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HD The Tudors

The Tudors


The Tudors

IMDb: 8.3
53 min

Lady Jane Seymour arrives at Court but receives a frosty reception from Queen Anne. The Queen's father, Sir Thomas Boleyn, sees the Seymours as rivals and questions their loyalty to the new religion. The King quickly seeks to begin an affair with the beautiful Jane. On Maundy Thursday, a visibly pregnant Queen Anne distributes money to the poor and washes their feet. The Spanish Ambassador tells William Brereton that Queen Catherine was poisoned. He also tells Sir Thomas Cromwell that the Emperor will recognize King Henry's marriage to Anne if the King names Lady Mary as his heir. King Francis of France travels to Rome as a penitent where he is told by the Pope that he will excommunicate King Henry VIII. He also asks Francis to use his armies to invade England and eliminate him. At a jousting tournament, the King is severely injured and preparations are made to declare Elizabeth Queen with Sir Thomas Boleyn as Regent. The King miraculously recovers but after the Queen catches him in a... Written by garykmcd

Genre: Drama, History, Romance, War,
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HD The Tudors

The Tudors


The Tudors

IMDb: 8.1
56 min

While the Pope still hopes that tide will turn Henry's England back to Rome's fold, Cromwell and Cranmer use a catalog of real, exaggerated and invented clerical abuses to close all religious houses and confiscate their immense wealth for Henry's treasury. The Boleyn family worries Anne's position is perilous without a son, but waits for Katherine' illness to prove fatal. Henry is prepared to ally himself with the emperor despite Anne. Hunting with duke Charles, Henry meets fellow France veteran John Seymour's enchanting daughter Jane. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Drama, History, Romance, War,
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HD The Tudors

The Tudors


The Tudors

IMDb: 8.1
52 min

Cromwell convinces Henry the religious houses' immorality justifies spoliation, which even finances plays to show the people the papist 'debauchery'. Henry wants the French king's junior son to marry Anne's daughter Elisabeth. The French envoy, an admiral entertained by duke Charles Brandon, proposes, rather then legitimize the royal son, the dauphin to wed Katherine's daughter Mary- or the emperor's. Charles tells Chapuys he believes Anne is a witch. After More's ghost haunts Henry, Anne further looses openly unfaithful Henry's favor. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Drama, History, Romance, War,
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HD The Tudors

The Tudors


The Tudors

IMDb: 8.5
55 min

Efforts to legalize the Henry's marriage and further advance his authority and power come to steadfast obstructions. Sir Thomas More and Bishop Fisher demand that only God can govern the church. Arrested and confined to the Tower of London, both men are confronted with charges of high treason and a possible beheading unless they receive the Oath of Allegiance. In the mean time, Henry's adventurous eye endures to stray. Written by Nicolettea

Genre: Drama, History, Romance, War,
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HD The Tudors

The Tudors


The Tudors

IMDb: 8.1
55 min

After princess Elisabeth's baptism, Henry orders Thomas Cromwell to draw up a bill of succession favoring his and Ann's offspring, to be accepted by an oath from all subjects. The affront to the imperialist party is maximized by making princess Mary a lowly lady in waiting to her half-sister, yet the French King still refuses openly to recognize the new Queen. Ann orders her rival lady Eleanor Luke eliminated, by false charges of jewel theft. Tired of Henry's schismatic obstinacy, Pope Paul III makes the loyal, hence jailed bishop Fisher a cardinal, Henry orders his beheading. Thomas More can no longer support his entire family, yet answers Cromwell's questions with Henry's own pamphlet arguing for papal supremacy by divine right. At her father Thomas Boleyn's suggestion only an ambitious mistress is a problematic rival, Ann urges Margaret 'Madge' Sheldon to 'succeed' Eleanor. Thomas More refuses to take the oath as phrased, while accepting he succession, landing him in the Tower. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Drama, History, Romance, War,
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HD The Tudors

The Tudors


The Tudors

IMDb: 8.1
53 min

Henry destroys all ties with authority and the past. After many failed attempts to have his marriage to Katherine annulled by the Catholic Church, Henry's patience finally wears out and he marries Anne in secret, appoints his Lutheran chaplain Thomas Cranmer the head of the Church of England, and strips Katherine of her title and status of Queen. The king and new queen are disappointed that their first child is a girl, whom they christen Elizabeth. Written by Nicolettea

Genre: Drama, History, Romance, War,
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HD The Tudors

The Tudors


The Tudors

IMDb: 8.0
52 min

Henry presses to have his marriage annulled but still meet5s resistance from the church in England. Thomas Boleyn bribes Bishop Fisher's cook to poison the chief opponent of the marriage and other clerics who are dining with him. Thomas More does not take any of the deadly soup, but the toxic brew kills four bishops and incapacitates Fisher. Although he is tortured, the cook goes quietly to his death of being boiled alive rather than risk the consequence Boleyn's threats against his family. When she finds Katherine is still making Henry's shirts, Anne insists on her exile from the court, but Katherine refuses to give up her queen's jewels. Officially the Pope tries not to alienate Henry or the Emperor, but privately sanctions Anne's assassination. Written by

Genre: Drama, History, Romance, War,
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HD The Tudors

The Tudors


The Tudors

IMDb: 7.9
52 min

Cardinal Campeggio's long awaited papal legation has arrived at court to decide with colleague-cardinal Thomas Wolsey on the royal request for divorce, claiming Catherine's first marriage to Henry's late elder brother nullified his. When Campeggio learns the king won't yield, he suggests an alternative: the queen could retire to a monastery, but only voluntarily, which she refuses, swearing in confessional she came as a virgin to Henry. Thomas Tallis proposes to his late lover Joan's sister Jane. Under Anne Boleyn's love spell, Henry sends bishops to tells the queen she's suspected of hating and conspiring against him, and grows angry at Wolsey's failure to persuade or threaten Campeggio, even sends Charles Brandon to Paris to question the French king Francis I about the true intentions of the emperor, pope and cardinal. Brandon also confirms to father Thomas Boleyn's party the time may be ripe to bring Wolsey down. When the legatine court finally assembles, the king states his case ... Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Drama, History, Romance, War,
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HD Breaking News med Filip och Fredrik

Breaking News med Filip och Fredrik


Breaking News med Filip och Fredrik

IMDb: 0

Country: Sweden
Genre: Talk-Show,
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HD Breaking News med Filip och Fredrik

Breaking News med Filip och Fredrik


Breaking News med Filip och Fredrik

IMDb: 0

Country: Sweden
Genre: Talk-Show,
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HD iZombie




IMDb: 8.7
42 min

When Liv, Clive and Ravi arrive at the scene to investigate a fatal car accident, they begin to suspect foul play was involved. Both starving, Liv and Major consume the brains of the accident victims, a well-meaning father and his angsty teenage daughter. Meanwhile, when Clive is brought in for questioning about a family that was murdered, he's forced to reveal his past history with them. Lastly, Peyton extends an olive branch to Ravi, and Major hits a road block in his search for Natalie. Written by sarah_l91

Genre: Comedy, Crime, Drama, Horror,
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HD Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Brooklyn Nine-Nine


Brooklyn Nine-Nine

IMDb: 8.2
21 min

The team goes to Florida to help Jake and Holt take down Jimmy Figgis, but their plan falls through due to an unexpected injury and another interruption from Sheriff Reynolds.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Crime,
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HD Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Brooklyn Nine-Nine


Brooklyn Nine-Nine

IMDb: 8.3
22 min

When Jake gets the weekend off, he decides to take on a cold case that everyone thinks is unsolvable, but with the help of Terry, the two try to crack the case once and for all. Meanwhile, Amy plans a romantic trip with Teddy (guest star Kyle Bornheimer) and Gina and Rosa let Charles in on one of their best-kept secrets. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Crime,
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HD Scorpion




IMDb: 7.6
44 min

The Team must recover stealth technology from a military plane whose pilot, Captain Barrios is presumed dead, and they must work with a non-approving Navy Seal Team to recover the technology and the body. Walter's sister Megan, was bailed out of jail earlier in the day by Walter. Megan, played by Camille Guaty, was placed there after being charged with drunk and disorderly. She went hookie from the hospital she's been staying at, going bonkers wanting freedom in more than one way, from her MS illness, which will make her immobile in less than a year, even tho Walter see's her every week. She stays with Sylvester, who will help by staying behind... Surprisingly, Paige, the former waitress is along for the ride to Bosnia, trying, as the glue of the team to keep the two teams from tearing themselves apart with Government Agent Gabe looking on. Written by Odyssey10

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Drama,
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HD Camelot




IMDb: 7.5

Morgan enters Camelot with her prisoners,claiming that they are traitors and that only she can save the realm from the marauding bands. Confronting Ygrain in private she kills her. Arthur does a sterling job of holding the attackers at bay using booby traps until his men return to rout the invaders though Leontes is slain. The knights return to Camelot where Sybil takes the blame for the conspiracy and is executed by an unconvinced Gawain. After Ygrain and Leontes have been laid to rest Arthur is free to rule with Guinevere, though Morgan,having sought advice at Sybil's grave,may not be willing to give in. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD Camelot




IMDb: 7.3

Morgan makes her escape, leaving a puzzled Ygrain believing she is going mad until Merlin explains Morgan's deception. They go to Castle Pendragon to confront her but end up as her prisoners. Leontes,now aware of his wife's infidelity,prepares to leave Camelot but joins Arthur and the knights in defending Bardon Pass,an outpost attacked by Morgan's men in Morgan's plan to show people the fragility of Arthur's protection and the need for her patronage. Guinevere also turns up and the affair is made public. The attackers are repulsed but Arthur stays behind to hold the fort,allowing the others to escape. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD Camelot




IMDb: 7.2

Morgan fools everybody at Camelot with her disguise,even Merlin. However,after Redwald,a little orphan boy,whom she and Merlin have helped celebrate his birthday,accidentally dies because of her, Merlin has his suspicions. Vivian feeling sorry for Ygrain,releases her to confront Morgan but by this time Morgan,in her guise as the queen,has let slip to Leontes his wife's indiscretions with Arthur. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD Camelot




IMDb: 7.2
45 min

Despite the misgivings of Ygrain and Kay, Arthur and his inner circle attend a banquet given by Morgan as a sign of reconciliation,during which her castle is attacked. Arthur's men prepare to defend it but Merlin is suspicious of Sybil as the 'attack' is evidently stage-managed by Morgan to break up the party. Merlin tells Ygrain Morgan killed Pendragon but asks her to keep the news from Arthur. Morgan overhears Arthur tell Guinevere he loves her, which she sees as her key to destroying him. After the 'enemy' has been repulsed Arthur and his party return to Camelot but Morgan has used magic to turn herself into Ygrain,keeping the genuine queen a prisoner in her castle. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD Camelot




IMDb: 7.0
45 min

Morgan impresses the supplicants who come to her court but is visited by a woman who claims Sibyl set fire to a convent in which her daughter died,requiring Morgan to punish the nun. Arthur accompanies Guinevere to visit her dying father,resisting further sexual temptations on the journey. Merlin leads Gawain,Kay and Leontes to recover books from Ector's house to start a library in Camelot. The young knights ask Merlin why he has eschewed magic and are told that the gift frightens him but he eventually uses it to help the injured Leontes. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD Camelot




IMDb: 7.0
45 min

Arthur and his knights come to a village where the head man has been killed and his alleged murderer Colfur is about to be lynched. Arthur insists he is tried at Camelot as a precedent for a justice system to establish fairness. By getting Guinevere to talk to Colfur's little daughter he finds that the case is not as simple as it first appeared and he is grateful for her help. Sybil suggests Morgan adopt a charm offensive to win hearts and minds away from Arthur but it fails so she employs desperate measures to persuade locals they need Morgan's patronage. Merlin,still shocked by Excalibur's death,shuts himself away designing diagrams,which puzzle Uther's widow Ygrain. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD Camelot




IMDb: 7.1
45 min

Whilst Guinevere wants to leave Camelot with Leontes he is obliged to stay as one of Arthur's knights being trained by Gawain,a brilliant strategist,who breaks Arthur's sword in combat. Having warned Arthur to resist his feelings for Guinevere Merlin sets out to have a new sword made by reclusive bladesmith Caliburn,a widower living with his daughter Excalibur. Caliburn's desire to give Arthur the sword he has fashioned himself leads to Merlin's destroying him with magic and,inadvertently drowning Excalibur,after whom he names the sword. Morgan,meanwhile,is struck down by a mysterious sickness and healed by Sybil,a nun who was once her teacher and knows all her secrets. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD Camelot




IMDb: 7.0
45 min

Morgan invites Arthur to a feast and Merlin accompanies him. While the temptress delays Merlin, Arthur returns to Camelot drawn by his fascination with Guinevere. Meanwhile Kay and Leontes seek out a famed warrior to recruit him to Arthur's cause. Written by Havan IronOak

Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD Camelot




IMDb: 7.6
45 min

Morgan finds Lot a difficult ally as he kills Arthur's foster mother and threatens to take Camelot. In order to show that Arthur is a potentially powerful ruler worthy of allegiance Merlin arranges for him to remove the Sword of the Gods which is embedded in rock at the top of a waterfall and can only be removed by the true king. Helped by his foster-brother Kay,Arthur accomplishes this and is duly crowned,seeing at his coronation Guinevere,a girl about whom he has dreamed,though she is with her lover Leontes. Lot mounts an attack but is killed by Sir Ector,Arthur's foster father though Ector also dies. Arthur is keen to sue for peace with Morgan but she rejects this and goes into the woods to seemingly consort with a wolf. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD Camelot




IMDb: 7.4
45 min

King Uther refuses to set up Morgana as heiress at court when she returns from the nunnery, but she poisons him, banishes queen Igraine and proclaims herself queen. She invites and seduces the realm's worst enemy, king Lot of Lothian, to marry her and subdue all Britain together. They ignore however that sorcerer Merlin, who couldn't cure Uther's poisoning, made him legitimate on his deathbed his secretly raised son, Arthur, born when Igrain was the duke of Corwall's wife and taken away as the sorcerer's reward. Merlin fetches unsuspecting Arthur from his beloved stepfather Ector, and agrees to let immature womanizer Arthur's strong, reliable stepbrother Kay come along. On the way to abandoned Roman coastal castle Camelot, Arthur kills a-in self-defense one of Lot's scout, ignoring it's Lot's prince. Merlin barely manages to keep Arthur committed, as their military inferiority and poor housing dishearten, until the other British rulers arrive, summoned to acknowledge the new king. Lot... Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD Ray Donovan

Ray Donovan


Ray Donovan

IMDb: 9.1
45 min

Micky throws himself a going away party. Ray is put in a compromising pickle.

Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Ray Donovan

Ray Donovan


Ray Donovan

IMDb: 8.7
57 min

Mickey faces the consequences of giving in to Muncie while Bridget ends up getting into a fight at school, causing Abby to question her behaviour.

Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Ray Donovan

Ray Donovan


Ray Donovan

IMDb: 7.9
54 min

Abby, furious with Ray's silence and his suspected infidelity, donates some of Ray's suits to a thrift shop. Bridget befriends Marvin, a neighbor kid about to be adopted by a rap star; Ray is making the arrangements. Ray also sets in motion a plan to get Mickey back in prison. Ray takes Bunchy to receive his million-dollar settlement for being abused by a priest; under Mickey's influence, Bunchy refuses to make Ray his guardian. Ray sends a limo to bring Abby to Ezra's gala party he unveils plans to build a hospital wing in honor of his dead wife. Is domestic peace at hand? A squirrelly FBI agent pulls Mickey's chain. Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Ray Donovan

Ray Donovan


Ray Donovan

IMDb: 8.0
53 min

Ray has a myriad of problems: his father, a malignancy fresh out of prison, has inveigled his way into Ray's family, spending the day with Abby and the children. A client won't report to a move set because his house has been broken in to. Another client, a closed homosexual whose action blockbuster is about to open, is at risk of blackmail over a sex tape. Ray has to find out who staged the break in and who has the sex tape, then he has to administer justice. Abby remains angry with Ray, so he sleeps away from home. Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Ray Donovan

Ray Donovan


Ray Donovan

IMDb: 8.0
59 min

Ray Donovan is a Hollywood fixer, a transplant from Massachusetts with two psyche-scarred brothers who depend on him, a wife who wants to live in Beverly Hills, and opportunities to be unfaithful, particularly with a client's mistress with whom he has a history. Ray is also not above hitting ne'er-do-wells with a baseball bat. His equilibrium is upended when he learns that his father has been released early from prison and is headed to California to seek revenge. Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Chicago P.D.

Chicago P.D.


Chicago P.D.

IMDb: 8.1
42 min

Voight enlists his former cell mate to help take down a major cocaine supplier, while Burgess makes a move regarding her relationship with Ruzek and Roman comes up with a plan to fund Platt and Mouch's wedding.

Country: USA
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HD Chicago P.D.

Chicago P.D.


Chicago P.D.

IMDb: 8.7
42 min

Benson is in Chicago helping Intelligence with a rape/murder case similar to a case in New York from a decade ago, so she calls in Fin and Amaro for assistance.

Country: USA
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HD Chicago P.D.

Chicago P.D.


Chicago P.D.

IMDb: 7.5
42 min

The Fitori murder case is brought to the intelligence unit and Voight's son, Justin, may be involved. Gradishar fills Antonio in on the arrangement between Internal Affairs and Voight which increases friction between Voight and Antonio. Back at the precinct Ruzek helps Burgess get back at desk sergeant Platt. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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