After a streak of bad luck in the last days of summer, Kaoru sees a psychic, who implies that her three roommates are the cause of her problems.
During a sudden power outage, Kaoru and her friends are stopped dead in their tracks when a spirit from beyond the grave makes a surprise visit.
While Rilakkuma is able to wholeheartedly enjoy the food and games at the summer festival, Kaoru grows frustrated by her own perpetual indecisiveness.
Heavy rains bring an unlikely growth of mushrooms inside the home, and Kaoru's spirits are dampened when she's the subject of office gossip.
A sense of panic takes over Kaoru when she receives a ransom note demanding a stack of pancakes in exchange for the safe return of Rilakkuma.
Kaoru is dejected when her friends' busy lives prevent them from attending their annual Hanami. Rilakkuma can't make pancakes without burning them.
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