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HD My Mad Fat Diary

My Mad Fat Diary


My Mad Fat Diary

IMDb: 9.0

After spending the night with Liam Rae goes home to argue with her mother about seeing Victor and resenting the new baby. Following her split with Chloe she feels isolated at college and her efforts to get the old gang back together to find Chloe fail due to their bickering. After getting good advice from Kester she starts to turn things around, saving her mother when she starts bleeding and being glad to have a baby sister as well as saving Chloe from her vile boyfriend and joining her in a triumphant return to college. She finally gets the old group on good terms again and, as the icing of the cake, is prepared for a proper relationship with Finn, who has returned from Leeds. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD My Mad Fat Diary

My Mad Fat Diary


My Mad Fat Diary

IMDb: 8.4

Chloe is meant to be singing the lead in the college musical but she has disappeared, not for the first time. Rae goes to her house and discovers her diary. She is initially appalled as Chloe describes her affair with P.T. teacher Stephen and distorts facts about Rae, whom she sees as a rival for Finn. However reading on she finds that Chloe describes her as ' a beautiful person, not bitchy and broken like me' and sees that Chloe is clearly less self-assured than she appears. Rae starts to feel for her, recalling the times Chloe helped her. At the therapy group Liam walks out after Kester berates him for being flippant and disruptive and Rae goes after him. She visits Victor but is disappointed to find he is going on holiday without telling her. After splitting with her controlling older boyfriend, with whom she has been staying, Chloe comes to college just before the concert but rows with Rae and leaves. Rae, reluctantly standing in for her, takes the stage but her performance is a ... Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD My Mad Fat Diary

My Mad Fat Diary


My Mad Fat Diary

IMDb: 8.0

Rae is hanging out with Liam, who is now single, but her mum sees them smoking pot and grounds her. With Finn dating a twenty-four year old and Chloe also hanging out with twenty somethings she feels very young and out of it. She decides to visit her long estranged father, Victor, who gives her driving lessons and a record deck for her birthday but asks her not to tell her mother. Chloe asks her to a party but she freaks out when the older Saul comes on to her and flees, ending up at Kester's before returning home and making up with her mum, agreeing to accompany her to her scan. Victor encourages her to provide the songs for a school play, where she rows with Chloe for not supporting her against Saul. With Finn now living in Leeds the old gang seems to have broken up so she goes to see Liam for comfort - and more. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD My Mad Fat Diary

My Mad Fat Diary


My Mad Fat Diary

IMDb: 8.2

Rae is pleased to have the apparently fearless Liam as her best, platonic friend, but is surprised that he wants to keep his group attendance secret. This spells trouble for Rae when Liam's violent girlfriend Amy, said to have been expelled from her last college for assault, threatens her and wants to know why they spend so much time together. She gives her until Friday. Liam refuses to tell Amy the truth but Rae sees he is not so tough when he breaks down and they kiss. Archie is also given the ultimatum by Lois to come out by Friday or else she will expose him. He suggests to Rae they run off together but she dissuades him and is pleased when Finn, anxious to resume a non-sexual friendship, offers to teach her self-defence. Come Friday Archie confesses to being gay to generally positive reactions whilst Amy crumbles when Rae tells her she kissed Liam. Back home Mum explains to Rae that she is converting to Islam as Karim, now a lollipop man, wants their baby born into the religion. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD My Mad Fat Diary

My Mad Fat Diary


My Mad Fat Diary

IMDb: 8.2

Without Finn Rae does her best to fit in with a clique of cool, slim girls led by Stacey and, with her tastes in popular music and advice to love-lorn Lois about getting a boyfriend winning them over, she actually starts to bond with them. Only Liam has worked out her terrible secret, her refusal to eat in front of other people because of her weight problem though eventually she finds herself able to confide in Stacey about it. However this is a terrible mistake as she soon works out that Stacey surrounds herself with people who are vulnerable so that she can bitch about them and feel superior. This leads to a show-down in a pizzeria where Rae actually eats in public to prove that Stacey was lying and Stacey is exposed to the others. Rae also exposes Archie as being gay when he tries to hide the fact by dating Lois. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD My Mad Fat Diary

My Mad Fat Diary


My Mad Fat Diary

IMDb: 8.6

Mum has married Karim and Rae discovers they are renting sex videos to spice things up. She herself is fairly happy as, after a shaky start at the bowling alley, she is dating Finn but is still anxious to pop her cherry with him. A weekend camping trip seems to provide the opportunity and she has a bikini wax and buys sexy lingerie. Unfortunately they have to share a tent with others but Finn has the perfect response - a romantic camper van, though sadly Rae has a headache and nothing happens. Returning to college she feels fat and insecure and accidentally sets off the fire alarm. She returns to Kester and group therapy and begins writing the diary again, something she had let lapse, thinking she did not need it. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD My Mad Fat Diary

My Mad Fat Diary


My Mad Fat Diary

IMDb: 8.6

Rae finds that she is vying with Chloe for Finn's affections. The gang is going to a rave but Rae's mother puts her foot down and tries to prevent her. After being sick Rae realizes that this is due to the combination of alcohol and her medication so she decides to stop taking the latter. This makes her behave oddly, freeing Karim's cage birds, some of whom die and leading to a huge row with her mother. After laying low at Finn's she goes to the rave where she is upset to see Chloe and Finn kiss. She returns home and patches things up with her mother but gets a call to say that Tix has regressed after Rae failed to turn up to go out with her. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD My Mad Fat Diary

My Mad Fat Diary


My Mad Fat Diary

IMDb: 8.8

Rae and Finn are really hitting it off but she is scared he still sees her only as one of the boys. She tells Chloe about her self-harming and proposes telling her other friends in order to be honest. Then her mother and Karim go to Tunisia for a few days, Rae being warned against having any parties. However when Rae discovers that the postcards supposedly sent by her absent father working in Scotland were sent by her mother she rebels and has a party. She is also angry with Dr Gill because, although Rae knows his marriage is in difficulties, he never tells her about it. At the party an attempt to make Finn jealous almost goes wrong when Finn accuses Rae of being mean to him but there is reconciliation. Next day Chloe admits that she also fancies Finn but Rae, wondering if telling the truth is the best option, decides against informing everybody else of the self-harming. Rae's mother returns, having married Karim in Tunisia, and Rae, realising her mother acted for the best, ... Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD My Mad Fat Diary

My Mad Fat Diary


My Mad Fat Diary

IMDb: 8.6

Rae and Chloe fall out when Chloe admits she is secretly dating their P.E. teacher Stephen Carrisford. There is further disharmony when Chop and Finn invite Rae to a rock concert but not Chloe. In fact they regard Rae as one of the lads, rather than a girl, which disheartens her and, after an encounter with the Green Lane gang of bullies, she starts self-harming again. Rae admits to Dr Gill her envy of Chloe after which she is again picked on by the Green Lane gang but rescued by Finn, for whom she realises she is falling. However, on the day of the concert, she stays behind to console Chloe, who has been dumped by Carrisford. They share a pleasant girls' afternoon at Chloe's house and Rae is about to confess all about her mental illness but is upset when Carrisford phones and Chloe rushes to see him. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD My Mad Fat Diary

My Mad Fat Diary


My Mad Fat Diary

IMDb: 8.5

Rae is not happy. Elderly Mrs Dewhurst across the road has accused her of being a Peeping Tom whilst a conversation with her friends in the pub exposes her as a virgin. A visit to Tix at the psychiatric ward is also depressing. However Archie asks her on a date and they are soon kissing. A second date is planned but Archie fails to show and when Rae goes after him he admits that he is gay and hoped that kissing a girl would make him straight. He is scared to come out so Rae decides the best way for them both to save face is for her to claim that she dumped him. Afterwards she goes to see Tix, this time the visit being more positive. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD My Mad Fat Diary

My Mad Fat Diary


My Mad Fat Diary

IMDb: 8.0

Overweight and under-confident teenager Rae Earl is discharged from psychiatric hospital and is met by her mother, who is hiding her Tunisian boyfriend Karim from the immigration authorities. Rae goes to the pub where her friend Chloe introduces her to her circle, including the desirable 'half geek, half rock god' Archie, whom Rae would love as her boyfriend. She is, however, prone to panic attacks and tries to return to the ward but is persuaded by her friend Tix to brave the big wide world. After a reconciliatory chat with her mother she attends Chloe's pool party where she is self-conscious about the self-harming marks on her legs. However her unorthodox psychiatrist Dr Gill shows her how to turn things to her advantage and her sense of humour wins over her new crowd of friends. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD The Twilight Zone

The Twilight Zone


The Twilight Zone

IMDb: 7.0
25 min

The residents of a small Mexican village, just 40 miles or so south of the Rio Grande, panic when they learn a being from another planet may have crashed near by. As the result of an altercation with local police, one policeman is dead and the alien is severely wounded. A young boy, Pedro, quickly forms a friendship with the alien who says he has come in peace. He also says he has a gift for the people of the Earth, but the villagers fear means that mankind will never benefit from the alien's generosity. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Are You Afraid of the Dark?

Are You Afraid of the Dark?


Are You Afraid of the Dark?

IMDb: 7.2
22 min (52 episodes)

A blithe boy name Jonah enlists in a camping expedition with a group of misfits where an ancient legend has awoken in the woods.

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HD The Following

The Following


The Following

IMDb: 7.7
43 min

Ryan manages to speak to Debra by cellphone and the search to find where they've buried her begins. When they find the car Joe's followers used, they walk into a trap. The clock is ticking down and Debra is running out of oxygen. Claire meanwhile wakes up in a house by the ocean. Joe is waiting for Ryan to show up so his story can come to an end. He shows her what it's really like to kill someone and be responsible for a death. Ryan and Joe have their final confrontation. There is one of Joe's followers who is off the radar however. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The Following

The Following


The Following

IMDb: 7.5
44 min

With the FBI closing in, Joe puts his final plan into action. Central to those plans is to eliminate Claire but it's also clear that his acolytes will do anything for him. They leave the house and go off in several directions. Joe, Emma and Jacob - with Claire as their prisoner - take a suburban family hostage while awaiting nightfall. Jacob is unsure of his own plans for the future. Other members of the cult head in to Havenport to wreak havoc. Ryan and the FBI finally arrive at the house but too late as Joe and he others have fled. Joe has one last attack in mind. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The Following

The Following


The Following

IMDb: 7.9
44 min

Mike Weston recognizes Roderick as one of the men who beat him up. He gets away but the FBI lock down the local sheriff's office until they figure out just who they can trust. Agent in charge Nick Donovan orders an information blackout but Ryan holds a press conference offering immunity from prosecution to any member of the cult who wants to turn Joe in. Roderick, in a panic, tells Joe what has happened and begins to realize just to what extent Joe has taken advantage of them. He goes on the run - and takes Joey with him. When Roderick is apprehended, Ryan goes out on a limb to ensure Joey's safe return. Claire meanwhile has her own plans for Joe. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The Following

The Following


The Following

IMDb: 7.4
45 min

The FBI continue to search the cult's bunker and training camp and find a connection with the right-wing militia group Freedom 13 and its leader Daniel Monroe. In fact, they believe that at least four members of Freedom 13 were part of Joe Carroll's cult. At the house, Claire and Joey make a feeble attempt to leave the grounds but are stopped before they get too far. Joe is concerned with the FBI having found the bunker and what they might learn. He no longer trusts Roderick and decides he will eliminate Monroe himself and sets off with Jacob and Vince McKinley. The FBI find Monroe and he lets slip that Joe and his followers have a house. That's about all they get out of him before Joe and the others arrive as well. With Joe away from the compound, Claire meets Emma for the first time since her arrival. In flashbacks, we learn that Ryan's father was shot and killed in convenience store. We also learn what he did about it. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The Following

The Following


The Following

IMDb: 7.2
44 min

After giving herself up, Claire Matthews' abductors take to the house. There she meets Joe and he explains his desire to rekindle their relationship and start over again as a family. She is incredulous but realizes a bit of role-playing may be to her advantage. For his part, Joe makes it clear that killing people gives him great pleasure. Meanwhile, the FBI manage to trace the embedded video they found in an email to servers in Manhattan. They're located in an SandM club called Whips and Regret and the club manager points the finger at Vince McKinley who set up her computer system. He has also been using the club as a mail drop and the manager arranges for him to pick it up. The FBI follow him and end up at the cult's training ground. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The Following

The Following


The Following

IMDb: 7.1
44 min

Joe Carroll gets two of his followers - both right-wing militia types who have received excellent military training - and Roderick to get his wife back to him. The FBI think their systems have been hacked and now want Claire Matthews to move to a new location. She refuses to do so without first speaking to Ryan who arrives just before Carroll's men attack. Ryan and Claire escape and make their way to the home of Ryan's best friend, Tyson, a former FBI agent who is now in the witness protection program. They prepare for battle. At the house meanwhile, Jacob is having some difficulty reconnecting with Emma. Joe asks him to make up with her and gives it another chance. H eventually lets her know just how he feels. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The Following

The Following


The Following

IMDb: 7.5
43 min

Joe calls Ryan and asks him how much pain one man can stand. One of Joe's followers, Amanda Porter, has a plan to reunite him with his wife Claire and a stranger with the same name is soon killed in a restaurant. It's clear to Ryan that Joe is trying to break him and another woman named Claire Matthews is killed. At the house, Emma doesn't seem to be taking Joe's rejections very well. Roderick's constant needling doesn't help. Jacob and Paul have taken refuge at a country house owned by Jacob's parents when his mother arrives unexpectedly. Paul is seriously ill and expects payback for a favor. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The Following

The Following


The Following

IMDb: 7.4
44 min

Joe Carroll's escape has sent the FBI into something of a frenzy and Nick Donovan has been assigned to lead the investigation. He and Ryan try to interview David, Carroll's acolyte shot by Ryan, but that doesn't go very well. In his new residence meanwhile, Carroll is getting used to his surroundings and meeting some of the followers he had not yet met. Roderick arrives to welcome him and the central question is how to find Joe's wife, Claire, who is in protective custody. They target one of the FBI agents. Charlie pays the price for his failures. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The Following

The Following


The Following

IMDb: 7.6
42 min

Having successfully escaped from the farmhouse, Emma and Joey make their way to a warehouse where Emma meets her newest contact, Bo. Joey goes off to the bathroom but isn't ready for the woman he finds locked up in a cage. Things get out of control when Joey helps the woman escape, which Bo doesn't take kindly to. At the prison, Joe Carroll and his lawyer Olivia Warren meet with prison officials where Warren claims her client's 8th Amendment rights have been violated as a result of prison abuse. It relates to Ryan assaulting him during their first interview and Carroll requests a transfer to another prison. The warden readily - too readily - agrees and Joe is to be transferred to a prison in Georgia. It's his daughter who is being held in the cage and the transfer is part of Joe's plan to escape. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The Following

The Following


The Following

IMDb: 7.6
44 min

Ryan is taken prisoner by the trio who kidnapped Joey Matthews and he immediately starts to create a wedge between between them. The farmhouse is quickly surrounded by the police and Ryan convinces them they have no way to escape. Emma, the coolest of the three in a tense situation, contacts another follower, Roderick, who is keeping Claire Matthews captive. It's soon apparent that Joe Carroll's influence goes very deep and has a great many acolytes. Meanwhile Debra Parker, FBI agent in charge of the kidnapping case, recalls her own personal experience of life in a cult. As the scene unfolds at the farmhouse, Joe Carroll tells his lawyer that a new part of the story is about to begin. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The Following

The Following


The Following

IMDb: 7.9
44 min

Joe Carroll invites his former attorney, Olivia Warren, to meet him and prison and insists that she once again represent him with the media. She very reluctantly agrees and publicly reads a passage from Poe, sending a signal to some of Carroll's followers. Claire Matthews gives her FBI protection the slip after Joe sends her a message via Olivia. After Joey Matthews manages to call his mom, the FBI now has a general idea where he might be located. Ryan and Mike Weston head to upstate New York. There, Ryan locates the house but goes in on his own rather that wait for backup. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The Following

The Following


The Following

IMDb: 7.5
44 min

Paul, Jacob and Emma now have to figure out what to do with Meghan, the woman Paul kidnapped. As far as Emma is concerned there's only one thing they can do. Peter reveals something to Emma about Jacob. The FBI pursue Maggie Kester but Joe isn't too forthcoming when Ryan questions him about her. It doesn't take long to get in touch with her though - she's kidnapped Ryan's sister Jenny. Agent Mike Weston accompanies him to New York where Ryan is to meet them. Joey begins to suspect not all is as it should be. Flashbacks reveal more of Ryan's earlier life. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The Following

The Following


The Following

IMDb: 7.7
44 min

Ryan's belief that that Joe Carroll has more acolytes than the six they have so far identified is proved correct when a street performer - wearing an Edgar Allan Poe mask - sets a man on fire and then disappears into the crowd. Using CCTV, they soon identify the attacker as Rick Kester. They question his wife who says her husband, from whom she is separated, is dangerous but that she also has little idea where he might be found. Ryan realizes that the dead man was one of Carroll's critics. Meanwhile, relations among Joey's kidnappers continues to deteriorate. Paul and Emma continue to bicker and Paul decides to leave the house, returning later with someone in tow. Flashbacks reveal a new reason Paul may not like Emma. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The Following

The Following


The Following

IMDb: 7.8
44 min

At a sorority house one of Joe Carroll's acolytes, Jordy, has killed several young women. Joe Carroll's wife visits him demanding to know where their son can be found. She admits to a two month affair with Ryan but it was after his trial and their divorce. It doesn't quite go as planned. Flashbacks reveal how Carroll recruited some of his followers from his classes including Emma, his son's current nanny. Flashbacks also reveal Emma's difficult relationship with her overbearing mother. The FBI trace Emma to an old address and realize Carroll is using Poe's works as the basis for a religious cult. They also find a dead body. Jordy pays a visit to Joe's wife. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The Following

The Following


The Following

IMDb: 8.4
46 min

Former FBI agent Ryan Hardy is brought on board as a consultant when the serial killer he arrested many years before, Joe Carroll, escapes from prison killing several guards in the process. Although Hardy caught him, he paid a heavy price. He was stabbed in the heart and lives courtesy of a pacemaker. He's also on a disability pension. Carroll was an English professor with a fondness for the works of Edgar Allen Poe. Now that he's out, Hardy is certain he will go after Sarah Fuller, his last victim who managed to survive the attack. He's correct but they realize too late that Carroll spent much of his time in prison on the Internet and now has a group of devoted followers who will do as he asks. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Relic Hunter

Relic Hunter


Relic Hunter

IMDb: 7.5
42 min

Rome, 44 BC: An alchemist creates an impenetrable armor for Caesar. 2000: Sydney and Nigel are on a trip, so Claudia decides to help Sydney's friend Roger to find Caesar's Armor. But relic hunting is not her strongest talent.

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HD Younger




IMDb: 8.6
23 min

Liza returns from the Hamptons and has to deal with the aftermath. A famous life coach, whose book Empirical is pursuing, forces Liza to face some hard truths.

Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Younger




IMDb: 8.5
23 min

While facing an impasse with Josh, Liza draws closer to Charles at the Hamptons Book Fair. Kelsey feels erased from Colin's narrative.

Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Younger




IMDb: 8.0
22 min

Liza and Josh's future together is thrown into question after having opposing reactions to a near miss.

Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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