a fellow psychic that Joe's upcoming biopsy results will be negative. She has a vision of Joe caressing an attractive young woman. When Joe starts working late almost every evening with a consultant named Kelly, she imagined the worse. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 7.9
42 min

Allison dreams of herself walking in an airport wearing a red hooded cape and being chased by a wolf. While working on case files at the DA's office, Allison overhears a crime victim describe the man who killed her boyfriend to a sketch artist. As the woman speaks however, Allison realizes she 's scared and giving a fictitious description. Allison gets the sketch artist to draw a picture of the real assailant and confronts the woman about what needs to do. The meaning of her dream becomes obvious to her. At home meanwhile, Joe and Allison are concerned when Bridgette's teacher tells them she doesn't socialize with the other children. They're pleased when she reports that she made a new friend, a boy her age named Bobby. Until they learn more about the boy and what happened to him five years ago. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 8.1
60 min

Allison's dreams of a young man shooting his wife become all too real when the next day she finds herself at the scene of the crime. Also there is Det. Lee Scanlon, a police officer with a less than stellar reputation who has a personal interest in this type of killing and for good reason: his sister and her husband were also killed in what was ruled a murder suicide. He doesn't buy it however. He is sarcastic and dismissive when told about Allison's special abilities but she soon sets him straight. At home meanwhile, Joe pretends to be planning a birthday party hoping to surprise Allison with a special birthday gift. But can he fool someone who is always one step ahead of everyone? Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 7.7
41 min

After some time has passed, Allison finally gets a call from DA Devalos who needs help with jury selection. His most recent jury advisor struck out on a major case when the judge declared a mistrial after the jury could not agree on a verdict. He admits that he doesn't understand what or how Allison does it but he wants her to look through the jury questionnaires on a case he has coming up. Allison is already familiar with the case of Ivan Kinetko - she dreamed about him - who is charged with killing women and then having sex with their corpses. Devalos invites her to court and gets the sentence he wanted - death by lethal injection. Allison continues dreaming however and she now fears that the wrong man may have convicted. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 8.1
45 min

When Allison Dubois sorts crime scene photos of a shooting, she is convinced that she actually knows what has happened. She's a prospective law student working as an intern in the office District Attorney Manuel Devalos. She's convinced her dreams are visions - and she sees dead people standing around her bed. Her engineer husband Joe suggests that she send the various scenarios to the relevant law enforcement agencies to see if anything comes of it. Joe is confident that nothing will - until Allison gets a call from Captain Kenneth Push of the Texas Rangers. Push is skeptical to say the least but she manages to convince him by identifying a crime scene and her knowledge of Push's medical condition. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 8.0
43 min

After Veronica, the false Martha, falls to her death, presumably a staged suicide, from her hotel John Ross is arrested as sole murder suspect, having been seen leaving there, while her video camera there has disappeared. Vicente Cano, whose goons probably did it after John Ross told him she stole from them, repeats during a jail visit his threat to foreclose on Southfork unless the contractual oil delivery is made in time and has a Latino prison gang beat John Ross into the infirmary. JR interrupts his Vegas operation to visit John Ross secretly. Desperate to save her son, Sue Ellen blackmail the medical examiner to falsely rule Veronica's death a suicide. Alas unaware of that, Christopher made a deal with the Venezuelans, who get the South American rights to his inestimable hydrates extraction technique, which he refused to sell for a fortune to Exxon. The cousins feel buddies again. The baby's ultrasound and Rebecca's clean criminal record motivate Chris to give his marriage ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Ultimate Spider-Man

Ultimate Spider-Man


Ultimate Spider-Man

IMDb: 7.5

The Web Warriors and the Spider Slayers join forces to flush out a traitor on the tri-carrier who is attacking some of the other heroes, and destroying equipment.

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HD Ultimate Spider-Man

Ultimate Spider-Man


Ultimate Spider-Man

IMDb: 8.0

Spider-Man, Doc Oc, and Scarlet Spider travel to the sunken hydra heli-carrier in search of Scarlet Spiders past

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