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IMDb: 8.0
25 min

Radar is trying too hard. He has the same kind of ESP with Col. Potter that he enjoys with everyone else, but Radar thinks being around Potter is like staying with his aunt instead of his mother - he just cannot relax. Col. Potter writes home to Mildred to wish her Happy Anniversary: he, too, is having trouble relaxing. He is the new kid on the block and although he likes most of 4077, they all have their foibles. He finds Hotlips and Frank curious when they come to take his photo. A wild wounded horse is spotted by a chopper pilot; Radar insists BJ and Hawkeye help rescue the animal. In his letter to Mildred, Potter playfully gossips about Frank and Hotlips and gives tidbits about the others. Frank and Hotlips have commissioned a bust of Potter in wood for the Anniversary. Animal lover, Radar, determines to keep the horse. Henry used to allow him to keep pets; but, as BJ aptly points out, Potter is not Blake. Radar cannot hide a horse from an old cavalryman! At the unveiling of ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 8.1
25 min

The 38th Parallel Medical Conference: just an excuse for boozing one's brains out! Radar drives the 4077 bus back to camp with Potter and the 3 doctors and realizes they are lost. When they stop the bus, it will not start again. They have no food, water, communication, blankets or maps and it is nightfall; plus, Hawkeye is hung over. Frank is secretly hoarding chocolate and talking gibberish on one-half of a set of busted walkie-talkies. BJ suggests the guys tell fun stories when Radar goes to the latrine. He disappears for a long time and Potter, Hawkeye and BJ are worried. A wounded N. Korean soldier appears in the night; he throws off his gun belt and surrenders. The first night guard patrol is Frank's, but Radar catches him with his eyelids down...and chocolate bars flying. The next day, things look brighter: Radar determined they are not in enemy territory and he finally puts to use the fine art of blackmail carefully learned at the knees of his Uncles Trapper and Hawkeye. The N.... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.3
25 min

Ah, the cleanliness of military war: one hand washes another. After 30 years, Sgt. Kimble is going home; his medical records must be fixed so he travels by boat and not by air: Kimble is bringing home tons of restaurant ware to open his own Korean cafe stateside. BJ and Hawkeye are each willing to live and let live, but Kimble's problem requires 3 doctors to sign the certification...and there is the matter of a stolen microscope which Kimble promised to replace. Frank refuses to sign. Intense sniper fire causes Potter to get help: the British 29th Brigade comes to the rescue. Lt. Chivers is a nice chap who needs help on the QT with an ingrown toenail; British COs are rabid about proper foot frost toe, and Chivers could lose rank. Another visitor, Commander of Army 1st Cavalry Tank Brigade, Col. Griswold, also needs help on the QT. But his situation is no clapping matter and Griswold could lose his favorite little soldier without the proper medical care. Hotlips is turned ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 8.2

Klinger and BJ are mystified; Hawkeye's father called the 4077 in the middle of the night and asked for BJ. When a morgue attendant, Digger, tries to retrieve the body of one Capt. BF Pierce and shows the death certificate, things start making sense. Eisenhower is coming and all the lines are tied up; Hawkeye is going crazy over how his dad is taking the news. BJ tries to put a fun spin on it and hosts a wake for his buddy: not only is there a eulogy, but there is also rebuttal. But the death thing finally wears at Hawkeye and he plans to go home. Henry is dead and the casualties keep coming. Trapper went home; that did not even slow down the flow of wounded. But when the choppers sound, whether by rote or right, Hawkeye gets off Digger's bus and joins the land of the living. Once he speaks to his father, he is not as worried about his demise. Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.6
25 min

It is a long night of nerve-wracking shelling and artillery. One of BJ's black patients is fading, which is not helping the 97.8% health rate enjoyed by the 4077. With B+ type blood, which, is neither rare nor common, BJ, Hawkeye and Margaret are all worried. Luckily, Klinger is B+ and his swarthy Lebanese carcass is conveniently located in the next bed. Radar is scared to death when he is asked to wake Colonel Potter, but the old guy jumps to attention. He calls strange officers as well as his own pals to get the shelling to stop. To take the sting out of working a night shift with Hawkeye, Hotlips writes a sweet love note to Frank: she watches in disbelief as he tears it up. Margaret always saves ALL of his notes... and this really gets Frank thinking. As Hawkeye, BJ and Margaret work into early morning, saving lives, a Ferret named Frank tears apart Hotlips' tent, trying to find his love letters to her. He hopes quick action now may save his future neck. His neck is not so lucky.... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 8.3
25 min

It is 19 Sept 1952; the Army sends a full bird Colonel, Sherman Tecumseh Potter, veteran of WWI and WWII, to command the 4077. Potter finds Radar suntanning, with metal plates, the same way Henry Blake taught him. Frank runs away from home and Hotlips tries to hide it. The new Swamp Rats used Frank's old bed frame, added lights, made it into a bar; they named it in honor of Lt Colonel Henry Blake. Change in command is Frank's ticket back to The Swamp. Potter is a tough cookie; he orders Klinger to burn his bloomers and does not automatically believe in Radar's ESP. But he loves his wife, Mildred, and he loves his horses, (even though the only actual horseflesh he brought was his saddle). The guys worry about Potter's medical skills, but he is a pro; he even helps BJ through a rough patch without a second thought. The new Swamp Rats learn Potter is a champion drinker, singer of songs and all-around great guy, and they realize life at the 4077 might have possibilities. When Klinger ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 8.6
50 min

In a contrived plot where Hawkeye takes a separate RandR in Tokyo from fellow Swamp Rat, Trapper, Hawkeye returns back to the 4077 in a rickshaw. Frank and Hotlips are letting power go to their beady little heads, not realizing the Army never entrusts the command of 100+ Army souls to an officer with less than the rank of Lt. Colonel. Our Trapper is already gone (with the same ill wind that took Henry Blake) and America never gets to say a real farewell to Trapper John Francis Xavier McIntyre. The young replacement, whose file inspires hope in the small heart of Hotlips, is Captain B.J. Hunnicutt. Two months ago, he was doing his residency in Sausalito with his wife, Peggy, eight months pregnant in their Mill Valley home; a five week crash course at Fort Sam Houston was his prelude to the wilds of Hawkeye, Radar and Korea. Frank and Margaret wish they got their paws on BJ first but he was obviously always 100% Swamp Rat. Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 8.4
25 min

Major General Bartford Hamilton Steele (the incomparable Harry Morgan) is one of three Steele brothers from West Point, all generals. As Trapper aptly observes: 'Hey, the word's out that general's a little bit el wacko.' Gen. Barton certainly has a bee in his bonnet regarding military uniforms, protocol, waste and (dubiously) quoting great warriors of history, like Hannibal. (He was a darky, you know.) When black chopper pilot, WO Martin Williams, gives Steele the stats on his daily chopper runs, Steele wants to move the 4077 closer to the action...just to conserve fuel. The officers are aghast: such a move will get them all killed. An order is an order, but although Steele is a 2-star general, he is a 3-star loony, a fruitcake with raisins for eyes. Hawkeye suggests they disobey him but Henry cannot disobey a general unless he gets an order to disobey. But when an order of Steele threatens the life of one of his patients, Hawkeye has no similar compunction; he gives an orders to ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.9
25 min

Dateline: Korea, 1950 and the 4077 Mobile Army Surgical Hospital (M*A*S*H) and their personnel are located 3 miles from the front and the fighting. In The Swamp, the tent shared by a few of the physicians, Maj. Frank Burns, Capt. Hawkeye Pierce, Capt. Oliver Spearchucker Jones and Capt. Trapper John McIntyre, Hawkeye and Trapper plot to raffle off a nurse for a good cause: to send their houseboy, Ho-Jon, to medical school in the States. Lt. Colonel Henry Blake, their commanding officer, tosses a temporary spanner into their plans and places the square Maj. Burns (and his sidekick, Maj. Margaret Hotlips Houlihan) in charge of the 4077. Hawkeye and Trapper are determined to have their hellacious fundraiser, but they know, to succeed, it will require a real shot in the arm...or somewhere in the anatomy. Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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HD Beauty and the Beast

Beauty and the Beast


Beauty and the Beast

IMDb: 8.8
42 min

Waking up near the site of a campus murder, Vince fears he turned into a ripper and tells Cath to keep distance while JT investigates. However the killing fits a serial pattern over many years. Evan is working in an intern from the victim's college and gets abducted into the subway. Only Vince can find and free him, hoping he won't be identified. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Beauty and the Beast

Beauty and the Beast


Beauty and the Beast

IMDb: 8.7
42 min

Vincent prevents a young man being shot during an armed shop robbery, but it has a security camera, so the tape must be dealt with. Vincent insists Cat must enjoy a birthday party thrown for her by friends, as part of the social life he misses dearly. Peeking from outside, Vince sees Evan steal a kiss. Meanwhile, Cat and Tess investigate the disappearance of a woman who may be in a witness relocation program and on the run from a killer, which Cat sees similarities between her growing relationship with Vincent. Cat invites Vincent to a home dinner and perhaps intimate night, but the image haunts him too badly. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD The Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.0
20 min

Amy and Raj learn of a scientific experiment designed to see if it can make two people fall in love in the matter of hours. After the gang discusses the viability of the experiment's premise, Sheldon and Penny decide they will test it out to see if it can make them fall in love with each other. The nature of the experiment is to answer truthfully a series of questions followed by staring into each other's eyes without speaking for four minutes. Is there any chance that Sheldon and Penny will fall in love with each other, or at least get to know intimate details about the other that they didn't already know? With Sheldon and Penny occupied with the experiment, Leonard and Amy decide to tag along on Raj and Emily's date, the four who decide to go to an escape room: interactive theater where the participants have to figure out puzzles to escape. This particular room is filled with zombies. Meanwhile, Howard and Bernadette have just arrived at Los Angeles Airport having just returned from... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 7.7
21 min

Out of circumstance, Leonard admits to Sheldon that he still has in his possession a DVD rental from seven years ago that was under Sheldon's name, and that Leonard was supposed to return. After a good amount of time passed, Leonard figured to keep the DVD since nothing bad had happened. Leonard never told Sheldon about it as he knew Sheldon would overreact. On the contrary, Sheldon outwardly remains relatively calm, but he figures that Leonard needs figuratively to walk a mile in his shoes to understand how upset he really is about what Leonard did. He makes Leonard do something that he knows will bother him until he returns the DVD, namely wear an ugly wool sweater against his bare skin, the sweater to which Leonard is probably allergic. To prove a point, Leonard agrees to Sheldon's payback. But Sheldon has in his possession some information that he knows will make it a little more difficult for Leonard to endure what Leonard believes will be an easy task. Still, Amy tries to ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.4
20 min

Now that Leonard and Penny are dating, which means that Penny will be at the guys' apartment more often, Sheldon and Penny have to come to an understanding on how to get along better. Sheldon's approach is to use positive reinforcement, which he plans on using to train Penny. Meanwhile, Howard is sporting a new look in preparation for his and Raj's first night out to a goth bar. Miraculously, at the bar, Howard and Raj are picked up by two women named Bethany and Sarah (not that anyone cares about Sarah). The girls take the guys on an outing that may out the guys as being non-goth. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Originals

The Originals


The Originals

IMDb: 8.9
42 min

When it's discovered that The Hollow is using a magical totem to fuel her power, Freya enlists Rebekah and Klaus' help to locate and destroy it. Elsewhere, an ultimatum by The Hollow puts Kol at odds with his own siblings, while an unexpected run-in forces Marcel and Rebekah to confront the growing tension between them. Finally, The Hollow's plan for Hayley leaves her in the fight of her life.

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HD The Originals

The Originals


The Originals

IMDb: 8.9
41 min

Rebekah and Kol return home to stand by their family against the Hollow. Freya recruits Hayley for a dangerous journey. Marcel leads a hunt for the Hollow. Kol considers the lengths he'd go to see Davina again.

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HD The Originals

The Originals


The Originals

IMDb: 8.9
42 min

When The Hollow sends a terrifying message to Vincent, he must team with Haley and Freya to embark on a desperate mission to stop the Hollow once and for all - even if it requires a heartbreaking sacrifice.

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HD The Originals

The Originals


The Originals

IMDb: 9.0
41 min

Old wounds are re-opened when Elijah and Marcel are forced into an uneasy alliance. Together, they meet with Alaric who has tracked down a crucial artifact that could help in their fight against The Hollow.

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HD The Originals

The Originals


The Originals

IMDb: 9.0
42 min

When it's discovered that The Hollow's latest servant is on the loose, Freya places a protection spell on the compound, forcing Klaus, Hayley and Hope to remain inside. Meanwhile, Elijah takes matters into his own hands when Vincent is reluctant to perform a dangerous ritual needed to strengthen their defense against The Hollow. Finally, while Freya enacts a risky plan that brings her face to face with their latest threat, an unexpected twist leaves her life hanging in the balance.

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HD The Originals

The Originals


The Originals

IMDb: 8.8
42 min

When it's discovered that The Hollow has employed a mysterious servant to do its bidding, Klaus and Elijah host an elaborate party in order to lure the new threat out and uncover its identity. Feeling a sense of responsibility for The Hollow's resurgence, Vincent uses his magic to help the Mikaelsons root out this latest threat. Meanwhile, after uncovering information about who may have been behind her parents' death, Hayley turns to Freya to help unlock her memories from that fateful day.

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HD The Originals

The Originals


The Originals

IMDb: 8.9
42 min

After being marked by The Hollow's dark magic, both Klaus and Marcel experience the symptoms of a malevolent haunting, forcing the two adversaries on a violent collision course. Meanwhile, Hayley and Elijah head out to speak with Mary after Hayley uncovers a mysterious link between the dark magic and her former wolf pack. Finally, as an exhausted Freya risks her own life to cure Klaus' infection, a guilt-ridden Keelin must decide whether to honor her Hippocratic oath and help Freya - or flee the Mikaelson's forever.

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HD The Originals

The Originals


The Originals

IMDb: 9.2
42 min

Desperate to save her daughter, Hayley turns to Marcel for help uncovering information about the mysterious force that has set its sights on the children of New Orleans. While Klaus remains behind with Hope, Elijah and a reluctant Vincent join the hunt, which puts them on a dangerous collision course with an unlikely new threat. Finally, Freya and Keelin must put aside their differences as they embark on a journey that may alter the power dynamic in New Orleans forever.

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HD The Originals

The Originals


The Originals

IMDb: 9.0
42 min

After five long years apart, Klaus attempts to reconnect with his daughter, Hope. Even as father and daughter bond, the rest of the family is still in turmoil. Elijah mediates a conflict between Hayley and Freya to determine the best way to protect the family. Meanwhile, in New Orleans, Vincent tells Marcel terrible secrets about his ex-wife, Eva Sinclair, even as they begin their search for a mysterious witch who plans to sacrifice a group of innocent children - including Hope Mikaelson.

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HD The Originals

The Originals


The Originals

IMDb: 9.2
42 min

Finally awake, Elijah, Rebekah, Kol, Freya and Haley return to New Orleans in an attempt to free Klaus, who, in the meantime, is forced to face his fears by a hallucinated Camille. Marcel tries to undermine their efforts. Vincent continues searching for Adam, a lost boy, and identifies the enemy they enemy they are facing.

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HD The Originals

The Originals


The Originals

IMDb: 9.4
42 min

On the fifth anniversary the Mikaelsons defeat, Marcel is king of the city and welcomes the unsired vampires to New Orleans, only to find they pose an unexpected threat to his rule, leading him to seek counsel from an unlikely source.

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HD The Originals

The Originals


The Originals

IMDb: 9.6
42 min

After months of thwarting off dangerous threats and deadly attacks, the Mikaelson siblings finally come face to face with the one person that could lead to their ultimate demise. With the stakes higher than ever and the compound overrun by an army of his oldest sworn enemies, Klaus is put on trial for centuries of atrocities he's committed. Meanwhile, Marcel, who has been spiraling out of control following an act of betrayal by those closest to him, is stunned by the unexpected arrival of someone from his past. Finally, Elijah, Freya and Kol frantically search for a way to save their family before it's too late. Hayley also appears. Written by Katchem

Country: USA
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HD The Originals

The Originals


The Originals

IMDb: 9.2
42 min

After receiving new visions of the looming prophecy, Freya uncovers that her family is on a collision course with a dangerous new enemy. Meanwhile, with the help of Detective Kinney, Vincent and Kol travel to the ancestral world to put a stop to the witches and take back their city once and for all. Elsewhere, Klaus and Elijah confront Marcel after a heartbreaking plan gone wrong has sent him spiraling. Hayley and Davina also appear. Written by Akram Braham

Country: USA
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HD The Originals

The Originals


The Originals

IMDb: 9.3
41 min

In the wake of a ruthless plan that has left their family shattered, Klaus, Elijah and Freya desperately search for a way to take down Lucien once and for all. However, their efforts are put on hold following an urgent plea for help from Kol and Marcel. At Klaus' insistence, Freya and Elijah reluctantly stay behind to offer their help, while Klaus and Hayley head to the bayou after uncovering Lucien's latest plan. Once there, an unexpected showdown between Klaus and Lucien forces Freya to take matters into her own hands, setting off a chain of events that will change all of their lives forever. Vincent and Davina also appear. Written by Katchem

Country: USA
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HD The Originals

The Originals


The Originals

IMDb: 9.3
41 min

Following a violent encounter that has left Cami's life hanging in the balance, Klaus is forced to rely on his family and allies to find a cure as he keeps a watchful eye over Cami at the compound. With time running out, Freya turns to her arsenal of spells, while Vincent and Marcel head to Cami's apartment to gather a crucial ingredient. Elsewhere, Hayley and Elijah travel to the bayou in hopes of bringing back a potential antidote that could save Cami's life. Finally, Davina confronts Lucien and learns some heartbreaking information that will change her future with Kol forever. Written by Lethal007

Country: USA
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HD The Originals

The Originals


The Originals

IMDb: 9.2
41 min

As the city celebrates its annual Jazz Fest, an unlikely team of Mikaelson foes joins forces to take Klaus hostage. Leading the charge to get their brother back, Elijah and Freya face off against a powerful force like none they've ever seen before, while Hayley and Cami set their own risky plan in motion to rescue Klaus. Meanwhile, when Kol's erratic behavior worsens, Davina has no choice but to turn to Marcel and Vincent for help. Written by Katchem

Country: USA
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HD The Originals

The Originals


The Originals

IMDb: 9.3
41 min

When its discovered that Freya has been kidnapped and is in the hands of a dangerous new threat, the Mikaelson brothers are forced to put aside their differences in order to save her before it's too late. Following a lead that brings them to Mystic Falls, Elijah and Finn run into deputy Matt Donovan, who does not take well to new vampires in his town. Meanwhile, Klaus and Hayley work together to uncover the motive behind one of Lucien's secret agendas, while a troubling shift in Kol's behavior leaves Davina concerned for their future together. Written by Lethal007

Country: USA
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HD The Originals

The Originals


The Originals

IMDb: 8.9
42 min

When rumors begin to spread about the remaining white oak bullet, dangerous foes descend upon New Orleans in an attempt to take down Klaus once and for all. As the threats continue to grow, Elijah urges his siblings to lay low at the compound while Marcel, Vincent and Josh chase down a lead involving a mysterious vampire named Sofya , who may have the answers they're looking for. Meanwhile, tensions inside the compound build as Kol is forced to come face to face with his brother Finn, the person responsible for his death. Elsewhere, Klaus and Hayley seek shelter with her former pack and stumble upon some unsettling news involving the threat against them. Written by Lethal007

Country: USA
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