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HD Person of Interest

Person of Interest


Person of Interest

IMDb: 8.8
43 min

The next number the machine dispenses is for Wayne Kruger, an Internet genius and head of a company called Life Trace, which allows people to find others through information readily available already on the web. However, Finch learns that Life Trace's primary goal, its money making venture, is as a data broker, selling the information it gathers to people who will pay for it. As Kruger prepares to make what is perhaps the biggest deal of his career, he wants to be as open and transparent as possible with his prospective clients... or so he says. Finch, Reese and Shaw also learn that there was a class action lawsuit against Kruger and Life Trace by people who were ultimately hurt by the information that was provided through the site. They believe Kruger is the target, as someone or some people, probably a coalition of those behind the lawsuit, want to expose Kruger in very public means for not being as open concerning his own life as he purports. They have to wade through the list of ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Person of Interest

Person of Interest


Person of Interest

IMDb: 9.7
44 min

Carter is dealing with internal affairs about a possible wrongful shooting on her part which resulted in a fatality. During the process, Terney shows his true colors to her. She has to figure out how to get herself out of her predicament, as well as prevent HR from carrying out its grand plan, even if it means helping the enemy. Meanwhile, the machine has rebooted itself, and has provided Root with 24 hour unfettered access to what it sees. The one thing it will not tell her is where the machine is located, which is her ultimate goal so that she can set it free. She seemingly has Finch assisting her. Although she knows that Reese is following her, she is unaware that Finch also maneuvered the machine in providing Reese, and by association his current sidekick Shaw, who he tells from where the information is coming, that same unfettered 24 hour access. Beyond the location of the machine, what Reese also wants to know but which the machine will also not divulge is Finch's whereabouts.... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Person of Interest

Person of Interest


Person of Interest

IMDb: 9.1
44 min

Reese first catches up with the latest number, Dr. Richard Nelson, when he is being awarded the title of professor emeritus at a lavish dinner banquet. Dr. Nelson is a well respected and renowned cardiac surgeon and researcher, with his credentials suggesting that he is the target. That is indeed the case, but Reese and Finch are too late: someone has poisoned Dr. Nelson after he ingested something at that banquet that was slipped into his food or drink. Dr. Nelson first believes that Reese is the culprit, but Reese convinces him that he is only there to help find who did it, even if Reese cannot save him as he finds out the poison is radioactive, which is eating Dr. Nelson's insides and which also means that he will probably die within 24 hours. Reese, Finch and Dr. Nelson have to find out what Dr. Nelson ate or drank that was the source of the poison, and wade through the many facets of his life to find the killer. Among the suspects are Dr. Nelson's estranged daughter Molly, or ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Person of Interest

Person of Interest


Person of Interest

IMDb: 9.0
44 min

The next number the machine dispenses is for Monica Jacobs, a senior vice-president with Rylatech, a computer networking firm. Monica is highly regarded as a rising star in the business. She is seemingly fiercely loyal to the company, which was built from nothing by its now wealthy owner, Martin Baxter. Because of the nature of the business, Finch is more qualified than Reese to go undercover within the highly secured company. Finch sees what he believes is corporate espionage on Monica's part, but learns that she has uncovered information about the death of a junior colleague, Justin Lee. It's her digging up this information that has made her the target. Finch has to discover the nature of Lee's death to find who is trying to kill Monica and why Lee was killed. Meanwhile, Carter, with Fusco's help, tries to figure out if Beecher is directly involved in Szymanski's death. Finch knows that Elias is working behind the scenes in maneuvering around this issue. And Reese helps a past ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Person of Interest

Person of Interest


Person of Interest

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

Reese and Finch head to Atlantic City for their next number, that belonging to Lou Mitchell, an irascible, widowed and retired watch repairman, who, like many of his age, has a small electronic footprint, meaning that Reese and Finch will have to use other means than electronic to follow him. In viewing Lou's activities, Reese sees a man living on a fixed income but who is constantly at the casino and constantly losing, over the past few months in the order of several hundred thousand. But Reese also sees some visual signs that he may have been involved with the mob in his younger days. But in following Lou's movements, Reese and Finch see that Lou is not alone in his goings-on although he does not acknowledge those others, who are all seniors like himself, and they don't acknowledge Lou or any of the others. When Reese and Finch learn what Lou is up to and why his number came up, they want to intervene through the casino to prevent the incident involving Lou from happening, but ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Person of Interest

Person of Interest


Person of Interest

IMDb: 9.1
44 min

Reese and Finch's latest number is twenty-six year old Abby Monroe, who they expect will be the target based on basic information they have about her. She is a past honor student having received a degree in engineering. She worked the past year for Homes for Our Returning Heroes, a military charity that supports returning veterans financially, that job Reese and Finch surmise in honor of her brother who was killed in Afghanistan. She, however, left that job to work instead for the city planning department. Their belief that she will be the target does not diminish when they and Carter find out that she was fired from the charity for stealing, that she committed a minor theft while at the planning department, and that she is associated with a veteran name Shayn Coleman, who too has committed some major thefts of late. Abby seems like she has been trying to live off the grid for the past week, leading to their belief that she is running away from someone or something. When Reese and ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Person of Interest

Person of Interest


Person of Interest

IMDb: 8.5
44 min

Reese and Finch's next number may be their most difficult to date if only because there is not on the surface any clear indication who he may be a target of or who he may be targeting, and because of the large number of non-connected people he encounters every day. He is Fermin Ordoñez, who defected to the United States from Cuba as a major league prospect, leaving behind a wife and child in Cuba in search for this better life for them all eventually. An injury ended his pro ball aspirations, and now he ekes out a living as a cabbie. He is trying to smuggle his family out of Cuba, but his contact is requesting more money than he has available. As Reese tails him, Carter learns that one of his recent fares is found dead, with the Secret Service involved. Through that murder, Reese discovers that the murder was because of something that was left in Fermin's cab that may be a breach of national security. Reese and Fermin have to find that now missing item as leverage to protect him ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Person of Interest

Person of Interest


Person of Interest

IMDb: 9.1
44 min

Protecting the latest number that the machine dispenses will be difficult for Reese and Finch because of the large number of potential perpetrators of the crime due to the enemies she's acquired through her work. She is investigative New York Journal reporter Maxine Angelis, who has a bulldog mentality when it comes to getting the story. She is working on three stories concurrently, each which have its potential perpetrators. The first is illegal campaign fund-raising for current New York City councilor and mayoral candidate Ed Griffin, who is running against idealistic district attorney Landon Walker. The second is uncovering the head of HR, which has several New York City police, formerly including Fusco, in its back pocket. This aspect of the case places Fusco in a difficult position in his current role as Reese's inside man into HR. She gets an anonymous tip that the head of HR may be Christopher Zambrano, the son of a mafia don, a lead which she follows relentlessly. And third, ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Charmed




IMDb: 7.8
42 min

After Cupido'Coop' pleads with Phoebe it's time to find love, a magical confrontation with her future daughters rekindles her child wish. Yet she still gives priority to helping Piper hopefully liberate Leo by taking on the ultimate power, which she rightly suspects, after conjuring an elder, to be Billy and her hostile sister, who are however part of an ancient trap they now risk closing. Paige concentrates on her charge Mikelle, a future white lighter, which darklighter Salek and his cahoot Dominique use as bait. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery,
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HD Charmed




IMDb: 7.3
42 min

Students from Leo's magic school are being hunted by demons, and they arrive at the manor asking for help. Piper is confident she can handle the situation, but the demons are more powerful than she anticipated. Meanwhile, Billie takes Christy to see their parents, with tragic results. Written by Alex

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery,
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HD Charmed




IMDb: 7.9
42 min

Wyatt's school play brings out the competitive nature in Piper when her hand-sewn costume and parenting abilities are criticized by another Stepford-like mother who is actually a demon in disguise bent on kidnapping Wyatt in a plot to resurrect the Source. Meanwhile, Paige spies Dex with another woman, and despite Phoebe's objections, butts in. Written by Arturo Domínguez

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery,
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HD Charmed




IMDb: 8.0
42 min

Zankou sends his underworld henchmen after the Charmed Ones so he can gain access to the power of the Nexus trapped under the Manor. To protect his parents Wyatt shrinks them and imprisons them in a doll house in the attic that is an exact replica of the Manor. Written by laird-3

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery,
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HD Charmed




IMDb: 8.1
42 min

Phoebe convinces Leo to go on a vision quest where Chris guides him through the important moments in his life. He is then visited by the Avatars who show him their plan.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery,
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HD Charmed




IMDb: 7.9
42 min

When summoned for Chris' Wiccaning, Grams puts a spell on her grandchildren to stop their sibling rivalry and inadvertently reverts the sisters back to bickering teenagers.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery,
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HD Charmed




IMDb: 7.8
42 min

Paige finds herself transported back in time by a pair of Grams boots to an era of free-love and freely practiced magic where Paige really fits in. When Piper and Phoebe go back to the 1960's to rescue her they inadvertently save their grandfather whose death made Grams the warlock killing demon fighting witch they knew. In the present Leo and Chris are fighting a green gooey demon that is surrounding Halliwell Manor with out help of the Charmed Ones. Written by laird-3

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery,
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HD Charmed




IMDb: 7.6
42 min

The Sisters kill a Manticore...and find her baby. While trying to decide what to do with the human-looking infant demon, they have to fight other Manticores and a mysterious Beast. Also, Paige 'helps' Darryl out, magically.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery,
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HD Charmed




IMDb: 8.8
42 min

When The Seer foresees the demise of The Source by the Halliwell sisters, he decides to break the covenant between good and evil unleashing the ultimate power, the forbidden The Hollow. He kills the Guardians of The Hollow and uses the dangerous lethal power to absorb the powers of Piper and Paige. Meanwhile, Phoebe has a premonition of Cole sacrificing himself to protect her against a ball of fire, and they try to find in the Book of Shadows means to vanquish the powerful demon and trap The Hollow again. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery,
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HD Charmed




IMDb: 7.7
42 min

Phoebe is serving on a jury in a murder case, and she is convinced that the defendant is guilty. However, when she touches the murder weapon, she has a premonition of the real killer, who has a Medusa tattooed in his right arm. Meanwhile, the irresponsible Paige invites her snoopy friend Glen Belland to stay with her in the Halliwell manor, and he finds the Book of Shadows in the attic. While Piper, Leo and Paige try to find the real killer, Phoebe decides to use magic to prove the innocence of the accused to the jury. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery,
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HD Charmed




IMDb: 8.3
42 min

San Francisco is in a chaotic situation, with riots everywhere. Piper and Leo find a mysterious man in the middle of the confusion, who vanishes when they chase him. Later, the Halliwell sisters prepare a spell assuming that they have to vanquish an Anarchy Demon, but they find that the man has three mates and they actually are the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse: War, Death, Famine and Strife. When they cast the spell in an alley, Prue and War disappears. Then Phoebe and Piper join to the three other horsemen trying to bring Prue and War back. But the sisters feel that they are making a mistake and they take the heartbreaking decision of sacrificing Prue for the good of mankind. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery,
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HD Charmed




IMDb: 7.6
42 min

A couple of days before the wedding of Elliot Spencer and Allison Michaels, his mother Mrs. Grace Spencer is unexpectedly visited by her old acquaintance Hannah Webster and Jade D'Mon, who put a spell on Elliot to marry Jade, actually the demon Hecate, with the intention to get pregnant and have an offspring. Piper is hired to cater the wedding, while Phoebe has a premonition of the birth of a demon baby. When a priest is murdered in the mansion with an ancient dagger, Prue discloses the mystery and together with her sisters, they decide to help Allison and destroy the demon. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery,
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HD Banana




IMDb: 7.6
28 min

Sian and Violet meet in the shoe shop where Sian works and Violet is so smitten that she engineers several return visits to secure a date. Sian takes Violet to meet her mother Vanessa, also a Lesbian, before moving in with her but the extrovert Violet is a carefree party girl whilst the more serious Sian is hard-working and ambitious and they are soon arguing. Maybe Vanessa can offer her daughter words of advice to heal the situation. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Desperate Housewives

Desperate Housewives


Desperate Housewives

IMDb: 7.6
43 min

With Carlos still in rehab, Gaby asks for Lynette's help in wooing a high-stakes company to sign with her husband's firm; Renee talks Bree into getting out of the house and having some fun at a pickup bar; in an attempt to ease her guilt, Susan pays a covert visit to Alejandro's family to see how they've been holding up since he went missing; and Mike discovers some inconsistencies with Ben's real estate project. Written by ABC Publicity

Country: USA
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HD Olympus




IMDb: 8.0
47 min

Hero and Medea are trapped in the Throne Room by the freezing cold and Hero has a vision from Mother Gaia. Hero needs Daedalus' and Medea's help to get to the door of Olympus. Medea insists that Oracle also is crucial to the journey but when they find her, Hero confronted with his final sacrifice.

Genre: Fantasy,
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HD Olympus




IMDb: 7.2
46 min

Medea is trapped and visited by two ghostly figures from her past. Hero has accomplished his first mysterious sacrifice and has to figure out the second which Medea believes involves Aegeus. The opened Tomb rolls out a thick fog that breaks down the separation between the living and the dead. Medea, Hero and Daedalus are visited by the ghosts of their loved ones.

Genre: Fantasy,
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HD Olympus




IMDb: 7.3
45 min

Hero sets off to find the door to Olympus. Ariadne has plans for Hero. Daedalus thinks he may have inadvertently sent Hero to a dangerous place so Medea goes after him before it's too late. Oracle strikes a terrible deal with Minos while the noble Lykos tries to save his father.

Genre: Fantasy,
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HD Olympus




IMDb: 7.3
46 min

The Minoans invade Athens and take over the city. Hero, Oracle and Medea sneak back into the city to try save the Athenian family. A deal is struck with Minos which involves Hero confronting Chronos again. A manipulative Ariadne has both Hero and Oracle in her sight.

Genre: Fantasy,
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HD Olympus




IMDb: 7.3
45 min

Hero has agreed to work with Medea to solve the Lexicon. Medea discovers that Hero must complete a critical task they think must take place in the temple of Aphrodite but Hero is stunned by whom he finds. Medea is confronted by Chalciope who has come to reclaim the Ring of the Magi. Daedalus may finally have a secret weapon for Minos to break the siege.

Genre: Fantasy,
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HD Olympus




IMDb: 7.3
46 min

Medea and Aegeus try to convince Hero to help them solve the riddle of the Lexicon and save Athens but Hero is not convinced of their motives. Lykos has no idea he is being used by Pallas and Xerxes to betray Medea. At the Minoan camp, Daedalus creates a diversion so Oracle can slip away and try to get into Athens.

Genre: Fantasy,
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HD Olympus




IMDb: 7.0
45 min

Hero makes his way into Athens. Lykos is starting to gain confidence but receives a blow when he discovers Hero's identity by chance. Oracle works her charms on Minos while convincing Daedalus that they must get into Athens ahead of the Minoans. Daedalus presents his war machine idea to Minos.

Genre: Fantasy,
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HD Olympus




IMDb: 7.4
46 min

Hero, Oracle and Daedalus are captured and brought before King Minos and his daughter, Ariadne. Minos commands Daedalus to build a war machine to conquer Athens. Intrigued by Hero, Ariadne subjects him to her brand of seduction - involving torture. In Athens, Medea finds out that Hero has been taken prisoner, so she arranges for a rescue.

Genre: Fantasy,
Watch Episode
HD The Mentalist

The Mentalist


The Mentalist

IMDb: 9.0
40 min

A bomb, smuggled by Red John into the Jane home, making fatal victims on top of Patrick needing hospital care, and the tattoo shared by only half the suspects, leave only two alive, both fled. Agent Reede Smith barely survives, thank to Rigsby's arrival, an attempt to eliminate him by two cahoots from local police and FBI, one of which is arrested. Saved again from the other by Cho while trying to surrender, Smith admits they all belong to a cleverly compartmentalized 'Blake society' with password 'Tiger, tiger'. Meanwhile Lisbon accidentally prevents CBI director Bertram to kill Jane, who ultimately had to go public as the manhunt is brilliantly sabotaged. The FBI gets a court order to shut down the CBI pending a full investigation. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD The Mentalist

The Mentalist


The Mentalist

IMDb: 8.2
42 min

With the help of Cho's confidential informant, Summer, the CBI team investigates the death of a divorce lawyer who had been receiving death threats. Meanwhile, FBI agent Darcy returns to delve deeper into the slaying of James Panzer. To save Darcy from Red John, Jane goes to great lengths to find a way to close the Panzer case. Written by djstall

Country: USA
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