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HD The Dick Van Dyke Show

The Dick Van Dyke Show


The Dick Van Dyke Show

IMDb: 7.7
30 min

While searching for a handkerchief, Rob discovers a bank book in Laura's name with a significant sum of money in the account. He eventually concludes that she is saving money to buy him a birthday present, but also realizes that she's still a little short of the sum she'll need to buy him the gift he wants. Written by aldanoli

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD The Dick Van Dyke Show

The Dick Van Dyke Show


The Dick Van Dyke Show

IMDb: 8.0
30 min

Ritchie finds a silver tray that was a wedding present from Rob's old army buddies. After reading the inscription on the tray which refers to if Laura is ever to remarry someone who can make it to the chapel on time, Rob and Laura recount to Ritchie the disaster that was their attempted first wedding ceremony and the less than perfect wedding ceremony that eventually did happen. Although Rob admits having cold feet the day of the intended ceremony and driving off just before the ceremony to think about what he should do, a broken down jeep, a sprained ankle and a respiratory tract infection caused a few obstructions to Rob and Laura ever getting married. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD The Dick Van Dyke Show

The Dick Van Dyke Show


The Dick Van Dyke Show

IMDb: 8.0
30 min

Ritchie finds a silver tray that was a wedding present from Rob's old army buddies. After reading the inscription on the tray which refers to if Laura is ever to remarry someone who can make it to the chapel on time, Rob and Laura recount to Ritchie the disaster that was their attempted first wedding ceremony and the less than perfect wedding ceremony that eventually did happen. Although Rob admits having cold feet the day of the intended ceremony and driving off just before the ceremony to think about what he should do, a broken down jeep, a sprained ankle and a respiratory tract infection caused a few obstructions to Rob and Laura ever getting married. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD The Dick Van Dyke Show

The Dick Van Dyke Show


The Dick Van Dyke Show

IMDb: 8.5
30 min

Did Rob prove a husband can fool his wife by disguising his voice, or is Laura just playing along? Though Rob's Italian accent as suave Dr. Benno Benelli sounds more like Bela Lugosi, Laura makes a phone date with the charming imaginary physician. Which is more important to Rob, pride in his comic gifts or faith in Laura's fidelity? Written by David Stevens

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD The Dick Van Dyke Show

The Dick Van Dyke Show


The Dick Van Dyke Show

IMDb: 8.5
30 min

Did Rob prove a husband can fool his wife by disguising his voice, or is Laura just playing along? Though Rob's Italian accent as suave Dr. Benno Benelli sounds more like Bela Lugosi, Laura makes a phone date with the charming imaginary physician. Which is more important to Rob, pride in his comic gifts or faith in Laura's fidelity? Written by David Stevens

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD The Dick Van Dyke Show

The Dick Van Dyke Show


The Dick Van Dyke Show

IMDb: 7.4
30 min

Mel has a box of props, primarily toys, that he is letting Rob distribute amongst himself, Sally and Buddy. None of the toys are really appropriate for Ritchie, but the one set of props that no one really knows what to do with is a pair of live baby ducks. Despite once having brought home some chicks for Ritchie that died the same day, which devastated both Laura and Ritchie, Rob decides to bring them home as he falls in love with them. Laura is against having the ducks if only because of what happened to the chicks, but once Ritchie sees them and names them - Oliver and Stanley - they know they can't refuse them to Ritchie. Three months later and after the death of Oliver, Stanley, now full grown, is a beloved member of the family to Ritchie, but he isn't looking too healthy, much like Oliver did before he died. After speaking to the veterinarian, Rob learns that what Stanley is suffering from is the need to live the outdoor life of a duck with other ducks, and as such, Rob releases ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD The Dick Van Dyke Show

The Dick Van Dyke Show


The Dick Van Dyke Show

IMDb: 7.4
30 min

Mel has a box of props, primarily toys, that he is letting Rob distribute amongst himself, Sally and Buddy. None of the toys are really appropriate for Ritchie, but the one set of props that no one really knows what to do with is a pair of live baby ducks. Despite once having brought home some chicks for Ritchie that died the same day, which devastated both Laura and Ritchie, Rob decides to bring them home as he falls in love with them. Laura is against having the ducks if only because of what happened to the chicks, but once Ritchie sees them and names them - Oliver and Stanley - they know they can't refuse them to Ritchie. Three months later and after the death of Oliver, Stanley, now full grown, is a beloved member of the family to Ritchie, but he isn't looking too healthy, much like Oliver did before he died. After speaking to the veterinarian, Rob learns that what Stanley is suffering from is the need to live the outdoor life of a duck with other ducks, and as such, Rob releases ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD The Dick Van Dyke Show

The Dick Van Dyke Show


The Dick Van Dyke Show

IMDb: 7.9
30 min

Rob and Laura are hosting a small but important dinner party for four for one of the show's sponsors, Henry Bermont, and his wife Martha Bermont. The Bermonts are conservative old money, and Rob needs to keep them happy to ensure they remain sponsors. Unfortunately for Rob and Laura, one of their best friends from the army, Sol Pomeroy, unexpectedly stops by as he passes through the area for the weekend. Although they offer him a bed for the weekend, Rob really does not want Sol around at the dinner party since Sol and the Bermonts are like oil and water. Rob feels guilty about shunning one of his best friends, but knows he has to uninvite Sol to the dinner for the sake of his job. Rob's subtle attempts to uninvite Sol make matters even worse. Rob and Laura just have to hope that oil and water do mix on this one occasion. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD The Dick Van Dyke Show

The Dick Van Dyke Show


The Dick Van Dyke Show

IMDb: 7.9
30 min

Rob and Laura are hosting a small but important dinner party for four for one of the show's sponsors, Henry Bermont, and his wife Martha Bermont. The Bermonts are conservative old money, and Rob needs to keep them happy to ensure they remain sponsors. Unfortunately for Rob and Laura, one of their best friends from the army, Sol Pomeroy, unexpectedly stops by as he passes through the area for the weekend. Although they offer him a bed for the weekend, Rob really does not want Sol around at the dinner party since Sol and the Bermonts are like oil and water. Rob feels guilty about shunning one of his best friends, but knows he has to uninvite Sol to the dinner for the sake of his job. Rob's subtle attempts to uninvite Sol make matters even worse. Rob and Laura just have to hope that oil and water do mix on this one occasion. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD The Dick Van Dyke Show

The Dick Van Dyke Show


The Dick Van Dyke Show

IMDb: 6.5
30 min

When the writers discuss a sketch that takes place during the turn of the century, Buddy mentions how different those times were when men and women had very defined roles in life. He thinks those times were the way they should be now, with the current era being that of the decline of the male. Although initially not agreeing with Buddy, Rob thinks that Buddy may be right when he goes home and Laura starts directing him to do many of the chores around the house. Rob is beginning to feel like the henpecked husband and Laura the boss of the relationship. Rob and Laura's resulting argument on the issue and Laura watching an old silent movie on television right before bed spur Rob to dream about the olden days, where he is a leisure filled aristocrat with a son driven to work and haggard and scared wife tired from the constant housework directed by him. Will the dream make Rob feel any differently? Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD The Dick Van Dyke Show

The Dick Van Dyke Show


The Dick Van Dyke Show

IMDb: 6.5
30 min

When the writers discuss a sketch that takes place during the turn of the century, Buddy mentions how different those times were when men and women had very defined roles in life. He thinks those times were the way they should be now, with the current era being that of the decline of the male. Although initially not agreeing with Buddy, Rob thinks that Buddy may be right when he goes home and Laura starts directing him to do many of the chores around the house. Rob is beginning to feel like the henpecked husband and Laura the boss of the relationship. Rob and Laura's resulting argument on the issue and Laura watching an old silent movie on television right before bed spur Rob to dream about the olden days, where he is a leisure filled aristocrat with a son driven to work and haggard and scared wife tired from the constant housework directed by him. Will the dream make Rob feel any differently? Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD The Dick Van Dyke Show

The Dick Van Dyke Show


The Dick Van Dyke Show

IMDb: 7.8

Rob and Laura are trying to help Rob's visiting brother Stacey not only deal with his somnambulism - he being outgoing, exuberant and funny when he's sleepwalking, everything he's not when he's awake - but in being his somnambulist self when he's awake so that he can get work as a banjo playing comedian, which is what he wants to do after his imminent decommissioning from the army. It's especially important as Stacey has an upcoming audition for Alan Brady. Rob thinks that it may help if Stacey could actually hear a recording of himself when he is sleepwalking. And Rob thinks that a more audition friendly environment, like a party at their house, may be better than a formal audition just for Alan. Rob has first to get Alan away from his regular poker night to attend the party, and second to get Stacey to get out of his shy shell to perform magnificently for Alan all while he's awake. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD The Dick Van Dyke Show

The Dick Van Dyke Show


The Dick Van Dyke Show

IMDb: 7.8

Rob and Laura are trying to help Rob's visiting brother Stacey not only deal with his somnambulism - he being outgoing, exuberant and funny when he's sleepwalking, everything he's not when he's awake - but in being his somnambulist self when he's awake so that he can get work as a banjo playing comedian, which is what he wants to do after his imminent decommissioning from the army. It's especially important as Stacey has an upcoming audition for Alan Brady. Rob thinks that it may help if Stacey could actually hear a recording of himself when he is sleepwalking. And Rob thinks that a more audition friendly environment, like a party at their house, may be better than a formal audition just for Alan. Rob has first to get Alan away from his regular poker night to attend the party, and second to get Stacey to get out of his shy shell to perform magnificently for Alan all while he's awake. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD The Dick Van Dyke Show

The Dick Van Dyke Show


The Dick Van Dyke Show

IMDb: 7.8

Rob's enlisted younger brother Stacey Petrie writes in a telegram that he has a two week furlough and is coming for a visit, and for Rob to make arrangements for him to stay in a hotel. Laura will have nothing of the one of Rob's relatives whom she would like to get to know better staying at a hotel. Beyond the argument of where Stacey will stay during his visit, Rob doesn't seem overly excited about the visit, period. When Stacey arrives, he is the exact opposite of the shy and reserved person that Rob described. That's because Stacey is a somnambulist who takes on this outgoing persona when he sleepwalks. Although he hasn't had a bout of somnambulism in years, it has just resurfaced a week ago. Doctors surmise it's because he's worried about his impending discharge from the army and worried about life after the military. Stacey tells them he has thoughts about becoming a banjo playing comedian after his discharge. What Rob and Laura witness is a not so funny Stacey, but a hilarious ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD The Dick Van Dyke Show

The Dick Van Dyke Show


The Dick Van Dyke Show

IMDb: 7.8

Rob's enlisted younger brother Stacey Petrie writes in a telegram that he has a two week furlough and is coming for a visit, and for Rob to make arrangements for him to stay in a hotel. Laura will have nothing of the one of Rob's relatives whom she would like to get to know better staying at a hotel. Beyond the argument of where Stacey will stay during his visit, Rob doesn't seem overly excited about the visit, period. When Stacey arrives, he is the exact opposite of the shy and reserved person that Rob described. That's because Stacey is a somnambulist who takes on this outgoing persona when he sleepwalks. Although he hasn't had a bout of somnambulism in years, it has just resurfaced a week ago. Doctors surmise it's because he's worried about his impending discharge from the army and worried about life after the military. Stacey tells them he has thoughts about becoming a banjo playing comedian after his discharge. What Rob and Laura witness is a not so funny Stacey, but a hilarious ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD The Dick Van Dyke Show

The Dick Van Dyke Show


The Dick Van Dyke Show

IMDb: 7.4
30 min

Sally doesn't have a date for her birthday, then an old friend from high school (Leo Fassbinder) calls. Sally invites Leo to her apartment for a quiet evening, but Rob, Laura, Buddy and Mel think Leo is just a made up friend and plan to bring a loud party to Sally's apartment. Written by theBigSleep2001

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD The Dick Van Dyke Show

The Dick Van Dyke Show


The Dick Van Dyke Show

IMDb: 7.4
30 min

Sally doesn't have a date for her birthday, then an old friend from high school (Leo Fassbinder) calls. Sally invites Leo to her apartment for a quiet evening, but Rob, Laura, Buddy and Mel think Leo is just a made up friend and plan to bring a loud party to Sally's apartment. Written by theBigSleep2001

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD The Dick Van Dyke Show

The Dick Van Dyke Show


The Dick Van Dyke Show

IMDb: 8.3

Rob has been called in for jury duty and he somewhat relishes the prospect, if only to get out of writing this week's problematic script. Rob He's called to duty as jury foreman for the case of Marla Hendrix, a beautiful but not-so-bright former exotic dancer accused of diamond smuggling. Rob finds her attractive, which is obvious to everyone in the courtroom--including Laura, of whose presence Rob is unaware. She thinks he should resign from the jury, feeling that he's no longer impartial, but he soldiers on with his civic duty, much to the dismay of 11 other jurors who disagree with his vote of innocence. Will he be able to convince the others of her innocence and that he's not in love with her? Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD The Dick Van Dyke Show

The Dick Van Dyke Show


The Dick Van Dyke Show

IMDb: 8.3

Rob has been called in for jury duty and he somewhat relishes the prospect, if only to get out of writing this week's problematic script. Rob He's called to duty as jury foreman for the case of Marla Hendrix, a beautiful but not-so-bright former exotic dancer accused of diamond smuggling. Rob finds her attractive, which is obvious to everyone in the courtroom--including Laura, of whose presence Rob is unaware. She thinks he should resign from the jury, feeling that he's no longer impartial, but he soldiers on with his civic duty, much to the dismay of 11 other jurors who disagree with his vote of innocence. Will he be able to convince the others of her innocence and that he's not in love with her? Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD The Dick Van Dyke Show

The Dick Van Dyke Show


The Dick Van Dyke Show

IMDb: 6.7
30 min

Sally convenes Mel and Buddy at the Petrie house with news of some exciting new talent she's discovered for the show. The person in question is eighteen year old singer Randy Twizzle, who invented a new dance called the Twizzle. Sally found him at a Greentown, Connecticut bowling alley, where the dance has to be done to get its full effect. They all go back to the bowling alley, despite Randy's protests that the dance and song themselves are nothing special. But Randy wows them, and Mel immediately signs him to the show. But Rob notices that Randy isn't too excited about the prospect of becoming famous with this opportunity. With only two days to the show and Randy disappearing and later reappearing at the Petrie house with his manager in tow, Rob and the rest learn why Randy was so apprehensive. His manager has a single extra demand which, if not met, means that Randy will back out of his agreement. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD The Dick Van Dyke Show

The Dick Van Dyke Show


The Dick Van Dyke Show

IMDb: 6.7
30 min

Sally convenes Mel and Buddy at the Petrie house with news of some exciting new talent she's discovered for the show. The person in question is eighteen year old singer Randy Twizzle, who invented a new dance called the Twizzle. Sally found him at a Greentown, Connecticut bowling alley, where the dance has to be done to get its full effect. They all go back to the bowling alley, despite Randy's protests that the dance and song themselves are nothing special. But Randy wows them, and Mel immediately signs him to the show. But Rob notices that Randy isn't too excited about the prospect of becoming famous with this opportunity. With only two days to the show and Randy disappearing and later reappearing at the Petrie house with his manager in tow, Rob and the rest learn why Randy was so apprehensive. His manager has a single extra demand which, if not met, means that Randy will back out of his agreement. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD The Dick Van Dyke Show

The Dick Van Dyke Show


The Dick Van Dyke Show

IMDb: 7.8
30 min

From an errant forgotten note found in Ritchie's pocket, Laura learns that Rob has been named Father of the Week in Ritchie's class, which means that Rob is supposed to show up at Ritchie's class the following afternoon to give a sort of show and tell presentation. A flattered Rob tries to rearrange his work schedule to accommodate Ritchie's class. After Rob decides he can make it, Ritchie tells Laura that he doesn't want Rob there as he is supposed to tell about his work and he won't have anything interesting to show the class, which will embarrass Ritchie. Rob is hurt by Ritchie's admission, but after he thinks about what he's going to say about being a comedy writer which is more a technical exercise than an exciting one, he can understand Ritchie's feelings. Rob, who still intends on going to Ritchie's class, hopes he will do his son proud. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD The Dick Van Dyke Show

The Dick Van Dyke Show


The Dick Van Dyke Show

IMDb: 7.8
30 min

From an errant forgotten note found in Ritchie's pocket, Laura learns that Rob has been named Father of the Week in Ritchie's class, which means that Rob is supposed to show up at Ritchie's class the following afternoon to give a sort of show and tell presentation. A flattered Rob tries to rearrange his work schedule to accommodate Ritchie's class. After Rob decides he can make it, Ritchie tells Laura that he doesn't want Rob there as he is supposed to tell about his work and he won't have anything interesting to show the class, which will embarrass Ritchie. Rob is hurt by Ritchie's admission, but after he thinks about what he's going to say about being a comedy writer which is more a technical exercise than an exciting one, he can understand Ritchie's feelings. Rob, who still intends on going to Ritchie's class, hopes he will do his son proud. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD The Dick Van Dyke Show

The Dick Van Dyke Show


The Dick Van Dyke Show

IMDb: 7.0
30 min

Buddy's wife Pickles is away for 3 weeks to take care of her mother. Buddy can't stay at home because he's too lonely. Rob discovers that Buddy has been sleeping overnight at work and insists he move into his guest room. Sally warns against it. Either Buddy and his dog Larry are keeping Rob and Laura awake, or Rob and Laura aren't letting Buddy stay up late. Written by theBigSleep2001

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD The Dick Van Dyke Show

The Dick Van Dyke Show


The Dick Van Dyke Show

IMDb: 7.0
30 min

Buddy's wife Pickles is away for 3 weeks to take care of her mother. Buddy can't stay at home because he's too lonely. Rob discovers that Buddy has been sleeping overnight at work and insists he move into his guest room. Sally warns against it. Either Buddy and his dog Larry are keeping Rob and Laura awake, or Rob and Laura aren't letting Buddy stay up late. Written by theBigSleep2001

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD The Dick Van Dyke Show

The Dick Van Dyke Show


The Dick Van Dyke Show

IMDb: 7.5
30 min

Ritchie is starting to learn some new words. He says a bad word to Laura in the car. She thinks ignoring it is the best course, but Rob wants to have a man-to-man talk with Ritchie. Rob also wants to confront the family that he assumes is responsible for Ritchie learning the bad words, but that could prove embarrassing. Written by theBigSleep2001

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD The Dick Van Dyke Show

The Dick Van Dyke Show


The Dick Van Dyke Show

IMDb: 7.5
30 min

Ritchie is starting to learn some new words. He says a bad word to Laura in the car. She thinks ignoring it is the best course, but Rob wants to have a man-to-man talk with Ritchie. Rob also wants to confront the family that he assumes is responsible for Ritchie learning the bad words, but that could prove embarrassing. Written by theBigSleep2001

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD The Dick Van Dyke Show

The Dick Van Dyke Show


The Dick Van Dyke Show

IMDb: 7.7
30 min

The Alan Brady Show announces its annual search for the most gifted youngster, and parents are asked to send a picture of their child. All of the stage mothers in Rob's neighborhood want him to get their children private auditions. And all of Sally's neighbors. And all of Buddy's neighbors. The final straw is parents who have just moved into the neighborhood and Rob is uncharacteristically mean. Written by theBigSleep2001

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD The Dick Van Dyke Show

The Dick Van Dyke Show


The Dick Van Dyke Show

IMDb: 7.7
30 min

The Alan Brady Show announces its annual search for the most gifted youngster, and parents are asked to send a picture of their child. All of the stage mothers in Rob's neighborhood want him to get their children private auditions. And all of Sally's neighbors. And all of Buddy's neighbors. The final straw is parents who have just moved into the neighborhood and Rob is uncharacteristically mean. Written by theBigSleep2001

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD The Dick Van Dyke Show

The Dick Van Dyke Show


The Dick Van Dyke Show

IMDb: 8.1
30 min

While doing their books, Laura comes across a check Rob wrote over six months ago for $25 made out to cash. Seeing that Buddy endorsed the check, Rob vaguely remembers that the money was a loan to Buddy. Although Rob initially says that Buddy paid him back, Laura can tell that he is lying, and is probably embarrassed to ask Buddy for the money. Rob admits what Laura suspects is the truth. Not able to be direct in asking Buddy for the money, Rob decides to drop hints for Buddy instead, even leaving the canceled check in conspicuously inconspicuous locations around the office, to no success. After figuring that he has as much a problem at home in dealing with Laura about not getting the money, Rob decides to write a sketch for the show about someone owing money, which he hopes will jog Buddy's memory. After Buddy reads the not so funny sketch, he makes a secret admission to Sally which reveals just how much alike Buddy and Rob really are. Buddy and Rob's situation however does get ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD The Dick Van Dyke Show

The Dick Van Dyke Show


The Dick Van Dyke Show

IMDb: 8.1
30 min

While doing their books, Laura comes across a check Rob wrote over six months ago for $25 made out to cash. Seeing that Buddy endorsed the check, Rob vaguely remembers that the money was a loan to Buddy. Although Rob initially says that Buddy paid him back, Laura can tell that he is lying, and is probably embarrassed to ask Buddy for the money. Rob admits what Laura suspects is the truth. Not able to be direct in asking Buddy for the money, Rob decides to drop hints for Buddy instead, even leaving the canceled check in conspicuously inconspicuous locations around the office, to no success. After figuring that he has as much a problem at home in dealing with Laura about not getting the money, Rob decides to write a sketch for the show about someone owing money, which he hopes will jog Buddy's memory. After Buddy reads the not so funny sketch, he makes a secret admission to Sally which reveals just how much alike Buddy and Rob really are. Buddy and Rob's situation however does get ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD The Dick Van Dyke Show

The Dick Van Dyke Show


The Dick Van Dyke Show

IMDb: 7.9
30 min

Neighbor and friend Jerry Helper teases too much! Rob gets increasingly upset as Jerry jokes around the whole neighborhood that The Alan Brady Show was rotten this past week. Rob accidentally hits him in a restaurant, and hilarity ensues! Written by Luke Wilson

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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