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HD Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman

Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman


Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman

IMDb: 7.9
46 min

Lois Lane, who has no memory of her previous encounter with Tempus, is kidnapped by him to a parallel universe. There, she meets an older H.G. Wells who helps her remember their last encounter. Metropolis in this universe is a very different place filled with guns and violence. To her dismay, Lois discovers that there is no Superman. She decides to teach the Clark Kent of this universe how to become the hero he's meant to be while also trying to return to her Clark Kent. Written by Ploy P.

Country: USA
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HD Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman

Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman


Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman

IMDb: 7.1
46 min

Lois gets a bit jealous and insecure after Clark is nominated for a journalism award and she is not. A villain using sound waves as a weapon, is trying to extort the city of Metropolis for half of the money in its banks.

Country: USA
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HD Smallville




IMDb: 8.2
42 min

The residents of Smallville are thrilled when Warrior Angel, a movie based on a comic book, begins shooting in town. However, after the lead actress, Rachel Davenport takes off in stunt car with cut brakes, Clark must step in to stop the runaway car. Unfortunately, an obsessed fan witnesses this heroic event and decides Clark is a real life superhero, whose girlfriend Lana must be eliminated so Clark can fulfill his destiny. Meanwhile, Lex discovers Lionel at the cabin. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Grimm




IMDb: 9.0
45 min | 60 min

A Schakal Wesen wreaks havoc while searching for the ancient Zakynthos gold coins, while a mysterious woman in black tracks his movements. Nick informs a dubious Juliette of his heritage just before she collapses and is hospitalized because of a poisonous scratch from Adalind's cat. Written by Rudy1957

Country: USA
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HD Homeland




IMDb: 8.4
60 min

Having completed his mission, it is up to Carrie to extract Brody without the support of the CIA who doubt Brody's action because they have no solid proof. Carrie finally tells Brody about her hopes for their future together, but first they need to get out Tehran, alive. This will be difficult as Saul is now no longer in charge of things at Langley. Written by Paul Scollon

Country: USA
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HD Homeland




IMDb: 9.3
54 min

In Tehran, Javadi has processed Brody and prepares to present him to his boss, Revolutionary Guards commanding general Danesh Akbari. Carrie enlists locally, with difficulty, Saul's financial analyst Sharazi's uncle Masud. Saul forces his adulterous wife's arrested Israeli lover Gene to get two of his Mossad contact there to help her, so they can supply Brody with a lethal arsenic dose. Javadi arranges for Akbari to meet Brody, but just out of reach, he drives off and sends Nicholas to his Iraqi brainwasher's widow Nassrin. Langley now believes Brody is a failure, a lost cause, and even a threat to asset Javadi, so Saul accepts he must be eliminated. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Homeland




IMDb: 8.9
46 min

Brody has undergone cold turkey and is now lead asset in a CIA mission at the Iraq-Iranian border. Saul is set under pressure by senator Lockhart, while the mission enforces main setbacks. Carrie stands up trying to diverge the mission back in control. Written by TS

Country: USA
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HD Homeland




IMDb: 8.6
57 min

Quinn's team discovers that Saul's wife's lover is Mossad agent, who interviewed senator Andrew Lockhart. Saul uses this information, enough for a press scandal, to blackmail his successor in agreeing to delay the CIA director take-over several months. Only now equally discredited Carrie, who recovers from Quinn's expert shot fast, is told that Brody has been found and repatriated from Caracas as part of a daring plan, for which she must help motivate him. After a military team rehabilitates the drug addict, he's to be introduced by double agent Javadi, as a PR boon, to the Iranian secret service chief and assassin him, so Javadi can move up to number three in the republican power pyramid as his presumed successor. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Homeland




IMDb: 8.5
47 min

Saul has only nine days left as interim CIA director and successor senator Andrew Lockhart opposes operation Majid, but the chief of staff agrees that Saul can continue the top-secret project so long. Saul also authorizes Quinn to lead a team to investigate Majid's suggestion that Brody didn't place the bomb and the real culprit is still in the States, handled by 'his' law firm. After Dar Adal 'warns' his golf contact, senior partner Leland Bennett, his deputy Paul Franklin is instructed to get rid of him. When he turns up armed, pregnant Carrie breaks orders and has to be shot, obsessed with the only chance to clear Brody. Saul's wife dumps her lover. Financial analyst Fara's Iranian exiled father finds out about her CIA employment when she's rebuked for taking sickies to mind sickly Mr. Sherazi. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Homeland




IMDb: 8.3
48 min

Majid Javadi is firmly in Saul's grip and seems to run out of excuses to give in to blackmail, so he's put on an airplane back to Teheran as double agent. As the police found his family's corpses, Quinn must take the blame and invoke national security to go free. It works, but disgust him enough to consider leaving the CIA, yet he accepts to help find out what happened to Brody. Majid assures Carrie that not Brady, but henchmen of his law firm helped Abu Nasir's men bomb the CIA site. Confident Dar Adal deserts senator Andrew Lockhart when Saul rather keeps his successor-designate locked up 'accidentally' then call off operation Majid. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Homeland




IMDb: 8.1
48 min

While Saul pretends not to mind being passed over, nominated CIA director senator Andrew Lockhart turns to Dar Adal to 'clean out the closet'. Only Quinn is told about Carrie's triple agent mission. She's roughly abducted and fails Iranian secret service vice director Majlis's lie detector test, but plays the Venezuelan accounts fraud card. He still manages to dispose of his ex first. Jessica is relieved when Dana, who claims the Brody burden is unbearable, adopts her maiden name, but the faithless daughter leaves home to move in with another dubious new friend, Angela. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Homeland




IMDb: 8.1
47 min

Saul hopes to be appointed regular CIA director when summoned to the presidential chief of staff's geese hunt, but senator Andrew Lockhart is the one toasted as nominee. Quinn is meanwhile taken into confidence and asked to supervise Carrie, who dumps her medication again. She even risks arousing suspicion from Iranian spy chief Majid Javadi's personal henchmen by abusing the 'yoga class' alibi to summon an FBI agent to check out runaway Dana, who is spooked by broadcast reports about lover Leo's allegedly fratricidal past, and dumps him as another 'liar'. Majid's men intrude at night to overpower and strip-search Carrie. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Homeland




IMDb: 8.3
49 min

Carrie hopes to be released given effective medication and family support, but sees both as sabotage. Paul Franklin's law firm however gets her released for a day, so they can offer her freedom and an end to the freezing of her assets (so she must crash with and steal from a friend) in exchange for 'consulting' their client, implied Iran, on the sixfold CIA-vengeance-killings, just as Saul hoped. Leo Carras sneaks out of the mental institution for a wild drive with enamored Dana, confiding about his kid brother's suicide, but Mike Faber finds out he has darker secrets. Meanwhile the Venezuelan money trace shows Iranian Revolutionay Guard secret service chief Majid has been stealing a fortune from government funds and laundering them trough a football (soccer) team. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Homeland




IMDb: 7.4
54 min

Carrie has now been in the psychiatric ward of the hospital for three weeks back on her meds. She is on a no visitor directive. She does whatever she needs to do to get dismissed, even stating that she appreciated what Saul did for her in getting her admitted. Wanting to get out is despite she herself knowing that she is not in full control of her faculties. She also learns that someone has come by wanting to see her, that person who she is certain is Saul. However, that person has different thoughts as to Carrie's future than she probably has in mind. Meanwhile, Brody, who is on a hit list and who has a serious gunshot wound in his abdomen, is in Caracas, Venezula, being assisted by people with who he has a mutual friend. He is somewhat between a rock and hard place as all his fake ID has been stolen. He is being housed in an uncompleted high rise which has now been taken over by squatters. He doesn't fully trust the people who are helping him, especially part of the medical ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Homeland




IMDb: 7.4
48 min

Peter Quinn protests to Saul, on account of Carrie being blamed solely for the Brody and bomb disaster. Peter visits her in a CIA psych ward, where she's collocated due to her erratic aggression which extends even to him. Saul recruits a new financial analyst, Fara Sherazi, to investigate the financing of the Iran-directed terrorists he suspects, then leans heavily on the collaborating New York bankers. Unlike sensible Chris, mother Jessica remains clueless about the frustration about father motivating Dana's genuine suicide attempt. Worse, by opposing Dana's friendship with former therapy mate Leo Carras drives her into his arms and laundry-improvised bed. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Homeland




IMDb: 8.0
58 min

Now director Estes is dead and Brody disappeared, the decapitated CIA mourns over 200 casualties and fears for its very existence unless a congressional commission can be appeased despite its hostile chairman. Saul Berenson is promoted director, seconded by Dar Adal, who pushes him to go ahead with a coordinated lethal strikes on six main henchmen in different countries, alas without the director of the Iranian Revolutionaru Guard secret division which is held responsible. While most are killed from the air, Peter Quinn must penetrate a Caracas mansion to manually eliminate the 'banker'. However, this results in a collateral child casualty. Carrie foolishly dismisses her father's questions about failing medication and tequila abuse, but after a press leak Saul is forced to expose her mental disorder and blame her alone for the Brody debacle. Chris is the near-ruined Brody family's rock of strength, while mother and her mother wine and Dana returns after therapy where she fell in love ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Homeland




IMDb: 9.3

Brody, Carrie, Estes, Quinn, and Dana must make choices. Brody and Carrie repair to the lakeside cabin where their affair took a serious turn some months ago. Quinn is watching from across the lake, with orders from Estes. A high-powered rifle is at his side. Saul is locked down with a minder while Estes covers tracks. The CIA plans a memorial as well as a burial at sea. Written by

Country: USA
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HD Homeland




IMDb: 8.7
52 min

Exhaustion all around. Carrie tracks Abu Nazir through the abandoned factory where she had been a hostage, but he slips away. Teams of FBI find nothing, so Carrie suspects that someone on the team has helped Nazir escape. She interrogates Roya and prompts an outburst. Estes puts Saul through a lie detector test with the promise of wrapping him in red tape. After Dana throws a fit, Brody, Jess, and the kids are released from protective custody; back at their house, Brody decides it's time to tell Jessica the truth. Written by

Country: USA
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HD Homeland




IMDb: 8.7

Brody rejoins his family and Mike takes his leave. Then Brody gets a call that Carrie is in mortal danger - only he can save her, but at a price? Saul continues his inquiry into who Peter Quinn is and why he's on this assignment: there are consequences when he figures it out. Finn pays a visit to Dana, and Brody pays a call on the Vice President's residence. Written by

Country: USA
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HD Homeland




IMDb: 8.6
47 min

Where's Brody? Is he compromised? The CIA is about to roll up Roya when Brody gets word to them that he's okay. Once his family is safe, he will share details of a planned attack and Abu Nazir's first-hand involvement. The CIA has Mike take the family to a safe house, but should they believe Brody's report? Saul and Carrie check into Quinn's background, the Vice President gets a briefing on the situation, and Carrie encourages Brody with the promise that everything will soon be over. Written by

Country: USA
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HD Homeland




IMDb: 8.3
51 min

Dana's disgust with dad leads to his shouting at Jessica and then telling Roya and the CIA that he's out, he's quitting. Can Carrie talk him out of depression, convince him to reconnect with Roya, and also convince Estes and Quinn to trust her judgment? Dana goes to Mike's for comfort and safety, then has him drive her to the home in Columbia Heights of the woman who died in the hit and run. A new dilemma faces her there. Written by

Country: USA
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HD Homeland




IMDb: 7.9
52 min

Fearing an attack is imminent, Saul goes to a federal prison to interview Aileen (whom he brought back from the U.S.-Mexican border a year or so ago) and Carrie, under orders from Quinn, presses Brody to find out from Roya what's going on. Brody and his family are at a weekend fundraiser for Walden at the mansion of a self-made Vietnam vet. Dana wants Finn to go to the police with her. Carrie visits with Mike. Aileen is depressed and uncooperative, so Saul agrees to get her a cell with a window in exchange for her help. Is this the break they need? And what of Dana and her resolve to confess? Written by

Country: USA
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HD Homeland




IMDb: 8.4
49 min

More secrets. Roya talks to an unknown man in a park: what do they say to each other? Peter takes a crew to search the bomb-making tailor's shop in Gettysburg: is there anything to find? Lauder's speculations about Walker's death send Mike to talk to Estes, and Dana goes to the hospital to check on a hit-and-run victim. Brody tells Jessica that Carrie's not involved in his new relationship with the CIA, and Saul checks on Carrie to make sure she's okay with her new relationship with Brody. Written by

Country: USA
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HD Homeland




IMDb: 9.1
56 min

The CIA figures they have 24 hours to learn what they can from Brody. Estes tells Brody's chief of staff to say that the Representative has the flu, so Jessica takes chicken soup to the hotel. To Carrie's dismay, Peter Quinn runs the interrogation; Brody sticks to his story. Would Carrie have done a better job? That evening, Dana goes on a date with Finn Walden; can they lose his Secret Service minders? Written by

Country: USA
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HD Homeland




IMDb: 8.8
49 min

Jess suggests to Brody that he pack a bag if he won't tell her the truth. The CIA has him under 24-hour surveillance from an off-site location run by Peter Quinn, Estes' loyal and acerbic man. They decide to push Brody by having him run into Carrie outside Langley. That night, he's checked into a hotel, he's sitting at the bar, and he reaches for his phone. That afternoon, a drunk Lauder visits Jess; when she can't reach Brody, she calls Mike. Lauder pushes Mike to think anew about Walker and Brody. Dana's relationship with the Vice President's son includes a visit to the Washington Monument. Written by

Country: USA
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HD Homeland




IMDb: 8.3
54 min

Jessica's fund-raising dinner for veterans is tonight, with Brody making a speech and with her also in full view of D.C. high society. With tension between them early that afternoon, is a reconciliation at hand? Then Brody gets a call from Roya, sending him to Pennsylvania. As the afternoon wanes, Jessica calls him and he makes up stories. Will he get to the dinner in time? Carrie works on her report through the night and looks forward to the debrief at Langley at 6:00 PM. How will she respond to a fresh discovery of how the CIA values her? Written by

Country: USA
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HD Homeland




IMDb: 9.0
48 min

Before she makes it to a safe house, Carrie interviews the wife of a Lebanese official on her own, learning that Abu Nazir will be in Beirut the next day. Estes and Saul are skeptical, fearing that the CIA is being set up; Carrie believes the informant. Back in D.C., Dana makes an unexpected friend, Jessica takes a step into political high society, Brody's Army buddies want him to get to the bottom of why the unerring Tom Walker missed when he shot at the Vice President, and Brody gets an invitation to the Pentagon. Will Nazir show up, or is it an ambush. How will Carrie react? Written by

Country: USA
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HD Homeland




IMDb: 8.5
55 min

It's 2011; Israel bombs five sites in Iran, and the CIA hears rumors of a retaliatory attack within the U.S. When a Lebanese woman offers intelligence but will only speak with Carrie, Estes and Saul are forced to bring her in from the cold for a couple days. (She lives with her sister and father, and she teaches English to immigrants). Once in Beirut, with a Canadian cover, an initial meeting goes wrong. Meanwhile, Brody, now a member of Congress, receives an assignment from a messenger of Abu Nazir. Things have come to a head with Brody's wife, as well, when their daughter has a problem at her new upper-crust, private high school. Written by

Country: USA
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HD Homeland




IMDb: 9.1
84 min

Vice-President Walden and his team are making preparations for the announcement of his candidacy for President, and several different factions are on their own mission for the event. David tries to convince him that if he is set on going ahead with the announcement at this time, that he do it in a more secured setting as Walker is still at large. Walker has to find a way into the secured zone to be able to have clear and undetected access for his shot. Brody not only prepares himself for his final suicide bomb mission, but also videotapes a confession for later viewing about his view that the Vice-President, who ordered the attack that killed several children including Abu Nazir's son but who publicly blamed that attack on Al Qaeda, is the true terrorist. Brody has to decide if he will ultimately go through with the plan or if there is another better option about which his backers will support. In Brody's preparation, Dana believes she understands why her father has been acting so ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Homeland




IMDb: 8.7
54 min

After the terrorist bomb turned the tables on the entrapment-team, Carrie is only released to home at Saul's request, but still nobody believes her obsessive 'research' and theories. Brody enjoys family life, especially blossoming son Chris, and preparing for his congressional campaign. For further instructions, he inconspicuously visits an oriental old-fashioned 'tailor' while visiting Gettysburg with his family. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Homeland




IMDb: 8.3
48 min

As predicted by his Jihadist mentor, Brody is asked by vice president William Walden tun run for Congress. Carrie assures him their affair is not even known to her CIA colleagues and Mike helps him overcome Jessica's fear for press scrutiny of their adulterous affairs; Saul's team finds that traitor sniper Tom walker's paying contact is Saudi embassy diplomat Mansour Al-Zahrani. To bypass his immunity, he's blackmailed with his gambling debts and anti-Islamic gay bathhouse pleasures, enough to ruin his entirely Westernized family. However, the trap set for Walker goes awfully wrong. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Homeland




IMDb: 8.2
49 min

The CIA and FBI manhunt for Tom Walker continues after he managed to escape following his tracked telephone call with Helen. The resulting shooting at the mosque, which led to the death of two innocent mosque goers, is causing a public relations problem, especially as eyewitness accounts differ from that of the official FBI statement regarding whether the FBI had any provocation for shooting, and if the FBI indeed did shoot first. Despite knowing he is doing good work in the community, Carrie is certain the imam knows more than he is stating publicly about whether there was any relationship between Walker and the mosque. Saul thinks he knows a way for Carrie to get that information, as Carrie's heavy handed approach with the imam is getting her nowhere, he who wants some sort of justice for the shooting victims' families. Meanwhile, Walker has retreated to the woods to calibrate his firearm. And Brody, out grocery shopping on his own, is violently mugged. That mugging and resulting ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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