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HD Ordinary Lies

Ordinary Lies


Ordinary Lies

IMDb: 7.6
58 min

Salesmen Pete and Jason are attacked by two thugs who steal the cars they are test driving. However it transpires that Pete, an ex-gambler with huge debts and a baby on the way, allowed it to happen in return for payment - some of which goes to Marie, the woman who bore him a son, a son of which his wife Vanessa knows nothing. Jason has his own problems, being the victim of his girlfriend's domestic violence but ultimately he discovers the truth from Pete, who has returned to gambling and lost heavily. Finally Pete decides to tell Vanessa all about Marie and break her...

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Ordinary Lies

Ordinary Lies


Ordinary Lies

IMDb: 8.1
55 min

After rowing with his wife young mechanic Rick ends up sleeping at the show-room so Mike takes pity on him and lets him stay at his house. Rick unfortunately finds it hard to resist the attentions of his host's precocious 15 year old daughter Ruby and soon they are having sex. However, whilst Ruby believes it is true love Rick is aware of the unreality and danger of the situation. When Ruby has an accident Mike is with Beth and confides in Rick the fact that his own marriage is going downhill, his wife Alison becoming suspicious. Rick moves out but his effort to find ...

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Ordinary Lies

Ordinary Lies


Ordinary Lies

IMDb: 7.2
57 min

Bored by her comfortable but safe marriage Kathy begins an affair, based totally on sex, with estate agent Niall ,who is also married. They agree to meet in one of the properties on his books, from which they witness a violent attack on the man next door. Kathy photographs the thugs and suggests calling the police but Niall, afraid that it will expose the affair, dissuades her. At the wedding of colleagues Emma and Jez Kathy catches Mike in a compromising position with Beth but when he tells her his marriage is on the rocks she empathizes and keeps his secret. ...

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Stella




IMDb: 8.1
54 min

With Will arrested, Beyoncé back with Keckers and Billy off to football school Bobby moves next door so that Michael can get back with Stella. However, following Stella's graduation, and, despite the returning Paula's efforts to mediate, Stella and Michael have a big row which ends very badly and she will need the support of her nearest and dearest, both alive and dead, to pull her through. Elsewhere Nadine and Jag find romance over the washing up, Zoe has good news for Luke and Aunty Brenda's meeting with her putative father is not a happy reunion.

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Stella




IMDb: 8.0

Michael celebrates his new job with Luke, who has bought a custom car without telling Zoe but when Luke learns about the bracelet an inevitable row ensues. At Ponty Partners speed-dating evening Beyoncé gets back with Keckers whilst Nadine sets her sights on Will, However Michael's suspicions about Rob's supposed brother deepen when he asks Stella for a loan to finance his addictions clinic in London - and then Michael makes a very disturbing discovery. Meanwhile sausage wars erupt between Yanto and Little Alan at the local football match, where Billy is spotted for ...

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Stella




IMDb: 7.6

Stella suggests that the now jobless Michael moves back with her but before he can answer there is a visitor - Rob's long-estranged younger brother Will, now a London-based drugs counsellor, who charms everybody, except a suspicious Michael. After an unsuccessful séance to find her real father Aunty Brenda discovers it is the titled Lord Llewellyn whilst Michael, encouraged by Jag to try the dating site, ends up with ex-wife Jan, who at least offers him work. Meanwhile Zoe attends an auction with Will, buying an expensive bracelet but finds it missing when she returns...

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Stella




IMDb: 7.2

Michael moves into the pub, intending to go to Dubai alone but, after splitting with boyfriend Keckers, Beyoncé billets herself on Stella and, at Olwen's party in the pub, Stella tells everybody what has happened whilst there is more drama when Olwen drops down dead following a big row with Brenda after Brenda's secret is also revealed. Whilst Luke resists the temptation to resume gambling Zoe is persuaded to buy jewellery and sell it for a profit online and Nadine and Bobby put Ponty Partners on the Internet. Stella gets another surprise when Michael reappears, ...

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Stella




IMDb: 7.6

After dropping Ben off at Cardiff university Stella must tell Michael the truth about Holly's paternity and, whilst he is devastated, he agrees to stay with her and keep the secret. There is good news for Luke and Zoe, left a legacy by Rob whilst Nadine and Bobby launch their dating agency Ponty Partners. Stella's brother Ken arrives for their grandma Olwen's hundredth birthday party though Olwen herself is not a happy celebrant. The festivities over Aunty Brenda opens her mother's private box and gets the shock of her life.

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Stella




IMDb: 7.2
44 min

Stella is woken by Michael and their baby Holly after another dream about the late Rob to find Ben packing for university and Bobby preparing to date a Game of Thrones fanatic. However the real bombshell is Michael's announcement that he wants Stella to accompany him to Dubai in line with his new job. Stella agrees but, as ever there are complications in her life, notably Jackson's first birthday party with Beyoncé's rough and ready family and the arrival of teen-aged Billy, who needs fostering. Furthermore Luke discovers that Holly is actually Rob's daughter.

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Stella




IMDb: 7.2
44 min

Stella drags Ben to the hospital to try out for a job as a porter - where he impresses Mr Honey and Stella agrees to keep a secret for Cheryl. Little Alan makes no secret about his resentment of Michael working at the café and fires him. Michael rides to the pub on his bike and spends the afternoon drinking with barmaid Beyoncé though he ends up rejecting her advances. Alan, temporarily sacked by his son until Celia blackmails Little Alan into reinstating him, spends the afternoon causing havoc as he tries to catch a mouse. in the evening Dai invites the men of the ...

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Stella




IMDb: 7.3
44 min

Michael is now trying to run his solicitor's business from Stella's chaotic, overcrowded house as Katie lives with them and Zoe and Luke cannot find cheap accommodation. When his house sale fails though he has the perfect solution, knocking down the dividing wall to create one big home. Stella and Celia go their nursing placements, under the fearsome Cheryl and the aloof consultant Mr Honey, in whose presence Stella makes a huge mistake though she later impresses him and he helps her out of an awkward situation. Alan and Little Alan open their café - an ultimate ...

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 7.6
21 min

ALF is preparing himself for the coming of Kate's baby because, in his opinion, Willie isn't prepared enough. Can ALF be persuaded to accept that Dick Van Dyke show is not an educational program that should be followed as an example?

Genre: Comedy, Family, Sci-Fi,
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HD Not Going Out

Not Going Out


Not Going Out

IMDb: 8.1

When her parents go on holiday Lucy persuades Lee to help her tidy up after the builders in their new kitchen extension but within minutes Lee has ruined their artificial lawn. He manages to replace it and wipe the CCTV evidence but the plan is not foolproof - as he discovers.

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 0

Whilst Maggie comforts Sonya over her cancer scare the PTA meets to discuss the proposed merger with Havelock High, Carrie's mother supporting it and bringing her up against Christine and Lorna. Homeless Guy tries to keep secret the fact that he is dossing in the school but is thrown a life-line by an unexpected source. Olga and Marco lead a field trip where Marco's dull, authoritarian approach leads to a sit-down protest and, separated from the others Kenzie, angry at Bonnie's betrayal of her, takes great pleasure in telling Justin and Scott that Bonnie has slept ...

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 6.8

Two young teachers - both probationers - arrive at the school; the correct geography teacher Marco D'Oliveira and flippant Guy Braxton, whose subject is graphics and art and who has trouble keeping order. Kind-hearted Lenny defends new pupil Carrie Norton against his bullying sister Lisa and dumb friend Shaznay but is shocked to see Carrie and Guy kissing and tells Vaughan. Carrie's mother then comes to the school and what she has to say surprises everybody. Meanwhile Bonnie inadvertently betrays Kenzie's secret and Christine's attempt to get out of girls' nights with...

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 0

Vaughan launches Waterloo Wheelers, a free bike loaning service but the obnoxious Scott Fairchild, thinking it funny, crashes Dale's expensive racing bike, which Kevin mends. After Scott has sabotaged other bikes Kevin challenges him to a race, which lands him in hospital though Kenzie tries to point out Scott's stupidity to him. To get parents on side against the merger Lorna suggests forming a PTA but both she and Christine go head to head as to who should run it though Christine steps down as Kenzie's literacy teacher as Lorna gets on better with her. Olga backs ...

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.5

With the Lowsleys and Hector gone Vaughan brings in a new deputy, Lorna Hutchinson, and surly gym teacher Danny Spencer, with his protégé, budding cycle champion Dale Jackson, whose single-mindedness alienates the other boys. New pupils include kleptomaniac Kenzie Calhoun and Scott Fairchild, both having been excluded from several schools and both hating each other. Vaughan is shocked to find Olga has arrived as a supply teacher and there is worse to come when, thanks to Olga turning on the Tannoy, Vaughan 's conversation with Lorna regarding taking on problem pupils ...

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 8.2

Sue realizes that Hector's plans for them are selfish and unrealistic and she drops him whilst Rhiannon and Darren successfully reunite Grace and Ted to lead a ballroom dancing display at the school. Vaughan hands Justin over to the police after the boy punches Allie but he gets bail, only to be met by Tiffany, who tells him that no longer has any interest in him after what he did. Allie has had enough and she and her children leave Waterloo Road though Vaughan has an even bigger bomb-shell on his hands when George Windsor reappears, asking for his job back and ...

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 0

Justin lets fly at Allie for taking Tiffany away and demands Leo help him but Leo has his own problem when Mandy, to whom he spoke on the help-line, arrives at the school and persuades him to play truant and trash Justin's room. Vaughan is anxious when Audrey discovers that Mandy is not a school-girl but a fugitive from a psychiatric ward. However Leo calms her down and stops her self-harming and Vaughan realizes that he has neglected Leo in order for him to take Mandy on board. Discovering Sue's affair Simon attacks Hector in front of his class before resigning and ...

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 0

Allie persuades Vaughan to send Justin to a boarding school to part him from Tiffany but, whilst pretending to cooperate, he plans to run away to London with her. Aware of how unrealistic this is she alerts Allie and refuses to go. When Vaughan relents of his decision Allie moves out, taking Tiffany with her. Gabriella believes Darren could model for her designer mother Amelia's fashion catalogue but Amelia chooses Rhiannon to represent the fuller figure. However Rhiannon feels she is being exploited and joins Gabriella and Darren in visiting elderly Grace instead. ...

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 0

Police descend on the school after Leo and Kevin have hacked into Wire Data's system, confiscating the computers and causing chaos. Company owner Jackson Whittaker arrives at the school and, after Kevin owns up, is set to prosecute, though Kevin has his own insurance policy which could land him a role in the organization. Under pressure from Floyd Tiffany tells her mother that she is sleeping with Justin whilst Christine is less than pleased to find her alcoholism the subject of Sonya's short story and Hector's advances lead Sue to suggest that she and Simon find work...

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.4

Justin steps in to help Mickey McArthur, a grubby boy he sees shop-lifting but the boy repays him by stealing his wallet so Justin goes after him, leading to a fight. However the realization that there is urban poverty on his doorstep inspires Justin to open a food bank at the school. Sonya is entering a short story competition but her trashy romance does not impress her colleagues so Christine suggests she write about something from experience. Meanwhile Kevin and Leo hack into the computer system of technology giant Wire Data and Floyd catches his sister kissing ...

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 0

Lenny Brown is studying hard for his mock exams but with no help from his controlling, idle sister and lacking self-confidence, he cracks up, spoiling his paper and having a panic attack. Matters are not helped when the projected exam grades are leaked, leading to a pupil walk-out led by Lisa but realizing that it is Lisa holding him back he returns to school to successfully resit his exam. Knowledge that Vaughan is paying Olga's medical bills causes another rift between Floyd and Justin. The latter is consoled by Tiffany, who ends up in bed with him whilst Hector ...

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 8.2

Gabriella Wark returns to school from therapy, a far gentler person, though she encounters general hostility from most of the staff and pupils, except Rhiannon and Allie's children, whom she invites to her house in her parents' absence. The vindictive Shaznay and Lisa alert dozens of students to the house and chaos ensues, with the two nasty girls trashing Gabriella's dead sister's room. A fight breaks out and Gabriella is knocked unconscious and falls into the swimming pool, from where she is rescued by Kacey. Sue and Hector are summoned and order the gate crashers ...

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 8.0

Allie starts a virtual baby scheme to teach pupils parenting skills but few of them take it seriously. One exception is Rhiannon, who confesses to the understanding Harley that she may be pregnant. Darren is less than sympathetic and, although the pregnancy test proves negative, she ends the relationship when she sees how shallow she is. She is consoled by Maggie, who suggests a career working with children. Carol stages a kitchen accident in the hopes of suing the school but is thwarted by Vaughan, who sacks her ,whilst Tiffany attempts to get through to Justin.

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.6

Vaughan encourages the students to offer their services to members of the community, a decision which leads Lisa and Shaznay to rob elderly Mr Carmichael of a vase which, unbeknown to them, contains his wife's ashes. He comes to the school insisting that they stole two thousand pounds but Vaughan realizes that he is as much a chancer as the girls. Simon's efforts to reconcile Floyd and Justin fail due to Justin's hate-filled recalcitrance and after a run-in with the boy George resigns, having scooped fifteen grand in compensation from the cruise company. Dynasty also ...

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.1

With Christine demoted a new head teacher arrives - Vaughan Fitzgerald, with his partner, art teacher Allie Westbrook and her children Tiffany and Floyd. Soon afterwards Olga, the unstable wife he left for Allie, arrives with their sons Leo and Justin. She is about to enter a psychiatric unit and dumps the boys on Vaughan. Leo is affable but Justin is hostile towards his father, picking a fight with Floyd and though he apologizes he is insincere and makes it clear he does not want to be at Waterloo Road. Returning from their cruise George dumps the mercenary Carol who...

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Rush




IMDb: 8.7
44 min

Rush's lunch with his stepmother leads to an unexpected outcome while Alex's marriage becomes futher strained due to his relationship with Rush. Elsewhere, Rush helps a bail officer, and Eve accepts a date.

Genre: Action, Drama,
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HD Saving Hope

Saving Hope


Saving Hope

IMDb: 8.2
43 min

Alex's new patient is someone from her past. Zach deals with a female patient that feels responsible for her friend's death. Charlie helps his new ghost cope with her current situation. Charlie finally figures out the truth about Crenshaw.

Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD Saving Hope

Saving Hope


Saving Hope

IMDb: 8.1
43 min

Patrick and Shahir give a patient contradictory advice about love. Alex is assisted in a surgery by a new resident. Maggie is preparing to leave Hope Zion when she receives an unexpected phone call. Zach has a dispute with a patient that works for the hospital.

Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD Saving Hope

Saving Hope


Saving Hope

IMDb: 7.9
43 min

Charlie is assisted by the prisoner coma patient Crenshaw in dealing with a patient. Maggie tries to decide whether or not to leave Hope Zion and move on with her career. Alex directly questions the judgment of a senior surgeon in the OR.

Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD Saving Hope

Saving Hope


Saving Hope

IMDb: 8.0
43 min

Alex is back to work where she meets meticulous doctor, Patrick Curtis, with whom she argues. Zach puts his life in danger for the sake of his patient. Charlie takes an important decision regarding his family life.

Country: Canada
Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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