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IMDb: 7.5
24 min

It is either one quarter or 20 past catatonic as the officers file into the 4077 O Club. Hawkeye's bar tab is so high, it inspires a whole week of cold turkey sobriety. As annoying as he is drunk, it is nothing to Hawkeye on the wagon. Honoria, younger sister of Chuckles, plans to marry an Italian. When he cannot take away her shoes and rice, Chuckles takes to drink. As Hawkeye's DTs worsen and infect the entire camp, Margaret finally tells him to shut up. Lt. Mendenhall (Shelley Long) made a date with a terrific guy named Hawkeye but soon finds she is really on a date with Wayne Wheeler. A catastrophe in OR sparks completely unprecedented events at the 4077--Dr. Sanctimony drives a nice Irish lad to cursing. Is theall or nothing approach a sign of lack of control, indicative of deeper issues? Would Carry Nation, herself, have meeded a few belts after the 4077's last session in OR? Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.1
24 min

There is still a lull in the conflict... until Col. Potter announces good news. Corporal Howser, former 4077 patient, is recovering nicely at Walter Reed after the intricate plumbing reroute done by BJ and Chuckles. The U.S. medical community is abuzz and The American College of Surgeons wants the two surgeons to write a paper for publication on the mobilization and exteriorization of the descending colon performed on Howser. Hawkeye is happy to see Jack Scully (Joshua Bryant) roll into his favorite party town but Scully is there to see Margaret. As egos and tempers flare in The Swamp, Margaret learns Scully has been busted to Private. But, Scully is a bit of a chauvinist and expects her to be his demure subordinate. The Major has grown: she is comfortable with her rank. She wants a man who is 10% her father, 10% Hawkeye, 3% Frank Burns and 1% her ex-husband, Donald. She never finishes her math: but she and Hawkeye agree they are each looking for a custom fit in an off-the-rack ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 8.5
24 min

Walter Dishell, M.D. (the medical advisor for M*A*S*H) co-wrote this episode with Alan Alda. An impromptu poker game at the chopper pad is interrupted by George, a patient who arrives from Battalion Aid with a purported open chest wound. Hawkeye diagnoses him with respiratory distress, too much gushing blood and a lacerated aorta. George may not even make it to OR unless drastic measures are taken. The pilot hands over his pocket knife; Hawkeye makes George's wound big enough to stick in his hand. Hawkeye wants to compress George's aorta against his spinal column to stop the bleeding. The biggest problem is if blood to the spinal cord is cut off for more than 20 minutes, George stands a good chance of paralysis or renal failure. Time is called: 1432 hours; a white clock appears at the bottom right of the TV screen. Hawkeye yells out for vascular clamps, his canvas tub, arterial grafts, ice and AB- blood. The clock ticks and ticks. There is no AB- blood. Margaret cannot find the clamps... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 8.1

Mike Farrell wrote this quirky post-Thanksgiving Day tale about salmonella and the turkey trots. Sam and Ella? Who are they? Rizzo asks. All that crazy Cajun wants for Christmas is to feel well enough to kill Klinger, procurer of putrid poultry. Hawkeye and BJ have a jeep accident and get lost on the way back from getting antibiotics from Kansong Battalion Aid Station. Margaret and Chuckles are en route from the 8063. Only Colonel Potter, Nurse Able, Klinger and Father Mulcahy are on their feet. Nurse Able does not reappear. When Klinger gets sick, Post Op actually manages a weak cheer. Margaret and Chuckles arrive soon after Col. Potter succumbs. Father is the only one who did not indulge in turkey, so Sam and Ella will not be visiting him. A pig-tailed Major may look like Dorothy but she firmly orders her CO to bed. Next, she threatens Chuckles with bodily harm if he does not help her and Father with all of the cleaning and nursing. BJ and Hawkeye's new friend, who they nickname... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.5
24 min

It is dry and smelly and the food is all being served creamed...even the wienies. The North Koreans are blockading water trucks. Chuckles is suspiciously clean. Father Mulcahy is helping a new nurse transfer, Lt. Gail Harris. Gail is studying for her medical aptitude test to apply for entry to medical school. Eager is mistaken for officious, and Gail alienates several people at 4077; Margaret has spoken to her about it as her superior officer. As a man of the cloth, Francis John Patrick Mulcahy understands what it is like to be different. When Gail embraces Johnny, it becomes a laughing matter for boorish Hawkeye. As the camp steer, Father confides in Hawkeye about the girl trouble. He is deeply upset Gail will quit her studies. Hawkeye agrees to talk to Gail... who goes off the rails: to Colonel Potter. The CO tells a stunned trio: You stop talking about her, you stop hating her and you stop dating her! Margaret proves she is becoming a better and more empathetic Head Nurse. ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 8.1
24 min

Klinger is performing his new duties with all the efficiency of a one-legged man at a butt-kicking contest, or so says Colonel Potter. Margaret calls Klinger Company Cluck. Chuckles calls him an oaf. Poor Klinger! Peg writes BJ how much Erin liked Radar and BJ is suddenly jolted with an irrational envy. BJ hates the sound of Radar's name and Klinger was tired of it 2 weeks ago. Hawkeye gets punched and 3 Marines nearly get vaccinated with darts. BJ and Klinger are on a drunken spree. Father Mulcahy gives Colonel Potter wise counsel; the CO remembers his own first days when he took the 4077 command from Lt. Col. Henry Blake. BJ laments about what he has missed and can never get back: Erin's lifetime. Stills, eyes and friendships are mended. Klinger follows his CO's sage advice: Klinger starts to make the job of Company clerk his own! Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.8
24 min

A congressional aide named Theodore Williamson, who works for a congressman named Lurie, arrives at the 4077 on what he claims is a fact finding mission. While there, he asks several rather personal questions about the staff. Hawkeye and BJ then become very concerned that Williamson is gathering info as a way to cut funding to the unit. However, he later reveals that the reason for his visit is to investigate one particular member; Major Margaret Houlihan, who, while in college was friendly several individuals whom the government feels are subversive. Now Margaret must face a very difficult choice, testify against her old classmates or not testify and be labeled a communist sympathizer, not only endangering her career but bringing shame to her father. Also, Klinger is bitten by the photography bug and tries to get candid shots of the staff so he can win a contest. Written by Brian Washington

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.4
24 min

BJ is appalled when his patient has entry wounds entering his body from 3 different directions. Col. Potter reminds him of Lt. Col. Lacy, 163rd Combat Infantry, the CO with the highest casualty rate of any single battalion in the sector. Apparently, Lacy refused to obey an order to retreat and subjected his men to hell. Poor Klinger: he has tried chicanery, malingering and endless flim-flammery, but now, Klinger is pulling out the heavy artillery, voodoo, to get his Section 8. Lacy visits the Post Op and one of his own men, Corporal North, turns away. Margaret is intrigued with the virile Lacy until she lunches with him and Lacy tells Margaret of his latest plan to take Hill 403. His plan is based on a plan used in the WWII Battle of Monte Casino...and it has a 20-30% casualty rate. Margaret understands this translates to 100 men and she leaves the table, sick. BJ and Hawkeye despise Lacy and his hypocracy; he thrives on his war games. Potter writes an unprecedented letter to I Corp ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.6
24 min

When Cho Pak and his daughter, Sun, pick up the Colonel's laundry, Potter wants to do a physical on the ancient cavalry man, but Cho Pak refuses. Klinger tries to bribe Col. Potter into giving him a Section 8. A 16 year old Korean teenager, Ham, is on the run from the ROK; he is discovered in Hotlip's shower; this time, her bath towel is green. The Swamp Rats hide Ham; they approach Hairy Mary (Klinger), for a cute dress to disguise him. Col. Potter and Radar are frantic: Sophie is missing; her saddle is left in the empty paddock. ROK officers storm The Swamp looking for deserters. The next day, Sophie appears, ridden by Cho Pak, who is resplendent, if not ashen, in his old cavalry uniform. Ham tells the surgeons his grandfather used to tell him stories of the famous Korean Army Field Colonel, Cho Pak, the war hero who saved their village. There is conversation between Potter and Sun; afterwards, the two war heroes solemnly and respectfully bow to one other. Radar tells Col. Potter,... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.9
24 min

Christmas is coming; this time, Father Mulcahy is the one writing home to his sister the Sister. Francis feels like he is not doing enough. As he collects money to buy toys and candy for the orphans at St. Theresa's, Chuckles rebuffs Father horribly. Radar asks Father to bless the O'Reilly's pregnant cow, Edna. Klinger is blue, he misses Packo's hot dogs, Toledo and Laverne; Margaret is blue: she was married to a skunk. Father has to punch Lt. Forrester to keep him still when he tangles with Margaret in triage; Father is devastated when the officer gets nasty with him. Francis tells Hawkeye he feels like he hangs around on the edge of effectiveness. The Christmas blues infect all of the officers and Col. Potter says: If you ain't where you are, you're no place. BJ plays Santa; eggnog and gifts flow in the mess tent. For once, Chuckles is near tears and his eyes are aglow: Father saves him by a simple act of kindness. The gang sings Dona Nobis Pacem as casualties arrive. Francis ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.9

Abercrombie and Fitch help BJ and Hawkeye cause unrest between the officers in the boiling summer at the 4077; the Swamp Rats receive a box which Chuckles calls canvas Xanadu. Klinger dons a fur coat and woollens and tries to melt his way out of the Army. No one at 4077 can keep a secret, especially with Hawkeye singing and quacking. Radar has a bad case of tonsillitis and with 104* heat, Potter and Hawkeye worry about his temperature. It becomes necessary to immerse Radar in the canvas Xanadu...everyone learns the secret at that point. With the mild Father Mulcahy yelling and waving a toilet brush, the camp is in revolt. Supply Sgt. Clifford Rhoden aka The Scrounger, offers cases of scotch and other goodies for the guys' 63 gallons of civilization. Col. Potter does Radar's surgery personally and he orders the Swamp Rats get rid of the tub. Radar is miserable and hot...he wants strawberry ice cream. Can the guys work a deal with the Scrounger? Will Klinger make it 24 hours or will a... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.6
25 min

There is a big push in the fighting and that means 24 hour surgery sessions. Chuckles is yawning in OR...everyone is exhausted, but Col. Potter says he needs to learn to pace himself. Klinger asks Boston butt if he can prescribe him a pick-me-up; he tells Klinger about amphetamines, uppers or bennies, as the Bohemians call them. But, he condescendingly tells Klinger he lacks the genetic superiority to be able to handle them. All of a sudden, Chuckles is running, writing and operating virtual rings around the other surgeons and staff. All notice this surge of energy but only bunk mates, Hawkeye and BJ worry when he cannot sleep. His Surliness rebuffs their concern. A few stupid men hurt Radar's feelings and talk down to him when he tries to make light conversation with them in Post Op. The 3 Jarheads are itching to be discharged so they can watch Sluggo, their unit mouse, race at the 4033. Radar is so incensed at the Jarheads' attack on his manhood, he challenges Sluggo with his ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.3

The 8063 visits the 4077 for the M*A*S*H ping-pong finals; Cho, of the 4077, wins 21-18, to the delight of all but Frank, who bet on the 8063. Lt. Col. Harold Becket is shot in the rear echelon and his old friend, Sherman Potter, is there to give him a hard time and reminisce. Cho introduces his fiancee, Soony, to the Swamp Rats. The guys suggest the couple get married at the 4077, as Soony is an orphan. Ferret Face interviews the bride-to-be to work at the 4077; Radar is there to inject common sense. Cho goes to Seoul to buy Soony a ring. Potter's pal, Becket, is a DC desk jockey, bucking for promotion to full bird colonel; all he needs is 5 more days on the line for his Combat Industry Badge. Potter will be the acting father of the bride. One of Col. Becket's men, Sgt. Blanchard, tells BJ and Hawkeye that Becket's lack of courage and leadership caused massive casualties; the Sgt. thinks he will be court martialed for talking. The doctors know they have to tell Col. Potter. Margaret ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.8
25 min

Radar has a 4-day pass and Klinger is the temporary company clerk. Frank is very particularly cranky; he infuriates Potter when he calls Potter old. Korean Army Hospital 426 needs two surgeons and supplies. Frank shoots off his big mouth again when he laughs at the idea of Col. Potter volunteering. A deck of playing cards decides the matter: Hawkeye and Potter pull the low cards, so they are going to the 426. Potter is adamant Hawkeye shall carry his sidearm; BJ fills it with water and brings it to the departing jeep. The 426 is in enemy territory and primitive; Major Choi, (Mako) is the ranking surgeon. Dr. Choi says they do the best they can with the available facilities. The work and hours are grueling; finally, Choi sends the doctors on their way, very grateful for the excellent work... and that they did not bring Ferret Face! On the ride home, Potter and Pierce find Klinger obligingly packed them a bottle. The doctors take on sniper fire and their jeep is they hit ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.2
25 min

Master Sergeant Woody Woodruff is in charge of mimeograph at I Corp; he also owes BJ and Hawkeye combined poker debts totalling more than $100.00. He suggests repaying his poker debts in an interesting way. At mail call, Margaret gets a crackling, leather whip from her fiance. Father gets a box of Ritz crackers instead of the requested RC communion wafers. Col. Potter gets two letters, one from his 5-year old granddaughter and one from I Corp: Mama says don't play with ashtrays and Radar O'Reilly is now a 2d Lieutenant. Will Radar like being 2d Louie and not an enlisted NCO? Is the brass always greener on the other side, as BJ says? Radar may find he prefers the merits of forbidden fruit to a military salute. Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.5
25 min

In the Army's infinite wisdom, Hawkeye is named Payroll Officer for the enlisted men at the 4077 and Radar pays the officers. Hawkeye has $10 left from the enlisted pay; Radar looks at the scrip like he is facing a firing squad. All Hawkeye wants is to nibble on a giggly nurse; Radar keeps coming at him with paperwork and dire predictions. Hawkeye shrugs him away, waxing poetic about what the U.S. Army SHOULD be paying him... unfortunately Radar writes it all down. Most of 4077 sits in a poker game; Trapper loses everything but his charm. In the next pay envelope, Radar smells the firing squad coming closer: $3,000.00 for Hawkeye. So, Hawkeye makes a huge donation to Father and the orphans and tries to continue nibbling. Kim Chun Quoc (Jack Soo) is Korea's Tiffany's on wheels; he sells Frank two strands of pearls: one fake set and one genuine set. Margaret finds out and plays her hand cleverly, never once doubting Frank's rat-finkery. When Captain Sloan, Supervising Acc-Fin comes to ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.8

After Hawkeye makes an insulting remark about Margaret, Frank snaps him with a towel and Hawkeye responds with a nicely placed right cross to Frank's eye. Hawkeye is then placed under house arrest and instead of being treated like a criminal, he is treated like a conquering hero for what he did even to the point of getting some very tasty water buffalo steak and having movies shown in the Swamp. In the meantime, Colonel Reese, the woman in charge of all the nurses in Korea, arrives to observe Margaret and her staff and, for some strange reason, becomes attracted to Frank and tries to seduce him. Also, Radar begins acting very strangely, even having the hem in his pants let out two inches. Written by Brian Washington

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.7
30 min

Radar loves animals; besides his zoo, he feeds a stray dog. Unfortunately, the dog bites Radar; unless they find it, Radar will have to take rabies shots. Frank does not believe in psychiatric cases and calls a GI with hysterical paralysis bug-nutty. The more humane Trapper wants to slug him. Cpl. Richard Travis (Michael O'Keefe) is the sole survivor of a tank slaughter. By following the methods of Dr. Sidney Freedman, Hawkeye and Trapper believe Travis can get well and rejoin his unit; the alternative is a lifetime of guilt and paralysis. Sidney cannot get away, so Hawkeye agrees to try to help Travis...but the treatment is as heinous for the staff as it is for the patient. Henry frets as Radar gets sicker and sicker from the rabies shots and Margaret and Frank are appalled at the treatment Travis is getting at the 4077. If a dog and a backbone can be located, they might be in business. Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 8.7
25 min

Hawkeye leads a Mess mutiny against a river of liver and an ocean of fish; Henry gives him a semi-private chewing out for the mess in Mess. As Hawkeye idly plays with the office skeleton, Henry uses the word rib. A light bulb illuminates and leads to some of the most complicated, precision maneuvers since WWII and Operation Overlord. Everyone has had a taste for a particular food or meal that cannot be satisfied by anything less than the actual food... and it is usually requires some effort. But, Hawkeye's craving is 20,000 miles away! Will Hawkeye get his special meal, and his special sauce? Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.7
25 min

With Henry in Tokyo giving a lecture, Frank turns into Carry Nation. He calls Trapper and Hawkeye alcoholics; his surveys show 57.230% of all military personnel in the Asian theatre have a drinking problem. So Frank declares Prohibition. Fr. Mulcahy is asked to give a temperance lecture and he has a packed house; naturally, he is a bit nervous. He is better with the standards. Klinger suggests a bracer that will take the good priest there and back again. When all hell breaks loose, will the 18th Amendment be repealed, for good? Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 8.0

It is a beautiful Spring day that makes one yearn for a group lobotomy. Trapper grabs a nurse; Radar wants to grab pretty Lt. Simmons (Mary Kay Place) and Henry grabs some golf. In the field, nostrils flare as Hotlips and Frank grab each other. A hairy English rose reads Rupert Brooke... and a telegram. She said yes! Hawkeye almost gets grabbed by a disturbed feline fondler, but his new buddy, Gargantuan Marine, Lyle Wesson (Alex Karras) saves him. And he keeps on saving him! Henry arranges a wireless wedding between Korea and Toledo with Father Mulcahy presiding. The brides wore white. Were Scott and Zelda on the guest list? Will there be dancing and/or twirling? Boy, they sure throw some weird parties, huh? Does the Jr. Swamp Rat finally get slaked? Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.9
25 min

Hotlips always gives visiting generals her special kind of welcome and Lt. General Robert Iron Guts Kelly (James Gregory) is no exception. On the day of his visit, Igor has to lay low with the crew of local business girls he imported to entertain the enlisted men. Iron Guts is such a 3-star man, he even has stars on the surgical cap he wears in the OR. Hawkeye and Trapper hate him at first sight but at second sight, Iron Guts Kelly takes on a kind of vigor...or is that rigor? His aide-de-camp, Colonel Wortman, is very proud and protective of Iron Guts: if this hero ever dies, Wortman knows Robert Iron Guts Kelly will perish in a full-scale blazing, glorious, star-spangled death. He certainly would not die with his boots off, of myocardial infarction, in the arms of a luscious head nurse. Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.9
25 min

With Henry at a medical conference in Tokyo, Frank is busy playing I Love a Parade. His inept inspection results in Radar nearly getting his can shot off by Igor. Hawkeye is named O.D., but he will not carry the gun; Hawkeye keeps trying inspect the insides of his eyelids. Klinger keeps escaping: he needs to do some Seoul searching, but Hawkeye cannot give him a pass. It is the 4077 Kim Lucky day. Colonel Flagg shows up with a 16 year old nearly dead North Korean spy who likely responded poorly to Flagg's questioning. Flagg has one simple request: bring him back to life so I can execute him in Seoul. The acting CO and his adjutant cave in before Flagg has the chance to speak, but the other doctors do not blindly follow orders or issue death sentences. But, Flagg is willing to take his prisoner at gunpoint: no formal discharge is required--it saves on paperwork. O.D. Hawkeye allows Flagg to drive away with a body. How can mere eggheads screw around with intelligence? Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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HD 12 Monkeys

12 Monkeys


12 Monkeys

IMDb: 9.3
43 min

With time running out, Cole and Railly splinter back to 1957 in an attempt to find the last paradox Primary. With the machine destroyed, Ramsey, Deacon, Whitley, Jennifer AKA Mother and Hannah go across country in a last-ditch attempt to find Titan and kill The Witness. Written by Snowball

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HD Beauty and the Beast

Beauty and the Beast


Beauty and the Beast

IMDb: 8.5
42 min

Vincent (Jay Ryan) and Cat (Kristin Kreuk) realize they have to go into hiding now that someone is out to kill Vincent. Vincent wonders if Cat would have been better off without him and gets a glimpse into exactly what her life could have been. Austin Basis, Nina Lisandrello and Nicole Gale Anderson also star.

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HD Beauty and the Beast

Beauty and the Beast


Beauty and the Beast

IMDb: 8.9
43 min

Several weeks have passed since their epic defeat of Gabe, and Cat and Vincent are finally able to begin a new, normal stage in their lives. Unfortunately, normal isn't in the books for him, as confirmed by the two FBI Agents trying to recruit him.

Country: USA
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HD Beauty and the Beast

Beauty and the Beast


Beauty and the Beast

IMDb: 9.1
42 min

Evan, in a misguided effort to protect Cat, gets himself jailed so she will be visiting him while Muirfield hunt for Vincent in the tunnels. Muirfield arrange for Evan to be taken to the same facility where they are now holding Vincent. Meanwhile Cat discovers where Vincent's being held with JT's help, and mounts her rescue plan. Evan overhears Muifields plans for Vincent and realises he has been duped. Cat releases Vincent and Evan apologises for betraying him, but during their escape Evan gets fatally wounded and sacrifices himself in more ways than one. Written by ascotthpu

Country: USA
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HD Beauty and the Beast

Beauty and the Beast


Beauty and the Beast

IMDb: 9.0
42 min

Cat rushes to Vincent's aid, trying to persuade Tess that he is not the danger Tess thinks he is. JT ends the standoff by firing a tranquilizer dart. Cat has to leave Vincent to guard Tess to stop her from revealing his whereabouts and he attempts to convince her not to turn him in for Cat's sake. Cat goes to Tess's apartment to find files that would prove he only killed those committing criminal acts. Vincent lets Tess go, although she remains unconvinced and goes straight to A.D.A. who assigns two cops to go with Tess into the underground tunnels to catch Vincent. Tess realizes they are not following correct police protocols but when she mentions it they shoot her, leaving her to drown. Vincent rescues her. Later Evan goes to Cat's apartment to declare his feelings for her only to see her and Vincent kissing on the fire escape and as he watches Vincent leaps from the 5th storey onto a passing truck and to the ground. Written by ascotthpu

Country: USA
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HD Beauty and the Beast

Beauty and the Beast


Beauty and the Beast

IMDb: 9.0
40 min

Cat and Vincent spend the night together. Cat is called to another vigilante crime scene but when she tries to convince Joe this is not the work of the vigilante he ignores her. Muirfield contact Evan, expecting him to sabotage the forensic evidence if necessary to keep the task force from finding the vigilante so they can get to him first. Tess is angry with Joe for sidelining her from field-work and sending her instead to interview the victims of attacks that the vigilante protected. Cat and Vincent rig the lab to blow when the task force arrive but Muirfield get there beforehand and after Vincent and Cat's narrow escape Tess finds Vincent in the subterranean tunnels and shoots him. Written by ascotthpu

Country: USA
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HD Beauty and the Beast

Beauty and the Beast


Beauty and the Beast

IMDb: 9.0
42 min

There's a manhunt for the vigilante because the police believe he killed Bishop's brother and nearly killed Catherine's sister. Catherine knows the circumstances of what happened. So she again tries to help Vincent. So she tries to find the witness who knows what happened. A new A.D.A. shows up and questions them about why they're unable to find the vigilante. Written by

Country: USA
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HD Beauty and the Beast

Beauty and the Beast


Beauty and the Beast

IMDb: 8.9
42 min

After a dinner where Cat introduces Vincent to Heather ends badly, Heather enlists Tess to stage an intervention with Cat. Evan receives an interesting proposition that could change the course of his cross species investigation and at an event to honor Joe, Heather goes missing and Vincent is forced to make a tough decision that saves her life. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Beauty and the Beast

Beauty and the Beast


Beauty and the Beast

IMDb: 8.9
41 min

Cat told Vincent that she wouldn't be second choice after Alex and so on St.Valentine's day Vincent is desperate to win Cat over. JT offers advice on how to woo Cat, (taken from the internet and which he is using for his own girlfriend). Vincent sends Cat cut flowers which she gives to Tess,then chocolates followed by street dancers who surround Cat as he watches her online, none of which impresses Cat. Meanwhile Cat contacts Alex and warns her that she is now on Muirfields radar and they will use her to get to Vincent so she must disappear. Evan is suspicious of girlfriend, Claire, as she was the only one to have opportunity to contaminate his DNA sample in the lab. Heather starts a new job and meets Joe's brother, Darius. The case of a journalist's apparent suicide lands on Tess and Cat's desk and Cat finds a mobile phone at the scene which links to Alex. Vincent rushes to Alex when she calls him for help only to be drugged by her. Cat visits evidence locker and is caught by Tess ... Written by ascotthpu

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