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HD Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine


Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

IMDb: 6.7
46 min

Quark and Rom get a visit from a rather strange acting Grand Nagus Zek. He shows them a book with the rewritten Rules of Acquisition to include rules like 'If they want their money back, give it to them' and 'Latinum tarnishes, but family is forever' isn't concerned anymore about profit and devotes his life to charity. Quark is worried and tries to find out what is wrong with the Grand Nagus, especially since he suspects Zek will be thrown of the Tower of Commerce and he and Rom with him when he presents the new rules. Meanwhile Bashir is nominated for the prestigious medical Carrington Award. Bashir thinks he's too young to be a serious contender and tries not to pay too much attention to it. To his dismay the subject is constantly brought up however. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
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HD Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine


Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

IMDb: 7.2
46 min

Kira and Odo are returning to Deep Space Nine in a runabout. They just visited Prophet's Landing, a colony close to the Cardassian border, to review security procedures. When they receive a distress call from a Lissepian supply ship that was attacked by a Maquis one-man vessel, they start to follow the Maquis. The ship lands on a moon and Kira and Odo follow him into a very unstable cave. Kira's foot gets stuck in a strange crystal. While the crystal slowly encapsulates the major, Odo tries everything to free her. Meanwhile Nog makes a special request to Sisko. He has become an adult and is ordered by Ferengi by-laws to purchase an apprenticeship from a suitable role model. Nog wants to be the first Ferengi in Starfleet and asks Sisko to write a recommendation for the Academy. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
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HD Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine


Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

IMDb: 7.9
46 min

War is good for business is the 34th Rule of Acquisition, but Quark is not noticing it at all. His bar is almost empty now people are leaving the station in droves in fear of the Dominion. Only a drunk Klingon, Kozak, is left and he refuses to pay. He assaults Quark and dies while accidentally falling on his knife. When Quark sees curious crowds outside the bar, he gets a great idea. He decides to tell everyone he killed the Klingon in a great fight to increase business. Odo warns him this might be dangerous, but arrogantly Quark refuses to listen. First he gets a visit by Zadok's brother D'Ghor seeking confirmation he died an honorable death, then he has to confess the truth to widow Grilka. She kidnaps him and forces him to marry her to save the House of Kozak. Meanwhile, Keiko has to close the school because all the Bajoran children left. Chief O'Brien tries everything to cheer her up. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
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HD Signed, Sealed, Delivered

Signed, Sealed, Delivered


Signed, Sealed, Delivered

IMDb: 8.6
43 min

Oliver's team must work out that a letter about the relationship between mentally handicapped lovers Bobby and Ellie was sent by her, due to a class project, meant for herself as an adult. It forces their 'over'protective parents to deal with their wish, now as legal adults, to marry. The teammates also support Rita's candidacy for Miss Special Delivery. Shane devises a fashionable make-over, especially as the office's new supervisor will stop at nothing to favor her daughter, but Rita prefers authenticity, to Oliver's satisfaction. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine


Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

IMDb: 6.6
46 min

Martus, an El-Aurian con man, is being held in detention for trying to work a mark. In his cell he meets Cos, a dying alien with a strange gambling device, who tells Martus of a string of bad luck he's had, which he implies was brought on by the gambling device. After Cos dies, Martus takes the device and decides to become Quark's rival, opening another casino on the Promenade. Meanwhile, O'Brien has constructed a racquetball court to get some physical exercise, and to his chagrin, finds out Dr. Bashir plays as well. O'Brien is no match for Bashir, much to his frustration, yet he keeps challenging Bashir, who fears for the chief's health and tries to get him to stop. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
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HD Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine


Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

IMDb: 8.2
46 min

Quark is on Bajor negotiating with a woman, Pallra. She wants him to retrieve a strongbox from the station, hidden behind a panel in the chemist's room. A man is secretly listening to their conversation. With the help of Rom, Quark has no problem finding the box, but his curiosity makes him open it. He finds a list of Bajoran names. Before he is able to copy it, he gets shot by a man - the same man who'd been listening in while Quark spoke with Pallra. While Dr. Bashir tries to save Quark's life, Odo questions Rom. He tells about the chemist's room and Odo is immediately reminded of a murder case several years ago. He was forced by Gul Dukat to investigate the murder of the owner of a shop, Vaatrick. His wife Pallra accused a mistress of the murder. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
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HD Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine


Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

IMDb: 7.3
45 min

A group of Ferengi are playing a game of tongo with Dax. Pel, a new waiter in the bar, has a great idea to ensure the customers are always thirsty. Suddenly Quark gets a message on subspace from Grand Nagus Zek. Zek has chosen him as the chief negotiator for the new business opportunities that will open up in the Gamma Quadrant. As his first task he must negotiate with the Dosi to acquire 10.000 vats of tulaberry wine. Zek believes the wine can be the key to opening the markets in the quadrant. He tries to convince Sisko and Kira to have a conference on DS9. Pel manages to put himself forward as assistant of Quark. He seems unusually devoted to Quark. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
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HD Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine


Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

IMDb: 7.9
46 min

Admiral Chekote has told Sisko he can't get involved in an internal Bajoran conflict, and must evacuate the station, but Sisko has no intentions of leaving. He's come to care about what happens to the Bajorans, and tries to muster support from the crew of the station. They'll try to delay the takeover as long as possible, and set up a resistance, until the Cardassian involvement is revealed. As there's still no communications possible to Bajor, Kira sees no other alternative then to bring the evidence to the Chamber of Ministers, but all the runabouts are in use for the evacuation. Li Nalas thinks there might still be raiders intact on the Lunar V base and Kira and Dax take a look. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
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HD Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine


Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

IMDb: 7.7
46 min

Quark receives a Bajoran earring from a smuggler. She tells she received it on Cardassia IV. It needs to be delivered to Bajor and any Bajoran will immediately recognize it. Quark brings it to Kira. The earring is that of Li Nalas, one of the greatest war heroes of the resistance. She thinks he is being held captive on Cardassia IV and asks Sisko for a runabout since she doesn't get any support from the Bajoran government. Kira tells Sisko she believes he will be the leader Bajor is in desperate need of ever since Kai Opaka left. Bajor is on the verge of civil war as the terrorist group The Circle is getting more and more power. The Circle strives to get rid of all aliens on Bajor and they have extended their activities to the station already. Odo finds their logo graffiti-ed on a wall. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
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HD Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine


Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

IMDb: 7.0
46 min

A Mindaran ship has arrived with the brothers Ah-Kel and Ro-Kel, known as smugglers, and a mysterious individual, Croden, has been spending quite a lot of time in Quark's bar. He is from the Gamma quadrant and there are reports of them having extensive conversations. Odo doesn't trust it and he;s right. He catches Quark negotiating with the Mindarans about an artifact that was probably stolen. He can't stop Croden however from killing Ro-Kel while trying to steal the artifact. While Ah-Kel vows revenge, Croden tells Odo something that really piques his interest. He mentions he has seen shape-shifters before and calls them Changelings. Croden tells they once lived on his planet, but were driven out, but he encountered them again on a secret planet. Odo is skeptical, but gets interested when Croden shows an artifact that contains a living shape-shifting fluid. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
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HD Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine


Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

IMDb: 7.1
60 min

The leader of the Ferengi, Grand Nagus Zek and his son Krax arrive at DS9. Quark and his brother, Rom are in awe and quickly arrange for everything Zek needs. Zek praises Quark's business instinct, but Quark fears for the worst; thinking Zek wants to take over his bar for free, and won't take no for an answer. Instead, Zek tells Quark a conference will be held in the bar, where Ferengi politicians will discuss how to exploit the business opportunities in the Gamma Quadrant. Zek tells the members he won't be the Ferengi leading the Alliance into the Gamma Quadrant and will appoint his successor. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
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HD Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine


Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

IMDb: 6.9
46 min

Life seems to be slowly becoming normal on the station. Bashir tries to make advances to Dax, Jake makes friends with Nog and chief O'Brien is having an argument with his wife Keiko. As a botanist she feels useless on the station and doesn't think the environment is good enough for their daughter Molly growing up. Meanwhile Odo encounters a familiar face on the Promenade: the Bajoran smuggler Ibudan. He's considered a hero by the Bajorans, but Odo thinks differently. He saw him let a child die because the parents couldn't afford the medicine and when Ibudan killed a Cardassian he turned him in. When Ibudan is murdered during a massage in the holodeck, all evidence points to Odo. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
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HD Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine


Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

IMDb: 7.4
90 min

Commander Benjamin Sisko, whose life has changed after his wife was killed in the battle with the Borg at Wolf 359, is to take command of the space station Deep Space Nine near Bajor. The station had been built by the Cardassians, as Terok Nor, but recently taken over by the Bajorans after a very oppressive occupation of their planet was ended. Sisko's task; The station had been left in ruins - stripped by the Cardassians after they withdrew. Merchants are preparing to leave, and its Bajoran commander, Major Kira Nerys, seems to dislike the Federation. When Sisko gets to talk with Kai Opaka, the Bajoran religious leader, she tells him he is the long awaited emissary of the Bajorans. Once Commander Sisko arrives with his teenaged son, Jake, they're introduced ticonstable of DS9, a 'shape-shifter,' named Odo, and Quark, a Ferengi, who, in affirm to owning the bar on the stations promenade, is also head of the Promenade's Merchant Association. Soon, the Federation's science officer, ... Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
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HD The Outer Limits

The Outer Limits


The Outer Limits

IMDb: 7.7
43 min

An alien shape-shifter owns a unique curio shop whose merchandise possess strange powers; when a petty crook accepts a peculiar wallet he learns the hard way that money not earned comes at a price.

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HD The Outer Limits

The Outer Limits


The Outer Limits

IMDb: 6.6

In the late in the 23rd century an outdated star ship is on a ten-year reclamation project. The crew is in suspended animation and awakes to find a mysterious object floating in space. The pod contains the body of a rebel who was executed 150 years earlier for the slaughter of more than a million people and is still alive. Written by laird-3

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HD The Outer Limits

The Outer Limits


The Outer Limits

IMDb: 6.7
45 min

Anne Reynolds, estranged from her mother, haunted by her dead father and terrified of being close to anyone, is attacked, injured and wakes up on the operating table a changed woman. Learning of a Siamese twin sister that was sacrificed so that she could live, the personalty of the dead sister begins to take over. Written by laird-3

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HD The Outer Limits

The Outer Limits


The Outer Limits

IMDb: 7.9
45 min

A reality television show has members murder victims' families hunt the killers, becoming their executioners. The quest for ratings makes the hunt all the more desperate for all parties involved.

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HD The Outer Limits

The Outer Limits


The Outer Limits

IMDb: 7.4
45 min

Bernard Seldon lives in constant fear, ever since he suffered a trauma at the age of six - he started a fire in the orphanage where he lived which led to the death of his four year old sister. He has nightmares and is haunted by a gaunt man who threatens him by his very presence. Doctors now think they have developed surgical procedure that can reduce that fear giving him hope that he could lead a normal life. As the treatments continue, there is little doubt that there is a positive effect. Bernard finds however that he also has the ability to insert images into people's minds. Written by garykmcd

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HD The Outer Limits

The Outer Limits


The Outer Limits

IMDb: 6.7
45 min

Earth in the not-too-distant future is having to deal with the results of genetic engineering that began some ten years before. While it benefited most who underwent the treatment some of the children suffered genetic rejection syndrome, GRS, and are now mutants. These children have now grown up with enhanced capabilities but are prone to crime and violence. Detective Ray Venable heads the police department's GRS unit and is shocked to learn that the latest attack was by his eldest son Dylan who was given away to an organization who promised to care for him. In fact the children were sent to labor camps and they have no idea what may have happened to him in the intervening ten years. Feeling the need to find Dylan, he injects himself with a drug to genetically enhance his senses. It doesn't quite go as planned. Written by garykmcd

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HD The Outer Limits

The Outer Limits


The Outer Limits

IMDb: 7.3
45 min

In the future, most of humanity is sterile as a result of chemical warfare. As the years go buy children born before the catastrophe age normally and teacher Sherry McAllister is now out of a job. She also finds herself pregnant and knows that the few women who given birth since the black rain have had horribly mutated children. Tests reveal however that none of the genetic markers suggesting mutation are to be found and she may be carrying the first normal fetus in 10 years. Sherry and her husband Tim move into a government-run facility run by Dr. Royce and a few months later she gives birth to a normal and perfectly healthy baby boy. They also find that they're prisoners in the hospital with Royce expecting them to produce other children. Salvation may be at hand however. Written by garykmcd

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HD The Outer Limits

The Outer Limits


The Outer Limits

IMDb: 8.3
45 min

When Dr. Jack Henson (David Hyde Pierce), an ambitious inventor comes up with a virtual prison government officials are interested in its cost efficiency. Rather than life sentences, criminals would only have to spend hours being subjected to harsh treatment. When an innocent man's life is at stake the doctor must submit himself to his own invention--while learning the true meaning of justice. Written by Anonymous

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HD The Outer Limits

The Outer Limits


The Outer Limits

IMDb: 7.3
45 min

Dr. Christina Markham has a mother suffering from Alzheimer's disease. When three apparently healthy young women age and die within hours, the Markhams are baffled and frightened. The solution comes after the older patients vanish.

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HD The Outer Limits

The Outer Limits


The Outer Limits

IMDb: 7.2
45 min

On the last day of their mission to Mars, three astronauts - Ed Barkley, Alan Wells and Pete Claridge - discover a cave with hieroglyphics on one wall. They also find a pod-like object but they are knocked out after trying to move it. They make it back to their ship and begin their voyage home. Five months into that return trip they begin to have equipment malfunctions and find a small growth of alien origin. Soon, one of the astronauts begins to believe that the others are aliens who have taken over the bodies of his shipmates. Written by garykmcd

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HD The Outer Limits

The Outer Limits


The Outer Limits

IMDb: 7.1
45 min

When an alien race makes first contact with the Earth, they request only one thing: Earth's dead. It seems the alien beings exist in a gaseous state that will come to an end if they are not given host bodies to occupy. The bodies of the dead will serve that function. One year later, Dr. Michael Alders is in charge of the program to provide the aliens with bodies. He considers them them to be parasites but carries on as best he can. When his best friends, Karen and James Heatherton die and are included in the program, his discomfort grows. When he learns however that the aliens have transported potentially toxic gases to Earth, he assumes the worse. Written by garykmcd

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HD 100 Things to Do Before High School

100 Things to Do Before High School


100 Things to Do Before High School

IMDb: 7.3
22 min

CJ, Fen and Crispo try to find their own unique ways of creating lasting memories of their time at Pootatuck.

Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD 100 Things to Do Before High School

100 Things to Do Before High School


100 Things to Do Before High School

IMDb: 7.2
23 min

Stress and competition take their toll on each friend's quest to take home the winning prize at the Pootatuck science fair.

Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD 100 Things to Do Before High School

100 Things to Do Before High School


100 Things to Do Before High School

IMDb: 8.6
22 min

When CJ begins feeling like she does not have any special talents, she teams up with Fen and Crispo to discover their ''special thing''.

Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD 100 Things to Do Before High School

100 Things to Do Before High School


100 Things to Do Before High School

IMDb: 7.6
23 min

CJ's mother challenges her to take care of a flour baby in order to prove that she is responsible enough to have a pet; Crispo and Fenwick also take on the challenge when they bet on who is more responsible of the two.

Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD 100 Things to Do Before High School

100 Things to Do Before High School


100 Things to Do Before High School

IMDb: 7.9
22 min

CJ, Fen and Crispo are determined to stay awake all night and witness the sunrise.

Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD 100 Things to Do Before High School

100 Things to Do Before High School


100 Things to Do Before High School

IMDb: 7.9
22 min

CJ, Fen and Crispo set out to grant the wishes of some people in their lives.

Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD 100 Things to Do Before High School

100 Things to Do Before High School


100 Things to Do Before High School

IMDb: 8.2
22 min

The trio of friends set out to conquer each of their biggest fears; CJ tries to talk to her crush.

Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD 100 Things to Do Before High School

100 Things to Do Before High School


100 Things to Do Before High School

IMDb: 7.8
22 min

CJ and her friends make flyers to start auditions for a new band but run into many accidents.

Genre: Comedy, Family,
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