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HD The Simpsons

The Simpsons


The Simpsons

IMDb: 7.0

When Marge bans the family from watching television for a day Homer becomes addicted to a children's puzzle book whilst Bart dresses Milhouse up to look like his father so that they can rent a van, buy alcohol and vote. They also wander into a sales promotion where the saleswoman becomes very attracted to Milhouse though Marge and Homer arrive in time to take the kids home. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD The Simpsons

The Simpsons


The Simpsons

IMDb: 6.4

Bart's ex-girlfriend Mary Spuckler returns to Springfield and they start dating again. However his preference for playing computer games drives her away and, despite amatory advice from Woody Allen, Bart is unable to stop her from going off with a Brazilian boy whose record producer father has signed Mary up. Homer is also in the dog-house with Marge for forgetting an appointment and he and Bart move into apartments where disgraced husbands live. However, after watching a British romantic comedy Homer devises a grand gesture which will reconcile all the couples - except Bart and Mary. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD The Simpsons

The Simpsons


The Simpsons

IMDb: 6.6

Having survived a tornado Marge and Homer ponder their mortality and consider who might be suitable guardians for the children should they die. However everybody they approach is unsuitable or unwilling - until they meet the cool and liberal Mav and Portia, who agree to have the children on a trial weekend. Unfortunately the pair want to keep the kids for themselves and Marge and Homer have to launch a rescue attempt. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD The Simpsons

The Simpsons


The Simpsons

IMDb: 7.0

Following appalling grades the school is threatened with closure and the pupils dispersed until it is discovered that Bart has yet to sit his exam, which, if he passes, will save the school's future. He is very nervous but, with the accidental help of his pet beetle, manages to make the grade. Homer meanwhile discovers a parking meter, which he uses illegally to make money until Marge makes him donate the profits to a good cause. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD The Simpsons

The Simpsons


The Simpsons

IMDb: 6.9

A vicious brawl among fathers who have taken their kids to a play area convinces Homer that civilization is about to crumble so when he meets a man called Lloyd, who tells him the end of the world is nigh he joins Lloyd's group of 'preppers', people preparing for doomsday, and stockpiles provisions. An electricity black-out leads Homer to believe that the world is about to end so he takes the family to the preppers' survival camp but when Marge persuades him that they should return to Springfield to help the survivors of the catastrophe they get a surprise. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD The Simpsons

The Simpsons


The Simpsons

IMDb: 7.2

When Homer accidentally shuts Santa's Little Helper in a cupboard Marge and the children accuse him of hating dogs. However Grandpa, staying with the family, tells them that, as a single parent, he bought six year old Homer a dog called Bongo whom the boy adored. After Bongo bit Mr Burns who threatened to kill him Bongo was rehomed in the country and Homer was distraught until he discovered that Bongo was happy with his new owner. This anecdote reconciles Homer with his father and the dog, who all fall asleep on the couch together. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD The Simpsons

The Simpsons


The Simpsons

IMDb: 7.1

Homer is delighted to meet doughnut salesman Terrence and his wife Emily, the trendiest, hippest people in town who move in next door. Soon the whole of Springfield has been won over by their 'coolness' - except sensible Marge, who takes issue with Emily over breast-feeding. However when Bart and Terrence's son T-Rex start a fire which threatens the trendies' house it is Marge to the rescue with her 'old-fashioned' remedy. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD The Simpsons

The Simpsons


The Simpsons

IMDb: 6.5

Lisa tries to cheer up a down-in-the-dumps Homer by winning him a MyPad at the school auction. But he falls back into a funk when he breaks the magical tablet device - until Ned Flanders discovers a miracle tree in the Simpsons' backyard with bark that spells the word HOPE. Written by Fox Publicity

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD The Simpsons

The Simpsons


The Simpsons

IMDb: 6.3

Homer is shocked to discover that his bowling teammate Dan Gillick, is an accountant for Fat Tony and his mob. When the government finally catches up with Fat Tony and he is forced to serve time...on a jury, he names Dan as his temporary replacement. Meanwhile, Lisa adds insects to her vegetarian diet after passing out during a saxophone solo, but starts questioning her decision when bugs start pleading for mercy in her dreams. Written by Fox Publicity

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD The Simpsons

The Simpsons


The Simpsons

IMDb: 6.7

When Grandpa absconds from the retirement home the Simpsons follow a trail to a former night-spot where they learn that Grandpa was once a talented song writer and pianist, who, after Mona's departure, married singer Rita La Fleur but eschewed a musical career with her to look after Homer. The family locate her for a reconciliation whilst Lisa becomes addicted to online poker and almost loses her college fund though Bart saves the day. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD The Simpsons

The Simpsons


The Simpsons

IMDb: 6.9

When Marge's car falls into a sink hole, she buys the perfect replacement to fit her family of five. But she quickly grows to hate it because, as she tells a shocked Homer, the car would be too small if she wanted to have another baby. Meanwhile Bart and his friends are determined to find out what secret Lisa is keeping when Bart finds her cryptic messages and follows her sneaking off downtown for covert meetings after school. Written by King Khan

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD The Simpsons

The Simpsons


The Simpsons

IMDb: 7.3

The opening titles fulfil a Mayan prophecy that the world will end in 2012 when giant stone gods destroy Springfield; The Greatest Story Ever Holed:- A black hole appears in Springfield and Lisa hides it in the Simpsons' basement. However, as the family use it for garbage disposal it sucks more and more in, eventually devouring the whole of Springfield, except Maggie, who blocks it with her pacifier. Un-Normal Activity:- Homer sets up a camera to record paranormal, nocturnal events in the house. When a demon appears it transpires that Marge is responsible, following a childhood pact and Homer has to placate the demon with sex. Bart and Homer's Excellent Adventure:- Bart gets into a time machine taking him back to 1974, where he meets a teen-age Homer, who hides in the time machine and returns to the present to find Marge married to Artie Ziff. He summons all the Homers in history to help redress the balance. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD The Simpsons

The Simpsons


The Simpsons

IMDb: 4.3

After a desperate attempt by Lisa to become more popular backfires, Lady Gaga shows up in Springfield to help her with her self-esteem.

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD The Simpsons

The Simpsons


The Simpsons

IMDb: 6.7

After Ned and Edna announce publicly that they were secretly married, the two clash over how to raise Rod and Todd.

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD The Simpsons

The Simpsons


The Simpsons

IMDb: 6.9

After accidentally injuring him Monty Burns gives Homer eight weeks paid leave during which time he imagines himself taking amatory lessons from cool, white-suited fictional spy Stradivarius Cain, though, in addition to getting back with Marge, he also charms a drug baron's wife with near unfortunate results. To teach Nelson a lesson for stealing other pupils' lunch money Bart persuades him to eat nothing but Krusty-burgers, which render him obese and unhealthy. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD The Simpsons

The Simpsons


The Simpsons

IMDb: 7.4

Bart gets the family to take the cruise vacation of his dreams, and then launches a fiendish plot to ensure that it goes on forever.

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD The Simpsons

The Simpsons


The Simpsons

IMDb: 7.1

Jimbo's girlfriend cheats on Jimbo with Bart, and Homer uses his new treadmill to catch up on a TV series about plane crash victims stranded on an island.

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD The Simpsons

The Simpsons


The Simpsons

IMDb: 7.1
30 min

Mr. Burns replaces all of Springfield Power Plant's employees with robots but decides to keep Homer as the sole human worker. With unemployment at an all-time high and mechanical arms operating the workplace, Springfield becomes a dismal and humorless place. But when Homer's machine-programmed peers start to turn on the community and his former real-life employees come to the rescue, they all realize that robots can't replace human friends. Written by ABC Publicity

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD The Simpsons

The Simpsons


The Simpsons

IMDb: 7.3

Karma gets the best of Homer after he gets his friends in trouble, and as a result, his bedwetting problem worsens. The family goes on a mission to infiltrate his dreams to search for clues in his subconscious to determine the source of his problem. But just as things take a dangerous turn in the dream, a figure from Homer's past appears, and he is finally reassured that the fond memories of his mother Mona remain alive, giving him just the right amount of reassurance to cure him of his problem. Written by Fox Publicity

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD The Simpsons

The Simpsons


The Simpsons

IMDb: 6.9

In order to get back at his dad, Bart goes undercover as a graffiti street artist and plasters Homer's unflattering image all over Springfield. But one night, Bart and Milhouse get caught in the act by established street artists Shepard Fairey, Ron English, Kenny Scharf and Robbie Conal, and to Bart's surprise, they invite him to exhibit his satirical artwork in his very own gallery show. Meanwhile, a hip, new health food superstore opens in Springfield that threatens to put Apu and the Kwik-E-Mart out of business. Written by Fox Publicity

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD The Simpsons

The Simpsons


The Simpsons

IMDb: 7.0

The entire town votes to kick the Simpsons out of Springfield, so they decide to move to The Outlands.

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD The Simpsons

The Simpsons


The Simpsons

IMDb: 6.4

Marge and Lisa's mother-daughter Valentine's Day plans take a turn when Lisa meets Nick, an intellectual romantic who shares the same passion for culture, history and literature. Lisa and Nick fall head over heels for each other in a fairytale romance and make a secret getaway to Mulberry Island to profess their eternal love. Meanwhile, Bart and Milhouse are inspired by the hosts of their favorite myth-exposing show to debunk Springfield Elementary's own legends. Written by Fox Publicity

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD The Simpsons

The Simpsons


The Simpsons

IMDb: 5.7

When Moe is heckled for not having any real friends, his best friend (his bar rag that he likes so much) narrates the story of how he got to Springfield, from The Middle Ages to where he is today. Meanwhile, Bart and Milhouse have a fallout at Moe's Tavern after Bart takes something too far, so he sets out to whatever he can to get Milhouse's forgiveness. Then, Moe realizes he doesn't need to have just a bar rag as a friend.

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD The Simpsons

The Simpsons


The Simpsons

IMDb: 7.1

As the mastermind and creator of the online social networking phenomenon SpringFace, Lisa is called to trial when Springfield's obsession with the site becomes chaotic and dysfunctional. Lisa recounts her story and explains that she created the site after realizing she had no real friends. But as SpringFace expands and Springfield's fixation with the site causes mass hysteria, Lisa begins to realize that adding thousands of friends online did not compare to having real friendships. Later, Patty and Selma compete against the Winklevoss Twins in the rowing event at the 2012 Olympic Games. Written by Fox Publicity

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD The Simpsons

The Simpsons


The Simpsons

IMDb: 6.1

Homer lands his own political talk show after a video featuring his impassioned rant on poor treatment at the airport goes viral. As his talk show quickly gains popularity nationwide, Homer becomes the spokesperson for the Gravy Movement and the voice of America's newest political party. But when ill-informed Homer is asked to select the next Republican nominee for President and officially endorses right-wing rock star Ted Nugent, Marge and Lisa worry that Homer's opinion and influence might be more powerful than he realizes. Written by Fox Publicity

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD The Simpsons

The Simpsons


The Simpsons

IMDb: 8.2

It's the most wonderful time of the year, and the Simpsons flash forward thirty years and find themselves in a tech-savvy, futuristic Springfield. Bart and Lisa have children of their own and decide to spend the holidays as one big family at Homer and Marge's house. Lisa and Bart turn to Homer and Marge for parenting advice and begin to realize that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Written by Fox Publicity

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD The Simpsons

The Simpsons


The Simpsons

IMDb: 6.2

Krusty the Clown is stuck in a rut when the television network pulls his show from the air and his talent agency drops him as a client. But when the Simpsons introduce him to seasoned agent Annie, they are surprised to learn that Annie was Krusty's very first agent. Despite their rocky relationship, Annie is convinced to re-sign Krusty and craft his career comeback. But when Krusty's retro comedy show reboot is deemed a critical success, Krusty must decide to stay with his agent or side with the network executives. Written by Fox Publicity

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD The Simpsons

The Simpsons


The Simpsons

IMDb: 6.8

The Simpsons host a tastemaker party at their home to promote Absolut Krusty, Krusty the Clown's own brand of liquor. Mr. Burns takes notice of the party's success and decides to promote Homer to Account Man for the Springfield Nuclear Plant. Robert Marlow, a seasoned account veteran, takes Homer under his wing and shows Homer what the high life is like in the corner office. Meanwhile, Lisa introduces Bart to a new literary world which sparks his interest in reading classic novels, and when Homer's long hours at the office become the norm, a family vacation with Marge and the kids helps him realize that family always comes before work. Written by Fox Publicity

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD The Simpsons

The Simpsons


The Simpsons

IMDb: 7.8

Lisa becomes disheartened when she learns the shocking truth behind the tween lit industry and her beloved fantasy novel characters. But Homer decides to cash in on the craze and forms a team to group-write the next tween lit hit, with the king of fantasy, Neil Gaiman, lending his expertise to the effort. After catching the eye of a slick industry publisher at the Springfield Book Fair, the team gets an advanced copy of their work and discovers that the corporate lit business is a bigger operation than they imagined. Written by Fox Publicity

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD The Simpsons

The Simpsons


The Simpsons

IMDb: 7.2
30 min

Marge takes Bart and Lisa on a weekend excursion, but when an unexpected restaurant detour awakens their taste buds, fellow foodies Amuse Bruce and Fois Garth inspire them to start their own food blog, The Three Mouthketeers. They score an exclusive reservation at Springfield's premiere modern restaurant, but Marge has an unsettling dream during which Anthony Bourdain, Gordon Ramsay, and Mario Batali lead her to reconsider extending the invite to Homer. Later, Marge directs Homer to a different type of cooking lab where he gets into a bind with law enforcement authorities. Written by Fox Publicity

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD The Simpsons

The Simpsons


The Simpsons

IMDb: 6.7

Bart's science fair project, a mechanical baby seal, outshines Lisa's brainy asteroid model and becomes a popular pet among the retirement home patrons. Meanwhile, Homer gets a new and eager assistant Roz, but when Homer quickly loses his job to her and discovers her evil past, he and Flanders team up to reveal her true dark colors. Written by Fox Publicity

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD The Simpsons

The Simpsons


The Simpsons

IMDb: 6.7

Homer takes a dangerous dive into an isolated canyon on Candy Peak, but when a crashing boulder traps his arm, he channels Aron Ralston to save himself. In The Diving Bell and Butterball, the first of three hair-raising Halloween tales, a venomous spider bite leaves Homer paralyzed, but when Lisa discovers Homer's ability to communicate through natural gases, he is able to express his love for Marge. The killer spells continue in Dial D for Diddly, when Ned Flanders, devout preacher by day, transforms into a cold-blooded vigilante by night. In the final terrifying tale, In the Na'Vi, Bart and Milhouse are sent on a mission to obtain a sacred extract on a distant planet. They morph into the land's indigenous one-eyed avatars, but when Bart finds love and an eternal mate abroad, he is caught in planet warfare. Written by Fox Publicity

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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