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HD Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones


Game of Thrones

IMDb: 9.2
58 min

Ned confronts Cersei about her children but she dismisses his allegations. The head of the Lannister clan tells his son Jaime to be a leader and sends him to rescue Tyrion. Ros, the prostitute from Winterfell begins working for Littlefinger in King's Landing. At the wall, a riderless horse belonging to Jon Snow's uncle Benjen returns to the wall. Jon takes his vows as a Night's Watchman but is disappointed to not having been named a Ranger but Sam sees it differently. King Robert is injured while out boar hunting with his brother. He knows he will not survive and names Ned Lord Regent until Joffrey comes of age. Knowing that Joffrey is not Robert's son, he feels Robert's brother should succeed him but Littlefinger counsel's otherwise. A wine vendor tries to poison Daenerys and Drogo promises to put their son on the throne of the Seven Kingdoms. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones


Game of Thrones

IMDb: 9.2
53 min

A calmer King Robert mends fences with Ned Stark and reinstates him as the King's Hand despite the objections of his wife Cersei. While he goes hunting with his brother Renly he puts Ned on the throne. A group of farmers complain of having been attacked by a Knight and his army and knowing the culprit orders him stripped of all titles and lands. Ned decides to send Arya and Sansa back to Winterfell for their protection. Sansa in particular doesn't want to leave saying she wants to marry Joffre and have blond babies. Her offhand remark leads Ned back to the book his predecessor was so interested in and he now understands why John Arryn was visiting King Robert's bastard children. Meanwhile, Daenerys and her brother Viserys have yet another confrontation but this one is settled by Drogo himself. An imprisoned Tyrion Lannister demands to be tried and asks for trial by combat. Written by garykmcd

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HD Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones


Game of Thrones

IMDb: 9.1
55 min

When King Robert learns that Daenerys and the Dothrakis are preparing for war, he decides to attack first. Ned is against the idea saying they should go slowly and learn more but the King calls him a weakling and dismisses him as the King's Hand. Playing in the dungeons, Arya overhears two men plotting against her father. She tells him what she heard and he decides the time has come for him to return to Winterfell. He delays his departure when given the opportunity to speak to the last person his predecessor spoke to, a whore who gave Robert another illegitimate son. The delay is costly however and leads to a serious injury. Catelyn meanwhile takes Tyrion to her sister Lysa, who also happens to be the John Arryn's widow. Written by garykmcd

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HD Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones


Game of Thrones

IMDb: 8.8
56 min

Ned begins to look into the death of his predecessor and mentor John Arryn. He learns that Arryn was interested in a particular book and also visited a local blacksmith known for making quality arms. There he meets someone quite interesting. At the northern wall, Jon befriends Samwell Tarly an overweight, bumbling young man whose father gave him the choice of joining the Night's Watch or dying in a hunting 'accident'. Sam is the object of scorn from other trainees and their instructor. Jon makes it clear that no harm will come him. Sansa is still not speaking to her father after he was forced to kill her wolf. She is preparing to become Queen someday. Her sister Arya meanwhile is taking sword fighting lessons and sees herself as a knight. Across the Narrow Sea, Daenerys defends herself when her brother Vyseris slaps her making it very clear that she too can exercise some authority. Written by garykmcd

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HD Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones


Game of Thrones

IMDb: 8.7
58 min

After the attempted assassination of young Bran, Catelyn leaves for King's Landing to see her husband, convinced that the Lannisters were behind the attempt. On arrival, she is met by a former beau, Petyr Baelish, who tells her that the knife used in the attack on Bran was his - until he lost it in a wager to Tyrion Lannister a year ago. When presented with the evidence, Ned isn't convinced. He's kept busy as the King's Hand and is shocked at King Robert's spendthrift ways. Cersei tells her son Joffrey that when he is King, he can do anything he wants. Across the Narrow Sea, Daenerys begins to act like a queen and has a confrontation with her brother who makes it clear that he is in charge. She also realizes she is pregnant. At the wall, Ned's illegitimate son Jon Snow undergoes training to become a member of the Night's Watch. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones


Game of Thrones

IMDb: 8.8
56 min

Although his son Bran is lying in bed unconscious from his fall, Ned Stark must return with King Robert to King's Landing. His wife Catelyn stays behind in Winterfell, though there appears to be little hope of Bran's recovery. The King has agreed that his son Joffrey and Ned's daughter Sansa should marry, uniting their families forever. Problems arise when Joffrey challenges the butcher's boy who is out playing with Sansa's younger sister Arya. Joffrey is injured when Arya's pet wolf attacks him. The King's justice is swift but fair even if his wife Cersei doesn't agree. Meanwhile, Ned illegitimate son heads north to join the Night Watch. Across the Narrow Sea, Daenerys is having some difficulty accommodating herself to married life. She turns to one of her servants, a slave whose job it once was to pleasure men, to learn how she could make her husband happy. Written by garykmcd

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HD Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones


Game of Thrones

IMDb: 9.0
62 min

In the land of Winterfell, Lord Ned Stark begins to believe that something is amiss. A deserter from the Night Watch, the guardians of the giant ice wall at the northern boundary of their territory, says he's seen the white walkers. Later, Ned and his sons find animals slain in the woods, including a she-wolf whose six pups they keep, one for each of Ned's children. They also welcome the arrival of Ned's good friend King Robert who was once betrothed to Ned's sister. She was killed before they could marry and he wed Cersei Lannister who has given him a son, Joffrey. Along with them are Cersei's two brothers, the handsome Jaime and Tyrion, a dwarf with very large appetites. The King wants Ned to return with him to his capital, King's Landing, and become the King's Hand. Ned accepts but his young son Bran accidentally sees something he should not have and suffers a serious fall as a result. Meanwhile, in the land across the narrow sea, Viserys Targaryen needs an army to attack King's ... Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Ghost Whisperer

Ghost Whisperer


Ghost Whisperer

IMDb: 7.9
60 min

Jim isn't bothered when Aiden seems to have imaginary friends, but Melinda soon suspects they are 'shadow' ghosts, whom watcher Carl warns are so scary the book even wipes itself to shake them off. Jim and his mentor, Dr. Forrest Morgan, surprisingly loose a patient in surgery and are haunted by a girl ghost. It's about med student Tina Clark, who went missing after an affair with Morgan. Eli is passed over for promotion by college president Josh Bedford, who is haunted by a ghost while watching over his dying mother and discovered Tina's night job as stripper. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD Ghost Whisperer

Ghost Whisperer


Ghost Whisperer

IMDb: 8.3
44 min

Dr. Byrd sends a person to Melinda who is similar to Jim/Sam, but Byrd's intentions may not be entirely altruistic. Meantime, Jim struggles with what Melinda has told him, but will his doubts stop him when Melinda most needs him? Written by layle

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD Ghost Whisperer

Ghost Whisperer


Ghost Whisperer

IMDb: 7.9
44 min

Sam gets a little more than he bargained for when he spends time with Melinda so he can get used to her world, and they run into a ghost who is influencing the children of a nursery school.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD Ghost Whisperer

Ghost Whisperer


Ghost Whisperer

IMDb: 7.5
60 min | 50 min

Professor Rick Payne dates his ex Nina Haley, who just became a colleague, even after she admits having a son, Elliot, although he always hated being around kids. Melinda notices Payne's wife's ghost, who causes accidents, but he refuses her help until the abuse becomes dangerous. Meanwhile he starts suspecting and gets confirmed that Elliot is his biological son and a genius, so he offers to pay for private schooling. Melinda's friend detective Carl Neely discovers the truth. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD Ghost Whisperer

Ghost Whisperer


Ghost Whisperer

IMDb: 7.3
50 min

A dream sends Melinda to her mother on the eve of surgery, but the dream transfers to Jim and he must find a way to help a ghost he can't see while Melinda is out of town.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD Happyish




IMDb: 7.3
27 min

Thom promises Julius he will return from Los Angeles with a toy; Lee gets a new cell phone.

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD The Fosters

The Fosters


The Fosters

IMDb: 8.5

Callie goes in a downward spiral after the case takes a turn for the worst. Jesus is hurt by Emma's lack of trust in him. Stef and Mike race to find evidence to save Callie.

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD The Fosters

The Fosters


The Fosters

IMDb: 7.7
43 min

The family is one again torn apart when new secrets are revealed. Callie is angry at her defense attorneys. Step tries to capture the pimp.

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD The Fosters

The Fosters


The Fosters

IMDb: 7.8
42 min

Lena is forced to single parent when Stef is away on duty. Callie goes with Aaron to LA to meet his parents but things do not go well. Mariana looks for Gabe. An angry Jude becomes a bully.

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD The Fosters

The Fosters


The Fosters

IMDb: 7.8
41 min

Callie fears for her life and her relationship with AJ as she stubbornly pursues justice against her enemies. AJ confronts Mike about the adoption.

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD The Fosters

The Fosters


The Fosters

IMDb: 6.8
42 min

Jude goes through a personal struggle after learning that gay sex is not in Sex-Ed. Jesus accuses that Brandon is sleeping with Emma. AJ is torn between Mike and Ty.

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD The Fosters

The Fosters


The Fosters

IMDb: 7.2
42 min

Callie is in juvie awaiting her hearing, while Jesus is still in the hospital. Stef and Lena are struggling to cope with all of the issues going on in their family.

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD The Fosters

The Fosters


The Fosters

IMDb: 6.3
42 min

The family plans a '70s-themed birthday bash for Lena, but Lena's mother's concerns about Stuart threaten to ruin the party. Meanwhile, Callie and Aaron try to prove Kyle's innocence; Mariana's STEAM club vie for an invitation to a robotics competition; Jude's upset when he learns Conner visited town without seeing him; and Brandon considers drastic measures to earn extra cash. Written by Malik Mccoy

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD The Fosters

The Fosters


The Fosters

IMDb: 6.1
42 min

Mariana gets blamed for the lockdown while Callie is harassed and taunted. Jude is invited by Taylor to a Christian Charity, but he suspects ulterior motives.

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD The Fosters

The Fosters


The Fosters

IMDb: 7.4
42 min

Anchor Beach Community Charter school is put on lockdown when it's discovered that Mariana's emotionally-devastated boyfriend Nick has burned down his father's warehouse and is in possession of his father's gun.

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD The Fosters

The Fosters


The Fosters

IMDb: 6.8
41 min

A tragic loss brings the family together. Despite Callie's hesitation, Justina moves forward with the Fost and Found launch party. Brandon tells his moms that Cortney has a son.

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD The Fosters

The Fosters


The Fosters

IMDb: 6.5
42 min

Mariana and Jesus clash over their birthdays. Jesus is upset after his plans for a low key birthday are supplanted by Mariana, who plans a huge dance party instead. Jude is excited by the prospect of a weekend visit with Connor. Meanwhile, Callie and Brandon strike a truce by agreeing not to bring their new respective significant others home or to family functions. Written by lucywooder

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD The Fosters

The Fosters


The Fosters

IMDb: 6.0
42 min

After a student objects to Brandon and Mat's Romeo and Juliet musical, Lena has to tell Brandon that he might not be able to put the production up at school. Rita's daughter reaches out to Callie after Rita refuses to take her calls. Stef teaches a class on handling emotion as part of a Youth Outreach Program.

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD The Fosters

The Fosters


The Fosters

IMDb: 5.9
42 min

When Stef and Lena discover Callie wants to film an endorsement supporting a new foster care reform bill, they express concern, prompting Callie to seek out Rita for support. Hoping to impress Mariana, Nick turns to Jesus for advice on planning their first date. Meanwhile, Stef recovers from a medical procedure. Written by lucywooder

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD The Fosters

The Fosters


The Fosters

IMDb: 6.2
42 min

After Callie and Jude discover Jack is being abused by other boys in his group foster home, they turn to foster care advocate Justina to get him help. Jesus attempts to get to know Gabe at work even as Nick urges him to tell Gabe the truth about who he is. Meanwhile, Mariana is surprised when Nick asks her out. Written by lucywooder

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD The Fosters

The Fosters


The Fosters

IMDb: 5.9
40 min

After his performance at Disney Hall, Brandon is approached by a recruiter from Juilliard. Mariana launches her campaign to run for junior class president while Jesus tries to hide the reason why he doesn't want to go back to wrestling school. When Mike discovers a secret his foster son, AJ is keeping, he is torn about what to do with the information. Jude must face the fact that his boyfriend has decided to move away, and a serious medical issue for Stef results in a clash of opinion between her wife, Lena, and her mother, Sharon. Meanwhile, Sharon introduces the family to her liberal-minded friend, Will. Written by Tyw

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD The Fosters

The Fosters


The Fosters

IMDb: 7.1
43 min

Amid tensions in their own relationship, Stef and Lena host a 40th anniversary party for Lena's parents. Callie faces the judge who will determine the consequences of her actions, all while holding a secret that could change everything. Meanwhile, Mariana decides that she must find a way to repair her relationship with Mat. Written by SS

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD The Fosters

The Fosters


The Fosters

IMDb: 7.6
43 min

The family heads to Idyllwild for Brandon's music competition where long-held feelings are revealed and life-changing secrets are unveiled. Callie finds herself in danger of being hurt when she questions Carmen and Brooke's motives directly. Mike witnesses an unexpected connection that may support Stef's theory for finding the hit-and-run driver.

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD The Fosters

The Fosters


The Fosters

IMDb: 7.4
43 min

When Rita's daughter shows up unexpectedly, Callie sees a different side of Rita and learns the reason behind their strained relationship. Stef discovers a new lead in the hit-and-run case. Brandon confronts his moms about the tensions in the house.

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD The Fosters

The Fosters


The Fosters

IMDb: 6.9
42 min

Callie convinces Brandon to head out on a mysterious trip that brings them to Mexico. Stef and Lena discover an empty pregnancy test box in the trash and wonder if someone in the house is worried they are pregnant.

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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