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HD Murphy Brown

Murphy Brown


Murphy Brown

IMDb: 7.0

Murphy's contract is up and other news organizations make a huge effort to sign her, to the distress of Miles. With Murphy having the upper hand, she makes outrageous demands and things turn contentious.

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Murphy Brown

Murphy Brown


Murphy Brown

IMDb: 7.0

Murphy's contract is up and other news organizations make a huge effort to sign her, to the distress of Miles. With Murphy having the upper hand, she makes outrageous demands and things turn contentious.

Genre: Comedy,
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HD She Spies

She Spies


She Spies

IMDb: 8.5

The White Chollima, a North Korean spy in USA, turns out to be Cassie's dead mom. The 3 attend a party held by a North Korean sympathizer, hoping the mom'll be there.

Country: USA
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HD She Spies

She Spies


She Spies

IMDb: 8.5

The White Chollima, a North Korean spy in USA, turns out to be Cassie's dead mom. The 3 attend a party held by a North Korean sympathizer, hoping the mom'll be there.

Country: USA
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HD Cold Case

Cold Case


Cold Case

IMDb: 8.4
60 min

Subsequent to his 30-days away from the office, Stillman submitted retirement papers and Lilly and staff pleads with him to withdraw them. This case is regarding a Japanese-American man who served time in a California internment camp. After moving his family to Philadelphia he was murdered in 1945. Written by

Country: USA
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HD Living Single

Living Single


Living Single

IMDb: 0
22 min

Regine has jury duty and is the holdout juror convinced that sweet 73-year-old Sarah McQueen is guilty of arson. Synclaire starts a hotline, AHA, to support unemployed actors and she is worried when she doesn't hear from one of her regular callers.

Genre: Comedy,
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HD NCIS: Los Angeles

NCIS: Los Angeles


NCIS: Los Angeles

IMDb: 8.0
44 min

A chartered Learjet private aircraft, inbound from Washington, DC, crashes on a runway in predawn darkness at the Bob Hope Airport in Burbank, California, in the Los Angeles area; nobody aboard survives; the passengers were a retired vice admiral of the US Navy, erudite and outspoken, and a ghostwriter, Jason, for the admiral's tell-all memoirs; G and Kensi check out the airfield, and Sam chats with Nate. The NTSB investigators find no trace of the black box; G and Kensi meet Julie, Jason's girlfriend, and learn about the gutting of Jason's pad by fire; Eric and Nell announce bad news; Sam returns to work; Eric demonstrates some serious voodoo, and he reveals why the bird crashed; the team set a trap, and they catch two bad guys; the team realize the enormous proportions of what's behind the mishap; Nate chats with Deeks also; Kensi and Deeks eat Chinese takeout food, but they do not watch a horror flick together. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Grey's Anatomy

Grey's Anatomy


Grey's Anatomy

IMDb: 8.4
60 min

Addison and Derek go to marriage counseling. Derek says that he's finished with Meredith. Meanwhile, Meredith becomes the main gossip topic in the hospital and Izzie and Christina discover a pregnant man. Preston tells the Chief about him and Christina and Alex finally kisses Izzie. Written by Anonymous

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 8.6
105 min

Past, present and future collide for Captain Picard as he finds himself bouncing around through three different time periods -- the Farpoint mission, the present, and the future in which many changes have affected the Enterprise-D crew. Meanwhile, the mischievous Q is back for his last time trying to help Picard figure out the meaning of a spatial anomaly... or is he only making things worse? You be the judge on this two-hour TV movie which concludes Star Trek: The Next Generation. Written by Ian Murray Hamilton

Country: USA
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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 7.2
46 min

After some arboretum visits Dr. Crusher diagnoses nothing serious, but soon dozens of crew members get behavioral deviations, affecting appetite, memory and emotions. Reg Barclay takes care of Data's cat Spot, who is pregnant like nurse Alyssa Ogawa. Worf first fails testing or diagnosing his new guidance system, so Picard and Data chase a lost torpedo, then bites Deana and turns into an erratic beast due to a bite a sprays venom himself. By the time Picard and Data return, everyone aboard seems mutating and/or molested: the Enterprise has become a 'de-evolution zoo', Data believes by a virus reviving dormant genes from ancestral species. Picard is also infected, causing growing prey-anxiety. Nevertheless he must lure monstrous Worf away so Data can develop a retrovirus from genetic material after finding Spot's kittens remained perfectly feline when ma turned iguana. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 8.6
45 min

Sam Lavelle, who is up for promotion after tests he takes with fellow ensigns, fears Riker has it in for him. Sito Jaxa is told by Picard she shouldn't even have been admitted to the course after her cowardly conduct as Starfleet Academy cadet. Worf takes care of the close combat training. While the trainee officers wrestle with their hopes and honor, the Enterprise has to shift focus to a real operation. This involves a covert mission with a Cardassian, for which a cadet is selected after some doubts have been lifted by hidden psychological tests. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 8.8
45 min

Lieutenant Worf proudly returns, by shuttle, from a holiday in the Klingon Empire as winner of a bat'leth tournament. Back on the Enterprise nothing is normal, and everything keeps changing repeatedly. He's convinced it's not his memory. He finds himself promoted to XO and married to Deanna, with two children (instead of Alexander), but unable to work the command console during a battle with the Cardassians - a situation that never took place, even their empire is taken over. After analyzing Geordi was in all the subsequent transition scenes, standing at his autopsy, Data works out a quantum physics answer. This spells huge potential consequences, not just for Worf but for the whole ship, and even much more. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 7.0
45 min

Dr. Crusher is suspended and faces dismissal after taking the side of Ferengi scientist Dr. Reyga to persuade an inter-race research panel to allow a colleague to test his invention, the metaphasic shield, during a shuttle flight into a star's extremely dangerous corona. After Dr. Crusher declares him dead, although quite unfamiliar with his race's physiology, Reyga dies too, in an on-board test of his invention. After consulting Data on the technology involved, Crusher suspects Reyga was killed by sabotage; realizing several fellow panel members had both motive and opportunity, she tries to find out if the shuttle accident was also sabotage, and if so who committed it... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 5.8
45 min

The Enterprise comes to the rescue of a transport ship after it is attacked while carrying Ambassador Ves Alkar to a mediation between two constantly warring planets. Alkar asks for another freighter to avoid a military appearance but Admiral Simons agrees security requires Picard remains his host. Alkar arrives with his 93-year old mother, a witch whose aggression and warnings not to have close contact with Ves are rather scary, as her hateful thoughts are to Troi, but soon she is found dead in his quarters. Dr. Crusher doubts a natural cause of death, but without danger to the ship, Picard must respect the ambassador's objection against an autopsy on traditional grounds. Troi accepts to partake in a ceremony requiring empathy, after which she turns much more emotional, irritated and seductive, even scratching her lover Riker. Troi is also aging rapidly, so now Picard allows an autopsy, which proves the late Sev Maylor is no genetic relative of Alkar, who admits the joining drains ... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 7.3
45 min

The Enterprise locates the scientific research ship USS Yosemite, which went missing while exploring plasma streams. Geordi assigns reluctant engineer Lieutenant Reg Barclay, whose idea it was, to help him bridge both ships' transport systems and join Riker's away team, but after a deconstruction phobia-caused hesitation and anxiety counseling with Troi, Barclay goes later, alone. Riker's team finds victims of an explosion, which may fit the Ferengi report Picard receives of an allegedly Cardassian attack. While Barclay beams back, he notices an eel-shaped entity which floats to him and touches his left arm in the phased matter stream, but a full transporter diagnostic finds no problem, so he fears to be a victim of incurable transporter psychosis, although none was reported on modern models for years. Geordi realizes either would fit with the same ionic fluctuation phenomenon suggested by in se acceptable abnormal transporter readings. Worried about Barclay's mental condition, Troi ... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 9.4
45 min

Not long after the Enterprise approaches an unknown buoy or satellite, Captain Picard falls unconscious on the bridge. He awakens in a village where he is married but also something of a village eccentric who thinks he is a spaceship captain by the name of Picard. His wife Eline tries to soothe him and his good friend Batai does not judge him. He lives a full life, has children and grows old. The planet he is on is dying however, suffering from a long and seemingly permanent drought. On board the Enterprise, the crew does its best to revive their unconscious captain but to no avail. Written by garykmcd

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 6.1
45 min

Young Clara Sutter, like many girls her age, has an imaginary friend. She recently come on board with her father, an engineering officer, and hasn't yet made any real friends. Counselor Troi assures Clara's father that it's perfectly normal and he has nothing to worry about. While playing one day, Clara is shocked to see her friend Isabella suddenly appear before her. In fact, Isabella is a sentient being that has taken human form only to scout the ship and learn more about it. For Picard and the crew, determining the being's intent is key to determining the next step. Written by garykmcd

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 9.0
46 min

Unbeknownst to the crew, the Enterprise is caught in a time loop where they are continually reliving the same day. The Enterprise approaches a temporal distortion from which another Federation vessel is emerging. The evasive action action they take - using the tractor beam to push the oncoming vessel away from them - is unsuccessful and the Enterprise is destroyed, at which point the time loop brings them back to the beginning and they relive the sequence all over again. Several members of the crew however begin to have a serious case of deja vu and become convinced that they are reliving the same day, over and over. Data has an idea that might get them out of it. Written by garykmcd

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 7.3
46 min

After one of the containers Geordi and he where checking in cargo-bay crushes seven of Worf's vertebrates, Dr. Crusher and neuro-specialists see no therapy to get him any leg-use again, Klingon medicine having a bias against neuro-research. Worf quickly asks Riker, as his best friend aboard, to assist him in 'hekba', the Klingon suicide for a permanently disabled warrior, to save his and the family's dignity. Crusher's visiting scientific friend Toby Russell proudly shows her an invention in development, the genotronic replicator, which she believes can scan and reproduce the damaged neuro-system even in Worf's case, but he would be the first humanoid test-patient so Crusher is against. Pride makes Worf decline either seeing his son Alexander or trying implants which can restore 60% of his motor-functions. The Enterprise goes assist the USS Denver, with many patients in need of medical help after a Cardassian attack, but after Crusher sees Russell used an experimental drug on one of ... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 7.4
45 min

On its way to the unchartered Phoenix cluster, the Enterprise gets a visit by shuttle from Starfleet Academy Cadet Wesley Crusher on leave, all help being welcome now the research time has been cut to two weeks. Everyone is happy to see the popular, brilliant boy back and hear about his faring, some exchanging some of their own cadet memories. New Ensign Lefler, about his age, takes a personal interest in him and vice versa. Wesley wisely wonders why the computer game Riker brought back from shore leave so quickly became popular or rather addictive before he tries it as they all insist. He discovers it stimulates the pleasure center but affects the higher brain functions, and Data wasn't incapacitated by accident but disconnected by players because androids' computer brains are immune for the game. Alas by now Wesley is the only unaffected human, all the others hunt him down after Picard took orders for the game's distribution to other ships and bases from tailing Kitarean ship ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 6.5
45 min

Doctor Beverly Crusher is secretly in romantic love since weeks with Federation ambassador Odan, who is on his way to the Alpha moon which is rebelling against the planet they were colonized from and cause potentially fatal environmental damage to its Beta moon. Crusher ignores her humanoid lover's body has an alien symbiont in his entrails, but Counselor Deanna Troi empathetically senses emotional swings which set her on the trail. Then an unrequested escort vessel from the Beta moon approaches and attacks the Enterprise shuttle which Commander Will Riker was piloting to bring the ambassador to his destination. When Riker brings Odan back to the Enterprise badly wounded, Crusher's diagnose reveals the 'parasite' and she learns his true identity. Odan urgently needs another humanoid host to perform his peace mission, for which task Riker is chosen... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 6.8
46 min

Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge realizes that he, his friend Lt. Commander Susanna Leitjen and Lieutenant Hickman who deserted in a shuttle-craft and is now on a suicidal course to a planet were all in a mission made years ago by the USS Victory, the others are missing but more vessels are detected on the same planet. After investigations of the base on the planet it turns out they were affected by a yet unknown, parasitic alien race, which is already in both Gordi and Susanna, how is beyond Dr. Crusher's diagnosis, and starts transforming from a cellular level first her into a blue critter, later him too, while he continues researching Starfleet records and hologram simulation, while closely monitored... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 8.3
46 min

During leave time aboard, Picard obliges a personal promise to Guinan by playing parts in an Al Capone period gangster mystery story, but soon a mysterious energy source takes precedence. It creates a small, unstable local wormhole, causing everybody to be unconscious, presumably for just half a minute according to the instruments. However strange changes are observed, such as spores showing a full day's growth and the ship is even off course, near a planet of another class. Doubts are inevitable, even about Data, as Geordi finds only they two were able to circumvent the computer security program preventing the clock manipulation which is the only logical explanation, and Data is in perfect working order. Geordi proves that the planet image before the black-out is a fake altered from memory banks, only Data could have switched them and staged an apparent wormhole; Data claims to be unable to verify and should be court-martialed, probably the end of his Starfleet career, but why would ... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek: The Next Generation


Star Trek: The Next Generation

IMDb: 7.8
46 min

The Enterprise is conducting a security sweep in an area near the Neutral Zone when they are probed by what Captain Picard thinks may be a secret Romulan base. Commander Riker, who has just had a birthday, leads an away team composed of Geordi and Lt. Worf when they are overcome by methane gas. He awakens in Dr. Crusher's sick bay to be told that he is now Captain of the Enterprise - and his last memory of being on the methane gas planet occurred 16 years ago. Dr. Crusher tells him he's been in a coma for 10 days as a result of an attack of encephalitis which has also caused his memory loss. He has several surprises in store not the least of which is that he is a widower and has a son. He's also supposed to be negotiating a major treaty with the Romulans. There are anomalies however and nothing is as it appears. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 8.2
47 min

It's Greg Pratt's last shift at County General and he treats a number of cases that were started by John Carter on the day shift. They treat a 12 year-old near drowning victim who has little chance of recovery; a Buddhist nun who has a special gift of seeing another's inner self; a woman who is convinced that that day's solar eclipse signals the end of the world; a drug addict who scams both of the for pain medication; and a pregnant woman who had her baby torn out of her her womb. Dr. Romano has his re-attached arm amputated. Carter receives a call from Luka Kovac asking if he can come to the Congo and help out. Abby is none too pleased. Meanwhile Doc Magoo's burns to the ground. Written by garykmcd

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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