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Petticoat Junction


Petticoat Junction

IMDb: 7.2
26 min

In relaying the story of room 7 of the hotel - the Mallard P. Bradley Memorial Suite, he who was the girls' great-great-grandfather and founder of the Shady Rest - Uncle Joe comes to the realization that in one week's time it will be the seventy-fifth anniversary of the completion by said Mallard P. Bradley of the railroad between Hooterville and Pixley. He feels there should be a special community ceremony marking the anniversary. The problem ends up being that although he invites representatives from both Pixley and Hooterville to be present at the ceremony, Uncle Joe wants all the glory moments of the ceremony for himself. The most contentious of those ceremony events is the driving of the golden spike, which all the community leaders want to do. Bobbie Jo ultimately comes up with the compromise candidate that everyone can agree on, especially since he was at the driving of the original last spike: Grandpa Miller. The choice of Grandpa Miller has its own challenges, specifically ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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Petticoat Junction


Petticoat Junction

IMDb: 7.4
26 min

Despite Uncle Joe having trained the chimpanzee he bought Kathy Jo as her first birthday present to run errands for him, the chimp nonetheless is wreaking havoc everywhere else in the hotel. The girls and Janet agree that the chimp has to go, and the person who needs to get rid of it is Uncle Joe, as the chimp has become his best friend more than Kathy Jo's new plaything. They also volunteer Steve to be the bearer of the bad news to Uncle Joe. When Uncle Joe gets the news, he agrees only on the condition that they find him a good home. Although Uncle Joe is true to his word in getting rid of the chimp despite the heartache of doing so, they find that the task is a little more difficult than just finding it that new home. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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Petticoat Junction


Petticoat Junction

IMDb: 8.1
26 min

It's Kathy Jo's first birthday. The lead-up to the birthday party doesn't come off quite as planned. Billie Jo, who is out of town on a singing engagement, was planning on making it back in time for the party, but she may have to decide if the party or her career is more important when her singing engagement is held over. Janet and her nursing assistant Bobbie Jo are called off on a medical emergency which ends up being a little more plentiful than they first thought. Sam has a last minute court case where he has to perform his justice of the peace duties which involves an uncooperative defendant. Steve is called back to redo a recently completed job where insects are infesting the crop. And Uncle Joe has taken Kathy Jo into Pixley to buy her whatever she wants for her birthday present. That gift ends up causing a bit of an issue in town which delays Uncle Joe and Kathy Jo indefinitely. So when the party rolls around, will anyone be there besides Betty Jo and Dog? Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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Petticoat Junction


Petticoat Junction

IMDb: 6.9
26 min

The entire family is heading off on their annual weekend camping trip. Bobbie Jo talks Orrin into coming along this year much to Uncle Joe's dismay, not only because he still sees Orrin as a bumbling fool and nemesis but because he learns that Bobbie Jo, using this camping trip as a ploy to work on Orrin, wants to eventually marry him. Janet thinks this trip will end up being a good opportunity for Orrin to get on Uncle Joe's good side by demonstrating his abilities in his element, the great outdoors. Despite Orrin's best attempts to win over Uncle Joe, Uncle Joe takes an antagonistic attitude toward anything Orrin says or does. The capper for Uncle Joe is when Orrin runs off in a moment of crisis. But does Orrin's seemingly cowardly behavior have a greater motive? Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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Petticoat Junction


Petticoat Junction

IMDb: 6.8
26 min

Based on a misunderstanding with Uncle Joe specifically about the use of the bathroom they share, Steve thinks that it's time for him and Betty Jo to move out of the hotel to preserve Bradley family harmony. Although Mr. Haney hasn't been too successful in selling their cottage, they speak to him about other his other listings they may be interested in buying. They come to understand why he isn't such a successful real estate agent. Meanwhile back at the hotel, everyone, including Uncle Joe, are sorry that Steve and Betty Jo want to move. While Billie Jo and Janet feel that it really is Steve and Betty Jo's decision without their meddling, Uncle Joe and Bobbie Jo want to do something to make Steve and Betty Jo change their minds. Uncle Joe thinks he has the perfect idea: build another bathroom in the hotel for Steve and Betty Jo. The ease or success of carrying out Uncle Joe's plan is another matter. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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Petticoat Junction


Petticoat Junction

IMDb: 7.3
26 min

With nurses Billie Jo, Bobbie Jo and Betty Jo by her side, Janet mounts an influenza vaccination campaign. To prevent a flu outbreak, she plans on providing a free shot to every single person in the valley. Beyond getting her novice nurses accustomed to poking a needle into real human flesh, Janet may have some problems from needle phobic patients, such as Uncle Joe. But they manage to inoculate every single person in the valley except the back woods Tweedy family, led by the family patriarch Jasper Tweedy, who speaks less with his mouth and more with his shotgun. Janet is concerned as the multitude of Tweedy children alone could start an outbreak of the flu. Janet tries to reason with him, use an old checkers playing friend (Uncle Joe) to soften him up, have her pretty nurses cozy up to his eldest son, Claude Tweedy, and use the perception of authority (Orrin) to force him. But their best line of attack in getting the Tweedys immunized may be Jasper's dog, Gus. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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Petticoat Junction


Petticoat Junction

IMDb: 6.7
26 min

The beautiful and sexy Jacqueline Moran, famed author of Sex Is Here to Stay, is staying at the Shady Rest to complete her latest novel. The reason for her choosing the Shady Rest gets Steve into some trouble. He met her the previous year when she visited the air force base where he was doing some reserve training. He, who acted as her base escort, recommended the hotel to her. To the Bradleys, Jackie seems like the type of woman who would have done whatever Steve wanted and more. Despite Steve vowing that he did nothing to encourage Jackie, she still fawns over him. As such, the Bradley sisters do whatever they can to slyly encourage her to leave for the sake of Steve and Betty Jo's marriage. Uncle Joe unwittingly thwarts their plans and makes her want to stay longer. But Billie Jo comes up with another plan of her own, using a little of Jackie's own devices. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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Petticoat Junction


Petticoat Junction

IMDb: 6.7
26 min

Glen Tinker had a very modest country music recording career before being drafted. His biggest fan, Bobbie Jo, is excited that he, now out of the military, is coming to Hooterville to perform and is staying at the Shady Rest. Other than Bobbie Jo, one other person in Hooterville that actually knows of Glen is Janet. She is a member of the International Adoption Agency, which suspects that someone in his army unit that was recently discharged abducted a little four year old orphaned girl named Tami Kwong from the adoption center in Da Nang, Vietnam. Glen states that he knows nothing of Tami's whereabouts. But what Uncle Joe, Billie Jo and Bobbie Jo soon find out is that Glen has Tami stashed in his duffel bag. It is obvious that the two want to be together, but that Glen would not be considered suitable parental material by the adoption agency. The Bradleys may be willing to assist Glen in keeping Tami a secret from the authorities, but will Janet, if she finds out, be as accommodating? Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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Petticoat Junction


Petticoat Junction

IMDb: 7.1
26 min

Jack King, the new local car dealer, is holding a contest as advertising to find Jack King's Queen, the prettiest girl in the valley. As incentive, the grand prize is a trip to Los Angeles. Steve encourages Orrin to earn brownie points with Bobbie Jo by entering her in the contest. Betty Jo is angry that Steve didn't think of her for the contest. And originally unknown to Steve and Orrin, Uncle Jo enters Billie Jo in the contest, she who is a little embarrassed by being entered by her uncle instead of a beau but who is nonetheless grateful. Steve sees that having all three sisters entered in the contest will lead to nothing but trouble, especially as a Bradley is bound to win. Although it doesn't start out that way, he ends up being right, with each girl and her nominator not speaking to the enemy camps. Sam complicates matters by submitting his own entry. On the day of the contest, Janet thinks she might have the answer to all their problems. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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Petticoat Junction


Petticoat Junction

IMDb: 7.2
26 min

There have been a series of poachings in the valley, and Orrin, for a week, has been trying to find and arrest the poachers, not only without success but without any tangible leads. Even the Shady Rest has lost Martha, one of its prized chickens. Orrin is under a lot of pressure to solve the case. But without results, Orrin is demoted since he came across the poachers, knew they were the poachers but let them get away. His demotion is also partly due to an anonymous telephone call (from Uncle Joe) to Orrin's boss stating that Orrin couldn't find a bear trapped in a telephone booth. Because of this, Orrin is more determined than ever to nab the poachers to regain his job. He needs some assistance and Bobbie Jo and Janet pressure Uncle Joe into being that assistant. But yet another error on Orrin's part results in him and Uncle Joe not being able to get very far in their search. Regardless, the poachers stumble across the twosome. But before the poachers can leave the valley for good, ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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Petticoat Junction


Petticoat Junction

IMDb: 7.0
26 min

Since Steve has been away for three weeks on a job, Betty Jo makes herself and Kathy Jo up for a special homecoming for him. Upon his return, Steve only seems to pay attention to one of his girls: Kathy Jo. Betty Jo as a result feels jealous. Janet, seeing what is happening, suggests to Steve that he and Betty Jo take a romantic weekend getaway without Kathy Jo so that they can rekindle their marriage. As such getaways take money which they don't have, they decide to go back to their cottage, which has yet to be sold. Getting into a romantic mood becomes a difficult task for the weekend as they are faced with one obstacle or set of intruders after another. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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Petticoat Junction


Petticoat Junction

IMDb: 7.2
26 min

Uncle Joe's sense of justice and Bobbie Jo's budding love life are at odds with each other. On a technicality, Orrin Pike, the new game warden in the area, has issued a ticket to Uncle Joe for being over the catch limit (despite being over the limit only since he had Sam's fish as well). Orrin also happens to be who Bobbie Jo sees as her potential new boyfriend. Uncle Joe tries to figure out a way to get out of the ticket and the resulting court appearance through killing Orrin with kindness, however to no avail. To win, Joe even asks many of his friends to vouch for his character and trustworthiness - ostensibly to lie for him under oath. When all else seems hopeless, Bobbie Jo takes over, trying to balance her want for Uncle Joe to get off while maintaining a personal relationship with Orrin. Perhaps another technicality will save the day. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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Petticoat Junction


Petticoat Junction

IMDb: 6.9
26 min

With the birth of Kathy Jo, Betty Jo and Steve and Kathy Jo move back into the Shady Rest, where everyone's new focus of attention is Kathy Jo. Dog begins to feel left out, especially as he tries to partake in the same activities as Kathy Jo or tries to help in her care, which results in him being chastised for getting in Kathy Jo's way. Now feeling unloved at the Shady Rest, Dog decides to run away. Dog is wrong about being unloved as when the gang at the Shady Rest realize that he is missing, they are frantic in their search for him, especially as a thunderstorm rolls through the valley. Janet is the first to understand why he ran away. Their search for Dog may be a difficult one as he tries to stay at least one step ahead of them while avoiding any potential perceived dangers. An objective third party may provide Dog with a slightly clearer perspective on his lot in life. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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Petticoat Junction


Petticoat Junction

IMDb: 7.1
26 min

Steve is working late into the night to submit a bit for a lucrative government contract. When Uncle Joe finds out about the contract after Steve has submitted his bid, Uncle Joe chastises him for not using Joe's administrative skills in greasing the process to ensure that Steve wins the contract. When Steve continues not to hear if he was awarded the contract, Joe can't help but continue to rub it into Steve that he should have consulted with him first. An angry Steve in turn blows up at Uncle Joe, dissolving the Carson-Elliott Airlines. After Steve hears if he was awarded the contract, one half of the old company is willing to bury the hatchet, but the other half isn't. It isn't until Steve hears from a government official named William R. Blake - an old Air Force nemesis of Steve's, who he refers to mockingly as By the Book Blake - that both Steve and Uncle Joe figure that neither knows everything that one needs to know about running the company effectively. Meanwhile, Bobbie Jo ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Petticoat Junction

Petticoat Junction


Petticoat Junction

IMDb: 7.0
26 min

Janet has just returned from a business trip with some news: she has decided to take a position working with a famous neurologist, Dr. Pope, which means that she is leaving the valley for good. The trip reinforced how much she missed the field of neurology, in which she was originally going to specialize before she decided on general practice. The news hits everyone especially in the Bradley clan pretty hard and they vow to do whatever it takes to convince her to stay. They are hoping that the handsome Ted Thorsen, the forest ranger who has just injured his ankle, may provide that romantic impetus for Janet to stay. Their cause is helped by the fact of Ted staying at the Shady Rest during his recuperation period. Joe tries to help matters along not on the romantic side of things, but trying to make Ted's injury worse than it really is so that Janet will feel compelled to stay to take care of her new patient. But an act of nature may ultimately be the deciding factor. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Petticoat Junction

Petticoat Junction


Petticoat Junction

IMDb: 6.6
26 min

Hank Thackery is the owner/operator of the rival hotel to the Shady Rest, the Pixley House. Hank's mentality is all about modernization. As such, he proposes to set up a jitney service between Pixley and Hooterville as an alternative to the Cannonball. He bets Joe and the Cannonball to a race from Pixley to Hooterville, the loser to act as the bellboy at the other's hotel for a month. In addition, Hank convinces the county commissioner that the Cannonball's fate should depend on the outcome of the race. If the Cannonball ceases to operate, that means that the Shady Rest goes out of business. Part of Joe's problem in winning the race is getting Wendell into fighting mentality, rather than be his usual helpful self at the expense of speed in operating the train. But both Hank and Joe figure that some unconventional operating tactics and some sabotage are fair game all in the name of battle to the death of the jitney or the Cannonball. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Petticoat Junction

Petticoat Junction


Petticoat Junction

IMDb: 7.2
26 min

Reverend Barton has hired Freddie Kirby, a professional fund-raiser, to raise money for their organ fund as the fund, which has been in existence for ten years, only has just over $100 in it, and they need $2,000 for the new organ. The valley residents soon blindly follow Freddie in whatever he suggests and trusts him with their money. But Freddie is not all that he appears, as his company plans to abscond with the money while leaving the church with an inferior second hand organ worth $20. As all the residents of the valley continually thank Freddie for his hard and noble work, will guilt get the better of him, and even if so will he be able to do the right thing with his boss Marco still wanting to pull the scam? Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Petticoat Junction

Petticoat Junction


Petticoat Junction

IMDb: 7.6
26 min

Everyone at the Shady Rest is curious as to the date that Uncle Joe has circled in the calendar - today's date - and why he has been marking off the days until that date. He announces the reason: he is going into retirement. That news shocks everyone as they all figured he was already retired. Uncle Joe learns that his big news has made him the laughing stock of the valley as everyone is talking about what a big deal he's made of retiring from nothing to doing what he always does: fish, play checkers and take naps. Feeling unappreciated, Uncle Joe decides to run away. When Janet finds out he's leaving, he lies that the reason is that he is off to do all those things he's wanted to do but couldn't before his retirement. Knowing that he is lying, Janet has to rally the residents of the valley to make Uncle Joe feel like he's a wanted and needed member of society. The plan make take a misstep as Uncle Joe tries to apply a little of his own form of retribution. So they may have to resort ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Petticoat Junction

Petticoat Junction


Petticoat Junction

IMDb: 7.3
26 min

Janet gives Kathy Jo a clean bill of health as the rash that had been plaguing her has cleared. Janet figures Kathy Jo was allergic to something that is no longer in her environment. But Kathy Jo's rash reappears when Steve returns from a week long business trip. As Janet doesn't know to what Kathy Jo is allergic, Steve states that they should try to use some deductive reasoning to figure out the culprit. Unfortunately for Steve, the biggest change to when Kathy Jo does and does not have the rash is him. While Janet consults with Dr. Nicholson, an allergist colleague of hers, she suggests an experiment of Steve moving out of the house to see if the rash clears once again while he's away. It does. While they all collectively wait for news from Dr. Nicholson, Steve and Betty Jo have to combat one other issue: the rumor spreading through the valley that the two have separated. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Petticoat Junction

Petticoat Junction


Petticoat Junction

IMDb: 6.9
26 min

After Sam makes some major (in reality, not so major) renovations and introduces some streamlined processes to the post office, he learns from the government that they are planning on shutting down his postal substation. The Bradleys, led by Uncle Joe, scheme on ways to make the government change their minds and keep the Hooterville substation open. Their plan is to encourage all the valley residents to mail themselves preferably parcels, but also letters, to show that there is a need and demand by the valley for that substation to remain open. The residents agree, so much so that Sam has no time to run the store as he is dealing solely with the mail. Uncle Joe takes a photograph of the overloaded post office, with the intention of going to Washington DC to show the photograph to his local congressman for his support in the matter. Janet and Bobbie Joe tag along to Washington for moral support. Getting to see the congressman is a difficult task, so the threesome take a tour of the ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Petticoat Junction

Petticoat Junction


Petticoat Junction

IMDb: 6.9
26 min

The valley folk are preparing for the annual Founder's Day celebrations. Janet's idea is to hold a musical tribute spanning time, with Billie Jo, Bobbie Jo and Betty Jo being the featured performers. Selma, whose husband's great great uncle Cyrus Plout founded Hooterville, hates the idea - especially the mini-skirt wearing number for the current period - as she doesn't think it's dignified enough for the memory of one of her family members. After she berates the girls, Uncle Joe kicks Selma out. Beyond Selma yelling at the girls, Uncle Joe actually agrees with her beliefs about such a number ruining Founder's Day, and he too takes up the argument where Selma left off. Uncle Joe believes his thoughts are paramount since the Royal Order of the Camels - his lodge - is hosting this year's celebrations. Somehow, the Bradley clan and the older and younger generations are going to have to figure out a way both to get over their feud and decide who has what say in how the celebrations are ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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Petticoat Junction


Petticoat Junction

IMDb: 7.2
26 min

As she is the only attractive single female in their age range in the valley, Sam and Bert are fawning over Janet. Their attentions change when Janet's friend, Adelle Colby, arrives in the valley. A librarian by trade, Adelle is in the valley to open up a new library. They have the books and the money, but now need a location. Janet suggests a mobile library in the form of the Cannonball. Sam, Bert and Uncle Joe, each wearing his Sunday best and with gift in hand, does whatever he can to spend time aboard the mobile library to be with Adelle to garner her favor. This competition for Adelle causes a rift between the three friends. But an unlikely person, who has greater access and a more similar mentality, may have the upper hand in attracting Adelle's attention. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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Petticoat Junction


Petticoat Junction

IMDb: 7.1
24 min

Steve receives a lucrative job offer from his old Air Force commanding officer to work in his new company. The job, however, is in New York. Steve has a hard time passing up the thought of the offer. Much to his surprise, Betty Jo, who has lived her entire life in the valley, doesn't object to the move, stating that she'll do whatever is best for Steve. However, without the other knowing, Steve and Betty Jo are both looking for an excuse not to go. Will they end up leaving despite neither really wanting to go? Meanwhile, as Steve has no use for his plane in New York, Uncle Joe tries to find someone he can push around to take over the Elliott portion of the Carson-Elliott Airlines, which means someone to fly the plane. Uncle Joe believes any sap could learn how to fly, except of course him when it comes right down to it. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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Petticoat Junction


Petticoat Junction

IMDb: 6.7
24 min

Billie Jo arrives back to Hooterville from a gig in Omaha with her new boyfriend, the show's headliner, comedian Rick Wayne. Rick doesn't make a very good first impression in Hooterville - in Steve's words, he's always on - but Billie Jo ensures everyone that they'll get to love him the way she does. Billie Jo thinks that a good way for him to ingratiate himself into the hearts of the valley residents is for him to star in the Hooterville charity radio show (much to the chagrin of saxophonist Selma, who saw herself as the star of the show). Rick agrees, if only to please Billie Jo. Billie Jo wishes she could take back the invitation when she hears a part of Rick's routine for the show, which is a put-down of the valley and its residents. Billie Jo has to figure out how to get Rick from doing that routine, which would make her and Rick personae non gratae in valley. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Petticoat Junction

Petticoat Junction


Petticoat Junction

IMDb: 6.1
26 min

Betty Jo has arranged with Reverend Barton to hold Kathy Jo's christening this Sunday. Janet reminds both her and Steve that it is customary to have the godparents stand up with Kathy Jo during the christening. As such, they have only a few days to decide on who Kathy Jo's godparents will be. They also realize that whoever they don't choose will be hurt and offended. Although she says that her mentioning the issue was not supposed to be a plug for herself, Janet is honored that Betty Jo and Steve ask her to be godmother. Janet's counterpart is a different matter as Uncle Joe, Sam, Bert, Wendell and even Doc Stuart hope and believe they will be chosen godfather, many who will do whatever it takes to convince Steve and Betty Jo. Ultimately, Betty Jo and Steve believe that the godmother should have one extra duty. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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Petticoat Junction


Petticoat Junction

IMDb: 7.2
26 min

Bobbie Jo, who is babysitting for the Elliotts while Betty Jo is out shopping and Steve is at home doing some paperwork, believes that Steve is ignoring Betty Jo, to who he hasn't said I love you in quite some time. In an effort to make it up to her, Steve professes his love to her. Betty Jo, in turn preoccupied with her chores, doesn't pay too much attention to Steve's professing his love. When Betty Jo learns from Bobbie Jo why Steve said what he did, Betty Jo feels that she has to make it up to him. But now with Steve preoccupied, Betty Jo really does feel like she's being ignored when she tries to profess her love for him. Despite Bobbie Jo's meddling getting them into the predicament they're currently in, Steve follows one last piece of advice from Bobbie Jo based on advice from worldly Lisa Douglas to Betty Jo earlier in the day. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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Petticoat Junction


Petticoat Junction

IMDb: 6.8
24 min

Bobbie Jo is enthralled with a new book she is reading called The Feminine Mistake which has the basic premise that women are being denied their humanity by men by being forced into domestic lives rather than real careers. After speaking to Janet who she believes is a fully realized woman, Bobbie Jo decides to look for a job so that she can gain an identity through her work. Her first attempts at jobs end in disaster. In the process, a few people get hurt by Bobbie Jo's actions, however unintentional the results were. Will Bobbie Jo find her true calling in life and thus will she in turn find out who she really is as a person? If not, she may take drastic measures. It may take a case of reverse psychology to make Bobbie Jo fully understand her life in Hooterville. Meanwhile, Uncle Joe tries to build a motorized bicycle so that he doesn't have to pedal. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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Petticoat Junction


Petticoat Junction

IMDb: 7.1
26 min

The Cannonball's arch enemy, Homer Bedloe, has arrived in the valley on some undisclosed business. All he seems to be doing is riding the train. Sam and Joe believe he's out to get Wendell, who they think will incriminate himself through his naivety, honesty and helpful manner at all cost, as much of that help isn't part of his railroad job and as the result of his actions often is at the expense of keeping on schedule. They ultimately learn that Bedloe is watching Wendell's performance to use as an excuse to scrap the Cannonball in favor of a bus service for the valley, which in turn would put the Shady Rest out of business as there is no road that goes by the hotel. Although Bedloe requires an impartial and reliable third party verification of his report (he is hoping to use Janet), Janet in turn comes up with an idea that no one else in the valley has ever thought about in dealing with Bedloe's mean ways. A cake sent to the Elliotts from Granny in Beverly Hills plays an unwitting ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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Petticoat Junction


Petticoat Junction

IMDb: 6.6
26 min

With a crop dusting job completed which included a bonus, Steve wants to take Betty Jo out on the town. But Betty Jo doesn't want to leave the baby with sitters. They let a professional decide: Janet. She sides with Steve, mentioning that she, Uncle Joe and Bobbie Jo can look after Kathy Jo at the hotel. Betty Jo reluctantly agrees but doesn't seem to be able to focus on anyone else but the thought of Kathy Jo during the dinner date. Meanwhile back at the hotel, Bobbie Jo is first called off on a date she forgot about, then Janet is called off on a medical emergency, leaving Uncle Joe alone to look after the baby. How much trouble can Joe get into taking care of Kathy Joe on his own? Plenty, when a friendly poker game, the editor of the Pixley newspaper and the sheriff are thrown into the mix. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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Petticoat Junction


Petticoat Junction

IMDb: 7.0
26 min

An unknown but well appointed man arrives in the valley. He ends up being Dennis Roberts, a friend of Janet's. Janet seems happy to see him, but somewhat nervous about his visit. It's because she knows he's here not only to rekindle their relationship, but to ask her to marry him, the answer about which she will have conflicting emotions regardless of if it's yes or no. If she says yes, it means she will be leaving the valley. No one wants to see Janet leave - not even Joe and Sam, who worked so hard to try and get her to leave originally - and will do anything to keep her in the valley. The one exception is Steve, who as sad as he would be to see her leave, feels the decision is hers and hers alone. Regardless, the others feel that the only way to keep Janet in the valley is to provide her and Dennis individually with what they are getting from the other, namely romance, but from a different source. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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Petticoat Junction


Petticoat Junction

IMDb: 6.9
26 min

Joe's campaign to rid the valley of Dr. Janet Craig takes on new importance for him when he learns that she is setting up an office at the Shady Rest. She and Doc Stuart are splitting up the patients in the valley based on geography, meaning that Joe will have to go to her if he gets sick. His new plot is for someone to come up with a fake illness - something that she can't diagnose - which will lead to no one having any confidence in her abilities. After losing a lagging contest with Sam and Wendell, Joe himself is elected the patient with the mysterious illness. With heating pad and ice cubes in hand to mimic hot and cold spells on different parts of his body simultaneously, Joe enacts his plan. What Joe doesn't count on is that doctors talk to each other, they, who in combination, come up with a diagnosis and remedy. What Joe also doesn't count on is that illnesses really do happen when you least expect them. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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Petticoat Junction


Petticoat Junction

IMDb: 7.1
26 min

Joe continues his campaign to rid Dr. Janet Craig from the valley. He concocts a plan with Sam and Wendell to give her the old freeze. But Janet, who has every intention of staying in the valley which she loves, has ways of thawing the old freeze. Sam and Wendell quickly melt under Janet's defrosting machine. Joe, on the surface, is a slightly more difficult case, although he too is thawing under the ice veneer. When Joe sees that Sam and Wendell have gone over to the side of the lady doctor, will Joe still try to beat them or will he join them? Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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