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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 7.9
30 min

Barney believes that Marshall and Lily's relationship is in major trouble solely because Lily makes Marshall wash his dishes immediately instead of letting them sit in the sink. He sees it as a sign that Marshall is panty-whipped, and that he should stand up for himself. Marshall follows Barney's advice which leads to Marshall and Lily having the biggest fight of their lives. Conversely, Barney says that he and Robin never fight, with each having a technique to avoid fights. Ted doesn't believe it as Barney and Robin are the two worst people when it comes to being in a relationship. But because of the noisy neighbors Ted and Robin have - Ted and Robin using the euphemism of playing the bagpipes for what the neighbors are doing - Ted believes he's come up with a way to find out for sure if Barney and Robin are telling the truth. The actions of one of the couples allows the other couple to overcome their short term situation. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 7.9
30 min

Ever since Marshall and Lily got married, Ted feels that his best bro Marshall has turned from being a me to a we. That's why Ted is so excited when Marshall agrees to recreate one of their crazy college road trips to Chicago's Gazola's pizza joint, which is closing. But this trip is not quite what Ted was expecting as Marshall invites Lily. As Lily's presence changes the nature of the road trip, Ted tries to regain what he wanted this trip to be. Meanwhile, Robin may be deported unless she becomes a US citizen. Robin, a patriotic Canadian, isn't sure if she wants to become an American. Barney, who doesn't understand why anyone wouldn't want to be American, helps Robin become his version of American. But when Robin's withdrawal symptoms become too much for her to handle, she falls off the wagon. This experience shows her where she really fits and where her patriotic heart lies. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.1
22 min

Marshall and Lily are excited that Robin and Barney are dating as they now have friends who are a couple with who they can double date. Marshall and Lily don't have such friends because, unknown to them, they, to use Ted's vernacular, suck at being couples friends since they are so intense about making it a good time. Barney and Robin have no idea into what they are entering when they accept Marshall and Lily's invitation to spend a couples night at their place. After what they consider the worst night of their lives on that couples night, Robin and Barney don't have the heart to tell Marshall and Lily. After Robin and Barney eventually dump Marshall and Lily as their double dating friends, they are the ones who end up feeling shunned by the consequences. Meanwhile, Ted is sporting a new look - tweed - to make him look more professorial. He believes it is making him more attractive to the ladies. But when his latest conquest leaves the next morning, Barney believes that that look ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.4
22 min

Robin is still so surprised when she realizes that she and Barney are dating. She reconsiders her relationship with Barney when it seems that he really doesn't want to be in a relationship, and then makes a 180 degree turn being too attentive, which makes Robin believe he's cheating on her. By breaking into Barney's briefcase, Robin and Lily learn that Barney hasn't been cheating on her with another woman but that he has been going to night school. The class: Robin 101. The teacher: Professor Ted Mosby. Ted convinced Barney that he had to be attentive to Robin's needs to keep her, and who better than Ted to teach him what those needs are. Will Robin be flattered or offended? Meanwhile, Marshall says goodbye to his old friend Mabel... or so he thinks. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.2
30 min

In 2009, Ted goes on a blind date with a woman named Jen. It isn't until they're at the restaurant about ready to order that they both come to the realization that they are reliving the same blind date they had with each other in 2002. This date is going about as well as that first one did, but as they come to the conclusion that their dating lives have pretty much stalled in that seven years, they decide to relive the remainder of that date from seven years ago to learn why they make such bad first impressions. But as they learn what they did wrong, will those turn into rights for the two of them, or will wrongs always be wrongs? Meanwhile, Barney comes up with a plan to hijack Marshall without either Robin or Lily knowing what's going on. The reason is that Barney has come to the conclusion that Marshall's life is controlled by Lily and in Barney's mind he needs to get out and have some guy's fun. So Barney takes him to a strip club. There, Marshall opens up about how he fantasizes ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.6
30 min

Lily is sadder to learn that Barney and Robin aren't a couple more so than Barney or Robin. But after that, Lily catches Barney and Robin making out, the two who confess that they have been in a sexual relationship over the course of the summer, a fact they were hiding since they didn't want to make a big deal out of their undefined relationship. Lily thinks that Barney and Robin need to have the talk to define what they really mean to each other. They refuse since they are quite happy having sex and that's it. When Robin is forced to go on a date with Brad, Barney and Robin almost get to the point of feeling the need to have the talk. When they still can't go through with it, Lily, ultimately with some help from Marshall, comes up with a plan to force them to have the talk. Even if they do have the talk, will they come to any conclusions? Meanwhile Ted is preparing for his first day as a college professor teaching Architecture 101. He is trying to decide what kind of professor he ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.8
30 min

It's approaching Ted's thirty-first birthday, and he's at a desperate time in his professional life. He refuses to take the job as an architecture professor since he sees that as a failure of not being an actual architect. So he takes the only design job offered to him: to design a restaurant, a rib joint, in the shape of a cowboy hat. For three solid days, this job is the focus of his life to the exclusion of all else including celebrating his birthday (much to his friends' chagrin, they who planned a surprise party for him on the rooftop). But Lily's pet goat throws a small wrench into Ted's life. Up on the roof, Marshall is contemplating making the literal six or seven foot horizontal leap to the roof of the adjacent building (where there is an inviting hot tub), missing which would mean falling several stories to the ground. Although he's thought about doing it for years, he seems closer now to doing it than ever. And Barney thinks that he's in love with Robin and plans on telling... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 7.9
30 min

Ted runs into his ex-fiancée Stella and her husband Tony seven months after she left him at the altar. Instead of acting angry toward them, Ted is cordial, trying to prove that he is over Stella, which he truly does believe. Despite Ted's more than pleasant demeanor toward them, Tony has it in his mind that he has to make amends to Ted for stealing his fiancée since Ted, in his mind, looked so sad. After wealthy Tony makes some grand gestures to atone all which end up falling flat, Ted finally tells Tony how he really feels. Ted's comments lead to an unexpected outcome, which brings Stella running back to Ted. Ted, who really wants to be in love, has to decide what to do about Tony and Stella. Meanwhile, Barney has just received a speeding ticket. When he learns that all his friends have talked their way out of speeding tickets before, Barney bets them that he can as well. So Barney goes on a speeding mission, which too has an unexpected consequence. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.3
30 min

Ted is telling his children about a series of seemingly unrelated events that took place in 2009 all at around the same time: Robin getting food poisoning and vomiting on air; Barney miscalculating that a Czech super model will be his two hundredth sex partner; and Marshall overusing poster sized charts he has made up by the graphics department at GNB. Why is he telling them these stories in combination? Because they all led to him standing on a certain street corner at a certain time which resulted in him meeting their mother. As Ted is standing on that corner at that time, he is tapped on the shoulder by... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.7
30 min

Ted has just met a woman named Holli. He wants to call her right away, but Barney tells him he can't because of the three day rule. To shut Barney up, Ted promises that he'll follow the rule and not call her for three days. Ted finds what he thinks is a loophole: he'll text her instead. But the one text leads to a series of texts over the course of the day that makes Ted discover that Holli may be his perfect girl. Will he tell her that he loves her? That's what Barney and Marshall believe will happen since it really is Barney and Marshall who Ted has been texting, and Barney and Marshall have been responding pretending to be Holli. Barney stole Ted's phone, into which he changed Holli's cell phone number for his own. Robin finds out about what Barney and Marshall have been doing. Believing it to be mean to their best friend, Robin tells Ted what they did. Ted seeks his revenge by texting back a message which will make Barney and Marshall wonder which of the two really is his best ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 7.8
30 min

Ted and Marshall are facing job security issues. GNB has been laying off employees of late. To ensure that he is not one of those laid off, Barney feels that Marshall needs to find his man niche: something specific that distinguishes him as being a great guy to have around, regardless of job performance. After going through the endless possibilities, Marshall decides to be the sports guy, the one in the office who runs the fantasy baseball league. This job ends up being more stressful than his real job. After his own layoff, Ted is still trying to get his own architectural firm - Mosbius Designs - off the ground, the company which he is operating out of his and Robin's apartment. Ted seems more concerned about the cosmetics of the company as opposed to finding clients. Robin thinks he's procrastinating on this new phase of his life. Ted and Robin's life changes when Ted hires an assistant named PJ, who ends up doing double duty as professional in Ted's office and paramour in ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.6
30 min

After Barney is banned for life from the local laser tag club for his rough play, Ted adds it to what he calls his Murtaugh list, named after the Danny Glover character in Lethal Weapon (1987), he who said I'm too old for this $#*!. Barney ends up seeing Ted's Murtaugh list as a challenge and bets Ted that he can do everything on the list in twenty-four hours. Conversely, Ted tells Robin that he is looking forward to growing old. So Robin and Barney come up with an alternate list of old folks things for Ted to do, Ted who double bets Barney that he can complete the items on that list before Barney finishes the Murtaugh list. Meanwhile, after Lily asks him, Marshall agrees to coach Lily's kindergarten class' basketball team. Lily sees it as potential dad training for Marshall. But Lily may change her mind when she sees that Marshall is a dictatorial taskmaster as a coach, as opposed to the touchy-feely coach she wanted. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 7.8
30 min

Ted enjoys the process of designing GNB's new headquarters, except for the negative comments Bilson is always hurling toward him. So Ted is relieved when a new executive committee without Bilson is overseeing the project for GNB. That relief turns to incredulity when Ted learns that in reality, the project in its entirety had been scrapped a month earlier. Ted eventually finds out that Marshall and Barney set up the charade of the new committee (with its fake GNB employees) to keep Ted happy for the couple of months that he was getting paid for work on the project anyway as per the contract. As this project was the only one he was working on for his architectural firm, Ted is afraid that he will be fired if they find out. Barney and Marshall think they've come up with a short term solution to Ted's problem, unless Bilson has his say. Meanwhile, Robin let's it slip that she once had the opportunity to have sex with a Canadian born celebrity with an unusual collection of memorabilia. ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.5
30 min

The gang admit to Robin that they have never watched her on Come On, Wake Up New York. So they agree that they will all go over to Marshall and Lily's on Friday, get dressed in their pajamas, and watch the show together. Marshall and Barney have polar opposite views on what constitutes appropriate bedtime attire. By the end of the night, one will have converted the other. Meanwhile, Ted's newest relationship with his old girlfriend Karen - who Marshall and Lily in particular hate - has just ended when Karen found one of Robin's earrings in Ted's bed, despite Ted vowing to her that he knows nothing about how it got there. When Ted finds the other earring in Marshall and Lily's bedroom, Lily confesses that she is the one who placed the earring in Ted's bed, thus orchestrating the break-up with Karen. Ted's anger with Lily increases when Lily admits that she has orchestrated more than one of his break-ups, she doing so whenever the girlfriend in question didn't meet what Lily calls her... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 7.9
30 min

While Ted, Barney, Marshall and Lily have a beer at the bar at 2am, Robin, who drops by the bar, has just woken up to start her new job at the morning show. Barney is relaying a story about Marshall at work that day, he who was getting dressed for work after a basketball game at the company gym when he realized that he forgot to bring his suit pants, meaning that he had to go to work wearing his athletic shorts. Barney plays a hand at what Marshall ultimately wore for the rest of the work day. And Ted is telling the gang that his old girlfriend Karen is in town. Karen was Ted's first real girlfriend in high school and through some of college. She was pretentious and chronically cheated on Ted, which are the primary reasons that Marshall and Lily hate her. But Ted always took her back when she came running. As Marshall and Lily try to persuade Ted not to fall into the same trap he always has with Karen let alone even see her, Ted fills in a few more of the blanks regarding what he has ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.4
30 min

Barney's recent behavior makes the gang believe he is hiding a girlfriend from them. When they follow him to what they think is a rendezvous with her, they end up at the home of Loretta Stinson, Barney's mother, where they meet Barney's wife and son, Betty and Tyler. In reality, Betty and Tyler are both actors who Barney hired. Margaret has been playing the role of Betty for seven years. To grant Loretta her dying wish of her sons being with someone they loved - Loretta who was on her deathbed at the time (and who obviously survived that ordeal) - Barney hired Margaret to play his fiancée to fulfill that wish. When Margaret, going off script, stated that she was pregnant, Barney eventually had to produce a son Tyler, who in his current incarnation is played by Grant. The already convoluted plot is made even more so when everyone catches Ted making out with Betty. Ted has to use some of the improvisation skills he learned from actress Margaret to get them all out of this mess. ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.5
30 min

Robin has been out of work for four months. Among her unopened fan mail from Metro News 1, she finds a notice of her work visa expiration in seven days unless she finds another job in her field. As she has not even come close to finding another job, she, feeling desperate, takes Barney up on his offer to prepare a video resume for her, despite his own video resume being meaningless and inane, it which includes him stating such made up words as possimpible. Thinking the direction that Barney is going in with the video resume will yield nothing, Robin applies for anything. Meanwhile, Ted, Marshall and Lily argue about the meaningless items each sees in the others' resumes. And Marshall sustains a basketball slam dunking injury, which in common terms is called dancer's hip. Marshall confesses to Lily how he really got the injury. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.6
30 min

The storm of the century has hit New York in early 2009. The snowfall is supposed to last for three days, meaning that the city is at a virtual standstill for three days. Ted and Barney have made dates with two college girls - band mates - from out of town and are supposed to meet them at MacLaren's. Without each having the others' telephone numbers, Ted and Barney can only sit and wait to see if they show up. Without anyone else in the bar, Carl wants to close the bar early so that he can volunteer at a shelter, but Ted and Barney convince him to let them run the bar while he's gone. The start of their stint ends up being their dream as they've talked about buying a bar and never having last call. But as their dates show up, the night doesn't quite end up as they envisioned. Meanwhile, Marshall and Lily have a long set of rituals. Among them is that whenever one goes away out of town, he or she brings back a six pack from the visited city while the other meets him/her at the airport ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.6
30 min

Ted and Robin's new stint as just being roommates isn't going very well. They're constantly fighting, something they didn't do while they were dating and almost seemingly like roommates. They come to the conclusion that it was because they were sleeping with each other when they were dating. So they decide to be just roommates but have sex to circumvent the fights whenever they are about to have a fight. There is no emotional involvement, just sex. It seems to be working. Although they decide not to tell anyone of their roommates with benefits status, the rest of the gang find out. Lily believes that nothing good can come of their arrangement, as someone always gets hurt in the end. Although Lily can see it, the one who seems to be getting hurt by their arrangement is Barney, who still has unresolved feelings for Robin. Meanwhile, Marshall feels totally uncomfortable reading a magazine at work, and will do his magazine reading anywhere but the office, even once renting a motel ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.3
30 min

During this Christmas holiday season, Robin is feeling more homesick than usual. To help her feel better, Marshall takes her to his local bar, which is for people from and celebrates Marshall's home state of Minnesota. Marshall comes here himself whenever he is feeling homesick. Despite Robin not being from Minnesota and despite the bar patrons ridiculing Canadians, Robin tries to make the bar her own place, at the expense of Marshall. Meanwhile, Ted's younger sister Heather is coming for a visit with the thought of actually moving to New York to begin a career in finance. Heather has always been a bit flaky in Ted's eyes and he can't see her making this move. But what Ted is most afraid of if Heather moves to New York is Barney, who has always wanted to sleep with Heather despite never having met her. Upon her arrival, Heather asks Ted to co-sign an apartment lease, otherwise there is no way she can move to the city. Ted, believing that Heather is too irresponsible, declines her ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.4
22 min

Doug Martin, the bartender at MacLaren's, is a brutishly large, toupee wearing man. He is also slightly dimwitted and angry but who is fiercely loyal to his regulars. That fierce loyalty leads to Doug challenging a group of bar patrons to a back alley fight on Lily, Robin, Ted, Marshall and Barney's behalf, but with the implication that Ted, Barney and Marshall join him in the brawl. After thinking about it, Ted, who has never been in a bona fide fist fight, believes a fight is something he needs to do once in his life and agrees to join Doug. Barney also goes to fight once he finds out that Robin, the hockey fan, is into brawlers. Marshall, on the other hand, won't fight, stating that he's been in many a fight before with his brothers and doesn't need to prove anything. When Ted and Barney come back from the fight with black eyes but are still standing while their opponents are out cold, they are seen as heroes by the other bar patrons, except for Marshall. Ted and Barney, basking in... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 9.2
30 min

Ted is relaying to his children the story of how he moved on to the next woman after Stella left him right before the wedding. Her name was Vicky, a woman he saw every day in the elevator. After a week of furtive glances, he asked her out to which she accepted. Based on a ploy by Robin's latest date to sleep with her (the ploy called the naked man), the gang discuss the effectiveness of the ploy and the role of sex in their respective lives. Specifically between Marshall and Lily, they debate if love is the only reason to sleep with another person. Robin needs to defend her decision to sleep with Mitch, the naked man guy, with whom she may not have ever seen again after that date. And Barney urges Ted to employ the naked man technique on Vicky, despite Ted believing that he may have a future with her. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.2
22 min

Barney provides Ted with what both may consider the greatest opportunity in Ted's career. Barney is part of the search committee to hire the architectural firm to design Goliath National Bank's new headquarters, which would be a building integral to the Manhattan skyline. A Swedish architectural collective called Sven is currently being considered, but Barney has gotten Ted and his company at least the opportunity to make a pitch. Ted works hard to come up with what he believes is the perfect design, but it ultimately isn't chosen. What Ted doesn't know is Barney's role in the committee and why his design didn't come out on top. Meanwhile, Robin, single and jobless, wants to spend more quality girl's time with Lily. When Lily invites Robin to join her at her conservative colleague Jillian's birthday party, Lily and Robin are surprised that in her personal life, conservative Jillian is unfortunately what they call a woo girl, someone who always yells woo at the top of her lungs ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.0
30 min

Barney is told by one of his sexual conquests that she may be pregnant with his baby. When Barney learns that she isn't pregnant, he celebrates by creating what he hopes will be a new national holiday: Not a Father's Day. Ted and Robin try to open Barney's eyes to who are not fathers. Meanwhile, Marshall and Lily are contemplating having a baby. When Marshall has to skip a planned baby making session due to a work meeting, Lily begins to wonder if she and Marshall really are ready to be parents. She calls in Robin and Ted for their advice, they who are on opposing sides of the issue. As Robin and Ted debate the general issues of parenthood, Lily, with the assistance of a bottle of wine, goes to Marshall's office invading his meeting to tell him her decision in only the way a drunken wannabe mom can. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.1
21 min

For the two weeks following Stella dumping Ted immediately before their scheduled wedding, Ted outwardly is fine if not happy - too happy. Lily in particular thinks that Ted isn't dealing with what he is really feeling, while Barney thinks that Ted may indeed be happy in believing that Stella perhaps was not the one for him. Ted admits that part of the way he is dealing with the situation is to avoid running into Stella at all cost. But when the five go out for dinner and see Stella in the same restaurant, they go to extraordinary lengths to make sure she doesn't see them. While Ted contemplates if he should actually speak to her, the others discuss the people in their lives they most fear seeing and if they did what they would say to that person. Ted's thoughts of what he would say to her changes when he figures out her new circumstances. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.4
22 min

In part to preempt her sister Nora from stealing her perfect wedding, Stella convinces Ted to move their wedding up to that weekend on Shelter Island. Beyond Shelter Island not being quite the place that Marshall, Lily or Barney want to be, the wedding faces some immediate issues when Stella learns that Ted has telephoned Robin in Japan to invite her to the wedding, the invitation which she accepted. This move violates Stella's no-ex's at weddings policy as she fears that Ted seeing his ex will bring up old, unresolved feelings. The only thing that could be worse for Stella is if Lucy's father, Tony, was at the wedding. Ted is torn as he really would like Robin, one of his best friends, there. Lily thinks that she has a plan to get Stella to allow Robin to attend, but that plan has some unexpected consequences. When Robin arrives, she has her own admission for Ted. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.9
30 min

Buoyed by the success of an intervention concerning their friend Stuart's over-consumption of alcohol carried out by a large group of their friends, the gang decide to hold interventions for everything that bothers them about the others. So when Ted, Marshall and Lily are packing up the apartment to move on with their respective lives, Ted finds the intervention box with envelopes addressed to him. The others admit that they were going to hold an intervention when Ted first got engaged, believing he was rushing into things, but decided not to after they got to know Stella. As Ted makes them read their letters anyway, Ted comes to realize that they may be right, which in turn makes Marshall and Lily realize that moving to their new apartment does not feel right, and makes Robin realize that moving to Japan does not feel right. Only Barney, trying to win a bet that he, wearing make-up and pretending to be eighty years old, can still pick up a twenty-two year old, may inadvertently have ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 7.8
22 min

Ted has been commuting by train from Manhattan to New Jersey to be with Stella. Problem is, Ted despises New Jersey and he does not care for the train commute, but figures when he and Stella get married, she and her daughter Lucy will move to New York, but Stella has no plans to move to New York however. Ted, Marshall, Lily and Barney go to Stella's house. They cannot go out because Stella can't get a babysitter. While there, they start beating up on New Jersey and an argument ensues over which is better; New York or New Jersey. In addition, Stella tells Ted she has no plans to move to New York when they get married, because she doesn't want to uproot her life, as well as Lucy's and there's an argument about where they should live. Now Ted has to decide if he will live in New York, without Stella and Lucy or be with them in New Jersey. Meanwhile, Robin is miserable at Metro News One, because of the fluff pieces she has to report and the puns she has to say, even if it is in bad ... Written by goleafs84

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.5
30 min

Barney can't stop promoting his new job at Goliath National Bank (GNB). He keeps asking Marshall to interview for a job. Marshall tries to find a job. Robin is on a 7 day cleanse diet. Everyone is at the pub and they're promoting a new burger. Everyone gets the burger and that leads to Marshall reliving his first days in New York when he found the best burger in New York City. This leads to a quest to find the place with a neon red burger sign and a green door. A crazy strong Regis Philbin gets in on the action. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.7
22 min

In his quest to get back together with Stella, Ted comes to the realization that he loves her, so asks her to marry him. She says yes. Later, Ted, after being questioned by Marshall, also comes to the realization that he knows very little about his bride-to-be. Ted, admitting this fact to her, starts to ask Stella a bunch of questions to find out more about her. One of the more important facts that he learns is that she's never seen Star Wars (1977), his favorite movie of all time. Stella liking or not liking the movie could be a marriage breaker, especially as Ted is egged on by equally Star Wars (1977) loving Marshall. Someone also in love is Barney: with Robin. Sensing that she knows something is going on, Barney confides in Lily. Lily gives him advice on how he can be her boyfriend (despite Barney denying that what he wants to be is anything called a boyfriend). Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.7
22 min

Ted freaks out when Stella invites him to a wedding six months away, which is twice as long as they have been dating. Believing they are moving at two different speeds in their relationship, Ted breaks up with her. But after Ted has a potentially near fatal accident, he comes to the realization that he loves Stella and that he wants her back. A misunderstanding between Ted and Stella about the break-up may jeopardize them getting back together again. The accident also brings into clearer light the status of Ted and Barney's currently estranged friendship. Meanwhile, Marshall and Robin argue about what constitutes a miracle. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 7.9
22 min

Since Marshall and Lilly cannot afford the cost to level the floors of their new place, Marshall proposes its time to start selling some of Lilly's designer clothes. Lilly instead wants to make the money selling her paintings which takes her to some low places. Ted tries for an interesting look while Barney finally meets the girl that has been ruining his chance with women. Written by Andrew

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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