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HD Heartbeat




IMDb: 8.3

15-year-old Natalie is caught shoplifting. She lives at Throckton Grange with her guardian, the famous prima ballerina Lady Victor, who has every hope of making the young girl a ballet star. She faints during her arrest and Nurse Cassidy is worried about her, because she is severely undernourished. When Lady Victor's representative Edward Wilson makes a complaint about some gypsies, PC Mason senses something is wrong and decides to keep a close eye on the Grange and its occupants. The editor of Ashfordly Gazette, Brian Parker, hires David to write the agony column. But Aunt Peggy is very displeased with it, mainly because she wanted the job herself. Geoff Younger is in love with the salesgirl Lucy, but is too shy to ask her out. Furthermore he starts sneezing every time he comes near her. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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HD Heartbeat




IMDb: 8.3

15-year-old Natalie is caught shoplifting. She lives at Throckton Grange with her guardian, the famous prima ballerina Lady Victor, who has every hope of making the young girl a ballet star. She faints during her arrest and Nurse Cassidy is worried about her, because she is severely undernourished. When Lady Victor's representative Edward Wilson makes a complaint about some gypsies, PC Mason senses something is wrong and decides to keep a close eye on the Grange and its occupants. The editor of Ashfordly Gazette, Brian Parker, hires David to write the agony column. But Aunt Peggy is very displeased with it, mainly because she wanted the job herself. Geoff Younger is in love with the salesgirl Lucy, but is too shy to ask her out. Furthermore he starts sneezing every time he comes near her. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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HD Heartbeat




IMDb: 7.6
45 min

Walter Ames collapses at the square of Aidensfield and dies. When the police search his cottage for names of relatives they find something much more interesting; complete plans for serious crimes. All crimes have all been committed except one, and they were all planned by someone known only as The Bookman by Scotland Yard. The remaining crime is a hit on the Bank in Ashfordly. To prevent the robbery the police keep an eye on all newcomers in the area. Vernon Scripps has a new venture. Scripps' Roaming Holidays, where tourists can rent a gipsy caravan and drive along given routes through the country. The horse is even very easy to handle as long as you keep it away from Ashfordly Hall - and a few other places.. PPC Nicholson gets very attentive when an attractive woman asks for Sergeant Craddock at the police station, but PC Ventress thinks he may better tend to Mrs. Craddock himself. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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HD Heartbeat




IMDb: 7.6
45 min

Walter Ames collapses at the square of Aidensfield and dies. When the police search his cottage for names of relatives they find something much more interesting; complete plans for serious crimes. All crimes have all been committed except one, and they were all planned by someone known only as The Bookman by Scotland Yard. The remaining crime is a hit on the Bank in Ashfordly. To prevent the robbery the police keep an eye on all newcomers in the area. Vernon Scripps has a new venture. Scripps' Roaming Holidays, where tourists can rent a gipsy caravan and drive along given routes through the country. The horse is even very easy to handle as long as you keep it away from Ashfordly Hall - and a few other places.. PPC Nicholson gets very attentive when an attractive woman asks for Sergeant Craddock at the police station, but PC Ventress thinks he may better tend to Mrs. Craddock himself. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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HD Dead Pixels

Dead Pixels


Dead Pixels

IMDb: 7.2

Nicky's dad tries to bond with him by playing Kingdom Scrolls, but things get complicated when Nicky gets a taste for killing his father.

Genre: Comedy, Fantasy,
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HD The Job Lot

The Job Lot


The Job Lot

IMDb: 7.4
22 min

On her birthday Trish asks Karl to be acting manager to which he reluctantly assents as Angela spitefully drops him in it when an angry claimant glues herself to her desk and the queue of job-seekers increases. Furthermore nobody takes Karl seriously when he gives Paul a warning for storing his carpets in the office. Trish confides in Karl that she is angry with her ex-husband for leaving her for a younger woman and makes him accompany her to his house,where she breaks in and reclaims her dogs. Mission accomplished they return to work and Trish's birthday party. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD The Job Lot

The Job Lot


The Job Lot

IMDb: 6.8
22 min

Karl brags about having had sex with his new girlfriend,barmaid Mia,but is appalled when she comes in to sign on,as she is working and claiming and he is not meant to date clients. Thus he makes excuses to keep her from his colleagues. However she tells him she will soon be working on a cruise ship and encourages him to join her. He gives written notice but Trish,bleary-eyed after a visit to the optician,cannot read it and he eventually withdraws it. Angela buys a coffee percolator but is too mean to let the others use it so George gets revenge by putting new-mum Danielle's breast milk in Angela's coffee. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD The Job Lot

The Job Lot


The Job Lot

IMDb: 7.2
22 min

Trish panics on learning that an undercover inspector is coming to rate Brownall House. She is certain he is hard-of-hearing Alan Tucker and goes out of her way to be helpful - as well as acting as marriage guidance counsellor to a pair of notorious benefit cheats. And there is a further complication when regular claimant Graham appears to have died. In fact the inspector,a young woman,is seen by Angela,who is customarily unhelpful and disinterested so Trish ,as damage limitation,sends in the charming Karl. Unfortunately the inspector mistakes his easy manner for an attempt to flirt with her and the centre only just passes the inspection. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD The Job Lot

The Job Lot


The Job Lot

IMDb: 7.1
22 min

When the local car plant closes overnight Brownall House is inundated with hundreds of the unemployed,Paul using the opportunity to try and sell them carpets. Flu-stricken Karl unwittingly antagonizes a woman before accepting an energy drink from investigator George,which turns out to be lethal. Trish takes a turn at the desk,discovering that Angela is using the works computer for her dating site but when she asks George to fix it he ends up causing all the building's computers to crash. As a result all applications are processed by hand and the staff must work after hours - though at least Trish has the ammunition to make Angela join them. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD The Job Lot

The Job Lot


The Job Lot

IMDb: 6.8
23 min

Trish brings in army sergeant Steve Fox for a recruitment drive. He gets few takers but the female staff all fall for him - especially after he has expelled a man working whilst signing on - and Karl thinks he would be a great best friend. Only Paul resents him. Angela and Trish vie for his attention,Trish getting her hair caught in a hand drier in the process but after Steve has extricated her they go on a date. Sadly she comes on too strong to him and so she ends up in the pub with the other workers. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD The Job Lot

The Job Lot


The Job Lot

IMDb: 7.0
24 min

Brownall House Job Centre manager Trish aims to turn the unemployed into the fun employed but faces apathy from her staff,notably bored Angela and security guard Paul,who moonlights as a carpet fitter and uses the Centre's phone for his business. The only reliable employee,young Karl,sick of seeing professional shirkers like Bryony and Graham,decides to quit but changes his mind on meeting new temp Chloe. He agrees to give a presentation but when his white-board is sabotaged is grateful to Bryony for helping him out. He looks forward to a drink with Chloe but,on finding that she has a boyfriend,goes to dinner with Trish instead. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD The Job Lot

The Job Lot


The Job Lot

IMDb: 7.5
22 min

The staff attends a mandatory Saturday morning work-shop on health and well-being with employees from the Kingstanding branch. In the exercises Karl is hoping to be paired with Natalie but ends up with irresponsible Tyler, who gets him high whilst Natalie is teamed with Trish's opposite number Denise, who is keen to poach her. Trish overhears Denise asking Natalie to be her deputy but gets locked in her office. Natalie accepts the offer because she is fond of Karl and the rules state that colleagues cannot date. However Trish escapes in time to change the rules and keep Natalie and Karl together. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD The Job Lot

The Job Lot


The Job Lot

IMDb: 6.8
22 min

Trish panics when she loses her phone, which contains intimate shots of Tom and herself. She travels to a factory in Walsall to meet the man who found it and discovers that he has seen the saucy photos so that she is very grateful when Paul comes to her rescue, even though he smells. In Trish's absence Natalie runs the office but makes a mistake which leads to a deception and a séance. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD The Job Lot

The Job Lot


The Job Lot

IMDb: 7.2
22 min

The staff are encouraged to get more people back in work and Natalie challenges Angela to hit the best target with the lazy Angela meeting her match as Trisha helps Natalie to win. Trisha also tries to set Natalie up on a date with Karl but he misses it, as he is on surveillance with George, wrongly staking out a genuinely disabled person. Next day Natalie throws herself at Karl whilst Tom, having rejected Trisha when he found she was older than she claimed, stages a demonstration to show he still loves her. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD The Job Lot

The Job Lot


The Job Lot

IMDb: 6.9
21 min

Aware that the local MP backs job opportunities for young people Natalie invites him to an unemployment initiative day when each staff member mentors a young job-seeker. Sadly most of the clients are quite disinterested except Ann-Marie, who fancies Karl and compromises him into going on a date with her whilst Angela contrives an accident to get rid of the stroppy Bryony. George, the fraud investigator, gives a seminar explaining how he works but this leads to Karl accidentally Tasering Trish and when the MP arrives she looks so dishevelled that he mistakes her for a job seeker. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD The Job Lot

The Job Lot


The Job Lot

IMDb: 7.1
22 min

Trish aims to impress business woman Jamina McNulty who is looking for a team leader to sell her hot tubs in China. Meanwhile Karl is annoyed when hunky phone engineer Andy flirts with Natalie so he tells Andy that she is his girl-friend. All the applicants are unsuccessful due to their inability to speak Mandarin though surprisingly Andy does speak the language and gets the job. However Jamina's sexist treatment of him in the hot tub leads Trish to cancel the deal. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD The Job Lot

The Job Lot


The Job Lot

IMDb: 7.4
23 min

Following the party to celebrate Trish's divorce Karl is shocked to find himself waking up nude in her bed. On arriving at work he meets the new deputy manager Natalie Mason whom Trish rates but about whom Angela is typically cynical. However thanks to Natalie the whole office gets to know about his one night stand with Trish and, feeling embarrassed, he applies for a new job. Of course he fails but finds the means to get himself back with the job lot when he discovers Trish at it with his flat-mate Tom. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD SunTrap




IMDb: 7.7
28 min

Zorro the barman has lost Brutus's bar by using it as a stake at the local casino but casino manager Mr De Luca will waive the debt if Woody can find out who is stealing from him before his fearsome bosses arrive in town. Posing as a female croupier and an American magician Woody exposes the guilty party though it also means putting an end to Zorro's romance with the lovely Coco. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD The Job Lot

The Job Lot


The Job Lot

IMDb: 7.2
22 min

On the Job Centre's twenty-fifth anniversary Natalie brings in its first manager Maggie Higgins, who amazes everybody by recalling the time when Angela was pleasant and humorous but makes the mistake of trying to report her for benefit fraud. The appearance of Trish's holiday romance, handsome Spaniard Raul, who wants to marry her despite not speaking English, prompts Karl into performing a romantic gesture - which unfortunately brings the police to the office. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD The Job Lot

The Job Lot


The Job Lot

IMDb: 6.9
21 min

Trish is smitten by Greg, who manages another job centre and who persuades her to introduce bean-bag chairs, relaxing music and feedback forms for the clients to 'destressify' them. Unfortunately all the feedback forms are highly critical and Trish, Ash and Karl fake a burglary to destroy them. Next time Trish meets Greg she realizes that she has been duped. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD The Job Lot

The Job Lot


The Job Lot

IMDb: 7.0
22 min

When the fire alarm goes off it is assumed that it is just a drill but it is a real fire started by Angela to draw attention to the inefficiency of the system. Since financing effective fire-fighting would mean cancelling the Christmas party the staff goes on strike with Karl taking advantage of the situation by trying to chat up a girl in the pub. Unfortunately she is not what she seems. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD The Job Lot

The Job Lot


The Job Lot

IMDb: 6.4
22 min

Kevin, an ex-factory worker with aspirations to be a Country and Western singer, gets his benefits turned down by Karl as he refuses a Poundland job interview which would clash with a gig. As a result he takes Trish hostage and so begins a roof-top siege. Karl reluctantly agrees to act as negotiator but when he reaches the roof finds Trish has bonded with her kidnapper - that is until Karl has an accident which brands him the hero of the hour. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD The Job Lot

The Job Lot


The Job Lot

IMDb: 6.9
22 min

Feeling that she is not yet ready to move in with Karl Natalie makes an excuse which almost leads to Karl becoming Trisha's sperm donor and results in a session with Ash, a psychologist who has become the office's new employee. Angela is inevitably unimpressed by him but he makes an impact on permanently unemployed Bryony. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD The Job Lot

The Job Lot


The Job Lot

IMDb: 7.1
22 min

When Trish tells Natalie she believes she may be pregnant by the man who sold her a Welsh dresser Natalie buys her a self-testing kit but Karl wrongly assumes that it is for his girlfriend Natalie and panics. Seeing the result Trish is over-joyed to think that she is about to become a mother but has unfortunately reckoned without Angela bringing her pregnant cat to work. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD The Javone Prince Show

The Javone Prince Show


The Javone Prince Show

IMDb: 0

The comedic cast use sketches and stand up comedy to look at all facets of life in Britain. Javone also welcomes special guest Mica Paris and tries to work out what he has done to upset the show's music director, Omar.

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Hotel Babylon

Hotel Babylon


Hotel Babylon

IMDb: 8.2
55 min

The surprise arrival of the hotel chain's European Director Adrian unsettles the staff further. Only Rebecca knows he's there for more than purely business reasons - the two of them had a fling a few months before. Adrian proves to be only the start of their worries: a star witness, Mr Wiltshire, is being housed at the hotel during the course of an infamous gangland trial. Tony is nervous about the risk to staff and Charlie has the unenviable task of looking after the guest. Whilst Tony attempts to forment a mutiny amongst the staff, Rebecca finds herself being wooed by Adrian with an offer of promotion abroad - and a new life with him. Meanwhile, Charlie builds up a rapport with Mr Wiltshire, and realised that he's come to the hotel just to die away from prison. Rebecca is put on the spot when her husband arrives for a surprise anniversary dinner organised by the staff. Forced to choose between her career and her marriage, she hesitates. But before she can make up her mind, gunshots ... Written by Rune Thandy

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Hotel Babylon

Hotel Babylon


Hotel Babylon

IMDb: 8.4
54 min

Riled and suddenly untrusting, she not only interviews all of the staff, but also calls in an auditor - much to the distress of Gino and Jackie, whose stocktake figures are complete fantasy. Meanwhile, Anna is leading a teenage virtuoso violinist into naughtiness. Derek the doorman manages to persuade Rebecca, via Charlie to interview his wayward son for a job at the hotel. The lad is rubbish, though. About to break the bad news to Derek, Charlie realises the awful truth from something the dooorman says - Derek must be the hotel thief. Rebecca must maintain her professional stance and hand Derek his P45. The anguish doesn't end there, despite Tony's good work in heading-off ball-crunching auditor Ms Merchant with some well-placed bribes. A disgruntled hotel guest surprises everyone by revealing himself to be a hotel inspector - and issuing a damning threat! Written by Rune Thandy

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Hotel Babylon

Hotel Babylon


Hotel Babylon

IMDb: 8.3
55 min

Already spooked after Tony tells them a grisly tale of murder at a nearby hotel, Anna and Max are further unsettled by the disappearance of security guard Jagdeep. Anna is sent to deliver a bottle of whiskey to a sheik, who is staying at the hotel after buying antique pistols at a Sotheby's auction. On her way back, she becomes convinced that she's heard a guest murder his wife in one of the bedrooms. Charlie refuses to take her seriously, despite having seen the guest, Mr Johnson, arguing with his wife earlier. As the night wears on, Mr Johnson's behaviour - like sneaking his suitcases out in the middle of the night - worries Anna more and more. With Charlie's help, she snoops around in his room, and is appalled to discover blood streaks in the bath and a bag of rope, tape and rubber gloves. In the bowels of the hotel, Charlie discovers Jagdeep seriously ill in a toilet cubicle. Meanwhile, Anna is terrified when Mr Johnson tries to make her accompany him. Seeing how scared she is, ... Written by Rune Thandy

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Hotel Babylon

Hotel Babylon


Hotel Babylon

IMDb: 7.8
55 min

Below stairs, we witness a world the guests never normally get to see - the immigrant labour that really makes the place work. A raid on the hotel by Immigration Officers forces Jackie into a dilemma when she's reminded by the officials about her own immigration status. What can she do to stop them deporting her? Gino has less serious problems - in order to keep the tips from a particularly generous guest flowing, he has to pretend to be gay. Can even Ben help him convince in the role? Meanwhile, Charlie is asked by a guest, Liz Sykes to help cover up an affair she's been conducting at the hotel. Rebecca takes a hard line with him and orders him not to intervene, disarming him by implying she knows something about his fraudulent past. When Liz's lover, John Fuller, returns to the hotel with yet another woman, Charlie realises that Liz is being spun a line. A quick phone call leads to an uncomfortable confrontation for John. But Charlie's actions lead to an inevitable showdown when ... Written by Rune Thandy

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Hotel Babylon

Hotel Babylon


Hotel Babylon

IMDb: 7.6
55 min

When Anna bumps into - literally - wealthy American lawyer Richard, she becomes convinced they're fated to be together. In a delusional whirl, she stops at nothing to get this man (and the lifestyle) that she's after. And if it means breaching the 'strictly no guest/staff relationships' rule, well, Anna's always felt rules were meant to be broken. With General Manager Rebecca on her back, only the quick thinking of fellow receptionist Ben keeps Anna's indiscretions under wraps. Charlie is happy to let beautiful female guest Alice massage his bruised ego after colleague and love interest Jackie goes off on a date. Alice turns out not to be all that she seems, robbing her date and making off with Pete. When the date is found drugged in his room the next day, Charlie realises he's had a narrow escape, and that he should value Jackie more. Meanwhile, James and Gino bicker over the treatment of a couple who won a stay at Hotel Babylon in a competition. Rebecca confronts Pete over Alice, ... Written by Rune Thandy

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Hotel Babylon

Hotel Babylon


Hotel Babylon

IMDb: 7.6
55 min

Charlie only agrees after Tony reminds him of how much cash they could make from delivery scams at the event, realising it's the one way he can raise the money to bribe Pete out of telling Rebecca about his past. Finding an agreeable suitor is easy enough, but can they convince Natasha's billionaire father Vladimir, and more importantly Rebecca, that the wedding is genuine? The whirlwind of wedding plans catch Rebecca on a personal level, but it's obsessive compulsive guest Mr Daniels who makes her realise that hiding in the hotel isn't going to solve her own relationship problems. Charlie's scams earn him enough to pay off Pete, but the whole affair has made Rebecca suspicious. She takes the initiative, and delves a little into his employment history. Written by Rune Thandy

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Hotel Babylon

Hotel Babylon


Hotel Babylon

IMDb: 7.8

Unfortunately for him, Rebecca puts him in charge of keeping suicidal guest Mr Machin alive, while concierge Tony has to deal with the repercussions of mistaking a legitimate guest for a hooker. But this is the least of his worries as Rebecca's re-branding of his job has severely rocked his confidence. The staff help an elderly ex-worker celebrate her 50th wedding anniversary, forcing Rebecca to reflect on her own marriage. Meanwhile, shady limousine drive Pete is becoming more demanding as he threatens to divulge whatever it is he knows about Charlie's mysterious past. Written by Rune Thandy

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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