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HD Mr. Robot

Mr. Robot


Mr. Robot

IMDb: 9.6
44 min

Elliot wakes up in an abandoned lot following the explosion at the Washington Township plant, which is no longer there.

Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Mr. Robot

Mr. Robot


Mr. Robot

IMDb: 10

Elliot gets to Coney Island, and the delusion begins to slip. Mr. Robot reveals the truth.

Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Mr. Robot

Mr. Robot


Mr. Robot

IMDb: 9.9

Fsociety faces off against Deus Group.

Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Mr. Robot

Mr. Robot


Mr. Robot

IMDb: 9.8
49 min

Dom has an unpleasant Christmas. Darlene and Elliot perform a daring infiltration. Krista prepares for a date.

Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Mr. Robot

Mr. Robot


Mr. Robot

IMDb: 9.5

Elliot and darlene come together. Dom gets dark army vibes. Price has answers.

Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Mr. Robot

Mr. Robot


Mr. Robot

IMDb: 9.8
60 min

During the Christmas season, Elliot and Mr. Robot make their return. Darlene deals with real trouble. Tyrell is bored. Dom becomes paranoid.

Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Mr. Robot

Mr. Robot


Mr. Robot

IMDb: 8.6
49 min

Follows Elliot, a young programmer working as a cyber-security engineer by day, and a vigilante hacker by night.

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Smash




IMDb: 8.6
42 min

Bombshell and Hit List lead the Tony nominations with twelve and thirteen nominations respectively. Some things seem a certainty at tonight's awards ceremony, primarily that Derek, who has three individual nominations, will win nothing as he is now seen as persona non grata by the Broadway community after his public announcement of his casting couch process, the latest which led to Ana's firing and Daisy's hiring, and that he will not attend the ceremony. Since he made that announcement, he has been in hiding in his apartment, with none of his closest confidantes being able to get him out of his funk. In part because of Derek's situation, Ivy is uncertain if she will tell him that she's pregnant. Based on advice from Ivy, Karen and the Hit List cast decide to hold a revolt against Daisy at the Tony ceremony, their tactic which may backfire on them. The one person who may not be involved at all is Jimmy, who has decided not to attend the ceremony, but which he has told no one or ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Musical,
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HD Smash




IMDb: 7.9
43 min

The Outer Critics Circle (OCC) Award winners, which many see as a precursor to the Tonys, have just been announced. The results amp up the strategies each team uses in securing that coveted Tony nomination. Each of the individual members of the Bombshell and Hit List teams make some moves - some calculated, some unwitting - that may place them in a bad light, especially in how they deal with their main competition. Regardless of the OCCs, Tom may have problems getting a Tony nomination because of the less than friendly or ethical encounters he has with movie and Broadway star Patrick Dillon, who is on the Tony nominating committee. Thus it may not be good timing for Tom to admit or act upon the fact that he has a crush on straight Patrick, whose sexual orientation has been in question by the public. Jerry wants to use the OCCs that Hit List won for his advertising campaign for the Tonys, which does not include pushing for Kyle, who he says is getting no buzz. As such, Jimmy ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Musical,
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HD Smash




IMDb: 8.5
43 min

The teams and individuals at both Bombshell and Hit List are going about their regular routines, both with regard to their respective shows and with their interpersonal relationships. This business includes Tom taking legal measures to dissolve his partnership with Julia, much to her ire, and Karen contemplating beginning a sexual relationship with Derek following her fall-out with Jimmy. But all comes to a screeching halt with the news of Kyle's death, he who was struck by a car. The team at Hit List is particularly hard hit by the news. The one person who isn't yet is Jimmy, who is no where to be found. However, Derek and Scott have to figure out what to do about this evening's show. Julia wants to do something special to remember Kyle which she hopes will be supported by the Broadway community despite Kyle not yet having done anything on Broadway. But Kyle's death has an unintended result, which is helped along by Jerry, much to Eileen's chagrin. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Musical,
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HD Smash




IMDb: 8.1
43 min

Tom has been appointed director of Bombshell after Derek leaves the show. But Tom's style and vision doesn't mesh with Karen, with who the rapport becomes quietly but openly strained. In addition, Tom doesn't feel he can use Derek's choreography, and as such the new dance numbers are insipid, especially in Jerry's eyes. Eileen works behind the scenes to regain legal production control from Jerry, but even if she does achieve this goal, it may be too late for Tom, who may be fired by Jerry, especially as he still wants Derek back at the helm. Jerry's wish may become reality as Derek is having troubles letting go of Bombshell from his life. Julia does whatever she can to protect Tom in this situation. Meanwhile, Liaisons now has as its star a non-medicated and thus non-manic Terry Falls, but that still may not be able to save the production from a critical drubbing on its opening and thus imminent closure. But some within the production may not see that as a bad thing. And after ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Musical,
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HD Smash




IMDb: 7.9
43 min

Bombshell, Dangerous Liaisons and Hit List are all going through problems. Ivy asks Derek for advice on how to save Liaisons and/or her career if the show goes forward in its current direction as dictated by its star, Terry Falls. With Bombshell, Eileen, who had the tie breaking vote - with Julia and Derek on one side, and Jerry and Tom on the other - decides to go with Jerry and Tom and go with an earlier, more commercial book draft rather than Julia's latest draft, which she and Derek feel is the best work she's ever done. In addition, Jerry wants to cut the first song Julia and Tom wrote for the show, and what Julia still feels is the emotional core of the show. And Jerry, who has just found out about Hit List, informs Karen on the day of the first performance that her contract does not allow her to perform in the show, which if she decides to abide by Jerry's directive will leave Jimmy and Kyle in the lurch at the eleventh hour. These situations leave Derek, Karen and ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Musical,
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HD Smash




IMDb: 7.8
43 min

Jerry has taken production control of Bombshell away from Eileen because of her legal issues, although she and the show's cast and crew are unaware that he orchestrated the publicizing of her illegalities with Ellis' help. Eileen tries to figure out a way to remain part of the production team while not kowtowing to Jerry. Regardless, there will be no show if Julia can't provide a satisfactory rewrite, her job being on the line. Julia is excited about her latest draft, which was developed with Peter's help, leading up to its official read-through, that is until Tom voices his concerns to her about Peter's possible ulterior motives. Karen is excused from the read-through, which allows her to concentrate her time on helping Jimmy and Kyle bring the first act of their musical to the Fringe Festival. They decide to do a read-through of their own with Karen's friends in attendance. What Karen does not realize until that read-through is that she has never seen or heard Kyle's text, and has... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Musical,
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HD Smash




IMDb: 8.0
43 min

Eileen has to decide if she will sell Nick down the river at the deposition into the illegal funding of Bombshell. The fact that Nick has gone into hiding may make her decision easier. While the cast and crew wait in limbo as to Bombshell's fate, many, including Derek as director, Tom as musical director, and Karen and ultimately Ivy as chorus work on Veronica Moore's concert, which will be performed in 24 hours to a sold out house. Veronica wants this event to be her big break away from her sweet, ingénue image, or so she says. Despite the fact that a deal has been struck to air this concert on cable television, no one seems very happy due to competing priorities, namely those of Derek, Tom, Veronica, and Veronica's stage-mother mother, Cynthia Moore. Part of those problems may be solved by a new song for Veronica to perform that satisfies all the parties involved. Nothing in Tom and Julia's catalog fits the bill, so Karen thinks that Jimmy could write that song if there isn't one ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Musical,
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HD Smash




IMDb: 7.9
42 min

Eileen's public legal problem concerning financing the show is perhaps the biggest obstacle in Bombshell making it to Broadway. As such, many with the show look for other professional opportunities. Derek may have problems getting another job as Rebecca Duvall's false publicity statement that she quit the show due to unwanted sexual advances by Derek leads to other actresses claiming the same. After running into another former actress colleague, Ivy contemplates getting out of the business altogether. And Karen comes across a couple of bartenders who are writing a musical, the songs which Karen loves. However, the composer, Jimmy Collins, doesn't want Karen's help, he who seems to despise her and everything about her. Meanwhile, Eileen plans on crashing an American Theater Wing dinner, where she and the Bombshell team are personae non gratae because of their public problems. Eileen wants to prove to the theater community that they are still alive, kicking and more than ready to ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Musical,
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HD Smash




IMDb: 8.1
43 min

After a successful run in Boston with Karen in the lead, Bombshell seems destined for Broadway, making Karen a Broadway superstar. As such, Karen is now part of the show's power team, and, based on advice she gets from Broadway star Veronica Moore, she can make whatever requests she wants to protect the material. Despite most of the cast and crew being automatically rehired for the Broadway run, Karen has the power to dismiss Ivy, who not only tried whatever she could to thwart Karen's success, but was also the reason for her break up with Dev. Ivy, in turn, does whatever she can to secure her place in the show. The road to Broadway may not be a totally smooth one as Eileen's personal life takes its toll on her professional life. Meanwhile, Julia, who has not read the reviews, is unaware that her contributions were the one heavily criticized area of the show. But she and Frank try to repair their marriage following Julia's affair, which may continue to preoccupy her thoughts. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Musical,
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HD Smash




IMDb: 8.1
43 min

As Rebecca immerses herself further into the project, she demands change after change to turn it more into a play and less as a musical to work toward her own strengths, or more precisely to steer away from her weakness as a singer. Rebecca also befriends Karen, who, to the media, becomes Rebecca's new BFF to the point of speculation that they are lovers. Regardless, Karen welcomes her new friend, being able to bask in the media limelight for whatever reason and enjoy the trappings associated with being with a movie star. However, the forever part of BFF might not fit into Rebecca's grand plan. Unknown to Rebecca, there are others behind the scenes that are maneuvering for Ivy to emerge the star despite Derek's seeming obsession with Karen in the role. Rebecca and Karen's friendship also has an effect on Karen and Dev's relationship. Meanwhile, Eileen gets a head's up from Ellis that Jerry will be attending the same social function as her. Rather than it be an awkward situation, she... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Musical,
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HD Smash




IMDb: 7.5
44 min

With Ivy cast as Marilyn and Karen cast in the ensemble, the production moves into the workshop phase, the $200/week paycheck per person which causes some unspoken issues among many of the cast. For Karen, a trip back to Iowa for a friend's baby shower places her life into perspective for her, her friends and her family. Ivy's own insecurities surface as she wonders if she only got the part because she is sleeping with Derek. With the principal female lead cast, the casting moves to the three male leads, the first being Joe DiMaggio. The name that comes to mind for most is Michael Swift, which causes Julia some unspoken anxiety. She eventually admits the reason for her anxiety to Tom, which could add an extra dimension to her already tenuous relationship with Ellis. And Eileen continues to have problems attracting investors, as many of her past investors had always dealt with Jerry, who they trust more than her. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Musical,
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HD Smash




IMDb: 7.7
44 min

Ivy and Karen learn that they are the final two auditionees standing for the role of Marilyn. After an excruciating four day delay, they learn that they are being called back for yet another audition instead of hearing the definitive news of if they got the part. In the lead up to that audition, Dennis, a dancer friend of Ivy's, acts as her unofficial spy in the enemy camp. And Karen makes a decision about her rehearsals that could jeopardize her relationship to Dev. Behind the scenes, Derek still believes Karen is the better candidate, as her freshness and inexperience will add the needed dimension into the role, while Tom is Ivy's biggest backer, believing she has the experience and vulnerability in her personality to carry off the part successfully. Julia is somewhat caught in the middle, she who wants to seem impartial. A personal move by one could sway the vote. Meanwhile, Julia and Frank receive some news about their adoption process which makes Frank reconsider, much to Julia ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Musical,
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HD Smash




IMDb: 8.1
44 min

With their latest show Heaven on Earth still running on Broadway, the song and book writing team of Julia Houston and Tom Levitt have decided to take a professional break, in part to give Julia and her husband Frank time to go through an adoption process and in turn allow Julia to be a stay-at-home mom. But a germ of an idea from Tom's new assistant Ellis Tancharoen leads to the thought of writing a new musical based on Marilyn Monroe. A further move by Ellis which could kibosh the idea before it even gets off the ground instead generates buzz around the new project. On board is producer Eileen Rand, who, because of divorce proceedings, is unable to continue work on what would have been her focus of a revival of My Fair Lady. Eileen wants to hire Derek Wills to direct, much against Tom's wishes as the two hate each other. Julia and Tom believe that their friend Ivy Lynn, who currently performs in the ensemble of Heaven on Earth, would be perfect to play Marilyn. But during open ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Musical,
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HD Elementary




IMDb: 8.2
43 min

When a groundbreaking artificial intelligence software program is stolen, Sherlock agrees to take on the case, but enlists Joan's assistance in solving it when he becomes more interested in disproving the computer's abilities than finding the thief. Meanwhile, Joan confronts Sherlock about his motives after she learns he has been in direct contact with her boyfriend, Andrew, without her knowledge.

Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD American Horror Story

American Horror Story


American Horror Story

IMDb: 8.0
47 min (original 720p 60fps release)

Fiona and Laveau have a deadly face off with The Corporation. Cordelia makes a desperate sacrifice to protect the Coven.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller,
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HD Suits




IMDb: 8.6
43 min

With Hardman back and knowing that it's a matter of time before he challenges Jessica for control. She decides to make sure she has enough support. So she asks Harvey to go out and get it. Problem is that he rubbed so many members of the firm the wrong way. He tries to get the head of the firm's bankruptcy department to side with Jessica when the time comes but the man feels Jessica treats him like dirt. Harvey tries to get his support by trying to get a man who is building a building that's over budget, to declare bankruptcy. But the man doesn't want to do it so Harvey and Mike try to get the bank to get an extension. When the head of the department learns what Harvey is doing he warns him that this will not get him to support Jessica. And Mike after hearing Rachel's message tells her he did. Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Mr. Robot

Mr. Robot


Mr. Robot

IMDb: 9.0
47 min

Angela makes an unexpected acquaintance; Darlene realizes she's in deep; and an old friend reveals all to Elliot.

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Mr. Robot

Mr. Robot


Mr. Robot

IMDb: 8.7
47 min

Angela makes an acquaintance; Dom begins seeing the scope of things; an old friend reveals everything to Elliot.

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Mr. Robot

Mr. Robot


Mr. Robot

IMDb: 9.4
43 min

Elliot wonders if Mr. Robot has been lying to him; Darlene attempts to do the right thing; Dom and the FBI get closer.

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Mr. Robot

Mr. Robot


Mr. Robot

IMDb: 8.8
49 min

Angela wants more from Evil Corp; Dark Army's allegiance is in question; Elliott and Darlene seek answers.

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Mr. Robot

Mr. Robot


Mr. Robot

IMDb: 8.7
46 min

The latest fsociety leak has Dom trying her best to spin the case in the FBI's favor; Angela defends her career choices; Darlene makes it known that her circle of trust is shrinking.

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Mr. Robot

Mr. Robot


Mr. Robot

IMDb: 9.4
49 min

Mr. Robot and Elliot try to keep the peace. Fsociety releases a video honoring Uncle Sam. Darlene acts upon an old desire.

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Mr. Robot

Mr. Robot


Mr. Robot

IMDb: 9.2
50 min

Mr. Robot has an original way to show Elliot that he can be useful. Darlene and Angela take a shot at their plan.

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Mr. Robot

Mr. Robot


Mr. Robot

IMDb: 9.0
51 min

Elliot can't quit the game; Dom and the FBI head to China to investigate 5/9; Joanna is haunted; and Darlene calls on Angela for help.

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Mr. Robot

Mr. Robot


Mr. Robot

IMDb: 8.6
63 min

Elliot vows to beat Mr. Robot; Angela gets a glimpse behind the curtain at E Corp; and fsociety stirs up trouble.

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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