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HD Cheers




IMDb: 7.9
30 min

Woody, Norm and Cliff come bounding into the bar after a drunken evening of watching The Magnificent Seven (1960), and are feeling all macho. They talk about the lack of danger in everyday life, and crave for such. Another patron in the bar, Bob Speakes, is a skydiving instructor and suggests that they give skydiving a try. The three are all talk and no action, but finally agree to do it after Carla goads them into it. The next day, the three are up in a plane ready for the jump. They all chicken out, the first men ever in Bob's history of teaching that have ever done so. However, the three make a pact that they will say to the gang at the bar that they did it, keeping the story nice and simple: they jumped, the chutes opened, they landed. The two problems are Cliff, who needs to embellish the story to pump up his own so-called extraordinary achievements, and Woody, who has never told a lie in his life. Carla doesn't believe that they did it, until Woody, who is nervous in the lie, ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 7.8
30 min

Rebecca is still smarting from Evan Drake's departure to Japan. So instead of men, she focuses her energies on furthering her career - she figures that Evan Drake took all the key players from the company to Japan with him, and thus all those that knew she is a washout are now all gone - and buying a Mercedes. But realistically, her defenses are weakened, so when Sam asks her out again, she accepts, albeit without much enthusiasm. Just as Rebecca and Sam are about to go on their first date, Rebecca's new boss, Greg Stone, comes to the bar. Rebecca, having a boss fixation, drops Sam at the sight of Mr. Stone. For her, it is love at first sight all over again. He bursts her bubble though. He figures the bar did better under Sam's direction, so he appoints Sam as the new manager and fires Rebecca. This news sends Rebecca into a deep shock, but also makes Sam miserable as he hates managing a bar in a corporate style. Sam tries to get Rebecca her job back all the while hoping that ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 8.3
30 min

Sam out to prove that he is STILL hot and Woody out to prove that he IS hot compete to see which one of them can kiss Rebecca first before midnight. While Woody asks Rebecca to help him rehearse a romantic scene Sam comes into the bar in Uniform because he has inlisted. Rebecca becomes suspicious over what's going on asks Carla who is happy to do something that will embarrase both Sam and Woody tells Rebecca who decides to set up the guys and in the end they both get a liplock, from each other. Written by Dagny

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 7.4
30 min

In Sam's unfortunate presence (unfortunate for Sam in more ways than one), Anthony and Annie tell Carla and Eddie that they're expecting - meaning Carla will become a grandmother - and that they plan on continuing to live at her house after the arrival of the baby. Carla is angry and goes into a deep depression. Carla implies that her issue is that she has gone from being a child herself to being a grandmother, missing out on her own growing up, including her adolescence and middle age. Being a grandmother means her life is almost over. This news in turn affects Rebecca as Carla is in hibernation while she awaits the angel of death, so Rebecca is short staffed at the bar. Rebecca, who herself has to schlep drinks to the customers, is a reluctant and lousy waitress. The gang think that something that Carla referred to - a slumber party - might get her out of her funk, as in the words of Lilith, recreating a childhood ritual often helps in getting one out of depression around aging. ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 7.8
30 min

One by one, Woody, Sam and Carla go into Rebecca's office asking for a raise. All three come out of her office only with superficial new titles. In other words, Rebecca has duped them. However she confesses first to Sam then to everyone in the bar that she cannot afford to give anyone a raise since the bar has been losing money for the past three months and the corporation is threatening to close the bar and take its losses. After brainstorming, the gang at the bar come up with an idea for a raffle for a Caribbean cruise to raise money and bring customers into the bar. Despite thinking it's futile, Rebecca goes along with it. The bar ends up being packed for the duration of the contest and the idea is a success. But an incident regarding the raffle may threaten the bar regardless. Sam, however, comes up with a solution that has an unwitting and absent Frasier and his one month anniversary with Lilith at its core. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 7.3
30 min

After being cut by the Bruins, Eddie finally gets a job as a penguin, not of the Pittsburgh variety, but rather a dressed-up penguin in The World of Ice ice show. The first stop on the show's tour is Seattle. Carla is reluctant to visit Eddie on the extended Seattle stop as everyone finally finds out she is afraid to fly, or to be more precise she is afraid to crash. After the gang discuss ways to help Carla, Frasier decides that he could hold a week long pteromerhanophobia workshop ending with an actual flight on a plane. Carla agrees to participate. Frasier's workshop ends up doing the trick but not quite in the way he had anticipated. Meanwhile, Murray Treadwell, a local restaurant critic, is doing a series of reviews of bars. When Cheers was managed by Sam, Treadwell gave the bar a rotten review, so Rebecca will do anything to rectify that. Treadwell implies to Rebecca that he will give the bar a good review if she goes out with him. Will Rebecca's personal relationship, or ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 7.8
30 min

Frasier and Lilith's wedding is nearing, and their best man and maid of honor, Sam and a very surprised Rebecca, are throwing them each a bachelor/bachelorette party. However Lilith is annoyed at Frasier's increased frequency of snide remarks about marriage and sees it possibly as a sign he is having second thoughts. So she says to him directly that she will give him his freedom if he so desires, and will await a telephone call from him after the party to tell her if he still wants to get married. An unexpected guest at the bachelor party makes Frasier really contemplate into what he's about to enter. Frasier calls Rebecca's, where the bachelorette party is being held, to talk to Lilith. That call makes Frasier think even more about the wedding. Lilith has made a decision of her own, one induced by alcohol, a male stripper and a missed telephone call. By the end of the evening, Sam comes to some conclusions of his own about the joys of single life. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 8.1

Cliff goes into the mail order shoe business. At only $19.99 a pop, all the guys in the bar decide to get a pair. When the shoes arrive, the guys are all amazed at how comfortable and good looking the shoes are, but... Meanwhile, Rebecca thinks that she finally has her ticket out of the bar. Daniel T. Collier, the Chairman of the Board of the corporation - which by the way is called Lillian - asks her to organize a cocktail party at his house. Against Rebecca's better judgment, she agrees to hire Sam and Woody to tend bar at the party. The party is going well until Woody empties some garbage into what he thinks is a garbage can, but is really a priceless antique vase. What's worse is that Rebecca accidentally breaks the vase while she's emptying it out. Admissions to Mr. Collier aka Pinky as to who did what to the vase has an unexpected short to medium term result, despite Woody and Sam's best efforts to be the martyrs. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 7.9

While discussing exciting things in their lives, Woody tells the gang that he was just an extra on the TV show Spenser: For Hire (1985), and that he had rubbed elbows with its star, Robert Urich. Everyone is excited for Woody until they see the episode on TV, where Woody claims that the ubiquitous white shirt on the screen is him. After that, everyone in the bar is skeptical of his story, until... Meanwhile, Norm is painting Cliff's apartment. Norm is expecting to get paid, while Cliff is expecting it to be a freebie, especially in light of the fact that Norm painted Ma Clavin's house for free - when Norm was not a professional painter - and that Cliff regards painting as menial work that even a trained monkey could do. This disagreement causes a rift between friends. A tit for tat may either resolve the rift or make it worse. Elsewhere in the bar, Rebecca has booked the pool room to a woman's book club every Sunday night to add a little class to the establishment. The book club ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 8.0
30 min

For the bachelor party the guys at the bar throw for Sam, Woody offhandedly asks Diane if she would be the girl who jumps out of the cake. Although she abhors such male sexual rituals, she agrees if only to stop someone else from pleasuring Sam. At the party, just as Diane is ready to come out of the cake, Norm makes a comment which makes Sam reexamine out loud for the first time this wedding and the fact that Diane will now be the one and only woman in his life. After jumping out of the cake mad at Sam for his comments, Diane later offers Sam a proposition: she will give him a last 24-hours of freedom to do whatever he pleases with whomever he pleases. Sam excitedly agrees until Diane throws in that she too will have her last 24-hours of freedom to do whatever she pleases with whomever she pleases. Will Sam still go along with Diane's plan and if so what will he do and what will she do? Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 7.8
30 min

Diane waltzes into the bar full of cheer, announcing to Sam that she had a premonition that he would ask her to marry him today; he mocks her and laughs in her face. Superstitious Carla warns Sam not to test the fate of woman's intuition. Diane does whatever she can to set the mood for a proposal and Sam does everything he can to prove to Diane that he won't propose. When they're finally alone just prior to midnight, Sam states that her insistence is driving him nuts and adamantly states that he will never ask her to marry him again. When Diane comes to the realization that it might not happen, her tears start to flow which prompts Sam to ask her to marry him. She says no, again! For a split second, he dreams that he has murdered Diane and is on death row - he chases her out of the bar to perhaps do the deed?! The following day, we find that Diane has had Sam arrested for assault and battery, and has asked newly minted but inept lawyer Tom, who has finally passed the bar examine after... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 7.9
30 min

Cliff brings in the next in the long line of home grown vegetables resembling something, this one being a turnip, with its green top, that he thinks looks like June Lockhart. The gang thinks Cliff has gone off the deep end, and Cliff himself finally agrees. Cliff wants to spend a little time with Frasier - in other words, Cliff wants some free therapy. The time with Frasier does Cliff some good, until... Meanwhile, Sam is dating a very young woman named Bonnie, who, generationally has more in common with Woody. To prove his 'youth' in front of Bonnie, Sam challenges Woody to a racquetball game. The game takes its toll on Sam, who, after the fact, is in pain, but hides it from the gang. He tells everyone he's off on a ski trip, but in reality, he has pulled a hernia - what he considers to be an old man's ailment - and goes to the hospital. Diane tracks him down to the hospital, where they have a philosophical chat about aging. Over the course of the day, Sam has a roller coaster of ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 7.9
30 min

Tough guy bar patron, Victor, has taken a dislike to Cliff and his know-it-all attitude. Carla eggs Cliff on to confront Victor, as she says he is just a blow-hard who will back down once Cliff shows he's not afraid of him. Reluctantly Cliff does so, but Victor doesn't back down, wanting to take things outside. While Victor goes out waiting for Cliff, Cliff sneaks out the Melville's entrance. The next time Cliff comes to the bar, he brings his tough guy colleague from the post office, Lewis, in the off chance that Victor shows up as well, which he does. Knowing that Lewis is there, Cliff verbally pushes Victor more. Lewis defends Cliff until what Victor says about Cliff makes Lewis think that Victor is right. Without his bodyguard, Cliff uses the oldest back down statement in the book: that he knows karate and his hands are lethal weapons. Victor says that he will leave Cliff alone if Cliff admits that he's a loud mouth know-it-all. It's time for Cliff to put up or shut up, Diane ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 7.7
30 min

Sam and Diane are having an intimate night at Diane's apartment when the Coach barges in on them. Although they are at a crucial time in their relationship, they ultimately let the Coach stay for the evening as they realize they have the rest of their lives together and the Coach is all alone. However this night is just the start of the Coach joining them in on everything without them even asking him. To get him off on his own, Sam and Diane, with the help of Carla and the rest of the gang, try and set him up with a woman that he has admitted that he likes. After they finally find out who she is, Sam and Diane go on a double date with the Coach and Katherine. They end up back at Diane's place for an after dinner coffee, where the Coach and Katherine seem to be having a good time. The Coach offers to escort Katherine home, or so he says. He drops her off at the bus stop and comes back to Diane's alone, saying to Sam and Diane that Katherine, as nice as she is, doesn't fit in with their... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 7.6
30 min

Perky, pert, congenial, fun? Are these adjectives to describe Diane? If so, she could become the 45th Miss Boston Barmaid, as Sam has entered her into the annual contest without her knowledge. Realistically not a contest to test wait skills, the event is to be held at Cheers this year. Diane, who feels degraded, hates such contests and chastises Sam for entering her. However she changes her tune when she thinks that she can use any speech opportunity during the contest as a platform to air her feminist views, especially of such contests. She doesn't tell anyone of what she plans to do. With a little help from Sam who has his own ulterior motives, Diane has an up and down contest, the downs including quashed speech opportunity after opportunity and the appearance of her infamous nervous facial tick. But is there anything that could change her plans for making her big speech? Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 7.7
30 min

Norm volunteers to be his company's party director in order to advance the corporate ladder. After doing so, he realizes he knows nothing about party planning. On Diane's flippant suggestion, Norm decides to throw a toga party at the bar. Things start off badly on party night when Norm is the only one who dresses in costume. Things go downhill from there. The final blow for Norm is the fact that the woman he hired to be the boss' date at the last minute can't make it, so he pleads with Diane to keep his boss, Sawyer, company. Reluctant to prostitute herself, Diane initially refuses but changes her mind when she sees that Sawyer is a young, well-dressed, handsome man. An incident later at the party places Norm in a precarious position but elicits an unexpected response from his otherwise dour colleagues. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Jordskott




IMDb: 7.1
58 min

Josefine has been kidnapped by Nicklas hiding her in the barn. Eva struggles to master the parasite she swallowed. She has a plan for how she can rescue the missing children and goes to battle with his father's company. Meanwhile, Tom finds evidence that shocks him. Written by AL

Country: Sweden
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HD Jordskott




IMDb: 7.1
59 min

Difficult gunshot injury brought Eve of Wass to the old woman Ylva who treats her with a shot. It saves Eva's life but also has strong side effects.

Country: Sweden
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HD Jordskott




IMDb: 7.3
59 min

Eva decides to set a trap for the creature from the woods, but the plan goes horribly wrong. In despair, she tells Wass what she has done. At the same time, Eva finds a secret chamber that hides great secrets and many answers.

Country: Sweden
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HD Jordskott




IMDb: 7.1
58 min

Eva is faced with a fateful choice when she should be taking care of Josefine. Gran is loud about things that should not be talked about.

Country: Sweden
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HD Jordskott




IMDb: 7.5
58 min

Someone has taken himself with Eve and left a bottle with unknown contents on the kitchen table. Eva realizes that the dark liquid is what Josefine need to survive. At the same time chasing the killer on after their victims and Wass from the National Police hides tracks that no one should see. Written by umj

Country: Sweden
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HD The Art of More

The Art of More


The Art of More

IMDb: 0

Genre: Drama,
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HD The Art of More

The Art of More


The Art of More

IMDb: 8.4

Genre: Drama,
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HD The Art of More

The Art of More


The Art of More

IMDb: 8.1

Genre: Drama,
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HD The Art of More

The Art of More


The Art of More

IMDb: 8.5

Genre: Drama,
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HD The Art of More

The Art of More


The Art of More

IMDb: 8.6

Haunted by his girlfriend's murder, Graham gets caught in a dangerous FBI manhunt. Sam Brukner plans to turn the tables on his growing enemies. Roxanna makes a risky power play at DeGraff's. Roxanna moves to go ahead with the fraudulent Swift auction. Written by aliyahrocks

Genre: Drama,
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HD The Art of More

The Art of More


The Art of More

IMDb: 6.7
44 min

Brukner's past catches up with him when evidence of recent misdeeds are exposed on the eve of his auction. Roxanna finds damning evidence against Graham and must decide how to use it. Brukner learns Graham has betrayed him and plans revenge. Uzay and Demir convince Hassan that Graham must be eliminated.

Genre: Drama,
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HD The Art of More

The Art of More


The Art of More

IMDb: 7.3
44 min

A new auction includes astronaut Sally Ride's suit. The FBI identify Hassan, forcing Graham to scramble on an antiquities shipment. Roxanna has a P.I. investigate Swift. In a new venture, Belinda unwittingly finds herself working with Uzay. Davenport discovers Graham's full involvement with Hassan.

Genre: Drama,
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HD The Art of More

The Art of More


The Art of More

IMDb: 7.7
44 min

An auction of Napoleon memorabilia brings an assortment of bidders. To increase the Swift collection's value, Roxanna enlists the aid of a forger. Graham steps up his game in order to finally land the Brukner account. Graham, Uzay and Demir meet up with the Russian mob boss to sell the mask.

Genre: Drama,
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HD The Art of More

The Art of More


The Art of More

IMDb: 7.5
44 min

A couple discovers millions in gold coins buried in their yard, triggering fierce competition for their account. Graham joins Brukner on a weekend getaway in his effort to land his account. Uzay and Demir arrange for a Russian mob boss to buy one of the antiquities, setting up Graham in the process.

Genre: Drama,
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HD The Art of More

The Art of More


The Art of More

IMDb: 6.5
43 min

A rock memorabilia auction is jeopardized when a Pete Townshend artifact is stolen. Two more smugglers from Graham's past arrive in New York, luring him back into the smuggling business. Roxanna Whitman, Graham's rival, signs a priceless art collection, only to find out it is not what it seems.

Genre: Drama,
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HD 100 höjdare

100 höjdare


100 höjdare

IMDb: 6.5

Genre: Comedy, Talk-Show,
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