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IMDb: 7.7

Clark Palmer, a discredited rogue agent of a rogue federal agency, captures, immobilizes, and restrains Harm on the morning of the first day of a pretrial hearing on charges against a Marine lieutenant colonel accused of violating a chemical-weapon treaty. Harm and Mac are scheduled to prosecute, and a civilian mouthpiece defends. Palmer again renders Harm unconscious inside his apartment, then makes a mold and a mask so that he can impersonate Harm. The hearing starts with Mac but without Harm. However, belatedly the imitation Harm arrives, takes over the prosecution, and soon exposes the defendant to an aerosol containing a nerve gas. Meanwhile Bud helps Harm to escape and to go to the courtroom, where Harm detains Palmer. The admiral and others take the unconscious defendant to A.J.'s office, where they and Harm render help. Bud also gives Harriet a piece of jewelry. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.9

During an exercise a Marine Corps helicopter has a midair collision with an unknown aircraft above the Mojave Desert; all but the pilot survive. Harm and Bud investigate; Mac stays in Washington and plays games with Dalton and his colleagues. A mysterious alleged federal agency takes control of the crash site and runs away Harm and Bud. The other aircraft appears not to have crashed nearby; Harm and Bud learn more about it, and they run into trouble, but the Marines arrive and save the day. Harm figures out how the crash happened. Harm also meets Clark Palmer, whom he'll see again later. Mac makes an important announcement to the admiral. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Hell on Wheels

Hell on Wheels


Hell on Wheels

IMDb: 9.1
50 min

The premiere sees the Swede's murderous rampage on the Hatch homestead resulting in a long overdue showdown with Cullen.

Genre: Drama, Western,
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HD Hell on Wheels

Hell on Wheels


Hell on Wheels

IMDb: 8.7
42 min

The arrival of a dangerous stranger stirs up old feelings in Cullen and puts his family at risk. The Swede faces consequences at Fort Smith.

Genre: Drama, Western,
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HD Hell on Wheels

Hell on Wheels


Hell on Wheels

IMDb: 8.4
42 min

Cullen attempts to find a way for the railroad to pass over the mountains for Durant. As a Mormon, Naomi has her own struggles settling into Cheyenne. Brother Hatch continues to suspect the Swede of fraud and murder.

Genre: Drama, Western,
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HD Hell on Wheels

Hell on Wheels


Hell on Wheels

IMDb: 8.6
42 min

Cullen returns to Cheyenne. After being considered dead his return is a shock for many. Bohannan meets a few old friends and makes new enemies whilst trying to get his old job back from Durant.

Genre: Drama, Western,
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HD Hell on Wheels

Hell on Wheels


Hell on Wheels

IMDb: 8.3
42 min

Cullen awaits the birth of his baby, laboring under The Swede's thumb at Fort Smith. Durant deals with the fallout from a railroad accident.

Genre: Drama, Western,
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HD Hell on Wheels

Hell on Wheels


Hell on Wheels

IMDb: 8.6
43 min

Durant must save the railroad while fighting for his own life. Meanwhile Cullen fights to save an old friend.

Genre: Drama, Western,
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HD Hell on Wheels

Hell on Wheels


Hell on Wheels

IMDb: 8.3
43 min

After tragedy strikes one of their own, Cullen must diffuse an internal threat to the railroad.

Genre: Drama, Western,
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HD Anno 1790

Anno 1790


Anno 1790

IMDb: 6.3
58 min

Daadh's world has been shaken to its foundations. His friend Freund has disappeared and Daadh's worst enemy has taken the deathly ill chief constable's place. Through his knowledge of medicine, his courage and his ability to see patterns in seemingly unrelated events, Daadh succeeds in turning the situation around, and even uncovers a crime ring with connections to the highest levels of society. But suddenly he is harshly confronted by his own past and is forced to bargain with those in power in order to save his life. This experience causes him, for the first time, to seriously question his future as an officer of the law. Written by Anonymous

Country: Sweden
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Anno 1790

Anno 1790


Anno 1790

IMDb: 6.1
58 min

Daadh is invited up to Uppsala by his old professor, who needs his help to find out who poisoned one of his students. Daadh involves himself in the case and quickly realises that his own life is in danger. Someone clearly doesn't like him snooping around. Meanwhile, subversive events take place at the home of chief constable back in Stockholm that will affect Daadh's future. And furthermore, his old enemy Marta Raxelius has decided to put her planned revenge into action but rather than striking at Daadh, the blow lands on someone else altogether. Written by Anonymous

Country: Sweden
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Anno 1790

Anno 1790


Anno 1790

IMDb: 5.8
59 min

A landowner is found dead in the stables of his estate, kicked to death by his horse. Daadh soon determines that the tragic accident was actually a murder. He has no difficulty finding people who bore grudges against the victim, but is unable to tie any of them to the crime. Any member of the victim's family could have done it, but the evidence is very scanty. Then the chief constable intervenes and decides that the law must run its full course someone has to be found guilty! Written by Anonymous

Country: Sweden
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Anno 1790

Anno 1790


Anno 1790

IMDb: 5.2
59 min

A number of children are found dead in the great piles of excrement and rubbish that line Stockholm's shoreline. Daadh's investigation leads him to the Great Orphanage, but there they claim to know nothing about the bodies. One of the children from the Orphanage is chosen to carry out the drawing in the Number Lottery, a popular event where large amounts of money are in play. And to Daadh's dismay and anger he is forced to concede that a child's life is worth little when money is at stake. Written by Anonymous

Country: Sweden
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Anno 1790

Anno 1790


Anno 1790

IMDb: 6.7
59 min

One of Daadh's old radical comrades is accused of treason and hung on the square. His body is going to be donated to Uppsala University to undergo dissection for the advancement of medical science. But the body instantly disappears, and the two students who were sent to take possession of it are found murdered. Daadh soon realises that his enemy Marta Raxelius must be involved in the theft of the body. But two more murders take place, and it becomes clear to Daadh that someone is ready to kill indiscriminately in order to prevent him from uncovering the dangerous truth he has got wind of. And before he realises it, his own life is also in danger. Written by Anonymous

Country: Sweden
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Anno 1790

Anno 1790


Anno 1790

IMDb: 6.3
57 min

A bomb explodes in one of Stockholm's packed coffee houses. Daadh's investigation of the attack is interrupted by an order for him to put a stop to the illegal church services held by a pietistic congregation - of which Simon Freund is secretly a member. No sooner has Daadh taken care of this crisis - in his own manner - then suddenly another murder takes place that demands his attention. A respected priest in the state church is found burned to death. Daadh starts to sense that there is an unexpected link between the two murders, and that the perpetrator could be found in unsettlingly close proximity... Written by Anonymous

Country: Sweden
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Anno 1790

Anno 1790


Anno 1790

IMDb: 6.2
58 min

Libellous pamphlets against the king are being distributed around town. When Daadh is going to interrogate the person who printed them, the man is found murdered, his skull crushed in his own printing press. Daadh's investigation brings him in contact with a beautiful and radical young French woman, and, after a few more gruesome murders are committed, Daadh realises that the old adage holds true hell hath no greater fury than a woman scorned. This is just as true of Marta Raxelius, who is convinced that Daadh killed her brother and will stop at nothing to get her revenge. Written by Anonymous

Country: Sweden
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Anno 1790

Anno 1790


Anno 1790

IMDb: 5.6
57 min

A shop owner is found dead with a knife in his chest. A man has been caught seemingly red handed, but Daadh is not satisfied with what seems to be the obvious solution, and instead tackles the problem from a completely different angle and reaches a surprising conclusion. One of Daadh's radical friends from the old days needs his protection, but their meeting ends in tragedy that suddenly makes Daadh the focus of a vengeful woman's rage. Written by Anonymous

Country: Sweden
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Anno 1790

Anno 1790


Anno 1790

IMDb: 6.0
57 min

Barber-surgeon Johan Gustav Daadh returns to Stockholm from the war in Finland. He's taking a patient, Simon Freund, to chief constable Wahlstedt's home, where Freund has been working as a tutor. But there Daadh's life takes an unexpected turn. For one thing, he falls head over heels in love... with the chief constable's wife Magdalena. And he also becomes involved in solving a murder case, which he does so successfully that, to his surprise, he is offered the position of district commissioner, i.e. police inspector. Daadh's first reaction is to turn it down, since he's a political radical and objects to the injustices in society. But when he realises that Magdalena believes in him, he decides to accept the job, with Simon Freund as his assistant. Johan Gustav Daadh's intention is to use his new position of power to try and make a difference... in the name of justice. Written by Anonymous

Country: Sweden
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD How the West Was Won

How the West Was Won


How the West Was Won

IMDb: 8.7
99 min | 120 min (20 episodes) | 120 min (25 episodes)

Frank Grayson is hired by Henry Coe to run settlers out of the valley. He is not forcing the Macahans out but Luke deals himself in on behalf of his neighbors. Frank and Laura develop a fondness for each other even as the conflict heats up. Written by Randy Wiegand

Genre: Western,
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HD How the West Was Won

How the West Was Won


How the West Was Won

IMDb: 8.5
120 min (20 episodes) | 120 min (25 episodes)

Jessie recovers with the help of the Aapaho, but the tribe finds itself on the brink of starvation due to the broken promise of beef shipments. Zeb and Luke embark on a cattle-herding journey across harsh flatlands, joined by contentious Indian drovers - and trailed by a young runaway. Written by aTroutDude

Genre: Western,
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HD How the West Was Won

How the West Was Won


How the West Was Won

IMDb: 8.4
89 min | 120 min (25 episodes) | 120 min (20 episodes)

Zeb learns Beth's husband is supposedly a dead, guilt-ridden Army hero involved in a military massacre. As Jessie nears death, Zeb decides to take her to an Arapaho medicine man - with a skeptical Luke and Josh in close pursuit.

Genre: Western,
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HD Limitless




IMDb: 8.5
40 min

Feeling alternately cornered, controlled and abandoned on all fronts, Brian flees to Russia where he hopes to find Piper to help him break free of his dependence on Sen. Morra's immunization shots. Their bond deepens as they plan how to steal the last ingredient needed to recreate the booster enzyme, to the point where Brian considers forming a more permanent relationship with Piper and leaving his NZT-enhanced life behind. Meanwhile, as the fruitless search for Brian continues in the States, Rebecca learns a disturbing fact about him. Written by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 7.8
56 min

Five years after he and George made their original pitch, Jerry gets a call from NBC saying they want to go ahead with the original proposal. As a perk, they offer him the company jet to take him anywhere he likes and he, Elaine, George and Kramer are soon winging their way to Paris. They don't get very far when the plane has to make an emergency landing - thanks to Kramer's water-logged ear - and soon find themselves with a few hours to kill in a small town. When they see a fat man being car-jacked, they make fun of it but are soon arrested under a new Good Samaritan law for failing to help him. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 9.0
22 min

Jerry's dating a girl who always finishes his sentences. He decides the time has come to have it out with her. Elaine is getting tired of all the cake parties at work every time someone leaves, arrives, is sick and so on. She realizes she's gotten use to the sugar rush though and raids Peterman's office fridge only to eat a collectible piece of cake from a very special weeding that he bought at a Sotheby's auction. George decide he wants to buy the Frogger game from his old hangout after he sees that he still has the high score. He has to figure out a way to get to his place without erasing the game's memory. Kramer says there's a serial killer around, the Lopper, and that his latest victim resembled Jerry. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.7
23 min

Kramer sets up a new company - Kramerica Industries, and hires an intern from NYU to help out with the day to day activities of running a fake large company. Jerry thinks his girlfriend's navel is talking to him. George continues to work for Play Now even though his boss is trying to force him out after George lied about being handicapped. Elaine makes wagers with Jerry that she will not continue to see David Puddy. Written by halo1k

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.7
23 min

With three months' severance pay from the Yankees, George decides that he's going to have a great summer. Things don't quite go as planned. Jerry meanwhile is dating someone new, Lanette, who he invites to attend the Tony awards with him. When he picks her up, however, she seems to already have a live-in boyfriend. Kramer is also at the awards ceremony and gets dragged on stage with some of the winners. He basks in the glow of having 'won' a Tony and the producers decide to use him to get rid of their star, Raquel Welch. At her work, Elaine makes a comment about a co-worker and is accused of being catty. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.9
23 min

George gets Steinbrenner hooked on eggplant calzones from a local Italian restaurant. But George gets banned from the restaurant when he's accused of stealing from the tip jar. He then asks Kramer to pick up the calzones, but Kramer gets kicked out when he tries to pay with pennies. George's last resort in getting the calzones is Newman who wants a cut of every delivery. Meanwhile, Kramer will only wear clothing if it's straight from the dryer. Written by halo1k

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.6
23 min

Kramer invests in a new new non-fat yogurt store, which becomes a hit in the city. Jerry and Elaine discover that they've been gaining weight and wonder if the yogurt really is non fat or not. Jerry tries to unravel this mystery while also dealing with a neighbor's kid who saw his act and the one rare instance where Jerry unleashes profanities on stage. Meanwhile, George runs into a former childhood acquaintance, Lloyd Braun, who is working on the mayoral campaign for incumbent Mayor Dinkins, but the campaign is quickly jeopardized when Elaine proposes a name tag system. The mayoral campaign is also jeopardized when Kramer dates one of the lab technicians and accidentally spills some of the yogurt into Giuliani's blood sample. Written by halo1k

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.8
45 min

In the fourth season finale, Jerry and George's pilot is finally a go. But before the taping, Elaine desperately tries to avoid NBC president Russell Dalrymple after an awkward date, while Kramer comes face to face with his TV show counterpart. Before the pilot airs, Crazy Joe Davola (see episode The Opera) shows up to put a damper in the gang's plans. As the pilot is finally finished and ready for airtime, the executives at NBC aren't impressed with the result. Written by halo1k

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.4
23 min

Not having come up for a script for their new sitcom, George and Jerry now have to face the music when they meet with NBC executives. George's lack of discretion however has repercussions. Jerry see Marla Penny in a bar and mentions to George that when he last saw her, she was a virgin. Jerry asks her out and finds out she still is. Elaine, on hearing the news, decides to give her a bit of coaching about men and what she can expect. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.4

Everyone gets tickets to go to the opera but it doesn't turn out to be an evening of entertainment. George's girlfriend Susan can't go and he's not keen on going alone - until Kramer mentions the fortune they could make scalping her ticket, that is. George makes a mess of it as usual. Elaine's new boyfriend Joey also decides he can't go with her as he has other plans. In fact, Joey is Jerry's nemesis Crazy Joe Davola who plans on stalking Jerry at every opportunity. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Seinfeld




IMDb: 8.3
23 min

Realizing that his uncle Leo now owns the watch he threw away, Jerry tries to buy it back from him. Leo drives a hard bargain however. Jerry also gets a date with the waitress at a restaurant but begins to wonder what he's done when he hears her laugh. George's effort at negotiating a better deal with NBC goes sour when Susan tells him they're not interested. Elaine is desperate to break with her psychiatrist boyfriend and gets Kramer to pose as her new love interest. It doesn't exactly go as planned. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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