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HD Rake




IMDb: 7.7
43 min

A woman seeking information about her daughter's case sleeps with a juror; Finn continues to sleep with his teacher despite his parents' objections.

Genre: Comedy, Crime, Drama,
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HD Rake




IMDb: 7.7
44 min

Keegan (Greg Kinnear) exploits the judge and prosecutor's rocky divorce in his defense of a prominent restaurant owner charged with bigamy. As Mikki (Bojana Novakovic) seeks help fending off a vindictive ex-client, personal and professional problems plague Scarlet (Necar Zadegan) and Ben (John Ortiz). Written by Anonymous

Genre: Comedy, Crime, Drama,
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HD Rake




IMDb: 7.1
43 min

In the wake of his father's death, Ben (John Ortiz) enlists Keegan Deane (Greg Kinnear) to take over the defense of a prominent Los Angeles city government advisor accused of murder and cannibalism.

Genre: Comedy, Crime, Drama,
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HD Rake




IMDb: 6.9
42 min

While defending a mother with a severe gambling addiction (Annie Mumolo), Keegan (Greg Kinnear) scrambles to make up for causing skateboarding legend Tony Hawk to cancel his appearance at a school fundraiser.

Genre: Comedy, Crime, Drama,
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HD Rake




IMDb: 7.4
43 min

As he's representing a trio of young Amish men who attacked a church elder, Keegan (Greg Kinnear) uses Scarlet (Necar Zadegan) and Ben's (John Ortiz) recommitment ceremony to woo an attractive car service driver with a penchant for older men. Written by Anonymous

Genre: Comedy, Crime, Drama,
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HD Rake




IMDb: 6.6
46 min

Plagued by gambling debts, tax troubles, and a psychotic ex-girlfriend, criminal defense lawyer Keegan Deane (Greg Kinnear) represents a notorious serial killer who's recanted his confession, threatening to bring down the storied LAPD detective who put him behind bars ten years earlier. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Crime, Drama,
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HD 24: Legacy

24: Legacy


24: Legacy

IMDb: 6.8
44 min

The only seeming way for those at CTU to save Rebecca's life from the hands of Bin-Khalid and Naseri is to trade Naseri's daughter, Ara, who was previously presumed to be dead, for Rebecca. For that to happen, Carter first has to rescue Ara from the clean-up team Simms has sent to kill her. They will also have to try and find a way to contact Naseri directly without Bin-Khalid's knowledge. And even if Naseri does agree to the trade, he will have to manage it without Bin-Khalid's knowledge, Bin-Khalid who will stop at nothing now to execute Rebecca, with the whole world watching if possible. With John still holding Simms at gunpoint, Simms provides him with an alternate view of what Rebecca would think about what he is doing to save her life. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD 24: Legacy

24: Legacy


24: Legacy

IMDb: 7.4
44 min

In the process of Rebecca trading herself for John, Rebecca is captured and taken away, but not before she is overheard saying that Bin-Khalid (as in Ibraham) is still alive. Bin-Khalid and Naseri's ultimate goal is to stream Rebecca's execution for the western world to witness. Meanwhile, National Security Chief Donald Simms sends one of his own operatives, Daniel Pang, into CTU, Pang who only knows he is supposed to ensure that CTU staff is working on the case at hand. What Andy discovers however is that Pang being sent to CTU is for Simms to continue to hide his role in what is happening today, in that he had Naseri's young daughter killed, she an innocent in all that is going on. To discover what is happening with Naseri, Andy believes the only person who may know is Simms, with Andy, Keith and Eric needing to devise some way to get access to Simms' computer. If they are able to discover what is going on with Naseri, they will learn that all that happened with Naseri's daughter ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD 24: Legacy

24: Legacy


24: Legacy

IMDb: 7.2
44 min

John has been kidnapped by Jadalla and Naseri, and in contact with Rebecca, they threaten to kill him unless she gives into their demand of what they truly want to happen. In the process, Jadalla learns the true nature of Naseri's relationship to his father, and why he was not told this information beforehand. Rebecca has to decide what to do about the demand and who she will tell and co-opt. The one person she does tell is Henry, who she hopes will now give up whatever information he knows in light of his son being the hands of terrorists. The team also hopes to get any information out of Jennifer Marshall that they can, they working on the premise that she may have seen or overheard something when she was being held captive. During this time, Nicole, at CTU headquarters with Isaac, wants to speak to Eric about information she found at the house, which may factor into their lives as a couple. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD 24: Legacy

24: Legacy


24: Legacy

IMDb: 7.0
44 min

Eric, Andy and ultimately CTU's mission to retrieve the flash drive is a success, they being able to take Jadalla into custody in the process. However, Asim Naseri, who Eric saw at the warehouse, was able to escape. What those at CTU are initially unaware of with the exception of the one person involved is that Naseri is working on a plan to extract Jadalla from CTU alive, that plan which involves kidnapping a loved one - Jennifer Marshall - of the chief security guard, Steve Grant, and threatening to kill her with a bomb vest, Jennifer's safe return in return for Steve's assistance both in letting Naseri into the complex and handing over a still alive Jadalla, who himself is unaware of the plot or Naseri's true role within Ibrahim's team. When CTU notices that Naseri has made contact with someone n Jennifer's house and Eric arrives there to find Jennifer's precarious situation, bound and the bomb strapped to her person, it is a race against time to get the bomb removed and discover ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD 24: Legacy

24: Legacy


24: Legacy

IMDb: 7.2
44 min

Eric and Andy are still held captive by Jadalla and his men, their ultimate goal being for Andy to repair the flash drive. Eric wants to ensure that Andy stays calm enough to carry out their own mission of destroying the flash drive with a virus, they realizing this being a suicide mission. Eric's mission takes on more urgency with the arrival onto the scene of an unexpected person. Meanwhile, Tom has gotten word back to CTU headquarters as to Eric and Andy's plan, Keith directing Mariana and Theo to locate Jadalla's hideout so that Tom and his troops can carry out a rescue mission. Keith may have to answer to a higher power. As Isaac and Nicole drive away from Jadalla's hideout, Nicole in particular has remorse about leaving her husband behind to die. What Isaac and Nicole decide to do is based partly on an event that happens as they are driving away. And John has arrived at the interrogation site, Rebecca ensuring him that they will not proceed unless he gives his okay. As Rebecca ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD 24: Legacy

24: Legacy


24: Legacy

IMDb: 7.1
44 min

Eric and Jadalla are able to come to a negotiated settlement: Eric will get someone to fix the corrupted flash drive in return for Jadalla releasing Nicole and Isaac. Both sides secretly do not intend to honor their bargain. Eric is secretly able to co-opt someone with technical computer knowledge to assist him in the matter, the ask which is more than assistance with the technical issue. This person does agree if only to make up for issues in the way he has conducted his life to this point, especially in his most recent personal relationship. Meanwhile, Henry, despite having confessed to John his role in assisting Jadalla, is now denying all under official interrogation. As such, Rebecca, ultimately with Keith's okay, decides they have to use more extreme interrogation techniques on Henry. They know they cannot tell John what they are going to do, and so have to keep John distracted while they transport Henry off-site so as not to be officially connected to CTU. Not being tied back ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD 24: Legacy

24: Legacy


24: Legacy

IMDb: 7.0
44 min

The mission to ply information out of Gabriel does not end the way Eric and Ben had wanted with Gabriel taking his own life before they can get any information directly out of him. However, from that mission, Eric and the team discover other information that could lead them to Jadalla. That follow up mission officially includes Eric as Keith okays his temporary assignment into CTU. Some information that becomes public may prove problematic for this follow up mission. John continues to interrogate Henry regarding his role in what is happening today, without success. John has to figure out a way for Henry to cooperate, or perhaps Henry is telling the truth this time in feigning to know nothing beyond what he's already told John. With Khasan have tied up his and Amira's father in his opposition to what they are about to do, Amira begins to have second thoughts about what they are doing, she admitting that it is not as easy as she would have expected. A move by David may show Amira where ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD 24: Legacy

24: Legacy


24: Legacy

IMDb: 7.1
44 min

Carter and Grimes try to make a deal with the leader of a smuggling ring in order to find out the location of the terrorists for whom they've been searching. Meanwhile, Amira and Khasan get a visit from an unexpected guest, while progress is made on the leak.

Country: USA
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HD 24: Legacy

24: Legacy


24: Legacy

IMDb: 7.0
45 min

Ben is remorseful about his role in the flash drive with the list of the sleeper cells getting into Jadalla Bin-Khalid's hands, he who could now deploy those sleeper cells in coordinated attacks on American soil on a moment's notice. As an injured Ben is now in custody at CTU, Eric has to decide whether Ben's remorse is truthful or an act, and if the former how they can act on what Ben considers a plan to correct his mistake. Nilaa has also been brought into CTU and is under interrogation, she fighting for her life as the evidence against her as the person who gave up the team seems irrefutable. However, John still cannot have some doubts about her guilt having known and trusted her for as long as he has. Henry's reaction to the news of what is happening to Nilaa surprises John. Also at CTU, Andy gets some confirmation of something he has long suspected about his tenure at the organization. As such, he is more than willing to oblige a further request by Rebecca which is against ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD 24: Legacy

24: Legacy


24: Legacy

IMDb: 7.2
44 min

After Carter escapes from the police precinct, he must put his trust in the CTU as he plans a meet up with Grimes to do the exchange. Meanwhile, Rebecca and Donovan try to isolate the leak and Amira and Harris deal with a slight hiccup in their plan.

Country: USA
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HD 24: Legacy

24: Legacy


24: Legacy

IMDb: 7.2
43 min

With Keith now secretly in her custody, Rebecca has to decide how to handle the situation, most specifically how much she will divulge to him in light of the fact that she still requires the use of CTU resources, including Andy's expertise, and that Keith is still a suspect as the leak. Through this situation, Andy in particular may underestimate the skills of Keith's new recruit, Mariana, who is outside the fold. Eric is able to make contact with Ben, who, still disillusioned with the US in general in how he was treated during the mission, has decided to sell the flash drive figuratively to the highest bidder. In reality, Ben gives Eric first crack at buying it at a price of $2 million payable within the hour. With Rebecca unable to raise that much money through unofficial channels, Eric turns to Isaac, who too does not have such money on hand. Eric decides to run with a suggestion made by Isaac, despite that suggestion being made solely in jest. It will be a difficult mission for ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD 24: Legacy

24: Legacy


24: Legacy

IMDb: 7.4
46 min

Rebecca's day, in chronological order, is to attend: the ceremony where she will receive the Congressional Medal of Honor as the former national CTU chief, the award largely due to a CTU special ops ranger force having killed terrorist Ibraham Bin-Khalid during her tenure; a meeting with Keith in that continued transition of CTU head to him, her hand picked choice as her successor; then a fundraiser for John in their new family priority of his career and his run for the White House. The schedule takes a turn when she, while at CTU, receives an urgent and secret call from Eric informing her that he was just under attack by associates of Bin-Khalid who were looking specifically for a strongbox that belonged to Bin-Khalid that was stolen during that mission. Eric and Nicole were able to escape from and kill their three attackers. Based on events of the morning, Eric assumes that all the other surviving special ops ranger team members and their families have been killed today, with the ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Homeland




IMDb: 7.9
57 min

Alison's real identity is officially uncovered. Jonas tells Carrie there is no way they will ever get back together. Quinn undergoes surgery. Saul makes Carrie a job offer but she says she's not CIA material any more. Otto makes Carrie a different kind of offer. Written by Andreea D

Country: USA
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HD Homeland




IMDb: 9.2
60 min

After Carrie and Astrid locate Peter, he is brought to hospital. Saul argues with the doctor who induced Peter's coma; Saul is adamant he and Carrie get the location of the next sarin attack. Moscow has a final job for Allison, which, if not completed, will risk both her retirement money, dacha and life. Moscow wants the sarin attack to take place in Berlin and wants Allison to protect the perpetrator. Carrie gets one of her brilliantly tenuous ideas and decides to investigate. Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
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HD Homeland




IMDb: 8.5
52 min

Now Carrie finally starts the search for nine days missing Quinn, the Jihadists post a video of his Sarin nerve-gas test-execution, with an ultimatum for the UN to recognize ISIS or a European city will be targeted. The CIA and hastily informed German counterpart BND realize it must be Berlin and do an amazing job analyzing the video and racing against time. They find Peter alive after the terrorists have left on their mission to a major train station, and the corpse of innocent Faisal Marwan, whom the deputy emir's cousin Zaheer executed, set-up for the 'sabotage' in stead of kinsman Qasim. Dar waves Saul's objection to Allison being allowed, instead of immediate deportation to Langley, to help with the search, while her 'prime asset' Ivan seems to spill the beans on NSB secrets. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Homeland




IMDb: 9.1
55 min

Saul accepts that Alison is a double agent. He and Carrie make a deal with the Germans to unmask Alison. Saul is using his personal relationship with Alison to set up surveillance on her. Alison is being followed on her way to the Russian safe house where is arrested. There is an attempt on Quinn's life. Written by Andreea D

Country: USA
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HD Homeland




IMDb: 8.2
52 min

SPOILER: Carrie lets Alison in on her plan, thinking Alison could help her but she doesn't know Alison is a double agent. We are shown how Alison and Carrie first met, when Carrie was supposed to take over an informant named Acrobat from Alison in Baghdad. This is also the time when Alison became a double agent. Carrie misses Jonas. Quinn is taken prisoner. With Numan's help Carrie eventually realizes what Alison is. Written by Andreea D

Country: USA
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HD Homeland




IMDb: 8.2
50 min

Carrie looks over the CIA files and finds a connection. Alison continues to play both Saul and Dar Adal and finally learns that Carrie is in fact alive. Laura joins Carrie and Otto in order to find an old contact of Carrie. Quinn further infiltrates the Muslim group of people that saved his life. Written by Andreea D

Country: USA
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HD Homeland




IMDb: 8.3
46 min

Further tension arises between Carrie and Jonas, who's definitely not cut off for a spy life. Saul realizes he's being tailed and confronts Dar Adal about it. Seeing that his own agency is against him, Saul steals the same classified documents in order to do Carrie a favor. Written by Andreea D

Country: USA
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HD Homeland




IMDb: 8.2
51 min

Peter Quinn is badly wounded by the unidentified Russian hit-man he killed, but can't go to hospital. Carrie calls Jonas, whose sister is a doctor, but he ends up sneaking out rather then putting them in extreme danger, only to be saved by a passerby. After the Syrian general was killed aboard an exploding Swiss airplane, Berlin post chief Allison Carr makes lover Saul suspect the Israeli ambassador Etai, and Dar suspect Saul. Hacktivist Numan and Laura try to understand the murders on his CIA-files-selling cahoot and his stripper girl friend, while the Russian killer confers with his surprising co-conspirator. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Homeland




IMDb: 8.8
49 min

Peter stuns Carrie by revealing he was ordered to execute her in Saul's exclusive way. Before staging her death, even for daughter Sabine, she insists to check up on the order, which leads to Peter barely surviving a shootout. After consulting Israel, Saul's team abuses Syrian general Youssef's stay in Lausanne for his daughter's surgery to recruit him as Alawite alternative for monstrous president Assad, but his plane has a shattering end destination. Activist Numan is horrified to discover his CIA files didn't reach the reporter because his cahoot Korzenik stole the memory stick to sell to the Russians, but they tortured him to get to the copy before executing him and the witness. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Homeland




IMDb: 8.5
58 min

Otto covers, gratefully, for Carrie who decides to work out who is after her in a homely forest retreat, alone with Jonas, who accepts with growing horror to let her interrupt psychiatric medication to 'be sharp', only to find her resisting him administering her a new dose, as agreed, after hallucinations of her victims, especially Aayan Ibrahim, leading to the useless . Quinn keeps eliminating Jihadists and is determined to locate Carrie, even if he must kidnap Jonas's kid son. Saul blames the Berlin station chief but arranges with Adal that Washington 'sacrifices' the US ambassador instead. When Jonas rushes home, hearing his son is missing, Quinn moves in, gets shot by Carrie but overpowers her. Turkish master hacker Numan delivers the CIA files to reporter Laura Sutton, but his vexed mate offers them for sale to a Russian diplomat. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Homeland




IMDb: 8.5
50 min

Otto Düring visits the Beirut camp to announce his foundation is going to fund it generously for in-flowing Syrian refugees. Despite the Hezbollah council invitation, Carrie can barely avoid their car being blown up, but the guilty local commander is arrested, yet died under torture without betraying the enemy, just that Carrie was the target, not Otto. Peter continues 'freelance' eliminating jihadist recruiters in Germany. Saul accepts director Dar Adal's agreement with the German secret service to sacrifice Berlin CIA chief's head, but she suggests recalling Saul to Arlington instead. Jonas defends the reckless reporter who is arrested and questioned by the CIA for making public the hackers-provided CIA files, and gets her out without bail. . Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Homeland




IMDb: 8.0
51 min

Two and a half years after the previous episode, Carrie seems to have built a new life for herself and her daughter in a new city (Berlin) away from the CIA. Then the CIA Berlin get hacked and lose 1,361 important classified documents. One of the documents is sent to Carrie's colleague, Laura, who wants to publish it. In the meantime Saul and Quinn get comfortable in Berlin. Written by Andreea D

Country: USA
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