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HD Urban Myths

Urban Myths


Urban Myths

IMDb: 7.8

The much-loved stand-up comedian Les Dawson flees to live in Paris in order to pursue his dream of becoming a serious novelist. Unfortunately things don't quite work out as planned and he ends up becoming a pianist in a brothel.

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HD Gavin & Stacey

Gavin & Stacey


Gavin & Stacey

IMDb: 7.7
31 min

After receiving unwanted sex advice from Gwen and Bryn Gavin takes Stacey to a doctor, who tells them that he has a very low sperm count. They drive in silence to Essex where, to Mick's irritation, Dawn and Pete are renewing their marriage vows in a lavish ceremony. Smithy has even bought a suit in which to give Dawn away but the couple do not disappoint when, after a perfect ceremony, Dawn finds fault with the ring bought her by Pete, leading to a row. Smithy offers to help Gavin out by impregnating Stacey but drops a bombshell in an argument with Dave Coaches by telling him he slept with Nessa on her last visit to Essex. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Little Dorrit

Little Dorrit


Little Dorrit

IMDb: 8.5
30 min

After Mrs. General rejects his proposal of marriage, subsequently giving her notice, Mr. Dorrit falls spectacularly apart at Mrs. Merdle's masked ball, thinking he is back in the Marshalsea, and delivering a humiliating outburst to that effect. Soon afterward he passes away, as does Frederick, seemingly out of grief for his brother, and Amy returns to London, where she is given a home by Fanny and Edmund. Arthur seeks out Miss Wade for news of Rigaud's whereabouts. She cannot help, but explains that she is an orphan, hence her patronage of Tattycoram, and that she was slighted in love by Henry Gowan. She had intended to pay Rigaud to kill him but drew back. After another unsuccessful effort to warn his mother about Rigaud,Arthur bumps into Amy, who wounds him by saying she wished they had never met. That evening Mr. Merdle's doctor is summonsed to a bath-house where the 'marvel of the age' has committed suicide. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: ,
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HD Little Dorrit

Little Dorrit


Little Dorrit

IMDb: 8.2
30 min

Pa and Ma Meagles arrive in Venice as Pet gives birth to a son, assisted by her good friend Amy. For all their differences Amy and Fanny are mutually horrified to see Mrs. General woo their father and Fanny finally marries Sparkler, to escape having to have Mrs. General as a step-mother. Amy is deeply upset when her father forbids her to return to London with the newly-weds. Due to Mr. Merdle's influence Sparkler is given a job at the Circumlocution Office. The sycophantic Dorrit congratulates him but Mr. Meagles is critical of the office's uselessness and tells him to recall how Arthur used to canvass there in vain on his behalf. He is not pleased to be reminded of his past. In London 'Wanted' posters appear for Rigaud. He was the last person to be seen with Flintwinch's twin before he did away with him for Mrs. Clennam's box. Cavaletto informs Arthur that the man is a dangerous criminal, and Arthur goes to warn his mother but she is dismissive of his anxieties and sends him away. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: ,
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HD Little Dorrit

Little Dorrit


Little Dorrit

IMDb: 8.2
30 min

In Venice Fanny continues to cold-shoulder Edmund and spar with his mother, who writes to her husband to employ him,to get him out of Fanny's clutches, in the Bank. The bank is highly successful and Mr. Pancks tells Arthur to invest in it to increase capital for his business. Arthur is also a witness to a row between Mr. Meagles and Mrs. Gowan over the marriage neither of them wanted. Rigaud returns to London and Arthur sees him talking to Miss Wade, whom he follows to Casby's house where Flora flirts with him and Mr. F's aunt insults him. Pancks tells Arthur that Casby holds an allowance in trust for Miss Wade,hence her visits, but Arthur is not wholly convinced. Later he catches up with Rigaud at his mother's but she refuses to disclose their business. In fact Rigaud is seeking to blackmail her over the contents of the box he stole from Flintwinch's twin brother, but she is unaware that he possesses them and feels that she has no cause to fear him - wrongly, in the event. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: ,
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HD Little Dorrit

Little Dorrit


Little Dorrit

IMDb: 8.2
30 min

The Grand Tour moves on to Venice, where the Dorrits encounter Mrs. Merdle and Edmund at their hotel. Amy corresponds with Arthur, and her uncle, the only other family member who is not a snob, observes that she appreciates his letters more than her surroundings or Mrs. General's gruff etiquette lessons. Indeed Uncle Frederick stands up to his brother when the latter tells Amy they should sweep the past under the carpet. Pet and Henry Gowan are also in Venice and the Dorrit sisters visit them to find Rigaud acting as Henry's model. Pet is frightened of his influence on Henry,the more so when their dog, who snarled at him, is found dead. Amy is also unnerved by Rigaud's interest in her. Back in London Arthur finds young Barnacle is no help when he applies for a patent for Daniel's steam engine. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: ,
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HD Call the Midwife

Call the Midwife


Call the Midwife

IMDb: 8.4
60 min

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Call the Midwife

Call the Midwife


Call the Midwife

IMDb: 8.4
60 min

Based on the memoirs of Jennifer Worth; the story follows twenty-two year old Jenny, who in 1957 leaves her comfortable home to become a midwife in London's East End. She is surprised to find that she will be living in a convent: Nonnatus House. Working alongside fellow nurses and the medically-trained nuns, Jenny has her eyes opened to the harsh living conditions of the slums, but she also discovers the warm hearts and the bravery of the mothers. Even after Jenny leaves Nonnatus, she continues to chronicle the lives of the midwives who have become her family. Written by L. Hamre

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Call the Midwife

Call the Midwife


Call the Midwife

IMDb: 8.4
60 min

Based on the memoirs of Jennifer Worth; the story follows twenty-two year old Jenny, who in 1957 leaves her comfortable home to become a midwife in London's East End. She is surprised to find that she will be living in a convent: Nonnatus House. Working alongside fellow nurses and the medically-trained nuns, Jenny has her eyes opened to the harsh living conditions of the slums, but she also discovers the warm hearts and the bravery of the mothers. Even after Jenny leaves Nonnatus, she continues to chronicle the lives of the midwives who have become her family. Written by L. Hamre

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Call the Midwife

Call the Midwife


Call the Midwife

IMDb: 8.4
60 min

Based on the memoirs of Jennifer Worth; the story follows twenty-two year old Jenny, who in 1957 leaves her comfortable home to become a midwife in London's East End. She is surprised to find that she will be living in a convent: Nonnatus House. Working alongside fellow nurses and the medically-trained nuns, Jenny has her eyes opened to the harsh living conditions of the slums, but she also discovers the warm hearts and the bravery of the mothers. Even after Jenny leaves Nonnatus, she continues to chronicle the lives of the midwives who have become her family. Written by L. Hamre

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Rosemary & Thyme

Rosemary & Thyme


Rosemary & Thyme

IMDb: 7.7
50 min (22 episodes) | 60 min (22 episodes)

Housewife and former policewoman, Laura Thyme, loses her husband to a younger woman. Meanwhile, Rosemary Boxer, a university lecturer in horticulture, loses her job. A sudden death and a love of gardening bring the pair together. They join forces to start their own business. But death and mystery seem to follow them wherever they go. The gardeners find themselves acting as amateur sleuths in a series of very cozy mysteries set amongst the stunning gardens of Europe.... Written by L. Hamre

Country: UK
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Call the Midwife

Call the Midwife


Call the Midwife

IMDb: 8.8
59 min

Whilst Sister Evangelina has health problems she grudgingly comes to admire Barbara Gilbert, replacement for Cynthia, for her tireless work with a new mother. Tom proposes to Trixie whilst the other nurses are concerned for the Teemans, a family of young children living in squalor, whose mother appears to have abandoned them and who are being raised by ten-year old Gary. When Gary is arrested for shop-lifting the nurses swing into action. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Call the Midwife

Call the Midwife


Call the Midwife

IMDb: 9.3
58 min

Horrified to read in 'The Lancet' that thalidomide is being withdrawn because of its devastating effect Dr Turner needs the nurses' help in identifying the patients to whom he prescribed it and warning them. However he is also called out to an emergency at the convent, which leaves the midwives in despair and the whole area in mourning. The passing does at least provide a positive for a hastily arranged wedding, whose celebrations require a call for the midwife. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Call the Midwife

Call the Midwife


Call the Midwife

IMDb: 8.6
58 min

Barbara is concerned when she finds that docker Johnny Beckett is spending time in the pub and not going to work as he tells pregnant wife Stella - but Johnny has a reason and a terrible secret which he believes will prevent him from seeing his new-born, resulting in a race against time. Sister Evangelina has cause to doubt her profession skills and takes a six month break from the convent when her insistence that Connie Manley breast feeds her baby almost results in the child's death whilst Phyllis finds romance with the charming Tommy, whom she meets at Spanish class - though he too has a secret. A budding romance between Barbara and Tom is more straightforward - as Trixie notices. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Call the Midwife

Call the Midwife


Call the Midwife

IMDb: 9.0
74 min

There are mixed reactions from the midwives when they hear that a television crew will be filming their church carol service featuring the local children's choir. An outbreak of measles amongst the choristers almost stops the show but fortunately Shelagh comes up with a solution whilst Patsy and Barbara join Tom in taking a party of children to see the Regent Street lights where Patsy is reunited with an old flame. Meanwhile Sister Monica Joan, after a row with Sister Evangelina, disappears again, causing alarm until Phyllis picks up on where she may have gone and down-trodden church cleaner Iris and her husband have a happy Christmas surprise. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Call the Midwife

Call the Midwife


Call the Midwife

IMDb: 8.7
59 min

Prisoner's wife Maureen Gadsby is suffering from a severe form of morning sickness, prompting Dr turner to recommend a new wonder drug - thalidomide. Sister Mary Cynthia sees to deaf June Dillen, who is concerned she will be unable to communicate with her baby, as well as helping the depressed Trixie come to terms with her heavy drinking. Patsy and Delia move into a flat together but fate intervenes whilst Fred's sharp-tongued daughter Marlene attempts to wreck his engagement to Violet. Fortunately Chummy intervenes and ensures that the marriage goes ahead. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Call the Midwife

Call the Midwife


Call the Midwife

IMDb: 8.8
59 min

Sister Evangelina returns to work as old school friends Shirley and Marion come to the maternity ward. They both have daughters but when a fire breaks out, in the confusion, Sister Evangelina gives them the wrong babies. When Marion's baby is seen to have a heart murmur the parents have to be told the truth but Marion's reaction is surprising. Barbara attends Fred's elderly cousin Tommy Mills, who is bed-ridden but when Tommy's wife Gert is diagnosed with cancer she refuses to leave him for a hospital operation. Barbara and Sister Mary Cynthia rise to the occasion to help. Fred declares his feelings for shop-keeper Violet but for Patsy and her girl-friend Delia life is not so simple. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Call the Midwife

Call the Midwife


Call the Midwife

IMDb: 8.9
59 min

With Sister Evangelina due for sick leave her replacement arrives - the older midwife Phyllis Crane, a no-nonsense vegetarian who soon crosses swords with the nun, Barbara being caught in the middle. However Phyllis displays a kindlier side when Barbara and Patsy attend a particularly difficult birth. A mystery benefactor offers a bequest to the convent - the dying Charles Newgarden, who dated Sister Julienne before she became a nun . She finds the meeting painful but the building is in need of repair and she cannot afford not to accept his offer or to relive their night at the cinema from thirty years earlier. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Call the Midwife

Call the Midwife


Call the Midwife

IMDb: 9.2
59 min

After consoling Chummy Sister Monica Joan is reminded of her rift with her own mother decades earlier and becomes distressed. Chummy and Peter decide that they will nurse the terminally ill Lady Browne at their house, helped by the nuns and midwives. She becomes appreciative of their efforts, becoming less hardened and more loving to Chummy before she dies whilst Sister Monica Joan also benefits from her part in helping. The Turners have double good news as they are finally accepted as adoptive parents and Shelagh's choir wins the local competition. Jenny meets Philip Worth, cousin of a patient, whom she will eventually marry and leaves the area to work at a hospice, though she will keep in touch with her 'family' and will never forget them. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama,
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HD Call the Midwife

Call the Midwife


Call the Midwife

IMDb: 9.0
59 min

Jenny is seconded to the London Hospital's maternity ward, where her first patient, Faye Rawle, is overly anxious and demanding following a miscarriage and Jenny breaks the rules to reassure her before returning to the East End. Sister Julienne is alarmed by new mother Pamela Saint's obsession with cleaning, which is slowly turning to paranoia. This leads to the nun having to save mother and baby when Pamela wants to cleanse them both in the river and to psychiatric admission. Meanwhile Chummy and Peter host her aloof mother, who has left her husband after discovering his infidelity. She is not a grateful guest but, as she is about to leave, collapses and it is revealed that she has cancer. Whilst Trixie continues to date Tom Dr Turner learns that his inability to mention his brief mental break-down in the war could jeopardize the adoption bid. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama,
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HD Call the Midwife

Call the Midwife


Call the Midwife

IMDb: 9.0
59 min

Docker Maurice Glennon cannot understand why, after several weeks in bed following a fall, he is not getting any better. However Patsy identifies the cause as an infection sustained whilst he was in a Japanese POW camp, a discovery she knows only too well having been interned herself in a camp where her mother and sister died. Young Irish couple Phoebe and Declan Doyle arrive in the area, having fled from home as she is Protestant and he a Catholic. The birth of Phoebe's child, though ultimately successful, is difficult, causing her to consider it a punishment for crossing the religious divide. Meanwhile the Turners consider adoption and Trixie goes on a date with the handsome young curate Tom Hereward . Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama,
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HD Call the Midwife

Call the Midwife


Call the Midwife

IMDb: 9.1
59 min

As Jenny takes compassionate leave after Alec's death and Sister Julienne collapses with exhaustion Shelagh returns to help out and efficient nurse Patsy Mount arrives. They start to plan for a party to mark the jubilee of Sister Evangelina taking holy orders but are interrupted by irate Mrs Harper, whose daughter Sally, a young woman with Downs Syndrome, is pregnant. The father, cerebral palsy sufferer Jacob, lives in the same residential home and they declare that they are in love and aim to marry but the baby is stillborn and Jacob is sent to another home. News of Evangelina's celebration attracts her brother Vincent, now an alcoholic tramp, and she steals food for him and sees him admitted to hospital, but her party goes ahead - despite her protests - and the community shows their appreciation of her work over the years. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama,
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HD Call the Midwife

Call the Midwife


Call the Midwife

IMDb: 9.0
59 min

Sister Julienne and Trixie go to Holloway prison to stand in for sick nursing staff and are appalled by the lack of care for the inmates, who are expected to work though heavily pregnant. Sister Julienne is especially concerned for unmarried Stella Crangle, fearful that her baby will be taken from her, and makes arrangements to help her on release. Back at Poplar Kathleen Baker risks her health and that of her unborn child by putting her appearance first to please her husband whilst the nurses celebrate Chummy's birthday and Shelagh, as a former TB patient, is afraid that it has made her infertile. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama,
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HD Call the Midwife

Call the Midwife


Call the Midwife

IMDb: 8.8
58 min

Now dating surveyor Alec, Jenny joins the other midwives in their superior new base, along with latest recruit, Sister Winifred. Jenny is concerned for Merle and Billy, a young couple whose infant boys are permanently ill, causing them to doubt their parenting skills, whilst added is stress provided by the fact that Billy's brother died as a toddler. Surprisingly, Sister Monica Joan accidentally provides Dr. Turner with the solution to the children's complaints, thus saving them. Chummy, meanwhile, drums up support for the newly opened, but under-used ante-natal clinic, taking advantage of a royal visit to put it in the spotlight. The day is a success, and to add to it, Chummy helps an older woman with a difficult birth, resulting in Sister Julienne asking her to return to work. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Call the Midwife

Call the Midwife


Call the Midwife

IMDb: 9.2
78 min

As Christmas and the wedding of Dr Turner to Shelagh, the former Sister Bernadette, approach an unexploded World War Two bomb is discovered in the area, requiring the residents to be evacuated overnight to the working men's club, where the nurses take charge. Among the evacuees are young marrieds the heavily pregnant Yvonne and her husband Alan for whom the bomb recalls terrifying memories of hand to hand combat in the Korean war. He is psychologically damaged and Trixie, her own father having suffered from shell shock, empathizes. Despite opposition from the nuns she and Jenny ensure that Alan is present at his child's birth to make him feel wanted and give him confidence. Further anxiety is caused by a polio outbreak with the doctor's son Timothy among the victims but there are no fatalities and the bomb is detonated. It does however destroy the convent and new premises are found as nuns and nurses finally attend the wedding. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama,
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HD Call the Midwife

Call the Midwife


Call the Midwife

IMDb: 9.1
55 min

Sister Bernadette leaves hospital, having renounced her vows and ready to start life with Dr Turner. Jimmy returns to work in Poplar, happy with fatherhood, and introduces Jenny to his friend Alec, with whom she goes on a date. Another visitor is Fred's pregnant daughter Dolly, with her little son, but when she needs a brief hospital stay, Fred is literally left holding the baby. Fortunately, Chummy is a huge help but she has her own doubts about what sort of mother she will be and news that the convent will be bulldozed with other buildings to make way for development unsettles all the nurses. Both women give birth successfully - though for one it is touch and go. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Call the Midwife

Call the Midwife


Call the Midwife

IMDb: 8.8
55 min

Jenny treats pregnant Monique Hyde,a West Indian immigrant,living in over-crowded conditions as landlords are prejudiced to black applicants and also facing racial hostility from neighbour Rita. However when Monique's waters break Rita rises to the occasion. Cynthia is angered by patient John Lacey,a diabetic who bullies his weak wife Annie into giving him food dangerous to his illness and learns that Annie is 'repaying ' him for giving her and her son Bob a home years earlier. When Bob returns from America with his his over-bearing betrothed Annie sees the chance to rebel. Meanwhile Chummy and peter,now expectant parents,return from Africa whilst the recovering Sister Bernadette has a confession for Sister Julienne. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Call the Midwife

Call the Midwife


Call the Midwife

IMDb: 8.8
55 min

Tuberculosis is starting to take its toll in the area and Dr Turner,backed by Sister Bernadette,makes an impassioned plea for a mobile screening unit to come to Poplar. Its performance is a success but Sister Bernadette is among those found to have the illness and is taken to hospital. Jenny's patient,former pub landlord Mr Masterson, is dying and,many years ago, lost all his family to tuberculosis except youngest daughter Julia,who has not visited him for five years and who is unmarried and pregnant. At Jenny's request Julia moves in to nurse her father and the pair are reconciled,Mr Masterson living just long enough to see his new grand-son. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Call the Midwife

Call the Midwife


Call the Midwife

IMDb: 8.8
55 min

Worn-out mother of eight Nora Harding is distraught to find herself pregnant again and Jenny is shocked that Nora and her husband and children live in a cramped,rat-infested apartment. Nora visits an illegal abortionist and almost dies before Sister Julienne intervenes and the family is rehoused. Sister Monica Joan feigns illness to prevent herself from going on holiday as she fears she may never return as the other nuns see her as useless. However when the convent's summer fete requires a judge for the baby show and first choice, handsome television star Clifford Raines, is a non-starter after throwing himself at Trixie, the elderly nun rises to the occasion. Meanwhile Sister Bernadette fights her feelings for local Dr Turner. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Call the Midwife

Call the Midwife


Call the Midwife

IMDb: 8.8
55 min

Cheery vicar Applebee-Thornton comes to stay at the convent whilst his house is being prepared. He is taken by the shy nursing assistant Jane and asks her out but she is nervous and stands him up. Later she admits to him her unhappy past and starts to come out of her shell. Jenny and Sister Evangelina deliver Ruby and Douglas Roberts' son but the child has spina bifida and needs special attention. Blaming herself Ruby sinks into a depression and Jenny, to Sister Evangelina's disapproval,takes on childcare duties. However the offer of a place in a home for physically disabled children makes the young couple face up to their responsibility. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Call the Midwife

Call the Midwife


Call the Midwife

IMDb: 8.8
55 min

Hesitant nursing assistant Jane Sutton arrives at the convent as Jenny is seconded to hospital work, meeting Jimmy, who, to her surprise, is one of the patients. Arrogant surgeon Aubrey Tracy misdiagnoses Jimmy and an operation is required, where Jenny acquits herself well. She also sees that Tracy is himself ill and he resigns. Meanwhile aggressive twins Meg and Mave Carter - both married to the hen-pecked Sid - arrive at the clinic as Mave is pregnant. However they eschew modern medicine for old herbal remedies and, following a bleak tarot card reading, the over-bearing Meg scares her sister into refusing hospital admission. Ultimately Mave senses that she needs professional care and allows the midwives in for a home birth - where a new generation of twins is born. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Call the Midwife

Call the Midwife


Call the Midwife

IMDb: 8.6
55 min

Cynthia delivers Irene Kelly's baby son successfully but the child dies next day. There is a post mortem, in the run up to which mothers are mistrustful of Cynthia,who begins to blame herself and doubt her confidence,walking out on a birth. However she is relieved when the post mortem exonerates her. Jenny meets former boyfriend Jimmy but he is engaged to a girl whom he does not love because he has got her pregnant. Chummy and Peter meanwhile depart for Sierra Leone. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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