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HD Halt and Catch Fire

Halt and Catch Fire


Halt and Catch Fire

IMDb: 9.0
46 min

It's the latter half of 1986. Donna has been on the road doing the dog and pony show trying to garner interest in Mutiny in preparation for the IPO on December 18th. She is going through a learning curve in what she can or cannot say, and how she addresses the issue of Cameron no longer being with the company, which has to sound both credible and positive. The success or failure of the offering rests solely on Donna's shoulders, with Cameron not being able to take any credit for success, or accept blame if it is a failure. Cameron, who no one has spoken to, has solely been bored housewife to Tom, with the occasional foray onto the computer to code new ideas to keep herself preoccupied. Since he released the security software to the world, Ryan has been on the run, but not before he told Joe what he did. Ryan's action has a direct affect on Joe and Gordon's new company and the NSFNET project, as Joe is under investigation by the FBI, who believes he is probably the person who released ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD Halt and Catch Fire

Halt and Catch Fire


Halt and Catch Fire

IMDb: 8.5
43 min

There is open but unspoken tension between Donna and Cameron as Cameron lets Donna know using cryptic language but clear in its message that she knows Donna lied to her about Doug and Craig. That tension is increased when Diane lets them know that there is a lucrative offer to buy Mutiny, which also means another option is to go public. In deciding what to do about the sale but needing time away from each other, Donna decides to take Diane up on her offer to use her personal retreat as a weekend getaway by herself, while Cameron remains at home with Gordon and the girls. What Donna anticipates as time alone to clear her mind doesn't quite end up that way, with a specific incident only confirming what she already feels about her role in the partnership with Cameron. At home, Gordon and Cameron end up bonding over Super Mario Bros. (1985), that bond which may extend to other areas in their joint life, while Cameron also contemplates what to do about making public what happened between ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD Halt and Catch Fire

Halt and Catch Fire


Halt and Catch Fire

IMDb: 8.0
43 min

It's been six months since Mutiny, focusing solely on community, has pulled up its Texas stakes and moved to San Francisco to be near the technological center of Silicon Valley, with what was supposed to be Cameron's temporary stay with the Clarks putting a strain on Gordon and Donna. Mutiny has hit some milestones in the process, but has to get their mainframe up and running to accommodate cost effectively the number of users. Ryan, one of their new, brighter bullpen staffers, has his own ideas of how the company should grow, with Donna and Cameron too focused on their own thoughts to pay him much attention beyond placating him with what they believe will keep him happy. Beyond suing Joe, Gordon realizes that he will have little to do at Mutiny once the mainframe issue is resolved, and as such he contemplates his future. On personal notes, the Clark children are still adjusting to their new environment, with certain aspects of living in California literally shaking them to their core... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD Halt and Catch Fire

Halt and Catch Fire


Halt and Catch Fire

IMDb: 8.8
46 min

The Sonaris virus has destroyed Westgroup's mainframe, which is unofficially and publicly blamed on Joe. As such, this phase of Joe's career, and his marriage, seems to be once again destroyed. Only one person comes to Joe's defense, albeit solely in private, but which gives him an idea of how to rise from the ashes. With Westgroup out of the way, Cameron, Donna and their team have been able to rebuild Mutiny, even though Bosworth and Tom have left the company. They are focusing solely on the community aspect of the company, abandoning games. But Cameron feels they still face the same issue they did when they were using Westgroup's network. Cameron comes up with what she believes is the only solution for moving forward. These items combined with Gordon's attitude towards his therapy leads to problems in his marriage, which may be irreparable. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD Halt and Catch Fire

Halt and Catch Fire


Halt and Catch Fire

IMDb: 8.4
44 min

Now that Jacob is involved, the terms of the deal that Joe and Gordon made with regard to Mutiny using Westgroup's network, that deal which was handled verbally, needs to change on Jacob's directive. While Joe is still handling the deal on behalf of Westgroup and has heard what Jacob wants, Joe unilaterally decides to bend those directives based on his own wants. The negotiation with Donna and Cameron leads to a possible impasse as Donna and Cameron decide how they will handle Joe's demands. Those negotiations are tempered by the emotions Donna is feeling about her pregnancy, of which only Bosworth knows so far. Donna eventually decides to come clean to some while bending the truth to others. Also at Mutiny, Cameron and Tom's sexual relationship, which they thought they were hiding well, is discovered in a very public manner. Meanwhile, Gordon has taken the girls home to visit with his brother Henry and Henry's family in California where they all grew up. Feeling like he can't yet... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD Halt and Catch Fire

Halt and Catch Fire


Halt and Catch Fire

IMDb: 8.2
43 min

Because she presses him on the issue, Gordon has to admit to Donna that his contact regarding the great deal they are getting on the network is Joe. This admission sets off a series of other admissions between all the players about what is going on, which culminates in a meeting between Joe and Cameron among others. This new professional partnership has profound effects on the personal lives of all involved. Donna and Gordon largely keep their medical issues to themselves. While Donna contemplates what to do in light of her increasing workload, Gordon feels he can't lean on Donna while the online community function becomes a more integral part of Mutiny's business. So Gordon reflects on his life, most specifically the carefree part of his marriage before the children arrived. And Bosworth has a potentially embarrassing moment on his first post-prison date. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD Halt and Catch Fire

Halt and Catch Fire


Halt and Catch Fire

IMDb: 8.4
45 min

Following the issue with Sonaris, Mutiny is on the verge of financial insolvency, with many of their users, especially their heaviest users, canceling their subscriptions. Cameron and Donna feel they have no other option but to renegotiate with their employees if they want to keep Mutiny going. Some wholeheartedly agree to their proposal, including Tom, who, however, seems not to be there fully in spirit, when he is there, following this point. Bosworth, not officially an employee, decides to use his skills as a salesman to help Cameron and Donna. This situation places a strain between Donna and Cameron while they decide what they have to forgo considering their resources. But it's an act by Cameron on an associated issue which may not only kibosh their business but their friendship. Joe's latest get rich scheme, using Westgroup's mainframe, gets officially kiboshed by a mid-level manager. As such, he decides to go rogue, trying to get Gordon involved without fully disclosing to ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD Halt and Catch Fire

Halt and Catch Fire


Halt and Catch Fire

IMDb: 8.1
43 min

After the success of Cardiff Electric's revolutionary new computer The Giant, Cameron alongside Donna at Mutiny become questionable with each others tactics running the newly found company. Gordon finds himself face to face unexpectly with Joe after the sale of the computer.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD Halt and Catch Fire

Halt and Catch Fire


Halt and Catch Fire

IMDb: 8.1
43 min

The outcome of Joe, Gordon, Cameron and Donna's trip to COMDEX is that all relationships are still in tact except for that between Cameron and the company and most specifically Joe, as she could not accept his decision to downgrade the operating system, regardless of that decision leading to the $40 million net profit deal with Computerland. Their split is despite Cameron believing she was in love with Joe, and Joe still being in love with Cameron. Joe begins to believe that Cameron may have been right after seeing the new generation Mac having that wow factor, which the Giant does not have. As such, he feels that down the road the Giant will not be seen as a major milestone in computer history. Regardless, Joe and Gordon are able to negotiate a lucrative deal with Nathan Cardiff as joint operations heads, despite Cardiff still not liking Joe and not being interested in the profit far exceeding what the company has experienced in the past. Gordon, however, begins to believe that he ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD Halt and Catch Fire

Halt and Catch Fire


Halt and Catch Fire

IMDb: 7.9
43 min

The next phase of the PC project is design. Believing it could be aesthetically beautiful and not just another beige box, Joe is able to call in an old friend, top industrial designer Simon Church, to come up with a concept. Simon's arrival onto the scene has the possibility to alienate both Gordon and Cameron, but for different reasons. Gordon is feeling tired of people not listening to him, and acts upon his new-found albeit temporary freedom with the girls while Donna is out of town on business. Donna, on the other hand, may also act upon her new temporary freedoms based on a business meeting and a telephone call home to Gordon. And while he has been issued a divorce petition, an action which no one in the company knows about, John gets more bad news: the PC project is out of money, and without a quick cash influx, the entire company could shut down within a week if the PC project proceeds. John has to find some money to tie them over until COMDEX in a couple of weeks, without ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD Halt and Catch Fire

Halt and Catch Fire


Halt and Catch Fire

IMDb: 8.2
43 min

The impending hurricane to hit the Gulf Coast, which will peripherally affect Dallas, matches the excitement at Cardiff Electric as the PC team seems to have achieved its goal of producing a portable PC that is smaller and faster than anything on the market. This excitement is tempered by an incident that shows Joe his pecking order in the company, and Cameron's vision for the project, which she sees as so much more than just another boring beige box as she refers to PCs. For Cameron's vision to be realized, she needs both Gordon's support in extra hardware requirements, and Joe's approval. While Joe ponders the idea, Gordon is less than willing to compromise what he already sees as a great product for Cameron's fanciful whims. With Donna's help, Gordon believes he has to do more than just talk to Joe to convince him his stand is correct. In the heat of the moment, Gordon promises Donna that he will go out to buy Joanie a present she wants, some new toy called a Cabbage Patch Kid, ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD Halt and Catch Fire

Halt and Catch Fire


Halt and Catch Fire

IMDb: 8.3
43 min

The Wall Street Quarterly article and Cameron being able to complete the BIOS code have created renewed public interest in the PC project, upon which Joe wants to capitalize, not only for the project but also for himself. Cameron is dismayed however to learn that Joe's suggested vacation for her was so that he could hire a software engineering team behind her back. She does find that there are like minded individuals among the team, but she isn't sure if she can work under her new boss, the overly bureaucratic Steve. Gordon believes he has a possible solution to the computer's weight issue and the contacts to achieve his plan, Gordon's initiative which irks Joe under the surface as he was not the one to initiate it. Regardless, Joe believes he needs to be involved in the meeting with Gordon and the Japanese manufacturers to discuss the issue, and later clean up the mess that Gordon creates at that meeting, which Joe feels has placed him once again as being in a position of being ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD Halt and Catch Fire

Halt and Catch Fire


Halt and Catch Fire

IMDb: 8.3
43 min

With a mid-project success with the BIOS code, Joe makes two bold moves within the office. First, he destroys the book that contains the IBM proprietary code, and second, he invites Wall Street Quarterly to do a story about their PC clone project. The story Joe wants written may not happen first because the reporter, Ron Kane, doesn't see what's happening as being newsworthy, and second as a crisis occurs in the office during Kane's visit, that crisis issue which may in turn be the story. As Joe tries to manage Kane, Gordon tries to manage the actual crisis issue by calling in an outside expert, that person who does not sit well with Joe. Cameron, who outwardly is most affected by the crisis issue, takes action to some news she learns during the crisis which may affect her already tenuous relationship with her co-workers, most specifically Gordon. Because of distractions in her life, Donna's work at TI suffers. The Cardiff Electric crisis and Donna's work issues affect the Clarks' ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD Halt and Catch Fire

Halt and Catch Fire


Halt and Catch Fire

IMDb: 8.1
43 min

Joe ends up being correct about the meeting with IBM: as long as they all stick to the untrue story that Cardiff Electric had long worked on developing a PC clone, and that what has ended up being Cameron's job to develop the BIOS code does not involve Gordon or his discoveries about IBM's proprietary BIOS code, Cardiff Electric is just working within the boundaries of what is legal and there is nothing IBM can do about it. After that meeting, Joe outlines his vision for what he, Gordon and Cameron will be working on: a PC clone that is twice the speed and half the price of what IBM has on the market. Neither Gordon or Cameron share this vision, Gordon who believes in the standard marketing practice of offering the consumer something marginally better than the previous model at a slightly higher price, while Cameron sees the project as just another boring beige box. Although Gordon sees this path as at least being bright to support his family, Cameron does not like what she's gotten... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD Halt and Catch Fire

Halt and Catch Fire


Halt and Catch Fire

IMDb: 8.1
48 min

Dallas, Texas, 1983. Confident Joe MacMillan, a key player in the introduction of the IBM PC, has just been offered a job as a salesman for Cardiff Electric, a systems software company that has no interest in the development of PCs to compete against IBM. What Cardiff Electric is unaware of is that Joe has been MIA for the past year, his whereabouts or doings which no one knows. Despite their less than productive first meeting, Joe searches out Gordon Clark, a lowly engineer at Cardiff Electric. Gordon is floundering in his life, he, along with his wife Donna, who once had the passion of PC hardware development and the potential of computers, but who now feels that the security of a job to support the family is more important despite his generally despondent state because of that job. But Joe entering Gordon's life reignites that passion in Gordon, Joe who wants Gordon to help reverse engineer a IBM PC so that they can develop a PC clone that they want. This action would mean their ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD Ex on the Beach

Ex on the Beach


Ex on the Beach

IMDb: 7.9

Genre: Reality-TV,
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HD Ex on the Beach

Ex on the Beach


Ex on the Beach

IMDb: 7.1

Ashley Cain, from Season 1, returns to the beach during the penultimate airing, as the ex of Emily Colley.

Genre: Reality-TV,
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HD Ex on the Beach

Ex on the Beach


Ex on the Beach

IMDb: 7.1

Danielle Abbott receives a warm welcome from ex-boyfriend Luke Goodfellow, when she made her first appearance in the show.

Genre: Reality-TV,
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HD Ex on the Beach

Ex on the Beach


Ex on the Beach

IMDb: 6.5

In this segment, Charlotte Crosby's eagerly anticipated arrival is witnessed. It is the first time she comes face-to-face with her ex Gary (Gaz) Beadle for a long time.

Genre: Reality-TV,
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HD Ex on the Beach

Ex on the Beach


Ex on the Beach

IMDb: 6.0

During the fourth episode, Anita's ex-boyfriend (Joe Chandler) turns up on the beach, in an attempt to win her back.

Genre: Reality-TV,
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HD Ex on the Beach

Ex on the Beach


Ex on the Beach

IMDb: 6.7

Gary Beadle arrives on the beach as Melissa's ex-fling. The group received another instant shock when the fifth ex, Emily Colley arrived and introduced herself as an ex-girlfriend of both Morgan and Rogan, and a one night stand of Gary.

Genre: Reality-TV,
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HD Ex on the Beach

Ex on the Beach


Ex on the Beach

IMDb: 7.1

Rogan's ex-girlfriend Jess Impiazzi arrives. After getting together in the house, Anita and Rogan's brief fling ended and they were officially added to each other's ex-list.

Genre: Reality-TV,
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HD Ex on the Beach

Ex on the Beach


Ex on the Beach

IMDb: 5.8

Kayleigh's ex-boyfriend Adam Gabriel arrived to stir things up, and Connor's ex-girlfriend Megan Clark was also introduced wanting to rekindle their romance.

Genre: Reality-TV,
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HD Talking Dead

Talking Dead


Talking Dead

IMDb: 8.8
42 min

Host Chris Hardwick and his guests discuss tonight's The Walking Dead episode.

Country: USA
Genre: Talk-Show,
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HD Talking Dead

Talking Dead


Talking Dead

IMDb: 8.5
42 min

Host Chris Hardwick and his guests discuss tonight's The Walking Dead episode.

Country: USA
Genre: Talk-Show,
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HD Talking Dead

Talking Dead


Talking Dead

IMDb: 7.2
42 min

Host Chris Hardwick and his guests Josh Homme, Gale Anne Hurd and Chandler Riggs discuss tonight's The Walking Dead episode Sing Me a Song.

Country: USA
Genre: Talk-Show,
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HD Talking Dead

Talking Dead


Talking Dead

IMDb: 6.7
42 min

Host Chris Hardwick and his guests Scott Aukerman and Christine Evangelista discuss tonight's The Walking Dead episode The Cell.

Country: USA
Genre: Talk-Show,
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HD Talking Dead

Talking Dead


Talking Dead

IMDb: 6.2
42 min

Host Chris Hardwick and guests Norman Reedus, Scott M. Gimple, Robert Kirkman, and Jeffrey Dean Morgan discuss The Walking Dead episode Last Day on Earth.

Country: USA
Genre: Talk-Show,
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HD Stranger Things

Stranger Things


Stranger Things

IMDb: 9.3
54 min

Joyce and Hopper are taken in for questioning. Nancy and Jonathan prepare to fight the monster and save Will.

Country: USA
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HD Stranger Things

Stranger Things


Stranger Things

IMDb: 9.1
41 min

A love letter to the '80s classics that captivated a generation, Stranger Things is set in 1983 Indiana, where a young boy vanishes into thin air. As friends, family and local police search for answers, they are drawn into an extraordinary mystery involving top-secret government experiments, terrifying supernatural forces and one very strange little girl.

Country: USA
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HD Stranger Things

Stranger Things


Stranger Things

IMDb: 8.9
46 min

Hopper and Joyce find the truth about the lab's experiments. After their fight, the boys look for the missing Eleven.

Country: USA
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HD Stranger Things

Stranger Things


Stranger Things

IMDb: 8.8
52 min

Hopper breaks into the lab to find the truth about Will's death. The boys try to locate the gate that will take them to Will.

Country: USA
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