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HD Another Period

Another Period


Another Period

IMDb: 6.9
21 min

With Garfield's help, Lillian has found her way to a bar to drown her sorrows. Beatrice is determined to find her sister and save her so that they can go to the heaven party together. Beatrice's actions don't come off quite the way she expects. Blanche goes into labor. She doesn't get as much help as she should in the matter with a manor full of servants and a physician for a husband. Hortense quickly discovers that the thought and the reality of being Mrs. Bertram Harrison Fusselforth VII are two totally different things. And Dodo makes one final request of Peepers before she leaves Bellacourt Manor for good and goes back to the abbey to live out the rest of her life, while Celine's affections for the Commodore ebb and flow with the coming and going of their fortunes. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, History,
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HD Another Period

Another Period


Another Period

IMDb: 7.3
21 min

At Lillian and Laverne's wedding, a Bellacourt and Fusselforth do get married, but... Lillian feels the only way to deal emotionally with the aftermath of the ceremony is through drink. Beatrice, who is still at the abbey, wants to atone for her sins so that she can go to heaven. But she wants to go to the heaven party with her best friend, her sister Lillian, who Beatrice believes she can and has to save before Lillian can join her in the afterlife. Peepers gets his secret wish when Dodo returns to Bellacourt Manor to confront the Commodore and Celine, who are now awash with Fusselforth money. Their negotiations come down to a duel between the women, with the victor receiving all the spoils, although Dodo seems to be fixated primarily on one inconsequential holding of the Bellacourts. Victor and Albert have a discussion stemming from Blanche's delicate condition. And Garfield makes his first move in wooing Flobelle. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, History,
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HD Another Period

Another Period


Another Period

IMDb: 8.2
21 min

After knowing him for two days, Lillian is able to coerce barely functioning elderly wealthy media mogul Laverne Fusselforth V to ask her to marry him, which may be more welcome news for the Commodore than anyone else, he who has wanted at least one of his daughters to marry into money to solve the family financial problems. However, another emotional connection is made between the Bellacourt and Fusselforth families which may upstage Lillian's wedding day. Lillian decides to take decisive action to ensure the day is hers, which includes making sure she becomes Mrs. Laverne Fusselforth V before it's too late. Meanwhile, Taft approaches Frederick with incriminating photographs of him with Beatrice in compromising positions in order to force him to resign the vice-presidency. Frederick takes some actions to get himself out of this problem, which only time and public reaction will tell if those actions work. One of those actions is to send Beatrice away so as not to become either a ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, History,
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HD Another Period

Another Period


Another Period

IMDb: 7.2
21 min

Lillian and Beatrice decide that they want to become famous for actually doing something. What they want to do is write and sing a hit song, and as such call in composer Scott Joplin as a collaborating songwriter. Despite some hiccups along the way, the collaboration does result in a record being pressed. The final product, however, surprises both Lillian and Beatrice and does not give them the fame they want. They believe they can get justice and the fame that was so rightly theirs by crashing a concert given by Joplin. Meanwhile, virginal Peepers has been having carnal thoughts ever since the carriage ride he took with Dodo. Everything now makes him have uncontrollable erections and sometimes uncontrollable orgasms without even touching himself. He goes to Hamish to do the only thing he believes will stop these feelings. Hamish comes up with another solution for Peepers. And Blanche and Dr. Goldberg get married, so that Blanche will have a father for her yet unborn child, and Dr. ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, History,
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HD Another Period

Another Period


Another Period

IMDb: 8.0
21 min

Albert Einstein is at Bellacourt Manor to ask the Commodore for a favor, while the Commodore in turn has thoughts of his own regarding Einstein's visit. With their impasse, Einstein instead makes a connection with someone else at the manor, namely Beatrice, who is not afraid to show a specific side of herself to him. The question is if she is willing to show this side of herself to others at the expense of what she's long held as being the priority in her life. The answer to that question may be easier to answer with Frederick also at the manor catching up with his Harvard colleagues. Pregnant Blanche is now showing, she who has not talked about her delicate condition to anyone. Peepers takes the matter into his own hands, he who thinks he has a perfect Plan B when Plan A doesn't seem to come to pass. And Lillian learns that there is something called a condom for which she can have sex without procreation. Sex starved Lillian has to find a way, number one to get a condom, which is not... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, History,
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HD Another Period

Another Period


Another Period

IMDb: 7.8
21 min

What is assumed to be a contagion, most likely typhoid, has spread amongst the servants, quarantining their quarters and the kitchen downstairs in the process, leaving Peepers as the only unaffected servant left to tend to the needs of the Bellacourts. When news spreads within the manor that the press is coming to cover the event, Lillian wants to be seen as front and center in tending to the servants from a safe distance so that she can be front page news. In the process, Lillian accidentally gets trapped and ends up being quarantined with the servants. In her confinement with the servants in what will end most likely in death with them, Lillian may truly come to a downstairs perspective of life in the manor. Meanwhile, Victor, Albert and the Marquis de Sainsbury have formed a barbershop trio which will ultimately compete in the Boston Barberfest in a week's time. Arguing amongst themselves, they come up with what they believe is the definitive method to determine who will sing ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, History,
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HD Another Period

Another Period


Another Period

IMDb: 8.0
21 min

The Roosevelts are invited to Bellacourt Manor by the Commodore, who hopes to convince Teddy to tap Frederick as his vice-president, while Lillian sets out to woo Frankiln, and Beatrice bonds with Eleanor. Also: The servants go on strike, much to Peepers' dismay.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, History,
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HD Another Period

Another Period


Another Period

IMDb: 8.1
21 min

Hamish's trial for the murder of Scoops LaPue is approaching. Because of the secret connection he has to Hamish, the Commodore does whatever he can to ensure that Hamish is not convicted. Because the Commodore's relatively simple plan entails Frederick playing a part, it is not a guarantee that it will come off as envisioned. Meanwhile, others have their own goal for the trial. Lillian, who will be a witness, wants to upstage everyone else to get front page newspaper coverage. Beatrice wants to see someone - anyone - die. Wheelbound Chair, who is also a witness, wants to see Hamish convicted as he tried to blackmail her. And Peepers, the true murderer, seeks advice from a trusted old source about what to do. Hamish's innate knowledge of a specific part of the female anatomy and a chorus of groupies attending the trial may affect the outcome despite what the Commodore, Lillian, Beatrice, Chair and Peepers want. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, History,
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HD Another Period

Another Period


Another Period

IMDb: 7.9
21 min

The Commodore invites a prince to Bellacourt Manor, sparking an intense romantic rivalry between Lillian and Beatrice. Peepers clashes with the prince's servant over proper butler techniques, and Hamish's cellmate attempts to teach him how to read.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, History,
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HD Another Period

Another Period


Another Period

IMDb: 7.8
21 min

Lillian and Beatrice are able to get annulments from Victor and Albert respectively, the two ex-husbands who will nonetheless still reside at Bellacourt Manor. Lillian and Victor's division of assets goes smoothly except for one point of contention: who gets to live in the Butternut Room? They both stage a sit-in in the room trying to outwit the other into giving it up. Albert has developed a nervous affliction. When he and Beatrice discover the cause, Beatrice decides to help Albert get over the phobia that is causing the affliction as the item in question is part of Beatrice's core being. Frederick and Celery have been living in Washington, DC as he begins his service to the public as a Rhode Island senator. Beyond playing jacks, Frederick can't help but be preoccupied by what he considers a three week old problem. Peepers holds a children's job fair, as he believes it is never too early to start one in the life of indentured servitude. The child he hires, Jay, has one specific ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, History,
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HD Another Period

Another Period


Another Period

IMDb: 7.5
21 min

The Commodore receives advice from one of his lawyers on how to save his crumbling empire, the fall due to the many family scandals, from his affair with Celine and fathering her yet unborn child, to Dodo's morphine addiction, to banished Lillian and Beatrice's media fueled infamy as the pigs, their whereabouts which are currently unknown. With Hortense nixing a plan specifically related to her, the Commodore decides on Plan B, which requires not only finding Lillian and Beatrice, and buying off Victor and Albert, but also receiving a favor from a person of authority across the ocean. Meanwhile, Lillian and Beatrice have enjoyed their proverbial fifteen minutes (in actuality, two weeks) of fame, but have since faded back into obscurity to their and Penelope's dismay, she who has housed them since their banishment. They meet someone who has managed to be famous for quite a while and want to learn her secret, namely Harriet Tubman. For a price, Harriet agrees to help them brand ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, History,
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HD Another Period

Another Period


Another Period

IMDb: 7.8
21 min

It's Frederick and Celery's wedding day. Feeling the urge for morphine again, Dodo wants to ensure she doesn't do anything improper to risk getting rid of Frederick after all these years. But in Dodo's move, she may be at the mercy of Chair, as Dodo is one of the last people Chair has to get rid of to get what she wants. Lillian and Beatrice are still out on the street with Garfield, the three who are trying to get back to Bellacourt Manor to stop the wedding. Lillian has to resort to extreme measures to make it on time. But something else happens that could forever change the Bellacourts' standing within Newport. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, History,
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HD Another Period

Another Period


Another Period

IMDb: 7.2
22 min

Lillian's new friends invite her to a beach party, and Beatrice is brought to Thomas Edison for a forbidden experiment. Blanche receives a mysterious letter from the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory, and Garfield tries to keep the family from falling apart. Written by Blondexilla

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, History,
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HD Another Period

Another Period


Another Period

IMDb: 7.6
22 min

Believing that it is his duty as a senator, Frederick has managed to get himself pre-engaged to Celery Savoy, one of the most sought after single women in Newport. Based on this news, Beatrice, taking another cue from Frederick, believes the only way to get what she wants, which is Frederick back as her own, is to stay a baby forever. Lillian, however, has always wanted Celery as a friend. To foster that friendship, Lillian hosts a seventeen course dinner party for Celery's dog, Dumpling. Frederick's pre-engagement could be threatened not only by Beatrice but an action by Dodo. As such, Dodo decides she needs to get herself drug-free. Peepers, who has been trained to say yes, Madam to any request by Dodo, may have difficulty in abiding by her wishes in this matter. And Chair tries to corrupt Garfield for her own benefit. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, History,
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HD Another Period

Another Period


Another Period

IMDb: 7.5
21 min

After reading in the newspaper about the fame that certain people have achieved, Lillian decides the next step in becoming more famous is to be kidnapped. So she arranges for herself to be kidnapped. Being the victim of a kidnapping isn't quite what Lillian expects. Conversely, the kidnapper, despite being paid, doesn't experience what he expects having Lillian as his victim. Meanwhile, with the Commodore still away, Dodo orders Peepers to escort her to a society function masquerading as her husband. Peepers learns if, as the most expert of servants, he can act as a master, and if so, how far he will go in acting Dodo's husband. And Blanche secretly tries on a dress that Beatrice has discarded out of anger. Seeing Blanche in that dress, Beatrice believes she has met a new friend named Blanche, not realizing that her new friend is truly her old servant. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, History,
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HD Another Period

Another Period


Another Period

IMDb: 7.6
21 min

It's Lillian's birthday. Peepers has organized her birthday parties since before Lillian was born to the Bellacourt's exacting standards. This year, however, Peepers comes down with a malady in the middle of the party, the prognosis which is not good either for him or the party. A question is whether the Bellacourts will do whatever required to save Peepers. Lillian receives a surprise guest for the party, namely her first fiancé, Charles Ponzi, who left her at the altar, and who she has not seen since. Lillian still has a soft spot down there for Charles, who comes both with his servant boy, Tabu, who has his own soft spot for someone in the manor, and an interesting investment scheme. And Hortense, who always had been told that she was barren, learns that she is not. She has to decide how best to handle her delicate situation. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, History,
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HD Another Period

Another Period


Another Period

IMDb: 7.5
21 min

The Commodore returns to Bellacourt Manor with a handsome chef in tow who catches Hortense's eye, and Frederick undergoes psychological evaluation to see if he's fit for a Senate seat. Down in the servant's quarters, Hamish finds a way to blackmail Chair. Written by Blondexilla

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, History,
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HD Another Period

Another Period


Another Period

IMDb: 7.8
22 min

After Peepers catches Chair in a service faux pas, he, realizing that he has not trained her well enough, puts her through a rigorous soul-busting training regimen. Meanwhile, this year's edition of Newport's Most Beautiful Pageant, which will again be held at Bellacourt Manor, will not only be open to vegetables as it has in past years, but rather solely cabbages in the vegetal category, babies, and - gasp - human women, with the winner's picture to be featured on the side of a biscuit tin. Aghast at such a prospect of human contestants, the Newport Association of Gal Spinsters (N.A.G.S.), of which Hortense is a member, vows to ruin the pageant from the inside choosing one of their own as a contestant. However, both Lillian and Beatrice are determined to win. With Albert, having grown the winning vegetable the past five pageants, still in a coma albeit now without the tomahawk in his chest, and thus unable to participate, Victor decides to coach the biggest vegetable he knows for the... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, History,
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HD Another Period

Another Period


Another Period

IMDb: 7.1
22 min

Now that Lillian and Beatrice have paid Victor and Albert off $2 million to pretend to be dead, they have to hold the mock funeral which will be populated by potential wealthy replacement husbands, in Beatrice's case some that hopefully resemble a certain twin brother. But Victor and Albert presumably being dead has an impact on others. Frederick doesn't know if he can do it with Beatrice anymore with the ghost of Albert hovering over him. Chair is assigned the responsibility of telling the children that their fathers are dead. And Victor and Albert themselves, in what should be the bliss of their cabin hideout alone together, can't seem to behave like a loving couple without the presence of their wives. Meanwhile, Peepers receives a visit from his older brother, who has to get Peepers to attend another funeral, that is if Dodo will allow him an afternoon off. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, History,
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HD Another Period

Another Period


Another Period

IMDb: 7.4
22 min

Dodo inviting widowed Pussy Von Anderstein to Bellacourt Manor as a potential wife for Frederick has a profound effect on many in the manor. Pussy ends up being two things unexpected: divorced/not widowed, and sexually emancipated. The latter issue is directed toward Garfield and Frederick, who respond to her specific sexual peccadillo in different ways. Regardless of Frederick's initial disinterest in Pussy in his continued devotion to Beatrice, Beatrice does whatever she needs to to ensure Frederick remains hers. And Pussy being divorced gives Lillian the idea that she could divorce Victor, or at least give Victor reason for divorcing her, the idea more fervent in her mind after their one monthly procreation sex. If divorce is not an option, she is not averse to killing him. But a third option comes into play, which could be a win-win-win-win-win solution for Lillian, Victor, Beatrice, Albert and Frederick. And Hamish confronts Chair about what he knows about her Celine past. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, History,
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HD Another Period

Another Period


Another Period

IMDb: 7.6
21 min

Rather than be saddened by the news, Beatrice and Lillian are overjoyed at the death of their friends, the Claudette sisters, as it means there are now two spots open on the Newport 400, comprised of the four hundred most important people in all of Newport, two spots which they are sure will go to them. They have to impress the Marquis de Sainsbury, he alone who decides who makes it into the 400. The one obstacle they learn of is who Hortense has invited to the induction ceremony party, namely Helen Keller, who Hortense is sure will upstage her sisters. Despite not knowing who she is, Beatrice and Lillian have to figure out how to neutralize the Keller factor. Meanwhile Peepers has hired a new domestic named Celine. However the Bellacourts give her a new what they consider more appropriate name: Chair. Some in the household know more about Chair than they let on to the others. And Beatrice and Frederick lament the fact that they can't marry each other. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, History,
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HD The Closer

The Closer


The Closer

IMDb: 8.0
55 min

Brenda and the Major Crimes unit have just moved into their offices at the new police headquarters when they are called to investigate the murder of Steven Beebe, an amateur astronomer who, it would seem, was shot while out on his balcony. He's been having an affair with the married Cherie Walker, who had hired him to do repairs on her house. Cherie was in his bed when he was killed but claims she was sound asleep when it happened. Other than his history of sleeping with customers, his employees (Melanie and Paul Ryder) say he was a good, reliable boss. The police soon determine that he was shot with a high-powered rifle from the Walker's house, which is in direct line of sight with Beebe's balcony. Beebe's computer password is the clue that leads to the identity of the killer. Meanwhile, Assistant Chief Pope tells everyone there's going to be a major announcement. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Black Mirror

Black Mirror


Black Mirror

IMDb: 8.5
52 min (Netflix)

When withdrawn Kenny stumbles headlong into an online trap, he is quickly forced into an uneasy alliance with shifty Hector, both at the mercy of persons unknown.

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Sci-Fi, Thriller,
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HD Broadchurch




IMDb: 8.0
48 min

The surprise defence witness proves to be a liability and vicar Paul, whilst encouraging Beth to address a group of bereaved parents, refuses to testify on Joe's behalf. His son Tom is happy to do so but before he can take the stand a bitter argument breaks out between the two barristers, reopening old wounds and making winning the case personal. Ellie determines to solve the Sandbrook case, establishing that Claire may have lied to protect Ashworth and that Ricky Gillespie, father of one of the victims, may not be as innocent as first thought. Her sleuthing leads her and Hardy to a sinister location. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Lucifer




IMDb: 8.7
42 min

After the bodies of two young L.A. transplants are found poisoned, Chloe and Lucifer hunt for the killer. Upon Maze convincing Chloe to go out for drinks, which the detective perceives as an act of friendship, but is actually part of a bet between Maze and Lucifer, the two make a shocking decision.

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Fantasy,
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HD Melissa & Joey

Melissa & Joey


Melissa & Joey

IMDb: 8.1
21 min

Joe tries to make his relationship with Mel work while working as a nanny. Ryder searches for a new look for the up coming school year.

Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Wolf Hall

Wolf Hall


Wolf Hall

IMDb: 7.8
64 min

Thomas Cromwell's (Mark Rylance) patron, Cardinal Wolsey (Jonathan Pryce), is dismissed as Lord Chancellor and forced to flee his palace at York Place. The old noble families of England, jealous of their own right to advise the King, have long waited for this moment. Cromwell readies Wolsey's palace in exile at Esher and sets forth a plan to return him to the King's favour. Thomas More (Anton Lesser) is appointed Lord Chancellor in the Cardinal's place. The Cardinal has not endeared himself in Court, with many believing him to be too powerful and greedy. Eight years ago, at the height of the Cardinal's career, he made an enemy of Thomas Boleyn (David Robb) by chastising him for his daughter Anne's far from virtuous reputation. As rumours circulated in Court that Anne was secretly betrothed to Harry Percy (Harry Lloyd), the Cardinal insisted that no such match would be allowed. Still lacking a male heir, the King is desperate for an annulment from his marriage to Katherine of Aragon (...

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, History,
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HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who

IMDb: 6.2
45 min

Vision recovered from the wreckage of Le Verrier Space Station shows how the Doctor and Clara became entangled in a rescue mission. As the footage plays out, a horrifying secret is uncovered.

Country: UK
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HD Doctor Who

Doctor Who


Doctor Who

IMDb: 8.5
50 min | 50 min (1 Episode)

Martha Jones secretly returns to England. It's been a year since the Master took over the Earth and launched the invasion. Humans are now a captive race and the Toclafane are building a fleet of rockets they will use to attack other worlds. The Master takes great pleasure in humiliating the Doctor and has Martha's family doing menial chores. Martha has a plan however and all she has to do in get in to see the Master. When she learns of the origin of the Toclafane, she realizes the paradox they have created. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
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HD Sherlock




IMDb: 8.2
89 min

Imagining himself back in the 1890s, Sherlock is visited by Inspector Lestrade after newlywed Emelia Ricoletti, having apparently killed herself in public, murders her husband Thomas in front of witnesses before vanishing. Some months later Holmes is approached by Lady Carmichael, who tells him that her husband Sir Eustace has been threatened by Emelia, who then seemingly does away with him. With an intrusive Moriarty crossing him, Holmes attempts to solve the enigma, with unexpected help from Watson's wife Mary and evidence of a conspiracy involving half the population of the country. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Psych




IMDb: 7.7
43 min | 60 min

Trout is out of the picture and old chief Vick already accepted a job elsewhere and offers O'Hara a promotion if she joins, so Lassiter hopes to be picked. The mayor however interviews candidates who stand a better chance due to networking and Lassie makes a pitiful impression. His last hope is solving the old murder of the mayor's uncle Archie Baxter. Psych digs into the past (where regular cast doubles as late characters), a saucy nightclub scene with convoluted intrigues with staff and customers. When they crack it, Lassie gets second thoughts. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Crime, Mystery,
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HD Psych




IMDb: 8.3
43 min

When Gus's pharmaceutical company forces him to quit Psych, Shawn tries to salvage the partnership by taking a case for the company vice president, who claims that his house is being haunted.

Country: USA | Canada
Genre: Comedy, Crime, Mystery,
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