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IMDb: 7.6
25 min

There is a big push in the fighting and that means 24 hour surgery sessions. Chuckles is yawning in OR...everyone is exhausted, but Col. Potter says he needs to learn to pace himself. Klinger asks Boston butt if he can prescribe him a pick-me-up; he tells Klinger about amphetamines, uppers or bennies, as the Bohemians call them. But, he condescendingly tells Klinger he lacks the genetic superiority to be able to handle them. All of a sudden, Chuckles is running, writing and operating virtual rings around the other surgeons and staff. All notice this surge of energy but only bunk mates, Hawkeye and BJ worry when he cannot sleep. His Surliness rebuffs their concern. A few stupid men hurt Radar's feelings and talk down to him when he tries to make light conversation with them in Post Op. The 3 Jarheads are itching to be discharged so they can watch Sluggo, their unit mouse, race at the 4033. Radar is so incensed at the Jarheads' attack on his manhood, he challenges Sluggo with his ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.8
25 min

The latest piece de resistance of Hawkeye and BJ is Kentucky Derby Day, the next excuse for a party and temporary escape from reality for the team at 4077. Colonel Potter has to visit General Waldo Kent at I Corp in Seoul and he is is usual playful yet gruff and wonderful self. When he returns to camp, it becomes painfully obvious Col. Potter has a burr in his saddle. At Derby Day, Colonel Potter abruptly interrupts the festivities to announce that due to bad reports on his leadership, I Corp is making a spot inspection next Tuesday. Further, he announces his intention to leave and transfer stateside immediately. Hawkeye and BJ are the only ones with the guts to demand an explanation. When Potter tells them the bad reports are coming from the inside of his own command, the Swamp Rats are furious; they immediately suspect the Boston butt. But all they find is a Dear Meredith letter...and some advice to watch the outgoing mail for envelopes addressed to I Corp. Radar is willing to die... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.6
25 min

Colonel Wheatley of the 8063 wants each of the M*A*S*H units to observe methods of the others. Hawkeye and Lt. Bigelow are spending a week at the 8063 while a chest cutter named Dupree and Nurse Anderson spend a week at 4077. Chuckles finally erects his Boston arrow on the 4077 totem pole. Capt. Lorraine Anderson is an old friend of Margaret, Army brats who grew up together. Capt. Roy Dupree is an Arkansas hillbilly; naturally he is too far beneath the buffoon for notice but Roy even annoys the placid BJ. Lorraine finds Margaret has changed; Margaret is upset when Lorraine tells stories of their old days to the officers. Roy wants to stay at the 4077 and Potter likes his surgical skill. Can BJ and Chuckles finagle their way out of prairie purgatory? Will Lorraine be able to convince Margaret to open up and ease up and not allow Major Houlihan to take over her life? Will Sophie survive the moonlight ride? Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.3
25 min

Radar drives up with bags of mail; Klinger cannot wait for Radar to sort it: he has not heard from Laverne in weeks. Hawkeye gets mail meant for another Captain BF Pierce who appears to be some kind of Romeo. BJ's Peggy had to fix a plumbing issue and was hit on by a neighbor at a party; BJ is very upset. Radar learns his mother has a new friend: a gentleman friend. Margaret has the MIL from Hell; when Donald put Margaret forth for DAR membership, his mother blackballed her. The Boston baldy has no comfort and no sense for Margaret. Klinger cried wolf too many times: his wife is divorcing him and no one believes him. Klinger tells Father Mulcahy he will go AWOL. Radar confides in Hawkeye his issues about his mother dating; Hawkeye tells him a story and also tells him he is jealous at having to share his mother. BJ is crazy: does Peggy need him anymore? Who is this mysterious Romeo named Captain BF Pierce. Will Klinger really go AWOL? Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.6

Margaret travels the longest road in the quest to become a regular human being and not just Major Houlihan. It happens so gradually, it can be missed by those not paying constant attention. One day, the Major jumps on Nurse Bell for two petty infractions in OR. BJ and Col. Potter tell Margaret to ease up, but Hawkeye knows something is wrong. He forces the issue: he tells Margaret she is too good to nitpick her nurses. So Margaret confides that she thinks she may be pregnant. Hawkeye sees this as a small miracle but Margaret knows it would be the end of her career. BJ wrestles with his patient, ex-ROTC man, Lt. Tom Martinson, who is frustrated at losing 35 of his men due to what he considers his inept leadership. Klinger has a photo angle to get out of the Army. Both Margaret and Hawkeye talk to Col. Potter to arrange her special test. Tokyo would take too long, so the trio asks Radar to sacrifice Fluffy, Radar's female rabbit. But Radar will not consent to sacrifice Fluffy; he ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.7
25 min

After 11 days of no casualties, the Swamp Rats are so bored, they invent Cranko, a game mixing chess, poker and checkers (over gin) in one game. Radar purloins Boston's turntable to play the new platters the 4077 received; Colonel Potter believes it will alleviate boredom. Klinger teaches Radar how to be a disc jockey and talk the talk to spin platters. Suddenly, the OR gets beyond crazy, Col. Potter encourages Radar to keep the tunes a-coming. The wounded soon overflow into the Mess Tent, Officers' Club and The Swamp as adjunct hospitals. Klinger is scrounging for blood--especially the AB- blood one wounded GI desperately needs. The medical staff is forced to use plasma; everyone is on automatic pilot. Radar becomes a cool cat; his confidence over the air grows quickly. Colonel Potter continues to request the same version of Sentimental Journey sung by Doris Day (23 times). Can a drunk bomb disposal expert with AB - blood save the day? Is there any presence more comforting than a... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.6
25 min

Gloucester Regiment, part of the BCFK (British Commonwealth Forces Korea) arrive at the 4077; Colonel Potter calls them nutcakes who never wear helmets. BJ is recognized by a GI, Sgt. Johnson, upon whom BJ operated 8 months earlier; he is wounded and seems to be in severe pain. Klinger has to break it to Col. Potter: their penicillin store has been stolen again. Father Mulcahy tries to be useful, but no one seems to need Last Rites. Hawkeye rails against the British tradition of giving wounded soldiers tea. For soldiers with abdominal injury, tea may mean peritonitis. Major Derek Ross, (Bernard Fox) the CO of the Gloucester Regiment, annoys the surgeons with his brusque attitude toward his men. A sergeant confesses to Father Mulcahy information about Black Market medicine; Father grabs Klinger and a jeep and Father's info rings a bell. Hawkeye is shocked when he next runs into Maj. Ross in post-op. Hawkeye learns there may be different methods for different COs when it comes to ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.6
25 min

Margaret finds out who her friends really are when Klinger accidentally throws out her wedding ring from Donald with the 4077 trash. Hawkeye and BJ are frustrated when they are trying to perform an arterial transplant, but they do not have a vascular clamp small enough to control an artery without crushing it. How come the Army can make a gun that will level a village 30 miles away, but they can't come up with a tiny surgical tool that will save a man's leg? Colonel Potter suggests they talk to the U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers, but they are not available; neither the good doctors nor Private Zale can build a clamp that works. So, Hawkeye and BJ find a jack of all trades: a master craftsman who can... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.8
25 min

The 8th Army commends the 4077 for the 72-hour ordeal they withstood. Even the good Father is exhausted. All Hawkeye and BJ want is a shower and sleep. But, the Boston bassoon wants to blow his French horn, loudly. Colonel Potter tries to deal with a suicidal GI, Pvt. Saunders, who lost part of his face and requires plastic surgery. Hawkeye and BJ refuse to use soap and water until the blowhard stops polluting the air. The whole camp is tired of the battle of the air so Margaret kicks it into high gear. She commands 3 waves of forces designed to eliminate all of the problem. After stopping the final suicide attempt, Colonel Potter sentences Major Houlihan and her army to the Officers' Club...and drinks on The Swamp Rats. Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.7
25 min

It is hot outside. Radar's yelling might bruise the gin. BJ gets a telegram: Peggy needs $200 that day so they can make a down payment on their dream property in Stinson Beach. BJ borrows it from Chuckles until payday the following day. He is both bossy and obnoxious to BJ and rubs his nose in the debt by constant reminders and demanding favors. The next day, the Army SNAFUs the payroll and sends most of it to Guam. The enlisted men are paid first; poor Margaret is broke and Donald is too cheap to loan her any money. To clear a bar tab and get alcohol, Hawkeye borrows $50 from his boorish bunkie, who orders a cold beer be served him in The Swamp at 2200 hours that evening after OR. BJ and Hawkeye seethe until they arrive at the perfect revenge: poker. Word spreads like wildfire: poker newbie in the Officers' Club. But, the newbie is also lucky... and audacious. But, like the William of legend who was expert at shooting apples from atop the heads of murderous reeves with his ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.6
25 min

A frustrated B.J. disobeys Col. Potter's orders, convincing a helicopter pilot to search for missing Margaret and Hawkeye who, in the meantime, have found that they have very differing views on the relationship they develop while awaiting rescue behind enemy lines. Written by shepherd1138

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.5
25 min

While on their way to another MASH unit to demonstrate a new surgical technique, Margaret and Hawkeye are forced to take shelter in an abandoned hut when they find themselves in a broken down jeep and under fire from an advancing enemy line. Written by shepherd1138

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.3
25 min

Hill 403 is up for grabs and Army actuary, aptly named Colonel Bloodworth, annoys Hawkeye with his cold-blooded pin-point accuracy and casualty predictions. The Swamp Rats get angry when Boston will not share more than 1/2 a pate cracker from his goody basket from home, but the food backs up on both Boston and Margaret, his dinner companion of choice. BJ has to finish the surgery fumbled by Boston and BJ gets a pilot's jacket large enough for Col. Potter as a thank you. Klinger meets a kindred Toledo spirit, Pvt. Danker, and they talk of the Trianon dance club and their favorite, Packo's Hungarian hot dogs with chili peppers. Hawkeye is irate and loses his temper with Colonel Bloodworth; the Col. is equally irate and Hawkeye faces court-martial. But when Col. Bloodworth returns to 4077 wounded, as a patient and not an actuary, both Hawkeye's and his perspectives change. Pvt. Danker sends Klinger a box of Packo's hot dogs and all the trimmings. As he, BJ and Hawkeye roast them in The... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.4
25 min

The 1952 Olympics in Helsinki, Finland, is big news at the 4077. Donald calls to tell Margaret he will pick her up on the way to their RandR in Manila. BJ and Hawkeye are helping Sgt. Ames, career Army, get into shape and lose weight so he does not lose his job and pension. This gives Klinger the idea to eat his way to Section 8. When an ambulance truck overturns, it takes 4 MPs to set it upright. Potter is disgusted how weak and out-of-shape are his people so he devises the 4077 Olympics. Hawkeye leads the Yellow Blackbirds and BJ leads the Pink Elephants; each member of the winning team gets a 3-day pass. At the Helsinki Olympics, the 26+ mile marathon is won by Chech, Emil Zatopek, in less than 2 1/2 hours, a new world record. In Korea, Mashletes race on crutches and Margaret is the winner for the Pinks. In Helsinki, a Reverend wins the pole vault for the U.S.; in Korea, the Yellows are 2 games ahead. U.S. Horace Ashenfelter of the FBI creates a new world record on the steeplechase ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.1
25 min

Corporal Hendrix, a GI covered in tattoos, shows up on the 4077 operating table; he gives Radar the idea of getting a tattoo so he can be the object of respect, fear and sex. A scrawny stray dog shows up at the 4077; although it is against all regulations, Klinger is feeding him; and even Margaret sneaks table scraps and food to the mutt. A new nurse, young Lt. Sandra Cooper, is having problems getting used to the place. Cooper falls apart in OR and Margaret is convinced Cooper is not 4077 material. She tries to get Cooper transferred but Col. Potter tells Margaret to ease up and allow Cooper to adjust. Surprised at not being given the immediate boot, Cooper promises to become as cold and unfeeling as Margaret. But is the Major really cold and unfeeling or is that just what she tells herself to make it through another day? A senseless death sheds some answers for Margaret and, in turn, for Sandra Cooper. Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.2
25 min

Klinger says he grew up over the weekend and is wearing his Army uniform. Potter is tickled; he cannot wait to laugh over the latest Lebanese lunacy...until Potter gets a letter that pertains to West Point. Colonel Mike Abrams at HQ announces Army scrip change (from blue to red) will take place the following day. The 4077 will be on lockdown at 1600 hours while scrip exchange takes place. A bald Bostonian bunko artist gets Mr. Kim to tailor his suit and refuses to pay unless Mr. Kim helps him defraud friends and villagers. Mr. Kim appeals to Hawkeye and BJ for help. An MP named Boone is in post-op; his friend, Sgt. Maxwell thanks Hawkeye and BJ for saving his friend's life. Maxwell offers to do them a favor any time. When Boone's $400 in old scrip goes missing, Father Mulcahy is outraged and blasts the camp from his PA pulpit. With a bit of luck and a lot of help from friends, the zany surgeons enact their own take on Scripture and give a brief demonstration of what the Lord will ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.4
25 min

The Lins were like Korean aristocracy before the war; now, the remains of their estate is filled with their homeless friends and villagers. Daughter, Kyung Soon takes care of her mother, Madame Lin and the others; she hauls Hawkeye to tend to her mother, at Col. Potter's order, in a nicely kept automobile. Hawkeye gets the wrong impression until he sees the estate... and Kyung Soon in action. The 4077 gets a new nurse, Lt. Bobbie Gleason, fresh from Tokyo. She has the misfortune to mention a Lt. Colonel Donald Dimwit who flirted with her at her going-away party; Margaret is frantic it is her Donald and continues to plague the new nurse. As Col. Potter, BJ and Hawkeye drink, Potter tells Hawkeye love and war do not mix. But, quicksilver Hawkeye has found a woman both novel and interesting. He refuses to take the wise 3 war, multi-tour veteran's advice. It is not within Hawkeye's nature to rebuff novelty. Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.7
25 min

It is the dead of winter and the 4077 is out of everything: medicine, bandages, light bulbs, gel foam, and general supplies; a Supply Truck delivers mosquito netting and an ice cream churn. BJ gets a book: a mystery novel; everyone is so bored, he rips it from the binding, chapter by chapter so everyone can read along. But the final page of the whodunnit is missing. Boston bozo nearly kills a patient with curare as it was too dark to read the label. BJ saves the patient and Hawkeye calls bozo to the carpet. A new truck brings the supplies they need... except for the big answer to their big mystery. Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.7
25 min

Klinger delivers mail; the stock market is in decline and BJ's Peggy gets poison oak. Nurse Nancy Gilmore, recently disengaged (no longer about to marry a Navy dentist) asks Hawkeye to meet her in Seoul. The Boston baked buffoon whines to mummy and Daddy about the 4077 and Korea via tape recorder. BJ and Hawkeye pull a big prank with diminishing returns. Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.8
25 min

When a bus rolls into the 4077 compound, there are several wounded soldiers and a surprise: Sidney (Allan Arbus). He was in a foxhole doing therapy with patient, Tom (Michael O'Keefe), who suffered from hysterical paralysis when they were hit by Chinese artillery. Sidney has a headache but he is 100% compared to the 4077 crew. With everyone acting frenzied, Col. Potter asks Sidney if he would visit with some of the loonier cases. Klinger and Radar are each genuinely worried he is crazy, Margaret continues to do her work correctly, if not loudly, and Boston Baked Buffoon is wrong and cannot deal with it. The Swamp Rats see Tom is giving Sidney a hard time and the good doctor is beating himself up over it but only Father Mulcahy consults Sidney about Sidney. A routine duty turns into a Potter-sanctioned 4077 organized activity to allow everyone to let off some steam. Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.6
25 min

BJ's friend Leo, who is even an even bigger practical joker than Hawkeye, stops by for a visit and informs BJ that he is going home. However, this doesn't stop him from playing one last prank on BJ as he frames him for causing a disturbance in a Tokyo hotel, which gets him in hot water with a general. It is then up to Hawkeye and Potter to go to headquarters to clear BJ before he get's sent to the stockade. Written by Brian Washington

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.8
25 min

The indispensable Company Clerk is down in the mouth and finally, art gets to imitate life. Radar's grandmother took one look at Uncle Ed's eyes when he returned from WWI France and she could tell he had been a bad boy: Grandma cried for 3 days. Radar is sure his mother will take one look at him and laugh for a week. Hawkeye has a simple prescription: get a jeep, go to the Pink Pagoda in Seoul and get it done. But, Radar's jeep is hit and Hawkeye feels like Judas. He operates frenetically on Radar and then goes on a drunken tear. An early A.M. breakfast OR session catches Hawkeye off balance and the next day, his patient catches Hawkeye out of his mind. Father is so acrimonious, he is prone to violence. Colonel Potter and Margaret yell at Hawkeye in duet. When Hawkeye tries to apologize to Radar he is given directions on where to go and what to do. Colonel Potter gives Radar some wise counsel. When Hawkeye and Radar finally speak again, conversation is stilted but Hawkeye manages a ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 8.2
50 min

While on leave in Seoul, Frank finally cracks up over Margaret's marriage and starts hunting her and Donald down, accosting every female who bears even a passing resemblance to her. Unfortunately, it couldn't come at a worse time as the 4077th is inundated with casualties. Potter then makes a call to Tokyo and requests a surgeon to come in to fill in while the MPs hunt for Frank. They eventually find one in the person of Major Charles Emerson Winchester III, whose surgical skills match his arrogance, causing Hawkeye and BJ to take an immediate dislike to him. Eventually, Frank is transferred out and Winchester becomes a permanent member of the 4077 surgical staff. Now, Winchester must adjust not only to what he sees as inferior surgical conditions, but to the lunacy of Hawkeye and BJ. Written by Brian Washington

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.9
25 min

A little wave of jealousy ripples through O.R.: Ferret Face heckles Margaret about her absent fiance and their no wedding date engagement. Margaret calls Donald and tells him what Frank said and Lt. Col. Penobscott (Beeson Carroll) rushes to the 4077. He says he wants to talk to Frank. The couple asks Father Mulcahy to marry them and all of the officers are thrilled but, Frank has a case of the runs. The nurses give Margaret a bachelorette party and Klinger crashes, bearing a touching gift. The guys throw Donald's Stag Smoker in The Swamp...all parties are beyond drunk and filled with jocularity. The Swamp Rats want a special surprise for Margaret...but how can they wrap Donald like a present? Margaret is a radiant bride in white, on the arm of Colonel Potter and Klinger is resplendent in lilac; even Hawkeye is clad in his Class A uniform. A helicopter and truck cut the ceremony short. After O.R., the happy couple is put on a helicopter to Tokyo. Margaret is so, so happy, she even ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.4
25 min

The 4077 needs blood, lots of it and then some. All personnel (but Ferret Face) have contributed twice. Naturally, the hospital is slammed; Sgt. Jerris Moody is a black medic who brings them one bus load. Margaret talks in Post Op with a young private who came face to face with a Chinese soldier and lived to tell about it. Klinger donates his hair for a good cause to a GI of Puerto Rican descent. BJ learns all about land mines and booby traps from Herb, a GI whose leg he was forced to amputate. Frank is panic-stricken when a patient of his is unconscious and tries to blame a nurse. Hawkeye tries to cheer up Whitney, a GI who was shot in the rear echelon and is embarrassed. Moody has to fight a bunch of drunk, bigoted GIs who ask him to dance. Colonel Potter figures out Frank's patient was a snakebite victim. Frank is sure his wife, Louise, is back home fooling around. BJ delivers what he considers good news to Sgt. Raymond McGill: he is going stateside. But, McGill does not want to ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.2
25 min

Collecting junk is America's favorite past-time; the 8 year old S. Korean boy upon which Hawkeye operates is full of brass because chopper pilot, WO Willie Stratton (and his ilk) hire them to collect scrap metal and brass. Margaret wants her family heirloom returned to her, but Frank refuses to acknowledge she even gave him her father's ruby and gold signet ring. Klinger decides to sit atop the basketball hoop on a power pole in search of Section 8. An Army MP (Brian Dennehy) questions Ferret Face about a priceless S. Korean treasure: an 800 year old celadon vase of the Koryo Dynasty which Corp. Thomas Hinton claims he sold Frank for $27.75. The 8063 CO is promoting tomfoolery: a private did some pole sitting for 94 hours and 18 minutes and has the new record. Potter grumbles about Drake (the CO) who broke the old Camp Grant goldfish record for eating goldfish by eating 23. Potter laughs as he admits he ate 22 and was sick for a week. Then Potter has a light bulb: Klinger is halfway ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 8.2
25 min

There has never been such bickering at the 4077...even Hawkeye and BJ snipe at one another! Father Mulcahy obtains Colonel Potter's favorite 1946 John Ford classic western, My Darling Clementine for 4077 movie night. Everyone, from Private to Major, has gone plumb loco, from all of the hard work and Col. Potter is ecstatic to be able to screen this movie for his crew. Four of the nurses are invited to dinner by Gen. Armistead at I Corp: wine, tablecloths, pilots... a car is being sent to pick them up for dinner. The film is full of splices and keeps going kerflooey so Potter encourages the group to sing Tennessee Waltz while Klinger tries to fix the film. But, Klinger is neither Mr. nor Mrs. Thomas Edison...the film breaks again. This time, Father Mulcahy pounds the ivories with an Army classic: Gee, Ma, I Wanna Go Home. The next 2 film breaks bring impersonations of Father Mulcahy... and a solo by Hotlips. The I Corp driver decides to stay and join the fun. The 4077 is ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.3
25 min

Colonel Bidwell (Leonard Stone) of I Corp operations is doctor shopping; he wants the cream of the 4077 crop to be personal physician to three-star General Theodore A. Korshak, (Edward Binns) Commander of I Corp and tamer of the tiger tank. Bidwell wants to see Hawkeye, the least possible GI of all Army doctors, in action. Bidwell watches as Hawkeye wrestles his patient from the grasp of the bastard (death). A GI returning stateside, Cpl. Mulligan (Larry Wilcox) asks Radar to do him a favor: watch over his girl, Mai Ping... and their baby, Lee Chin. Korshak is not a man who takes no for an answer and he thinks Hawkeye is a pistol. Radar finds he likes being a family man. Can Hawkeye handle being chief lackey to a three-star general? Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.2
25 min

An incredibly average doctor in Crabapple Cove is getting all the press; the only other doctor, Hawkeye, is not there to give him any competition. Hawkeye has a very bad back; Father is off his feed and his fingers feel arthritic. An examination of sclera and tongue reveal hepatitis in Father Mulcahy; Potter asks Hawkeye to administer blood tests and gamma globulin to the 4077. Margaret is about to have the mother-in-law from Hell; Hawkeye gives Hotlips the business, but he also shows her some respect. BJ has to do the book; he is scared and then elated. Radar is worried about the redness of his blood; Hawkeye tells his friend he should always be proud to be the same great guy from Iowa that arrived and is still serving in Korea. Col. Potter has some very unusual advice on how to cure the back maladies plaguing Hawkeye. Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 6.8
25 min

What will be the latest casualty of war: the ego of Hawkeye Pierce, the engagement of Margaret Houlihan or the fidelity of BJ Hunnicutt? Lt. Carrie Donovan is having marital problems: she received a Dear Jane letter. But, she would rather discuss her problems with BJ than Hawkeye. Poor Margaret is very worried because she has not received a letter from Donald. When she learns her fiancé is in the hospital, she is manic, trying to find out what happened to him. BJ stays out all night and then he wants to write home and confess his sins. Is Hawkeye as good a marriage counsellor as he is a surgeon? Can BJ and Carrie be friends? Will Hotlips have the patience to wait 8 weeks while Donald recovers from a double hernia? Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.5

As heroes battle and are wounded in the field, 8063 soldiers fight 4077 soldiers like Zale and Kornhaus at Rosie's Bar; Klinger hides under a table so his dress will not be torn. Radar is excited: Sgt. Billy Tyler, All-American football running back from Iowa, who tied for the Big 10 rushing record, is brought into O.R. with a leg wound. Billy tells Hawkeye if he cannot save his leg, do not save him. To impress Hotlips, Frank orders an illegal fight between Klinger and Zale. Radar feels terrible about Billy: he asks Radar for pills so he can check out permanently. Billy curses at Hawkeye for amputating his leg and the surgeon, for once, cannot even talk to his patient. If the first string is unable to reach the angry young football hero, Radar, the second string, has a different rule book and unique set of plays. Will Klinger and Zale beat up each other or a more deserving party? Is it possible to change the entire concept of how you think about yourself, your future and your life? Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.3

The 8063 visits the 4077 for the M*A*S*H ping-pong finals; Cho, of the 4077, wins 21-18, to the delight of all but Frank, who bet on the 8063. Lt. Col. Harold Becket is shot in the rear echelon and his old friend, Sherman Potter, is there to give him a hard time and reminisce. Cho introduces his fiancee, Soony, to the Swamp Rats. The guys suggest the couple get married at the 4077, as Soony is an orphan. Ferret Face interviews the bride-to-be to work at the 4077; Radar is there to inject common sense. Cho goes to Seoul to buy Soony a ring. Potter's pal, Becket, is a DC desk jockey, bucking for promotion to full bird colonel; all he needs is 5 more days on the line for his Combat Industry Badge. Potter will be the acting father of the bride. One of Col. Becket's men, Sgt. Blanchard, tells BJ and Hawkeye that Becket's lack of courage and leadership caused massive casualties; the Sgt. thinks he will be court martialed for talking. The doctors know they have to tell Col. Potter. Margaret ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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