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HD Suburgatory




IMDb: 7.5
21 min

Tessa becomes concerned when George lets himself go after his breakup with Dallas and calls on George's dad to help him move on, but his father's advice and blatant attempts rub George the wrong way. Meanwhile, Tessa discovers that Ryan is coming home to visit and that he's bringing his new girlfriend. Written by Anonymous

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Suburgatory




IMDb: 7.2
22 min

After Tessa's mom disappears, George tries to rebuild his relationship with Tessa and he introduces her to his new dog. When Sheila Shay discovers that there's a dog on the loose in Chatswin, she dedicates herself to tracking this canine fiend and it is up to Tessa and George to protect the dog. Meanwhile, Dalia shuns Dallas after breaking up with Daddy Altman. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Some Girls

Some Girls


Some Girls

IMDb: 8.5

Prom night looms and Saz is delighted when mother's boy Gabriel offers to be her date. Viva is less enchanted when Anna asks her to organize the decorations and the money is stolen when Holli gets mugged. To raise cash the girls decide to sell their limo hire but gallant Rocky retrieves the cash and though they have no limo the quartet still arrive at the prom in style. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Some Girls

Some Girls


Some Girls

IMDb: 7.6

As a piece of research Viva puts her friends' photos on a dating site to see what ratings they get and Saz is depressed by her low scores. . Holli has no such popularity problems as she is seeing three boys at once which gets complicated when they all show up at the same time so the others make her choose which is the best. However the result is a draw and she decides to dump all three but ends up keeping the insecure Connor. Meanwhile Amber has a trial for the Chelsea Ladies' football team but is rubbish and fails to make the grade. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Some Girls

Some Girls


Some Girls

IMDb: 7.6

The school is being considered for featuring on a Channel 4 documentary but Viva is more concerned with reconciling Amber with Topaz, her sister whom she has rejected after Topaz slept with Brandon. Promise of free hair extensions gets Amber on side but when Topaz throws herself at Rocky Viva gets annoyed and throws her out. Topaz demands an apology but Amber places her friendship with Viva above the hair extensions and, though the school fails to make it onto the box, the head tells the pupils that they are all heroes. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Some Girls

Some Girls


Some Girls

IMDb: 8.5

Viva is surprise when Rob takes the news of her engagement well but less impressed when she and Saz have to tutor Holli and Amber for their Maths resit. This collapses when Amber, desperate for a baby of her own, borrows a friend's which she takes around with her. Viva is annoyed that all Rocky wants to be in life is a nanny but when Anna fires him, after a mishap caused by Amber and her borrowed baby, she speaks up for him and he gets his job back. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Some Girls

Some Girls


Some Girls

IMDb: 7.9

Having told Rocky their marriage must wait until she has graduated Viva joins her friends at a rock festival where they sell T-shirts from Holli's transvestite uncle Eddie's stall. They team up with three boys from the next tent but Viva is disapproving and only wants to ring Rocky. Accused of being boring by the others she gets stoned with the boys and when the others go to look for her the stall is robbed, leading to their wages being docked. She is happy to return home though surprised that Anna has engaged Rocky as her full-time baby-sitter. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Some Girls

Some Girls


Some Girls

IMDb: 8.1

Viva holds a girls' night for her friends but Rocky arrives, announcing that he is quitting school because he is too stupid foe learning. He proposes to Viva who, rather to her surprise, accepts. Amber is concerned that Brandon seems to have vanished, which leads to her losing her phone in his letter-box and Holli getting her arm stuck in it, being freed by a gallant road sweeper though Amber loses interest in Brandon after seeing the name Shantelle in his diary whilst Holli gets to work with her uncle on his market stall. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Some Girls

Some Girls


Some Girls

IMDb: 8.0

Viva tries to cheer up the permanently morbid Josh, known as Death Boy after a car accident in which his grandparents were killed though he does get the girls to a party given by Gemma, Rocky's new girlfriend - where he tries to hit on Amber and gets hit with a plank which brings back to him the memory of how the accident occurred. Saz is over-joyed to see Joe, her boyfriend who emigrated to Australia, less so when he tells her it was to escape her possessiveness. Back home Anna's waters break and with Rob out at work Josh drives her to hospital where Viva becomes her birth partner. Seeing the new baby cheers Viva immensely, as does the appearance in A and E of Rocky, after a fire at Gemma's party. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Some Girls

Some Girls


Some Girls

IMDb: 8.1

With Anna on maternity leave the girls' football team needs a new coach and Saz is elected, though she takes things very seriously, annoying the other girls. Brandon's mother has gone on a cruise so Amber moves in to look after him and his elderly relative Junior, whom Amber mistakenly believes that she has killed whilst Viva shows no interest in Rocky until she discovers that he is seeing somebody else - whereupon she suggests reconciliation. Facing a superior opposition the girls football side does very badly until Holli steps in and, using her dirty tricks policy, the team manages a draw. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Some Girls

Some Girls


Some Girls

IMDb: 8.1

Saz is excited to be getting anonymous love letters from a mystery admirer, less so when she finds they come from lesbian Morgan. Amber regrets splitting with Brandon though they reconcile when he helps her with her school project and Viva finds Tyler very controlling. Coerced into helping Anna run the school magazine to help improve her college entry chances Holli makes up letters for the Agony Aunt column but annoys her friends by using their situations under assumed names. At a party Viva finally dumps Tyler and Saz discovers that the true object of Morgan's desire is Holli. Amber shocks everybody in the room by offering her friend compensation. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Some Girls

Some Girls


Some Girls

IMDb: 8.1

Even though Anna has put her on toilet duty to catch drug takers Viva still catches the attention of the handsome, altruistic head boy Tyler Blaine, who wants her not only to audition for the school talent show but to date her. The jealous super-fake bitches try to blackmail her into not seeing Tyler by firstly unsuccessfully kidnapping Amber's dog and then stealing Saz's diary, posting the pages around the school, revealing Saz's critical opinions of her three friends. The quartet seems likely to fall out as a result but the girls recognize the loyalty they owe to each other and combine to get their revenge on the super-fake bitches at the talent auditions. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Some Girls

Some Girls


Some Girls

IMDb: 8.3

Though she has dumped Brandon for having sex with her sister, Amber takes her friends to his party where Holli is caught kissing Rocky and ostracized by the others. She decides to join the super-fake bitches but soon becomes aware that she is out of her depth. Saz and Amber both fall for the cute Leon, notwithstanding that he is obsessed with slasher movies and vie for his attention, only to discover that he really fancies Viva. Having given away her old toys - including toy horse Timberlake - to make room for Anna and Rob's new arrival Viva is pleased when Holli, now friends with her, brings compensation to Anna's baby shower - a real horse. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Some Girls

Some Girls


Some Girls

IMDb: 8.6

Deciding that they want different things - she wants to go to university, he wants to be a matador - Viva dumps Rocky but first they have sex in a cupboard, where they discover the corpse of obese teacher Mr Andrews. To help the pupils cope with this death the head brings in a grief counsellor, the gorgeous Nick. Soon Holli and Amber are fighting over him, causing Saz to tell him what she thinks of him. As a result he deems them all psychos. Viva not only has to tell Amber her awful singing has got her thrown out of the choir but is called upon to give an impromptu speech at Mr Andrews' memorial service. Fortunately Amber's awful singing comes to the rescue as the fire alarm is sounded to shut her up. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Some Girls

Some Girls


Some Girls

IMDb: 7.6

Saz feels bad as she is the only member of the group who is still a virgin so the others help her chat up the boy of her dreams,book-worm Joe. With Rob and Anna away for the night Viva arranges for Saz and Joe to do the deed at their flat though in the meantime all the girls admit that none has gone all the way so,to rectify matters, they all invite boys over for the night. Unfortunately Rob and Anna return early... Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Some Girls

Some Girls


Some Girls

IMDb: 7.2

Whilst Holli is hauled in for bullying, Anna asks Viva to give an anti-bullying presentation and befriend Ruby,a bullying victim. Saz mistrusts Ruby,believing she is a spy for Charlie,Brandon's pregnant girlfriend but,before she falls out with them,Ruby gives the girls some ammunition to use against Charlie. The presentation is a disaster with Ruby denouncing Viva and her friends but after school the information supplied by Ruby gives Viva the chance to get one over on Charlie. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Some Girls

Some Girls


Some Girls

IMDb: 7.2

After some lads mock their game Holli challenges the boys' football team to a game with the girls - which the girls lose. In the meantime,due to Amber's stupidity,the girls attend a Christian group which she thought was a pizza club,where Viva meets the sexy Rocky who is in the boys team. They date - though Amber's tactlessness ruins things for them. He does however allow Viva to score the girls' token goal in the match. Saz claims to have a boyfriend and nobody believes her but when he does show up he is something of an anti-climax. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Some Girls

Some Girls


Some Girls

IMDb: 7.3

Convinced that Brandon has left her for busty cheer-leader Charlie Amber decides to throw an End of Brandon Party but Viva is coerced into baby-sitting for Anna's neat freak friend Marie so the party moves to Marie's pristine flat. Here Viva learns that Holli has been sending Rob anonymous sexy tests,Saz is paranoid about her body hair and Brandon is still with Amber as he comes round to explain. When Marie comes home the flat is anything but pristine and the girls have found a very personal item belonging to her. However Anna finds it hilarious. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Some Girls

Some Girls


Some Girls

IMDb: 7.3

When a jealous Brandon tells Viva that Ryan,Amber's new boyfriend,has a mysterious secret the girls are keen to find it out. Amber believes he is in the Russian Mafia as he has a rose tattoo on his chest but the others find this unlikely. Holli plans to give the school hamster to her little brother as a birthday surprise and asks Viva to look after it but Anna,who has a phobia about rodents,accidentally kills it and the girls are summoned to see the headmistress. They are not excluded but,from a file on the head's desk, Viva finds out Ryan's real secret,which,given his dancing attendance on old ladies at the birthday party,causes Amber to dump him. Holli does give her brother a furry pet however. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Some Girls

Some Girls


Some Girls

IMDb: 6.8

16-year old Viva lives on a London estate and attends school with her friends - dim Amber,aggressive Holli and sarcastic Saz. The bane of her life is sadistic games mistress Anna,who is also the live-in girlfriend of her lazy father Rob and due to have his baby. After the girls' football team loses its match Viva rows with Anna and leaves home to move in with Amber but Rob persuades her to return home. Amber meanwhile tries to dump boyfriend Brandon but is too weak though eventually Brandon does it himself after somebody makes public his best-kept secrets. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Peep Show

Peep Show


Peep Show

IMDb: 8.0
25 min (DVD)

Mark is fed up with Jeremy and decides to evict him, installing an Australian woman named Saz in his place, hoping she'll become his new girlfriend so he can rub Sophie's nose in it at his forthcoming Birthday party. Jeremy is desperate for money and having exhausted the sperm bank, he resorts to stealing Johnson's credit card. Written by Anonymous

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Robin Hood

Robin Hood


Robin Hood

IMDb: 7.7
45 min (DVD)

Robin is accused of murder when someone kills the sheriff's tax collector. The Sheriff of Nottingham uses this to his advantage, blaming Robin and his men and turning the villagers against him. Robin believes that the mysterious Night Watchman is responsible, but there is scant evidence to support him. Knowing that the true killer must be found, Robin and the Sheriff make a pact and set a trap for the assassin. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
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HD The Night Manager

The Night Manager


The Night Manager

IMDb: 8.5
62 min

Angela's failure to catch Roper red-handed leads to the closure of her department but a call from Jonathan sends her and Joel to Cairo, where Roper is hoping to close a deal with Freddie Hamid, boyfriend of the dead Sophie. Thanks to Jed Angela is able to secure documents incriminating Roper and Jonathan gets closer to avenging Sophie. But Roper is now suspicious of both Jed and Jonathan, making demands on them both and if Jonathan is to bring him down, save Jed and exonerate Angela he must use what he has to complete his task Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK | USA
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HD The Night Manager

The Night Manager


The Night Manager

IMDb: 8.1
60 min

Jonathan is now accepted into his entourage by Roper, who gives him a new identity as Andrew Birch though waspish Corkoran makes it clear he mistrusts him. Using his friendship with Daniel and hearing a startling revelation from disillusioned Lady Langbourne Jonathan is able to communicate information to Angela Burr, who also seeks the help of Juan Apostol, an associate of Roper whose daughter recently committed suicide. In London the permanent secretary at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and minister Geoffrey Dromgoole are sceptical of Angela's operation and unaware that one of their number is betraying facts to Roper. Whilst sleuthing in Roper's house on Mallorca Jonathan also discovers Jed's secret. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK | USA
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HD The Night Manager

The Night Manager


The Night Manager

IMDb: 8.2
57 min

Angela Burr sends Jonathan, out to avenge Sophie Alekan, to Devon, to present himself as vicious drug dealer Tom Quince, a successful ruse helped by money from American agent Joel Steadman. Six months later he is working on the island of Mallorca where Roper and Jed are living with his little boy Daniel. Whilst the trio are at a restaurant with Roper's friends Lance Corkoran and Lord and Lady Langbourne Albanian thugs break in and kidnap Daniel for ransom but are thwarted by Jonathan. Unaware that the whole exercise has been staged a grateful Roper welcomes Jonathan into his circle, despite Corkoran's suspicions. In London Burr and Steadman congratulate themselves that MI6 are unaware of their plan. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK | USA
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HD Whitney




IMDb: 7.6
22 min

Girls just want to have fun. Whitney (Whitney Cummings) can't hold back her excitement at the opportunity to reconnect with her half-sister, but when the reason behind Lauren's (guest star Natasha Leggero) visit is revealed.

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Garfunkel and Oates

Garfunkel and Oates


Garfunkel and Oates

IMDb: 7.9
23 min

Riki suffers an increased libido and tries to reconnect with her ex-boyfriend; Kate dates someone on her emotional maturity level, a high school boy.

Genre: Comedy, Music,
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HD Garfunkel and Oates

Garfunkel and Oates


Garfunkel and Oates

IMDb: 7.7
23 min

Riki attends a baby sprinkle and then gets examined by a fertility doctor; Kate learns she has Peter Pan Syndrome and questions her direction in life.

Genre: Comedy, Music,
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HD Garfunkel and Oates

Garfunkel and Oates


Garfunkel and Oates

IMDb: 7.5
23 min

Kate tries to end a relationship using the fadeaway. Riki has ups and downs trying to date a fellow comic. Kate goes to an audition which seems, correctly, to be for another style of actor.

Genre: Comedy, Music,
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HD Ground Floor

Ground Floor


Ground Floor

IMDb: 7.8
22 min

When a new office opens up on the top floor, Brody will do what it takes to beat out Threepeat to get it. Jenny doesn't like this competitive streak in Brody, who then gives the downstairs crew something worth fighting over to prove everybody gets competitive. Meanwhile, Harvard is thrilled to have a new female admirer ... until he discovers his admirer is the daughter of the overprotective Mansfield. Now he has to end it before Mansfield finds out. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Betas




IMDb: 7.8
29 min

Armed with insider information from Jordan, Trey must decide whether or not to sell BRB. He mends fences with Murch and seeks his advice after the rest of the team votes to take Casper's deal.

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Betas




IMDb: 6.7
24 min

When BRB is hacked right after the beta launch, Trey and Hobbes get to know each other better as they desperately search the city for their prime suspect, a hacktivist from Hobbes's past. Meanwhile, Mikki takes care of an anxious Mitchell after he runs out of Adderall. Written by Anonymous

Genre: Comedy,
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