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HD Supergirl




IMDb: 7.7
43 min

Kara must protect National City from a series of bombings and babysit Cat's son, while James is visited by Lucy Lane.

Country: USA
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HD Supergirl




IMDb: 7.5
43 min

Supergirl's powers are put to the test when one of Superman's most formidable enemies, Reactron, shows up in National City to take her down. In the meantime, Cat makes plans to run an expose on Supergirl.

Country: USA
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HD Supergirl




IMDb: 7.4
43 min

Kara must put doubts aside as she tries to apprehend an escapee from the Kryptonian prison; Cat pressures James for an interview with Supergirl.

Country: USA
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HD Fringe




IMDb: 9.1
43 min

Captain Windmark secretly brings Michael to a facility in the Liberty Island to interrogate the boy. He goes to 2069 to ask his superior to destroy the boy but he is asked to disassemble him to be studied. Meanwhile Broyles finds where Michael is and Olivia decides to use Cortexiphan to cross to the parallel universe to reach the Liberty Island facility and bring Michael with her. Meanwhile September assembles the time machine but one important component does not work. What will happen next? Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 8.8

Buying a gift for Etta proves risky for Peter and draws unwanted Observer interest. Walter discovers the whereabouts of the second component to the Observers' downfall and prepares a proactive approach against them. Capt. Windmark deduces that some people are able to block Observer mind-reads. The reunion of an old friend coincides with the loss of a loved one. Written by statmanjeff

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HD Fringe




IMDb: 8.5
44 min

This follow-up to last season's Peter flashback episode revisits a poignant period of time for both the Bishops and Olivia. Written by Fox Publicity

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Fringe




IMDb: 8.8
44 min

Two teenager are smoking grass in a car parked at an abandoned area. Out of the blue, they hear a noise in a warehouse and the youngster Dave decides to snoop around. A shape-shifter catches him and assumes his form while another one catches his girlfriend Jill to use her body. When the teenagers are found dead with three marks on the palate, the Fringe Division investigates the case and soon they find a shape-shifter embryo at the warehouse. After a visit to the Massive Dynamic, they conclude that Thomas Jerome Newton is the responsible for the transference. Further, he is trying to bring something big from the parallel universe that will be synchronized with our universe. Now they have to find where the transfer will happen. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Fringe




IMDb: 9.3
44 min

When passengers aboard a commuter train appear to have died a still death, it seems that a switch was flipped because all cell phones, mp3 players, laptops, batteries and bodies have been drained of power. As the Fringe team assembles at the bizarre crime scene, Peter remains suspicious that something is amiss with Walter, who is struggling to keep the unimaginable a secret. When the investigation leads them to Alistair Peck, a very powerful man who has tremendous energy with severe consequences, an ironic set of circumstances surface Written by FOX Publicity

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HD Fringe




IMDb: 8.2
44 min

A healthy thirty year-old lawyer has a meeting with a man that claims that he is ill and after he touches her hand, she has cancerous blisters in her body and dies. The Fringe Division is assigned to investigate the mysterious case. Meanwhile Olivia meets Walter and tells that she will disclose the truth to Peter. When there is another similar case, they track the victims and soon Olivia realizes that the victims have been submitted to the Coretexiphan experiment. Who might be the killer? Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Fringe




IMDb: 9.4
44 min

Walter visits Olivia. Having a cup of tea together, Walter starts explaining to her how Peter is not really from our world. In the '80s Walter, who was a different man back then, built a device through which he could see the other Universe so, practically, a window to the other Universe. After Peter's death he wanted to do more than just observe; he felt it was his job as a father to do so. Because of September, Walternate couldn't figure out the right compound for the cure to save Peter's life so Walter decided to cross the worlds in order to save the other Peter. This, however, created a wormwhole into the alternate Universe that has had devastating consequences. Written by Andy Ward

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Fringe




IMDb: 8.3
44 min

When a man enters an office in Boston for a meeting, he becomes disoriented and collapses, only to have his veins erupt and spray blood everywhere. Shortly after Olivia and Peter arrive at the scene to investigate the bizarre case, it's discovered that a lethal virus - with deep ties to something very valuable - is spreading, so the CDC moves in to quarantine the building and eradicate the pathogens. Isolated inside with the rest of the exposed office employees, Peter and Olivia face life-threatening circumstances, sending Walter, Broyles and Astrid on a frantic search for a solution to save them. Written by FOX Publicity

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Fringe




IMDb: 8.9
43 min

When the art student Christine Holls is abducted by an Observer that is shot but is not wounded, Olivia and Peter are assigned to investigate the weird case. Soon they find that this is another Observer (called August), and not the one they know that saved Peter and Dr. Bishop from a car accident. They interview Christine's roommate that explains that she would take a flight to Rome. Peter sees a picture of Christe and her parents, who died in the San Francisco earthquake, and he finds the Observer in the background. When the plane to Rome crashes, the Fringe Division concludes that August has saved Christine's life. Meanwhile the other Observers hire a hitman to fix August's mistake. What would be the reason for August's action? Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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HD Fringe




IMDb: 8.1
44 min

When the fourteen year-old boy Tyler Carson is kidnapped, the NYPD surround the car with the abductors; however they kill each other and the kidnappers drive away with Tyler. The Fringe Division is summoned to investigate the mysterious case and soon they learn that Tyler is the son of the engineer Dr. Carson, from the Massive Dynamic. Their further investigate shows that Tyler has mind control powers and the supposed abductors are two respectful car salesmen. When Tyler kidnaps Peter, Dr. Bishop tries to find a means to save his beloved son from the evil teenage boy. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Fringe




IMDb: 8.5
65 min

Using her FBI training, Olivia escapes from Robert Jones' people. An FBI agent from Olivia's past is set to investigate the motifs and actions of the Fringe division. Olivia retrieves a sample from her abductors that contains the same parasite that is used to kill an immunologist. At the federal HQ, Loeb interferes with the investigation and finally Olivia figures out he's the other mole. Loeb instructs his wife to kill Olivia but Peter, who overhears the conversation, warns Olivia. Loeb is then caught by the team. Written by Andreea D

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IMDb: 7.9
49 min (uncut)

The team investigates a young man, Roy McComb, who seems to have the ability to predict major incidents before they happen. When they search his apartment, they find drawings and models of a variety of attacks, including the flight from Germany. In the most recent incident, a bus load of people are gassed and a bag stolen from an undercover narcotics agent. Dr. Bishop recalls working on experiments with his old friend, the founder of Massive Dynamics, that could explain what is happening with McComb. When Agent Dunham visits Nina Sharp to get more information on Massive Dynamics' possible role in these experiments, she realizes that she has not been fully briefed on what is going on. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Fringe




IMDb: 8.2
82 min (pre-release)

When a commercial flight from Germany lands at Boston's Logan Airport without a single passenger or crew member on board alive, FBI agent Olivia Dunham is assigned to the investigative team. When her partner and lover John Scott suffers severe chemical burns, she seeks help from Dr. Walter Bishop a one-time university professor who experimented in the same field but has now been institutionalized for 17 years. To get his cooperation however, she has to get Bishop's son Peter's cooperation as well. The information they gather leads to Massive Dynamic, a huge multinational founded by someone who once shared laboratory space with Dr. Bishop. Agent Dunham also learns that what happened may have been part of a much larger pattern of strange phenomena. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD MacGyver




IMDb: 8.2
48 min

While researching his family's genealogy, MacGyver discovers that his family name was disgraced during the Middle Ages. He is then knocked unconscious and, not surprisingly, is transported through dreams to the time of King Arthur (a curious Pete look-alike!). Here he must confront some stubborn knights, convince Arthur that he is a friend, and set out in search of his forefathers. Written by clbw

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HD MacGyver




IMDb: 8.0
48 min

MacGyver is helping archaeologists to find the tomb of Alexander The Great, but soon learns that they are not the only ones out there looking for it.

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HD MacGyver




IMDb: 7.2
48 min

The Phoenix Foundation is one of the organizers of Jerico Games - an international ice hockey tournament. MacGyver meets his Russian friend, Sergej (from #1.15, 'The Enemy Within'), who introduces MacGyver to Nikolai Rostov, of whom NHL is very interested in. To MacGyver's surprise, Nikolai has been accommodated at his place! MacGyver goes to find the person in charge of athlete housing, only to find out that it is Ellen, his high school sweetheart from 20 years before. Old feelings resurface, but why is someone secretly taking photos of them? Written by Toni Tapola, Finland

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HD MacGyver




IMDb: 7.4
60 min

When a policeman sees a drug deal going down, he tries to arrest the ones involved and is killed. Later it seems that the gun used was used before to kill a Presidential Candidate and a mother. Witnesses place a boy whom MacGyver knows at the scene, he is arrested but refuses to say anything. At the same time, when news of the incident reaches a woman whose father had the gun, she learns that her brother an addict used it to buy drugs. At the same time an arms dealer is asked by his client who learns about the gun, to get it cause he wants to possess it. So they bail out the boy to get him to tell them who has the gun. When Mac gets him away from them, he convinces him to tell him what happened and they go to get the gun so they can prove his innocence. Written by

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HD MacGyver




IMDb: 8.0
49 min

MacGyver and Pete Thornton are caught as hostages by a terrorist group that intends to hit a city with an Electro Magnetic Pulse weapon, which would cripple the entire city.

Country: USA
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HD MacGyver




IMDb: 7.7
49 min

Tommy Giordano, the son of a friend of MacGyver is battling her ex husband for custody which she wins. The ex goes to his uncle a mobster who grabs Tommy and brings Tommy to his father. Mac asks Pete to check out the men who grabbed Tommy and they find out about the uncle so they go there but they left. From the Feds they learn the mobster is at war with another organization and is on the run. They learn he went to Canada and Tommy is with him. So Mac and his mother go there. They learn that men who were sent to get the mobster are there. Mac decides to follow them to see what they are planning. Written by

Country: USA
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HD MacGyver




IMDb: 7.7
48 min

Mac and Pete are helping a friend of Mac's, a race car driver develop a new engine he designed. They intend to give it the ultimate test at a stock car race. But another manufacturer, whom Mac's friend once worked for, is also there to showcase his new car which he needs to win because he's in financial trouble. And his driver is a man Mac knows from his days when he raced in Europe and not fondly. The manufacturer wanting to make sure he wins, coerces the mechanic to make sure. But in the end Mac's friend is injured and can't drive in the race. Mac learns what happened and searches for the mechanic but he vanishes after meeting with the manufacturer and his driver. Mac gets the race official to let his friend enter another car and driver in his place. And his friend wants Mac to do it but Mac is still haunted by his experience in Europe with the driver. So they decide to let another guy drive while Mac builds a new car. Eventually Pete finds out the mechanic's secret and finds out ... Written by

Country: USA
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HD MacGyver




IMDb: 7.5
47 min

Jack Dalton and MacGyver suddenly become dads when a baby is left in Jack's airplane hangar. They search for the mother of the baby, who used to be a girlfriend of Jack's, and thus there is the possibility that Jack is the baby's father.

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HD MacGyver




IMDb: 8.0
47 min

Experimental US fighter jet gets shot down over East Germany and MacGyver is sent in to demolish the wreckage while Soviets, who are backed by a psychic, are trying to reach it first.

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HD MacGyver




IMDb: 7.9
48 min

Mac happily volunteers for a Phoenix foundation mission: helping protect the golden eagle. The pair he is sent to check on lives on a steep mountain; during his first attempt to approach it by para-glider, they get attacked in flight by a rich poacher and his criminal accomplices in a helicopter, who shoot the male by gun, far out of reach, and wound the female by crossbow before taking off; Mac descends to get the female, nearby, and teams up there with bright ten year-old Darin Cooper, who learned a lot about eagles from his late granddad. They bring the wounded eagle to the cabin where Darin's over-protective single mother Susan brought him in an attempt to mend her bond with the growing boy, who needs more space to become a man and instantly takes to understanding father figure Mac, nurse it and realize the male and probable chicks must be found, raising them is not a single parent job with eagles. With improvised extra climbing gear Mac risks his life dangling on and up the ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD MacGyver




IMDb: 8.3
48 min

MacGyver is sent to test the security system at a top secret research center and finds himself at odds with an ambitious doctor and her highly advanced computer system. MacGyver breaks through the security system only to get trapped inside the research center with a computer that is bound and determined to kill him and the doctor. Written by Lindsay Duke

Country: USA
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HD MacGyver




IMDb: 8.3
47 min (DVD)

Mac and Pete are tying to apprehend an assassin who has a penchant for killing anyone who sees him. Mac poses as a man who sells timepieces which includes timers used for explosives. When the man shows up he tries to kill Mac, after he shows him the timers. Pete saves him and they go to the assassin's hotel and the man who hired him calls with instructions on how to pick up his latest assignment. Mac goes in his place and the man tells him he has arranged for the girl he needs. It seems the assassin uses call girls to get his assignments then kills them after. What Mac doesn't know is that the girl is the sister of the one he previously killed and asked to be placed with the man her sister was with so she can kill him. And some men are following them. Written by

Country: USA
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HD MacGyver




IMDb: 7.6
49 min

In the opening gambit, Mac dresses down to a bath-towel to blend in with a Basque extremist group which holds captive a female scientist in the Pyrenees, then makes blow up their open air-shower as a diversion before they flee over a wild mountain stream. In the main story, Mac visits a biologist in Brazilian Amazonia, where an unknown phenomenon causes all kinds of animals to flee massively. Joining the head-strong plantation founder Lucien Trumbo, who employs whole villages of native Indians and created his own self-sufficient little world carved out of the huge forest, they soon find the natural force at work is the unexplained rare awakening of the marabunta, massed colonies of billions of soldier ants who form armies miles wide and long, unstoppable and capable of devouring anything, devastating the whole landscape from grass and grasshoppers to cattle and towering trees. Trumbo, his loyal local lieutenant Luis and Mac try every defense he can think up, from flooding irrigation ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Alcatraz




IMDb: 8.0

Next fiends to return are giant Pinky and smart Herman Ames, twin brothers who ruthlessly mounted a rare, nearly successful escape in 1963. Also back is Alcatraz jailer Donovan, their accomplice then, who poses as an island Ranger to trick the team. Doc, Hauser and Rebecca each get in danger while they work out that the three are after a treasure, Civil War gold, which the warden kept locked up. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 7.6
41 min

The team must rely on an irritable Vietnam War veteran to solve a Marine's murder.

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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 7.5
43 min

When a sailor is killed in liquor store robbery, the team investigates. They learn from witnesses that a man was standing over him. They learn he works at the store that was robbed. He disappeared after. They wonder if he had anything to do with it, because they found the gun used locked in the office. The man is eventually found and held by the police, Gibbs sends Bishop and Torres to get him. When they get there they ask him what happened, he says someone wearing a mask came in and tried to rob the store and the sailor tried to stop him. They then try to find the shooter with clues they have, like the type of car he used and shoes he wore. Later someone from Immigration shows up and tells Gibbs the man he was looking for is suppose to deported, which is why he ran. Gibbs tells Bishop and Torres to take their time, especially since the man wants to see his mother so they take him to her. Gibbs eventually finds three suspects and try to finds out which one is the shooter. Tony's ... Written by

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