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HD The Wire

The Wire


The Wire

IMDb: 8.7
58 min

The detail makes a desperate move. Nick's deceit is in the open, as Sobotka is overwhelmed by bad news. The Greeks confidently ease out of a brief encounter with the detail and Omar's suspicions are validated. The detail hopes to find Vonda's boss. Nick hopes to repair relations with the Greeks and Sobotka is forced to make a difficult choice. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD The Wire

The Wire


The Wire

IMDb: 8.5
59 min

The detail uses satellite technology to its advantage. Bodie is unhappy that Proposition Joe's people are selling on his turf. Valchek visits the FBI in an attempt to get real results on the docks. Ziggy's deal with Double-G goes bad in a big way. Greggs considers motherhood and Prez makes a major blunder. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD The Wire

The Wire


The Wire

IMDb: 8.5
58 min

Bodie's disastrous sales efforts result in a tongue lashing from Stringer Bell. Ziggy pulls Johnny Fifty into a new caper that makes the Greeks pay big money. McNulty goes undercover in a brothel. As Valchek fumes over the change of targets and Burrell pulls the rug from beneath him, Daniels and Pearlman maintain their composure. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD The Wire

The Wire


The Wire

IMDb: 8.5
58 min

McNulty goes on a drunken binge of legendary proportions. Fellow stevedores convince Ziggy to fight Maui. Bunk, seeing McNulty's desperation, talks Daniels into asking for him. Daniels does so and Rawls, who has no choice, agrees. After some labor, the wiretap is up, just in time to catch another disappearing container. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD The Wire

The Wire


The Wire

IMDb: 8.4
58 min

Greggs and Prez tap into the circuit of Russian prostitutes. With two sets of evidence, the detail goes to Pearlman who tells them neither crime merits a wiretap, but a drug connection could give the case legs. Rawls can't persuade Daniels to take the murders, but new evidence does. Though discord grows in Barksdale's empire, Bell tries to hold it together. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD The Wire

The Wire


The Wire

IMDb: 8.5
58 min

Trying to let go of police work and return to his marriage, McNulty gives up on identifying his Jane Doe. The detectives look into Sobotka and his money. For his union, Sobotka tries to play the political game. D'Angelo wants to live life outside of Barksdale's umbrella and Bell brings in outside help for the problem. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD The Wire

The Wire


The Wire

IMDb: 8.3
57 min

Weak product in the pit has Bodie getting heat. Homicide detectives hand out grand jury summonses to stevedores involved in the homicide case, and Port Police Officer Beadie Russell works the lingering affections of an old boyfriend to find out how cargo disappears from the docks. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD The Wire

The Wire


The Wire

IMDb: 8.1
59 min

McNulty goes on a self-assigned moral mission to identify his floater, but his old partner, Bunk, says they have more pressing matter at hand: finding Omar to testify against a Barksdale trigger man in one of last year's murders. To placate Valchek, Burrell asks Daniels to lead the detail investigating Sobotka, and Daniels agrees. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD The Wire

The Wire


The Wire

IMDb: 8.2
58 min

Lt Cedric Daniels lets it be known he is going to leave the department. McNulty pursues the identity of the Jane Doe found floating in the harbor. A pair of young longshoremen, Frank Sobotka's son Ziggy and nephew Nick, heist a container and sell its contents, digital cameras, to men working for The Greek. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD The Wire

The Wire


The Wire

IMDb: 8.2
59 min

Major Valchek gets back at Sobotka for the church gift fiasco, and a feud begins. Avon Barksdale continues to run his empire from a prison cell. On the waterfront, Port Police Officer Beatrice Russell gets stuck investigating the contraband in the The Greek's container. McNulty lends a hand with the investigation. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD The Wire

The Wire


The Wire

IMDb: 7.9
59 min

Detective Jimmy McNulty finds the body of a woman floating in the water while carrying out his new assignment of Harbor Patrol. Major Valchek has his gift to a local parish trumped by Frank Sobotka, his rival in the local stevedores union. And on the waterfront, a shipping container destined for 'The Greek' bakes in the sun with perishable cargo. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD The Wire

The Wire


The Wire

IMDb: 8.5
66 min

The detail has enough information to arrest Avon and many of his people, but, with Wallace dead, they are unable to bring a charge against Stringer, who is left on the street. However, disgusted that Avon and Stringer had Wallace killed, D'Angelo flips on the entire organization, giving the detail more information than they ever expected. As Daniels figures out who the snitch is in the unit, Herc is shocked when he is passed over for promotion in favour of Carver, who scored lower on the sergeant's exam. In Philadelphia, Wee-Bey is arrested and gladly admits to murder after murder. Finally figuring out why Avon has been buying vacant properties in the city, Daniels, McNulty, Freamon and Pearlman take their evidence of political involvement to the FBI. Meanwhile, D'Angelo's mother, Brianna, attempts to convince him to stand with the family. Written by Bertaut

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD The Wire

The Wire


The Wire

IMDb: 8.6
56 min

Kima slowly recovers in hospital. Stringer changes operations in the pit and the towers, rendering the wiretaps and clones useless, and prompting Burrell to begin dismantling the detail. Avon and Stringer meet Levy to discuss where their organization is vulnerable. Unbeknownst to the detail, Wallace returns to the pit to resume work. When Prez starts pulling political campaign finance reports, Pearlman is called to a meeting with a worried State's Attorney, and an angry Clay Davis confronts Daniels. Meanwhile, Stinger issues a difficult order to Bodie and Poot. With Shardene's help, the detail are able to install a camera in the strip club. Written by Bertaut

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD The Wire

The Wire


The Wire

IMDb: 8.5
56 min

While Greggs' life hangs in the balance, the entire department attempts to hunt down Savino. When Wallace flips, willing to testify that Stringer, Wee-Bey and Bird killed Brandon, Daniels stashes him in his grandmother's house on the outskirts of the city, but he soon becomes restless. Stringer tells Wee-Bey he needs to get out of Baltimore until the Savino investigation cools off, whilst Avon considers his next move. When McNulty and Pearlman try to pressure Levy into giving up Savino, he proves smarter than they gave him credit for. Meanwhile, when the detail's hand is forced, and a series of city-wide raids are ordered so as to appease Burrell's desire for dope on the table, McNulty goes to see Phelan for help, but is surprised at his reaction. Daniels decides not to raid the main Barksdale stash house, but when word of his plan gets back to Burrell, he realizes there is a snitch in the detail. Elsewhere, Bubbles finds it increasingly difficult to stay clean. Written by Bertaut

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
Watch Episode
HD The Wire

The Wire


The Wire

IMDb: 8.8
56 min

Avon, Stringer and Wee-Bey discuss how best to deal with Omar after the attempted hit on Avon, deciding to let him think they want peace, whilst secretly planning to kill him. As such, Omar and Stringer meet for a parley, with security provided by Prop Joe. Meanwhile, Stringer insists on decreasing Avon's visibility in light of the detail's attempt to follow him after the basketball game. An irritable Phelan signs an affidavit for the new phone being used by the pit crew, and Pearlman tells McNulty that he is not up for automatic re-election, possibly because of the feathers he has ruffled due to his involvement with the Barksdale case. D'Angelo tries to understand why Shardene has left him, and after being clean for three days, Bubbles gets some advice from Waylon, before turning to Greggs for support. Meanwhile, McNulty attempts to flip Wallace, and the detail identifies Barksdale's main stash house. However, when Orlando's attempt to purchase weight gets him a lot more than he ... Written by Bertaut

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
Watch Episode
HD The Wire

The Wire


The Wire

IMDb: 8.5
57 min

D'Angelo speaks to Wallace, who tells him he wants to go back to school and get out of the Game. However, Malik Poot Carr discovers Wallace has started using cocaine to help him deal with his guilt over Brandon. Freamon gets Sydnor and Prez started on the complex Barksdale money trail, including possible political connections, and they are surprised to find Avon's corporations have been buying up vacant buildings in run-down parts of the city. Greggs and Freamon approach D'Angelo's girlfriend, Shardene Ennis, who works at Orlando's, in the hopes they can turn her into a CI. After Bubbles narrowly avoids a beating whilst stealing a package that turns out to be stepped on, he decides to try to get clean. Avon and Eastside kingpin Proposition Joe Stewart stage an East vs. West basketball game, but when the detail follow Avon afterwards, they get something they never expected. Meanwhile, Omar puts into motion a plan to gain revenge for Brandon's death. Written by Bertaut

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
Watch Episode
HD The Wire

The Wire


The Wire

IMDb: 8.5
56 min

McNulty uses his children to tail Stringer after a chance encounter in a local market, with one of them getting his license plate. As the detail discuss the implications of the pit phones being disconnected, speculating the crew are going to start using phones outside their immediate area of operations, Herc and Carver prepare for the sergeant's exam. Stinkum, Wee-Bey and Savino raid Omar's pad, but he is nowhere to be found. Avon is unhappy when he learns of Orlando's proposal to D'Angelo. Meanwhile, Greggs and Carver arrest a driver picking up a large amount of cash from the towers, but are surprised to learn he is an aide to State Senator Clay Davis. Burrell is furious with this turn of events and confronts Daniels about the direction in which the case is heading, giving him one week to secure a charge on Avon and/or Stringer. Phelan, however, tells Burrell he wants the full thirty days of surveillance assigned by the court. As Wee-Bey and Stinkum attempt to take over new territory... Written by Bertaut

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD The Wire

The Wire


The Wire

IMDb: 8.5
59 min

Burrell reluctantly sides with Daniels in the disagreement with Rawls, giving the detail more time to make a case against Avon, despite his fears the operation is beginning to sprawl. McNulty and Pearlman present the detail's findings to Phelan, who signs an affidavit for a further thirty days of electronic surveillance. Using information from the wiretap on the pit phones, the detail catch a runner on his way to the pit with a re-up. However, they elect not to arrest the driver, Anton Stinkum Artis, so as to avoid giving up their evidence in the charging documents. Stinkum's apparent free pass from the police convinces Avon and Stringer that their operation has been penetrated, and Stringer introduces a new set of operating procedures. Rawls gives Det. Michael Santangelo a choice; acquire information that he can use against McNulty or solve some of the department's open homicides, whilst the owner of Avon's strip club, Wendell Orlando Blocker, has a proposal for D'Angelo. ... Written by Bertaut

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD The Wire

The Wire


The Wire

IMDb: 8.5
59 min

Avon takes care of Omar's man Brandon but Wallace, who saw Brandon in the arcade, isn't too comfortable when he sees what they've done to him. Avon gives D'Angelo and Wallace a bonus for their good work. The police meanwhile get authorization to place taps for the pay phones used by D'Angelo and his crew but can only listen in when one of their suspects is using it meaning they'll have to keep the phones under constant observation. McNulty is in a tight spot when Major Rawls gives him a week to report back to his old job. When he realizes the connections McNulty's made in the various shootings, he announces he's going to arrest the Barksdales for murder and threatens to mess up the drug investigation. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD The Wire

The Wire


The Wire

IMDb: 8.4
60 min

Avon Barksdale is becoming paranoid and thinks he's being watched. He's also worried his phone is being tapped. He also thinks there's a snitch in D'Angelo's crew and he's told not to pay anyone until it's sorted. D'Angelo isn't too pleased when he hears Avon has given Stinkum a new territory. Judge Phelan visits the squad to sign the warrants to clone D'Angelo Barksdale's pager. The numbers they're collecting are coded and don't make much sense. Det. Prez Pryzbylewski figures it out however. McNulty and Greggs try to get information from Omar. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD The Wire

The Wire


The Wire

IMDb: 8.3
60 min

Bodie walks out of detention pretending to be a janitor but Patty is recovering in hospital and is pleased that his injuries will result in a medical pension. Avon Barksdale puts a contract out on Omar and others who robbed him. He wants to make sure everyone on the street knows he's not to be messed with. Judge Phelan keeps the pressure on and Daniels recommends to the Deputy that they need a wire. McNulty suggests they get a warrant to clone the pagers the drug runners use. Det. Fremon is one step ahead of everyone having already found D'Angelo Barksdale's pager number. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD The Wire

The Wire


The Wire

IMDb: 8.3
58 min

Lt. Daniels puts his team together but the extra help he's asked includes several less than stellar officers. It also includes McNulty, who is obviously in the doghouse. When one of the witnesses against D'Angelo Barksdale is found dead, McNulty and his homicide partner 'Bunk' Moreland bring him in for questioning. They have no evidence that he had anything to do with the killing but their instincts tell them otherwise. When news of the witnesses death hits the press, Major Rawls is convinced that McNulty is again responsible. Three of the newly assigned detectives, Hec, Prez and Carver decide to go to the towers and flex a little muscle only to have it turn into a major disaster. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD The Wire

The Wire


The Wire

IMDb: 8.0
62 min

Baltimore Det. Jimmy McNulty finds himself in hot water with his superior Major William Rawls after a drug dealer, D'Angelo Barksdale who is charged with three murders, is acquitted. McNulty knows the judge in question and although it's not his case, he's called into chambers to explain what happened. Obviously key witnesses recanted their police statements on the stand but McNulty doesn't underplay Barksdale's role in at least 7 other murders. When the judge's raises his concerns at the senior levels of the police department, they have a new investigation on their hands. Lt. Cedric Daniels is put in charge with Kima Greggs as the lead detective. As for Barksdale, he finds himself demoted to a low-level dealer after his arrest and he obviously has to prove himself yet again. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Chuck




IMDb: 9.4
42 min

Ring double agent used Ellie as bait to lure the team into a real CIA base. Daniel Shaw is not only alive and back, he convincingly pleads to a Washington-mandated CIA panel that general Beckman is incompetent and Chuck's Intersect a mental liability. Chuck discovers that Shaw has a Ring Inyersect himself, but his clumsy attempt to prove that gets him arrested. Casey is diverted by his daughter's kidnapping. Father Bartowski returns to save Chuck, who refuses to desert cowardly, but is tempted to spare his beloved by disappearing. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Action, Comedy, Drama,
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HD Chuck




IMDb: 9.0
43 min

General Beckman would abandon the search for Orion, but Chuck convinces her there remains one option, getting a Fulcrum agent to talk. Although unauthorized, who offers a deal to Jill Roberts, who confides her 'uncle' Bernie, a family friend, is ranking high enough and trusts her. Alas, at the 'engagement party' for Chuck and Jill, Bernie attacks him and has a fatal cardiac arrest. After Sara betrays to Chuck the general's plan to 'bury' the Intersect project altogether, he and Jill, tailed by Casey, find and intrude the Fulcrum HQ where Orion must be held captive. Meanwhile Emmet tricks the nerd herd in making him look good enough to a Buy More HQ inspector to be 'promoted away', but that's not the true stake. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Action, Comedy, Drama,
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HD Blue Mountain State

Blue Mountain State


Blue Mountain State

IMDb: 7.8
22 min

The Goats are about to face Overland U, their most storied rivals and not to mention, their first televised game of the season. The catch is... they're gonna have to do so without their starting quarterback, Travis James, suspended by the dean for soliciting a prostitute. Coach Daniels' pleads with the dean to pay off the officials like they usually do but dean's decision stands firm. That leaves Alex to start as QB, who's been complacent being the back-up quarterback, fearing the pressures of having to be the number one guy and just wanting to party. Rather than stepping up in a moment of crisis, Alex channels all his wits into getting Travis reinstated for the big game. He visits Travis's transvestite prostitute to get her to change her alibi and absolve Travis of suspension but she won't budge unless Craig, the star of the team, allows her (or him) to perform fellatio on him. To his surprise, Craig's possessive girlfriend is okay with it but he soon realizes he's the one who can't ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Sport,
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HD The Shield

The Shield


The Shield

IMDb: 7.5
60 min | 45 min

Vic's city official can't help him out with his forced retirement, but he finds a new ally when he solves the San Marcos murders. Shane and Vic fight over Kesakhian's daughter's loyalties, and Billings gets revenge on Dutch.

Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD The Simpsons

The Simpsons


The Simpsons

IMDb: 6.7

When Homer ruins his and Marge's chances of making a new couple friend, Marge decides to concentrate on finding a friend for Lisa. However, Lisa suddenly makes a new friend on her own.

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD The Simpsons

The Simpsons


The Simpsons

IMDb: 7.0

In this parody of The Sound of Music (1965), Lisa becomes a tutor for Cletus' seven children, until Krusty tries to exploit them as entertainers. Meanwhile, Bart becomes emotionally attached to his school-appointed psychiatrist.

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD The Simpsons

The Simpsons


The Simpsons

IMDb: 7.2

On the advice of his old college professor Moe decides to better himself by turning his tavern into an up-market cocktail bar for the jet set. Homer and the old clientele feel left out so Homer turns his garage into a bar,even persuading R.E.M. to come and play. When Moe points out that Homer lacks an alcohol licence Homer claims his bar is a hunting club and vows to prove it by shooting a turkey. Lisa and Moe thwart his plan when Homer accidentally shoots Moe whilst out hunting but the tavern returns to normal and the family have a tofu turkey instead. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD The Simpsons

The Simpsons


The Simpsons

IMDb: 8.0

Depressed about his inability to keep up with the existing music scene when Bart reveals how uncool his interest in 1970's rock music truly is, Homer decides to take Bart and Lisa to the Hullabalooza music festival to show them this isn't the case. Failing at that, he nearly sparks a riot and gets shot at with a cannon(ironically for Peter Frampton) which bounces a fake pig off his fat belly, and ends up being hired as part of the festival's freak show, touring with bands such as Smashing Pumpkins, Cypress Hill, Sonic Youth, and yes, Frampton. Written by Daniel Timothy Dey

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD The Sopranos

The Sopranos


The Sopranos

IMDb: 8.4
55 min

Tony is approached by an attractive real estate agent with an offer to buy a building he owns in the old neighborhood. The building is leased to an old established business and Tony hesitates to sell them out. Both Tony and Carmela are frustrated with AJ who has dropped out of college and is working a few hours a day at Blockbuster. Unknown to his parents he's also out clubbing and spending money he doesn't really have. He visits his Uncle Junior - but the call is anything but social. Phil Leotardo is inquiring about Vito's whereabouts. Tony tells him to mind his own business but Vito's wife is Phil's cousin and he has no intention of dropping it. Vito is still in hiding and afraid to return knowing what wiseguys think of gays. He's interested in a short order cook from a nearby diner but has a bit of trouble dealing with it all. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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