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HD Longmire




IMDb: 9.0
68 min

A highway robbery which leaves one person dead and another barely alive, sets off an investigation involving a string of robberies. Henry begins taking steps in bringing justice to Gabriela's attackers.

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HD Longmire




IMDb: 8.7
44 min

A local Cheyenne is found dead in a house after a methane explosion, but the emotionally sensitive investigation could cost Longmire points in the upcoming election.

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HD Haven




IMDb: 7.9
44 min

Audrey tries to delve deeper into the Colorado Kid mystery with the help of Duke. Meanwhile, a series of explosions/fire related incidents take the lives of some of the townsfolk, which leads Nathan and Audrey to believe a school counselor is connected to the events. Written by kamas716

Country: Canada | USA
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HD The Killing

The Killing


The Killing

IMDb: 8.7
58 min

Questioning a neighbour leads to a revelation about one of the victims. Meanwhile, Reddick begins to investigate the disappearance of Lt. Skinner.

Country: USA
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HD The Killing

The Killing


The Killing

IMDb: 8.9
43 min

Holder and Linden now believe that a police officer framed Joe Mills for the murders of the young women found in the swamp. When they learn that an officer known to both of them lived next door to the first victim, they think they have their man. With Angie Gower having been killed, they fear for the worse when Adrian Seward goes missing as it seems the killer is now tying up loose ends. As Linden tries to tie things up, Carl Reddick is nowhere to be found, Holder is pulled in by Internal Affairs for questioning and Lt. Skinner's marriage has broken up forcing him to move out of his house. Linden finds the proof she needs to definitively identify the killer when she spots Kallie Leeds' ring. Written by garykmcd

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HD The Killing

The Killing


The Killing

IMDb: 8.8
43 min

With the execution of Ray Seward and Joe Mills about to be charged with the death of the young women, Linden and Holder try to put their lives back together. Linden renews her relationship with an old friend. Holder attends Bullet's funeral and then tries to make things right with his girlfriend Caroline. He also makes amends with his old partner, Carl Reddick. The detectives are called to the scene of a murder after firemen find a body inside a burnt out car. The coroner identifies the victim as a female who died sometime the previous day from a gunshot to the head. Whoever did it took out all of her teeth - and her ring finger is missing though it's a somewhat older injury. They think they have found Angie Gower. Holder thinks the only person who would have known about Joe Mills and who could have planted the rings to frame Mills would be another cop. Linden figures out how Adrian Seward was able to complete his drawings. At the prison, Becker tells Henderson that he's decided to ... Written by garykmcd

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HD The Killing

The Killing


The Killing

IMDb: 9.3
43 min

It's now 12 hours to Ray Seward's execution and Linden is still trying to get a stay of execution for him. Seward identifies his wife's ring from among the trophies found in Joe Mills' storage locker but it is insufficient to convince the Attorney General. Adrian is also at the prison having been promised the opportunity to see his father. He has information for Linden as well but Seward can't shed any light on who might have killed his wife. Written by garykmcd

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HD The Killing

The Killing


The Killing

IMDb: 9.0
43 min

Kallie's mother Danette Lutz is still looking for her and returns home to find Joe Mills waiting for her. He beats her and is long gone by the time the police arrive. The police do get a break in the case when they learn Mills had a storage locker. Holder and Linden check it out and find that Mills has been living there. They practically wrap up the case when they find trophies belonging to several of the dead girls. They're not prepared for what they find in the trunk of his taxicab. Ray Seward's execution is fast approaching. Linden finally gets permission to interview Seward's son Adrian and he identifies the killer. It doesn't add up however. Twitch and Lyric find a new place to live. Written by garykmcd

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HD The Killing

The Killing


The Killing

IMDb: 8.7
43 min

With his secrets unveiled, Pastor Mike takes Linden prisoner and they drive around the city. Linden manages to keep her radio on and the police are able to locate them. Linden believes him when he says he's not the serial killer and forensic analysis of his car seems to suggest he is innocent. Bullet is frantic over the missing Lyric, convinced that Pastor Mike has taken her. She tells Holder Mike has taken her to the woods where they found the killing field. The police diverted resources to look for her and it's apparent Bullet lied when they find Lyric out hustling on the street. For Bullet, Lyric's reaction to what she's done for her isn't quite what she was expecting. She talks to Angie Gower. At the prison, Seward pleads with his lawyer to do something, anything, based on Linden's belief that he is not guilty of killing his wife. The lawyer says nothing can be done. Written by garykmcd

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HD The Killing

The Killing


The Killing

IMDb: 8.4
43 min

Linden and Holder now suspect Pastor Mike as the man responsible for the murders. They have no proof however. Kallie's mother is still looking for her and visits the pastor who tells her not to lose hope. She finds a note on her windshield. Bullet and Lyric hook up. Bullet tells Holder that there's no way Pastor Mike is the killer. They get an eyewitness who saw the pastor with Angie Gower and learn Pastor Mike has a secret. At the prison, Seward razzes Becker for missing his shift during the death on cell block. Linden's boyfriend - or former boyfriend - wants to know what she's doing but she tells him it's over. Written by garykmcd

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HD The Killing

The Killing


The Killing

IMDb: 8.3
43 min

Linden and Holder question the girl they found, Angie Gower. She was badly beaten and had several of her fingers severed. She says her attacker was soft-spoken and said he was going to save her. She doesn't recognize any of the suspects' photos, including Joe Mills. Holder is beginning to think they're looking for the wrong guy. A terrified Danette Lutz goes to the police station to speak to them about what she's found. Linden has little respect for her but Joe Mills has disappeared. Linden wants to get permission for Adrian to visit his father in prison but his foster parents won't hear of it. Information from them lead Linden and Holder to the apartment where Seward's wife was killed and Linden is now convinced Adrian saw the killer. Skinner isn't impressed however. At the prison, Seward faces someone from his past and gets an unexpected visitor. Written by garykmcd

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HD The Killing

The Killing


The Killing

IMDb: 8.4
44 min

Kallie's mother Danette tells her boyfriend Joe Mills that she's starting to worry about Kallie. He tells her she has nothing to worry about. The police continue their search for Joe. Mama Dips denies even knowing him but Linden sees through her and determines the relationship between the two. They also learn that she twice called Joe at Danette's trailer. By the time they search Danette's trailer he is nowhere to be found. They get a solid lead when a teenager reports nearly hitting a badly injured girl with his car. They trace her steps and find a bloodied biohazard bag - but no victim. As they continue to search the city, they find blood evidence suggesting she may have gone to the teen shelter. There's no sign of her there but Bullet shows them where she might be staying. When they do catch up the girl, they find it's not Kallie. Danette's mother makes a horrifying discovery. Written by garykmcd

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HD The Killing

The Killing


The Killing

IMDb: 8.2
43 min

Linden and Holder aren't having much luck identifying the voice of the man who spoke to Kallie Leeds on the dvd they seized. The police raid the motel used by many of the prostitutes and a special room behind a false panel. Linden matches one of the 17 bodies to a girl in the video. She also finds one of the women on the dvds but she says she doesn't remember the man who questioned her. Linden thinks she's hiding something. Similarly, Kallie's mother says she never heard the voice on the recording but Linden thinks she's lying. Goldie turns the tables on the police and goes to the press who dub the killer the Pied Piper. Written by garykmcd

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HD The Killing

The Killing


The Killing

IMDb: 8.4
43 min

Adrian's drawing leads Linden to a killing ground where the police find a total of 17 bodies. All are of young women - some could be as young as 13 - and Linden, who accepts reinstatement as a detective, is put in charge of identifying the bodies. The coroner can give her little to go on but says its possible the women were killed in the same way as Ashley Kwan. He can confirm that the women were all killed several years ago but over a short period of time. Since Kwan was held for several days before being killed, Holder begins looking for the missing Kallie Leeds. A distrustful bullet points him in the direction of Goldie and while they don't find Kallie they do find that he is involved in kiddie porn. At the prison, Ray Seward has gotten his hands on a razor blade. Written by garykmcd

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HD The Killing

The Killing


The Killing

IMDb: 8.5
44 min

Bullet reports that Kallie Leeds is now missing and no one seems to have seen her after she left the shelter the previous evening. With Ray Seward opting for execution by hanging, correctional officer Francis Becker begins to review the procedures. Linden is disturbed by some of the coincidences she's found in Ashley Kwan's case and expresses some doubt about Seward's conviction to her former partner James Skinner. He's satisfied they did the right thing but Skinner's wife tells Linden to stay away from them. She next visits Seward's son Adrian who had drawn her a picture which she now recognizes. When she locates the site, she finds something that's quite grim. On death row Seward cons one of the correctional officers, Evan Henderson. into letting him make a phone call, supposedly to his lawyer. Becker is none too pleased and ensures Seward knows exactly what he's in for. Written by garykmcd

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HD The Killing

The Killing


The Killing

IMDb: 8.3
44 min

Detective Holder and his new partner investigate the murder of a 16 year-old hooker who was stabbed and had her throat slit. The medical examiner determines that she has defensive wounds and the knife used had a serrated edge. He and his new partner have had a good year solving all seven murders they've investigated. Holder has also given up some of his bad habits and will soon be writing his sergeants exams. Holder notices a similarity between this death and one that Sarah Linden investigated a few years before. In that case, Ray Seward was convicted of killing his wife Tricia Ann and is now on death row awaiting execution. Holder visits her to discuss the case but she's not keen to reopen a case she solved three years ago. She now works for the Seattle ferry system and has a new boyfriend. All in all, her life is good. As she reviews Holder's case file however, she is slowly drawn in. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Unsere Mütter, unsere Väter

Unsere Mütter, unsere Väter


Unsere Mütter, unsere Väter

IMDb: 8.1
89 min

The war on the Russian front goes disastrously wrong, so Frieldhelm's realistic pessimism spreads among the decimated comrades in arms, who bravely continue the near-hopeless battle assignments in a last hope offensive on Kursk. Friedhelm survives by wearing a Soviet uniform, only to be shot by his own men, yet is saved against the odds when nurse Charlotte begs the surgeon, who becomes her lover. At home, his father proves heartless, caring only for the presumed dead in action of firstborn hero Wilhelm, who actually deserted to live in a wood cabin but is found and condemned to the fire squad. Viktor is caught, sent to a concentration camp but escapes with a Polish girl. The are nearly denounced but brought to the partisans, who mistrust the off couple. Greta visits the front, sees the horror in Charlott'es field hospital and is arrested for publicly questioning the Nazi victory. Her lover learns about his child while questioning her. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: Germany
Genre: Action, Drama, History, War,
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HD Unsere Mütter, unsere Väter

Unsere Mütter, unsere Väter


Unsere Mütter, unsere Väter

IMDb: 8.1
91 min

As Hitler starts the war, the Berlin Winter family and their friends are confident it will soon be won. Popular Wilhelm, a rising army lieutenant, promises their father to look after 'rebel' kid brother Friedhelm, a broody intellectual, whose doubts about the propaganda's triumphant picture soon start proving more then justified, as the Russian winter proves as cruel to them as the SS-enforced treatment of Slavic and Jewish 'subhuman' locals. Their friend Viktor, son and heir of naively loyal tailor Goldstein, must flee, which is only possible if his girlfriend seduces an SS officer, who also helps launch her singing career. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: Germany
Genre: Action, Drama, History, War,
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HD Weeds




IMDb: 7.1
28 min

Nancy and Silas are approached with a new job opportunity. Shane does something reckless to impress Angela. A dejected Andy offers love advice to Rabbi Dave and his students. Doug tries to keep his fake charity -- and restless homeless group -- from disbanding. Written by Anonymous

Genre: Comedy, Crime, Drama,
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HD Strike Back

Strike Back


Strike Back

IMDb: 8.5

Scott and Mike continue to look for the ones responsible for the embassy bombing. The ambassador recovers in hospital with Chloe and his wife beside him. Mike still recovering from the sore shoulder takes on desk command while Scott and Philip go out to get Ray McQueen back from the corrupt police. Ray will only talk with his wife safe. Written by don wilson

Genre: Action, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Strike Back

Strike Back


Strike Back

IMDb: 8.9

A friend of Locke needs section 20's help when his daughter is kidnapped.

Genre: Action, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Strike Back

Strike Back


Strike Back

IMDb: 8.7

After the escape of Kamali, Section 20 with the help of DEA Agent Martinez and Mossad Agent Rebecca attempt to reacquire him by breaking into a bank and stealing the contents of Kamali's safety deposit box. In typical Section 20 fashion, all hell breaks loose during the escape. Rebecca is killed, but Richmond is able to access the information and find the locations of three safe houses that Kamali uses. Upon breaching the home, Kamali surrenders. He claims that he is CIA. With the prospect of dying if he is lying or dying if he is telling the truth, they allow him to take them hostage. During their questioning and torture at the hand of Gomez, Kamali frees them and goes back with them to Section 20. While all this madness is going on, Dalton is still searching for the source that exposed her team to Al Zuhari and Kamali. She finally gets some useful information from Sebastian Gray. As Gray is talking to her, he is shot. In the pursuing chase, Dalton runs out of bullets and has to be ... Written by Axe Pagode

Genre: Action, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Strike Back

Strike Back


Strike Back

IMDb: 8.9

A Section 20 surveillance operation in the Bakka Valley goes badly resulting in the death of Liam Baxter. Maj. Dalton captures the execution on video, but is unable to rescue him. Stonebridge and Scott are enjoying a well-deserved vacation riding motorcycles on the open highways of North America. They are recalled to duty to go after Liam's killer the terrorist Leo Kamali. With the help DEA Special Agent Kim Martinez, they plan to infiltrate a high level criminal cartel meeting in Colombia. Written by Axe Pagode

Genre: Action, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Dexter




IMDb: 8.9
53 min

It is now 38 days since Dexter saved his sister and executed the Ice Truck Killer. Since that time however, Sgt. Doakes has spent all of his free time following Dexter sure in his belief that something about him is wrong. Dexter very much wants to kill someone and when the opportunity finally arrives, finds that he is unable to follow through. His sister Debra, apparently recovered from her ordeal, returns to work but Lt. Laguerta isn't so sure. Rita is happy with her relationship with Dexter, but her husband keeps pressuring her to help him with his defense. The police discover Dexter's burial ground. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who

IMDb: 7.3
45 min | 45 min (50 episodes)

The Doctor, Rose and Adam travel 200,000 years into the future and land on Satellite 5, a space station orbiting the Earth. From the moment they arrive, the Doctor feels that something is wrong but he can't quite put his finger on it. Satellite 5 provides 600 channels of news and information to everyone on Earth and the crew, all humans, have a chip implanted in them allowing their brains to work as computers. As they explore the station, the travelers learn of the mysterious Level 500 that some of them are promoted to but are never seen again. The Doctor and Rose go to that mysterious level to find out just who - or what - is up there. Adam meanwhile tries to access the computer banks with the view to taking advanced knowledge back to present day Earth. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
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HD Psych




IMDb: 8.3
43 min | 60 min

Shawn and others investigate a man who claims he has been poisoned, and his client's safe deposit box contents are in jeopardy. Harris Trout investigates the police department and places Karen on suspension, demotes Carlton, and fires Psych and Buzz McNab. Written by Bernie

Genre: Comedy, Crime, Mystery,
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HD Psych




IMDb: 8.5
43 min | 60 min

Shawn is almost completely out of control after his father henry has been hospitalized, badly shot, with airhead vamp lover Chelsea yapping endlessly at his bedside. While Gus is scared worse then ever, Carlton provides invaluable backup, especially when the leads point to arms-traders and a gun range. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Crime, Mystery,
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HD Psych




IMDb: 8.9
43 min | 60 min

Arriving at a crime scene with a dead body, Shawn sees another victim that he connects to an unsolved case of his father's from 20 years ago. Henry works with Shawn and Gus. As the murders are solved, Shawn realizes his father is in danger. Written by Bernie

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Crime, Mystery,
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HD Rome




IMDb: 8.6
53 min

Even though his wife and children are avenged by the Erastes killing, Lucius Vorenus keeps mourning for over a month till Pullo gets Marc Antony who scolds him for Caesar's death and the continuing bloody Aventine gang riots that have resulted in the gangs wanting to fill the void left by Erastes sudden demise. Octavian is loosing patience with Marc Antony for payment of Caesar's inheritance. Meanwhile, Queen Cleopatra of Egypt arrives in Rome to pay her respects to Caesar and she also negotiates with Antony's military protection for her Pharaonic throne in exchange for valuable grain shipments. But she gets dismissed as a whore when she demands that her four-year-old son, Caesarion, be recognized as Caesar's legal son. Yet the uninvited pair of them is welcomed by Antony at Atia's party. Abusing a truce in the name of the goddess Concord and smashing up her statue, Vorenus imposes as 'son of Hades' on the gang captains a peace, paid off by Antony so trade and politics on and near the... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA | UK
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HD Rome




IMDb: 9.2
47 min

In the aftermath of their arena exploits, both Pullo and Vorenus have become icons and heroes to the people of Rome. As a result, Vorenus' defense of his actions to Caesar lands him in an unexpected position of power when Caesar, after proclaiming himself dictator for life, makes Vorenus a senator. In the meantime, Pullo's unexpected return to Vorenus' household to recover from his injuries away from a medical hospital, is not appreciated by his former slave Eirene who still holds a grudge against Pullo for killing her boyfriend. Elsewhere, Caesar decides to overhaul the senate by adding some surprising new faces, much to the chagrin of the old guard, including Brutus. As Servilia hurdles the final obstacle to her revenge plan against Caesar by secretly organizing the conspirators to assassinate Caesar in the senate on the Ides of March, she finally reveals her revenge and complex scenario to Atia and Octavian, while her servant learns the scandalous truth about Niobe's baby and ...

Country: UK | USA
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HD Rome




IMDb: 9.1
48 min

Rejected by Vorenus and Eirene and racked by guilt for the killing of Eirene's fiancé out of a jealous rage, Pullo has sunk to working as an assassin for the gangster Erastes. When Pullo gets arrested for killing one of Caesar's popular opponents, he condemns himself by refusing to name who hired him, despite Octavian's attempts to defend him. Meanwhile, Vorenus finds his new official duties as magistrate tedious, especially when he gets caught between Caesar and the demands made by veterans' spokesman Mascias. Niobe revels in the prestige of Vorenus's office until Caesar invites the Voreni to a symposium at Atia's house. Despite Servilia's surreptitious propaganda depicting Brutus as a tyrant-killer, and the urgings of Cassius and his own doubts, Brutus resists turning against Caesar. Antony makes his move to win back Atia. On the point of death in a gladiator arena, Pullo finds a new reason to live that yet again puts Vorenus in a tight spot. Also, Caesar makes a move that compels ... Written by Tom D.

Country: USA | UK
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HD Rome




IMDb: 8.6
52 min

The price of Caesar's mercy: Cicero nominates Caesar to an unprecedented ten-year dictatorship and Brutus speaks in support of the motion. With martial authority and Niobe at his side, Vorenus campaigns for magistrate under Posca's advice, but is shocked to learn from Posca that Caesar has already fixed the election in Vorenus's favor. Meanwhile, Atia continues her humiliation of Servilia while denying any involvement in her assault. But Atia becomes troubled by the silent depression of Octavia after Octavian compels her to return home from the cloister where she had fled. As Servilia lies at home shattered by her recent attack, she soon revives and gets her self-confidence back when she takes in the homeless and embittered Quintus Pompey whom she sees as her tool for revenge against Caeser for leaving her. As Caesar prepares for his Triumph involving five days of celebration and games, Antony finds that the dictator has no sense of humor about the trappings of power. The circulation ... Written by Tom D.

Country: USA | UK
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